279149 WHITE - CITV CIERK COUI1C11 ��91�9 PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � CANARY - OEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR FSle NO. ou il Re olution Presented By • Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the St. Paul foundation has generously offered the City of St. Paul the sum of $40,000 to assist the City's Division of Ma.npower Programs to provide part-time summer employment opportunities to disadvantaged youth within the City; and WI�REAS, the contribution and its utilization and administration is outlined in the attached information and made a part of this resolution; now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Mayor and the Council of the City of Saint Paul hereby extend appreciation to the St. Paul Foundation for its generosity and commit the government of the City of Saint Paul to the expenditure of the $40,000 gift in the provision of part-time summer jobs for City youth. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher COMMUNITY SERVICES �evine � [n Favor Masanz NiCOSia !l J scheibe� V __ A gai n s t BY �" " Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AUG 3 1 1982 Form Approved y ity A torne Certif�d, Passed b Co il S retary BY By.✓ � ' r _ t�p d by Mavor: D e �- `��P Q Approved . � B _ BY v PUBUSHfD S E P 11 19�82 • �`����'9 St. Paul Foundation Funds for Summer Youth Employment Program I. Program Administration: Department of Community Services, Division of Manpower Programs. II. Program O�erators: Independent School District 4�625: $30,000 and Summit University Crime Prevention Council: $10,000. III. Number of Participants: Approxi.mately 144 youth receiving $3.35 per hour for four (4) weeks. � � llll: �:11\ l 1'.11..L 1�(J: `�1).� 1�1O�' ,,:.��.c�;,����.E;;:.:•v. • cr,n�. ����K ,,�,��c:�.c � i Jj�;>.l cb�::z.�.s:�� SAINT PAU� !AINNESOTA:5101 T E R hI S O F G R A �t T ' P 1 e a s e R e a d C a r e f u 1 1 v ! I . AcceDtance of Grant The grant to yoiir organization from t11e Foundation is for the ex- plicit purpose(s ) described in the Grant Resolution and is subject to your acceptance of the terms described therein. To acknowledge this agreement, to accept the grant and receive the funds, return a signed copy of this "Terms of Grant" to the Foundation. Keep the other copy for your files. Please refer to the grant number and title in all communications concerning the grant. Grantee: Date Authorized: City of Saint Paul June 24 , 1982 Manpower Office � Grant Number: 79-82 Amount Granted: $20, 000 Grant Resolution: A discretionary grant to the City of Saint Paul Manpower Office of $20, 000 to help finance the 1982 Summer Youth Employment Program. Grant Period: Fotindation Officer for this Grant: Begins - July 12, 1982 Nancy Latimer Terminates - „uly Z2, 1983 II . Review of Grant �ctivitv The grantee will furnish the Foundation witti written reports ac- cordiilg to Ltie following schedule: Final report - September 30, 1983 �� � � Page 1 of 4 - • . '�� ' �'�31�� ' III . Scecial Provisions All grants are made in accordance with current and applicable laws and j�L`ZSlldllt to the Internal Revenue Service Code, as amended, and the regula�i0I15 issued thereunder. Please read the following carefully: 1. Ptiblic Ar.nouncecnents : Announcements of the grant award are Lo be macie by the grantee unless otherwise indicate3 by tl;e Foundation. Grantees are expected to review the text ef any announcements and plans for publicity with - the Foundation Officer for this grant within two (2 ), weeks of the signing of the "Terms of Grant. " Al1 sub- seque^.t public announcements, ne�as features, publica- tions or information concerning the grant program will indicate the Foundation' s participation in the program funding. Please send a copy of any published accoun�s ment�onir.g the project or the Foundation to the Founda- tion Officer. 