279195 �NHITE - CITV CLERK � t ����� PINK - FIN�INCE COUI1C11 CANARY�- L�PARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. t . BLUE - MAVC! Ci'cy ,Attny/PBB . „ 0 rdindnce Ordinance N�. /��� � � J Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date A legislative ordinance granting to the Port Authority a non-exclusive franchise to use public streets and property to construct a heating and cooling system in and for Energy Park THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. The Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul , a body corporate and politic under the laws of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter designated as "Company" , �wns the Energy Park Energy System, an integrated community energy system demonstrating innovative tech� nologies and techniques in energy production, energy conservation, and energy management which applies new and emerging technology to the task of providing efficient and economical delivery of __ heatinq, cooling, and other energy services. The Company is hereby granted a franchise to use the streets and other public property located in such City for such purpose for a term extending from the effective date of this ordinance as provided in section 19 to December 31, 1992 . Said franchise may not be sold, trans- ferred, assigned, pledged, mortgaged or in any way disposed of or encumbered without the consent of the City by ordinance, any of the foregoing to be treated as a modification of this franchise. Section 2 . The franchise granted herein shall extend to the Company' s use of all streets and public property now being used by the Company in connection with such service and of such other streets COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletcher � �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia B � i Scheibel Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Ap ro ed by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ` • Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY � � ��/ G � By � ' Approved by Mayor: Date Appr ve y Mayor for iss o to Council By By , � ' �y��'� -2- and public property as may from time to time be designated by the City Council . Such franchise to use the streets and other public property located in such City shall include such use for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, and operating a system of pipes, subways and manholes with all other necessary appurtenances for carrying on the business of conveying hot and cold water for consumers for all purposes. Section 3 . In locating its energy system facilities, the Company shall in no caay unreasonably interfere with the safety and convenience of ordinary travel along and over said streets and public prop- erty nor interfere with other uses to which such places may be put by the City of Saint Paul, and in the event it shall become necessary during the term of this franchise to remove or relocate the physical property of the Company located within or upon any of the streets or public x�roperty in the City of Saint Paul, be- cause of such interference or use by the City, or as a result of any public improvement undertaken by the City, the Company shall, when so advised by the Council, remove and relocate said facil- ities without cost to the City of Saint Paul, and shall place the streets or public property in the same condition as they were , prior to said removal or relocation. All restorations within the right-of-way shall conform to the "City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, � Department of Public Works, Standard Specifications for Street Openings" , as amended. Any relocation or removal of the Company' s facilities made necessary because of the extension through or into the City of a federally-aided trunk high�aay, included with- ; in the National System of Interstate Highways, shall be governed ! by the provisions of the Minnesota Statutes 1981, Section 161. 46; provided that the City shall not bear any cost or expense as a result of the application by the Authority for assistance under said section, and the streets and public property shall be re- stored as required even though federal or state assistance is not available for any rea�on under said section. ' Section 4 . i The Company in the installation, maintenance, and operation of its facilities shall be subject to such reasonable regulations as may be provided by the Council, and no pipe or pipes or other appurtenances shall hereafter be installed or laid by the Company � � �9�9�_ � -3- upon the streets and public property of the City, except upon appli- cation to the Department of Public Works or other persons designated by the City Council, and written permission therefor granted by said department or person. The Authority may enter into contracts and agreements to provide for the installation, construction, recon- struction, maintenance and operation of the Energy System, which contracts and agreements (1) shall be subject to the terms and con- ditions of this franchise, and (2) shall not relieve or be construed to relieve the Authority from its obligations under this franchise . Section 5 . During the term of the franchise hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treasury of the City of Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8�, the monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Energy System' s gross earnings during the preceding year, and the payment of such amount shall be in the following manner: In monthly installments commencing in the month in which this ordinance becomes effective pursuant to section 16 hereof, and continuing through the term of the franchise . The installment payment for each month shall be due on or before the 25th day of the following month. The Company' s payment obligation shall be met if payment is mailed and postmarked on or before the due date . The amount of the franchise fee shall be allowed as an operating ex- pense to the Company attributable solely to the Company' s operations within the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such amount, "gross earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums re- ceivable by the Company from the sale of hot water and cold water distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul . In no event shall the Company be required to pay a franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can legally collect from its customers in the City by means of a surcharge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee . The terms "sale of hot (and) cold water" including the heating or cooling therefrom. Notwithstanding the foregoing, during the period from January 1 to April 30 and from November 1 to December 31 of each year, the fran- ', chise fee on that portion of �he gross earnings derived from sales ; for residential use shall be as follows: i 1985 and � 1982 1983 1984 thereafter � i 4 . 