278158 WNITE - CITY CLERK �^' PINK - FINANCE ;���158 CANARIF - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT �A jT L COUflC1I BLUE � MAYOR � . File N . � u cil Resolution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding fringe benefits for the class of Substi.tute Library Specialist under certain conditions. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section I, Subsection H. VACATION, so that the last sentence of said Section I, Subsection H, shall read as follows: "The provisions of tlzis Subsecti.on H of Section I shall not apply to temporary or emergency employees nor to any employees whose position is under a heading of 'Special Employments' in Secti.on 3 of the Civil Service Rules, and who is paid by the hour or by the performance� ; however, tlze provisions of this Subsection H shall apply to Substi.tute Library Specialists for those hours which are regularly assigned, but shall not apply to Substi.tute Library Specialists for those hours which are worked in place of a re�ul.arly assi�ned employee. " ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation ResoluLion be further amended in 5ection I, I. HOLIDAYS, Subsection 5, so that said Subsecti.on 5 shall read as follows: (conti.nue d) COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaite� - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson , Form t�pproved by Cit Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ \ 1 r Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Appr :Vlavor: Date � Ap ro e by Mayor f r bmission to Council sy _ WHITE - CITYCLERK �("�"''+ PINK - FINANCE TT � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �� v L COIlIIC1I �� ��(�� BLUE -� MAYOR - File N . �w � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date " 5 Provisions one through four of this Subsection I of 5ecti.on I shall not apply to any employee whose position is under a heading of 'Special Employments� in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules and who is paid by the hour or by the performance.- ; however, the provisions of one through four of this Subsecti.on I shall apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are regularly assi�ned, but shall not apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are worked in place of a regularly assi�ned employee. " . and; be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the provisions contained herein shall be effective retroactively to January 26, 1982 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PE O NEL OFFIC Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon '� Showalter - __ Against BY Tedesco Wilwn FEB 2 �982 Form ppro ed by Cit At orne Adopted by Council: Date — Certified P� .s by Counci c y BY , Ap ro e y :Navor: _ � i982 A ro e by Mayor or u m ssion to'Council — BY ll8L1SHED FEB 13 1982 WHITE - CITY CLERK d Ju� PINK - FINANCE � i *T COU[SC11 � �V CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF ►�7� I �TT l,� l.1 L BLUE - MAYOR � Flle N O. ' C I T Y C L E R K Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution regarding fringe benefits ` for the class of Substi.tute Library Specialist under certain conditi on s. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation Re solution be amended in Section I, Subsection H. VACATION, so that the last sentence of said Section I, Subsection H, shall read as follows: "The provisions of this Subsection H of Section I shall not apply to temporary or emergency employees nor to any employees whose position is under a heading of 'Special Employments� in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules, and who is paid by the hour or by the performance, s however, the provisions of this Subsection H shall apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are re�ularly assigned, but shall not apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are worked in place of a regularly assigned employee. " ; and be it FURTHER RE50LVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates. of Compensation Resolution be further amended in Section I, I. HOLIDAYS, Subsection 5, so that said Subsecti.on 5 shall read as follows: �(conti.nue d) COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt �evine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showalter - A gai n S t Y Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — ' Certifit:d 1'assed by Council Secretary � BY B}� – Approved by Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – — --- BY WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE �� i - - CANARY - DEAqRTMENT G I T Y O F SL�I ,�IT T 1,x�1 i.I L� COUf1C11 6LUE - MAYOR - F1I@ N O. Council Resol�tio� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date " 5 Provisions one through four of this Subsection I of Section I shall not apply to any employee whose position is under a heading of '5pecial Employmentsi in Section 3 of the Civil Service Rules and who is paid � by the hour or by the pe rformance: ; howeve r, the p rovi si on s of one through four of this 5ubsecti.on I shall apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are re�ularly assi�ned, but shall not apply to Substitute Library Specialists for those hours which are worked � in place of a regularly assigned employee. " . and, be it FINALLY RESOLVED , that the provisions contained herein shall be effective retroactively to January 26, 1982 . COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt PER50NNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter _ Against y Tedesco Wilson Fotm Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — ' Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By � _ A.pproved by 1lavor: Date _ • Approved by Mayor for Submission#o�Council Bp _ _ BY � `-�` G'�'z'�- fl�' ���.�:?�;'.� �.�.YT�. r �r �;,� ��l.l��� �.-i' '�:: ��-., O:E'�'IeL o: �•r z: c�rx co�r�c=_x, � .�, . _1��:_., � f-';z S i��i'�2i�e ,F� //y,��� . �y` I I.• �syR� j.,� . ' • . ` '�.� . �� a ,�,, y ,�; Da�e . January 21, 1982 � `-.. ��-;:_.��' „���_;, C �J �>� i�� �i T� � � � �' C7 �� �� . � . .. - _. 7' O : 5oin� Pc��i Gi�� Cau�c�I � . � �-: - . �R O� = C O i71 S'tt i 37�� O Il FINANCE, D'IANAG�IF�IVT �, PERSONNEL . . : . . . .� � 6eorge; D9cMaho� ehoirmctn, inakes the fnl io�,^fing � � � repart un �G.F. � . � ❑ Ordinar�ce . . " . . �. (5) �X Res�Iution � - - • . . . . . . . � O:ttat' . • �' t�L� : . . . . . . At its meeting of January 21, 1982, the Finance� Committee rec�mmended approval :._w_ _`�Q£_the..-fo�lowing: . - :- . � .. ^ 1. Resolution approving: submission of UDAG grant application for �nergy Park " . . Phase 2. � . . . 2. Resolution amending T981 and 1982 Capital Improveme�t Bud�ets to pro�ride - . \ f�mding. for Randolp�i•Avenue Resurfacing. (12584-(�1) � � .. : ` 3. RESOlution allowing em lo ees in title of Substitute - � P Y Library Specialist�:to � . . be covered by City's: holiday and vacatio�• plans for fiours worked on regular • - assignment. (12543=GM) . : -- . - . 4. Resolution allowing employees in title of Substitute Library Specialist to • be covered by City!s sick Zeave plan for hours worked on regular assigrIInent. = (12544-Q�'� , . . . S. Resolution.establishing�title and class specification for title of tiVater. Treatment Supervisor in �rade 20, Section 3.K (�rofessional-qcbninistrative . , Supervisors Group) . (12565-(�1) . � � ''IY�' iL1LL SEVE;tiTH FLOO;t S:�I�T PAJL, 71(i\1ESJTs1 5�1�'_ UO IlOi QCLBCR irn5 mernuranaurr� irurn �i�r: resolution so that this information will be � m � ��' '�8�`a� avail�bie•t� the City Ca4�nci1. �"�� �p EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, � RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES � _ Date: December 9, 1981 RECEIVED TO: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER D E C �, `� �g g 1 FR: Personael of f ice IIAAYORS OFFICE RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION REQUESTFD We recommend your approval aad submission of this Resolution to the City Council. , PURPOSE AND RA�TONALE FOR THIS ACTION This Re solution. allows employee s in the ti e o�Substitute Library � Specialist to be covered by the Cityts ho 'da y and vacation plans for l t�.ie hours that t1�.ey work on regu.lar assignment, i This R.esolution is the result of a hearing before the Civil Service C omxni.s si on. FINANCI.AL IMPACT Probably negligible. ATTACFIlKENTS: Resolution and copy for the City Clerk.