278149 WHITE - CITY CLERK - ' CANARY - DEPARTMENT � �� COUIICII Q Aq BLUE - MAYOR.��A�� � � ITY OF SAINT �PAUL File NO. G�Q►� `��r �4� � � Council Resolution Presented 6�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee Qy Date RESOLVED, That upon the petition of Richard E. Eitel, that section of the public alley hereinafter described, be and the same hereby is vacated and discontinued as a public alley: "All of the 20 foot alley right-of-way running North and South adjacent to the West property line of the described parcel: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and all of Lot 9, except that part thereof taken by the City of Saint Paul for Wheelock Parkway, all in Block 2, Kavanagh and Dawson' s Addition to the City of St. Paul" ; subject expressly to the following conditions and reservations: 1. That the vacation be subject to all the terms and conditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981 of the St. Paul Legislative Code, as amended, including the retention of all public utilities easemerits. 2. That the State of Minnesota shall retain the right of ingress and egress to State Highway 35-E from all points of said alley vacated herein. COUtiCIL11EN � 1'eas !Hal�s Requestgd by Department of: Hu�t Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B Showafter - __ Against Y -- Tedesco Wilson Fofm Approved by City At e Adopted t,�� C�_�uncil: Date —_ Ccrlifi�•d i',�� >�•d b�. Council Secretary � ��'�.Z H'� -- — -------- . - . ,�.,,pr„��•:�: '�. '�1,��.or: Date --_____—_____ _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council fi�: _ _ ___ -----___------- _-—------- � BY — — � ����9 2 3 . That an easement be retained over the northerly eight (8) feet of said alley for water main maintenance. Restrictions within the easement area are as follows: 1. No buildings, structures, or trees are permitted within the easement area, or any temporary structure, material stora ge, fixture or other objects that will prohibit normal access to water facilities for maintenance purposes. 2 . No change from the existing grade is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. 3 . No change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written permission from the Water Utility. 4. That the petitioner, his successors and assigns shall fully indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Commissioners, their officers, agents, employees and servants from all suits, actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damages received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connec- tion in said reserved easement, arising our of or resulting from any action or negligence of the petitioner, his employees, agents or business .invitees. 4. That the petitioner pay to the City as market value the sum of $5, 000 .00 as compensation for the vacation. - ,--; , . , , - ,- � , ,; : ----_ _. , . . -s . _,- •,,. • WMITE - CITY CLERK �PI�dK ,- - FINANCE (� I COUflC1I y� �'� �9 CANARY - DEPARTMENT � v I TY O�' SA I NT l,t�U L ��4���=� .:-� BLUE - MAYOR , F1Ie N O. Council Resolution Presented f3y Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee BV Date 3 5. That the petitioner furnish the City with a perpetual bond in the amount of $2,000.00, and in addition thereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees " to indemnify, defend and save harmless the City of Saint Paul, its officers and employees from all suits, actions, or claims of any character, including, but not limited to, a cla im brought because of any injuries, or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, on account of this vacation; or because of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because of any claim or liability arising from or based on any violation of any law or regu- lation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of his agents or employees. COUNCILIIEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine ' IR Favor Maddox nn�nnano� _� Against BY Showalter — Tedesco r�4li+svrr— _ .IQN 2 p �� Foim Approved by City Attorney Adupted ht Cu�ncil: Date � Certil�!�d }'a��s�•d b}• Cuuncil Secretar}- B u�� �'�_�� �'� - - ---- — AE,,,r�_�ti�•�; ' �, ',i:,•,or. Dc�ce ________—_________— __ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council B __ E3�, . - -_. . _ — --__ __ --_-------__-- y - �� . . �',O�@ �/ ,,��.� ��YI�l�Y- �k�.