278168 WNITE , - CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE 3 CANARY - DEPARTMENT COURCII ��� BL�IiE - MAYOR C I T Y O F S A I N T PA LT L File N O. � ncil Resolution Presented Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Minnesota Environmental Cuality Board (EQB) received a petition signed by residents of St. Paul to undertake an Environmental Impact Statement on a proposal to expand the Cooperative Plating Company onto properties at 1602 and 1606 Carroll Avenue, St. Paul ; and WHEREAS, the EQB held a public meeting on December 30, 1981 for purposes of receiving information about the project to determine if an EIS is required under Minnesota Rules 6 h1CAR � 3.025; and WHEREAS, public comments at the meeting indicated a number of instances where the Cooperative Plating Company has allegedly been violating state rules and regulations relating to the handling and discharge of hazardous substances to the potential detriment of public health and safety; and WHEREAS, the residents and City Council of St. Paul have expressed a concern that the Company's practices will continue and possibly become more widespread if the company expands as proposed; and WHEREAS, the City of St. Paul was specifically requested by the EQB to provide whatever relevant information it could and a recommendation as to whether an EIS on this proposal is advisable; and b1HEREAS, city staff has reviewed all available information and prepared a report on the matter (which was amended when additional information was made available and analyzed after December 30, 1981 ) which makes the following findings : 1 . The Company's expansion is a private action; 2. The Company's Qxpansion is not a major action; 3. The Company's expansion is not of more than local significance; 4. The Company's expansion, when combined with an already untenable existing situation, has potential for adverse environmental impact if the Company is not strictly . monitored and controlled by state and local agencies ; and WHEREAS, an Environmental impact Statement, as established by state law, is intended COU[VC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter __ A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� -- Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii BY - – — BY WHiTE CiTY CLERK � (,�) PINK � FINANCE ���j��� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII rM� �, BLI;E - MAVOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date -2- to provide and study information that is basically already available and has been reviewed for purposes of determining the need for an EIS; and WHEREAS, the EQB rules encourage identifying anticipated environmental effects and controlling measures as a result of "other environmental studies undertaken by public agencies and/or EIS's prepared on similar actions" , and addressing potential environmental effects of projects by "mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority" ; and WHEREAS, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Waste Control Commission, Ramsey County, and the City of St. Paul are all public permitting agencies with the opportunity and authority to issue permits to implement this proposal conditioned upon whatever is necessary to mitigate identified environmental hazards; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of St. Paul recommend to the EQB that an Environmental Impact Statement on this proposal not be required; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the city requests the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, Metropolitan Waste Control Corr�nission, and the Company to develop the following: 1 . A complete and regular monitoring schedule for purposes of ongoing inspection of the Company's operations and handling procedures for toxic materials and wastes; 2. A monitoring study of the Company to clearly identify all violations of solid waste, air and water quality standards; and 3. Strict compliance schedules to meet all applicable standards in the shortest feasible time; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that whatever supplementary information is generated from the monitoring and compliance schedules be brought to the attention of all permitting agencies in determining the advisability and conditions of issuing requisite permits. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter - __ A gai n s t BY — Tedesco Wi Ison �C D «� 2 �J�Z Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by C ouncil: Date Certified • •s d by Council ret BY By� . Appr v by :'Nayor: ate B � 1982 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ gy �'uQ�ESi�E� FEB 13 1982 ' ' GITY OF SAINT PAUL ������ ' � �tir of' � �`F� 'M OFFICE OF THE .MAYOR �� �n��rtni, , � �m t�;i n • '�?,� ���� ��� 347 CITY HALL SAiNT PAUL, MINNESOTA SS102 GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR February 2, 1982 � Mr. Charles Kenow, Assistant Nlanaqer Policy Analysis and Revi�w . Minnesota Environmental Qua1ity Board . 100 Capitol Souare Building St. Paul , Minnesota 55101 RE: Ex�ansion of Cooperative Plating Company, St. Paul �Jear Mr. Kenow: ' � The City of St. Paul has reviewed the supplementa1 information provided by Cooperative Plating Compan,y in response to questions that were asked at the �ecember 30, 1981 pu6li.c inforr.