2 . Exoenditure- of Grant Funds : This grant is for purposes • stated in the grant resolution. The funds provided hereunder may be spent only in accordance with the pro- visions of your funding request and budget as approved. The program is subject to modification only with the Foundation' s prior written approval . Funds will be dis- bursed to the grantee upon receipt of the properly com- pleted "Terms of Grant" and the satisfactory comnliance with special conditions : - (a) Any special conditions which apply to this grant, as listed, sliould be complied with as , rapidly as feasible. These conditions may � make the release of funds contingent on spe- - cial requirements and future payments contin- gent upon demonstrated performance. In such cases, you must submit adequate _evidence of compliance with the conditioiis before the Foun- dation ma�� reZ�ase funds . If you have ques- tions about the special coiiditions, contact the Foundation Officer respoiisible for the grznt. (b ) No funds provided by the Foundation may be used for aciy political CcZ]11�11C�21, or to sup�ort attempts to influeiice legislation of any gov- ernmental body other than through tnaking avail- able the results of noilparti�an analysis, study , and research. 15 :� Page 2 of 4 . � �`:91�''9 (c) E:�petlses charged agaiiist this grant may not be incurred prior to the date at �ahich the grant period begins or subsequent to its ter- mination date, and may be incurred only as necessary to carry out tre purposes and act�- vities of the approved program. (d) The grantee organization is responsible for ttle expenditure of funds and for mainta�nir� adequate supporting records cor.sistent with generally accepted accounting practices . (e) Equipment or property purchased with grant funds shall be the property of the grante� orgzi�ization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the grant was made. If the purpose of the organization or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of exist- ence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3 . Reversion of Grant Funds : The grantee will return to the Foundation any unexpended funds at the close of the grant period. Funds also wiTl be promptly returned: � (a) If the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and its supporting budget. � ' (b) If the grantee loses its exemption from Federal income taxation as provided for under Section SOl(c) (3 ) , of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. Cotivriqhts and Patents : Reports, materials, books, and articles result�ng from. this gr�.it „iay be co�iyrighted by the organization receivirig ttie .graiit or by the author, in accordance with the policies of the grantee orgaiiiza- tion, toward t17e goal of obtaining tlie widest dissemina- tion of such reports, materials, books and articles. Tlie Fouiidation reserves the royalty-free license to use sucli publicatioiz� . For projects itivolviiig tlie possibil- i�y of patents, the grantee should request further infor- maticn from the Foundation. - 18 :C Page 3 of � . � � �'��1�9 `� ti S . Grailt Feborts : Interim ReDOrts should be t�oo to three pages in length and provide a sununary of activity to date or, as appro- priate, since the last such report. These reports shoul3 include a financial summary, showing in detail how Four.- dation funds have been expended during the period. Fro^� time to time, Foundation staff will contact the grGnte� to arrange site visits to review current grant activities . Final Renorts should include a review of performance and activities over the course of the entire grant period and must be accompanied by a certified financial state- ment. Two copies of each of the required reports should be sent to the Executive Director of ThE Saiiit Paul F�u:�- dation. Please be sure to include the Grant Nu:nber ar.d date tipon which the grant was approved. 6. Limit of Commitment: Unless other�aise stipulated 'in writir.g, this grant is made with the understanding that the Foundation has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the grantee. In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES THE SAINT PAUL FOUN- DATION THAT IT HP,S I�1ADE A DETERI�IINATION REG�RDING THE APPLICABILITY � OF THE MINNESOT� CFiARITABLE SOLICITATION ACT � GRANTEE ORGaNIZi-�TION; AND IF MS 309 DOES APPLY, (THATOTHE GRANTE� ORGAN I ZATI ON INTENDS TO TRY TO COT�IPLY W I TH THE TERI�TS OF TH I S ACT. � . . � - i For the �rantee: i �( / •' l� /�/ I V�,/-"l.f�../t ._ - ---�"�, r - , Signature of� t. ori ed �-- —" . ,� Signature of Pro�ect Director ` Representativ � ( If different) Print t•1ame, Title, Dai�e �� Print Name, Title, Date ! � � � . � I For:� �pproved 3/24/82 ; i 18 :C � Page 4 of 4 - - . _ . - - - ----- - ... .