279199 wHITE - CITV CLERK -p����� PINK - EINANCE � 7F COUIICIl y CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF � SA I NT 1,AU L BLUE - MAVOR File NO. C9u cil Resolution Presented By h��'�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by establishing the compensation rate for the class of Painter General Foreman. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately after Subsection U, the following: "V The compensation for the class of Painter General Foreman in Section 3. A, Subsection 10, of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: 1982 1983 $14. 17 w/benefits $20. 26 w jbenefits 16. 46 wo/benefits 17. 95 wo/benefits COU[VCILME[V Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcner PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine In Favor - Masanz NiCOSia scheibe� _ � __ Against By Tedesco Wilson SE� 9_ 1982 Form App ved by ity A r Adopted by Council: Date _ r Certified a_ Counci ec BY B} _ � t�ppro y ;Navor: Da � SEP 1 0198Z A \ by Mayor for SubfLiis 'on t CoJincil � B � — BY PU�LlSHED S E P 18 198� � wNITE - UTV CLERK + (` TF COUIICII �'�y1�� � VINK - FINANCE � G I TY O F ►�7� I � T L,L� V L � CA!J4RY - DEPARTMENT � BLUE - MAYOR . Fl�e NO. CITY CLERK CQUncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out oE Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution by establishing the compensation rate for the class of Painter General Foreman. RE50LVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II thereof, by inserting immediately after Subsection U, the following: "V The compensation for the class of Painter General Foreman in Section 3.A, Subsection 10, of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: 1g82 1983 $14. 17. w/benefits $20. 26 w jbenefits 16. 46 wo/benefits 17. 95 wo/benefits COUNCILMEN �'eas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bet _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified F'assed by Council Secretary BY B�; Approt•ed by Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council �� , CITY OF SAYNT P�1UL ��(,�� - OFFIC� OF TH� CITY COIINCIL a7 � :...... � :«::��'�.. �. __ D d t e ; August 26, 1982 � : �� � COMMtTT � E RE PoRT TO = $q�nt Paut City Council . F R O M � C o rn m it r e e O h Finance, Management $ Personnel C H A I R Jim Scheibel 2. Resolution ame�ding the Civil Service Rules regarding xei� Personnel llepi:.) 3. Resolution authorizing City officials to execute an /lgxeement t�ith the U of 1•1 - Hospitals for the physician services irt the Southeast Asian Clinic and Alodel Cities Nealth Program. (Comme�nity Services Dept. _ 4. Resolution amending the 1982 Special Services Budget (Commu�$,y�, ervices De t.) . �ii"i - �..$- 5. P.esolution establishing several titles and class speci�icafiions in tlie Clerical Group� (Procurement) as weTl as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr I aiid Bu��er TT of t�,c. Civil Service Ru2es. (Personnel bept.) � - 6. Resolution authoxizing the submission of an applicati.on amendment to the Economic Development Administration for the continuation of a Planning Ass' Cxant: (PLI)) . . �'�=�-�'� 7. Resolutian establishing the title of Paintex General Foxeman of tlic Civil Sex�•ic� � Rules (Personnel Dept.) �S_ Resolution establishing the xate of pay for the new ti.tl.e of Painter, Genexal Foreman (Personnel Dept. 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a �ax exempt mortga.�e note to finance constr.uct:�.an of an addition to the 'Il,rin City Concrete Pz-oducts Plant at 1351 Trout 13xook Circle - (Port Authority)_ � �x�� �• �0. P.esolution approving the securities pledged by Summit A'atl.. Bank ta protect funds �chile held in said bank_ (Finance F� l�i�mt. Sexvices Dept.) ..: 11. Resolution incxeasing the 1982 Budget for the Public Health - Community Services (this Vrill allo�,r the transfer of �monies between various Community �Iealth Services accounts. There iaill be no increase in the amount of monies paid out.) (Community Service$) _ � 12. Resolurion increasing the 1982 budget for the Publi,c F[ealth Center - �lealth Records to enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entire budget to be enterecl on the computer. (Community Services) ���,�"��z�.=0� CTTY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 MINNESOTA SS102 ��� ,. � RAE�TI(� ay� EXPLA�1t7IQN SN�ET `� Ju1y 2, 1982 � (GREEN SHEETI ��V��� For Administrativ� Ord�rs, Reaoluttot+�, ordinaacss and Agree�rents ��'Ii4G �R1lER � RO�,,,$Y kSS2GN�D N�MBER: � ^ ��� ECTOR QF N11Wl46EMEN'i' a ' 1 �� � IiEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR� FINANCE & MGT. SptVICES - r � ctn� an�o�r,EY : 2 ci�c�r ct.��K R�C�IV�'p BUDGET D�R�CTOR q , _ t ACTiQN REL1LECTFD ��L1P Af��n�r,re�LOHg` FOR MAYQE2Aj�-, 1S�C.NA �T,�RE}.: _ MAYOF�S OFFIGE We recommend your approval �t� subxni:ssion of this R.esolutior� to the Gity Council. � ` �,W� ��cWt��y TaKtx� �rtnr� (hu T��,11F�.N1��rEtttA�.s_ (ptmaaaF A� RATIQN �� F)?•_. This R,esolution establi.shes th�,-x��e of pay for the new title �f;Painter General Forerrian whi.chi . i s lyeing e stabli shed;in.�t1a.e Bv.i.#.c�i�.�.Trade s, Ungraded, Section 3.A. 10 of the Givil Se rvice � Rv.les. The Hourly wages to be'-�x�serted.in'Sectior�'_II V of the`:Salary Plan and Rates of Compensatia� Reso�utian; will �e;�$��1.4, 17 with benefa.ts, ax�.d� $16,"46 with,ottt benefits. The May L983 ra�te wi11 b� $20._� �ith benefits, le s:s tlie cost of tlie fringe benefits as ..: defined ir� the 1981-1:9$3 cont�d�#. - The May 1983 rate .wi11 be $17. 95 �ri.thout be.ne�.ts. L,t � � � ��Sm„��LAB� ANt1.PF.�RiD����iMPA[TS AN71CiPATED: + _ _ �� Nane. . r � a� �.� � _ ' ' �� ..t" :: � � . � � . . . ' /��' i. . . i�T w i. iy . . / ' ,- . "-� . . .�.� .M.s " . . ! �, . - �.. r .. . �.�{�+1n.9 Z{ . � � _�_ a.: � . .:. . . . �... .._ -MS N ��. . .�.. . . . . .. . .� �� � .�� . . � ... . .. u:� � . 4�� . - ... � � � . �. - .. ,. . ..,. .r , . . ��..� �. � . : .� � .. .. � _ ..'. :� . � .�.. . � .. • .. -� . -' . cs-.3, . . �;, . , . .. . . ..:. .��.:. . .. ., . . . . ._... . .�: ..� ..� . .. . . .. . . . - . � . ' . . � .�.: � ATTACMPIE�i'� ELIST ALL.ATTACH�"I�MTS): 1. Re solution. 2. Copy for_Cit�r:Clerk : `;' �' ° : 3. : ♦ ^ J, . .: e �ceva.¢w n�ece,e on en.t o o decppox�g e�m�nta �� C�t�tl A��'�'.o�eney. i. Couiu�i� Rtaolw�•oK R�,gwi�ted? _,,,YES NO 1. Rc6o�iitianP �YfS �i� : Z. Irwru�e Reqa�cl! VES :NO 2. Induxanc.a Sra�e;�°�/9_._..� . 3: Inbv�cacx,ce A�tsC�tedt V�S ND Re�r}.sian CM:4,�8/82