�ation meeting ori the advisabi1ity of preparing an EIS on the su6ject proposal . The information we received answered many of the ouestions we raised, and raised other questions as well . City staff has prepared the attached suonlemental report on our anal,ysis of the information. P1ease enter � it and the attached Cit,y Counci1 resolution supoorting it into the pub1ic record. On the basis of that ana1ysis , we have. reached the fo1lowing conclusions and recommendations. 1 . The Company's new pronosa1 to undertake plating operations at its exnansion site is a significant change from its ear1ier statements on its intent for the building. Please note, however, that the operations are permitted at the site under current zoninq. Expanding the existino operations to the new site should now include the pros�ects of extending tf�e �roblems associated with the existing operations across the a11ey as well . llntil now, it was relatively easy to differentiate between the existing problems and the expected impacts associated with what was only warehousing and offices at the new site. 2. The Company's consultant Neutralization Study has identified a number of potential hazards associated with the ex�ansion proposal . It also identified a series of actions that are advisable and necessary to mitigate the hazards referred to. The cit.y considers these actions as the absolute minimum that the company must do to orotect the health and safety of its emp oyees an neighbors. 3. Pollution control standards that are enforced b,y the MPCA and MblCC are probably sufficient to control the platinq industry and this company satisfactoril_y. Ho��ever, the Company's current practices in handling and dis�osing of its materials are noor, and require strict and continual supervision. Without a commitment bv the Compan.y and enforcement aoencies to nolice this operation, it is advisable to consider other appropriate sites or administrative actions to protect public health. We believe, therefore, that more regular insnections and establishment of strict com�liance schedules by the MPCA and ?��CC are in order. . � � � ���168 . � -2- The MPCA has recently undertaken a monitoring study of other plating operations in the state. We recommend that the Agency do the same type of study of Cooperative Plating Company, with an intent to succinctly identify all violations , of state air/water quality standards and esta6lish compliance schedules to meet the standards in the shortest amount of time. 4. Permitting agencies , including the MPCA, Ramsey County, and the City of St. Pau7 , have sufficient opportunity and latitude to require the company to address the notential hazards as conditions of the requisite permits to be issued. The city is disturbed 6y this proposa1 in that it expands a potentially hazardous activity �n this neigh6orf�ood, Despite our reservations about the proposal , I believe that tfiere is little to 6e gained by devoting time and effort to an Environmental Impact Statement. We know what the proposed operation entai1s; we know what the potential impacts are; we can recognize the measures necessary to meet relevant standards and mitigate actions; we can even identify alternative sites or actions to this proposal . All of� this information should 6e availa6le to permitting authorities in determining: (a) if requisite permits should be granted; and (6) if so, under what circumstances or conditions. � � � I would prefer that the energy involved in preparing an EIS be put to action: determining the appropriateness of permits, cleaning up the company, and if necessary, ana1yzing available alternatives to expanding the business to this particular site. • I thank you for the opportunity to review this witii you, and participate in your deliberations. I am especially appreciative of your efforts to extend the public record so that the city could carefully analyze the information it received. City � Planning Division staff will be available to_ discuss our report at your convenience. Sincerely, ' . Georqe Latimer . t�layor cc: City Council � Merriam Park Community Council Coo�erative Platin� Company Debra Pyle (MPCA) James Bellus � Peggy Reichert � � �?`���.68 AMENDMENT QF � � • ENVIRONNIENTAL ASSESSMENT REPORT: � EXPANSIQN OF COOPERATIVE PLATING COMPANY � ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA . January 1982 This report amendment presents new information relevant to the EQB's consideration of the need for an EIS in tf�e case of the Cooperative Plating Company expansion. It addresses questions and issues that arose during the EQB's public information meeting at the Merriam Park Community Center on December 30, 1981 . � The original city report on Cooperative Plating, dated December 30, 1981 , is incorporated herein by reference. Al1 sections and paqe numbers referred to here are those found in the December 30, 1981 report. Where a particular section of the original report is not referenced, the section is still valid and does not require amendment. I. IDENTIFICATION OF THE PR�OJECT � . B. T.vae and Magnitude of the Project (pg. 1 , pars. 1-2� The proposed buildinq would be used for industrial metal plating and processing, storage of raw materials and finished products , and placement of equipment ' necessar to neutralize hazardous and toxic materials found in the Com an 's wastewater. The ui ina w� e one story, wit a asement, an tota approximately 10,800 square feet in area. The orolect will employ aporoximately 20 people. The remaining information remains r�levant. C. Government Approvals Needed (pg. 2� Existing discussion is still relevant. 