�1J r , ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL /r INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM �/ m r'"J , � ��_�9 To: Ruby Hunt, Council President and Members of the City Council From: J. William Donovan Valuation and Assessment Engineer Date: December 3, 1981 Subject: Petition of Richard E. Eitel for the vacation of alley in Block 2, Kavanagh and Dawson's Addition public Hearing January 12, 1982 Tr�e petitioner, Richard E. Eitel, requests that this petil-ion be granted so the land may be used for off street parking for customers of a proposed restaurant to be built on the adjoining site (attached to existing gas station). The alley in Block 2, is an unimproved 20 foot wide by 288.77 foot long right- of-way consisting of 5775.40 square feet and is zoned B-3. The Minnesota Department of Transporation has reviewed this vacation and has no objection subject to the retention of access control to the service road which is adjacent to the proposed vacation. The Water Utility has a 30-inch water main in Larpenteur Avenue within approximately seven feet of the northerly limit of the alley proposed to be vacated. In order to provide adequate area for water main maintenance pur- poses an easement must be retained over the northerly eight feet of the alley proposed to be vacated. Restrictions within the easement area will be stated la ter. The Departments of Public Works and Planning and Ecotianic Development offer no recommendations or objections to the proposed vacation. There were no objections from any other public or private agencies in- volved. Zn view of the foregoing, I recommend the vacation be approved, sub- ject to the follo�wing terms and conditions: 1. That the description of the alley to be vacated read as follows: "All of the 20 foot alley right-of-way running North and South adjacent to the West property line of the described parcel: Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 and all of Lot 9, except that part thereof taken by the City of Saint Paul for Wheelock Parkway, all in Block 2, Revanagh and Dawsonis Addition to the City of St. Paul". I x That the vacation be subject to all the terms and con- ditions of Chapter 130, codified March 1, 1981 of the ,u�.4 ::��:�,.. -2- � ` ���:� � St. Paul Legislative Code, as ammended, including the ���� � retention of all public utilities easements. 2.2'. That the State of Minnesota sha11 retain the right of ingress and e�ress to State Highway 35-E from all points of said alley vacated herein. �.�: That an easement be retained over the northerly eight (8) feet of said alley for water main maintenance. Restric- tions within the easement area are as follows : l. No buildings , structures , or trees are pe nnitted � within the easement area, or any temporary struc- ture, material storage, tixture or other objects trar_ will prohibit normal access to water facil- ities for maintenance purposes. 2. No change from the existing grade is permitted witr:- ou+;. iaritten permission from the Water Utility. 3. No change in surfacing within the easement area is permitted without written pennission from the Water Uti�ity. µ�s 4. Tha*_ the petitioner, -i�s successors and assigns st�all f_ully indemnify, deiend and save �:armless the City of Saint Paul and the Board of Water Com- missioners , tt-�eir officers , agents ; employees and servants from all suits , actions or claims which shall arise from any injuries or damabes received or sustained by any break in any service pipe, water main, or connection in said reserved ease- ment, arising out of or resulting from any action or negligence of tt�e petitioner, .i-��s employees , agents or business invitees. u`5 ?�'C'I'E : y'ubii.c '��;or':� Cot;�,:^�it��5�. That the petitioner pay to the City as market value rec�mmen3s :;�;,000 the sum of $-8°�"80 as compensation for the vacation. compensation 1/6/82, � S�uua•o� �.Ef That tre petitioner furnish the City with a perpet- ual bond in the amount of $2,000.00, and in addition tt-:ereto, by acceptance of the terms and conditions of this vacation, agrees to indemaify, defend and save harmless the Gity of Saint Paul, its officers and employees frocn all suits, actions , or claims of any character, including, by not limited to, a claim brought because of any injuries, or damages received or sustained by any person, persons or property, on account of this vacation; ar because of any act or omission, neglect or misconduct of said petitioner; or because af any claim or liability arising trom or based on any violation of ar.y lak� or regulation made in accordance with the law, whether by the petitioner or any of �ts agents or employees. --�-�._.. N�s ., .