279164 MHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII �J��4 PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT � G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BLUE - MAYOR File NO. Council Resolution �����Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Chan es Amended Budget 305 Health Records/Public Health 33232-4301 Normal Activity Services 1 ,657 48,296 49,953 NET CHANGE 48,296 SPENDING PLAN 305 Health Records/Public Health 33232-111-000 -0- 33,795 33,795 33232-219-000 -0- 4,700 4,700 33232-221-000 -0- 200 200 33232-222-000 -0- 426 426 33232-241-000 -0- 400 400 33232-242-000 -0- 300 300 33232-361-000 -0- 200 200 33232-369-000 1 ,657 343 2,000 33232-439-000 -0- 7,932 7,932 NET CHANGE 48,296 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: Bud et 'r tor COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher ITY S ICES �evine In Favor • Masanz Nicosia schetbe� __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 ��7 Form prov by it Att y Adopted by Council: Date �- Certifi • •sed by ou il S etary BY � � B �1pp v by 1�lavor: e � Appr d by Mayor for u ission to C�uncil By P�B4ISNED S E P 11 19@� � ^ CI�Y OF` SAINT P.E�.UL �J��`f � - OFFIC� OF TS� CZTY COIINCIL ' :....., - ..�..,..,.... �":'_-~�� D a t e ; August 26, 1982 : 't: � COMMITTEE RE PORT TO = Satnt Pau t City Councit . F R� M = C o m m it fi e e O h Finance, Management F, Personne 1 C H A t R Jim Scheibel 2, Resolution amendi�ng the Civil Service Rules regaxding x�e'i��� Personnel 17ep1:.) 3_ Resolution authorizing City official,s to execute an Agreement tvith tlie U of ?•1 - Hospitals for the physician sezvices in the Southeast Asia» Clinic and Aiodel Cities Health Program. (Comme�nity Services Dept. �� _ 4. Fesolution amending the 1982 Special Services $udget (Commu ' ervices De t.) . � — �....,�.� � . � 5. P.esolution establishing several titles and class specificatio�is in t)ie Clerical Group� (Procurement) as well as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr I aizd Buyer IT ot t:�c= Civil Service Rules. (Personnel Dept_) ' "'� 6_ Resolution authorizing the submission of an applicati.on amendment to the Economic Development Administzation for the continuation of a Planning Ass' Crant: (PE1)) . 4 ,�� r, ' 7. Resolution establishing the title of Painter General Foxeman of tlie Civil Ser�•i.ce Rules (Personnel Dept.) S. Resolution establishing �he rate of pay for the new ti.tle of Painter, Gen�xal Foreman {Personnel Dept.��t�3�'��'F"� ' 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a 2ax exempt mortga.�e note to finai�ce const_r.uc:t.ia:i of an addition to the 'llain City Concrete Pz-oducts Plant at 3.351 Trout 13xaok Circic � (Port Authority)_ . .,r �0. Resolution approvi.ng the secuxities pledged by Summit A'atl.. Bank to protect funds i:��ilc held in said bank. (Finance � blgmt. Sexvices Dept.) lI. Resolution incxeasing the 1982 Budget £or the Public Health - Community Seryiccs (this r�ill allo�r the transfer of �monies between various Community ltealth Ser>>ices accounts. There 1ai11 be no 3ncrease in the amount of monies paid out.) (Community Service�) . .. �;,,� 12. Resolurion increasing the 1982 budget fox the Publ�c Health Center - I�lealth Records to enable the Health Center - Health Records Prograr�'s entire budget to Ue enfi crcct on the computer. (Community Services) ���r���..��sp� CITY NALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAIN'T PAUL. MINNESOTA SS102 �» � ,�. ..�._ _ _. ..___ __ _ ._ , , . ,� �''191�4 � , • DE�ARTMEtJT: ' , CONTACT: Kathy Mo rland . ROUTI�dG aND EXFIANATION SFiEET ' pHpr�E; 292-7702 • IGREEN SttEE7) /� �� � /��� ,�� For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinanc and agreements RECEIVED ROUTING ORDER — ROUT AY ASSIGNED NUMBER: AUG 4 1982 DIRE OF MANAGEMENT CITY ATTORNEY 1 DEPT. ACCOUNTING 5 MAY R 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE � MGT. SERVICES � .-,;--:.�..,_..- .-�,.�. CITY ATTORNEY ''�' '��--=�-+�I � �.,,.„,,,,� �_6 BUDGET DIRECTOR ��.,v — ,(10� , �v A T1�QN Rr'OI�E,, TE � ,J�P ALL,J OCATIONS FOR hLAYORAL SiGNATURE): �AYO�S ��FIC� Approval to submit Council Resolution increasing the 1982 budget for the Public . Health Center - Health Records. '� 'AT �II�,1 B�,�GHI£VFD BY TE{KING ACT10N OM THE ATTpyCHED MA?EB_I_ALS �PURPOSF AND RATIONA F)�; This will enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entire budget to be entered on the computer. This program was started in 1981 after the 1982 budgets were prepared. FThAIvCIAt , RUDGETARY ANQ PFRS�NNEI IMPACTS ANTI[IPATED: This will increase the 1982 budget by $48,296 to allow the Health Center - Health Records Program to be entered on the computer. There is money in code 33232 to pay for this program. � , I ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): � ]., Council Resolution , 2, ; 3. N T�: Zea.ae hev.cew nece.de.<.ty on a.ttac vnerLt o .t e So.e.2ouung au{�pon.tuig cume.n.td Oepa.u7nant : . C.i,ty �Lttonney: • . 1. Counc-r:e. Reao.�wti.on Reqwih.ed? X YF.$ NU 1. Re,so.�u.ti.on? ✓ YES NU 2. Inaut,ance R2q:.�ih.ed? YES � Nc3 2. rn,sw.a.nce su66�.ctent� V�/� u� 3. Inau2ance A.Ltached? YES NU Revision 0*i:4/29/82