278127 WNITE - CITY CLERK ,,,(((���!!!""'yyy[1, ((('''���/� PINK - FINANCE n � /n�� CAN�RY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T 1 �U L COUtIC1I f �� eL�l� - "MAYOR File N . - � ' ncil Resolution , Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, Castle Design and Development Campanys Inc. applied to the Board of Zoning Appeals for a variance from the strict application of the provisions of Section 61.101 of the Saint Paul Zoning Code pertaining to minimum lot size and side yard setbacks in an RM-2 zoning district for its property located on the north side of Front between Arundel and Western so as to allow the construction of a four-unit building on the property; and WHEREAS , Following a public hearing with notice to affected property owners the Board of Zoning Appeals by its Resolution No. 8996 adopted October 13, 1981, granted the variance request per- mitting a minimum lot size of 8, 190 square feet and a 7 .5 foot setback for both the east and west side yards; and WIiEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Section 64 .205, Sam L. Dresser and others duly filed with the City Clerk an appeal from the determination �nade by the Board of Zoning Appeals granting the said variance request, the said appeal requesting that a hearing be held before the City Council for the purpose of con- sidering the said actions taken by the Board of Zoning Appeals; and WHEREAS, Acting pursuant to Sections64 .205 through 64 .208, and upon notice to appellant and other affected property owners, a public hearing was duly conducted by the City Council on January 7, 1982 where all interested parties were given an opportunity to be heard; and WHEREAS, The Council, having heard the statements made, and having considered the variance application, the appeal, the report of staff, the �ninutes and findings of the Board of Zoning Appeals, does hereby COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowalter __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved y Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY BY -- Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By WMITE - CITY CLERK �-p�y PINK - FINANCE �v'• � CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��u L COURCII �+ / �� 2 BLI.YE -�MAYOR File N O. - � ' Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVE, That the Council Qf the City of Saint Paul does hereby reverse the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals in this matter for the following reasons, and the appeal of Sam L. Dresser and others be and is hereby granted; 1. Section 61.101 requires a minimum lot area of 10,000 sq. ft. for the construction of a 4-unit dwellinc� in an RM-2 district and the subject property consists of 8,190 sq. ft. The facts of this case do not establish that there is a physical hardship of the property nor evidence establishing that there is no other reasonable use that could be �nade of the property. 2 . The variances cannot be granted without substantial detriment to the community, and granting such a variance would be contrary to the intent of the Zoning Code. 3 . The variances cannat be granted without substantial detriment to the adjoining neighbors ' supply of light, air or property values. 4 . The request for variance is based primarily upon a desire for economic gain. and, be it FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk shall mail a copy of this resolution to Sam L. Dresser, Castle Design and Development Company, Inc. , the Zoning Administrator, the Planning Comanission, and the Board of Zoning Appeals . 