------ - �---- -•------- , _ . � l ll1�: 5:1t\ 1 I':�l;L l�U��ti'U:\T�IO� � ��ZO r:OC�T�;�vESTEa•���aTiCVnI �a��K t7inLC�',� �.��J.'�=J �6tZ�22s-Saq3 s SAINT PAU: !AINNESOTA 55101 T E R M S O F G R A N T - P 1 e a s e R e a d C a r e f u 1 1 v ! I . AcceDtance of Grant The grant to your organization from the Foundation is for the ex- plicit purpose(s ) described in the Grant Resolution and is subject to your acceptance of the terms described therein. To acknowledge this agreement, to accept the grant and receive the funds, return a signed copy of this "Terms of Grant" to the Foundation. Keep the other copy for your files. Please refer to the grant number and title in all communications concerning the grant. Grantee: Date Authorized: City of Saint Paul June 24, 1982 Manpower Office � Grant Number: �9-82 Amount Granted: $20, 000 Grant Resolution: A discretionary grant to the City of Saint Paul Manpower Office ' of $20, 000 to help finance the 1982 Summer Youth Employment Program. Grant Period: Foundation Officer for this Grant: Begins - July 12, 1982 Nancy Latimer Terminates - July 12, 1983 II . Review of Grant Activitv The grantee o�ill furnish the Foundation witti written reports ac- cording to the following schedule: Final report - September 30, 1983 � 18 : C Page 1 of 4 _ ' . �`��1�9\ . �. . � � . � III . SDecial Provisions All grants are made in accordance with current and applicable laws and pursuant to the Internal Revenue Service Code, as amended, and the regulations issued thereunder. Please read the following carefully: 1 . Piiblic Announcements : Announcements of the grant award are to be made by the grantee unless otherwise indicated by the Foundation. Grantees are expected to review the text of any announcements and plans for publicity with - the Foundation Officer for this grant within two (2 ) weeks of the signing of the "Terms of Grant. " Al1 sub- sequent public announcements, news features, publica- tions or information concerning the grant program will indicate the Foundation' s participation in the program funding. Please send a copy of any published accounts mentioning the project or the Foundation to the Founda- tion Officer. 2. Extienditure - of Grant Funds : This grant is for purposes � stated in the grant resolution. The funds provided hereunder may be spent only in accordance with the pro- visions of your funding request and budget as approved. The program is subject to modification only with the Foundation' s prior written approval . Funds will be dis- bursed to the grantee upon receipt of the properly com- pleted "Terms of Grant" and the satisfactory compliance with special conditions: - (a) Any special conditions which apply to this grant, as listed, should be complied with as . rapidly as feasible. These conditions may make the release of funds contingent on spe- - cial requirements and future payments contin- gent upon demonstrated performance. In such cases, you must submit adequate evidence of compliance with the conditions before the Foun- dation ma.y ?-e]_ease funds . If you have ques- tions about the special conditions, contact the Foundation Officer responsible for the grant. (b) No funds provided by the Foundation may be used for any political campaign, or to support attempts to influence legislation of any gov- ernmental body ottier than through making avail- able the results of noilpartisan analysis, study and research. 18 :C Page 2 of 4 � ��91�9 (c) E:ipetises charged against this grant may not be incurred prior to the date at which the grant period begins or subsequent to its ter- mination date, and may be incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and acti- vities of the approved program. (d) The grantee organization is responsible for the expenditure of funds and for maintaining adequate supporting records consistent with generally accepted accounting practices . (e) Equipment or property purchased with grant funds shall be the property of the grantee organization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the grant was made. If the purpose of the organization or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of exist- ence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3 . Reversion of Grant Funds : The grantee will return to the Foundation any unexpended