279198 WHITE - CITV CLERK /'�y����� PINK - FINANCE COUIICIl V� CANARV - DEPARTMENT .�GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. BLUE - MAYOR Cou cil Resolution Presented By �"x'"� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Painter General Foreman in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.A, Subsection 10, by inserting the title of Painter General Foreman; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Painter General Foreman. Approved: � 1 C ai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas p�etcher Nays � pERSONNEL OFFICE �evir,e (n Favor Masanz � � Nicosia Scheibel _ __ AgainSt BY Tedesco Wilson ScP 9 1987 Form pproved C't rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certified P _ -ed y Council cret BY B5� 1 -SEP 1 01982 Appr by Mayor f Su ission to Council t�ppr v by 17avor: D — _J, $ :�- �- PUBUSHED S E P 18 198� Title of class: � • �'�"��� PAINTER GENERAL FOREMAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Supervises the painting, glazing and plaster- ing of buildings, structures and other articles; inspects buildings and prioritizes and estimates cost of work needed; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exereised: Exercises immediate techn�cal supervision over skilled and apprentice painters, plasterers and glaziers and over unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perfox�med by all positions in this class. Inspects buildings, prioritizes work and makes estimates of workers and materials needed to prepare and paint or finish woodwork, furniture and floors. Coordinates the work of the regular painters, plasterers and glaziers; hires extra crews for peak load work; supervises additional supervisors assigned for extra shifts. Estimates the annual supplies needed; requisitions necessary materials and maintains the unit�s budget. Coordinates painting, glazing and plastering work with that of contractor or other trades in repair, maintenance and construction jobs. �repares operating and work reports. Iiires and trains employees and demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the standard tools, materials, methods and safe work practices of the pa�nting, plastering and glazing trade. Cons�derable ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to esCima.te materials and workers needed to complete pro�ects. Cons�derable ability to evaluate existing conditions and to prioritize work. Working ability to commun�.cate both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Paa�nter Foreman engaged in supervising building maintenance woxk; or two years� experience supervising painters engaged in building maintenance work in a large institutional or multi-plant e.�tyironment. Title of class•: � • ������ PAINTER GENERAL FORE�IAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Supervises the painting, glazing and plaster- ing of buildings, strucCures and other articles; inspects buildings and prioritizes and estimates cost of work needed; and perforas related� duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical supervision over skilled and apprentice painters, plasterers and glaziers and over unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perfoxmed by all positions in tfiis class. Inspects buildings, priora.tizes work and ma.kes estimates of workers and materials needed to prepare and paint or finish woodwork, furniture and floors. Coordinates the work of the regular painters, plasterers and glaziers; hires extra crews for peak load work; supervises additional supervisors assigned for extra sfiifts. Estimates the annual supplies needed; requisitions necessary materials and maintains tfie. unit`s budget. Coordinates painting, glazing and plastering work with that of contractor or other trades in repair, maintenance and construction jobs. Prepares operating and wort� reports. Hires and trains employees and demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the standard tools, materials, methods and safe work practices o£ the painting, plastering and glazing trade. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable atiility to estimate materials and workers needed to complete pro3ects. Considerable ability to evaluate existing conditions and to prioritize work. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS TFao years� expexience as a Painter Foreman engaged i.n supervising building maintenance work; or twq years� experience supervising painters engaged �n building maintenance woxk in a large institutional or multi-plant enyironment. Title of class: � • ��J1J� PAINTER GENERAL FOREMAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Supervises the painting, glazing and plaster- ing of buildings, structures and other articles; inspects buildings and prioritizes and estimates cost of work needed; and performs related� duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immediate technical supervisian over skilled and apprentice painters, plasterers and glaziers and over unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID TE�e listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in tfiis class. �nspects buildings, prioritizes work and ma.kes estimates of workers and materials needed to prepare and paint or finish woodwork, furniture and floors. Coordinates the work of the regular painters, plasterers and glaziers; fiires extra crews for peak load work; supervises additional supervisors assigned for extra sfiifts. Estimates the annual supplies needed; requisitions necessary tnaterials and maintains the unit's budget. Coordinates painting, glazing and plastering work with that of contractor or other trades in repair, maintenance and construction jobs. Pxepares operating and work reports. Hires and trains employees and demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the standard tools, materials, methods and safe work practices of the pa�nting, plastering and glazing trade. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to estima.te materials and workers needed to complete pro�ects. Consi.derable ability to evaluate existing conditions and to prioritize work. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALZFICATIONS Two years' experience as a Painter Foreman engaged in supervising building ma�ntena.nce work; or two years' experience supervising painters engaged �n b.uilding maintenance wozk in a large institutional or multi-plant enyironment. � ` . - . WH17E - CITV CLERK � � �F' /���JI� PINK - FINANCE COURC11 V C °7 CANARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY O F SA I 1� T PALT L BLUE - MAVOR Fite �O. CITY CLERK Council �Zesolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the title and class specification for Painter General Foreman in the Civil Service Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.A, Sub se ction 10, by inse rting the title of Painte r Gene ral Foreman; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 32 by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the attached class specification for Painter General Foreman. App rove d: Chai rman, Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas pietcher Nays PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia scne�bei _ __ Against B5' Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by� Council: Date CertifiE:d }'assed by Council Secretary BY B� Flpproced by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council , .. - _ Title of class: � • ��r�q �� 71 PAINTER GENERAL FOREMAN DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Supervises the painting, glazing and plaster- ing of buildings, structures and other articles; inspects buildings and prioritizes and estimates cost of worlc needed; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of a unit supervisor. Supervision Exercised: Exercises immedi.ate technical supervision over skilled and apprentice painters, plasterers and glaziers and over unskilled workers. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed examples may not include all duties perfox�med by all positions in tfiis class. Inspects buildings, prioritizes work and makes estimates of workers and materials needed to prepare and paint or finish woodwork, furniture and floors. Coordinates the work of the regular painters, plasterers and glaziers; fiires extra crews for peak load work; supervises additional supervisors assigned for extra shifts. Estimates the annual supplies needed; requisitions necessary materials and maintains the unit�s budget. Coordinates painting, glazing and plastering work with that of contractor or other trades in repair, maintenance and construction jobs. Prepares operating and work repoxts. Hires and trains employees and demonstrates the use of new materials and