279163 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII � /���� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL r �� v � CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ��'� � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul , does certify that there are available for appropriation total revenues in excess of those estimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, Council File 277510, adopted October 1 , 1981 , did establish certain Special Fund Policies; and WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: FINANCING PLAN Current Budget Changes Amended Budget 305 Community Health Adm./ Public Health 33231-3414 Corr�nuni ty Heal th Services Act 20,568 800,000 820,568 NET CHANGE 800,000 SPENDING PLAN 305 Community Health Adm./ Public Health 33231-537-000 Transfers -0- 800,000 800,000 NET CHANGE 800,000 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the City Council adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. APPROVED: �• ��%��L� Bu get ir tor COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � COMMUNITY SERVICES �evine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia � scheibel __ Against BY -. �"� Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 1982 Form A proved b Ci t rne Adopted by Council: Date � Certifie assed b Coun �1 Se tary BY r " c a Ep � �gg� Ap by Mayor fo iss�ion to Council l�1pp v by Mavor: � BY - - — B - PuBt�� S�� 1 Z 1982 �,; .r _...._. � _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ . _ . _ __ ... . _... . � _ _ � _ o� 79/4�� � � � ' - � DE�'ARTMENT: Community Services CONTACT: Kathy Mohrland . � ROUTING AND EXP1At•1ATIOtV SHEET � PHONE: 2q2-��02 � . IGREEN SHEE7) �� _ J ,`�` 7�c� For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinanc .s and Agreements RECEIV D R�OITTNG ORDER - ROUTE F�_Y ASSI(jNED NUMBE�: � AUG � 1982 DIR TOR oF MANA�E�E�T CITY ATTORNEY 1 Dept. Accountin� 5 MAYOR 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT, SERVICES � CITY ATTORNEY 8 CITY CLERK - � '�`�k'"`� & 6 BUDGET DIREC?OR � F111d11C2 QUG � — � � �AAYOR� OFFICE �'TtOh RFQt�E$j�n ( � Ip A irj QfA,j�Oj�;Z F�R MAYORAL sI,�NATLIRF); Approval to submit Council Resolution increasing the 1982 budget for the Public Health - Community Services �AT WI � A�HI�FILBY TAKINC ACTION ON THF ATTA�HED MATERj�J�� �LRPO_� AND RA7IONALF��: This will-allow the transfer of monies between various Corronunity Health Services accounts. F[hAhCIAI BUD�ETARY AND P,FRSONN � IMPACTS ANTiGIPATED; There will be no increase in the amount of monies paid out. The $800,000 will be a transfer between Community Health Administration and various CHS accounts. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): - 1, Cbuncil Resolution 2, � 3. N ec.ee nev.cuu neceae.c.ty on a.tta en.t o$ .t e o cuung buppon,ts.ng ocumenta �e�z,�nenL : _ . C.i,ty AZtonner�: • • }. Counc.i,� �eao.�.ct,i.on Reqwih.ed? VE$ NO 1. tteso.ewti.on? V YES NO 2. inewianc2 R2q:u.ned? YES NO 2. In,aunance Su55�.ci.ertit? Y��N� 3. Ineunance A.LtRChed? Y�S NO Revision 0*1:4/29/82 � C�IT�'Y' OF SAYNT P.E1UL ��� ( � � � - OFFICE OF TAI� CITY COIINCIL � :.....• ►� :;;::;,;'�; �, == D a t e : August 26, 1982 � : ,'�: � COMMtTTEE RE PORT TO = SQ�nt Pau t City Counci I F�� M = C a m m i t t�e e O h Finance, Management $ Personne 1 C H A(R Jim Scheibel 2, Resolution amend�ng the Civil Service Rules regarding rei.� Personne] llept'.) . . � 3. Resolution autho�izing City officials to execute an Rgreement tvith tlie U of t•1 • Nospitals for the physician sez�rices irt the Southeast �sian Clinic and Alodel Citi.es Health Program. (Community Services Aept. . 4. Fesolution amending the 1982 Special Services Budget (Commu ' erviees De t.) . �.�'. 5. Resolution establishing several titles and class speci�icatio��s in tlie Clerical Group� (Procurement) as well as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr, I a�id Buyex II of t��e Civil Service Rules. (Personnel Dept.) 6. Resolution authoxzzing the submission of an applicati.on amEndment to the Econamic Development Administration for the continuatzon of a Planning Ass' Gxant: (1'�1)) . . "� 7. Resolution establishing the tit7.e of Fainter General Foreman of tlic Civil Sex��ice � Rules (Personnel Dept.) S. Resolution establishing the xate of pay for the new ti.tle of Painter, Gen�ral Foreman (Personnel Dept.�- ,,;,. �'*""'"'� ' 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a i.ax exempt mortga.�e note to finance const:r.ur.t:ian of an addition to the 'Itain City Concrete Products Plant at 1351 Trout }3rook Cixcle - (Port Authority). =��~.�_ �0. P,esolution approving the securities pledged by Summit r'atl.. Banfi to protect funds t�ltilc held in said bank. (Finance F� I�igmt. Sexvices Dept.) 11. Resolution increasing the 1982 Budget £or the Public Health - Community Services (this will allow the transfer of �monies between various Community �Iealth Services accounts. There will be no increase in the amount of monies paid out.1 (Community Service$) _ - ": :1•:.^,=� i _ ..r�,d..� 12. Resolution increasing the I982 budget fox the Publi,c Health Center - I�lealth Recorcls to enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entii•e budget to be enfi crect on the computer. (Community Services) ° '�'• �°.-�0 CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �+