278174 WHITE - CITY CLERK g �)�`+ PINK i FINANCE COUfICll �J�/11`�t� CANARY - D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T PA LT L IV v BLUE - MAYOR File N O. . / � _ in�nce Ordinance N�. / lo�� � � ti Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462 .357 and � 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, Mark Lokowich duly petitioned to rezone Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition, located on the south- east corner of Snelling and Canfield fro�n R-3 to Rr4-2, for the purpose of allowing the old fire barn to be used for parking buses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Home� the petition having been certified by the De�artment of Finance and P�Ianagement Services as having been consented to by at least 67� of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contig- uous descriptions of real estate held by the sa�ne owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on December 3, 1981 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to 5ection 107 .03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and [�?HEREAS, The Planning Coznmission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on Dece�nber 4, 1981 and recommended . that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon snoweiter Against BY Tedesco wison Form Approved by Cit tto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approved by ayor for Submission to Council gy By WHITE - CITYCLERK �r�NL��� PINK • FINANCE C011I1C11 V CANARY - D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L � BLUE - MAYOR � Flle N O. I OY�GLZIZGLIZCP. Ordinance NO. \ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on January 16 , 1982 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated v�holly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on January 28, 1982 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, TFIE COUNCIL OF ^lIiE CITY OF SAIPIT PAUL DO�S ORDIIIDI: Section l. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No . 2 , as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follo��s: That property located on the southeast corner of Snelling and Canfield, being r.iore particularly described as Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Lake Park Ar�dition, be and is hereby rezoned fro�n R-3 to Rr7-2 . �ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas '�_ Nays Requested by Department of: �evine � [n Favor Maddox McMahon � Showalter A gai n s t gY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date FEB 2 51982 Form Approved C ty t orne Certified Pa se Coun il ta BY Ap d by Mayor e ' i�h�� 1 ���2 Approved b May for Submission to ouncil By BY � 982 I� . 1 ',� �;�..�"�� ��,��lT= �. � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL :�. ; �o � DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iii�ii ni �� e' " DIVISION OF PLANNING ���0 i e e• 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR January 25, 1982 Albert Olson 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #8976 - Mark Lokowich City Council Hearing: January 28, 1982 Dear Sir: PURPOSE: This letter is written in response to the petition of Mar� Lokowich to rezone 1290 N. Snelling (southeast corner Sne119ng and Canfield) from R-3 (single family residential ) to R?�-2 (multi-family residential ) to allow the qarking of buses and storac�e of administrative records by the Sholom Home. ZONING COMMITTEE RECOMMEPlDATION: On Jecember 3, 1981 , the Zoninq Committee voted 6 to 0 to recommend approval of the rezoning. PLANNING COMMISSION DECISION: On December 4, 1981 , the Planning Commission considered t e Zoning Committee's recommendation and voted 18 to 0 to approve the rezoning. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval of the rezoning based on findinqs 1 through 5 of the attached staff report. SUPPORT: District 10 submitted a letter in support. OPPOSITION: None The rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on January 28, 1982. Please notif,y me by January 27 if any member of the Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, .