3% 2 .9� 1 .4% Og � I i �r���eJ(,� -4- Section 6 . (a) All rates made, demanded or received by the Company shall be just and reasonable . Rates shall not be unreasonably preferential, unreasonably prejudicial or discriminatory, but shall be sufficient, equitable and consistent in application to a class of consumers . Rates shall generate sufficient revenue to allow the Company to recover its reasonable operating costs and expenses; to provide for the timely and orderly payment of costs and expenses; to provide for the timely and orderly retire- ment of debt; and to provide for improvements , enlargements and extensions necessary to adequately service the territory of the City authorized herein or later designated by the City pursuant to Section 2 . (b) The rates contained in Schedule "A" attached to this Ordinance and incorporated herein by reference, shall remain and continue in force until amended or changed as provided herein. (c) The Com�any shall not directly or in�irectly charge, demand, collect or receive from any consumer or person a greater or less compensation for any service rendered or to be rendered by it than that prescribed in Schedule A; nor sha11 any �erson knowingly receive or accept any service from the Company for compensation greater or less than that prescribed in Schedule A. The Company shall not, as to rates or service, make or grant any unreasonable preference or advantage to any person or subject any person to any unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage. (d) The Company shall keen and render its books, accounts, papers and records accurately and faithfully in the manner and form prescribed by the City, and shall comply with all direc- tions of the City relating to these books, accounts, papers and records, including furnishing of such information or compilations � and permitting an audit of the books, accounts, papers and records , ; as may be requested by the City. (e) The Company may, with the approval and concurrence of j its governing board and after 60 days' notice to the City, file i in the office of the City Clerk a new or amended Schedule A, � containing new or amended rates, rules or regulations. Such notice shall include statements of facts, substantiating docu- ments , and exhibits supporting the changes requested, and fur- ( ther shall state the changes proposed to be made in the rates � then in force, and the time when the changes will go into effect. Such new or amended rates shall be effective and may be charged on the tenth day (or such later date that the Company shall ��J�z1 t! -5- designate on its filing) after the filing of the new or amended Schedule A in the office of the City Clerk, and shall continue in effect until approved or denied by resolution, or until deemed approved, pursuant to the terms of this Ordinance and the Charter, which Charter requires a public hearing after proper notice. (f) The proposed changes shall be approved if they are just, reasonable and nondiscriminatory. The City shall be reguired to take into account the need of the Company for revenue sufficient to enable it to meet the cost of furnishing the service; to provide for the timely and orderly retirement of debt; and to provide for improvements, enlargements and extensions necessary to adequately service the territory of the City authorized herein or later designated by the City pursuant to Section 2 . (g) At the request of the Company and in order to assist in determining whether the proposed changes in Schedule A shall be approved or denied, the City may require a public hearing before a hearing examiner who shall be selected by mutual agreement of City and the Company within 10 days of the ' Company' s request. The hearing examiner shall hold a hearing ' as a contested case and make recommendations to the City. Upon receipt of such recommendations, the City shall by resolution , approve or deny the proposed changes in Schedule A. If no ii such action is taken by the City within 30 days after receipt I of the hearing examiner' s recommendations , such proposed � changes are deemed approved. (h) Proposed changes to Schedule A can only be approved, approved in part if severable, or denied; and cannot be modi- fied or amended. The City may notwithstanding require the Company to refund or credit to its customers any increases in � rates which are in excess of the lawful and reasonable rates � as finally determined. Section 7. i For the purpose of assisting the Council in the regulation � of the activities and rates of the Company as provided in this franchise, the office of the City Attorney shall designate an individual on its staff to serve to perform the duties that such regulation necessitates . a�9/9� -6- Section 8 . The Company shall pay the City during the term hereof an annual amount of $15,000 payable on May 1 of each year herein, which sum shall be used to pay that part of the annual salary of the individual designated by the City Attorney, his assistant or assistants, clerical help and office expenses, outside accountants, hearing examiner, attorneys, advisors, and consul- tants' fees, reasonably related to the regulation of the Company, its rate schedules, and other matters and operations under this franchise. The amount of such payment or payments shall be allowed as an operating expense of the Company in the City of Saint Paul . Section 9 . The Company shall file during each month, with any person designated by the City Council, a report of the number of customers, sales and revenues by classes of service for the preceding month based upon its utility operations within the City of Saint Paul . The Company shall also file with any person designated by the City Council, within three months after January 1 of each year, a complete detailed statement on forms to be approved by said person, covering the utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the preceding year, including all revenues , ex- penses and plant investment, together with