2 . COU[�1C[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon "Q B Showalter __ Against Y — � Tedesco OriFsew- , JAN 2 8 � Form Appro d ty ttor Adopted by Council: Date — Certified ss d by Coun Se� a BY � A ro d by ;Nayor. _ 2 � App y Mayor for S bm s to Council BY — — B r PUBl.ISNED FEB 61982 � . � 1 �"����"� �� ��_• �, ' CITY OF SAINT PAUL $ ,, �e ; �e a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � wium , ,�r m �� u o ° ^ DIVISION OF PLANNING y��,,,�,� 25 West Fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR December 30, 1981 Albert Olson Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , M�nnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #3996 - Castle Design City Council Hearing: January 7, 1982 Dear Sir: This letter is written in response to the a�peal of Sam L. Dresser and others to a decision of the 6oard of Zoninc� Appeals granting lot area and side yard setback variances to Castle Design and Development Company, Inc. to construct a four-plex on property located on the north side of Front between Arundel and Western. The property is zoned RP1-2, multiple family. On September 22, 1981 , the Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on the variance request. One letter was received in opposition. Testimony was heard from one neighbor in opposition. The Board voted 7 to 0 to grant the variances based on find�ngs that (1 ) strict applicatTOn of the Ordinance wquld result in hardship given the area and narrowness of the property; (2� the variance would not impair the intent and purpose of the Ordinance; (.3) the variance would not substantiall�� impair the neighbors ' supply of liaht and air, health, safetv, or property values; and (4j the request for variance was not based primarily on a desire for economic �ain. This appeal is scheduled for a public hearinq before the City Coumcil on January 7, 1982. Please notify me by January 6 if any member of the Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the hearing. Sincerely, .c�GfQA.�+. U Bh 7°�2�C�- Susan Von Mosch Planner SV/mb attachments �O ! ' , /) � � 7 . � � ,A ���� /��l I ii 11Z. V••'� _ ���•? (,���c� �--� � 1. ., , j , - . , � �i . � � � . . . . t , ; - , � • '' � '� ' ` Octsber 14, 1981 " : ' � To 2Sembers •f the City Council; This petiti�a c�ncerns all preperty �wners �rithin (350 feet �f the . ' pro posed Develsp�ent). Located at (Ns Frsnt between Arundei end Western). Z�ning File Naae:` � Castle Desiqn And Develep�ent Ce. a] We the petitieners feel that a Varisr►ce in the Ordinance will increase , the v�lu�e •f traffic in •ur area, the eas�nt which runs east and west , has already increased the parking probless and traffic in eur area. Right new it' s see�as �ore like a thr�ugh street than an Alley. � ' b] There are sany ssall children in the area, and we feel that ansther apartaent building en the sase side •f the street in addition te the Two ether apartnents on the saae side ef the street will only further increase the exi sting parking and traffic problens in the Allep and surrounding streets. c] There are three hones. greatlq affected by this proposed building being put in. And in addition feel it weuld lookas though it Was just squeezed in. As the l�t is �nly (8� 100 sq.ft.) . d] �le �trongly Oppose this Variance in the Ordinance; but will agree to soa,ething on the order ofa residence fer a single fadly dwelling. We the undersigned petitioners, have agreed to the above stateaents and ask that this petition be brought forward in our behalf. And ask for your re-evaluation fa this eaatter. 1/ 1 C-/,�n �, �,�,� �.,,�,�' J � II 1^'� � ;.,� -. F:ti„a- l�ca f.��' � f �� "� � '3`�d / , �i , Respectfullq� 1.:% �:� ( j � , �..,�,-'ti-••`.'L+ 1 �-- //'✓�G � �!✓)?- -�> �i�✓ /;, �_� �Z,� . .. � „1 r,�l jJ „��.(��,7". �L.LI-�-�� - --' . qG:� ui:�+� �� ( ` f ` � �� yn7 C,,�,,� , /� � Concerned Citizens . ,�� 'lL��/-/• /</��'--t�-�1 �-'� aiLL"e'�-�+t_ ."��� �^ j�/f� �G'�/t,.l��ir ��j� r.. �y. '' f�� ; •�� `� �-,� 1^ 1._:�:F�� �� � ` � 1 j�'i .... � �-�- / .l �,'�l, � �'.• • / � •� � �' �`� 7 -='1Y.1 ,� . --� .�� � ( , ` '``"� -, - . , ,• : , � ` ti�G--~-�;� ��, '��,�z'.. , ��:-f t-'G.%:���-- . � � -��� ��. v„� . 1� October 14, 1981 . Page Two �2 l,� / � � . -� �.. - � `�� � �������� �3 �t�. �. )�1 �;� �C,c�-� � v i� e � � �-�,��. ��L �, �� _D , `�- : , _ � ,��� � . � . �� ���'e�n ��� �1 ,S- , � .C��.,�`� e''1' ��7�- (..t�,��-�.n a.