���r¢a�, �i►� %��2��2GC Susan Von Mosch City Planner SVM/mb attachments O ' • ' � ��r �r-R . C L,J��` MINUTES OF THE ZONIP�G COMMITTEE IN COUPJTY BOARD ROOh1, ST. PAUL, MIN�lESOTA, ON DECEMBER 3, 1981 PRESENT: Mme. Karns; �lessrs. Armstead, Bryan, Hanaqi , Lanegran, Levy, , and Pangal of the Zoning Committee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; t�1s. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Co�e � • Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Ms. Daykin, Ms. James , and Ms. Von P�losch of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Mme Summers. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. ��1ARK LOK04JICH (n8976� : Rezone from R-4 to RM-2 to allqw the building to be use for par ing of uses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Home at 1290 N. Snelling. � The applicant was present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Ms . Von Mosch reported that the matter was laid over from the meetina of October 1 , 1981 , to allow time for the applicant to obtain access permits onto Snelling for the curb cuts in front of the fire station. The permit has been issued as of November 12 by the Department of Transportation. She also reported that a letter was submitted by District 10 in support of the rezoning. , . P1ark Lokowich stated he owned the property at 1290 N. Snelling. �loyd Stern, 711 Degree of Honor Building, attorney `or the Sholom Home, � testified that they have a contract to purchase the property from Mr. Lokowich contingent upon the property being rezoned. � Nearing no further testimony, Mr. Bryan closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. �1r. Lanegran moved to recommend ap�roval based on fin�lings 1 throu�h 5 of the staff reoort. Mr. Hanggi seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 6 to 0. . Submitted by: Approved_b,y: ����?.�. �IOK y�� .t�� Susan Von Mosch James Bryan, Cha man MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE IN CITY GOUMCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, OP! OCTOBER l , 1981 PRESENT: Messrs . Armstead, Bryan, and Levy of the Zoninq Committee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Buildina Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, � Ms. Daykin, and Ms. Uon Mosch of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Mmes. Karns and Summers; Messrs. Hanggi , Lanegran, and Pangal . The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. ' MARK LOKOWICH (r8976) : Rezone from R-4 to RM-2 to allow the building to be used for parking of buses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Home at 1290 PJ. Snelling. � The applicant was not present. There was no opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Von Mosch reported that District 10 met with membersof the Sholom Home on September 16. Basically the district is in agreement with the rezoninQ as long as an appropriate site plan is worked out. The Department of transportation requires access permits onto Snellin� Avenue which the Sholom Home has apolied . for and is waiting for their decision. Staff recommends the matter be laid over until the permits are received. Mr. Armstead made a motion to lay the matter over to allow time for the applicant to obtain access permits onto Snellinq Avenue from the Depart�ent of Transportation. Mr. Levy__�econded the motion. The motion passed on a � unanimous voice vote. Submitted by: ApprovEd by: .��'�. (fg'`�'1� � Susan Von Mosch / es 6ryan, C 'rman � . � � � � �`��:`��`�� NIINUTES OF THE ZONIP�G COMMITTEE IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINPJESOTA, ON SEPTEMBER 3, 1981 PRESEP�T: Mmes. Karns and Summers; Messrs, Armstead, Bryan, Hanggi , Levy, and Pangal of the Zoning Cor.unittee; Mr. Garvey, Assistant City � Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing and Building Code Enforcement; 'Ms. Beseman, Ms, Daykin, Mr. Torstenson, and � Ms. Von Mosch of the Planning Division Staff. ABSENT: Messr. Lanegran. The meeting was chaired by James Bryan, Chairman. MARK LOKOWICH (#8976) : Rezone from P,-4 to RM-2 to allow the building to be use for parking of buses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Home