such breakdown and analysis of operating statements as the said person may request. The said person designated by the City Council shall have the right to require additional information concerning operations under this ordinance from time to time in such form as may be prescribed by said person. Any person or persons designated f_or that purpose by the council shall have the right, at all reasonable times and upon reasonable notice, to examine the books of account, records, vouchers, disbursements, rates, revenues, contracts, purchases, sale and other transactions bearing on and relevant to the rates Company charges and the service it provides to its customers in the City of Saint Paul. - 2�9195 -�- Section 10. Before this ordinance shall be finally adopted by the council, a public hearing shall be held upon ten (10) days' published notice in the official newspaper and after said hearing the Council may pass this ordinance, revise or amend the same . The Company shall bear the costs of publication of the franchise ordinance and shall make a sufficient deposit with the City Clerk to guarantee publication before the ordinance is passed. Section 11 . The Company shall defend, indemnify and save the City whole and harmless from any and all claims for injury or damage to persons or property occasioned by or arising out of the construc- tion, maintenance, operation, or repair of said transmission and distribution system or by the conduct of the Company' s business in the City; and shall insure the obligations in this section with an insurer authorized to do business in the State of Minne- sota in form approved by the City Attorney and the Director of the Department of Finance and Management Services. ': Section 12 . Every section, provision, or part of this ordinance is de- clared separate from every other section, provision or part; and , if any section, provision, or part shall be held invalid, it ! shall not affect any other section, provision or part. I �i Section 13. ; The Company shall have the right to promulgate, from time to time, such rules , regulations, terms and conditions governing the ' conduct of its business, not in conflict with this franchise ordinance, as shall be reasonably necessary to enable the Company to exercise its rights and perform its obligations under this franchise ordinance, and to assure safe, adequate and continuous service to its customers. Nothing herein shall be construed as a limitation upon, or as a bar to the future exercise of, proper and lawful action in the exercise of the City' s police or any other legitimate municipal legislative or administrative power. WH17E - CITV CLERK �'�9195 PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARY=..D�PARgMENT BI.UF,. - MA,VOR _ File Ordin�nce Ordinance N�. f(� ! (� (: Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -8- Section 14 . The Company shall, within thirty (30) days after the passage, approval and publication of this ordinance, file with the City Clerk of said City its written acceptance thereof in form to be approved by the City Attorney, and therein shall agree to abide by, keep, and perform all of the terms, limitations, conditions, and provisions of this ordinance. Section 15 . This franchise herein granted shall not be exclusive nor irrevocable, but may be terminated and forfeited after notice and hearing for any breach or failure by Company to comply with the terms, limitations, or conditions hereof. Section 16 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force after the public hearing prescribed in Section 10 and thirty (30) days after its passage, approval and publication, and upon its acceptance, as provided in Section 14 hereof. , I Section 17. i This ordinance shall be inElud'ed as an Appendix to the Saint ; Paul Legislative Code at the time of its next printing. ; i i COU[VCILME[V ' Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Levine In Favor Masanz � Nicosia � B ;�j, ' i scneibel Against Y ;e��w� Wilson ' Adopted by Council: Date JGr � � ,�o� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P e un il S r ta BY By 1 t Approve Mayor: Date App d y Mayor for Su i o Council % gY ULh�'_ —' BY PUBLISHE� 0�� 9 1982 ������ EXHIBIT A Effective In: City of St. Paul Availability: Rate: Monthly Minimum Charge : Fuel Clause : Prompt Payment Provision: Surcharge: ' INTERRUPTIBLE SERVICE I i ; Effective In: City of St. Paul ; i I � Availability: � i , Character of Service : I i � Rate: Monthly Minimum Charge: ' � ��91�5 Fuel Clause: Additional Charge for Use of Energy During Curtailments : Emergency Service for Interruptible Customers : Prompt Payment Provision: Surcharge : Term of Agreement: � � a��i� � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR HOT WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 1 � RATE CODE CH-1 GENERAL HOT WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all commercial and industrial buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per monLh demand charge $975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed demand per customer per mor�th commodity charge $3.80 per 106Btu per customer per month Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Adjustment Clause Rider No. 1. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5; will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discou�t from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcharge: Residential , commercial and industrial bills shall be subject to separate charges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Ho� and Chilled Water Service Agreement. ; PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR HOT WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 2 � RATE CODE RH-1 RESIDENTIAL HOT WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all residential buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge �975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscri5ed demand per customer per month commodity charge $3.80 per 106Btu per customer per month Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. 1. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. . Surcharge: Residential , commercial and industrial bills shail be subject to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. I PORT AUTNORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR CHILLED WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 3 � RATE CODE CC-1 GENERAL CHILLED WATER SERVICE � Availability: Available to all commercial and industrial buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge $975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed cooling demand per month commodity charge $3.73 per 106Btu per customer per month Note: The chilled water customer charge shall be waived for customers utilizing both hot water and chilled water services. Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. 1. � Prompt Payment Provision: A cha•rge of 5°o will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount ' from gross bill for payment within the j discount period. I � � Surcharge: Residential , commercial , and industrial bills shall be sub- ' ject to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge rider. � Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. , PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR CHILLED WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 4 RATE CODE RC-1 RESIDENTIAL CHILLED WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all residential buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge $975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed d�mand per month commodi�y charge �3.73 per 106Etu per customer ,per month Note: The chilled water customer charge shall be waived for customers utilizing both hot water and chilled water services. Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. l. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5;� will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcharge: Residential , commercial , and industrial bills shall be subject to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Not and Chilled Water Service Agreement. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR BILLING ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RATE SHEET N0. 5 � RATE CODE BA-1 BILLING ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Availability: Available to all commercial and residential customers who wish to have their total monthly bill broken down and billed directly to tenants based on allocation factors or submeters. Such service will include preparing and mailing statements, reading submeters, and pro-rating total bills to tenants based on allocation factors provided by each customer. Rate: $1.50 per submetered or allocated account per month plus postage or delivery charges. Note: Customer is responsible for providing monthly allocation factors or submetering data. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE SHEET FOR FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE RIDER RATE SHEET N0. 6 � RATE CODE FA-1 FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE RIDER N0. 1 The commodity portion of the hot water and chilled water rate schedules will be adjusted upward or downward each month based on the difference between actual variable costs and base variable costs. (The �ase var- iable costs built into the6initial rate schedule are �3.73/10 Btu for chilled water and $3.80/10 Btu for hot water. ) Actual variable costs will be computed each month by dividing the cost of fuel (electricity, gas, oil , propane and any other fuel ) plus other variable expenses to operate the Central Energy Plant by sales made during the corresponding month. The fuel adjustment charge applied to each customer's bill will be the difference b�tween actual variable costs and base variable costs (expressed $ per 10 Stu) multipiied by that customer's heating or cooling energy use during the corresponding month. However, whenever actual variable costs are less than base variable costs, the difference will be considered zero. Since actual variabie costs for the current month will not be known at the time of billing, an estimate will be made at the beginning of each month. When actual variable operating costs become known, the preceding month estimate will be adjusted to reflect preceding month actual costs, and the correction will be reflected in the current billings. � � a��l�s' PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE SHEET FOR SURCHARGE RIDER RATE SHEET N0. 7 RATE CODE S-1 SURCHARGE RIDER All rates for providing chi?led water and hot water services will be sub- ject to the City of St. Paul franchise fee and other appropriate state and l�cal taxes. - ° DEPARTMEfIT: P:E.D. CONTACT: Terry Rittenhouse ROUTIN6 a�n EXPLANAT14N St�ET PHONE: #35 : GREEN SHEET '�}#�"�C� I J For Administr�tive Orders. Reaolutions, Ordin�nces and Agreemeats ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY AS3I6NED NUMBER: DIRECTOR OF MANA6EMENT ,� MAYOR , � DEPARTMENT DIRECTO� � 1 CITY ATTORNEY F ' CITY CLERK �_ BUDGET DIRECTOR AU� " � 'J�� NIAYORS OFFICE ACTION REALESTED �GLIP ALL LaGATiONC FOR MAYOROL 4iGt�leTL�R£); Signature �HAT wILL BE {�GHIEVED Bl( TAKiN6 ACTI�N �N TWF Ana _w n M�T�Rrai s. (a�aansF ANI1 R6T2ANA )�; Adoption of a Franchise Agreement be�tween the City and the Port Authority. I ANCIA . B � ,FTARY AND P RcONN IMPAGTC AiTICIPATED; � Establishes terms for the Port Authdrity's operation of the Energy System, � . I . ; ; - ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): ; 1. Franchise Ordinance 2. 3, i I eaae n.eu.r.�u neceaa.c.#y ac ext o o aW�Pu cw^ �epa�Qn.t : . C�t�1 �4ttox�cey� 1. Counc.i.t. Reeo.Cwti.on Requ,�ted! YES �10 i. Reao�Cwtiont YES k0 2. Inew�ance Req;w�,.edf YES �10 2. Inaunance Su6�.i.c.i.en.tY YES NO 3. Inewta�tc.e AztachedY VES NO Re�ri.si,on �i:6/29/82 , � � . HOW TO USE THE GREEN SHEET T'!ie GREEN SHEET has severa l purpo se s: 1. To assist in routing documents and in securinq requir�d signatures , ' . 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the impacts of approval 3. To help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING ?+'lost GREE:V SiiE�T actions must �e re�r�ewed by a �epar'�:nent �irector , zhe City attorney, ��e �irector oi Management, the Director of Finance and Management Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to ass�st in developing a precis of the decision which the attachments represent. The headings are offered to remind users of som� � of the more critical elements of this brief. � , The Financial, Budqetary and Personnel Impacts headinq provides ; a space to explain the cost/benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund andlar � Special Funds) and to broader financial impacts (cost to us�rs, � homeowners or other groups affected by the action) . The persannel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Tinre Equivalent (FTE) positions. I SUPPORTING MATERIALS � In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well one, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . � Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another government unit. b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnification. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing fundinq. Note also: If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/G.Q� insurance, a Certificate of Insurance should be �one of the attachments at time of routing. / � �� , ; ", � '' ' ; i '.i � ;��,� �r� � � ' I `� � �.,�� :� J -- __ _ ___ __ J NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSED ENERGY PARK HEATING AND COOLING FRANCHISE FOR THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Notice is hereby given that the City Council of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota will meet in the Council Chambers, Third Floor of the City Hall and Court Aouse i}� t�e �ity of Saint Paul, Minnesota at 10:00 a.m. (CDT) on ��,.,���.� � J, I 9 �' � to consider a proposed legislative ordinance en�cting an Appendix to the Saint Paul Legislative Code, granting to the Port Authority of the City of Saint Paul, a non-exclusive franchise to use public streets and property to construct and operate a hot water heating and cold water cooling system in Energy Park. A copy of the proposed ordinance for a non-exclusive franchise together with �attachments and exhibits thereto, is available for public inspection beginning September 9, 1982 from 8 :00 o' clock a.m. to 4 : 30 p.m. Monday thru Friday, at the Office of the City Clerk, Room 386, City Hall and Court- house in St. Paul, Minnesota. At the time and place fixed for Public Hearing the City Council of the City of St. Paul will give all persons who appear at the hearing an opportunity to express their views with respect to the proposed ordinance. Dated September 9, 1982. Albert B. Olson City Clerk ( S r 1 ( , 1 � � 'J Nancs or rvst�c es�pa oH e no- roasu sr�s�oat rns�as�un+a exn 000�.ao nu�t ros�as caz w stixr rsv�,twrasvrs Notic�L�aeD��iv�taat tbe Qt�Cowdl o!tse pt�o!8l.Au1.]/imrot�will meet in the C.oundl.ComMes.lLird Floor o1 tbe Qt� x.0.aa o��ew..m ee.a�r ot s.�s Pau�. l[ion�ola at 1Q00 �.m. (CD11 on Sept�mpet !1. 1M2 to eoatldv�Pmposcd le�lsLtive ordia�nae�ctie�an Appmdl:to tse Sdnt Paul 1.qliLtiv!OodR�eantin�to t6e Aort Authorlq ot tse pc�of Saint AaL a aoo�acdusive lneesise Oo use publie steeets �nd pmpert�to coesbuR aad oyente a bot water bstioj aod cold�ntu enolln�pstem 1n�erp A�t. A mp�W tAe p�opo�ed ordloaoc�for�noo- adusire k�ne�W Lopt�r�lthattachmmb �nd�4ibib thento,h iv�ilaDle!or publk in- rytttlon be{innln{ S�ptaD�r 0. 19lZ fmm !:W o'dodc�.m.to�:�0 p.m.11oou7 eh�u Frl- dq.at the Otrice o!tAe qqr Clerk.Aoom]!?, Cit�H�ll and Oourtsowe 1n St Paul,Yio- nesot�.At t��tlm�aed place��d!or A�Dlic Hearia�the qtr Coundl o!tAe Clty oi St P�ul wW�Ive all p�noat wAo appa�r at the hs dn{aa oppoeludq 10�spnas their vievs vftL nq+a1 W t0ep�opos�d ordiwna. D�tad 8ephmOr Y.19�l. 11LBTRf H.OLSOtJ C1t�Clerk (S�teaEer 11,19� � a�q��5_ PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL • ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR HOT WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 1 • RATE CODE CH-1 GENERAL HOT WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all commercial and industrial buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per custo�er per mon�h demand charge $975.00 per 1068tu per hour of subscribed demand per customer per morith commodity charge $3.80 per 106Btu per customer per month Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Adjustment Clause Rider No. 1. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5; will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discou�t from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcharge: Residential , commercial and industrial bills shall be subject to separate charges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. , PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR HOT WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 2 � RATE CODE RH-1 RESIDENTIAL HOT WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all residential buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge �975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed demand per customer per month commodity charge $3.80 per 106Btu per customer per month Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. 1. Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. � Surcharge: Residential , commercial and industrial bills shall be ! subje�t to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge � rider. � � Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. , � PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ' ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR CHILLED WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 3 � RATE CODE CC-1 GENERAL CHILLED WATER SERVICE Availability: Available to all commercial and industrial buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge $975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed cooling demand per month commodity charge $3.73 per 106Btu per customer per month Note: The chilled water customer charge shall be waived for customers utilizing both hot water and chilled water services. Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. 1. � Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5°o will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcharge: Residential , commercial , and industrial bills shall be s�:b- ject to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. .. � G� �/, j�, PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR CHILLED WATER SERVICE RATE SHEET N0. 4 RATE CODE RC-1 RESIDENTIAL CHILLED WATER SERVICE Availability: Avail�able to all residential buildings. Each connection point to the Energy Distribution System shall be considered one customer. Rate: customer charge $100.00 per customer per month demand charge $975.00 per 106Btu per hour of subscribed derr�and per month commodi�y charge �3.73 per 106Btu per custo�rer .per month Note: The chilled water customer charge shall be waived for customers utilizing both hot water and chilled water services. Fuel Clause: Bills subject to the adjustment provided for in Fuel Clause Rider No. l. � Prompt Payment Provision: A charge of 5% will be added to net bill which charge shall constitute a discount from gross bill for payment within the discount period. Surcharge: Residential , commercial , and industrial bills shall be subject to separate surcharges provided for in surcharge rider. Determination of Demand: Subscribed demand shall be determined by the Hot and Chilled Water Service Agreement. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE FOR BILLING ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES RATE SHEET N0. 5 • RATE CODE BA-1 BILLING ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Availability: Available to all commercial and residential customers who wish to have their total monthly bill broken down and billed directly to tenants based on allocation factors or submeters. Such service will include preparing and mailing statements, reading submeters, and pro-rating total bills to tenants based on allocation factors provided by each customer. Rate: $1.50 per submetered or allocated account per month plus postage or delivery charges. Note: Customer is responsible for providing monthly allocation factors or submetering data. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL � � ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE SHEET FOR FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE RIDER RATE SHEET N0. 6 � RATE CODE FA-1 FUEL ADJUSTMENT CLAUSE RIDER N0. 1 The commodity portion of the hot water and chilled water rate schedules will be adjusted upward or downward each month based on the difference between actual variable costs and base variable costs. (The �ase var- iable costs built into the6initial rate schedule are �3.73/10 Btu for chilled water and $3.80/10 Btu for hot water. ) Actual variable costs will be computed each month by dividing the cost of fuel (electricity, gas, oil , propane and any other fuel ) plus other variable expenses to operate the Central Energy Plant by sales made during the corresponding month. The fuel adjustment charge applied to each customer's bill will be the difference b�tween actual variable costs and base variable costs (expressed $ per 10 Stu) multiplied by that customer's heating or cooling energy use during the corresponding month. However, whenever actual variable costs are less than base variable costs, the difference will be considered zero. Since actual variable costs for the current month will not be known at the time of billing, an estimate will be made at the beginning of each month. When actual variable operating costs become known, the preceding month estimate will be adjusted to reflect preceding month actual costs, and the correction will be reflected in the current billings. a �9��s PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF ST. PAUL ST. PAUL ENERGY PARK RATE SHEET FOR SURCHARGE RIDER RATE SHEET N0. 7 RATE CODE S-1 SURCHARGE RIDER All rates for providing chilled water and hot water services will be sub- ject to the City of St. Paul franchise fee and other appropriate state and local taxes. i �� ��91�5 -3- upon the streets and public property of the City, except upon application to the Department of Public Works or other persons designated by the City Council, and written pe ission therefor granted by said department or person. The Au ority may enter into contracts and agreements to provide for the installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance a d operation of the Energy System, which contracts and agreeme ts (1} shall be sub- ject to the terms and conditions of this granchise, and (2) shall not relieve or be construed to relieve the A�uthority from its obliga- tions under this franchise. � ,; Sectior�' 5. During the term of the franc�fise hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treas�ary of the City of Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8g, tMe monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Energy S,ystem' s gross earnings during the preceding year, and the p�yment of such amount shall be in the following manner: �' In monthly insta�lments commencing in the month in which ;�his ordinance becomes effective pur�/uant to section 16 hereof, and continuir�g through the term of the franchise. ifihe installment payment for each montht'shall be due on or before the 25th day the following month. The Company' payment obligation shall be met if paym t is mailed and postmarked on or bef e the due date . The amount of e franchise fee shall be allowed as an operating expense to th Company attributable solely to the Company' s oper- ations withi the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such amount, "gr, ss earnings" shall be held to mean and include all sums recei able by the Company from the sale of hot water and cold wate distributed and used within the city limits of the City of int Paul. In no event shall the Company be required to pay franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can legally collect from its customers in the City by means of a surcha ge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the f anchise fee. The terms "sale of hot (and) cold water" incl e the heating or cooling therefrom. = � �'�y1�5 -3- upon the streets and public property of the City, except upon application to the Department of Public Works or other persons designated by the City Council, and written permission therefor granted by said department or person. The Author' y may enter into contracts and agreements to provide for th installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and peration of the Energy System, which contracts and agreement (1) shall be sub- ject to the terms and conditions of this f nchise, and (2) shall not relieve or be construed to relieve the Au ority from its obliga- tions under this franchise. Section . During the term of the franc se hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treas y of the City of Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8$, t e monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Energy S stem' s gross earnings during the preceding year, and the yment of such amount shall be in the following manner: In monthly ins llments commencing in the month in whic this ordinance becomes effective pu suant to section 16 hereof, and contin ng through the term of the . franchise The installment payment for ' each mo h shall be due on or before the 25th d of the following month. The Comp y' s payment obligation shall be met if yment is mailed and postmarked on _ or efore the due date. The amou of the franchise fee