2. The city must also grant a General Building Permit and an easement under the alley for pi eline connections between the existing and ro osed bui inqs . Permit app ications have not een app ie for. The St. Paul Public Works Department will review the Company's proposal to direct roofto runoff on the existin and new buildin s to the sewer �stem to insure t e proposa is in conformance with t e city's "downspout ordinance. " 3. Minnesota Pollution Control A enc : The Com an must a 1 for an Installation Permit under Minnesota Regulations APC 3 a . The corma ny has not yet made this application. 4. Ramsey County Community Health Services: The Company must have a Hazardous Waste Generators License re uired b the Ramse Count Hazardous Waste Management r �nance pp ication or t is icense is pen ing. • - ,_. , r..'� � <>� ��_ � • -2- II . DESCRIPTI�N OF THE PROJECT AND PROJECT SETTING B. Activit.y Characteristics (pg. 2-3) . ota pro�ect area 9,760 sq. ft. or 0.224 acre � , Height of structure 16-17 feet . Industrial floor area Total : approximately 10,800 sq.ft. Warehouse: 30%, or 3,240 sq.ft. Pallution Control : 20°0, or 2,160 s .ft. Storage: 20%, or 2, 60 sq.ft. Platin e ui ment: 30�, or 3,240 s .ft. See ttac ment L ere is no ment�on at this time of office. . Number of parking spaces provided 6 . Amount of excavation 2,150 cu.yds .(est. ) � . Liquid waste requirinq Company currently reports discharge of treatinent approximately 120,000 qal/day. This conflicts with measured water intake of 197,000 al/da . ee ttac ment M, pg. It is estimate � that the ro 'ected 20% increase in roduction from one mil ion to 1 .2 million s .ft. of plate wou d, therefore, increase ischarged waste f rom 24,000 to O,�OOQ gal/da , u to as muc as 235,000 ga /day._ . . Vehicular trips The nresence of plating operations in the generated daily addition suggests that the number of daily tri s would be i her than the 35-40 estimated � reviousl see Attachment D . The combined , � atinq/warehouse/ o ution contro o erations wou d employ more than 12 •people. Warehouse- ty e activities would enerate 11-15 tri s ai y, an em oyees another 3 , for a total . o - . . Number of employees 20 additional . Water suppl_y neede_d The Company's metered use (Attachment M) is 197,000 qal/day. See comments regarding li uid waste, above. , Solid waste� requiring T e Company's app�ication to the Ramsey County disposal Community Health Services states a total of 175 gal/year of hazardous sludge. It is not known whether this amount is an accurate estima�te; nor is it nown whet er this a ies a to the existing building only, b to the addit�on on y, or c to the combination. III . PROBABLE EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT D. Water Quality (pg. 4-5) 3. Existing discussion still valid. Add paragraph: Runoff from condensed fumes and mists emanating from proposed chromic • acid plating tanks will have to be collected. The city has a "downspout ordinance" applicable to new industrial construction and major rehab of industrial buildings , requiring a runoff scheme appropriate to the w -3- . . site that will minimize direct storm runoff into the sewer system at � times of peak runoff--i .e. , during and after rainstorms. In meeting the requirements of this ordinance, however, the Company will have to take measures to prevent tainted roof runoff. E. Air Quality and Noise (lst par. , pg. 6� The proposed expansion project would contain pollution control equipment in the form of acid and alkali neutralization tanks. These tanks must be vented to the outside in case of improper operation of the system: "This � is to avoid safety hazards in the event of (Company� personnel mistakenly pumping acid into tlie alkali system. Tf�is would result in a violent chemical reaction and generation of fumes ." (Attachment M, pg. 9) . If the fumes could 6e liarmful to the employees, they must 6e presumed to be harm-ful to the people living in the residential area adjacent to the proposed addition. The potential fiarmful effects are unknown, however. The exact nature of the chemical reaction is also unknown. A truly "violent" reaction would not only release fumes through the vents but could damage � th'e proposed building, unleashing potentially more harmful levels of toxic matter. The strength of the chemical being used and stored in the addition is suggested by the statements of the engineers that operation of the pollution treatment equipment will require operator training and strictly enforced rules, and that "safety glasses and protective clothing should be worn" in this area (Attachment M, pg. 10) . IV. MATRIX OF ENVIRONMENTAL PARAMETERS Comments on the Matrix (pg. 10� - 3. Surface Water - The project would have a positive effect on effluent discharge/sanitary sewer. However, surface water ma be neqativel affected. (See Amended Section ITI D 3 . 7. Air Oualit - The nroject would have the otential for release of harmful fumes . See amended Section III E . 14. Utilities and Services - The project would have a favorable effect on sanitary drainage. However, the effects on storm drainage are uncertain (see Amended Section III D (3) ) . The project would be favora6ly affected by bus service. (See Section III F, J. ) V. FINDINGS B. The project is not a major action. 