at 1290 N. Snelling. Ms. Von Mosch showed slides of the site and reviewed staff findings with a recorranendation for approval . Three letters were received in opposition; � a letter was received from District 10 requesting that the zoning not be changed until a representative from the Sholom Home meets with the District Council and relates their reasons for requesting the zoning change. P�ark Lokowich, 1290 P�. Snelling, explained that when he talked to the neiahbors about the rezoning there was no opposition expressed. The rezoning will relieve approximately 8 to 10 parking spaces of employees who currently park on Canfield. The 6uses that will be parked on the site will be used only during business hours and will not be used continually from 8:30 to 4:30. � He also indirated that he never received any correspondence from the District 10 Planning Council_ concerning the rezoning. Laverne Carney, 1268 N. Snelling, representing the people on Snelling Avenue, requested more information on the rezoning, She stated that there are a lot of trucks that currently use the alley and with the buses also using the alley, it would create problems. Mr. Hanggi commented that with Canfield being blocked off from Snelling Avenue and with bus parking along the alley this could have implications that the District Council should be looking at carefully. Fred Haider, District Planner for District 10, reported that the Chairman of the Sholom Home agreed to meet with the District Council on the 22nd of � September to work out the design of the site plan. Mr. Hanggi made a motion to lay the matter over to October 1 , 1981 , to allow sufficient time for the District Council to review the proposal . Mr. Levy seconded the motion. The motion passed on a unanimous voice vote. Submitted by: Approve�')by: �iR.�d`��- �2�►.��- �-:-��..� � -v�------- Susan Von Mosch James`Bryan, Ch rman �� ;J Y �t • . � � !��.���' 8976 - ZONING STAFF REPORT 1 . ���F�! ICANT: MARK LOKOWICH DATE OF HEARING 9/3/81 -� � ' CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CI�RRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE � BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS F;ezoning Variance ❑ Spe�ial Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review � �etermination of Similar Use ❑ Other Chanqe of Nonconforming Use a (lther 3, i_�CATION: 1290 N. Snelling (Southeast corner Snelling and Canfield�. �4. Lf:GAL DESCRIPTION: Lots 13 &. 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition. 5. PRESENT ZONING: R-4 ZONING CODE REFEREP�CE: Sections 60.453(5) & 62.104(3) 6. ST,�1FF INUESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE � 8/1$/81 BY Susan Von Mosch A. PURPOSE: Rezone from R-4 to RM-2 to allow the building to be used for parking of buses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Hor�e. B. SUFFICIENCY: The rezoning petition was declared sufficient by the Finance Department on July 9, 1981 . Ten parcels were eligible to sign the petition; 7 were needed; and 8 were obtained. C. FRONTAGE & AREA: The parcel has a frontage of 51 feet on Snelling and �s 6,180 sq. ft. \ D. SITE/AREA CONDITIONS: The existinq structure is an old fire station building in a district zoned R-4. Surrounding land uses include the Minnesota State Fair Grounds to the west across Snelling; the Sholom Home, zoned RM-2, to the north; and single family homes to the south and east. Canfield at Snelling is a dead-end street; there is no • access on to Snelling. E. ZONING HISTORY: The site was zoned "6" Residence in 1922, in the 1933 amendments and in 1971 . In 1975, the site was designated R-4. F. ORDINANCE CITATIOPJ: Section 60.453(5) permits accessory buildings , structures and uses customarily incident to principal uses. Section 62.104(.3� , Parking facility location for non-residential use states: . "Off-street parking for other than residential use be either. . . within the same district as the principal use and within 300 feet of the building it is intended to serve, or in a P-1 Vehicular Parking District." G. FINDINGS: 1 . The applicant wishes to sell the parcel to the Sholom Home. The site is currently zoned R-4; the parking of non-residential vehicles is not a permitted use in an R-4 district. � 2. The Sholom Home is zoned RM-2; the Ordinance requires that non-residential off- street parking be within the same zoning district as the principal use and within 300 feet of the building it is intended to serve or be a P-1 district. The parcel is within 300 feet of the Sholom Home. I�ith the rezonin� the site � would meet the first requirement. 