279146 WHITE - CITV GLERK �'�91�� PINK F FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L COUIICII CANqRY - DEPARTMENT &�UE - MAVOR File N . C u cil solution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul is in the last quarter of its three-year Housing Assistance Plan - 1979-82; and UJHEREAS, the three-year goals for the Housing Assistance Plan (HAP)included a "zero units" goal for new elderly rental housing because no elderly resources were expected to be available; and WHEREAS, the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced opportunity for developers in the Twin Cities and Duluth to apply for Section 202 housing develop- ment funds for elderly rental housing; and WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul has over 130 units of housing remaining in its goal for family housing yet no opportunity exists to provide those units; and WHEREAS, provision of elderly rental housing is the City's second housing assistance goal if opportunities are not available for family housing, and would implement the City's Housing Policy Plan Policy 3-4 which states "continue to support the development of assisted housing for elderly households in those neighborhoods where existing supply is low and where demand is apparent"; and WHEREAS, several applications have been made to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for elderly projects in areas of Saint Paul wnere supply is low and demand apparent; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Saint Paul has approved the attached amendment to the Housing Assistance Plan and recommends adoption by the City Council ; and WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Saint Paul has held a public hearing on Aug. 31st, 1982, regarding the attached amendment to the Housing Assistance Plan-1972-82, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLUED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul adopt an amendment to the City's Housing Assistance Plan which establishes a new goal of 130 units COUNCILMEN Requested by Department oE: Yeas Nays Fletcher �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ __ Against BY Tedesco Wilson Form Appr ved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date ' r Certified Yassed by Council Secretary By �✓�—a gy ,slpproved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - — — BY WHITE - CITV CI..ERK COUI1C11 �i��1��.�� PINK - �INANCE GITY OF SAINT PALTL CANARY'- DEPARTMENT BLVE - MAVOR File NO. Ordindnce Ordinance N�. Pcesented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date of "new rental units" for elderly persons for the remainder of the 1979-1982 three-year Housing Assistance Plan and a corresponding amendment to its 1982 one-year goals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mayor George Latimer as chief execui:i�e of the City of Saint Paul , is hereby authorized and directed to submit the attached amendment to the Housing Assistance Plan to the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development in such form as prescribed by the regulations of said Department. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � _ �evine In Favor Masanz Nicosia � Against BY Scheibel Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date AU�j � i r�82 Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie assed Co S retary BY : By App ove y Mayor: t � SEP '. � Approved by Mayar for Submission to Council By BY t!Bl.ISttEti S�P �, I 198� 1 . ��►=*o,� � ` CITY OF ►.