278182 WHITE - CITY CLERK 9 [�
File N .
o ncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred T Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, As a result of unanticipated reduction in revenues of the City
budget crea.ted by state and federal budget cuts, it has become necessary to
reduce the City's work force through layoffs which are effective January 29,
1982; and
WHEREAS, Both the City and various unions of the City of Saint Paul rec-
ognize tha.t there will be certain detrimental effects both to the employees and
to the City as a result of such layoffs; and
WHEREAS, In an effort to reduce the detrimental effect to both parties,
the parties have entered into negotiations whereby an incentive pay for early
retirement may be implemented so as to provide for reinstatement of such laid-
off employees; and
WHEREAS, The cost of such incentive pay is approximately equal to the savings
the City would receive by reinstating such employees; and
WHEREAS, The City and the various unions have agreed to reopen the existing
collective bargaining contract and implement the attached amendment to said con-
tract; now, theref.ore, be it
RESOLVID, That the attached memorandum of agreement and addition to the
existing labor cantract is hereby appraved; and, be it
FURTHER RESOLyID, That the effects of such contract addition are effective
as of January 29, 1982.
Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of:
Levine In Favor
McMahon "�
snowalter _ Against BY —
Wilson p
�D � 19a2 Form pprov by C torney
Adopted hy Council: Date — }
Certified 5_ d by Council ret BY I
By B '
� 8 �9HZ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council
.Approve Nayor: —
By _ _ _ gy
� �BIISffED FE B 13 1982
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CANARY - DEPARTMENT � I �r� O 1" SA I �T l� .:1 l3 L `' � X U �—�
SLUc - MAYOR . FlI° 1`O. v �C} /
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Pres` z- n d By�
Refzrred T Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
WHEREAS, As a result of unanticipated reduction ire revenues of the Ca.ty
budget created by state and federal budget cuts, it has becoee necessary 'to
reduce the City's work force through layoffs which are effective January 29,
1982; and
WH�tEAS, Both the City and various unions of the City of Saint �aul rec--
- ogn.ize that there will be certain detrimental effects bath to the e�ployees and
ro the City as a result of such layoffs; and �
WHEREAS, In an effort to reduce the detrimental effect to bot:� n�rties,
the parties ha.ve entered into negoCiations whereby an incentive pay for early
retirement may be i.mplemented so as to provide for reinstater►e�t of such laid-
off employees; and
WHEREAS, The cost of such incentive pay is approxiLnately equal, ta the savings
the City would receive by reinstating such empl.oyees; and
WEIEREAS, The Citq and tlie various unions have agreed to reopen tne existing
collective bargaining contract and implement the �ttached amen�nent to said con-
tract; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVID, That ttie aCtached memorandum of agreement ar_d ad�ition to the
exis�ing labor contract i.s hereby approved; and, be it
FLTRTEiFR RESOLVID, Tlzat the effects o£ such contract addition are effecti�e
as of January 29, 1982. �
COUNCIL:t1EN Requested by Departmeni of_
Y eas Nays .. .
�e�,;�e tn Favor
sr;o�ite� Against BY
LYlson -
For Approv by �fy ttorn
:>dupted hy Coun�il: Date
C�ctifie�d Y:,ssed by Counc.i! Seccetary By
,tppc•ned :��, �ta��or: Date _ Approved by 1�t�yor foc Submission to CoucrciI
Bc ---- -- BY —
.F • .
This Memorandum of Agreement is by and between the City of Saint Paul and
the Professional Employees Association, Inc. In fu11 settlement, the parties
her.eto have agreed as follows:
1. Except as herein modif ied the signed 1982-1983 Collective
Bargaining Agreement between the parties, sha1l be the basis
of the forthcoming labor agreement.
2. Appendix B - Appendix B shall be added to said Agreer.ient.
This Appendix B is attached hereto and made a part hereaf.
It is understoad that the abwe settlement shall be recommended by the City
r'egotiator, but is sub3ect to approval by the City Administration and adoptioa
of the Civil Service Commission and the City Council.
II� WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this
27th day of January, 1982.
. 7 �� �
' �.,,(i
a or Rel ons r or President, Pro�;e onal Employees
Association, �nc.