3. The impacts of the project are largel�: (a) positive (e.g. , water quality) , or (b) minimal/non-existent (e.g. , hydrology, energy, etc. ) C. As shown in the Matrix of Environmental Parameters, the project has the potential for adverse environmental effects at this site. It is clear t at measures wi ave to e ta en to insure against propose or accidental) spillage, venting or drainage of toxic chemicals .Without strict supervision . � - � -4- � ���168 of the operation, there is a potential risk to public health'and safety that is irreversi6le. However, these effects can be antici ated and controlled as a resu t of other environmenta studies that have 6een completed or are underway, and are subject to mitigation by ongoing public regulatory authority. WHITE - CITY CLERK v PINK - �FINANCE ������ CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUflC1I ��� BLUE - MAYOR I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. . ' C il Resolution Presente y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS: A. This Council hereby finds, determines and declares that: (i) there is not first available in any annual increment period under Title I of the Federal Housing Act of 1949, as amended, sufficient urban renewal development capital grant money for the payment of project costs for Central Core and Seventh Place redevelopment projects both of which are urban renewal development projects which have heretofore been designated and approved in the manner provided by law pursuant to the provisions of subdivisions 1 and 2 of Section 1 of Laws of 1963, Chapter 881 as amended; (ii) pursuant to Section 1, Laws of 1963, Chapter 881 as amended the City is authorized to issue bonds in the total amount of $43,400,000 for paying certain project costs of urban renewal development or code enforcement projects designated by the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Paul or the City of St. Paul in the manner provided by law and for paying any remaining costs of municipal buildings and improvements to be constructed within or adjacent to the project area; (iii) the City has heretofore issued $39,620,000 of bonds pursuant to the authority contained in Section 1, Laws of 1963,• Chapter 881 as amended; COU[VC[LMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY By -- Appr�ved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ gy . � ����.�7a -2- (iv) no bonds have heretofore been issued pursuant to the authority contained in subdivision 3 of Section l, Laws of 1963, Chapter 881 as amended (which subdivision was added by Laws of Minnesota 1975, Chapter 260) ; (v) the City is therefore authorized to issue the bonds hereinafter designated pursuant to the authority contained in subdivision 3 of Section 1 of Laws of 1963, Chapter 881 as amended and the Council does hereby authorize the issuance of said bonds in the amount of $500,000 heretofore desic�nated "General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982" for the payment of up to the entire project cost of the said Central Core and Seventh Place urban renewal development projects. B. The Council has by Resolution No. 277992 adopted on January 12 , 1982 and approved by the Mayor on January 14, 1982, authorized the sale of $500,000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982, to be dated March 1, 1982; C. The appropriate City Officers have, pursuant to said resolution, caused proper published notice of the sale of the bonds to be given as required by law, and sealed bids, as set forth in Exhibit A attached hereto, pursuant to the Official Terms of Offering were received at 11 :00 o' clock A.M. Central Time, on Tuesday, February 2, 1982, by Gary Norstrem, City Treasurer at Room 234 City Hall, St. Paul, Minnesota; and D. The City Treasurer has advised the Council that the bid of E. F. Hutton (Chicago) was found to be the most advantageous and has recommended that said bid be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: 1. The bid of E. F. Hutton (Chica�o) to purchase $500,000 General Obligation Urban Renewal Bonds, Series 1982, of the City in accordance with the Official Terms of Offering at the rates of interest hereinafter set forth and to pay, therefore, the sum of $492,700.00 plus a premium of $ None is hereby found, determined and declared to be the most favorable bid received and is hereby accepted and said bonds are hereby awarded to said bidder; 2. The City Treasurer is directed to retain the deposit of said bidder and to forthwith return the good faith checks or drafts to the unsuccessful bidders; . • ��C�'� 9� -3- 3. Said bonds shall be payable as to principal and interest at the Chemical Bank, New York, New York, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the City. 4. The bonds bearing the serial numbers and maturing March 1 in each of the years and amounts as follows shall bear interest as follows: Year Amount Serial Numbers Interest Rate 1984 $50,000 1- 10 8,00 1985 $5U,000 11- 20 8.75 1986 $50,000 21- 30 9.25 1987 $50,000 31- 40 9.70 1988 $50,000 41- 50 10.00 1989 $50,000 51- 60 10.25 1990 $50,000 61- 70 10.50 1991 $50,000 71- 80 10.75 1992 $50,000 81- 90 11.00 1993 $50,000 91-100 11.25 5. The Council hereby ratifies and approves each and every act of its subcommittee on Finance and Sinking Funds in connection with the sale of the said bonds; 6. Said bonds shall be executed by the facsimile of the official seal of the City of Saint Paul and signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned by the facsimile signature of its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, and re-executed by the manual signature of one of such officers, and the interest coupons attached to each bond shall be executed by the facsimile signatures of said officers; 7. The bonds of said issue shall be dated March l, 1982 and shall be numbered 1 to 100, both inclusive. Interest on said bonds will be payable March l, 1983 and, semi-annually thereafter on September 1 and March 1 in each year. The bonds of said issue are not subject to redemption before maturity. 