�''�� .,'\ R � ; � �• �,.�`-r- r..--..�„' ` >/:r ''/� 4`.�'..` �.��t_ '��'------•-, i�i , X.. cc: Mayor George Latimer . , �8-z9-z2 �7-Zs�����q - �_ , ' Il0 109 54 � ��y� ,_L,M,� �..ARpENTEUR _ . .... i �z ss 11 1 c,�- L��„�5 , _ . . __ :;�. .: ..,� ... .�.�'....,�,, . r , r t � .z_. _.. . , c«s .,:�.:-• �9 ,� ,� . 3p � �i;... ���r� i?��� — 'T � � � � � � �; � � �� in � �"`, I � r — — � Illi r� �� � ' i� 2 9� d �� � ,�a �'' x;:'� � — - . .�/ -�f * ��:: g I L �; 3 M _ "^, F ;� Idr - - - 27 w � ' - = � . �ir E L KEn�E F�c� � ' j�,to,• � ` • , t "d�n.�� '^."'2F �� � 1� I � � �" 2S a� � y�- — - r 2� �Y 7 oyo �I ,,'.. e Z e/�iQ L L � � — — — .:.�I,� � 8 � 23 ' � L� U �%1�� � . . � � ���I ��e� o . w HEELOc�� _ _ _ � � � _�. • ; _ .. - - - - - �� - - � - ��. .j x , � � �Z ' o,~'`� ..�`�;" �LSOnJ � I �' — — — � �.. �� �e��.c ,n �o � 2�,7�I'' �, 'a I' ' i' I I ��, �3 � : �,'�i °y _ /g :"� � ��% /�M /�A/t% � �d ' � — — � � �� oit... o_ � � u �� � .... I: I � �i �f .� t < O � •��I r — _ - - � � � � ,Jo '�� �� l" � i Y� � / /S3 �y � � � /s � �.{ : � .� oz � �Q �.� . � � t � +�� L _ � v N 3 ,JZOt_ ' 3 , a, ,, ( • _F - M�. ,: � *� � ` E;, ` s.. r —,�y �- �1 - J7�xo�- - - , es Zo a � I� I . � �- — — — � � � �; � ' � 19 I s � � — — -� ; .� - + � g�; i � , 28 a — - - — -� ' :� AREA PETITIONED � '�` � ,��.� �.� �,;+ 3 0�.-�7 I r TO BE �IACATED _ _ � 0 3 y �; ,;�'� SCALE: 1" equals 100' � �� 2b I O--0-0-�-OMNDOT ACCESS CONTROL � a /� 2s i � �*. . � �1 j= r s-7�""/� � Cowicil Flle Na.27l1�0—H�Roa Naddox— RESOLVED, Tlut upan the poltlon ol Rlchard 6. E[tel. Nat aectiai ot Ne publfc alley hereiaatter de�cribad,be�od tGe same hereb�Is wated�ud dhca�tlnued�t�publlc .u�r: � ••AU ot eee 10 tooe.uq�citbe-on•waj�rvo- aln{NoNf�nd South adl+�t to the West pmpeRy llne oI tM dncr[bed pucel:Lot� _ �3.{.S,0.Tmdl�ndallotLot9.accept that p�R thereot takea by tde Citr ot Salnt Paul tor 1Nhedock Parkwq.aU In Hlodt !. Kavaoa{h�nd Daason'a Add4 gauu to tpe Citr ot St Paul"; wb�eet e:pcwl�W the tolloain�coodltlona - and resecvatlms: l,'lbat tM v�atlon be subjeet to al[the terma �nd condiUons ot.Chapter ►90, eadifkd Na�c4 4 19l1 ot the St P�ut Ia{lslativ�Cadw aa awmded,indudin� tA� eetenUou ot aLL pubtle udllUe� �Mem�ts. . i'l�t th�Slat�ot IOnnaota alull neain !!a A{ht o!Ia�RS�ad KRS�W Stab Ht�wq�5-i trom all pdnts W ald�pq v�ated Eenip. � • �.That an ManNnt b��etalned owr tM. northedr ei�e l4 te�t ot sHa dlq!or watv mala �iateume. IGstrldl�a �►lthin tln euwnent uw�n�s tollo�ra 1. No buiWlnp,steuRUta,or Uan�n permitted wfehln the e�seneat a�, or any temponp stmRun.mahrial rtoca�e.llitun or otber obleeb Wd � wfll prohlbit oormal�aeas to aater � LaciliUes tor malotenance puryoses. 4. No chanta ttom the extstin�•`wde is pecmitted wtthaut writte� permlt s[on tmm the Watar Otlllty. 9. No chan{e ia �urtacln� wlWln the asemmt�raa It permllted wit�out � ql'ISLM permis�im trom the VY�ter Utlilty. ` 4.That th� peUUooer, his tucerson� md anl�ns �ull tull� indanntfy. � detmd aod aave h�rmlaa the Clt�o!' . 3aint Paul aad the Haard ot W�ter„ Commialoners,thdr offfcas,a�a�ts. employeea �nd a�v�nta Gom a1L auits, a.ttona or clalms wNdt shall adu trom an� infur�es os damases _ ceoeived or tushined by an�bMk . in�ny secvice PiP4 w�ter maln.or : coaneetion in ald ieserve easemmR - artsins wt ot or rewltin�from� - actbn or ne`Ii�ma of the p�fttmer. � his employees,a�mb or buainess ia- vltees. � 4.ThaE the peddong p�y to!he Gt�u marlcet wlue the sum ot t5,000.00 n com� pe�aadai tor Ne vapttoa S.'lbat the peUdoner t�miah the City with ' a-peryetwl band In the amount ot t4,000.00,�In addition thaeto,by ar ceptance ot Na terms and condltims of thls vsatla�,a{rees to Indemnif�,delmd md save harsnleu the Ctty ot Saiat Paul, its otticer�and employea trom all mits, actipm, or dalms of any chancter, iu- cludic�, but not tlmited to, a daim brou�ht becau�e ol aay inluries, or dama�a recelved or sustained by an� persw.perwn!or pcopecty.on aceoun/01 Nfa vacNiao: or benuse oI an�iet or omisaion,neflact or nilsoonduct ot tald poltioner, or Denux of u� clalm or l►abiliq arisln[ tmm or baad on �o� vielatim ot�ny law or rquLtlm m�de fn�atoM�aes wlUf the laa.�ahethK E3" tAe petitim�r or u� of his a�mb or mtpbYees. � Adopted bp tha Coua31 J�nwq 2!,1�5: Appmved Febrnary 1.1982. (Febn+�ry 8,198� ,