00-407QRiG�NA�. Presented By Refened To Council FIle # 00 -40�'i m�Y.�e� _ {�l�� 3 , �-ec o � Green Sheet # t O 3 Q L�{ SO TION CITY iTL, TA ar� Pa e � Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held by Frank Czaston dfb/a Frank's 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at 15Q Concord Street, is hereby 4 suspended for a period of thirty days for outside storage of vehicles and parts in violation of 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.219. 7 8 FI3RTHER RESOLVED, that 15 days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of 9 eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that the property is brought into compliance 10 with the conditions on the license within one week from the passage of this Resolution; 2) that i 1 there be no further violations of the conditions on the license or other code or zoning violations 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licensee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. For the remauvng 15 days suspension, no business operations shall be pernutted begiiuiiiig at 12:01 a.m, Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:54 pm., Wednesday May 31, 2000. -� S`E�S er� �o.r�rar h ( �Yriev�7,mev��� - �a�� 2-. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this ma#ter are based upon the facts contained in the OcCober 21, 1999 letter to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Reques� by Department of: 4/GrYR�-a JI�� &y: Form Approved by City Att, ey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: App� By: By: Adoptied by Council; Date _�\�d Q G 1 Adoption Certified by Council Sec ary eo -��`f Insert the following Amendment (on Page 1) (May 3, 2000) FURTF�R RESOLVED that notwithstandin the for�oin�, if the licensed premises is broueht into full comnliance with City ordinances relating to outside stora¢e of vehicles and parts and storage of inoperable vehicles by 4•00 �m on May 17 2000 the entire thirry (30 davs suspension shall be suspended for thirtv1301 days on conditions (21 and (31 in the fore�m� "FURTHER RESOLVED" clause. Office of LIEP/City Attomey NTACT PQ27.�N & PFIOI� Virginia Palmer ���� Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.R�rt ona7ae 00 -�o� Nol G��?�4 uir�ouct CRYAiTORIEY ❑ OIYCLiRI[ H4MCMifFRNCFJ9R. ❑ RYMWLiFiM4CtT6 II�YOR(OR�V1LLL111l) ❑ iCLiP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolufion concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (iJncontested) PLANNING GOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persorvhrm e�sx wnrketl uMxa conhact fof thia depaRmeM7 YES NO Has ttiie peisorJfirtn Caer been a city empbyee? YES NO Doesthis De�soM�im o�sesc a s�6n not nrnma9YPOSSessetl bY �P airreM ciiv emWovee? YES NO Is thia pe+sorilfirm aU�B�etl vendoYt YES NO TRANSACTIOIi S SOURCE CAST/REV@7UE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTWItY NUMBER YES NO INFORMA710N(IXPWln OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, b., Ciry Attomey ao ..�{n CITY OF SAINT PAUL NormColemun, Mayor Civi! Division 40Q Ciry Ha11 1 S West Kellogg BJvd Saint Pau1, Minnesota i5T 02 Tetephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile; 65I298-5619 March 30, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, d/bfa Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paui License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: P1ease take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aprii 26, 2000 in the Ciry Councii Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the violations of St. Paul Legislative code have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalry, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ����� ��s��;� c��,f� t`'"�.a,`� � �. �i��d� Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �o _� Licensee Name Address: Councif Date: Violation: Frank Gaston d!b/a Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street April 26, 2000 Storage of vehicles and parts outside St. Paul Legislative Code §60.543 Storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days St. Pauf Legislative Code §60.219 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf ofi client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day suspension of license, 15 days of which are stayed for 18 months on 3 conditions: 1. Property brought into compliance within one week from passage of the reso{ution; Attachments: 2. no further viotations of license conditions or other code or zoning vio{ations during 18 months; 3. the licensee shall pay a$500.00 fiine within 30 days of adoption of the resotution. 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. 3/14/00 violation memo and photographs from LIEP 5. 10/21/99 letter from Kristina Schweinler to Frank Gaston Oo-'�oq 6. License information CITY OP SAINT PAUL Noim Coleman, iLfayor March 21, 2000 OFFICF '�F TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on i. �binson, Jr., C+ryAttorney CivilDivision 40D Ciry Ha11 1 S West Ke(togg Blvd. Saint Paul, bfinnesafa SSIO2 DO -�{o� Telephome: 651266-8 i IO Fatsimile: 651298-5619 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service I50 Concord Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by Frank Gaston, d/b/a Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended adverse action against the auto repair gazage license held by you at I50 Concord Street. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 21,1999 a letter was sent to you by Kristina Schweinler, a license inspector, advising you that the premises at 150 Concord Street were the subject of neighborhood complaints, and that you were storing vehicles and parfs outside in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543. You were also advised thaf the storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days was prohibited by §60.219 of the Code, and that vehicles were observed stored on the west and east sides of the building in violation of that section. You were given until November 30,1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and clean the area of any parts or debris. That date was extended until January 1, 200Q at the request of Gilbert Delao. On 1Vlarch 1, 2000 the license inspector again observed the premises and saw a large amounf of outdoor storage, in violation of the zoning code. Page 2 Frank Gaston Mazch 21, 2000 p0 -'�Oq If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhulity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there far you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL,�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, March 31, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Councii. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ' v c,�j �, «-1�.-„-c_-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 eo-�o2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 2I, 200�, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and this 21st o � � Notary sworn to before me f_/F�zrrtl�� 2 0 0 0. PETER P. PAfVGBORN WJ7ARY PUBUC - MINNESOTA A1Y CAMMISSION EX PIRES.lqN.31,2pp5 said person) and depositing the Ofl -`��R � � 0 X I M W O � O O �- � O y V N t6 J N a o r O a � c O :. �a E � w _ d N C d c� ..I m � m � � � U � J U Q a c N � Q � H �E N � �a U � �J � Q d I�� r �s N 7£ M I� Iz I c c 1 J O � N N F- � � � �n O °i U N z a � a U� ¢ o° � u�'� W U � W � � � _ m ¢ Z Y Qz 0 � tl. 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O N (J) O Q � - p (n y �a Y Y a��c Y Y � � a3omrn `o rn �� O O � N ���2' 7 O a o ot� c�i��C�c � U o � m Q , m mY Oaioyo�a� oa> � �u�arn��p��m� � � t�tim o� p � � Y'�.yMt �t in C O�. � �Y' � Lp �- V i " O �-O � �ON O� pw 4 = ..." ca?w� a d o °� °-' � =�c°ama� o` N � JN�Old7� C �c0 � p0_C C� �'N C M N �� O 3>� N L 7 O v-m Y c- �`n_orn�-�m �� �oYmo a���a � m a� � o� Cr 41'6=ln TN.fl YQ N N � � � ��a�-�� T UI���U o->. c� N"a Y N Q . ro� C O O U QO ��• m � ° '�'-c t- ° -'-- o �rn °Y °� � �rn o� Ni: a Q O O O O 00 00' �� UV= N N"'� NO Q 'ON ENOr.-� N � �1 �` N 'V N O N 1� C M N dN (6 L Ln� p_uJ . � N Q�� @� M� O 3 0�� C� C Mc�J_MNr�� n.c-_�+LLd.�V' O 60 -`��`t 0 0—'fo�t I�` i@ 0 lal W O N �� O M � O y V N A J � �- N � O a � c 0 R � � w c d N C d U � N w �6 � � a�i > U +-� -' a N rn ��f6 �I� N ��� 0 0 J � Q O o �� N �I I ` Z I c i c�p U � 1 O � f6 N F-� � N O a `z O � Q U o O � �� W U � W � � a� ] � Q I � � a Y Z 'O � LL i� O t- �Z � c o Z a� .n C � O U C N � O � m : X � c � � E 3 Z U a U C � � N C d E W Z a C d � 0 U c m 7 N C � � 7 Z Q1 C � O N s � a a , N � y N � N m � 0 � � � F � � � F" � 0 � � U Z O U O � a �p 'C N '-' Ol n�,x � m V = c °�— � `o Y� Y ,.� °'�y Y � � � O � �'� �:�p� O �.�` „' O � N �._�O�O_' � O n � ��s' ° Qa ±n mY�^' U`oa � =�°a D N � jp p_O� �._ � � _ y� i (n U d�2 O-N O a1 � o c � � � Y YV� rnfl-c�i 'nv RO � �Od��y� Oa1 p r''-. � C'. Z.��.'. '6 �l Nw � o, � � �mmrnd - oc �m rn o nc��°-w c3 cnN �� o3> �o r-� Y r CQO�dL� 0� � rn-��-ca��i� � �-Y3r �t4N (6 N '� G U DO N�� N TT� �Q m �� , ' g a m �_o d tn �' a U �om am ° c��w � Y ��.a�i � � O NO � UW C O N �-p6> O ° o ° o �' � �� NN�'rn �- NOfl-ONENOu �NN�7c-N ' 1' N O N f�- C M N O.N N�L„ �ik O.�f .�.- M Y N Y �� ��m�03� LN�C (h �MN+-.�-� Q. Q.d Cst O CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 4 �� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: 3/14/2000 TO:Ginger Palmer �� , FROM:Kris Schweinler 0 \ RE:150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service CTinger, Attached are some photos taken on 3/1/Z000 of the above repair shop. The property continues to violate the zoning ordinance with the large amount of outdoor storage. I have attempted to try and work with this location for over a year and he is either unable or unwilling to bring the property into compiiance. Let me know if there is anything else you need in order to proceed. Cc: Christine Rozek / Deputy Director S .q !�, P ��, e, ..�F .o �- € x� ,� �q.,..;1 � � � . . ii �� y4� < '� � y� ,�� � - '� 3 �I St � .a� .. r • � s�,���� � � _ , �.,� � �: . �s,. a . �� . � � � :.'.k:: !. . . . . � .._�' i .��� ��rl _. - . . .� � � , - -'. ._ . x �� r : , �. . , � � ;�. . ' ` — � . . � - i - . � . �. ' � i . - � I � , � � . . � 4 � � � �� �_i ` � . �*>�� - '� � .. . ._ -- f; � . � � . �v�� b�r�� . ��p;--�=' . < ti Y.A.{ @ i ��� .. -t.;r� � � , � ... +" �- � � � 4�9 �_. ,s�� _. . M � ] •. ' " 2 . <` b ;S ' ��'-� ����" ��'sa: � .. 6 _ ... . . y � := ��: �� �,; -,!+°- � �i>rrrr$%AU 0 S[RVIC� M1 � l .. � 4.� ( � � E i i - � � . • :. _. � .. . .... '� v..���� . . . \ � . . . . . . . . . f : �� �� P� ., ~ � � �'� �y / ..i u Y 4 (. 1 �� r;�1. �,,:�� �i i . a5 ,3�sr.Q�R-",a. 3 � s� 4 � • � �''� ���� , � ' � . . s a, fi ���� '�� � �'. - �'- ` . . . . . �`�?" � - � ���! ...!„ I i �. . . I � . - _E:.. ..-.. . � .. I '1�'"'\.,-.�_.. ._ . Q . . . . .. . .: �.,.,�, .. , . . _ - - _ . , . __- . �� =cT`-.w�>-, s:.; s � � - „_ �_ --� ' . � ^''�'.' ., :.._ "' . . . �. � '�"s:i ' _ �_ . � OFFICE OF LICENSE, LYSPECI'fONS A,�ID ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION XobenKessler, Dvector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ! A W R Y P R O F FS S! O NA L B UQ D I N G 350 Sc PetesStreet, Suite 300 SairttPaul,Minnesata SSIQ2-1510 Oct.21,1999 Mr. Frank Gaston 645 Robert St. St.Paul,Mn.55107 Re: 150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service Mr. Crnston, oa -��t Telephane: 651-266-9090 Facnmile: 65]-1669099 651-266-912i On April 15,1999 I spoke with you regarding the condition of your property at 150 Concord St. We have again received complaints about the condition ofthe property, specifically the storage of vehicles and parts. `Iou are located in a B-3 commercial zone. This does not allow outdoor storage of motor vehicles or parts. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.543. (Copy attached) An inspection on Oct.20 showed that you still have vehicles stored out of doors behind the fence on the west and east sides of the buiiding. Most of these ve�icles appear to be inoperable. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.219 does not ailow for the storage of vehicles for more that 5 days. (Copy attached) This letter is to notify you that you have until Nov. 30, 1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and to clean the area of any parts or debris. Failure to do so may result in adverse action being taken against your license. Please contact me if you have any questions at (651)266-9110 Respectfully, ,�.�5�� . I{ristina Schweinler Sr. License Inspector Cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director Larry Zangs, Zoning Specialist Ginger Palmer, Asst. City Atty. License Group CommeMS Text Licensee: FRANKGASTON �BA� FRANK'S AUTO SERVICE License #: 0099687 02/09/2000 C10 -�£a2 Pic.given to lZfoc tag,tli3lOoKS.lnspected the prop. on'l/3l00 took pic.stift alot of junk on prop.fence now fa0ing down and needs repair.KS.Lette sent 10/21/g9 giving until 1'I/30/99 to clean up prop.was contacted by Gilbert Delao(Neigh.HOUSe.) they would Iike to the first of the year to help get this prop. into shape. ok'd that if progress is made before the weaiher changes. Gilbert's Ph.#227-9297.KS �``'��,� � 00 -Ltoq bo-�-to? �, z�-.:� �::.. � ., r.: �$� �� �� :� � �� . Typti Ea��..,. i .,^�.c..RNtx. �''t :� �: -. Y i�'s,,.��avce :a:,.�mv. ;��:x.... .a�': i Stre� .._. ... , � License ucensee : Lic. Types _�___r�.._ : r; .... ...................:......................... ' SYre!;i f C'• praperty (� Licensee � Unofficiel - .., • :. ; Diret;< Street#: �W ................... �� Unit i?; �eet Name: ONCORD ....... ....... .. ........ ......................... � �� �; Street Type: �ST ! Diredion: � � 3r Und Ind � ; Unit S: � r.. ; ;� CdY _T.PAUI ............... ....................... �, ` :p+ Stste: IN � Zip: r �; � Ward �[ � ii Dist Couri: �]3 i Licensee: DBA: Sales Tax 6us DBA Insurance ,: Band � RequiremeMs � .......................... ................................................................................... i Projed Facilitator. GUNTHER, V4ILLIAM (BILL) : Adverse AcGon CommeMs : : ......................................................................................................: .......r--:=_��- . . [ Commerrts: ,>.yv `�;BFfl..W.S�� Comments. 10N511999 E 1 . _. _ ................. �.... 09t14M 998 ` t .......................P.... torzonss� € � # �99687 ; Save Changes to History � ge From D7 To ff2 On 4109/92 Change From Rich To Denver - t �E�2 ORlG�NAL � Presented By Referred To r��M� Council File # p0 -�k0''t Green Sheet #( O 3 q�. � a� 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held b� 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at I S�ox 4 suspended for a period of thirry days for outside storage of v cle 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of in erable 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code,�0.219. 10 11 12 � 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �rank Gaston d/b/a Frank's �ord Street, is hereby ; and parts in violation of vehicles for more than five FURTHBR RESOLVED, that I S days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that�the properly is brought into compliance with the conditions on the license within one weekiCrom the passage of this Resolution; 2) that there be no further violations of the conditions o�the license or other code or zoning violations during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licerisee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to ihe Office of License, Inspections and Envirota Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council at�� signature by the Mayor. For the remaining 15 days suspension, no business operations� shj� 1 be permitted beginning at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:59 p.m., Wedn�sday May 31, 2000. �, N This ResoluYion and the action contained in the October 21, 1999 I Violation letter to the licensee, and the public hearing. The licensee di� , /� t E'the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of azguments as may have been presented fo the Council at contest the facts of the violation. Reques��t by Dep��art��ment — of: 4/tkU�.. X' G�1�'ESiv. By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y� �pproved by Mayor: Date Hy: Form Approved by City At�ey Bv: 1�� <._ � � �, c�,/,-.,�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 8y: Office of LIEP/City Attorney Virginia Palmer Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oi.,.naruwQe,aR Oo -�{o� .� ��.,.. , No V� � V� anaauct `OIYAiiO�ItY ❑OIVCtflll[ I NI�IIOLL�YCp0�1. ❑ AI�111CYLYIIVGCCTC I rro�tp��wnwn � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution conceming adverse action against ffie Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (LTncontested) PLANNING COMMISSfON C16 COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMfSS10N ihe Nis G� r.erraNetl under s cvdact tarMis tlepaM�nC7 YES NO FMS th's D� auer Eeen e e'dy empbyce7 YES WO OoecUiis PasoMmm 9�en eak� not � bY �Y a�eM �ily emPlQYee'1 YES NO k M's pdwnlfum amrpeted�varitldt YES NO I TRANSACTIONf NNDMG SOURCE fASTIREVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVRV NUI�ER YEE NO Hrr.^:!m�_•',:rr_�� ,.Tr��`1 p ���k � � � 5 �3)° :L, . J �! `` � . R6�'Wl{�Is�wsW�('�ll'� � . � �'EGIZ- �GII�'iD� �:GZt�P.aC . � �'G�cccSVe is �r�r� t��kl � �41�6/�u� �ard�wcauccs �► +�tl � �ffiaQ2 �4'Yl �e -l�e�li� ����.tts �Q � �fa�'�e r�t��e�ble t�.Gtr� �f: P�h < tM /�'� 2�; �u r� � s s� � � �tialf �e �us f�r d oK ca���/� s z 3 c� � � 3o s �n � ) C ) . ��w��.0 ��-s�lv�D` �f . � � �.. , � QRiG�NA�. Presented By Refened To Council FIle # 00 -40�'i m�Y.�e� _ {�l�� 3 , �-ec o � Green Sheet # t O 3 Q L�{ SO TION CITY iTL, TA ar� Pa e � Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held by Frank Czaston dfb/a Frank's 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at 15Q Concord Street, is hereby 4 suspended for a period of thirty days for outside storage of vehicles and parts in violation of 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.219. 7 8 FI3RTHER RESOLVED, that 15 days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of 9 eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that the property is brought into compliance 10 with the conditions on the license within one week from the passage of this Resolution; 2) that i 1 there be no further violations of the conditions on the license or other code or zoning violations 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licensee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. For the remauvng 15 days suspension, no business operations shall be pernutted begiiuiiiig at 12:01 a.m, Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:54 pm., Wednesday May 31, 2000. -� S`E�S er� �o.r�rar h ( �Yriev�7,mev��� - �a�� 2-. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this ma#ter are based upon the facts contained in the OcCober 21, 1999 letter to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Reques� by Department of: 4/GrYR�-a JI�� &y: Form Approved by City Att, ey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: App� By: By: Adoptied by Council; Date _�\�d Q G 1 Adoption Certified by Council Sec ary eo -��`f Insert the following Amendment (on Page 1) (May 3, 2000) FURTF�R RESOLVED that notwithstandin the for�oin�, if the licensed premises is broueht into full comnliance with City ordinances relating to outside stora¢e of vehicles and parts and storage of inoperable vehicles by 4•00 �m on May 17 2000 the entire thirry (30 davs suspension shall be suspended for thirtv1301 days on conditions (21 and (31 in the fore�m� "FURTHER RESOLVED" clause. Office of LIEP/City Attomey NTACT PQ27.�N & PFIOI� Virginia Palmer ���� Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.R�rt ona7ae 00 -�o� Nol G��?�4 uir�ouct CRYAiTORIEY ❑ OIYCLiRI[ H4MCMifFRNCFJ9R. ❑ RYMWLiFiM4CtT6 II�YOR(OR�V1LLL111l) ❑ iCLiP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolufion concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (iJncontested) PLANNING GOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persorvhrm e�sx wnrketl uMxa conhact fof thia depaRmeM7 YES NO Has ttiie peisorJfirtn Caer been a city empbyee? YES NO Doesthis De�soM�im o�sesc a s�6n not nrnma9YPOSSessetl bY �P airreM ciiv emWovee? YES NO Is thia pe+sorilfirm aU�B�etl vendoYt YES NO TRANSACTIOIi S SOURCE CAST/REV@7UE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTWItY NUMBER YES NO INFORMA710N(IXPWln OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, b., Ciry Attomey ao ..