shall be allowed as an operating expense o the Company attributable solely to the Company' s oper- ations ' thin the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such amou , "gross earnings shall be held to mean and include all sum receivable by the Company from the sale of hot water and cold water distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. In no event shall the Company be required to pay a franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can legally collect from its customers in the City by means of a surcharge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee. The terms "sale of hot (and) cold water" include the heating or coolin� therefrom. � . � � � �'�y1Q� -3- upon the streets and public property of the City, exce t upon application to the Department of Public Works or oth persons designated by the City Council, and written permiss 'on therefor granted by said department or person. The Author' y may enter into contracts and agreements to provide for th installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and eration of the Energy System, which contracts and agreement (1) shall be sub- ject to the terms and conditions of this fr chise, and (2) shall not relieve or be construed to relieve the Au ority from its obliga- tions under this franchise. Section . During the term of the franc se hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treas y of the City of Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8�, e monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Energy stem' s gross earnings during the preceding year, and the ayment of such amount shall be in the following manner: In monthly ins llments commencing in the month in whic this ordinance becomes effective pu suant to section 16 hereof, and contin ng through the term of the franchise. The installment payment for each mon shall be due on or before the ' 25th da of the following month. The Compan ' s payment obligation shall be met if pa ment is mailed and postmarked on or b fore the due date. The amount o the franchise fee shall be allowed as an operating expense to he Company attributable solely to the Company' s oper- ations wi in the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such � amount, " ross earnin.gs shall be held to mean and include all sums re eivable by the Company from the sale of hot water and , cold w ter distributed and used within the city limits of the City f Saint Paul. In no event shall the Company be required to p y a franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can legally collect from its customers in the City by means of a surcharge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee. The terms "sale of hot (and) cold water" include the heating or cooling therefrom. � � � � � ti'�91�� -3- upon the streets and public property of the City, exc t upon application to the Department of Public Works or ot r persons designated by the City Council, and written permis ion therefor granted by said department or person. The Autho ty may enter into contracts and agreements to provide for th installation, construction, reconstruction, maintenance and peration of the Energy System, which contracts and agreement (1) shall be sub- ject to the terms and conditions of this f nchise, and (2) shall not relieve or be construed to relieve the Au ority from its obliga- tions under this franchise. Section . During the term of the franch' se hereby granted, the Company shall pay into the treasu y of the City of Saint Paul a yearly franchise fee of 8�, t monetary amount of which is to be measured by the Energy S tem' s gross earnings during the preceding year, and the p ent of such amount shall be in the following manner: In monthly inst lments commencing in the month in which his ordinance becomes effective pur ant to section 16 hereof, and continui g through the term of the franchise. he installment payment for � each month shall be due on or before the 25th day f the following month. The Company' payment obligation shall be met if pay nt is mailed and postmarked on or be re the due date . The amount of the franchise fee shall be allowed as an operating expense to t e Company attributable solely to the Company' s oper- ations with'n the City of Saint Paul, and in calculating such amount, "g oss earnings shall be held to mean and include all sums rece' vable by the Company from the sale of hot water and cold wa r distributed and used within the city limits of the City of Saint Paul. In no event shall the Company be required to pay a franchise fee in excess of the amount which it can lega y collect from its customers in the City by means of a surc arge on its rate schedules for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee. The terms "sale of hot (and) cold water" include the heating or coolinc� therefrom. - ��91�� -6- Section 8 . The Company shall pay the City during the term he eof an annual amount of $35, 000 payable on May 1 of each ye herein, which sum shall be used to pay that part of the anny�'�al salary of the individual designated by the City Attorney, .�is assistant or assistants, clerical help and office expenses, �outside accountants, hearing examiner, attorneys, advis s, and consul- tants' fees , reasonably related to the regulat'on of the Company, its rate schedules, and other matters and ope,�ations under this franchise. The amount of such payment or p�iments shall be allowed as an operating expense of the Com�any in the City of Saint Paul. �'� ,` �' � Section �': r The Company shall file during ach month,with any person designated by the City Council, a eport of the number of customers, sales and revenues by lasses of service for the preceding month based upon its ility operations within the City of Saint Paul . The Company shall also ile with any person designated by the City Council,within th e months after January 1 of each year, a complete detailed tatement on forms to be approved by said person, covering th utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the prec ding year, including all revenues, ex- penses and plant inves ment, together with such breakdown and analysis of operatin statements as the said person may request. The said person des ' gnated by the City Council shall have the right to require a ditional information concerning operations under this ordin ce from time to time in such form as may be prescribed by s d person. Any per n or persons designated for that