8. Said bonds and the coupons attached thereto shall be in substantially the following form, which has been approved by the City Attorney of the City of Saint Paul, and is hereby approved and adopted: ' � �,�@ �� • L -4- UNITED STATFS OF AMF.RICA STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF RAMSEY CITY OF SAINT PAUL GENERAL OBLIGATION URBAN RENEWAL BOND SERIES 1982 No. $5,000 KNOW ALL MF�T BY THESE PRESENTS, that the City of Saint Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, acknowledges itself to be indebted and for value received hereby promises to pay to bearer without option of prepayment the sum of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) on the first day of March , together with interest thereon from the date hereof until the principal sum is paid, at the rate of percent per annum, payable March 1, 1983, and semiannually thereafter on the first day of September and the first day of March in each year as evidenced by and upon the presentation and surrender of the annexed interest coupons as they severally become due. Both principal of and interest on this bond are payable in lawful money of the United States of America at Chemical Bank, New York, New York, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the City; and for the prompt payment of this bond, both principal and interest, when due, the full faith and credit of the City of Saint Paul have been and are hereby irrevocably pledged. This bond is one of an issue in the total principal amount of $5U0,000, authorized by Laws of Minnesota 1963, Chapter 881, as amended by Laws of Minnesota 1967, Chapter 499, Laws of Minnesota 1971, Chapter 321, Laws of Minnesota 1973, Chapter 395, and Laws of Minnesota 1975, Chapter 260, and is specifically authorized by subdivision 3 of Section 1 of said Laws of Minnesota 1963, Chapter 881 as amended and duly adopted resolutions of the Council of the City of Saint Paul, for the purpose of procuring the necessary funds to pay up to the entire project cost of certain urban renewal development projects, within the corporate limits of the said City, designated Central Core and Seventh Place projects each being one of the several projects for which the City is authorized to issue bonds pursuant to the aforesaid laws. It is hereby certified and recited that all things, acts and conditions required by the Constitution and Laws of the State of Minnesota and the Charter of said City to happen and be done and performed precedent to and in the issuance of this �` P�oe���� 1' V -5- bond, have happened and been done and performed in regular and due form, time and manner as required by law and that the issuance of this bond did not cause the total indebtedness of said City to exceed any constitutional, statutory, or Charter limitation. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, by its Council has caused this bond to be sealed with the facsimile of its Official Seal, to be signed by the facsimile signature of its Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of its City Clerk, and countersigned by the facsimile signature of its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, and re-executed by the manual signature of one of such officers, and each of the interest coupons hereto attached has been executed by the facsimile signatures of said officers as of the first day of March, 1982. (facsimile) George Latimer Mayor Attest: (facsimile) Albert B. Olson City Clerk Countersigned: (facsimile) Peter Hames Director, Department of Finance and Management Services By: (SEAL) ' � � � � _6_ �"���.�.'�� COUPON On the first day of March (September) , , the City of Saint Paul, Ramsey County, Minnesota, promises to pay to bearer at the Chemical Bank, New York, New York, or any successor paying agent duly appointed by the City the sum shown hereon for interest then due on its General Obligation Urban Renewal Bond, Series 1982, dated as of March 1, 1982, No. . (facsimile) George Latimer Mayor Attest: (£acsimile) Albert B. Olson City Clerk Countersigned: (facsimile) Peter Hames Director, Department of Finance and Management Services 9. Said bonds shall be executed by the facsimile of the official seal of the City of Saint Paul and signed by the facsimile signature of the Mayor, attested by the facsimile signature of the City Clerk and countersigned by the facsimile signature of its Director, Department of Finance and Management Services, and re-executed by the manual signature of one of such officers, and the interest coupons attached to each bond shall be executed by the facsimile si_qnatures of said officers;