279153A WHI7E - C�TV CLERK t � PINK - FINANCE COUIICII CANARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAIT L � � ���� BLUE - MAVOR File NO• � �nce Ordinance N�. / � / GJ � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 33.04 Sulad. 8(10) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to permit fee� for the installation of Refrigeration equipment. THE COUNCIL OF Tf-iE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN Section 1. That Chapter 33.04 Subd. 8(10� of the Saint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Refrigeration" is hereby amended. by striking and deleting certain provisions therein and inserting i.n lieu and in place thereof the following: 33.04 Subd. 8(10) Refrigeration -f-�-��s�.,,�e�ts-��--�� �=9,9A8 b� �" ^'* , $�9.ee ���°�rs�A,AAA L��e�-€��E��e� ��e�ee��l�as e�-� �i�-ie�-�A,A�A��e�-€r�c��e�o�=°�^�. La) Refrigeration permit $12 00 plus one percent of total value of work. r,�� T„�,-.,,,���--��e,e�e �� a�1--g���e�s����-�;re-zmos-e� ,,,,_-�- r�o�t -1� .. _� __�.._ ,r i L_ ` _'�_ {E} (bZ Total value Qf work is defined under Section 33.04. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �j COMMUN Y SERVICES �e11;,,e In Favor — Masanz � Nicosia Against BY Scheibel �edacCn , Wilson SEP 2 i 1982 For Approved b Ci tt ney Adopted by Council: Date . Certified a s y Council c -BY � ' Ap o e y Mayor: D e Approv d by Mayor for Sub is ioc to C cil By BY PU$LISN€D DCT 2 � _.,�.�.�.,�v . . :.�,-,,:,_ _ � . , Housing and Building Code , ' - DEPARTMENT; �orcement '' ' CONTACT: S� Blue ROUTIfiG Ar�D EXPLRNATI�N SHEET � � PHONE: 298-4212 GREEN SHEET • , s For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreemen� ROU7ING ORDER - ROUTF BY A�,,�,IGNED NUMB�R: DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT . �3� MAYOR �1� DEPARTMENT DiRECTOR DIREC70R, FINANCE 3 MGT, SERYICES �2� CITY ATTORNEY � �4� CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION REOUESTED �Ctrj,P ALL LOCA't,IONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATURE); Approval and forward to Council for introduction. HA WI�1 BF AGHIEVFD BY TAKIMG ACTIQN ON THF ATTACHED MATERIA S �PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)?: Adj�ustment to Refrigeration permit fees to more closly reflect cost of inspections. � � F[NAI�S'l,�j . BIiD�fTAR,Y AND P�R�ON�J�J IMPACT�NT I C 1 PATED: Will result in an increase of fee incom�. Est. $10,000 increase � � � .. AT7ACHMENTS �LIS7 ALL ATTACFIMENTS): 1, Ordinance 2, 3, N c eaee .tev.�uu nece.e�-c..ty on aLtac nen.t o t e o ouung eu�pan,Lcng ocumen.t.a 9�zAnent ; _ . C.i,ty A,ttortney: • 1. Counc.,i.L Reeo�uLion R¢qwined? YES NO l. Reeo.Pu.ti.on? _VES NU � 2. Inawcance Req:�ined? yES NU 2. Inaw.ance su66�.c,�.e.�.;.��y�s NO 3. Inew�ance AL�achedt YES NO L Revision OM:4/29/82 _ ���91�`� � . . wMITE - C�TY CI.ERK !