�s-� �'l.�. , � � � ,�'2,�,� � 9 7�' GlJ �-y1G� , • � � �,--� � ?.,� � ��-- " �lo y �C�• ���^�-�C,c� < <--�. _ , ,. . /�_C� Y � ,� , " � l�/'`,/► �,� �� �t,c.�P[� _, � r � �-� ��t � _ , � .�� . � ` , , .� � ,. , - • , ;� ��^ �-� �:. � . � ?��� L,: .3. ; f��,,: �-��� C:� � � . / 4� . J ,/ /� ` ' �/ / -�4 � ,� i •J - —' �i '� • c `/ '`---_ / / . �'� � � � : -�^ i / . ' � ` / �.'• .�"� � � � � C�•l�_�... ., ' /'�'�� �� � ��o���.�.�1i �.�S � � " . ..I ,./, , i� . `,- _ - , , . � _� ��� � . - . ' c�ty of sa�nt paul board of zoning appeals resalutian zoning file number 8996 � . da�e October 13, 1981 � WHEREAS, CASTLE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, INC, have applied for a � variance from the strict application of the provisions� of Section 61 .101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to minimum lot size and side yard setbacks in an RM-2 zoning district; and blHEREAS, the�Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals conducted a public hearing on September 22, 1981 , pursuant to said appeal in accordance with the requirements of Section 64.203(a) of the Legislative Code; and � WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals based upon evidence � presented at the public hearing, as substantially reflected in the minutes attached hereto, made the foliowing findings of fact: 1 . That the strict application of the regulations would result in exceptional undue hardship upon the owner of property on the north side of Front between Arundel and Western, as distinguished from mere inconvenience, by reason of the shape of the property; . . , � 2. That the variance can be granted without substantial detriment to the public good and without substantially impairing the intent and purpose of the Ordinance; . 3. That the variance can be granted without substantial detriment to the neighbors ' supply of light and air, health, safety, or property values; 4. That the variance requests are not based primarily upon a desire for economic gain; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Saint Paul Board of Zoning Appeals . that the provisions of Section 61 .]O1 be hereby waived to allow a minimum lot size of 8,190 sq, ft. and a 7.5' setback for both the east and the west side yards for property on the north side of Front between Arundel and bJestern, in accordance with the application for variance and the site plan attached hereto. m ove d by Mr. Osborn Decisions of the Board of Zoning s e co n ded b Mr. Grais aPPeals are final sub�ect to appe� Y _ to the City Council ���ithin 30 days in favor 6 by anyone affected by the decisior, . . against o , � � . � .� � � � .-J P1INUTES OF THE MEETIPJG OF THE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA, SEPTEr�1BER 22, 1gg1 PRESE�T: Mmes. P1orton and Summers ; P�essrs, Grais , Kirk, Osborn, Peterson, � . and k�oods of the 8oard of Zoning�Appeals ; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; I�Is. Beseman, Ms. McPJeally, and Ms . Von Mosch of the Planning Division Staff. � ABSENT: None The meeting was chaired by Gladys Morton, Chairman. CASTLE DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT CO. , INC. (r8996 : Variance of the minimum lot size and the requ�red side yard set ack to allow construction of a . 4-unit building on the north side of Front between Arundel and lJestern. The appellant was represented. There was opposition present at the hearing. Ms. Von Mosch showed slides of the site and revi�ewed staff findings with a recommendation for approval . She reported that the applicant submitted a revised site plan and also photographs of a similar building which was constructed at 1388 Prosperity. One letter was received in opposition to . the variance request. � . � Greg Schmit, representing Castle Design, was present to answer any questions. Dan Loehlein, 965 Western, spoke in opposition expressinc► concern with off- � street parking and additional traffic in the alley. He