279197 WHITE � - CITV CLERK ��J`��� PINK - FINANCE /� CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII y BLUE - MAVOR File NO• Co ncil Resolution Presented B "�•'���"�'Y ' Y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the Procurement Spe ciali st se rie s of title s in the Civil Se rvice Rule s. RESOLVED, that th.e Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B thereof by striking out the titles of Buyer I and Buyer II from Grades 32 and 36, respectively; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Secti.on 3. B thereof by inserting the titles of Procurement Specialist Trainee, Procurement Specialist I, Procurement Specialist II, and Procurement Specialist III, in Grades 30, 32, 36, and 40, respectiv�ely; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furth.e r amended in Section 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for Buyer I and Buyer II, and by inserting the attached class specifications for Procurement Specialist Trainee, Procurement Specialist I, Procurement Specialist II, and Procurement Specialist III. Approved: , Chairman Civil Servicel Commission COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays F�etcher PER50NNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor / Masanz Nicosia � ��LV���� scne�nei _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson '�o� SEP 9 v F rm Approved by ity torney Adopted by Council: Date c Certified P s- by Council 'ecr y BY sy Z- App v d by Mavor: Date G` 1" � Approv 1 y y for Sub iss' to Council By BY Pugusy� S E P 18 1982 Title of class: `��(,��Q� 'Gr v v PROCUR�fENT SPECIALIST TR.AII�EE DESCRIPTION OF j�ORY. General Statenent of Duties: Performs entry Ievel procure�ent work assist- ing in the procurement of materials, supplies, services and equipment; and performs related duties as assigned. � Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and administrative supervision of a higher level purchasing staff inember. ` Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DTJTIES PERFORI�IID The listed examples may not include all duties performed by alI positions in this class. As a trainee: Reviews requisitions and develops specifications to permit conpetitive bidding. Seeks and naintains current knowledge of commo�ities, narket conditions and sources. Publicizes proposed procurements. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper awar�. Prepares written Request for Bids, Request for Proposals, and Authorizations to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develop inventory control and to aid in the drafting of proper specificatior.s. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Aorard Letters. Meets �vith vendors for mutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficienci.es in delivery, product or services. KNOt�iLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Some knocsledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. Some kno�•;ledge of cotmnercial supply sources. Some kno��ledge of common business, industrial. and trade practices. Some knowlec?ge of fornal contract procedures. Some knowledge an3 ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and ti.mely response to purchasing needs. Ability to co�unicate effectively, both oralZy and in writing. MINIM[TAi QUALIFICATIONS CQllege graduation in Business Administration or a related field, or high school graduation with three years� experience as a Clerk III or equivalent or t4�o years of purchasing experience equivalent to Buyer. PROCURFI`�IENT SPECIALIST TRAINEE Title of class: ti 0 J�J � PROCURE�SENT SPECIALIST TRAII�EE DESCRIPTIO\ OF Tr'OP.K General Statenent of Duties: Performs entry Ievel procure�ent work assist- ing in the procurement of r�aterials, supplies, services and equiprsent; and performs related duties as assigned. i � Supervision Received: Works under the close technical and ad�inistra�ive supervision of a higher level purchasing staff �ember. ` Supervision Exercised: None. - TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORl�fID The listed exanples may not include all duties performed by aII positions in this class. As a trainee: � Reviews requisitions and develops specifications to permit co�petitive bidding. Seeks and rnaintains current knowledge of coIIanodities, market conditions and sources. Publicizes proposed procurements. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids far proger award. Prepares written Request for Bids, Request for Proposals, and Authorizatians to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of tearket conditions and current and future trends to develop inventory control and to aid in the drafting of groper specifications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. Meets cvith vendors for mutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in delivery, product or services. KI30L,1LEDGES, SKILLS AI�TD ABILITIES Some knowledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. - Some kno��;ledge of commercial supply sources. Some kno��ledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. Some knowZec'ge of formal contract procedures. Some knowledge an3 ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to com�unicate effectively, both orally and in writing. rIINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS College graduation in Business Administration or a related field, or high school graduation with three years' experience as a Clerk III or equivalent or two years of purchasing experience equivalent to Buyer. PRQCUREMENT SPECIALIST TRAINEE Title of class: ����� ` PROCURF1�fENT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF jr'ORK General Statement of Duties: Perforris procurement work r.ecessary to process all requests for purchase of supplies, equipment or �aterials , using bid procedures and negotiated procurement methods; and perfor�s , related duties as required. � Supervision Received: tdorks under the general technical and administrative guidance of a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supervision over clerical and lower level Purchasing staff as assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORL'�fID The listed examples m.ay not include all duties performed by aII positions in this class. P.eviews requisitions and develops specifications to pzr�it cospetitive bidding. Seeks and maintains current kno�vledge of commodities, market conditior.s and sources. Publicizes proposed procurenents. PubZicly opans, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper award. Evaluates products and the performance capability of the vandors. Prepares caritten Request for Bids, Requests for Proposals, and Authorizations to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develog inventory control and to aid in the drafting of proper specificatior_s. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Qrders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. P:eets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in delivery, product or services. KI�O�dLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. taorking kno�aledge of commercial supply sources. Working knowledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. �dorking knowledge of formal contract procedures. Working knowledge and ability to deal wxth vendors to ensure adequate and ti�ely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in ��rriting. riIlv�tlM QUALIFICATIONS One year's experience as a Procurement Specialist Trainee. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST I . , . �'�919'7 Title of class: PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTION OF jtiORK Ger.eral Statement of Duties: Perforris procure�ent kork r.ecessar} to process all requests for purcha.se of supplies, equip�ent or �aterials using bid procedures and negotiated procurer�ent methods; and performs , related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical Gnd ad�inistrative guidance of a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supervision over clerical . and lower level Purchasing staff as assigned. �'PICAL DUTIES PERFORL`iFD The listed examples may not include all duties perforcied �y al? positior_s in this class. P.eviecas requisitions and develops specifications to pzr�it competit?« bidding. Seeks and maintains current kno�vledge of commodities, mzrket conditians and sources. Publicizes proposed procurements. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for g�oper a�;ard. Evaluates products and the performance capability of the vendors. Prepares caritten Request for Bids, Requests for Proposals, and Authorizations to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trer.ds to develop inventory control and to aid in the drafting of proper sgec?fications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. I�:eets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve c3eficiencies in delivery, product or services. I�TOGdLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and pxocedures. Worlting knowledge of commercial supply sources. Working knocvledge o£ com�on business, industrial and trade practices. Working knowledge of formal contract procedures. Working knowledge and ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to cominunicate effectively, both orally and in �,rriting. MThL`f[M QUALIFICATIONS One year�s experience as a Procurement Specialist Trainee. PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST I Title'of class': ��J��1 f PROCUREriENT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled and responsible work purchas- ing all materials, supplies, equipment and services, including construction; prepares or approves all specifications for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services; obtains bids and places orders in accordance with existing statutes, ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders using open, legal and predictable procedures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the unit head or a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supervision over lower level Purchasing staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Reviews requisitions and develops specifications to permit competitive bidding. Seeks and maintains up-to-date market knowledge of products and services available; establishes and solicits potential sources of supply. Publicizes proposed specifications, rules and regulations. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper award. Monitors and evaluates quality of products and service of vendors. Prepares written Request for Bid, Request for Proposals, Authorizations to Order, Purchase Orders and Contracts. Develops criteria for source selection and performance monitoring. Evaluates performance capabilities of vendor. Seeks out and encourages participation in Set Aside, Energy Conservation, Buy Quiet, Life Cycle Cost programs. Conducts compliance revie�as of vendors to determine conformity with statutes, set-aside requirements and bid specifications. Informs, instructs and assists vendors in procedures for Set Aside, Request for Bids and Request for Proposals. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develop alternative applications in the drafting of proper specifications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. Prepares reports, correspondence, and presentations. Meets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and services. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in delivery, product or services. Assists in training vendors, users and Purchasing personnel. KNO�,ILEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of current purchasing statutes, regulations, policies, procedures and Set Aside program. Considerable knowledge of commercial supply sources. Working knowledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. Working knowledge of formal contract procedures. (continued on reverse side) PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST II (continued) Considerable knowledge and ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. ' MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS , Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. College Graduation in Business Administration or a related field or high school graduation with four (4) years' experience in Procurement field. Title 'of class: ' PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST II ������ DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled and responsible work purchas- ing all materials, supplies, equipment and services, including construction; prepares or approves all specifications for the purchase of rnaterials, supplies, equipment and services; obtains bids and places orders in accordance with existing statutes, ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders using open, legal and predictable procedures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the unit head or a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supernision over lawer Ievel Purchasing staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Reviews requisitions and develops specificatians to permit competitive bidding. Seeks and maintains up-to-date market knowledge of products and services available; establishes and solicits potential sources of supgly. Publicizes proposed specifications, rules and regulations. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper award. Monitors and evaluates quality of products and service of vendors. Prepares written Request for Bid, Request far Proposals, Authorizations to Order, Purchase Orders and Contracts. Develops criteria for source selection and performance monitoring. Evaluates performance capabilities of vendor. Seeks out and encourages participation in Set Aside, Energy Conservation, Buy Quiet, Life Cycle Cost programs. Conducts compliance reviews of vendors to determine conformity with statutes, set-aside requirements and bid specifications. Informs, instructs and assists vendors in procedures for Set Aside, Request for Bids and Request for Proposals. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develop alternative applications in the drafting of proper specifications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. Prepares reports, correspondence, and presentations. _ Meets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and services. � Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve def iciencies in delivery, product or services. Assists in training vendors, users and Purchasing personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of current purchasing statutes, regulations, policies, procedures and Set Aside program. Considerable knowledge of commercial supply sources. Working knowledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. Working knowledge of formal contract procedures. (continued on reverse side) PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST II (continued) Considerable knowledge and ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. College Graduation in Business Administration or a related field or high school graduation with four (4} years' experience in Procurement field. Title �of class: ' 2'�y19� PROCUREMEPIT SPECIALIST III DESCRIPTION OF �dORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory work coordinating, directing, and evaluating all aspects of the reguisitioa process as well as handling difficult and compZex procurement problens; and performs related duties as required. �. Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Purchasing Agent. � Supervision Exercised: Provides technical and administrative supervision over professional, technical and clerical staff assigned. . TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed exanples r.iay not include all duties performed by aII positio:�s in this class. Perforns specialized technical services in connection with the negotiation, administration or termination of contracts. Assists the Administrator in all phases of departmental administration, including the development of policy and programs. Performs quasi-legal reviecv of agreements for compliance with Federal, State and local statutes. Assists in directing the daily operations of the Purchasing division. Reviews vendors' payment requests for compliance with specific contract term.s; approves payment. Researches, plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and pror:ipt service to the operating departments. Trains users in the preparation of requisitions, specifications and ger.eral acquisition planning. Discusses plans, programs, objectives and procedure with City, Count�, aad School departments relative to purchases. Clarifies and cor,tmunicates pertinent