3. The rezoning is in conformance with the Land Use section of the Comprehensive Plan. The Land Use Plan states: "The city will . . . allow more flexibility in the � recycling of vacant institutional lands and buildings for uses aapropriate to the site and compatible with the surrounding area" (Policy 4.5-4, p.35) . 4. The rezoning is compatible with surrounding land uses. " 5. The rezoning is an extension of the RM-2 district to the north. � � 5. Conversion of the structure to a multi-family dwelling would also be an appropriate use in an RM-2 district. H. ' ��:rF RECOMMENDATIO�J: Bas�d on findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of _ :� re.oning from R-4 to RM-2. - � � � � �����'�� COMO COMI�ZUNITY COUNCIL DISTRICT 10 1298 N. Pascal, Room 100 St. Paul, Minn. , 55108 � , , . , r, ;, „ - i � � . ii.� _ ;L _. ,_ ... , - - ; �i��-.:�::, December 1, 1981 � - , „" . �. t � 4 , F � _ . � . . �l• , . . .. .. �, Ms. Susan Von Mosch � Current Planning & Zoning Committee 25 West Fourth Street � St. Paul, Minn. , 55102 Dear Ms. Mosch: � � With reference to Zoning File No. 8976. On September 16, 1981, a Site meeting was held at the property in question at 1290 N. Snelling (Firebarn.) The District 10 Como Community Council was represented at the meeting along with tne Sholom Home, Ci�y Planner and neighborhood representatives. As a result of the meeting, a decision was made by those attend- ing that if the Department of Transportation granted Sholom eg- ress onto Snelling Avenue; that District 10 would have no objec- . tion to the rezoning from R-4 to R1�1-2. ' We have been notified that egress has been granted. We understand the purpose of the rezoning is to allow parking of bus�es and the storage of administrative records� on the property. A curb cut on Canfield for entry and exit to the lot was recom- mended. Sincerely, ' ���I� Anne Neil, Secretary AN/a District 10 . �, h51NNES07A D[PARTn7ENT r'F TRANSPORTATION y.�,;on bZ15 j�wy. 51 i ` APPLICATION FOR ACCE� RIVEWAY PERMIT � � , Disiri� 9 Permit 81�53 . • . � No. No. � Prim o� lypc rpplication.Fill out 3 copiec,sign snd mail to Minneso�a Ocpartment ol Transportation. � , ��� ' ATTACN TO ALL 3 COPIES,A SKETCH OF THE PROPERTY, PRESENT AND PROPOSEO DRIVEWAYS AND RELATION TO TRUNK HIGHWAY, SUCH SKETCHES SHALI BE DRAWN TO SCALE WFiEN RE�UIRED BY THE ENGINEER. Applicant ddreu (Old Fire St�tion) Tel. Mark Lokowich 1290 N. Sneliin Ave. � 489-1082 Aroperty Ownx . Address TeI. Mark Lokowich Work 483-7111 location of proposed drivenr+y: (circle one) ISpecitic road,landmark,or road intersection) T H 51 �� Co��ty Ramsey Miles N—S�oiSnelling Ave at Canfield Lega� Description of Property. Lots 13 and 14 Block 3 Lake Park Addition __ Purpose of �Residence Is s Building to �No Driveway �Cornmercial(Specify Typs) � be Constructed �Yes(Type) Will the ❑Temporary or Property Q Platted or Distance(rom center oi highway to iront Build'+ng be � Pe*manent is in � Unplatted Ares oi building,or front of pump island is fee:_ Lend is Show feet&inches ❑ Level No.ot Present Drivewayt Date Driveway is needed hi her7 lower� with highway to Property Give Exact Location ot Proposed � � Driveway to Property Give Exact Location oi Present Driveway to Property 1,We,the u�dersipned,herewith make application for permission to construct the sccess driveway at the sbove locstion,ssid drivewsy to b�const►ucted to confo� with ths repuletions of the Minnesots Department of Transportation and to any special provisions included in the permit. It is a9reed th�t atl wo�k will be done� the sstistection o1 the Minnesota Department ot Transportation. It is further agreed that no work in connection with this applicatio�will be started until th� spG: ution is approved and the permit issued. It is expressly understood that this permit is conditio�ed upon replscement or restorstion o1 the trunk highway to its o.