stated that there would not be enough distance between his house and the proposed 4-plex and that the site would be more appropriate for a single family home. P•1s. Von flosch reported that an asphalt pad large enough to park 6 cars would be provided in the rear of the property. � Hearing no further testimony, Ms. Morton closed the public hearing portion of the meeting. Mr. Gra-is� mede a motion ..to approve the variances based on findings 1 through 5 of the staff report. �� t�r. 4Joods seconded the motion. The motion passed on a roll call vote of 1 to 0. � Submitted by: Approved by: � ���:t.Q,Qi►c. U�K �o�ut. � _ .`� �'i . .- /._ - . i� - /� l� � �: �•, �_.�� Susan Von Mosch 6ladys Morton, Chairman ZUNING STAFF REPORT ,1 . F+PPLICA";T: CASTLE DESIGN AND DEVELOP��ENT C0�1PANY, INC. DATE OF HEARING 9/22/81 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CLASSIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CURRENT PLANNING & ZONING COMMITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS Rezoning ❑ Variance � Special Condition Use ❑ Administrative Review ❑ Determination of Similar Use ❑ Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use ❑ �Other ❑ � �_ 3. LOCATION: North side Front between Arundel and Western. 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: See file 5. PRESENT ZONING: RM-2 ZONING CODE REFEREP�CE: Section 61 .101 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & RE�PORT: DATE 9�14�8� gY Susan Von Mosch A. PURPOSE: Variance of the minimum lot size and the required side yard setback to allow construction of a 4-unit building. B. PARCEL SIZE: 65' frontage on Front x 116' = 8,190 square feet. C. SITE & AREA CONDITIONS: Surrounding land uses include single-family houses and duplexes; two medium dens�ty apartment buildings are located down Front to the west; the St. Paul Auto Body Shop is located across Front. Irr�nediately east of the site is an RT-1 zoning district, single-family houses and duplexes; immediately to the north is an R-4 zoning � • district, single-family houses; to the west and south is an I-l .industrial district. D. ORDINANCE CITATION: Section 61 .101 requires a minimum lot area of 10,000 sq. ft. for construction of a 4-unit dwelling in an RM-2 district; the applicant proposes a minimum� lot size of 8,190 square feet. Section 61 .101 also requires 15' side yard setbacks; the applicant proposes 7.5' setback for both the east and the west side yard. E. FINDINGS: 1 . The variances are based on the area and the narrowness of the lot. Existing development on the east and west sides of the lot prevent an increase in area or frontage of the site. 2. Without varian�ces the appi-icant would incur exceptional undue hardship in constructing a multi-family structure on the site given its area and narrowness. The structure could not be constructed without variance of the minimum lot size. The applicant could construct a structure on the lot without the side yard variance; however, the resulting design would not be desirable because it would necessitate restricting the amount of yard and open space in the rear yard. 3. The variance can be granted without substantial detriment to the corrnnunity or to the intent of the Ordinance. The site is an infill lot zoned RM-2; development of a multi-family structure is appropriate for the site. The building is not oversized for the lot; overcrowding would not occur. 4. The variances can be granted without substantial detriment to the neiQhbors ' supply of light, air or property values. The adjacent residential structure to the west is set back approximately 8-10' ; adjacent residential structures to the east have frontage on Western, the rear yard setback provide open space. Overcrowding would not occur. 