�{n CITY OF SAINT PAUL NormColemun, Mayor Civi! Division 40Q Ciry Ha11 1 S West Kellogg BJvd Saint Pau1, Minnesota i5T 02 Tetephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile; 65I298-5619 March 30, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, d/bfa Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paui License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: P1ease take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aprii 26, 2000 in the Ciry Councii Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the violations of St. Paul Legislative code have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalry, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ����� ��s��;� c��,f� t`'"�.a,`� � �. �i��d� Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �o _� Licensee Name Address: Councif Date: Violation: Frank Gaston d!b/a Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street April 26, 2000 Storage of vehicles and parts outside St. Paul Legislative Code §60.543 Storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days St. Pauf Legislative Code §60.219 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf ofi client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day suspension of license, 15 days of which are stayed for 18 months on 3 conditions: 1. Property brought into compliance within one week from passage of the reso{ution; Attachments: 2. no further viotations of license conditions or other code or zoning vio{ations during 18 months; 3. the licensee shall pay a$500.00 fiine within 30 days of adoption of the resotution. 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. 3/14/00 violation memo and photographs from LIEP 5. 10/21/99 letter from Kristina Schweinler to Frank Gaston Oo-'�oq 6. License information CITY OP SAINT PAUL Noim Coleman, iLfayor March 21, 2000 OFFICF '�F TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on i. �binson, Jr., C+ryAttorney CivilDivision 40D Ciry Ha11 1 S West Ke(togg Blvd. Saint Paul, bfinnesafa SSIO2 DO -�{o� Telephome: 651266-8 i IO Fatsimile: 651298-5619 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service I50 Concord Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by Frank Gaston, d/b/a Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended adverse action against the auto repair gazage license held by you at I50 Concord Street. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 21,1999 a letter was sent to you by Kristina Schweinler, a license inspector, advising you that the premises at 150 Concord Street were the subject of neighborhood complaints, and that you were storing vehicles and parfs outside in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543. You were also advised thaf the storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days was prohibited by §60.219 of the Code, and that vehicles were observed stored on the west and east sides of the building in violation of that section. You were given until November 30,1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and clean the area of any parts or debris. That date was extended until January 1, 200Q at the request of Gilbert Delao. On 1Vlarch 1, 2000 the license inspector again observed the premises and saw a large amounf of outdoor storage, in violation of the zoning code. Page 2 Frank Gaston Mazch 21, 2000 p0 -'�Oq If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhulity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there far you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL,�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, March 31, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Councii. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ' v c,�j �, «-1�.-„-c_-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 eo-�o2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 2I, 200�, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and this 21st o � � Notary sworn to before me f_/F�zrrtl�� 2 0 0 0. PETER P. PAfVGBORN WJ7ARY PUBUC - MINNESOTA A1Y CAMMISSION EX PIRES.lqN.31,2pp5 said person) and depositing the Ofl -`��R � � 0 X I M W O � O O �- � O y V N t6 J N a o r O a � c O :. �a E � w _ d N C d c� ..I m � m � � � U � J U Q a c N � Q � H �E N � �a U � �J � Q d I�� r �s N 7£ M I� Iz I c c 1 J O � N N F- � � � �n O °i U N z a � a U� ¢ o° � u�'� W U � W � � � _ m ¢ Z Y Qz 0 � tl. 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O � O � r I�I M I Z C (�p V � .J � � � N F- � � a �o �U a Z Q O O O � u) t{7 � � W V � W � � E Q Z U7 Y �4 I � LL Z O m Q C7 O Z n � U C � O U � N M � d m � Q w y C � � � � Z U a � C � � N C Z� � (6 Q � 0 v a� U N 7 C N 9 E � Z N O � � N a °' rn N N N N � ^ C 'N r- m � � � N � � � � � O U Z � U O � I� I� I'. i � i i' ¢ R N Y � N C�- C o-=. O N (J) O Q � - p (n y �a Y Y a��c Y Y � � a3omrn `o rn �� O O � N ���2' 7 O a o ot� c�i��C�c � U o � m Q , m mY Oaioyo�a� oa> � �u�arn��p��m� � � t�tim o� p � � Y'�.yMt �t in C O�. � �Y' � Lp �- V i " O �-O � �ON O� pw 4 = ..." ca?w� a d o °� °-' � =�c°ama� o` N � JN�Old7� C �c0 � p0_C C� �'N C M N �� O 3>� N L 7 O v-m Y c- �`n_orn�-�m �� �oYmo a���a � m a� � o� Cr 41'6=ln TN.fl YQ N N � � � ��a�-�� T UI���U o->. c� N"a Y N Q . ro� C O O U QO ��• m � ° '�'-c t- ° -'-- o �rn °Y °� � �rn o� Ni: a Q O O O O 00 00' �� UV= N N"'� NO Q 'ON ENOr.-� N � �1 �` N 'V N O N 1� C M N dN (6 L Ln� p_uJ . � N Q�� @� M� O 3 0�� C� C Mc�J_MNr�� n.c-_�+LLd.�V' O 60 -`��`t 0 0—'fo�t I�` i@ 0 lal W O N �� O M � O y V N A J � �- N � O a � c 0 R � � w c d N C d U � N w �6 � � a�i > U +-� -' a N rn ��f6 �I� N ��� 0 0 J � Q O o �� N �I I ` Z I c i c�p U � 1 O � f6 N F-� � N O a `z O � Q U o O � �� W U � W � � a� ] � Q I � � a Y Z 'O � LL i� O t- �Z � c o Z a� .n C � O U C N � O � m : X � c � � E 3 Z U a U C � � N C d E W Z a C d � 0 U c m 7 N C � � 7 Z Q1 C � O N s � a a , N � y N � N m � 0 � � � F � � � F" � 0 � � U Z O U O � a �p 'C N '-' Ol n�,x � m V = c °�— � `o Y� Y ,.� °'�y Y � � � O � �'� �:�p� O �.�` „' O � N �._�O�O_' � O n � ��s' ° Qa ±n mY�^' U`oa � =�°a D N � jp p_O� �._ � � _ y� i (n U d�2 O-N O a1 � o c � � � Y YV� rnfl-c�i 'nv RO � �Od��y� Oa1 p r''-. � C'. Z.��.'. '6 �l Nw � o, � � �mmrnd - oc �m rn o nc��°-w c3 cnN �� o3> �o r-� Y r CQO�dL� 0� � rn-��-ca��i� � �-Y3r �t4N (6 N '� G U DO N�� N TT� �Q m �� , ' g a m �_o d tn �' a U �om am ° c��w � Y ��.a�i � � O NO � UW C O N �-p6> O ° o ° o �' � �� NN�'rn �- NOfl-ONENOu �NN�7c-N ' 1' N O N f�- C M N O.N N�L„ �ik O.�f .�.- M Y N Y �� ��m�03� LN�C (h �MN+-.�-� Q. Q.d Cst O CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 4 �� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: 3/14/2000 TO:Ginger Palmer �� , FROM:Kris Schweinler 0 \ RE:150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service CTinger, Attached are some photos taken on 3/1/Z000 of the above repair shop. The property continues to violate the zoning ordinance with the large amount of outdoor storage. I have attempted to try and work with this location for over a year and he is either unable or unwilling to bring the property into compiiance. Let me know if there is anything else you need in order to proceed. Cc: Christine Rozek / Deputy Director S .q !�, P ��, e, ..�F .o �- € x� ,� �q.,..;1 � � � . . ii �� y4� < '� � y� ,�� � - '� 3 �I St � .a� .. r • � s�,���� � � _ , �.,� � �: . �s,. a . �� . � � � :.'.k:: !. . . . . � .._�' i .��� ��rl _. - . . .� � � , - -'. ._ . x �� r : , �. . , � � ;�. . ' ` — � . . � - i - . � . �. ' � i . - � I � , � � . . � 4 � � � �� �_i ` � . �*>�� - '� � .. . ._ -- f; � . � � . �v�� b�r�� . ��p;--�=' . < ti Y.A.{ @ i ��� .. -t.;r� � � , � ... +" �- � � � 4�9 �_. ,s�� _. . M � ] •. ' " 2 . <` b ;S ' ��'-� ����" ��'sa: � .. 6 _ ... . . y � := ��: �� �,; -,!+°- � �i>rrrr$%AU 0 S[RVIC� M1 � l .. � 4.� ( � � E i i - � � . • :. _. � .. . .... '� v..���� . . . \ � . . . . . . . . . f : �� �� P� ., ~ � � �'� �y / ..i u Y 4 (. 1 �� r;�1. �,,:�� �i i . a5 ,3�sr.Q�R-",a. 3 � s� 4 � • � �''� ���� , � ' � . . s a, fi ���� '�� � �'. - �'- ` . . . . . �`�?" � - � ���! ...!„ I i �. . . I � . - _E:.. ..-.. . � .. I '1�'"'\.,-.�_.. ._ . Q . . . . .. . .: �.,.,�, .. , . . _ - - _ . , . __- . �� =cT`-.w�>-, s:.; s � � - „_ �_ --� ' . � ^''�'.' ., :.._ "' . . . �. � '�"s:i ' _ �_ . � OFFICE OF LICENSE, LYSPECI'fONS A,�ID ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION XobenKessler, Dvector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ! A W R Y P R O F FS S! O NA L B UQ D I N G 350 Sc PetesStreet, Suite 300 SairttPaul,Minnesata SSIQ2-1510 Oct.21,1999 Mr. Frank Gaston 645 Robert St. St.Paul,Mn.55107 Re: 150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service Mr. Crnston, oa -��t Telephane: 651-266-9090 Facnmile: 65]-1669099 651-266-912i On April 15,1999 I spoke with you regarding the condition of your property at 150 Concord St. We have again received complaints about the condition ofthe property, specifically the storage of vehicles and parts. `Iou are located in a B-3 commercial zone. This does not allow outdoor storage of motor vehicles or parts. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.543. (Copy attached) An inspection on Oct.20 showed that you still have vehicles stored out of doors behind the fence on the west and east sides of the buiiding. Most of these ve�icles appear to be inoperable. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.219 does not ailow for the storage of vehicles for more that 5 days. (Copy attached) This letter is to notify you that you have until Nov. 30, 1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and to clean the area of any parts or debris. Failure to do so may result in adverse action being taken against your license. Please contact me if you have any questions at (651)266-9110 Respectfully, ,�.�5�� . I{ristina Schweinler Sr. License Inspector Cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director Larry Zangs, Zoning Specialist Ginger Palmer, Asst. City Atty. License Group CommeMS Text Licensee: FRANKGASTON �BA� FRANK'S AUTO SERVICE License #: 0099687 02/09/2000 C10 -�£a2 Pic.given to lZfoc tag,tli3lOoKS.lnspected the prop. on'l/3l00 took pic.stift alot of junk on prop.fence now fa0ing down and needs repair.KS.Lette sent 10/21/g9 giving until 1'I/30/99 to clean up prop.was contacted by Gilbert Delao(Neigh.HOUSe.) they would Iike to the first of the year to help get this prop. into shape. ok'd that if progress is made before the weaiher changes. Gilbert's Ph.#227-9297.KS �``'��,� � 00 -Ltoq bo-�-to? �, z�-.:� �::.. � ., r.: �$� �� �� :� � �� . Typti Ea��..,. i .,^�.c..RNtx. �''t :� �: -. Y i�'s,,.��avce :a:,.�mv. ;��:x.... .a�': i Stre� .._. ... , � License ucensee : Lic. Types _�___r�.._ : r; .... ...................:......................... ' SYre!;i f C'• praperty (� Licensee � Unofficiel - .., • :. ; Diret;< Street#: �W ................... �� Unit i?; �eet Name: ONCORD ....... ....... .. ........ ......................... � �� �; Street Type: �ST ! Diredion: � � 3r Und Ind � ; Unit S: � r.. ; ;� CdY _T.PAUI ............... ....................... �, ` :p+ Stste: IN � Zip: r �; � Ward �[ � ii Dist Couri: �]3 i Licensee: DBA: Sales Tax 6us DBA Insurance ,: Band � RequiremeMs � .......................... ................................................................................... i Projed Facilitator. GUNTHER, V4ILLIAM (BILL) : Adverse AcGon CommeMs : : ......................................................................................................: .......r--:=_��- . . [ Commerrts: ,>.yv `�;BFfl..W.S�� Comments. 10N511999 E 1 . _. _ ................. �.... 09t14M 998 ` t .......................P.... torzonss� € � # �99687 ; Save Changes to History � ge From D7 To ff2 On 4109/92 Change From Rich To Denver - t �E�2 ORlG�NAL � Presented By Referred To r��M� Council File # p0 -�k0''t Green Sheet #( O 3 q�. � a� 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held b� 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at I S�ox 4 suspended for a period of thirry days for outside storage of v cle 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of in erable 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code,�0.219. 10 11 12 � 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �rank Gaston d/b/a Frank's �ord Street, is hereby ; and parts in violation of vehicles for more than five FURTHBR RESOLVED, that I S days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that�the properly is brought into compliance with the conditions on the license within one weekiCrom the passage of this Resolution; 2) that there be no further violations of the conditions o�the license or other code or zoning violations during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licerisee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to ihe Office of License, Inspections and Envirota Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council at�� signature by the Mayor. For the remaining 15 days suspension, no business operations� shj� 1 be permitted beginning at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:59 p.m., Wedn�sday May 31, 2000. �, N This ResoluYion and the action contained in the October 21, 1999 I Violation letter to the licensee, and the public hearing. The licensee di� , /� t E'the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of azguments as may have been presented fo the Council at contest the facts of the violation. Reques��t by Dep��art��ment — of: 4/tkU�.. X' G�1�'ESiv. By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y� �pproved by Mayor: Date Hy: Form Approved by City At�ey Bv: 1�� <._ � � �, c�,/,-.,�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 8y: Office of LIEP/City Attorney Virginia Palmer Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oi.,.naruwQe,aR Oo -�{o� .� ��.,.. , No V� � V� anaauct `OIYAiiO�ItY ❑OIVCtflll[ I NI�IIOLL�YCp0�1. ❑ AI�111CYLYIIVGCCTC I rro�tp��wnwn � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution conceming adverse action against ffie Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (LTncontested) PLANNING COMMISSfON C16 COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMfSS10N ihe Nis G� r.erraNetl under s cvdact tarMis tlepaM�nC7 YES NO FMS th's D� auer Eeen e e'dy empbyce7 YES WO OoecUiis PasoMmm 9�en eak� not � bY �Y a�eM �ily emPlQYee'1 YES NO k M's pdwnlfum amrpeted�varitldt YES NO I TRANSACTIONf NNDMG SOURCE fASTIREVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVRV NUI�ER YEE NO Hrr.^:!m�_•',:rr_�� ,.Tr��`1 p ���k � � � 5 �3)° :L, . J �! `` � . R6�'Wl{�Is�wsW�('�ll'� � . � �'EGIZ- �GII�'iD� �:GZt�P.aC . � �'G�cccSVe is �r�r� t��kl � �41�6/�u� �ard�wcauccs �► +�tl � �ffiaQ2 �4'Yl �e -l�e�li� ����.tts �Q � �fa�'�e r�t��e�ble t�.Gtr� �f: P�h < tM /�'� 2�; �u r� � s s� � � �tialf �e �us f�r d oK ca���/� s z 3 c� � � 3o s �n � ) C ) . ��w��.0 ��-s�lv�D` �f . � � �.. , � QRiG�NA�. Presented By Refened To Council FIle # 00 -40�'i m�Y.�e� _ {�l�� 3 , �-ec o � Green Sheet # t O 3 Q L�{ SO TION CITY iTL, TA ar� Pa e � Committee: Date 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held by Frank Czaston dfb/a Frank's 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at 15Q Concord Street, is hereby 4 suspended for a period of thirty days for outside storage of vehicles and parts in violation of 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.219. 7 8 FI3RTHER RESOLVED, that 15 days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of 9 eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that the property is brought into compliance 10 with the conditions on the license within one week from the passage of this Resolution; 2) that i 1 there be no further violations of the conditions on the license or other code or zoning violations 12 13 14 15 16 17 1& 19 20 21 during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licensee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to the Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council and signature by the Mayor. For the remauvng 15 days suspension, no business operations shall be pernutted begiiuiiiig at 12:01 a.m, Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:54 pm., Wednesday May 31, 2000. -� S`E�S er� �o.r�rar h ( �Yriev�7,mev��� - �a�� 2-. This Resolution and the action of the Council in this ma#ter are based upon the facts contained in the OcCober 21, 1999 letter to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of Violation letter to the licensee, and such arguments as may have been presented to the Council at the public heazing. The licensee did not contest the facts of the violation. Reques� by Department of: 4/GrYR�-a JI�� &y: Form Approved by City Att, ey By: Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By: App� By: By: Adoptied by Council; Date _�\�d Q G 1 Adoption Certified by Council Sec ary eo -��`f Insert the following Amendment (on Page 1) (May 3, 2000) FURTF�R RESOLVED that notwithstandin the for�oin�, if the licensed premises is broueht into full comnliance with City ordinances relating to outside stora¢e of vehicles and parts and storage of inoperable vehicles by 4•00 �m on May 17 2000 the entire thirry (30 davs suspension shall be suspended for thirtv1301 days on conditions (21 and (31 in the fore�m� "FURTHER RESOLVED" clause. Office of LIEP/City Attomey NTACT PQ27.�N & PFIOI� Virginia Palmer ���� Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oa.R�rt ona7ae 00 -�o� Nol G��?�4 uir�ouct CRYAiTORIEY ❑ OIYCLiRI[ H4MCMifFRNCFJ9R. ❑ RYMWLiFiM4CtT6 II�YOR(OR�V1LLL111l) ❑ iCLiP ALl LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE) Resolufion concerning adverse action against the Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (iJncontested) PLANNING GOMMISSION CIB COMMITTEE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION Has this persorvhrm e�sx wnrketl uMxa conhact fof thia depaRmeM7 YES NO Has ttiie peisorJfirtn Caer been a city empbyee? YES NO Doesthis De�soM�im o�sesc a s�6n not nrnma9YPOSSessetl bY �P airreM ciiv emWovee? YES NO Is thia pe+sorilfirm aU�B�etl vendoYt YES NO TRANSACTIOIi S SOURCE CAST/REV@7UE BUD6ETED (CIRCLE ONk� ACTWItY NUMBER YES NO INFORMA710N(IXPWln OFFICE OF TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clayton M Robinson, b., Ciry Attomey ao ..�{n CITY OF SAINT PAUL NormColemun, Mayor Civi! Division 40Q Ciry Ha11 1 S West Kellogg BJvd Saint Pau1, Minnesota i5T 02 Tetephone: 651266-8710 Facsimile; 65I298-5619 March 30, 2000 NOTICE OF COUNCIL MEETING Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street Saint Pau1, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, d/bfa Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paui License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: P1ease take notice that a hearing concerning the above-named establishment has been scheduled for 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, Aprii 26, 2000 in the Ciry Councii Chambers, Third Fioor, Saint Paul City Hall and Ramsey County Courthouse. Enclosed aze copies of the proposed resolution and other documents which will be presented to the City Council for their consideration. This is an uncontested hearing, in that the facts concerning the violations of St. Paul Legislative code have not been denied. You will have an opportunity at the Council hearing to present oral and/or written remarks as to the penalry, if any, to be imposed. If you have any questions, please call me at 266-8710. Very truly yours, ���� �� Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Nancy Anderson, Assistant Council Secretary Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP ����� ��s��;� c��,f� t`'"�.a,`� � �. �i��d� Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 UNCONTESTED LICENSE HEARING �o _� Licensee Name Address: Councif Date: Violation: Frank Gaston d!b/a Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street April 26, 2000 Storage of vehicles and parts outside St. Paul Legislative Code §60.543 Storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days St. Pauf Legislative Code §60.219 Place: Licensed Premises Recommendation of Assistant City Attorney on behalf ofi client, Office of License, Inspections and Environmental Protection: 30 day suspension of license, 15 days of which are stayed for 18 months on 3 conditions: 1. Property brought into compliance within one week from passage of the reso{ution; Attachments: 2. no further viotations of license conditions or other code or zoning vio{ations during 18 months; 3. the licensee shall pay a$500.00 fiine within 30 days of adoption of the resotution. 1. Proposed resolution 2. Notice of Violation 3. License Information Report 4. 3/14/00 violation memo and photographs from LIEP 5. 