279159 �� ����� WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. � Co ncil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City officials are hereby authorized to execute an Agreement with the University of Minnesota Hospitals, Department of Pediatrics, for the services of Leon Satran, M.D., for physician services in the Division of Public Health, Southeast Asian Clinic and Model Cities Health Program; a copy of said Agreement to be kept on file and of record in the Department of Finance and Management Services. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � Communit Services Levine In Favor y Masanz Nicosia scheibei __ Against BY �fi� Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 �982 Form pproved by i rn Adopted by Council: Date c Certifie assed b Coun '1 Se wtary BY r ^ B}' t#pp ov d y Mavor. SEP � ��R7 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B — — BY PuBUsHEO S E P 1 � 1982 � ' ` CITY OF SAINT PAUL ��79159 � - OFFIC� OF THI� CZTY COIINCIL ......• w- ..�,.....,... "':"�'�' D d t e : August 26, 1982 y `� ♦ �� � � COMMtTTEE RE PORT TO = Saint Pau t City Councit . F�Q M = C o m m it r�e e O h Finance, Management F, Personne 1 C H A 1 R Jim Scheibel 2, Resolution amend�ng the Civil Service Rules regarding xei� Personnel llept.) 3. Resolution authorizing City officials to execute an Agreement t�ith the U of 1•1 - Hospitals for the physician services irt the Southeast Asian Clinic and Aiodel Cities He�lth Program. (Community Services Dept. . 4. Resolution amending the 1982 Special Services Budget (Commu����rv�'zces De t.) . � 5. P.esolution establishing several titles and class speci�ications in tlie Clerical �� Group� (Procurement) as well as abolishing the titles of: Bu cr I a�id Bu��er TT of t:te Civil Service Rules. (Personnel Dept_) ` � '� 6. Resolution authoxizing the submission of an applicati.an amEndment to the Economic Development Administxation for the continuation of a Planning Ass' � , . �Cxant: (1'��)) . . ,�t;�"°� 7. Resolution establishing the title of Paintex General Foxeman of tiie Civil Ser��ice Rules (Personnel Dept.) 8. Resolution establishing �he xate of pay for the new ti.tle of Painter, General Foreman {Personnel Dept.?��p-Ra�t - �,,,. F ; ' 9. Resolution approving the issuance of a �ax exempt mortga.ge note to tinance co»s�r_uct:ion of an addition to the 'll�rin City Concrete Pz-oducts Plant at 1351 3rout 13raok Cixcae � (Port Authorxty)_ ��� -���"-.�."��� '� �Q. P.esolution approving the secuxities pledged by Summzt A'atl.. Banl: to pro�ect funds ���iil.c held in said bank_ (Finance F� blgmt. Services Dept.) 11. Resolution incxeasing the 1982 Budget £or the Public Health - Community Services (this will allow t}ie transfer of �monies between various Community fiealth Ser��ices accounts. There will be no increase in the amount of monies paid out.� (Community Service$)_ � 12. Resolution increasing the 1982 budget fox the Publi.c k[ealth Center - Health Records to enable the Health Center - Health Records Program's entire budget to he enterecl on the computer. (Community Services) � ' CITY HALL SEVENTH FLOOR SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 �» � S' _�'_'�'"' _'_'.. .. . � - . .. _ . . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . .. . ."' '"."_' . . .._. ...."'..."___ ..... ....... . . � 2'�9159 � " , , , DE�ARTME�(T: Public Health , CONTACT: W��liam G. Timm . ROUTING aND EXPLANATION SHEET � pypHE; 292-7713 • l6REEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and 9greements RECEIVED AUG � 1982 ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSifNED NUMBE�: : DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT CITY ATTORIVEY 4 MAYOR 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR 5 DIRECTOR, FINANCE & MGT, SERVIC�S� �. 3 CITY CLERK (3 � • � CITY ATTORNEY SUDGET DIREC?OR . A TION R Ql ST n ( - iP At I �CATtONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATilRE); Counci I Resolution i's�HA7 Ntt i BE A HIFVFTI BY TAhIhG A�,TIOh Oh THE ATT�CHFD MATFRIA S �P lRPOS AND RATIONALE)�: The Division of Public Health will be able to contract for the services of a Board- certified pediatrician to work in the Southeast Asian clinic and the Model Cities Health Program. FiNAN ,,j�,,. BlIT1CFTARY AND PFRSONNEL IMPACTS�N7ICIPATED: The University of Minnesota Hospitals, through its Department of Pediatrics, will be reimbursed at a rate of $2� per hour for Dr. Satran's time. There wi I) also be a reimbursement of $17 per month for a paging system which is provided by #he University of Minnesota Hospitals. The contract total for services is not to exceed $25,000 per � year, the amounts to be apportioned to Southeast Asian Program, activity code 33234, and the Model Cities Health Program, activity code 33246. ATTACHMENTS {LIST ALL ATTACNMENTS): � � � 1. Agreement - three copies 2, Counci I Resolution 3. �N �nee •tev�.uv neceae.c.ty bon a.tta eru', 05 .tie So.�euung au.npon.tcng ocumen-te Ve�a.�r.ima,n,t • . C.i,tu A.Ltonne_y: • . J. Coune..i.Z ReaokwL�on Rer�wi.ted? YE.S NU 1. Reso.eu,ti.on? c/yES NO 2. In.eurtanee Req:+.ilced? YES NU 2. Insun.a.nce Supb.�ci.en,t? yES NU � 3. In,aunance A.LtRChed? YFS NO Revision 0*i:4129/32 M/MITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII ��• �.i�v PINK s- FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L �BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Cou cil Resolution Presented By ����l�' r Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that there are available for apprapriation total revenues in ex�cess of those estunated in the 1982 k�udget; and Wf�REAS, Council File 277510, adapted October 1, 1981, did establish certain Special Fund policies; and WHERE�IS, The Mayor recommends that the follaving additions be made to the 1982 }�udget: Current A�nded FINANCING PLAN Budget Chances Budget 325 5pecial Services/Catmunity Services 23102-5199 Special �ents 20,000 40,000 60,000 23112-5201 Golf 950,000 40,000 990,000 23113-5501 Golf Refectory 180,000 -0- 180,000 23114-5223 Ski 30,000 -0- 30,000 23115-5501 Ski Refectory 7,000 2,000 9,000 23116-5223 Cross Country Ski 25,000 (5,000) 20,000 23122-5199 Concession O'Neil 100,000 15,000 115,000 23123-5199 Concessions Other 75,000 7,000 82,000 23124-5501 Swim Refectory 36,000 -0- 3�,000 23126-5199 Marinas 14,000 7,000 21,000 23140-5201 Misc. Activities 108,133 (40,000) 68,133 23141-5201 Fireworks 46,000 10,000 56,000 23142-5201 Coatchecking 6,424 -0- 6,424 1,597,557 76,000 1,673,557 COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �e11"e In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei _ __ Against - Tedesco Wilson Form Approve b ' y Att rney Adopted by Council: Date _ Cerlifie �sed by unci cret y� BY � � By .. �. �lpproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved ` or for Submission to Council BY - - - BY