Civil Service Commission
. . •
State and federal reductions in local government aid have resulted in
a serious gap bet�veen projected and actual revenue with which to fund the
1982 budget for the City of Saint Paul. It has been necessary, as announced
by the Piayor on January 6, 1982, to make permanent personnel reductions
aff ecting numerous city employees as of January 29, I982.
It is recognized by the parties to this agreement that eff ects detri-
• inental to the city and its employees flow from these permanent personnel
reductions. In order to minimize these detrimental effects, the parties
have agreed to establish an incentive pragram to facilitate reinstatement
of emplayees who would have otherwise been without e�ployment on January 29,
1982, by encouraging voluntary retirement of city employees who meet
eligibility requiremeats. •
'The parties agree to the incentive prograta subject to the followin�
specif ic conditions:
1) The City of Saint Paul shall pay to any raeffiber of this
barga,i�ing unit, who meets the requirements for voluntary
retirement and who agrees to retir� within the dates set
forth below, an incentive of up to $5,000 provided that
such retirement leads in an unbroken causal chain to the
reinstatement of an employee who would otherwise be
without employment on January 29, 1982, as a result of
tbe permanent personnel reductions.
. y
_ 2 _
2) The incentive shall be available to any eligible employee
during the period of January 29, I982, to April 30, I982,
inclusive. The incentive shall automatically terminate
with respect to this bargaining unit prior to April 30,
1982, i£ all employees within this bargaining unit who
are affected. by_ the permanent personnel reductions are
reinstated, Such termination shall occur the day of the
reinstatement of the last aff ected employee.
3) Any employee wishing to take advantage of this incentive
must submit his or her request for retirement, along
with necesaary supporting documents, to his or her
appoint�ent officer within the time period mentioned
above. .:.,.�
�+) The date of retizement, for purposes of calculating the
amount of the incentive, shall be the date the emglopee
actually retires, nat the date that inteat to retire
is cammunicaCed to the appointing officer, If there
3.� a delay between the employee's desired retiremeat
dete and the actual retirement date, and if such delay
.. is caused by circumstances outside the employee's
control, the date of retirement, for purposes of
calcul.ating th�e amount of the i.ncentive,. shall be
�he date the employee desired ta retire.
.,' .
- 3 -
5) The maximum incentive shall be $5,000 and shall be
availabe for retirement dates January 29, 1982 -
February 14, 1982, inclusive. Commencing on
February 15, 1982, and at the beginning of business `
each Monday thereaf ter and continuing through the
term of this program, the amonnt of the incentive
shall be reduced $100. The appl3cable incentive for
the inclusive dates shown is illustrated belaw:
Januar� 29-Eebruary 14 $5,000
February 15-February 21 $4,9U0
Feburary 22-Feburary 28 $4,800
March 1 March 7 $4,700 �
March 8�Iarch 14 $4,60U
March 15 March Z1 $4,500
March 22 March 28 $4,400 `
March 29-April 4 $4,300
April 5-April 11 $4,20Q
April 12-April 18 $4,100 -
April 19 Apr31 25 $4,000
_ April 26-Agril 30 $3,900
6) Permanent part-time employees who are eligible ta retire
and meet other incentive program conditions are eligible
, to take advantage of this incentive in the same fraction .
the position is of a full-time position.
i,@ F �
- 4 -
�) The City shall pay the incentive to each retiree in a
single payr,.ent within thirty (30) days af ter the c�ate
of retirement.
8) Employees will be able to avail themselves of this �
incentive within the program dates so long as there
is at least one remaining former employee within this �
bargaining unit who is without employment because of
the permanent personnel reductions. In case raore than
one potentiai retiree wishes to avail himself or herself
of any r�naining available incentive, the remaining
incentive or incentives shall be made available
to the �ost senior potential retiree according to the
contract language governing seniority.
The parties in this contract acknowledge and agree that this Appendix �
has been established through a re-opening of the contract and that the uaion
obtains no other benef its under any other provisiorts of. this contra�t and
that the provisions contained in this Appendix apply specifically to the
permanent personnel reductions which occur on January Z9, I982. It is
further agreed that if a dispute arises concerning pravisions contained in
this Appendix and the matter is submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator
may consider only those provisions contained in this Appendix and may not
make a determination t��sed upon other provisions of th�.s contract.