�: PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL Council CANARV - DEPARTMENT 1 "� . � BIUE - MAYOR F11C N O.Y Ordin�nce Ordinance 1��. Presented By ` Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 33.04 Subd. 8(10) of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to permit fees for the installation of Refrigeration equipment. THE COUNCZL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORIIAIN 5ection 1. That Chapter 33,04 Subd. 8(10) of the �aint Paul Legislative Code entitled "Refrigeration" is hereby amended. by striking and deleting certain provisions therein and inserting in lieu and in place thereof the following: 33.04 Subd. 8(10) Refrigeration ('�-,'r-�TJt-a�l�e�s�� ��a� ��8�-AAI�b��-�e� �e��-�aPas�t�-; �?n.98�e�1�e-#�s�8�-998 b�� e� €��6�=e� t,�i�r-se���us �3�9��-e��a�c�i��en��� �—€�c�'^„ *��. (a) Refrigeration<permit $12.00 plus one percent of total value of work. � ^Qrz6�&�-�xaix'�". „r +t,., ,...,,,.t.� {e} (b) Total value of work is defined under Section 33.04. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN , Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Fletche� �erine In Favor Masanz Schelbsl Against - BY Tedesco W ilson � Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary -BY By Annrnvr�rj hv Mavor for Submission to Council � _ . � Housi�g a�d ��c�iti�.C�t►de ` '�-:: - +. r . � -. � I��l���; �rcem�tt � � N . � . � _ .. . , ��I�� , .f_.'i. ;�:. , L1iI1�fi�t i'i ■w� w eti1�w r��..�.y.,�.N.i.ew � I� .Q� �}{�'t ��-'��r�2 ���'���� . � `'t �N��'I'1 � For �a1���►tive O�dsra, A�e�a�ic+�s, �rdin+�ncea �ea�l �+���er� ��i� ' . , � . . . . . . w�. ' �� . . . . . �V� �G.1� 7y��._ . ,,,,,,,�,,, � . . D t R��TOR OF' !�$�N� �+► 7 /� �y . . ' `r' M�IYflR L� �f�V��L i` ,(. �l� D�PlIR"i�NT t�1R$CTOR �SR�CTf3R, �IRAMCE �i M6T, S�itMt��3 { , ' {2� CITY !tl"Tf�RNlEY �4� CITY GI�f�K CT�VENED eunG�T ���g�toa �il� � -� '� � �AAYORS OFFIGE . . , �Tt r� � ��tES�ETi �sL.tA�A! 1 i,4f.AT1QNS FQa,,,,t�,,,�r,�m��, ��o�r,ar��F�; � Approva� and forward. to Cowici3. for intxoducti.on. /�ijustment to R�frigeration pernu.t :fees to more c],a�Sy reflsct cost of ± inspections. ,�,. . ./ � � . . � . � . � . . - . ��' � .. . . .,, _ �..;. _ � .. � .� , . . , . >, Wi11 r�lt in an incr�ase of fee incc�e. fist. �10,000 inere�e � , � „ . ATT�IC�NT3 +�k1B7' ��,� �kT7A �NTS): , : - , '�r�r�nl �T� I a M� y �! i! . . - . . �,� .�lllaTlC@ �� , �� , ' ' �' . , � - . .. . , � . . � � . ,;f,,.. .. . ' . - . . .. �, . � . . � -. � . . '�.p:. � � ta�r ktvx�v, �rec�e Qn. a e, a�po' ,� <� .. . .. .. ,�++�+ws i. !� F� �.�.!i . � .. � �� - �� . . i��j ,� � � � �',..���,�'� . � �°; . -�--�--•-� � I , �-»- ; , � •� 1. Co� A�,lo.t�t+.vn'Rt4w�+tcilt � lfEJ� �N0 � i. R�►�nt �YES �,Nd . . . . � . � � ... . . . .. . . f'" `Y. InAUnqnes Rsq�W+.adt ,,,�,�1►� ,,,,�Q �• Irctu9�r� '.3u��l++��,.,�,.��5 ,.._.,N� 3. 1n���Wt�+� ��t y� _,.� h . ._. . : . �� . ... ... ,....._. . ...... . . .. ..... . . . � � F t, . ���'_. ._.. .. ; . ;_- .r..� ' � "..:. : „ . - �' y A�w�A�c� `� Cl�s�t/'�if#�+ ��' ; , , , ' �� o C � �_ (� p � lst / —O�— G O{ 2nd � / D O� ,/ Ado ted y-c,'�/ �" �� 3rd g— �`� — ;l � P Yeas Nays FLETCHER J / �S� ' � �v LEVINE - �S�Z ��91�3 � ` NICOSIA � SCHEIBEL WILSON MR. PRESIDENT TIDESCO . '