�_ nal or to a satistsctory condition. It is further underttood that this permit is issued subject to the approvsl ot local city,villape or borou9h authorities hsviny jo supervision over ssid street or hiphwsy. And subject to the applicant's compliance with the rules and reputations of the Minnesots Environmental Quality Counc snd any other aftectsd yovernmental agenties. i� /Date •L�'�%✓'/� s71�// //,/,� Si9�at�re�Ap 1csnJl._" " DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE ACCESS DRIVEWAY OR ENTRANCE PERMIT NOT VALID UNLESS • � SIGNED AND NUMBERED ��1er's Check No. � Or certitied Check No. No�eaosit Required A deposit of$ + ,payable to the Commissioner of Transportation,in the form of a Ce�tified or Cashier's Check,shall accompany the application. . This Deposit Made by- "— ` FO► r,wri .� s � p���� Deposit will be returned to applicant upon completion of iiem 5 freverse side.) lhe OnFy Special Provisions: .��� ��' ���i�'•r�� �_ 3�1 i�,i P-� �-�� /�� R-t� ���c`%� �t,C 7";. :�� E`f'l�- ... , _ �� ` `� �'' ' _ -' r— �•�� w,.t72� L 'v:Sc=� �c.��:J t��_� !�- �' / /T� , j�L['�%� ��%?c , ��► `"�_.. � �� - ' _.._' ' ' i'-f-t l���1 L.- �t-C.� �_�t�•'� rJ-���! �%}'=' r � �-j,,,� 1r � �c l�/�T�=r I M}N i � .� ty C%'r 7� ��. � M 1 r t'Ju ��.. ��"t"`�.�t 1 � All work to be completed State to furnish �' x culvert and `—" aprc Afte► Permit is approved: o�*i QWhite roAppl;cant MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPOR�ATION � � OPink to DisL MainG O�lice J l � �/ / • � `j � ����t,.� . • ''� ��. -�-f•' �Giten to Municipality or Sec.Ciew � / � / � -�. � _ . Date fOZ' District Director . i '. = I J r . � �C A � � ����`�� . SN � �..� �'N G- � / ��"L, Z,,�z� • .n 1 . . . � � ,T i� .�:� . , y . �N� . ` ' . � ` . �, K . 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' .+T:"..., y,'.:,.. _ �. . :.,. .. ... ����� �.. . . _ :�. ,z �....}. . ..,..�1L.. . . � " �`:.:��:.�4-..;' .� . _ -- .�, --A .. �, �`,,... • • ♦ � � 1 � . - . � I � • • � � • � ' : t � - - • • • ��,� � • • � • ,. • � � � � • ' • • • � � � • � . � • I • � • � • • :• • . � . ��^��� � ' � CIT'� C�F SAINT P^UL . _��`��o,.,,` ;� s; OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK :e a: %� iiii ii�u �� ;,,.� �_ BUREAU OF RECORDS ,1��0���'i�R..c�,.�`` � 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR August 6, 1981 Planning Staff, Zoning Section llth Floor City Hall Annex Deax 5irs: The City Council referred to the Pleanin� Co�ission for recommendation the attached petition of Me�rk Lokowich to rezone Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition at 1290 ft. Snelling Avenue. Very truly yours, �� Albert B. Olson City Clerk ABO:la Attach. � �� �� �� �� �� �'�9 �o p,��'� �N� ��P� Q��N ��t,�e.�- G`�`�t P:,,. , �.',�. w. �_ ,, �.,. �,� s � .� 0 r , � .,"�j•:� ' /� . � r#,f� ��.s.�� � , . . .. . ,..h..�. ` ....a�a��v,R _��``" ''�"''� CITY OF SAINT PAUL -4� i'��'. �� ��= DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES _: =ii�iii°i •� �� �� ASSESSMENT DIVISION �;. '��"''+m������°'� 218 City Hall GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 612-298-5125 Juiy z9, 19si To the Council City of St. Paul Members of the Council: I have checked the attached petition of Mark Lokowich filed in the matter of rezoning, from a R-4 district to a RM-2 district, the following property: � Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition The petition, as submitted, is sufficient. Sincerely, ��` _�___� --� ��, I�--, <<- � �J. W. Donovan ` Valuation & Assessment Engineer . �. �� '�- cc: Building Dept. � � Zoning Div, �� J. W. Donovan p �� � File �� l��9� Q P��1 � �pp,R Parcels Eligible -- 10 ` ��N��, �,e�`�'` Parcels Needed ---- 7 �( Q�'�� � `'`� Parcels Signed ---- 8 G`r���tp� . JWD:JS:dl A"�`Pr�'t',,r, a R �, �',!"� �*e � !1" $�=-L3�.Z. .. , �� . ; ` �����°����`� � CITY QF SAINT PAUL � ��`��\�1Tt OUL�4 =-�'� °-��"'= OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK �� ,, ;a . a; =;� nii'i n n �� ,, � _ BUREAU OF RECORDS �'``a!, �..