lacas, policy and procedures to Lsers and vendors. Assists in conducting staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures. Assists users and vendors in overcoming obstacles relating to quality, accept- ance, or use of goods and services. Ass�gns and supervises the work of Procurement Specialists, Trainees and assigned clerical workers. - Recommends and implements changes to improve purchasing function ar.Z performance. Negotiates purchases and places orders for high priority or special purchases. Assists in organizing training programs for Purchasing staff. KD?O��TI.IDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge and understanding of procurement statutes, regulations, directives and procedures. Considerable knowledge of business and industry practices and trends. Considerable knowledge of sources of supply and life cycle costing. Considerable knowledge of inethods of procurement; Request for Bid, Request for Proposal and vendor performance. (continued) PROCUREMEPIT SPECIALIST III (Continued) Ability to negotiate agreement of contract terms kith representatitTes of business and industry and other institutions. Ability to select and implement procurement regulations in a cor�plete range of contractual actions. Ab ility to analyze current market and price trends and cost factors. Ability to coordinate this caork with the efforts of several specializations other than contracting and procurement, i.e. ; engineering, legal, labor, etc. Ability to co�r.unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to exercise sound judgment, courtesq and discretion in aIl contacts. � Ability to plan, direct and coordinate werk of associate staff nembers. �1II�IMU�f QUALIFICATIONS Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. and two years' experience as a Procurement Sgecialist II or equivzlent . Title �f class: ���1�� PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST III DESCRIPTION OF ti'ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory work coordinating, directing, and evaluating all aspects of the requisition process as well as handling difficult and compleX procurement problens; and performs related duties as required. � . Supervision F�eceived: �dorks under the general guidance and direction of the Purchasing Agent. ' Supervision Exercised: Provides technical and adtuinistrative supervision over professional, technical and clerical staff assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed exanples may not include all duties perfor�ed by alI positions in this class. Performs specialized technical services in connection with the negotiation, administration or termination of contracts. Assists the Administrator in all phases of departmental administration, including the development of policy and programs. Performs quasi-legal review of agreements for compliance with Federal, State and local statutes. Assists in directing the daily operations of the Purchasing division. Reviews vendorst payment requests for compliance with specific contract terms; approves payment. Researches, plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and prompt service to the operating departments. Trains users in the preparation of requisitions, sgecifications and general acquisition planning. Discusses plans, programs, objectives and procedure with City, County, and School departments relative to purchases. Clarifies and corununicates pertinent laws, policy and procedures to users and vendors. AssisCs in conducting staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures. Assists users and vendors in overcoming obstacles relating to quality, accept- ance, or use of goods and services. Assigns and supervises the work of Procurement Specialists, Trainees and assigned clerical workers. - Recommends and implements changes to improve purchasing function and performance. Negotiates purchases and places orders for high priority or special purchases. Assists in organizing training programs for Purchasing staff. K,.'�Ot3LIDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable knowledge and understanding of procurement statutes, regulations, directives and procedures. Gonsiderable knowledge of business and industry practices and trends. Considerable knowledge of sources of supply and life cycle costing. Considerable knowledge of inethods of procurement; Request for Bid, Request for Progosal and vendor performance. (continued) PROCUR�.TZENT SPECIALIST III (Continued) Ability to r.egotiate agreement of contract terms with representatives of business and industry and other institutions. Ability to select and inple�ent procure,�.ent regulations in a co�aplete range of contractual actions. Ability to analyze current market and price trends and cost factors. . Ability to coordinate this �vork with the efforts of several specializations other than contracting and procure�,ent, i.e. ; engineering, legal, labor, etc. Ability to co:nmunicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to exercise sound judg�er.t, co4rtes} and discretion in all contacts. Ability to plan, direct and coordinate wcrk of associate staff inembers. �iINIMUM QUALIFICATIOI�S Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. and t�oo years' experier.ce as a Procure,ent Specialist II or equivale�t. wH17E - GTV CLERK COUfICII �O 91�� � PiNK - FIN`pN,E � ' (� I TY O�' SA I 1�'T PA U L CANARV �- DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAYOR File NO. C I T Y C L E R K COZl�ZCZG R eSOGZl�ZO�Z Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution e stabli shing the