funds at the close of the grant period. Funds also will be promptly returned: � (a) If the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and its supporting budget. - � (b) If the grantee loses its exemption from Federal . income taxation as provided for under Section 501(c) (3 ) , of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. Conyriqhts and Patents : Reports, materials, books, and articles resulting frnm thiG ;ra�?t mal �•e ccpyri�hted by the organization receiving ttie grant or by the author, in accordance with the policies of the grantee organiza- tion, toward the goal of obtaining the widest dissemina- tion of such reports, materials, books and articles. Tlie Fouildation reserves the royalty-free license to use such ptiblications . For projects iilvolviiig tlle possibil- ity of patents, the grantee sl�ould request further infor- mation from the Foundation. � 18 :C Page 3 of 4 ��91�9` . � S . Grant RzporLs : , Interim Reborts should be two to three pages in length and provide a summary of activity to date or, as appro- priate, since the last such report. These reports should include a financial summary, showing in detail how Foun- dation funds have been expended during the period. From time to time, Foundation staff will contact the grante� to arrange site visits to review current grant activities . Final Renorts should include a review of performance and activities over the course of the entire grant period and must be accompanied by a certified financial state- ment. Two copies of each of the required reports should be sent to the Executive Director of The Saint Paul Foun- dation. Please be sure to include the Grant Number and date upon which the grant was approved. i 6. Limit of Commitment: Unless otherwise stipulated in writing, this grant is made with the understanding that the Foundation has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the grantee. � In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in � this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES THE SAINT PAUL FOUN- DAT I ON THAT I T HAS MADE A DETERT�II NAT I ON REGARD I NG THE APPL I CAB I L I TY OF THE MINNESOTA CHARITABLE SOLICITATION ACT (MS 309 ) TO THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION; AND IF MS 309 DOES APPLY, THAT THE GRANTEE ORGANIZATION INTENDS TO TRY TO COP�IPLY WITH THE TERMS OF THIS ACT. For the �rantee: I � C�i�� �, Signaiure o Aut110 ized Signature of Project Director Representative J , ( If different) Print Name, Title, Date Print Name, Title, Date I � ; For:� �pproved 3/24/g2 � 18 :C Page 4 of 4 _ _ _ .- , i • • . . •.. , � i .t t �. 1 t ! . . � i i.\ 1 1 1/, f� ,'�y-- 1', ... . . .` . ;..1 . . . . ,.._. , G� ���C��':_,�..� �_ ,-. .._ �.�, ..._;,_- : ..,, ` � , O ` ,` ��`.��� � r �, �. ,� �: _ ---.�-.f� ,,.� � .:,� - '; .,, D 1 � �? s t' � .� ? V C� - � ,� 1 1 ., � { �v.';�� - , %�`-�,, 1 . c?C;.'��.C`Zi:C� oi l��- - ct ��"`-..., '�/�irC�^rvr4�r�., - 'Q_ �� )J' - �,_ o �f�. r.,�a �C� T;.•� c_:^t to �.�o.:- �.-�.. ., ,_; Jr .--, • . � r_�:n t_:e Foui?d«tion � fcr _�: ex- J p?�c�.:. pt�T-pose�s ) c�sc��:�J4 ir.� the Gr�h� Resolut�Gl1 cZI:d is �u�jec� to yo::r accept�::ce c� �'::� t�r�� cescii�ed ti�erein. To ac�::c:�lecg� tr=s ac��e:�ent, to acc`pt the C�?"dilt anc rece�ve t�e fu:lds, �eLT.:=n a si�:�e�: cop• of this "Terms of Grant" to tY:e Foundation. I;e�p �^� o�he� coay for �our files . Ple�se re�er to t7` C�"�'nL n'"'`•',;;��-'= 2-1� t?�`-1? 1TI all COI�.'u<<Ui!1C3tions. conce�-nirg t};� C��c:1 tL. . G�ant�e : Date tlut::ori�ed: � City of Saint Pan? for June 23, 1982 - - the Division oY i�lannower Programs � G�ant Number: 6g-g2 Amount Granted: $20, 000 Grant Resolution: � � see attached C�ant P�ricd: Four.d�tion Oificer for this Gr�i1t: Eegin� - June 23, 1982 Nancy Latimer Ter:�inaLes - July 12, 1983 II . R���:ie�.� of Gr.:�nt =:ct<<lit , T::� Cy��;?2L^_n `�li 1 ? ���:;i.'i:7 �}:'? F'011I1C�c1tIGT1 Wl��l wr�ttf.'I1 IE.'�JOit� clC- CQ=G�l:,f �O L:.:C _�1�:.;:11!: �C:i�QL11C? '7 • Final report - September 30, 1983 _� . � P:y� i oi Y . " ' _ : • �, III . Scec�al prov; sions , A11 grants a.r� m��de in ac�o�dance with currer.t and and pt:2SUciilt to the aPPlicable lac•;s In"'--nal Revenu: Service Cocie, as amer_ded, ar.d t`:e regulat�ons issu::� the,-eunde_r. care��.:lly: Plznse read the followi:lg 1 . Ptib?;c A;,�ot:i_:°,';',Pr�S : Announc�ments of the qrant awa�d are to be mac� Dy Lhe grantee unless otherwise indicated by tt.e �ounda�ion. Grantees are exnected to revie:v t.