• ' 386 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 �'+mm��o.�°�`~ 612-298-4231 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR Jul,y 23, 1981 Mr. Paul 1�sch Department of Finance Room 218, City Ha]1 Deax Sir: The City Council referred to the Finance Department for check as to sufficiency, the attached petition of Mark Lokowich to rezone property at 1290 N. Snelling Ave., aka Lots 13 �d 14, Block 3, Lake Fark Addition. Yery tru�y yours, �` O� Albert B. Olson , � A City Clerk � ,� , 1 __ � : ?.>�- •,� . ABO:la Attach. � �\�\ � v � \���� � � v 1��9�� pPRa P��' N��NC���:'� Q� . . G\� .�t P.. � `'�(� � ` , � ��� � �,� � � � � � �2�.. .�� c� Z�:�� , � � �� ��LE o � _ y���-' . , . . �;�� �''�' � ~ . ' � PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE , _, � O CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA "��'��,�,� � �� 1 .d � 'C D TO THE HONORABLE MAYOB AND CITY COUNCIL DATE 6_2g_ 19� � c/o CiYy Clerk� Room 386 City Hall � St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the Minnesota Statutes, Mark F. Lokowich , the owner of all of the land proposed for rezoning, hereby petitions your Honorable Body to rezone the following described property: Street Address: 1290 N. Snelling Ave. Legal Description: Lots 13 and 14 Block 3 Lake Park Addition from a ���- �` District to a RM-2 District forthe purpose of Using building to park buses storage of administration records. Subscribed and sworn to By:� � before � is day of 19�/ .Title: _ �� Petit�r��,r , �� �� Notary Public - ���� .n,,, ::,�r,��r - ""��� �v V 19�1 �� i . ��n. � PUG 1 � �pPRQ �= , � 4�NN\N �E,. ��.-. _ _ _ . ., . - .��f G��,�t�"����' Page 1 of ����� �.�� �� LE �� - . ± CONSENT,OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING . � :,� - _. � We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of c%ii�i����� � t ~ 2. A copy of Sections C� , y-' i O through j�Q. �-�.,�0 , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a �/1/(— � District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the Petition of �%%�;i���2�C to a �/I/�—a District. � RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION � , :., � � � , ,. � ` � ��� � is,�:" ��c,c,a�r,k,� /S � .J a� � i.��'-� �y �' � 1� �/ �S-z, C� "' ` /` 3 �G�.� , .,� /4" � l�J / - � �w�� � �-'�- . �� � . � � ` � ' � , /� �f'j� � �. �. i- � _ . _ a�� N� ���RD C �.nfi . Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. � �q �,��• �'� � "r ��`�21�- Page 2 of � .� Z :; . � �� �_ _ � , � . w , � - .� . . STATE OF MINNffiOTA) : ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person o circu ate t e wit in petition and consent, consisting of pages; that aff iant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners respectively of the lots placed immediately following each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned t�y petitioner or sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property rom peti ioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the p rties o escribed � �2�� ' G'���� _ ���� � �� ress , . ��'��- °j_ ; �;;�,�'`a_ e ep one umber Subscribed and sworn before me this�Q day of , 19�J � �i�- ot�ry ub ic � ,�Fw.,.��;s�. •/1/Ny.ri:�.i/�1AAf�° ��V"r, Y 'j'�. � J �� Gc.� +�Imn �: �,� � .� f, ,,, , : : �a.��- � i',Mnn�>��ON EKF'IRES ��'' Nov. 14- i 981 .�:nt�t: - ,< r�. . � \�� �U ��� � �1� � 1��� �U� 1 `N�.gOAR� G��� .e�ANN��� _ �.,,".` Approved as to form - Feb. 80 Planning Department Page of �n�"°'>"* m � � �'� °� � O �..L G 9 ' ������ � 'T [5 F 5�'+�d l �\5 h . � .�l"a � i m � • , / :s -�. Pau � c � � Y cou � c�� �������� PU �LfC �i � /� Rt� G N ��" iC � Z4 �Ii� G District Planninn Council ,#10 Fi�E No. 8976 PAGE P U R P 0 S E Rezone' from R-4 (Single-Family Residential ) to RM-2 (Medium Density, Low-Rise Multi-Family Residential ) to allow the • building to be used for the parking of buses and the storaoe of administrative records by the Shalom Home. L Q��"`(�� 1290 P�. Snel l i ng Southeas t corner Snel l i ng and Canf i el d and is legally described as Lots 13 & 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition. PETITtOE�ER MARK LOKOWICH 754 Simon �{E A R It�G �ursday, January 28, �9s2 io:oa A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S T I 0�!S Zoning 298-4154 Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Notice sent � `,, - ' :� �';�'���� ,.r `i r , y , �=:�s���liiN�ll Il �.