equipment. KNOWLIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge of the standard tools, materials, methods and safe work practices of tlie painting, plastering and glazing trade. Considerable ability to demonstrate work practices and to supervise. Considerable ability to estimate materials and workers needed to complete pro�ects. Consi:derable ahility to evaluate existing conditions and to prioritize work. Working ability to communicate both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS TFao years' expexience as a Painter Foreman engaged in supervising building ma�ntenance work; or two yearst experience supervising painters engagec3 in building maintenance woXk in a large institutional or multi-plant enyironment. � r� � � CITY OF SAYNT PAUL ���7�.t1� � - OFFiC� UF TH� CITY COIINCIL ......- w- ..,.... ,,... �"="��� D a t e : August 26, 1982 t -- : .� � COMMITT � E RE PORT TO = SQ�nt Pau t City Councit . F R� �11� = C a m m i t r e e O h Finance, Management F, Personne 1 C H A 1 R Jim Scheibel 2. Resolution amending the Civil Service Rules regarding xei� � , Personnel llept.) _ 3. Resolution authorizing City o.fficial,s to execute an {lgxeeme�it t�ith tlie U o£ 1•I • Hospitals for the physician services in the Southeast Asian Clinic and ASodel Cities Health Pzogram. (Commeuiity Services Dept. �f� . 4. Resolution amending the 1982 Special Services Budget (Commu '� ervices De t.) . .F� 5. Resolution establishing several titles and class speci�icat:io�is in ttic Clerical Group� (Procurement) as well as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr I a�id Buyer TT of t.te Civil Service Rules. (Personnel Dept_) � - 6. Resolution authoxizing the submission of an applzcati.an am�ndment to �he Ecanomic Development Administration for the continuation of a Planning �Si_st�,�Crant: (1'EI)) . X7. Resolution establishing the title o� Paint�General Foxeman of tlie CiviI Sex��ice � Rules (Pexsonnel Dept.) 8_ Resolutian establ�shing the xate of pay for the new ti.tl.e of Paintex, Gen�ral Foreman (Personnel Dept.1�P- ,,;,ffi ,�� --, ' 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a i.ax exempt mortga.ge notc to iinance constr.ur.t=ion of an addition to the 'Ilain City Concrete Products Plant at 1351 9'rout 13rook Cixe:le � (Port Authorxty)_ ��`�*"'�=� � �0. P.esolution approving the secuxities pledged by Summit A'atl.. Ba�ik to protect funds i�hile held in said bank. (Finance F� Aigmt. Sexvices Dept.) 11. Resolution incxeasing the 1982 Budget for the Public Health - Community Services (this will allo�,r the transfer of �monies between various Community llealth Services accounts. There will be no inc�rease in the amount of monies paid out.� (Community Service$)_ - � 12. Resolutiion increasing the 1982 budget fox the Publi,c Health Center - I-Iealth Records to enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entire budoet to he enterecI on the computer. (Community Sexvices) �,�8,�,��'�-���� CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 �» . � � . �>� '� " Jvly 2, �982 ' - � ' .``�UTfitG an�n IXPtA�VATI4N SNEET 7 (�.� f�� GREEN SHEET �� �j�V � �-° - . For 9dsa�,aisirative Ordars, Resolut3oas; Ordiaax►css �:ad Agzeemantis. - R.QUT���3..�RD�:��4IIF AY.Agg t GH�T1...�3Ll1�SER C q II RECTf1R OF MANAGEI�NT.�U L j 4 �Z � YoR. MAYORS OFFiCE _ DEPARTME�IT BIRFCTOR DIi2EC1"�. FIPtAPICE � MGT. SERYIGES , CtTY ATTORNEY 2 CITY CLE�tK. BUD6ET DIRECTOR c1s.�L�N REALES�{,�L�P A � E� -�aN S.-F.S�B. MAYdRAL c T GNATL1k�)� . We rec.ommend your approval and submission of this R.esolution ta�he City Council. �1KeT Wt� RE-,�r�v� Bv Ta�r� AcTroh bn� Tk� ArracHFn,J�g��,a�s tai��c�Kn.���,�n�a��?; This �.8aolution �stablish.es th:�e f.itle of�Painter Genera�. Foreman.in Secti.ori 3:A �(Builc�i:r�g � ° 'r�e:s - Uagra�d�d), Subsection I0 (Painters), of t1�.e Civi].,Servr�e` s ari 'the class - " � specification for this tit].e in Section 32, � ( .. . . � . . . � � - . None., . ' ;,. - . :;: _ . . . . . . < , , __.__ ., -, , - AtTACHMlEHTS �USt 14LL_ATT`ACHME1VTSj:; � 1. ' R.e soluti on, " Z. Copy for G.ity Clerk �>:, , . . :. 3 _ . � _.. & RE17d.�Mi DGM CJI.L 0 0 AY�7FOR.�(.Hej CWIPl4�S ���'�`..� • . C� l�'.L01Zlt2ys .,�..�. ��..�.� J. -Caunc� R�o.tu�i,vn Rp,qec�v�ed? yES �NO . i. RtBatwtiont . ��ES �NO 2. Irra�r�aauct Reqct�rlr¢�tY yES �„NO 2. Iic3tvr�nc¢ S4t��.i,c.�¢rit?��_,_„NO ' . 3: Ift6tuc�:t IL2'�CJttdt yES l� _ Aevi.sfon �lc4/BI82 '