�AINT PAUL ��`�1�� a;�', OFFICE OF THE MAYOR �o ,�-}., � 4 iiii�i'ii ii � ��� ryQ ���� 347 CITY IiALL SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 G�ORGE LATiMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR July 7, 1982 Victor Tedesco, President and Members of the City Council Seventh Floor - - - City Hall Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear President Tedesco and Members of the City Council : The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUO� has announced the availability of financing and Section 8 rental subsidy funds for the construction of 300 to 400 units of rental housing for the elderly. The funds are available for projects proposed in the Twin Cities and Duluth. Several pr•ojects have been proposed for St. Paul . The City's Housing Assistance Plan, which will be used to judge the appropriateness of the subsidized units. Presently that plan has a "zero" units goal for elderly rental housing. The Dlan placed all of its rental units goal into family housing. ,1�wever, we are at the end of the plan's three-year life cycle and have over 130 units o� "family" hausing goal unexpended. There are no federal funds with which to meet this "family units" goal . It is appropriate therefore to exercise the plan's second priority and substitute the unit goal to elderly housing. Attached is an amendment to the City's Housing Assistance Plan, 1979-82. 7he amendment changes the elderly rental housing units goal from zero to 130 units. The change will allow developers in St. Paul to take advantage of the proposed funding being made available by HUD. The Planning Commission has reviewed the amendment and approved it at their July 9th meeting. Attached is their resolution urging you to adopt the amendment. I also encourage you to make the change. St. Paul has a good chance of securing funding for at least one elderly housing project. It will benefit the city's elderly as well as provide needed jobs and new smaller housing units in the city. Sincerely, . e e Latimer . Myr GL:dmm cc: Ci�y Clerk Steve Grochala �G . . ' . ;. ►'J A • ' � 8 ��'$� city of saint paul pf anning commission resolution file number 82-2� date July 9, 1982 : WHEREAS, the City of.St. Paul is in the last quarter of its three-year Housing Assistance Plan -' 1979-82; and � WHEREAS, the three-year goals for the HAP included a "zero units" goal for new elderly rental housing because no elderly resources were expected to be available; and WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development has announced opportunity for developers in the Twin Cities and Duluth to apply for � Section 202 housing development funds for elderly rental housing; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul has over 130 units of housing remaining in its goal for fami.ly housing yet no opportunity exists to provide those units; and WHEREAS, provision of elderly rental. housing is the City's second housing assistance goaT if opportunities are not available for family housing; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul approves an amendment to .the City's Housing Assistance Plan . which establishes a new goal of 130 uni.ts of "new rental units" for ' elderly persons for the remainder of the 1979-1982 three-year Housing Assistance Plan and a corresponding amendment to its 1982 one-year goals. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City of St. Paul recomrnends that the City Council adopt this amendment to the Housing Assistance Plan - 1979-1982 and forward the amendment to the Department of Housing and Urban Development. moved by. Lanegran seconded by �eVY in favor ,5 against o , ;��7:�1�a • , . • • Form Approved - . . OMB No.63•Ri�71 �Uy o 0 ARTMENT OF HOUSING�ND URBAN DEVEIOPMENT �• NAME OF APPLICANT . COMMUNITY OEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM C1 t Of St. PdU� ` � 2. APPLICATION/GRANT NUMBER ..- HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN ' �;';. _. TABLE V•ANNUAI.HOUSING ACTION PROGRAM g :�:' . ANNUAL GOAL �. - - 7 9 — M C — 2 1 O O O 7 ''� 4. ❑ ORIGINAL - - -- - _ _ . 3. PERIOD OF APPLICABIUTY '" -r°' - �s�KEY*':�+�;; FROM � � TO T.puNCH.�,;:: ❑ REVISION,DATE '�^,. • �:� a �x CO�E'�:�� � ��10/1/81 9%30/82 ��,;� F„�Y::: L�I AMENDMENT,OATE fi f 17 f�� �� .r....cs�:�:: , . „�.. :'.er^ • NUMBER OF LOWER-INCOME HOUSEHOLDS TO BE ASSISTEO .::•'=� ' . EO.DERLY SMALL LARGE �"�" TYPES AND SOURCES OF HOUSING ASSISTANC� ��������s� • FAMILY � FAMILY TOTAL AND ' /4 oi less (5 oi mon ' HANO{- , CAPPED J Personsl Personsl fil fbl fe/ fdl !e1 ��'��'` � A. Totel Gost:�or Housinp Assinance for Homeownert., ;;Y.'- r:��o�is�.sz,�,es� 525 - - - - _:;.;: ;:.: :A,�. 2 1. New Construaion Assistsnee for Homeownert ' � '<''c lsum of/inss 3 u►d�l 3 HUD Assisud Propnrtu - — — 4 Other� . � • • •5 . 2. Rehsbilitstion Asslstsnc�Jor Homsown�rs fsum o/linu 6,�,�d 81 .� � 525 0 "' - - -, 6 Community Development Bloek Grants — � � �- - 7 HUD Assisted Propnrtu Secti on 312 35 - - - a o�he► . MHFA Loan Grant 225 12 - - - g B. Totel Gosl:for Hou:inp Assisunee for Rsnters � �s�m o�irx:�o, �3, �s.�arl� . . 522*�� 237* 239* 46* . 10 � i. Assistance for Prospective HorrKOwnerc • " . . .. (sum o1lJries 1 f+1?1 ' . . . . 11 HUD Assisted Proprsrtu 12 Other' • � 13 2. New R�ntal Units , � lm�n ot/ines ft and!Sl Z2�* 130* � 87* 10* . 14 HUD Assisted Propramt ect�on � � • 10 . 15 Other' 16 3. Rehabiiitstion of Rtntal Units • . !wm ot��nes �7. f8�nd 1 f1 1�O 6 9 � 9 5 6 . 17 Cpmmunity Cevelopment Block Gnnts . 18 HUO Assisted Propnms(wn►of/fnes 19+201 19 Subst�ntisl ReMbilitstion 20 Seetion 8 Existing with Moderate Rehabilitstion • ' 21 , Other• ' 22 4. Ezistiny Rentsl.Units• . . . �:��,o�v�:ss+?61 125 ' 38 57 • 30 23 ' HUD Anisted Progroms lsuin ofli�es 24+?51 ' 125 3$ 5� 3� 24 • With Rep�ir � zs �thoutRepair Section 8 & LRPH & NHS 125 38 57.' 30 26 Other• � NAR RAT{VE (Attach addiriona/sheets if necessary and identify wid�items above) � J 1, Footnote units to be provided specificaliy for the handicapped. * Amended Fi gures ' • ' 2. �escribe the programs listed under this category., � � 3. Describe those actions necessary to.facilitate the accomplishment of the�goals. , Incremental Year of Submission • ' � Tables I, I) and IV of the Three Year HAP approved _are � O 1 ❑ 2 �1 3 incorporated by reference and are not contained in this (secondJ (�irdJ year submission.. �evious Edition it Obsolete � � Huoaoss t,a�sf I ' . OMB No.63•R1471 � + 1. NAME OF APPLICANT � U�.DFPARTMENT�OF•HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT �Q /� � COMMUNITY DEVELOf'MENT B�UCK GRANT PROGRAM C1 ty Of St. Paul � � �✓�'7,� � ' 2. APPLICATION/GRANT NUMBER _ HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN TABLE 11.1 •THREE YEAR HOUSING PROGRAM B — � 9 _ M � _ 2 7 _ O O O .7 THREE YEAR GOAL ::�:: . :�. ;: 3. PERIOD OF APPUCABILITY ' :. .. ` .. ' '. '. � ''•::_ y� .KEY `.; 4. D ORIGINAL �r �: FROM TO .r:.: PUNCH '�� . �� `� ❑ REVISION,DATE . � 10/1/79 9/30/82 CODE � � �: . � �:E f '' w::•: . y� :•., � AMENDMENT,OATE (����HZ ��: NUMBER OF LOWER-INCOME HOUSEt?OLDS TO BE ASSISTED ;;��:`� . . . t,,,_. � � ELOERLY :'`:�'-: :��. .. ff•2 peisonsJ SMALL LARGE. s�: ::..:: . TYPES AND SOURCES OF HOUSING ASSISTANCE' FAMILY FAMiIY• r y' TOTAL AND -�;' � �• - • ' HANDI- (4 or/esr . (5 or mDro it�.:�:::.. . ' CAPPED� P�rsorul Personsl <;t�':.. ' • fbl fcJ ld/ � '''-:{: .rr;:.... �::;F;• 1 A. 7otal Gosis for Housinp Assisunce for liom�ownea '�';•;,:�: sum ol lines?and 51.