10/21/99 letter from Kristina Schweinler to Frank Gaston Oo-'�oq 6. License information CITY OP SAINT PAUL Noim Coleman, iLfayor March 21, 2000 OFFICF '�F TI-IE CITY ATTORNEY Clay[on i. �binson, Jr., C+ryAttorney CivilDivision 40D Ciry Ha11 1 S West Ke(togg Blvd. Saint Paul, bfinnesafa SSIO2 DO -�{o� Telephome: 651266-8 i IO Fatsimile: 651298-5619 NOTICE OF VIOLATION Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service I50 Concord Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 RE: Auto Repair Gazage License held by Frank Gaston, d/b/a Frank's Auto Service for the premises at 150 Concord Street, Saint Paul License ID #: 99687 Deaz Mr. Gaston: The Office of License, Inspections and Environmentai Protection has recommended adverse action against the auto repair gazage license held by you at I50 Concord Street. The basis for the recommendation is as follows: On October 21,1999 a letter was sent to you by Kristina Schweinler, a license inspector, advising you that the premises at 150 Concord Street were the subject of neighborhood complaints, and that you were storing vehicles and parfs outside in violation of Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543. You were also advised thaf the storage of inoperable vehicles for more than five days was prohibited by §60.219 of the Code, and that vehicles were observed stored on the west and east sides of the building in violation of that section. You were given until November 30,1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and clean the area of any parts or debris. That date was extended until January 1, 200Q at the request of Gilbert Delao. On 1Vlarch 1, 2000 the license inspector again observed the premises and saw a large amounf of outdoor storage, in violation of the zoning code. Page 2 Frank Gaston Mazch 21, 2000 p0 -'�Oq If you do not dispute the above facts please send me a letter with a statement to that effect. The matter will then be scheduled for a hearing before the St. Paul City Council to determine what penalty, if any, to impose. You will have an opporhulity to appear and speak on your own behalf, or to have someone appeaz there far you. On the other hand, if you wish to dispute the above facts, I will schedule an evidentiary hearing before an Administrative Law Judge (AL,�. If you wish to have such a hearing, please send me a letter stating that you aze contesting the facts. You will then be sent a"Notice of Hearing," so you will know when and where to appeaz, and what the basis for the heazing will be. In either case, please let me know in writing no later than Friday, March 31, 2000, how you would like to proceed. If I have not heard from you by that date, I will assume that you are not contesting the facts. The matter will then be scheduled for the hearing before the St. Paul City Councii. If you have any questions, feel free to call me or have your attorney call me at 266-8710. Sincerely, ' v c,�j �, «-1�.-„-c_-� � Virginia D. Palmer Assistant City Attorney cc: Robert Kessler, Director, LIEP Christine Rozek, LIEP Steve Faust, Community Organizer, West Side Citizens Organization, 127 Winifred St. W., St. Paul, MN 55107 eo-�o2 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY AFFIDAVIT OF SERVICE BY MAIL JOANNE G. CLEMENTS, being first duly sworn, deposes and says that on March 2I, 200�, she served the attached NOTICE OF VIOLATION on the following named person by placing a true and correct copy thereof in an envelope addressed as follows: Frank Gaston Frank's Auto Service 150 Concord Street St. Paul, MN. 55107 (which is the last known address of same, with postage prepaid, in the Minnesota. Subscribed and this 21st o � � Notary sworn to before me f_/F�zrrtl�� 2 0 0 0. PETER P. PAfVGBORN WJ7ARY PUBUC - MINNESOTA A1Y CAMMISSION EX PIRES.lqN.31,2pp5 said person) and depositing the Ofl -`��R � � 0 X I M W O � O O �- � O y V N t6 J N a o r O a � c O :. �a E � w _ d N C d c� ..I m � m � � � U � J U Q a c N � Q � H �E N � �a U � �J � Q d I�� r �s N 7£ M I� Iz I c c 1 J O � N N F- � � � �n O °i U N z a � a U� ¢ o° � u�'� W U � W � � � _ m ¢ Z Y Qz 0 � tl. 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O N (J) O Q � - p (n y �a Y Y a��c Y Y � � a3omrn `o rn �� O O � N ���2' 7 O a o ot� c�i��C�c � U o � m Q , m mY Oaioyo�a� oa> � �u�arn��p��m� � � t�tim o� p � � Y'�.yMt �t in C O�. � �Y' � Lp �- V i " O �-O � �ON O� pw 4 = ..." ca?w� a d o °� °-' � =�c°ama� o` N � JN�Old7� C �c0 � p0_C C� �'N C M N �� O 3>� N L 7 O v-m Y c- �`n_orn�-�m �� �oYmo a���a � m a� � o� Cr 41'6=ln TN.fl YQ N N � � � ��a�-�� T UI���U o->. c� N"a Y N Q . ro� C O O U QO ��• m � ° '�'-c t- ° -'-- o �rn °Y °� � �rn o� Ni: a Q O O O O 00 00' �� UV= N N"'� NO Q 'ON ENOr.-� N � �1 �` N 'V N O N 1� C M N dN (6 L Ln� p_uJ . � N Q�� @� M� O 3 0�� C� C Mc�J_MNr�� n.c-_�+LLd.�V' O 60 -`��`t 0 0—'fo�t I�` i@ 0 lal W O N �� O M � O y V N A J � �- N � O a � c 0 R � � w c d N C d U � N w �6 � � a�i > U +-� -' a N rn ��f6 �I� N ��� 0 0 J � Q O o �� N �I I ` Z I c i c�p U � 1 O � f6 N F-� � N O a `z O � Q U o O � �� W U � W � � a� ] � Q I � � a Y Z 'O � LL i� O t- �Z � c o Z a� .n C � O U C N � O � m : X � c � � E 3 Z U a U C � � N C d E W Z a C d � 0 U c m 7 N C � � 7 Z Q1 C � O N s � a a , N � y N � N m � 0 � � � F � � � F" � 0 � � U Z O U O � a �p 'C N '-' Ol n�,x � m V = c °�— � `o Y� Y ,.� °'�y Y � � � O � �'� �:�p� O �.�` „' O � N �._�O�O_' � O n � ��s' ° Qa ±n mY�^' U`oa � =�°a D N � jp p_O� �._ � � _ y� i (n U d�2 O-N O a1 � o c � � � Y YV� rnfl-c�i 'nv RO � �Od��y� Oa1 p r''-. � C'. Z.��.'. '6 �l Nw � o, � � �mmrnd - oc �m rn o nc��°-w c3 cnN �� o3> �o r-� Y r CQO�dL� 0� � rn-��-ca��i� � �-Y3r �t4N (6 N '� G U DO N�� N TT� �Q m �� , ' g a m �_o d tn �' a U �om am ° c��w � Y ��.a�i � � O NO � UW C O N �-p6> O ° o ° o �' � �� NN�'rn �- NOfl-ONENOu �NN�7c-N ' 1' N O N f�- C M N O.N N�L„ �ik O.�f .�.- M Y N Y �� ��m�03� LN�C (h �MN+-.�-� Q. Q.d Cst O CITY OF SAINT PAUL �� 4 �� INTERDEPARTMENTAL MEMORANDUM DATE: 3/14/2000 TO:Ginger Palmer �� , FROM:Kris Schweinler 0 \ RE:150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service CTinger, Attached are some photos taken on 3/1/Z000 of the above repair shop. The property continues to violate the zoning ordinance with the large amount of outdoor storage. I have attempted to try and work with this location for over a year and he is either unable or unwilling to bring the property into compiiance. Let me know if there is anything else you need in order to proceed. Cc: Christine Rozek / Deputy Director S .q !�, P ��, e, ..�F .o �- € x� ,� �q.,..;1 � � � . . ii �� y4� < '� � y� ,�� � - '� 3 �I St � .a� .. r • � s�,���� � � _ , �.,� � �: . �s,. a . �� . � � � :.'.k:: !. . . . . � .._�' i .��� ��rl _. - . . .� � � , - -'. ._ . x �� r : , �. . , � � ;�. . ' ` — � . . � - i - . � . �. ' � i . - � I � , � � . . � 4 � � � �� �_i ` � . �*>�� - '� � .. . ._ -- f; � . � � . �v�� b�r�� . ��p;--�=' . < ti Y.A.{ @ i ��� .. -t.;r� � � , � ... +" �- � � � 4�9 �_. ,s�� _. . M � ] •. ' " 2 . <` b ;S ' ��'-� ����" ��'sa: � .. 6 _ ... . . y � := ��: �� �,; -,!+°- � �i>rrrr$%AU 0 S[RVIC� M1 � l .. � 4.� ( � � E i i - � � . • :. _. � .. . .... '� v..���� . . . \ � . . . . . . . . . f : �� �� P� ., ~ � � �'� �y / ..i u Y 4 (. 