purpose by the council sh 1 have the right, at all reasonable times and upon reasonabi notice, to examine the books of account, records, voucher , disbursements, rates, revenues, contracts , purchases , sale a d other transactions bearing on and relevant to the rates Company charges and the service it provides to its cus- tomers in the City of Saint Paul . - �'�91�� -6- Section 8. The Company shall pay the City during t e term hereof an annual amount of $35, 000 payable on May l o each year herein, which sum shall be used to pay that part o the annual salary of the individual designated by the City ttorney, his assistant or assistants, clerical help and office xpenses, outside accountants, hearing examiner, attorne , advisors, and consul- tants' fees, reasonably related to th reguiation of the Company, its rate schedules, and other matter and operations under this franchise. The amount of such pa t or payments shall be allowed as an operating expense of e Company in the City of Saint Paul. S tion 9. The Company shall file ring each month,with any person designated by the City Coun 1, a report of the number of customers, sales and reven s by classes of service for the preceding month based upo its utility operations within the City of Saint Paul . The Company shall lso file with any person designated by the City Council,withi three months after January 1 of each year, a complete deta' led statement on forms to be approved by said person, coverin the utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the eceding year, including all revenues, ex- penses and plant i estment, together with such breakdown and analysis of opera ng statements as the said person may request. The said person signated by the City Council shall have the right to require additional information concerning operations under this ordi ance from time to time in such form as may be prescribed by aid person. � Any per n or persons designated for that purpose by the council sha have the right, at all reasonable times and upon reasonable otice, to examine the books of account, records , vouchers, isbursements, rates, revenues, contracts , purchases, sale and' . ther transactions bearing on and relevant to the rates Company charges and the service it provides to its cus- tomers in the City of Saint Paul . - �'�y1�� -6- Section 8. The Company shall pay the City during the term hereo an annual amount of $35,000 payable on May l of each year rein, which sum shall be used to pay that part of the annual alary of the individual designated by the City Attorney, hi assistant or assistants, clerical help and office expenses, ou ide accountants, hearing examiner, attorneys, advisors, and consul- tants' fees, reasonably related to the regulation f the Company, its rate schedules, and other matters and operati ns under this franchise. The amount of such payment or payme s shall be � allowed as an operating expense of the Company n the City of Saint Paul. Section 9. The Company shall file during e h month,with any person designated by the City Council, a r port of the number of customers, sales and revenues by asses of service for the preceding month based upon its ility operations within the : City of Saint Paul . The Company shall als file with any person designated by the City Council,within ree months after January 1 of each . year, a complete detai d statement on forms to be approved by said person, covering he utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the eceding year, including all revenues, ex- penses and plant ' vestment, together with sueh breakdown and analysis of oper ing statements as the said person may request. The said perso designated by the City Council shall have the right to requ' e additional information concerning operations under this o dinance from time to time in such form as may be prescribed y said person. 1�ny erson or persons designated for that purpose by the council shall have the right, at all reasonable times and upon reason le notice, to examine the books of account, records , vouch s, disbursements, rates, revenues, contracts, purchases, sale nd other transactions bearing on and relevant to the rate Company charges and the service it provides to its cus- tom rs in the City of Saint Paul . i , : �� � �'�91�5 -6- Section 8. The Company shall pay the City during the t m hereof an annual amount of $35, 000 payable on May 1 of e year herein, which sum shall be used to pay that part of t annual salary of the individual designated by the City Att ney, his assistant or assistants, clerical help and office exp nses, outside accountants, hearing examiner, attorneys, dvisors, and consul- tants' fees, reasonably related to the r ulation of the Company, its rate schedules, and other matters a d operations under this franchise. The amount of such payment or payments shall be allowed as an operating expense of th Company in the City of ' Saint Paul. � Sec on 9. The Company shall file dur ng each month,with any person designated by the City Council a report of the number of customers, sales and revenues by classes o£ service for the preceding month based upon � s utility operations within the City of Saint Paul . ,I The Company shall a o file with any person designated by the City Council,within hree months after January 1 of each year, a comnlete detai d statement on forms to be approved by said person, covering he utility operations within the City of Saint Paul for the pr: ceding year, including all revenues, ex- penses and plant inv stment, together with such breakdown and analysis of operati g statements as the said person may request. The said person de ignated by the City Council shall have the right to reguire dditional information concerning operations under this ordin nce from time to time in such form as may be prescribed by s id person. � � Any pers n or persons designated for that purpose by the council shal have the right, at all reasonable times and upon reasonable otice, to examine the books of account, records, vouchers, isbursements, rates, revenues, contracts, purchases, sale and ther transactions bearing on and relevant to the rates Co pany charges and the service it provides to its cus- tomers 'n the City of Saint Paul . �.. �..�._..:. _ � � � �i ��/ � / ., ` (J � lst �-/ � � �� 2nd `� � t L 3rd �i — �' � �� Adopted ( �'2 � "��" -Y �` ; J� Nays Yeas FLETCHER LE�IINE �.S�Z ��y19� � NICOSIA � � G � scxEZS� L I C v WILSON Mft, PRESIDENT TIDESCO j E 4��