278179 WMITE - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE +� r")�f; CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUtIC1I ���� a 1 Y BLUE - MAYOR 1 0 1 File N 0. ouncil Resolution Presented B Referred Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, As a result of unanticipated reduction in revenues of the City budget created by state and federal budget cuts, it ha.s become necessary to reduce the City's work force through layoffs which are effective January 29, 1982; and WHEREAS, Both the City and various unions of the City of Saint Paul rec- ognize that there will be certain detrimental effects both to the employees and to the City as a result of such layoffs; and WHEREAS, In an effort to reduce the detri.mental effect to both parties, the parties have entered into negotiations whereby an incentive pay for early retirement may be implemented so as to provide for reinstatement of such laid- off employees; and WHEREAS, The cost of such incentive pay is approximately equal to the savings the City would receive by reinstating such employees; and WHEREAS, The City and the various unions have agreed to reopen the existing collective bargaining contract and implement the attached amendment to said con- tract; now, theref ore, be it RESOLVID, That the attached memorandum of agreement and addition to the existing labor contract is hereby approved; and, be it FURTHER RESOLVID, That the effects of such contract addition are effective as of January 29, 1982. COUNC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon `� B Showalter - __ Agairlst y — Tedesco Wilson FEB 4 ��2 Form pprove by City t rney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Y . •e Council S tar By B� -- p Appr by :Vlavor: Dat �'' FE� O 19� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council sy� — BY - . t16usNeo FEB 13 1g82 � � --� � . �����fi��� � ����9 WNITE - CITY CLERK P[NK - FINANGE * L C r *F + T � COU.^.C11 � ! C� CANARY - OEPARTMENT G i �T� C� 1� �7L� I � �1 l,il V L 1�� / 7 BLUE - MAYOR File NO. ��� � J / � �' ��; (��o ��il .�es��ut�d;� � Fs � � � � s�� j -r�c r� � r ��, � Presznted E3y � % c-r � � 2-/_;-:o��-- y � .r Referred T � Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, As a result of unanticipated reduction in revenues oi t�e City budget created by state and f ederal budget cuts, it has beco�e r.ecessary to reduce the Cityts work force through layofts which are effective 3anuary 29, 1982; and WHEREAS, Both the City and various unions of the City of Sair.t YaLI r2c- .. ognize that there will be certain detri.mental effects both to the enplQyees and to the City as a result of such layoffs; and WHEREAS, In an effort to reduce the detri.mental e£fect to both p�rties, the parties have entered into negotiaCions whereby an incentiv e pay for early retire�ent ma.y be amplemented so as to provide for reinstate�e�t of such laid- off employees; and WIiEREAS, The cost of such incentive pay is appraximately equal to the savinos the City would receive by reinstating such employees; and WFiEREAS, The City and the various unions have agreed to reopen the existing collective bargaining contract and implenent the attached amenc�nent to said con- tract; aow, therefore, be it F..ESOLVED, That the attached memorandun of agreement and addit�oz to the existing Iabor contract is hereby approved; and, be it � FURTHER RESOLVID, That the effects of such contract addition are effective as of Jamuary 29, 1982. � COUNCIC.;NEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt ��,;,,e In Favor Maddox McMahon sno�ite� . A gai n s t BY Tedesco Wilson For Approv d by 'ty ttocn r�dopted by Cuuncii: Date Cert�fic•d Pas�ed by Cuunc.i! Secretaty • By B; -- Appru�cd hy 1lavor: Date �__ Approved by dtayor Eor Submission to Counci[ B�• �-- — - — -- BY — ���� �� . ; 1982 rIII�iORANDUI�I OP AGREF�IENT This rlemorandun of Agree�nent is by and between the City of Saint Paul and Local Union 1842 District Council 91 of the American Federatio;t of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. In �ull settlemer.t, the parties hereto have agreed as follows: 1. Except as herein modif ied the signed 1982-I983 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the parties, shall be the basis of the f orthcoming labor agreement. 2. Appendix S - Appendix B shall be added to sai.d Agreer�ent. • This Appendix B is attached hereto and made a part hereof. It is understood that the above settlement shall be recommended by the City TTegot3ator, buC is sub3ect to approval by the City Administration and adogtion . of the Civil Service Cosmission and the City Council. II� WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have affixed their signatures this 27th day of January, I982. CITY OF SAINT PAUL LOCAL UNION 1842, DISTRICT COUNCIL 9I OF THE AMER�CAiv FIDERATZ01� OF STATE, COUNTY AND r1UNICIPAL �`LPLOYEES, AFL-CTQ 1' ` � � ��w` �' � �.�.