1 �� r;�1. �,,:�� �i i . a5 ,3�sr.Q�R-",a. 3 � s� 4 � • � �''� ���� , � ' � . . s a, fi ���� '�� � �'. - �'- ` . . . . . �`�?" � - � ���! ...!„ I i �. . . I � . - _E:.. ..-.. . � .. I '1�'"'\.,-.�_.. ._ . Q . . . . .. . .: �.,.,�, .. , . . _ - - _ . , . __- . �� =cT`-.w�>-, s:.; s � � - „_ �_ --� ' . � ^''�'.' ., :.._ "' . . . �. � '�"s:i ' _ �_ . � OFFICE OF LICENSE, LYSPECI'fONS A,�ID ENVIRONMENTALPROTECTION XobenKessler, Dvector CITY OF SAINT PAUL Norm Coleman, Mayor ! A W R Y P R O F FS S! O NA L B UQ D I N G 350 Sc PetesStreet, Suite 300 SairttPaul,Minnesata SSIQ2-1510 Oct.21,1999 Mr. Frank Gaston 645 Robert St. St.Paul,Mn.55107 Re: 150 Concord St. Frank's Auto Service Mr. Crnston, oa -��t Telephane: 651-266-9090 Facnmile: 65]-1669099 651-266-912i On April 15,1999 I spoke with you regarding the condition of your property at 150 Concord St. We have again received complaints about the condition ofthe property, specifically the storage of vehicles and parts. `Iou are located in a B-3 commercial zone. This does not allow outdoor storage of motor vehicles or parts. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.543. (Copy attached) An inspection on Oct.20 showed that you still have vehicles stored out of doors behind the fence on the west and east sides of the buiiding. Most of these ve�icles appear to be inoperable. St.Paul Leg. Code 60.219 does not ailow for the storage of vehicles for more that 5 days. (Copy attached) This letter is to notify you that you have until Nov. 30, 1999 to remove the vehicles from the property and to clean the area of any parts or debris. Failure to do so may result in adverse action being taken against your license. Please contact me if you have any questions at (651)266-9110 Respectfully, ,�.�5�� . I{ristina Schweinler Sr. License Inspector Cc: Christine Rozek, Deputy Director Larry Zangs, Zoning Specialist Ginger Palmer, Asst. City Atty. License Group CommeMS Text Licensee: FRANKGASTON �BA� FRANK'S AUTO SERVICE License #: 0099687 02/09/2000 C10 -�£a2 Pic.given to lZfoc tag,tli3lOoKS.lnspected the prop. on'l/3l00 took pic.stift alot of junk on prop.fence now fa0ing down and needs repair.KS.Lette sent 10/21/g9 giving until 1'I/30/99 to clean up prop.was contacted by Gilbert Delao(Neigh.HOUSe.) they would Iike to the first of the year to help get this prop. into shape. ok'd that if progress is made before the weaiher changes. Gilbert's Ph.#227-9297.KS �``'��,� � 00 -Ltoq bo-�-to? �, z�-.:� �::.. � ., r.: �$� �� �� :� � �� . Typti Ea��..,. i .,^�.c..RNtx. �''t :� �: -. Y i�'s,,.��avce :a:,.�mv. ;��:x.... .a�': i Stre� .._. ... , � License ucensee : Lic. Types _�___r�.._ : r; .... ...................:......................... ' SYre!;i f C'• praperty (� Licensee � Unofficiel - .., • :. ; Diret;< Street#: �W ................... �� Unit i?; �eet Name: ONCORD ....... ....... .. ........ ......................... � �� �; Street Type: �ST ! Diredion: � � 3r Und Ind � ; Unit S: � r.. ; ;� CdY _T.PAUI ............... ....................... �, ` :p+ Stste: IN � Zip: r �; � Ward �[ � ii Dist Couri: �]3 i Licensee: DBA: Sales Tax 6us DBA Insurance ,: Band � RequiremeMs � .......................... ................................................................................... i Projed Facilitator. GUNTHER, V4ILLIAM (BILL) : Adverse AcGon CommeMs : : ......................................................................................................: .......r--:=_��- . . [ Commerrts: ,>.yv `�;BFfl..W.S�� Comments. 10N511999 E 1 . _. _ ................. �.... 09t14M 998 ` t .......................P.... torzonss� € � # �99687 ; Save Changes to History � ge From D7 To ff2 On 4109/92 Change From Rich To Denver - t �E�2 ORlG�NAL � Presented By Referred To r��M� Council File # p0 -�k0''t Green Sheet #( O 3 q�. � a� 2 RESOLVED, that the Auto Repair Gazage license held b� 3 Auto Service (License ID # 0099687), for the premises at I S�ox 4 suspended for a period of thirry days for outside storage of v cle 5 Saint Paul Legislative Code §60.543, and for storage of in erable 6 days, which is prohibited by Saint Paul Legislative Code,�0.219. 10 11 12 � 3 4 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 �rank Gaston d/b/a Frank's �ord Street, is hereby ; and parts in violation of vehicles for more than five FURTHBR RESOLVED, that I S days of said suspension sha11 be stayed for a period of eighteen months on the following conditions: 1) that�the properly is brought into compliance with the conditions on the license within one weekiCrom the passage of this Resolution; 2) that there be no further violations of the conditions o�the license or other code or zoning violations during the eighteen months; and 3) that the licerisee pay a fine of $500.00, said fine to be paid to ihe Office of License, Inspections and Envirota Protection within thirty(30) days of the adoption of this resolution by the Council at�� signature by the Mayor. For the remaining 15 days suspension, no business operations� shj� 1 be permitted beginning at 12:01 a.m., Wednesday, May 17, 2000, through 11:59 p.m., Wedn�sday May 31, 2000. �, N This ResoluYion and the action contained in the October 21, 1999 I Violation letter to the licensee, and the public hearing. The licensee di� , /� t E'the Council in this matter aze based upon the facts to the licensee from LIEP, the March 21, 2000 Notice of azguments as may have been presented fo the Council at contest the facts of the violation. Reques��t by Dep��art��ment — of: 4/tkU�.. X' G�1�'ESiv. By: Adopted by Council: Date Adoption Certified by Council Secretary $Y� �pproved by Mayor: Date Hy: Form Approved by City At�ey Bv: 1�� <._ � � �, c�,/,-.,�� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council 8y: Office of LIEP/City Attorney Virginia Palmer Mazch 31, 2000 TOTAL # OF SIGNATURE PAGES GREEN SHEET oi.,.naruwQe,aR Oo -�{o� .� ��.,.. , No V� � V� anaauct `OIYAiiO�ItY ❑OIVCtflll[ I NI�IIOLL�YCp0�1. ❑ AI�111CYLYIIVGCCTC I rro�tp��wnwn � (CUP ALL LOCATIONS FOR SIGNATURE� Resolution conceming adverse action against ffie Auto Repair Garage License held by Frank Gaston, dba Frank's Auto Service, 150 Concord Street. (LTncontested) PLANNING COMMISSfON C16 COMMfTTEE CML SERVICE CAMMfSS10N ihe Nis G� r.erraNetl under s cvdact tarMis tlepaM�nC7 YES NO FMS th's D� auer Eeen e e'dy empbyce7 YES WO OoecUiis PasoMmm 9�en eak� not � bY �Y a�eM �ily emPlQYee'1 YES NO k M's pdwnlfum amrpeted�varitldt YES NO I TRANSACTIONf NNDMG SOURCE fASTIREVENUE BUDQETm (GRCLE ONE) ACTIVRV NUI�ER YEE NO Hrr.^:!m�_•',:rr_�� ,.Tr��`1 p ���k � � � 5 �3)° :L, . J �! `` � . R6�'Wl{�Is�wsW�('�ll'� � . � �'EGIZ- �GII�'iD� �:GZt�P.aC . � �'G�cccSVe is �r�r� t��kl � �41�6/�u� �ard�wcauccs �► +�tl � �ffiaQ2 �4'Yl �e -l�e�li� ����.tts �Q � �fa�'�e r�t��e�ble t�.Gtr� �f: P�h < tM /�'� 2�; �u r� � s s� � � �tialf �e �us f�r d oK ca���/� s z 3 c� � � 3o s �n � ) C ) . ��w��.0 ��-s�lv�D` �f . � � �.. , �