� te.:t of any a:z;�ounce:�ents and plans for publicity with the Foundatiol. Officer for this grant within t�r�o (2 ) weeks of the si�nir.g of the "Terms of Gra;�t. °' A�i sub- sequ�nt public a:^ounc�mer_t�, news fea�ures, pu5lica- tions or infc�:�ati�r� conc�r:?ing the grant ro �am wiI indic�te the rou^daticn's p � 1 participation in t.ze pr� --,�� fundir.g. Please se�d a cop;% or any published acco r�� mention�r.g tre project or th� Fou:�dation to tr� �', tion Of�icer. � 1�-- � �lln�:a- 2 . Exnenditure � of Grant Fiinds : This grant is for stated in th� grunt resolution. The funds ppovideds hereunder may be s�ent only in accordance with the pro- visions of your fu�ding request and budget as agproved. The program is subject to modification on�y with the Foundation' s prio� written approvzl . Funds will be dis- bursed to the g�an�ee upon receipt of the properly co;:- - pleted "Terms oz Grant'� and the satisfactory cc:,pl�,�nce with special conditi�r:s : (a) Any special conditions whicli apply to this grar.t, as listed, should be complied with as . rapidly as feasible. Tilese conditior.s mav ma};e t�,e release of funds contingent on spe- cial requirementS c`lI1C� future payments contin- qent u�ion �3a,nn„�t,-at_ed pe�fo�mance. in such cases, yoti must subci?zt adequate evide:ice of cornpliai?ce with ttie COIIC�lt10215 before the Foun- datio:� may release funds . If you have ques- tions abotit the special corlditions, contact ttie Foundation Officer respoiisible for the grant. (b ) No ftt:.ds provided by the Fotindaticrl mZy �� used £or an,; political campaign, or to support atte;r,���s to in�luence legislation oi any go��- ernme:�tal podv ott.er th�1n tht'ough makiiig avail- dtJl�: t�:�? i'C'5111.t:5 Ot IlOI1paL't1��Z[7 dllc7l.�'Sl$� Sti;G� � and researctz. � �`' ls :c Page 2 of 4 � ��'91�9 � - � III . Soecial Provisions All g::ants are made in accordance with current and applicable la�:�s and Dl:i"SUcZIlt �o the Internal Revenue Service Cod�, as amended, arid t:^.e regul�tions issued thereurid�r. Please read the followinc care�.:llv: 1 . P;iblic �r.nouncements : Ani:our.c�ments of the grant awG�d are to be nia�e by the grantee unless other�aise indica��3 by tlle Poundation. Grantees are expected to reviei.a t�e text o� any ar.nounce:nents and plans for publicity wi�:� the Foundation Ofticer for this grant within two (2 ) weeks of the signing of the "Terms of Grant. " Al1 suh- secuent public announcements, nec•rs features, publica- tions or information concerning- t2�e grant program will indicaLe the Foundation' s participation in tiie prog�a:� fun��ng. Please send a cop�% or any published �ccounts mentio::ing the project or the Foundation to the Founda- tion Of�icer. 2 . Extienditure - of Grant Funds : This grant is for purposes stated in the grant resolution. The funds provided � hereun�er may be spent only in accordance with the pro- visions of your funding request and budget as approved. � The program is subject to modification only with the Four.dation' s prior written approval . Funds will be dis- bursed to the. grantee upon receipt of ttie properly con- pleted "Terms of Grant" and the satisfactory compliance witn specizl conditions : • (a) Any special conditions which apply to this grant, as listed, should be complied with as . rapidly as feasible . T11ese COI1C�1t1OI15 mav . make the release of funds contingent on spe- • cial requiremeiits and future payments contin- gent upon demonstrated performance. Iii sticii cases, you must subinit adequzte evidence of compliancc� with the cor..ditions ;�efore the Foun- dation may release funds . If you have ques- tions about� the special coc�ditions, contact the Foundation Officer responsible for the grant. (b) No funds provided by the Foundation mzv he used for atiy political campaiqci, or to support attempts to influecice legisl��tioii of aiiy gov- ertimental body oL-l:er th�zn through making avail- _ � able the results of I10I1�Jartisan analysis, study � and researc;i. 19 : C � 'Page 2 of 4 . , . . ^ ' ��J���J (c) E:cpeiises charged agains� this graTlt may no� be inctirred prior to the date at �.