5. The request for variance is not based primarily on a desire for economic gain. F. STAFF REC0��1MEt�DATION: Based on findings 1 through 5, staff recommends approval of the variances . - � : � � � ` � ! � `7 �/� J . � -. .... ; ���.:� ; , � �,.,�� APPLICATION FOR ZONING ORDINANCE U�4RIANCE� `�. � �� CITY OF SAINT PAUL � �, ��ARI,ANCE OF ZONING CODE CHAPTER �� SECTION>'-�� PARAGRAPH ' ' �" /v � �- 1 EEQUESTED IN CONFORMITY WITH THE POWERS VESTEO IN TH BOARD OF ZON NG AP- ; EP�LS TO PERMIT THE �; r��_�:� i��-i 'r 1 !"T� �t- f'j�P �' ON PROPERTY .... . ' ' , E�CRIBED BELAW. � � i ,• �� � � •�ApP�icant: NAME:�%��T, �_,'.�ic:�/ �S r^./�l� - �^ i� • _ .:[:%. �i !�r- � ' � . . .="" � / , , ^ .r �' � ADDRESS�i..���' �'l"J. :;L�"�':�!{-c^% • /'!� �, i�[-'�-- L_:- .` . �: ._ � �' e►.. , DAYTIME TELEPHONE N0. �f,'!r�— �/'�i. 'rK 21P CODE��=: %�=�'`7� G 1. Property interest of applicant: (owner,contract purchaser,etc.) � t ��`� � �� E.�. Name of owner (if different) ,� ;f � � � � � �/�:.��/�ci'// /� �_-�,c'�:'is �yi?'�nf'y��'..-.�,�:r.��,r. � B. ProPerty Description: ADDRESS r=.!� %�i�';:�``�;�k''%-%%f'�•?'/`;'`y=-?�`=''="` ,'r� I - .�, , �r� . . , . , �� f��C.ii_ !`.:-..:.a.G .�;'' ��,'; . .C��:':' ��i/�✓d, i7.. ,- � � 1. Legal descriptionl'LOT BLOCK -•,, • "",n-:`��c���•�f r . i ADD. � I 2. Lot size• _ .� �� y, /�//� � ( ���� �/ � * 3. Present Use�� ''s`�%�l.'��";� Present Zoning Oist. �� �� � ; - � - - I C. Reasons for Request: ; � 1. Proposeduse ...�i••'�•.T, r;-'� : , ,�;i� _ �' � .� ��r . � � _. ��''``_ E':::JY"l� L.�l � I� i ._i ; /_.�,{ ; � : � '" 1.��,,r"L;a(l1 UIti'� � 2. 1Nhat physical characteristics of the property prevent iu being used for any of the permitted uses � . in your zone? (topography,soil conditions,size and shape of lot,etc.) I - �.._-- � ��� c' i • 3. State the specific variation requested,giving distances where appropriate. � ;!: _. � -_ �'.: �' /"O��J %` �r"� ^�.li� /d �/� �E i>�% �/!��' ' I r i '' �' ,-/.. '-" �/ ,� � -. , � :.-;. ';.-:'-� .__;� , , �G ���•� Y�'� 4. Explain how your case conforms to each of the following: ; a. That the strict application oi the provisions of the 2oning Ordiance would result in peculiar ( or exceptionalp►actical difficulties,or exceptional undue hardships. � ';:�... _ --_ . _`G f1�fi�: _ C.... .%:/� �!= �%i%�.✓�.�i 1'%� `v.�-, ...� . - . : --- - �,/;�. ��'�,, �/.�l Z e �v�'/G, �tT7i/_y ,:iC j i�� ,, �;!-�:=! ;�-;-*—=-..',�i��w�`.0 :': `� "CASHIERS USE ONLY . �` ''' b. That the granting of a variance will not be a substantial detriment to public good or a subatantial impair- -_ _. _: _, �_'_�, , ment of the intent and purpose of ' - the Zoning Ordinance. -- � -� �� �. .. ... �.-'.'. �:,G � . _i t..�; _ ._ " ' ' . ' . � . r . i��. . . . .. � I� T�` _ � - . �- �_)�S�'� �'i^� _. . ._.. ' ' • . - . . . �. . -�- . . '�-.� • �''�.� c �' . �^ j '. --, ���-. � ' j �/I ,'' r � 1 NOTE: THIS.WILL NOT BEPROCESSED WITHOUT A COMPLETE SITE PLANl�'''• � �`� � ..�..�... "" ..._�r f'' _ ' � Signature'� �"'� � � '�� � , i - Date Received i i � ti ' � � : � I � ` « � � ��� I - --�- . . , � � ; � � ,....F. � , ,:�. ,: •1 ; . , � , � � i r �,� � ' I �,..� 0 .� . , ( •�, - - �� ; i � � - ---. � – � ' � �,v� ' I ; � � ' r��V � � � , - '. � � � � �e�T�� .•,;ti�--1•� ;':.JP�Fr.=��;�.;!�� ( � • ! � + ,.___-----�-�__... .�-- .._-- - — l �- 'T' . `. � � ' ' I • ' � .' � . ' �• • \ � / • . � I ` � . \ 1 / � `' . f w \\ `,� f / r� . . I ' �\ 1 �-•• I i +�+ __ �� ��'�' I ]� � � ' , --.f- - \ _-_•------ i ) � �' �� '� , �\\ �, i _.� . � i I � ,/' j'' � ,1 ,, �•r' . . ; ��- . ; . . � � � ' .��•�. . ; � -� � �� s . 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' , December 8,. 19$1 , . � � Mr. Paul Deach Department of Finance Rooro 218� City Hn11 . - Dear 3ir: Tbe City Couc:ci3. aet a date oP hearing for Jmuary 7, 1982 � ' ta con8ider the agpeal of Ssm Dreseer, 'et al to a deciaion of � ' the Board of Zoning Appea].s ragarding a varianee gra�itecl to Castle Desi�,n anc� Development �Gomgaqy for p,roperty on the north� ! side oP Front between Arundel and Western. (Zoning FiTe #8996) � Will you please send notices to property or►ners as required by � ' lali? � , Very �truly yours, , � . , � � � Alt�ert B. Olson , .. City Clerk ' r • AHOSla ' cc: P].aan3ng 8tat"t, Zoning Section . , � � Housing 8a Bldg. Code Div. , , , � ; � - � _ , � � , , � - . �1 `'' � `� !