��. �,zr�`i� f g � - ..���. �- . ��� ��� 3, p� � t a the 2 � be atMR M P �YY. I.ate'Pa at 1lB�-!i: pi. • `st.'�kut't I umett�tu� p14�.tAe�' I i bbieet�bWt s�p�e�+o F-� :�� � y�: - , :"- � � � - 'a�- �:.; : .,�,, FILE � � COPY WHITE - CITY CLERK ' � f'�e PIPIK - FINANCE COUt1C11 � C �... CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L ' BLUE - MAYOR File. NO. • Ordin�n�ce Ordinance N 0._� �2_�S_� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 462.357 and � 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, Mark Lokowich duly petitioned to rezone Lots 13 and 14, Block 3, Lake Park Addition, located on the south- east corner of Snelling and Canfield. from R-3 to RP�-2, for the purpose of allowing the old f ire barn to be used for parking buses and storage of administrative records by the Sholom Home, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services as having been consented to by at least 67g of the owners of the area of the property to be rezoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contig- uous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on December 3, 1981 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition, and pursuant to Section 107 .03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its recommendation to the Planning Com- mission that the petition be granted; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning . peti±ion at its meeting held on December 4, 1981 and recommended that the City Council approve the petition; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �evine In FaVOI Maddox ' McMahon Showaiter Against BY Tedesco wison Adopted by Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified F'assed by Council Secretary BY By Appro���d t�y hiayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council . �- - w - � - - ----- _--- - ---------- T------ ----- --- - ------- -- � l''/�"J WHITE - CITY CLERK �+ 6 � PINK - FINANCE ' COLLI1ClI CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA LT L � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Ordindnce Ordinance (��. l r0 �O � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date newspaper of the City on January 16 , 1982 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated wholly or partly within 350 feet of the property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on January 28, 1982 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recom- mendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, TF:E COUNCIL OF TIIE CITY OF SAIrIT PAUL DOES ORD1aID1: Section 1. That the zoning map of the City of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 2, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 af the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follo�s: That property located on the southeast corner of Snelling and Canfield, being r.iore particularly described as Lots 13 and 14, Eilock 3, Lake Park Addition, be and is hereby rezoned from R-3 to Rr•Z-2. �ection 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUNCILMEN Yeas � Naps Requested by Department of: �evine � In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter � Against BY Tedesco Wilson [EB `� 'rj �982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted b}� Council: Date � Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appro��ed b�� h9ay�or: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council � _ � � � � � 1 s t d � 11 � 2nd �—/l `d � _ ^ p � 3rd �— l �a'- !� � Adopted �1" ^�_'�"� t`o�. �- � s-_g � Yeas `�Nays LEVINE � "� � / � �`�� �` ' ru�nnox ! McMAHON ^'���� '" ± � � SHOWALTER � TIDESCO � I WILSON � PRESIDENT HUNr , � - /�j � � lst c� �y (�p� 2nd p? ��� (�� -- _ � r �- 3rd p�'— l�p-- ga Adopted. :� � � Yeas Nays LEVINE f � ��� � � MADDOX McMAHON �C���5 SHOWALTIIt TIDESCO [JILSON PRESIDENT HUNT