�hich the grant period begins or subsequent to its ter- mination date, and may be incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and ac��- vities of the approved program. (d) The grantee org�nization is responsible for ttie expenditure of funds and for maintainirg adequate supportiz�g records consistent wit� generally accepted accounting practices . (e ) Equipment or property purchased with grant funds. shall be the property of the qrante� organization so long as it is not diverted from the purposes for which the grant was , made. If the purpose of the organizatio� or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of exisz- ence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3 . Reversion of Grant Funds: The grantee will return to the Foundation any unexpended funds at the close of tfie grant period. - Funds aiso will be promptly returned: (a} If the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of • Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and its supporting budget. " .(b) If the grantee loses its exemptioi7 from Federal . income taxa�ion as provided for under Section 501(c) (3 ) , of the Internal Reveiiue Code, 4. Convrichts _ and Patelits : Reports, materi�ls, books, and articles resulting from this grant may be copyrighted by the organization receiving tlie grant or by tlze author, in accordance with the policies of the grantee organiza- tion, toward tlie goal of obtaining the widest disseniina- tio:i of stich reports, materials, books and articles. Tlie Foundation reserves tlze royalty-free ].icense to use such publications . For projects involvi�ig i:he possibil- ity oL patecits, the gr��ntee sllould reqiiest ftiri:lZer infor- maticn from the Foundation. �• 18 :C M •Page 3 of 4 � 5 . Grar,t Re�ori�s : Intt?--m Re�orts stlotild be two to �hree pages in lengt:� alld :�rev�de a summary of activity to date or, as appro- priate, siiZCe the last such report. These reports shou'd ir:cl�ue a fii�ancial su;�li-nary, showing in detail how rou:.- datian fu7ds have been expended during the perioc. Fro^� time to time, Foundation staff will contact the grantee to arrar.5e site visits to review current grant activit:�s . Fina? Re:,orts should include a review of perfor�anc� and activities over the course of the entire .gran� period and must be accompanied by a certified financial state- meizt. Two copies of each of the requir.ed reports should be s�nt to the Executiv�� Direc'�.c�r �i: 1�ne �,aln� pz,aZ �•ou.�_ dation. Please be sure to include the Grant NUI�..De?' and date tipon whicn the grant was approved. 6 . Limit of Commitmer.t: Unless other;aise stipulated ,in writing, this grant is made wit�Z the understar.Ging that the Foundation has no obligation to provide oth�`r o_r additional support to the grantee. In accepting the g�ant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES TF:E SAINT PAUL FOtJ�;- DATION THAT TT HAS I�IADE A DETERT�II�1aTION REGaRDING TFiE APPLICi:�ILITv OF THE MINNESGT� CHARITABLE SOLICITATION ACT (P�1S 309 ) TO THE � GRANTEE ORGANIZ�TIGN; AND IF T�IS 309 DOES APPLY, TI-iAT TF3E GR�;TE� ORGr�NIZ��TI0i1 Ii3TENDS TO TRY TO COT�IPLY WITH THE TERP�IS OF THIS ACT. For the Grantee: � �.''�i���i • �l ' Signature of tju liorize Signature of Project Director Representative ( IF differeiZt} Richard J. Thorpe ' Manpower Director 7/21/82 Print Ptame, Title, Date Print Nam�, Title, Date For^� ,?pp;'oved 3/2-�/82 �S : C �Page 4 of 4 . . . . .. � � a-. . �. � i. • c � .� 1 �. �� � . � ,.\ ii, i ... . . .. . . --. -- ; . . .. . _ ::,. . .. . . � �y��i� � . __ .. . . _ ..; . ._.... _ . .. � ' ' �:: T`��. `- _ 1 � O �: :� :\ i; '� _^1�f� ,'�:-. - ,' •� _� ' ' , .. ;� ��._ J 1 •y c? S t°_ t; c'? ? C? C - :1 1. � ;r 1 I l�r,�.��.� ,`-���. ` �t _ � ... �J,`,`�� 1r I . �c:.�e`a�:c� o� G_ - `�.�. ��nir `�`��r:� - \`�O °/ ' �,�d f� c�� T;e c_Z^ �,•o•:� -- --,:=�o f : t to , _ c�_:..__� -� n �'o:� �.:� Fout? ' ?� fcr - . , : - �� c.�,�ic:� � �.. e��- D_ C�� `�JI�L'FOS?( 5 � �=�SC���'J°�^.�, li: t�le Citc;�:2�: RCSOIL1tiCR :1I:.�. 1S .r'il'.�.^�]e�..''