`�h� � ��==o, . CITY OF SAINT PAUL ;"0t 'm OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY r �iii'i i�u o o „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,.,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR / December 1, 1981 �� � /� � � Mr. Albert B. Olson City Clerk Room� 386 CITY HALL Re: Zoning File No. 8996 Board of Zoning Appeals Variance for Castle Design and Development Company. Dear Mr. Olson: You have advised us that the City Council has requested that our office investigate and report back to it concerning the question of whether the appeal in the above matter was filed in a timely fashion, pursuant to 5ection 64 .205 of the Zoning Code. Section 64 .205 contains the procedure by which an appeal may be made from a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals to the City Council. This section provides that "such appeal shall be taken within 30 days after the decision appealed from shall have been served either in person or by mail upon the appellant and/or the owner of the property which is the subject of the appeal, by filing with the City Clerk notice of the appeal***. " By letter dated November 18, 1981, addressed to the City Clerk, Susan Von Mosch of the City' s Division of Planning states that the Board of Zoning Appeals resolution was adopted on October 13, 1981, and that the petition appealing from this decision was filed in the off ice of City Clerk on November 13, 1981. Ms. Von Mosch' s letter further states that the deadline for fa.ling the appeal was November 12, 1981, and this is based upon an assumption that the Zoning Board resolution was mailed on October 13th, which is the same date on which the Zoning Board adopted the resolution. I have contacted Ms. Von Mosch to ascertain what date the Zoning Board resolution was actually mailed, and am inforzned that the Zoning office has no record of the date of mailing that decision. �4°-i�Y (\ ��'�\5J � . � � � . a � �!�� Albert B. Olson Page 2 December 1, 1981 Because there is no record of a date of maila,ng,. there is no basis upon which to assume that the decision was mailed on the same date that the resolution was passed and therefore it is my opinion that the City Council should schedule the hearing on the appeal, assum- ing that the appeal was filed in a timely manner. Tf the owner of the property to which the variance was granted can establish through competent evidence that the notice was mailed more than thirty days prior ta the date of filing of the appeal, then; the City Council could determine that it does not have jurisdiction to hear the matter, but failing any such evidence it would be competent for the City Gouncil to proceed with the hearing on th�.s appeal. Yo very ul , J ME J. s stan ty Attorney JJ :cg cc: City Council Mayor Latimer Director of Planna.ng & Economa.c Development Deputy Director of Planning Susan Von Mosch , . _ � , . s_ ` ` � � �.���� �- � , n. , , � . . . � , . � ; � ; , . , • , , , ; . . . _. , , , � , � � . . ; . llave�ber 39, 19�� . � , i , , ._. � � � Mr,. Ed�Starr . . _ , , . > C�ty Attorney . : Room 61►7� City H�sll" ' , , : . Dear Sir; , , � The City Council todqy received: an'appea.l of Sam D.resser and � ' others to a decisi�n of the Board of Z,oning Appeals regerdin� a-variaace -granted to Castle Design'and Development Company , � , : for property on the north side of Front betWeen Artuidel and ' ','iJeatern end alt3o is in receipt oS �► i�ttter of tbe Plt�nning � ` StaPf noting that the a�penl was r�cefv�ed�one drey sftsr t�ie deadliae a,s a+et 'out in the goning ordit�ance. Th� r�t�t.er �+a� �referred to the� City Attorney P�r inve�.t3�atton and report. � 1.; � , , • ' ` Yours ;ve�y truly,� , . , . . � Albert'B. Olsv� • ` ' City Clerk , , J41�t�cli. . , . , . . . . . � . . . . , 1: . . h . I1�0 t�+a , � ' , ' - c�c s F+2�aing Staff, Zoning'Sscttcq ` . . ,i Huilding & �o�;esing Cod� Div. � .