= La r Rela s Dir o Bu �.ne �Represen�'�ve � � Civil Service Cammis5ion z � : t . � APPENDIX B State and federal reductions in local governr,ient aid have resuZted in a serious gap between projected and actual revenue witiz which t.o fund the 1982 budget for the City of Saint Paul. It has been necess�ry, as announced by the rr�yor on January 6, 1982, to make permanent personnel reductions aff ecting nutnerous eity employees as of January 29, 1g82. . It is recognized by the parties to this agreement that effects detri— mental to the city and its employees flow from these perc�anent personnel reductions. In order to minimize these detri.mental effects, the parties have agreed to establish an incentive program ta facilitate reinstatement of employees who would have otherwise been without employment on January 29, 1982, by encouraging voluntary retirement of city employees who meet _ eligibility requirements. The parties agree to the incentive program subject to the following specific conditions: 1) The City of 5aint Paul shall pay to any member of this bargaining unit, who meets the requirements for voluntary retirement and who agrees to retire withiu the dates. set forth below, an incentive of up to $S,OOQ provided that such retirement leads in an unbroken causal chain to the reinstatement of an employee who wouZd otherwise be without employment on January 29, 1982, as a result of I the permanent personnel reductions. � i � - 2 _ 2) The incentive shall be available to any eligible employee during the perio� of January 29, 1982, to April 3�, 1982, inclusive. The incentive shall automaticalI.y terminate with respect to this bargaining unit prior to April 30, , . 1982, if all employees within this bargaining unit who ax�e affected by the permanent personnel reductians are reinstated. Such termination shal.l occur the day of the reinstatement of the last affected employee. 3) Any eznployee wishing to take advantage of this incentzve , must submit his or her request for retiremen�, along with necessary supporting documents, to his ar her appointment off icer within the time period mentioreed above. 4) The date of retirement, for purposes of calculati.ng the amount of the incentive, shall be the daCe the employee actually xetires, not the date that iatent to retire is communicated to the appqinting officer. If there is a delay between the employee's desired retire�eat date and the actual retirement date, and if such delay is caused by circumstances outside the employee�s contro�., the date of retirement, for gurposes o€ calculating the amount of the incentive, shall be the date the employee desired to retire. - 3 - 5) The maximum incentive shall be $5,000 and shalZ be availabe for retirement dates January 29, 1982 - February 14, 1982, inclusive. Commencing on February 15, 1982, and at the beginning of business each Monday thereafter and continuing through tF�e term of this program, the armount of the incentive shal,l be reduced $100. The applicable incentive for the inclusive dates shown is il.lustrated belo=�r: January 29 February 14 $5,000 February 15-February 21 $4,900 Feburary 22-Feburary 28 $4,800 March 1 March 7 $4,70Q � March 8 March 14 $4,60Q March 15-March 21 $4,SC0 March 22 March 28 $4,400 March 29-Apr�I 4 $4,300 April S-Apri1 11 $4,200 April 12-April 18 $4,I00 Agril 19 April 25 $4,000 April 26-Apri1 30 $3,90Q 6} Permanent part-tiu�e e�ployees who are eligible to retire and meet other �incentive prograzn candztions are eligible to take advantage of this incentive in the same fraction the position is of a _full-time posit�ion: , � � - 4 - 7) The City shall pay the incentive to each retiree ir_ a single payment within thirty (30) days after the date of retirement. � 8) Employees will he able to avail themselves of this incentive within the program dates so ].ong as there is at least one remaining former employee within this bargaining unit who is without employmerct because of _ - the permanenC personnel reductions. In case more than one potential retiree wishes to avail himself or herself of aay remainircg available incentive, the remaining incentive or incentives shall be made available to the most senior potential retiree according to the contract language governing seniority. The parties in this contract acknowledge and agree that this Appendix has been established through a re-opening of the contract aud that the union obtains no other benefits under any other provisions of this contract and that the provisions contained in this Agpendix apply specifically to the permaaent personnel reductions which occur on January 29, I982. It is further agreed that if a dispute arises concern�ng pravisions contained in thi� Apgendix and the matter is submitted to arbitration, the arbitrator neay consider only those provisions contained in this Appendi� and nay not make a determi�nation based upon other provisions of this contract.