. t.0 VO::�" dCC���:^C� O� L:`:` t°=[;t� t';e.SC�iJe.tl t.IlZ��??Il. To ac::!c:�l�cc� th�s ac_`e:^ent, to acc�pt the grant anc rece�ve t'�e funds, rc��.;=n a si;�ec co;_� of th?s "Ternis of Grant" to tre Foundation. Ke�p t^� o�'�e� co�y for �our files . Ple�se re_er to tz� g�an� T1L':^�2Z- e_�a t�tle in all co:�,:;,u:�ications conce_-Zir.g t!:� c��nt. G=an��e D�t� Aut::ori�ed: City of Saint Pau� �or June 23, 1982 - � the Division or ��anoocaer Programs . � G=ant Ntimber: 6g-g2 Amount Granted• $20, 000 Grant P.esoluticrt: �� • see attached C��nt period: FoundZtion Officer for this Gr�nt: �e�'-'�=' - June 23, 1982 Nancy Latimer Te=:�i:ia�es - July 12, 1983 I I . Revie�.� of Gr��nt ::ct�vit-. T�:� �^�r2t:Cr' ili 1 � ��:�i'.i.:a:l L '^ ' 9-�-- t._ Fo�uldat�on witti wr�tte�i re:��rt� ac- C.^.=C:1:.f LO t:::C :OZ�G:-!1!:•7 5'.,C;i�QUl(3. Final report - September 30, 1983 __ . .: PZy� i oL Y : _. . 0 III . SLec��1 Prov;sions . All grants are made iil Gc�o�dance �vith currer.t and applicable laws ar.d pursuant to the Int��-nal Revenue Service Code, as amer.ded, ar.d t`::e regulations issuec the�-e�snder. Please read the followi:.g caref�.:lly: 1 . Pllb?'c .�i�ro�'-i:�°:�e-^-�s ; Announc�ments of the grant aw��d are t� be mac� by the grantee unless otherwise indicate3 by tt:e Founc�tion. Grantees are expected to revie�� t::� te::t of any an:�ounce.ments and plans for publicity with the Foundation Ofticer for this grant within two (2 ) weeks of the sian?ng of .the "Terms of Grant. °' Aii sub- sequent public announcemer_ts, news fea�ures, pu�lic�- tions or infc�:�ati�n concer�ing the grant prog�am will indic�te the Feundation's � participation in the prog�a:,i fundir.g. �please sen� a copy of any published ac;.our_�s mentionir.� the project or th� Foui:cation to the Fcunc:�- tion O�ficer. 2- Exnenditure � of Grant Funds : This grant is for stated in t�ie grant resolution. The funds p ro ideds hereunder may be spent only in accordance with the pro- visions of your funding request and budget as approved. The program is subject to modification only with the Foundation' s prior written approval . Funds will be dis- bursed to ttie grantee upon receipt of the properly com- - plete� "Terms oz Grant" and the satisfactory ce:�plianc� with special conditions: (a) Any special conditions wliich apply to thi$ grant, as listed, should be complied with as . rapidly as feasible. These conditions mav ma}:e tt:e release of funds contingent on spe- cial requirementS dI1C� future payments contin- qent upon �amp��ttrat:nd p�iiormance. in such cases, you must submit adequat� evide:zce of compliai�ce with the coilditions before the Fo;in- daLion may release funds . If you have ques- tions about the special condiLions, contact ttie Foundation Officer respoiisible for the grant. (b ) No ftin�s provided by the Fotindatio.i mzy �� Lls��i for an1 political ca►qpaign, or to support at�c:�p`s to influezice legislatioil of aily gov- ern,�ie:ital body ott.�r th�zn tt1L'OIIQtl llid}{lI1C� avail- db1�= j:F;�° 2'CSl11t:S Ot I1011�dl tl;�lll dI1�11}';15, StI:G��% � and re�ea�c.l. ' 18 :C • Page 2 of 4 '1 � . • ' • -. - - ���1�� FESOLVED t��iat a grar.t cf $20 , 000 , to tre Cit�.• o� Sair.t Paul fer the Di��isicr of T•�anFo�4�er Progr�r�s, to help f inar�ce the 1982 Sar.,ner Youth Employr,.ent prcgram,, is approved, sub- jec� to tY:e iallo;•;irg terms ar,� conditicns: 1 . Funcs cranted will be used as follo�Ys: $1G , OOC for the Sair�t Pau1 Public School Center fcr Ycuth Eraplo��ment and TrZinir.g. $10 , 00C for the Sunmit-University Crin;e Prever.tion � Council . 2 . In approving this grant, the Distribution Cor:�mittee ad- vises tre grar�ee and those ar,•ercies affected by thi� grunt t�ut participaticn in unaerv:ritinr, expenses for 1982 sli:,.�er youth er;ployr�ent progr�r�s is not to be con- siaere� a guarantee of annu�l subsic;y by The Sair.t Paui. Foun�4ticn for this pur�;cse. , ., - . � (c) E:�perises charged against this graTit may no� be inctirred prior to the date at which the grant period begins or subsequent to its ter- mination date, and ma�t be incurred only as necessary to carry out the purposes and act;- vities of the approved program. (d) The grantee organization is responsible for ttie expenditure of funds and for maintainir.g adequate supporting records consistent with generally accepted accounting practices . (e ) Equipment or property purchased with gran� fun��. shall be the property of th� qran�ee organization so long as it is not diverted froin the purposes for which the grant was made. If the purpose of the organizatio*? or the use of grant funds is changed, or if the grantee organization should go out of exist- ence, the equipment or property reverts to the Foundation. 