� ' �� � � � � � � � � • � �� � � � � � � ' . � � � ! � ; j . ; , ; � , ; . ; _ ;; . ' / j Y , , , � :: , t ` , " , � . � - , ' - , � , " y . - - � � � . � ���� � ��- o�. _ � . ,, � - � � � � � b� � �� � ��� � � � V r � �� Oct�ber 14� iQ81 t� l � / T� 1�te�ers •f the Cit� Cw��il; �" ' � This petiti�n c�cerns all pr�perty �wners �►itkfs� (3�0 feet if tl�e pr�p��ei Devela�pa�►t). L�cate� at (Ns Fr�t betwe�a Ar�snde�� ar�i �'ester�). Z�►iqg �;�,�a�e:. Cas��e�.��:Aai Devel�t�nt C�. a] :S�e tha pet3tirners feel that a Variance in t�,e Ordina�nce will increase tbe wlu�e •i traffic in wr area, the� aas�at Mhich runs east ani west hAS alteaiy increaaed the pariciAg pr�bleas ani traffi� i�a wr area. Ri$�t a�r► it's seens �re like s:thr�g� street thsn an Alle'. p] There are watiy saall ckildren in tbs area, ani ae feel that aaR�ther s�arti�rent' b�ilding �n th� saw� siie �f tbe street i� a�ditisn te the T� �t�er apsrt�rents sr► the saae si�e •f tbe strest aill �ly further increase the fa�c,t.tin� parkirtg xnd traffic pr�bl�ts in tht Alley ani s�rroundir►B fl�C i. c] Th�tre are three h��es�;�reatlp af#�cte� by tbia prep�sed buildi�g being put in. And in aelditi�n geel iC snu1�1 i�ekas th�gl� it xas j�st squaesed in. As the 1�C is only (�,�100 :q.$t.) . d] �e 1i�r�aglq Opp�se this Variasrce in the Or�i�a�c�; but will agrea t� si�ethixg �u the ords= �fa resid�nce f�r a �ia�ls �ssily iwelling. t�e the undersign�d p�titisn�rs� have agreed t� the a��ve stateasnt� and ask that this petiti�n be br�ught feraard in vur behalf. And ask �er y�ur re-evaluation tn thi.s se►tter. _ o ���� aM� �� � Q 9� F,�- ��c�a ��' � ��- � 3 Reap�tful y, �ii�2a . �' � O -�-- ,�..�,�,�.`;�--/�'�°�",.�.-`_, �a►) ' �t�.� 9� u� � ,�. � y�`J C�2ort//)� �-�- C�"�'�4� �c � . � ��� 7 a�� r� ,�,� Q� ��G��L `�b S�ll.��. y �6� �S �� � �y� �'� �, — .; _� ,--� /' �7 �-� �r�e � t 3 , ,.�:�.�(". � � ` �? � ;f � � � v � L'�j�'c�G� C.l�.. ` . . ' , . � . . {� . - � PU�LIC HEARING NOTICE . CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - BOARD OF 20NING APPEALS • I _ � ( ' - x � ':�. TO -� �- Property Owners r�li thi n 350 feet; : . � �-d,�.' _ ` . Representatives �:bf Planning District '6 � � • �. . � . . � APPUCANT �� CASTLE DESIGN AND DEYELOPMENT C0. , INC. � ... . . . . . . � , . �.. . . . . `� . ,. . ., �r . . . . . . . ... . .. '. . . .. � .� . -� . . , ... . . .. . . . . . - . . l.. .. � .. . .. � � . .. _ �-� - .AUAPOSE 4 Variance to construct a 4 unit buil:ding �three 2-bedroom uni.ts ,�an�'one"t='�ec7F8'�f"i�fii . _ ,.,.-_._„� Ordinance requires: " � ' 'Applicant proposes: Hinimum lot si�ze of 10,000 sq.ft. Minimum 1ot area of 8,]90 Side yard setbacks of 15' on ea. ���a , . sq.ft. side yard Side yard setbacks of 7.5' i ,. . . .. LOCATION. � , �> OF PROPERTY Ns Front bet. Arundel and Western ���� �. �;;,�� � � ��. . ���, `n1 � ► �: ,,.� � ����� 1'''': , ,�� Legal Description: �See �file� . � �k � '�; 1� � - ` , 1 h� ( 1 y � r+�p A _ � 9� r .�': - ' �_ �- ' .. �- • \�� � . �- ._ TIME OF HEARING ,�.�. Tuesday, September 22, 1981 , 1 :00 P.M. ��� � � .� , . . . PLACE OF HEARlNG Ci ty Counci 1 Chambers, 3rd F1 oor Ci ty Hal l , St. Paul . __. .__ _ _.._...�___.__.,,._._.._.w _ .__. . _. __. _.,,,,..,w. _ ,.,�.. _.__ ., .---_.,._.._,....__. __ ..�._...�. . � °.n__.�..._.___�___. .. . HOW TO PARTICIPATE 1 . You may attend heari ng and testi fy. ' � , "� ` 2. You may send a letter before the hearing to the Board ..-� of Zoning Appeals, 25 West Four`th St. , St. Paul , NW. 55102 �` � _ ,�� <:- � ��,____ ,�` :�2�'j , ANY QUESTIONS , '' j . . ,�_. Call the Zoning office at 298-4154, Susan Von Mosch (292-7359) � •fi�, or District 6 (488-0507) with the following infbrmation: : . � _ Zoning File No. �8996 _ I . . ' �/ � Zoning File Name _ CASTLE DESIGN . f, ,: . ,�� ' ' � ' Mailing Date 9�>>��� j . � . a::;... ..<. _ i _ _ _ _.. <, _. .