Procurement Specialist series of titles in the Civil Service Rutes. RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in Se ction 3.B the re of by striking out the title s of Buye r I and Buye r II from Grade s 32 and 36, respectively; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be furtlzer amended in Section 3. B thereof by inserting the titles of Procuremen�E Specialist Trainee, Procurexnent Specialist I, Procurement Specialist II, and Procurement Speciali st III, in Grade s 30, 32, 36, and 40, re spectively; and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for Buyer I and Buyer II, and by inserting the attached class specifications for Procurement Specialist Trainee, Procurement Specialist I, Procurement Specialist II, and Procurement Specialist III. Approved: Chairman Civil 5ervice Commission COUNCIL:�1EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher PER50NNEL OFFICE �evtne In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibet _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by� Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By� Appro��ed by 11avor. Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ By — . . � � ��91y� Title of class: PROCUR�IENT SPECIALIST TRAINEE DESCRIPTIO\ OF LdORY. General Statenent of Duties: Performs entry Ievel procure�ent work assist— ing in the procurement of materials, supplies, services and equipment; and performs related duties as assigned. �, , Supervisioz Received: Works under the close technical and adninistrat�ive supervision of a higher level purchasing staff �ember. ` Supervision Exercised: None. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORI�IED The listed exa�ples may not include all �uties perforr�ed by alI positions in this class. As a trainee: Reviews requisitions and develops specifications to permit co�petitive bidding. Seeks and rsaintains current knowledge of commodities, market conditions and sources. Publicizes proposed procurements. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proger award. Prepares +rritten Request for Bids, Request for Proposals, and Authorizations to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develop inventor}• cantrol and to aid in the drafting of proper specificatior.s. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. Meets �vith vendors for rutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in delivery, product or services. KN;OtdLEDGES, SKILLS ArTD ABILITIES Some knor.ledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. Some kno��;ledge of co�ercial supply sources. So�ee kno�cledge of corrmon business, industrial and trade practices. Some knowlec?ge of fornal contract procedures. Sor�e knowledge an3 ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. r1INIMITri QUALIFICATZONS College graduation in Business Administration or a related field, or high school graduation w�ith three years' experience as a Clerk III or equivalent or two years of purchasing experience equivalent to Buyer. PROCURII�IENT SPECIALIST TRAINEE _ �'�91�'7 Title of class: PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST I DESCRIPTI0�1 OF j�ORK General Statement of Duties: Perforr�s procurement work necessary to process all requests for purchass of supplies, equipment or �aterials using bid procedures and negotiated procurement methads; and performs , related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general technical and administrative guidance of a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supervision over clerical . and lower level Purchasing staff as assigned. TYPICAL DIITIES PERFOR�'�fED The listed exa�-nples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. P.evie*.as requisitions and develops specifications to per�it competitire bidding. Seeks and naintains current knowledge of commodities, market conditions and sources. Publicizes proposed procurements. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper a�yard. Evaluates products and the performance capability of the vendors. Prepares �;ritten Request for Bids, Requests for Proposals, and Authorizations to Order for open end contracts. Solicits potential sources of supply including Set Aside Businesses as appropriate. Advises users of m.arket conditions and current and future trends to develop inven�ory control and to aid in the drafting of proper specifications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. I�"eets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and procedures. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in deliver5, product or services. I�OtdLEDGES, SkILLS A�,'D ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of purchasing statutes, regulations, policies and procedures. �•�orking knowledge of commerciaZ supply sources. Working kno�aledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. Working knowledge of formal contract procedures. Working knowledge and ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate aud tinely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally and in writing. MINL`i[M QUALIFICATIONS ane year's experience as a Procurenent Specialist Trainee. PROCURIIy1ENT SPECIALIST I ' Ti�le of class: l��.r B J1J� PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST II DESCRIPTION OF WORK General Statement of Duties: Performs skilled and responsible work purchas- ing al1 materials, supplies, equipment and services, including construction; prepares or approves all specifications for the purchase of materials, supplies, equipment and services; obtains bids and places orders in ' ' accordance with existing statutes, ordinances, resolutions, and executive orders using open, legal and predictable procedures; and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general supervision of the unit head or a higher level Procurement Specialist. Supervision Exercised: Provides close technical supervision over lower level Purchasing staff. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMED The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. � Reviews requisitions and develops specifications to permit competitive bidding. Seeks and maintains up-to-date Market knowledge of products and services available; establishes and solicits potential sources of supply. Publicizes proposed specifications, rules and regulations. Publicly opens, records, analyzes and evaluates bids for proper award. Monitors and evaluates quality of products and service of vendors. Prepares written Request for Bid, Request for Proposals, Authorizations to Order, Purchase Orders and Contracts. Develops criteria for source selection and performance monitoring. Evaluates performance capabilities of vendor. Seeks out and encourages participation in Set Aside, Energy Conservation, Buy Quiet, Life Cycle Cost programs. Conducts compliance reviews of vendors to determine conformity with statutes, set-aside requirements and bid specifications. Informs, instructs and assists vendors in procedures for Set Aside, Request for Bids and Request for Proposals. Advises users of market conditions and current and future trends to develop alternative applications in the drafting of proper specifications. Initiates Compliance Verification, Purchase Orders, Administrative Orders, Requests for Contracts and Award Letters. Prepares reports, correspondence, and presentations. Meets with vendors for mutual discussion of products and services. Acts as liaison between user and supplier to resolve deficiencies in delivery, product or services. Assists in training vendors, users and Purchasing personnel. KNOWLEDGES, SI`ILLS AND ABILITIES Working knowledge and understanding of current purchasing statutes, regulations, policies, procedures and Set Aside program. Considerable knowledge of coaunercial supply sources. Working knowledge of common business, industrial and trade practices. Working knowledge of formal contract procedures. (continued on reverse side) PROCUREMENT SPECIALIST II (continued) Considerable knowledge and ability to deal with vendors to ensure adequate and timely response to purchasing needs. Ability to communicate effectively, both orally an.d in writing. MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. College Graduation in Business Administration ar a related field or high school graduation with four (4) years' experience in Procurement field. � �,"�91y� < Title of class: ' � PROCUREMEtdT SPECIALIST III DESCRIPTION OF I�'ORK General Statement of Duties: Performs highly responsible supervisory work coordinating, directing, and evaluating all aspects of the rec}uisition process as well as handling difficult and complea procurement probler.s; and perforr,�_s related duties as required. � Supervision Received: Works under the general guidance and direction of the Purchasing Agent. � Supervision Exercised: Provides technical and administrative supervision over professional, technical and clerical staff assigned. TYPICAL DUTIES PERFORMID The listed exanples �ay not include all duties perfor�ed by aII positions in this class. Perforss specialized technical services in connection with the negotiation, administration or termination of contracts. Assists the Administrator in all phases of departmental administration, including the development of policy and programs. Performs quasi-legal review of agreements for compliance with Federal, State and local statutes. Assists in directing the daily operations of the Purchasing division. Reviews vendors' payment requests for compliance with specific contract terms; approves payment. Researches, plans, installs and maintains procedures to assure proper and pror�pt service to the operating departments. Trains users in the preparation of requisitions, specifications and general . acquisition planning. Aiscusses plans, programs, objectives and procedure caith City, County, and School departments relative to purchases. Clari£ies and co�municates pertinent lacas, policy and procedures to users ar.d vendors. Assists in conducting staff ineetings, to instruct in policies and procedures. Assists users and vendors in overcoming obstacles relating to quaZity, accept- ance, or use of goods and services. Assigns and supervises the work of Procuxernent Specialists, Trainees and assigned clerical workers. Recomraends and implements changes to improve purchasing function ar_d performance. I3egotiates purchases and places orders for high priority or special purchases. Assists in organizing training programs for Purchasing staff. Kr?O�dI.IDGES, SKILLS AND ABILITIES Considerable kno�oledge and understanding of procurement statutes, regulations, directives and procedures. Considerable knor,rledge of business and industry practices and trends. Considerable knowledge of sources of supply and life cycle costing. Considerable knowledge of inethods of procurement; Request for Bid, Pequest f or Proposal and vendor performance. (continued) _ _ _ _ � PROCURF��IENT SPECIALIST III (Continued) Ability to negotiate agreement of contract terms with representatives of business and industry and other institutions. Ability to select and implement procure�ent regulations in a complete range of contractual actions. Ability to analyze current �.rket and price trends and cost factors. , Ability to coordinate this �oork with the efforts of several specia2izations other than contracting and procurement, i.e. ; engineerir.g, legal, labor, etc. Ability to com�unicate effectively both orally and in writing. Ability to e�cercise sound judgment, courtes} and discretion in ail contacts. Ability to p1an, direct and coordinate wcrk of associate staff ine�►bers. �iINIMUI�i QUALIFICATIONS Certification as a Professional Public Buyer as established by N.I.G.P. and two years' experience as a Procurement Specialist II or ecuivalent. � . C:ITY OF SAYNT P�.UL ��y1g� ������� OFFICE OF TS� CITY COIINCIL _ ;�-��.