3 . Reversion of Grant Funds : The grantee will return to the Foundatlon any unexpended funds at the close of the grant period. Funds also will be promptly returned: (a) If the Foundation determines that the grantee has not performed in accordance with the "Terms of - Grant" or met the specific grant conditions of the approved program and zts supporting budget. � .(b) Tf the grantee loses its exemption from Federal income taxation as provided for under Section 501(c) (3 ) , of the Internal Revenue Code. 4. Con-rricrhts _ and Faterits : �eports, materills, books, and articles resulting from this grant may be copyrightec! by the organization receiving the grant or by the author, in accordance with the policies of the grantee organiza- tion, to�r�ard the goal of obtaining the widest disseniina- tio,i of stich reports, m�terials, book� and articles. Th� Foundation reserves tlie royalty-free license to use suc:l pt:blications. For projects lI1VOlV1I1C� t�l� possibil- it�y o� pateiits, the grantee sliould req�iest fiirttier in£or- maticn from the Foundation. * Is �� Page 3 of 4 ' . � � �`��1�� . S . Gr Zt,t Re�orts : Interim Re�orts stlould be two to �hree pages in lengtn aiid provide a summary of activity to date or, as appro- priate, since the last such report. These reports shou'd ii:cl::ue a fiiiancial sununary, showing in detail how rour.- dation funds have been expended during the period. Fro� time to tin�e, Foundation staff will contact the grantee to arrar.5e site visits to review current grant activities . Final Re:,orts should include a review of performance and activities over the course of the entire .gran� period and mus� be accompanied by a certified financial state- ment. Two copies of each of the requir.ed reports shou?d be sent �o the Executivt� Diz�ec'�c�r ox`. ':i�ne Saini� �'au1 t'oun- dation_ Please be sure to include the Grant Nur�.i�er and date upon whicn the grant was approved. 6. Limit of Commitment: Unless otherwise stipulated in writir.g, this grant is made with the understar.ding that the roundation has no obligation to provide other or additional support to the grantee. In accepting the grant, the grantee accepts the terms stated in this agreement. Further, THE GRANTEE ADVISES THE SAINT PAUL FOIJ�l- DATION THAT IT H,yS I�IADE A DETER2�IINATION REGaRDING TFiE APPLICr.�I L?1`_' OF THE MINNESGTA CHARITABLE SOLICITATION ACT (r1S 309 ) TO THE � GRANTEE ORG�NIZ�TIGN; AND IF TrIS 309 DOES APPLY, TFif�T TF3E GR�'TE� ORGt1NIZ��TI0i1 IiJTENDS TO TRY TO COT�IPLY WITH THE TERP•IS OF THIS ACT. For the Grantee: l . � (/`�--,f�P-,f' �-..•f Signature of tiu horize Signature of Project Director Representative ( If different) ' Richard J. Thorpe Manpower Director 7/21/82 Print t•lame, Title, Date Print Nanie, Title, Date Forr► �?pproved 3/2-�/�32 1S : C Page 4 of 4 ,. � DEPAR�MENT; �omm. Serv./Manpower �ROUTING A�D EXFLANATI�N SHEET • CONTACT: Richard Thorpe GREEN SHEET PNONE: 298-4904 For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances aad Agreements ��`�'��� ROUTING ORDER - ROU7E BY ASSIGNED NUMRFR; DIRECTOR OF MANAGEMENT 3 MAYOR 2 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE $ MGT, SERYICES 1 CITY ATTORNEY 4 ' CITY CIERK BUDGET DIRECTOR D� p,�, ACTION REOUEsTED �C1 tP A 0 6TIDN FOR MAYORA Sif NAT1IRF): AUG 5 — ��2 Authorizing signatures MAYOF�S OFFICE �IHAT WILI BE ACH1EVFn BY TAK1N+ A TtnN ON TH ATTA H D MATFRIA� s (p iRPOa AND RATIONAI F)�• City of St. Paul will receive $40,000 to provide part-time summer employment opportunities to economically disadvantaged youth. FJNANCtA1 , BtD� TARY AND PFRtnNN I IMPA TS AhTI IPAT D; The City of St. Paul will receive $40,000 from the St. Paul Foundation. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALl ATTACHMENTS): � 1. Council Resolution 2, Program Outline 3. .2 ��� 6.ra,�r i9.,..,�.o: ¢nee aev.cesu neceae.c,ty 6oR n.t,ta. en.t o .t e 50 ow�c►ig auppon,L<.ng ocumen�ta t.bnen.t : . . C.i,ty A.Ltortney: . 1. Counc.�.t Reao.�u.t.i.on Reqwi.ted? �YES NU 1. Reao�.u,Li.on? ' YES N� 2. Ineunance Req;�i�ed? YES �NO 2. Ineunance Su6�.i.c.i.en.t? yES N� 3. I��aw�ance Attached? Y�S ' NU Revisian 0*f:4/29/82