279156 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII I����� PINK - FINANCE CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL BLUE - MAYOR File NO• ouncil Resolution Presented By � /�'�' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, a vacancy exists within the Department of Planning and Economic Development, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: Pursuant to Section 10.03 of the Saint Paul Administrative Code, the Council does hereby confirm and ratify the appointment, by the Mayor, of Kenneth Johnson as deputy director for the Division of Housing. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � �evine In Favor P � Masanz Nicosia scheibei __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson SEP 2 1982 Form pr ed b Ci ne Adopted by Council: Date a Certified assed b Council Sec tary BY By ^ n��vv l�pp ov by Mavoc Date Jtl' 3 �q� App by Mayor for Su m ssi n to"Gouncil L- 1 � B — PUBLISNED S E P 11 1982 "" :� � � 2'�9155 S" h�TH R. JOI-�ISON 8201 Utah Court, Brcx�}clyn Yark, ^Zixinesata. 55445 . . . Telephone: 612/424-2956 � ' �-,G.1 �>�j � �p�l�;� EXecutive Director, Northwest Suburbs Cable Garrmunications �-p Ca:rznission. (2UP?,IFICAR'IO�S �sponsible for full ac�iinistratian of cablc: oormninications system franchisE on beha3f of nine-city joint paaers � 2•1�ch, 1982 - munici�al conmissione Du-t�es include :Eranchise enforce�nent, � Present rate regulation, review of proposed services, �municipal. utilization, and p�licy fonrrulation. - Also serve as director of non-profit ccArarninity access - corp�ration, responsible for establisning and operating a . prc�gz'am to provide cable access opportunities and resou.�rces to the general pukal.ic. 19'18 - Business Develo�-�r (S�ciai Pro�ect� P.dmi.nistrato�; , I�^�,r�i, 1982 City of Dulutn. . � Responsible for initiation, develo�nent. and implerr�ntation of municipal housing �ad inaustrial develapr�nt programs. Established and a�i.nister�d lancl xc..�develap��nt prcx�r�.ms, including new malti_ple uni.t housS.ng p.roj�cts, industri� park develo�r.r�t, and doT,ar_�c�wri anr3 neighbarr.oa� corrrr�rc�.al , district revitalizat�on. Initiated lcn.al pxc�rams to stimulate przvate proJuc�ion of new h�us?�Ig t:nit-.s (both s�ngle famlly and multi.ple) ; sup�..nrised �.R.A. 's operation of City's Housing 1tPhabilitation Program, ut?lizing CDBG� . Section 312, rgiFA, and moderate rehab fur3ing sources; plann� and facilitated Section 8 new a�� subst�s�tial �- r_ehab �ro�ec�s; si-?uc�.tred singi� fa^�.ily nousing rFV��riue � bond prc�ram. G�oi:dinated establishment af t�: incr�tit district a-�d program. Directed develo�ni: of da4n�own skywalk system. . • Duties included n�otiating wiL�.h firms conte�lating capitat investrn�n�, design of a�propriate incenf_iv�s to stimulatc, suc�i investrnent, and providing assis�._ance -�o fa.�Yms ii� the structurin_q of project financing and analysis of tax . cans�u�nces. � Prepar� draft legislation, advocated City p�sitions and repres2n�.c--d the City's i.nterests in relations �•�ith 1e,qislators, legislative cca-ra�ittees, state and federal regula�ory and � funding agencies, and Congressional staff personn�l. . � ' P.;�sponsible to Mayo:-, I�layor's Administ-sat?ve 1�,ssistant ancl City Co;.uzcil. ; , , � - �s15s . 1974 - 1978 . Director, Corr:nunity Develo�nt Program, , City of Duluth_ Directed all aspects of managem�nt and ac�.nistxation of an - annual entitlemer.it yrant program of $3,600,000. Responsible . for overall program o�.