��� t -.- D o t e : August 26, 1982 : '� � COMMtTT � E RE PORT TO = Sq�nf Paut City Councit . F R O M : C a m m ir r�e e O h Finance, 1Kanagement F, Personne 1 C H A I R Jim Scheibel 2. Resolution amend�ng the Civil Service Rules regarding xea.� , Personnel llepL'.) 3. Resolution authoxizing City officials to execute an Agreement taith tlie U of 1•J - Hospitals for the physician services in the Southeast Asian Clinic a�id ASodel ' Cities Health Program. (Commeinity Services Dept. � . 4. Fesolution amending the 1982 Special Services Budget (Comrnu ' � ervices De t.) . � � �5. Resolution establishing several titles and class speci�icatio�is in t]ie Clerical I Group� (Procurement) as well as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr I aiid Bu��er IT of t�,e Civil Service Rules. (Personrrel Dept.) - 6_ Resolution authorizing the submission of an applicatian am�ndment to the Ecanomic Development Administration for the continuatzon of a Plannii�g Ass' �, Ca-ant (1'L•U) . . '�°� ` � u�' 7. Resolution establishing the �Cit7.e of Painte GeneraZ Foreman of tlie Civil Servicc� Rules (Personnel Dept.) �� � S. Resolution establ�shing the xate of pay for the netia ti.tle of Painter, Gen�xal Foreman {Personnel Dept. ,:. � - 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a �ax exempt mortga.�e note to finaitce Gonstr.uct:ion of an addition to the 'Itirin City Concrete Pz-oducts P�ant at 1351 Trout 13rook Cixcle � (Port Authority)_ � ...� x4 ' �0. Resolution approvi.ng the securities plec3�ed by Summit ratl.. Bank to protect funds �chile held in said bank. (Finance F 1�1gmt. Services Dept.) - , 11. Resolution increasing the 1982 Budget for the Public Health - Community Seryices (this will alloti,r the transfez- of �monies bet►reen various Community fIealth Services accounts. There will be no increase in the amount of monies paid out.1 (Community Service$) . 12. Resolutiion increasing the I982 budget for the Publi�c f[ealth Center -- I-lealth Recorcls to enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entii•e budget to t�e enterect on the computer. (Community Services) °�O� CITY HALL SEVHNTH FLOOR SAINT PAU4 MINNESOTA 55102 �» Jr Jua.y 1 g, 198���1�.1� ROUTING Ay� EXPLANATIOFJ SHEET .� -i k (CREEN SNEcT) / I . . �a For sdministrati�e Orders, Resolutions. 4rdinances and agreements ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSI�NED UN MEER: DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT 1 MAYOR DE�ARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT. SERYICES , CITY ATi'QRNEY 2 CITY CLERK t�r �-y BUDGET DIRECTOR ��C�1v�1� . � AU� 5 " '� ACTIQN REOLESTE� �CLI P,�j„�,QCATIONS FOR MAYORAL S IGNAT�RE�: MAYORS OFF��E' tiHAT WL I B A NiFy�n BY TpKING ACTtON ON THE AT7AG4E� MATFRIALS �PLRP�SE AND RATt�NAt�,),�._; This Resalution establishes the titles and clasa specifications for Procurer�ent Speci,alist Trainee, Procuremeat'Special.ist:I, Procuremeat Specialast TI, and Procurem�en� S�eci.al�.+�tSII, in GradeB 3fl, 32�, 3b and 40, respecti;ve.ly, of Section 3.B ��lerical Group) and ttie clasa sgecifications for these ti.tles in Section 32'of tZse Civil Service Rules. l� also ab.olishe� the' ti.tles of Buyer I and Buy�r II in G,rades 32 a.nd 36, respect3.ve3.y, of Sectian 3.33 (Cl�rical Cr��:) ' and the claes specificatians for these titles in Secl;i.on 32 of the Civil 5ervice Rules. The bi�- weekly salary ran�es fox these grades are shown below: Gra 30 n. - - �---- - t-- --- ^-- - - - - A B G D E 5-yr. 14,yr. 15-y�. 20-yr.., 25�yr. 670.46 ?00.29 732. 09 768. 57 803. 69 840.$1 864. O1 $8$. 53 fl.98.03 9�7.53 ' , $17,503 annually • $23,687 . ° �rade 32 . '�� ?41. 3? 774.52 810, 98 $�8. ?? 888.53 914. 39 '9�4�.24 9'49.-74 959• 24 - $18,468 annual.lq • $25, 03`6 Grade 36 �,'Tlf-827. 56 864. 68 �906.44 950. 19 993• 9� 1023. 10 1a5�.26 lOb1. 76 IQ71.26' $20,613 annual�.y $27, 96� Gra 40 ACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENtS)� 884. 56 925. 66 968. 09 1013. 15 1062. 21 1113.91 1144.41� 1177.54 118?.t�4 1196.54 $23, 087 1. R.�soiv.ti.on $31,.230 2, Copy for City Clerk Fi�ancial Impact: The ultimate re sult will be an aPProxi�aate 1296 P�Y.ia�xea:�e �or five employees whose current salaries are between $23, 84� a�l $27,4�3. 'I'�e e�p7.ayee� r8ceive immediate i.ncrease$ which calculated, i.r� 1982 salarq te�rms, a��i. c�$t,:��5, 140 annually. Two t�thsr e�nnployees must take #aests prior to rer.eivi.�g fi�iei� i��r��ses. If . t�iey pas s, aaof;he r $3,0Q� annuaIly, in i 982 salary te rrn�, wi}1 be a�. ;V• • ri,2�.s2 :e�•cur �tzcese.i.�.y a�,t a.Ct�zc�unne►c.t�c� �:i2 �c c:_-u�g au��pattuu} aumen,Ls ' Ue;�tbner:t : Gi.tu Attetuey: 1. Cc�;tci.i. Kesct:wf.cii Re�u,i,.�.td? yES 'VC t. Reac.�u.�,i.ca? YES k0 Z I:kw..:�.c2 Re�::i,.�d:' Y�S .VC : Lwuts.�:ce Su��i.c-i.e►tt? yES NO 3. I.:�u-.�.,tct �i.�.,z;.%a�d:" YES \C ' � Revision G1Ni:d/8/82 ` ^