__ , �►'j � � ` J� f �� �� � _ . ' < � �•`",°- CITY OF SAINT PAUL z:• ; �� : DEPARTMENT Of PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVEtOPMENT � u�mi , ��; n t� o ''�%� ~ DIVISION OF PLANNING .... _ 25 West Fourth Street,5aint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATiMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR Nove�4er 18, 1981 A1 O1son, City Clerk Room 386, City Nall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Re: Petition Appealing the Decisivn of the Board of Zoning Appeals to grant variances for Castle Design and Development Company - Zoning File No. 8996 - City Council Agenda: November 19, 1981 Dear Sir: This letter is written in response to a petition appealing the decision of � the Board of Zoning Appeals granting lot area and side yard setback variances to allow construction of a 4-unit bujlding on the north side of Front between Arundel and Western. This letter is to inform Council members that the petition by property owners in the area of Front and Western could possibly constitute an untimely appeal . The Saint Paul Zoning Ordinance states in Section 64.205 that an appeal may be taken to the City Council by any person affected by a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals. The appeal shall be taken within 30 days after the decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals has been served upon the appellant. The Board� of Zoning Appeals passed the Castle Design resolution on October 13, 1981 . The deadline for filing an appeal was November 12, 1981 . The petition appealing the Board o� Zoning Appeals' decision was filed on November 13, 1981 , one day after the deadline for accepting the appeal . Zoning staff recomnended approval of the variances. The Board of Zoning Appeals voted 7-0 to approve the variance request. � The City Council will consider the petition and set a public hearing date on November 19, 1981 . Sincerely, ��G��c¢ILK� U OM- �Q� Susan Von Mosch City Planner, Zoning SVM/cc . � y , �''� ST: � P�AUL CITY COUNCIL , Q � . �� PUB� IC HEARING NOTICE � oNii�G APP�A� District Planning Council 4�6 F I L E N 0. X8996 Dear Property Owner: P A�'j E PURPOSE . To consider the appeal of Sam Dresser et al to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals regarding a variance granted to Castle Design and Development Company. L0 C A T 1 0 N North side of Front Avenue betwe•en Arundel and Western. See below for legal description. ' PETfTIONER Sam Dresser H E A R i N G Thursday, January 7, 1982, 10:00 A.M. City Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House Q U E S T10 N S Zoning 298-4154 Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street, St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,... LEGAL DESCRIPTIOrI E. 15' of Lot 44, W. 17.5' of Lot 45 & E. 75' of Lot 45 and all of Lot 46, Block 2, Weide's Rearrangement of Lot 76-80, Wilkin and Haywards Outlots. Notice sentDecember 24, 1981, by the Valuation and Assessment Division Department of Finance and Management Services Room 218 City Hall - Court House .. St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 � : � , , ���� . . a � , � ,. . . - . . � � , , � , , , � . _ ' Febzuary 2, I982 , , � � � ,� , i , , � , � � � - - , �'�, . , . • '�,am Drassar . - _ ��,, � 398 F'ront �1v�. . ,\� , St.. Paul, Minn�scfta 55117 ,( ; , � • � DeaFr �$ira . 1 i'�� � . �� � ` , . . • On Jaauary 28. 2982 .the St. P�u]. City Cou�cil adopt� r xesclntiaa ' granting your app�al to a deci�ian of the�8t. Paul Board o! Zon�ag � ApPeala for Propeti�► a� ths north aida o� Front bstw�en Atuadal � ` , ti as�d Westera. ,8�closed for yoaz informatia► ta a .copY o! C.F.'�o. 2�8127. ` . � • � , , Ve�r.t�uly yro�uss, \�_ �� ��� . , �..✓� ..�-�'"'� . . �_ • � . Albert B. Ol�n � �• � . ' . �Cit� Glerk . �losura , . � ccs Castis Des3gn � �fswlqp�snt Co.-.� Inc.,.2419 2b. l�targaret 3t., No.� 8t. Pai]:, Hina.� 55109 . � . " Zoaing'Admin3strator , � Plsaning Co�set�ssion- , � , Hoard of Z�oning Appealb ; , - � • _ . ; . , . _ � • . . . , ,