• �590 `^;r;••. 2 1. New Construction Assistance for Homeowners (sum of 3 snd�1 � "�v'� 3 HUD At:isted Proprsmt 2C 1011 � 5 ' -y���� �� 4 Other• ��:^c 5 2. Rehabilitation Auistsnce for Homeowners �5�4 — — '�~'.^• (sum of linet 6,7 and 81 — �','''" r.;::. 6 Community Development Block Gnnt� — — � — 7 HUD Assisted Prognms 2� l Otl — — — �°�^'� ..�._: $ Other• Od►1 1"dll � ' ' ' - 9 B. Totai Goals for Housin9 Hss�ttance or omeowners . 'y�'�`�. 10096 `� � °� ��Y Percentsge oi Household Type • 10. . Totat osli for ousmp �:tsnu or enters �045 330* � 527* �$$* ' " (sum of/ines 11, 14, f7 t 231 •• 11 1. Assistance for Prospective Homeownert , ' fsum ol/ina !2+f3J • ' 12 HUD lusisted Proprartu 13 Other' ' �a Z. New Rentsi Units • 310 130* 150* 30* ' �'"� • fsum of/ines 15+161 �;�.v' . ..�.:>: 15 HUD Assisted P(oprams 3�� �3� �5� 3� . 16 her• ''= 17 3. Rebsbilitation of Rental Units . ,��� • 360 118 211 31 �''�� ' (sum of/ines f8, t9+Z21 �.-.`�: :C;nr:_' 18 Community Development Block Gnnts . ' ''•`�":�': �;�.::;. 19 • HUD As:irtsd Proprams s�m of lina 20 t f 2 � 3 .'`'``'� ti:y:� Zo Substsntial Rehabilitat�«� 225 112 113 � 0 '`��"'�� ::;:�:; 21 Section 8 Existinp with Moderat�R�Ftiabilitstion • 135 ( . '{";`;,- 22 Othsr °= 23 4. Existinp Rental Unitt .::."•;, lsum of lines?4 +z�l 37 5 =�='� •J(�• 24 HUD Auisted Proprsms Isum of lin�r 25 f?61 37 5 2 25 With Repsir 26 WithoutRepair SeCtion 8 & LRPH & NHS 375 82 lfi6 127• •�:-,. 27 Other 5::•-_•. yg D. Totai Goals tor Hou:inp Auistance tor Renters by ��� � � e� �M;:'.. Pereentage of Household Type �•=;:.:�� ' tJ��,� 29 E. Totsl Goal:for HU�Assisted Rental Units by �QQ96 32_ % 50� �� °'�O ��•: Percentspe of Houuhold Type ``4�'.' '��:•{: =:ys;:�. NARRATIVE (AtTachaddifiona/sheetsifnecessaryandidencifywithit�emsabovie) *Amended Figures J 1, Footnote units to be provided specifically for the handieapped. 't�:: . ' 2. Describe the programs listed under this category. � 3. Describe those actions necessary to facititate the accomplishrrient of the goais. . , = CHECK IF APPLICANT WISHES TO REVIEW AlL STATE HfDA NOtJSING PROPOSALS: O revious Edition is Obsolete HUD•�093 (10-78) . . - - - . � . � ^ ��91�� � ,�! II r�e� `1 �Ik. � , t� i �"_ — - .�� C f= � 7 _�,,�+.�o� GITY OF SAINT PAUL ", �;P *"" '� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � si�fli'11t11 . � 1 li 1'li�I � •.,�� wc^ � . ,... 347 CITY HALL SAINT PAiJL, MINNESOTA 55102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR August 31, 1982 �:.� c, �.,, , � � ;,�-< Mr. Thomas Feeney, Area Director ,;� `� Department of Housing and Urban Development �_-�'�; ��7 � Minneapolis - St. Paul Area Office r�'� .,� o 2�� - 2nd Street South ��"' �' Minneapolis, Minnesota 55401 �� � ri . ,� �> � Attention: Bill Grasavage r" �' Dear Mr. Feeney: Please find attached an amendment for St. Paul 's Housing Assistance Plan 1979-82 amending the three-year and 1982 one-year goals for elderly assisted rental housing units. The amendment was approved by the St. Paul City Council on August 31, 1982. , If you have any questions please call Steve Grochala at St. Paul 's Planning and Economic Development Department. He can be reached at 292-1577 ext. 324. Sincerely, e e Latimer Ma GL:dmm cc: Vic Tedesco, City Council President Steve Grochala C�ty Ci�rk �� T �� ,