-.rations, involving buc�geting, forecastang, negotiation of contracts �aith vendor agencies and firms, - establishment of prc�duction objectives, and management of � program o�rations in ccgnpla.ance with fedexal re�ulations and state and�mur�icipal laws.: , . , � � Responsible for inita.ation, operation and success�ul. conclusion - of all projects awarded Cc�urnlriity DeveloXment �rogram funds, - ranging fram capital improvements and 1and acx�uisition to housing developmer.t and socia]. service programs. Establi.shecl fiscal manag�nent system; nx�nitored and evaluated project perforrnance; and developed and directed operation of fiscal and prograirmatic reporting syster,l. Authored and carried out long-range City program �o stimulate private c�evel_oxxr�t of neG� single and r%ilti-fami.l� hous.ing utilizing federal and local financial incentives. Designed and supervised es�ablishment of City's Housing Rehabilitatian � Program. Fornzulated hoi.ising policies for Mayor and City Council. Represente� City in develo��t negotiations wzth develo�rs of multi-family projects. �2epresented the City in �:state an_d f�dera7 legislative and � regula1�..ary agency rel.ations. _ 'S�ipervised staff of five professior.al, one clerical, �and two part-t�me �loyees. Responsible to rsayor, City Council, anc� U. S. -Depart�x�t of Hausing and Urban I�velo�xrient. . 1971 - 1974 Deputy Director, Niodei City Ac�ministration, � City of Duluth. � • Responsible for admir.istering annual grant program of $1,700,000. Negotiated corr�nun_ity service and capital • improv�nt programs with private cornr►unity service agencies, and governm��ntal units; deve.loped vendor and sub-grantee coritxacts for�operation of such pro�rarns; managed grant finances and approved draws and disbursesr�nts of � funds; directecl preparation of annual p�an and budget; m�nitored operation of programs by sulrgrantee agencies. Directed staff of four professional and two clerical employees. Responsible to Direc.tar, Model City Administration, and Mayor's Ac�ninistrative Assis�nt. ,. ' . � . _ ' � - - � • During this p�ric�d. also served on an "as r�eded" basis as law ��zforcement planner and grant ac�ni_nistrutor for the . . Duluth Police D�part,-ri�nt. Designed specialized cri� deterrence programs and budgets for operation by the Police Depar-tment; preparecl qrant applicati.o:is; es:ablishe3 grant and program znanagement systems; monitored goa7.. attainr�nt and prograrn compliance. k�sponsi.ble to Chief of Police and A7ayor. 1969 - 1971 Public 7n:�orn�ation Off�cer, Mode1 City Administration, City of Duluth. Developed and conduct�d co�rmunity and re�dia relations _ _ programs. Produced monthly newsletter fon c�� distribu-�ion; prepared news releases .anc? radio/television public service ' messages; made presentations to comrrnznity and neighborhood groups; represented the City of D�aluth before various state and federal ag�ncies and deli.berative bodies. Responsil�le to Director and Deputy Director, P2ode1 City A�ministxati,on. � 1967 - 1969 News Reporter/editor, KUAL Radio and Television, Duluth. Identified and preparcd da?ly news stories. Repoxted stories on radio and televisiarl. Fraited dai.ly six and ten p.m. television newscasts. �ioduced and reported ha.l.f-hour local doclunentary television and radio pro�rams. EDUCATl'ON Bachelor of Arts c�n 1.zude, Universi�ty of Tinnesota, 1_967. and k�glish�and Speech majors: Broadcast Jourr_alism err�ahasis. TRAII3ING: Honors gr�uate, �ao uaria�rs High School, 1963. Professional I�velo�nes7t: Financing Industr�_al and Co?r�rcial Devela�nt � (Cauncil on Urban Economic Develo�nent) Real Es�tate Feasibility Analysis (Sxiety of Real Estate Appraise�s) Housing Finance (U. S. Conference of N,ay�rs) Arbitrage (Minnesota Bar Association) Job Restructuring (National Civil Service L�ac�ue) . . ' �ual F�rrploy,lr._.nt G�portunity/Affirmative Action Prog�-am Develo�n�r:t (U. S. Civil Service CAmmission) Supezvising Ipwer Sicilled E�nployees (State of A9innesota) . . � �'�y��� � ��=*o. CITY OF SAINT PAUL .R 9Y OFFICE OF THE MAYOR O .� � 1/111�I10 7 ��• 11! 11 Q ���� � 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR August 23 , 1982 TO: CITY COUNCIL FR: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER RE: KEN JOHNSON Attached for your consideration is a resolution by which Mr. Kenneth Johnson would be appointed Deputy Director for Housing in the Department of Planning and Economic Development. Attached as well is a copy of Mr . Johnson ' s resume . James Bellus, Director of PED, will be available at the committee and Council meetings to answer any questions you mic�ht have about the appointment . GL:kh Attachments cc: James Bellus �G