278107 WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK a - FINANCE �Y�[���� CANAi2Y - DEPARTMENT COU[IC1I ��r0 �LUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. �' �' Council Resolution Presented By �CEL:SE CO:��TTET Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On 5ale Liquor Licenses - Page The Janet Corporation and Donval, Inc. 11t11�.-18 H,hite F3ear Avenue Restaurant l�ppri. .� 159I� Renewal The �ommodore Paxtners 79 i�. r�estern Avenue Restaurant " 1596 " Lram Corporation 932 l�rcade Street Restaurant " 1611 " � �: r� Lia,uors� Inc. 91�9 u• Seventh Street Restaurant " 1612 " :%iidway Stadiiun Lounge, Inc. 1013 ?�ront Street ?testaurant " 1626 �� Chip, Inc. 369 Cedar Street R.estaurant " 1628 " Gege, Inc. 1l�20 �•i. Seventh Street �estaurant " 161�2 " Turf Club, Inc. 1601 Un3.versity Avenue Restaurant " 1651� " James �=. =�:orelli 1�21 r. 5eventh atreet ��estaurant �' 1668 " �, � I� Corporation 1066 �,. Seventh Street ?'estaurant " 1672 " Loca �hica, Inc. 11 Concord Street Restaurant '� 167� " J s L Liquors� Inc. 1�37 university Avenue �estaurant " 1702 " S & J, Inc. 91.17-9 :'1. Seventh Street Restaurant " 1703 " Cusick's, Inc. 816 Payne Avenue ?�estaurant " 1704 " `t'he Ale `��oom,, .inc. 395 jx. �obert Street �=testaurant " 1717 " Stephen �: Victor's, Inc. 1905 ,�tillwater Aventze ��'sstaurant " 1733 " N.J.T.� Inc., AMnand and �ernice and Terence L�eliionte "� n n COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Q B snowaite� - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson JAN 2 6 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified P•ss d y Counc l S tary BY B App o y 1�lavor: e - �N Z 7 I98Z Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - By PUBLISHED F E B 6 19g2 WHITE - CITY CLERK (((��� ww PINK - FINANCE ���{��� CANARVR - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��u L COl1RClI V BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Co ncil Reso ution Presented By ISCE:•15� CO2u��T2'� ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date R�OLti�D: That ��On Sale Lia,uor" licenses, applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby granted, that the bonds filed by each licensee axe hereby approved, and the I�i.cense Inspector is c�irected to issue said licenses: Pobert E. Jensen and Allen i7. Doriott �3b tice Street �.estaurant Appn. R 8�9 Renewal The Lamolighter Lounge of :�t. �aul, Inc. 160 T��t. La,rpenteur Avenue �estaurant �� g91 r' Geno's Cafe, Inc. 668-670 Payne Avenue �'estaurant " 897 " Directional 1?ood Services, Inc. J.tl�S I-ii.nnesota Str. Restaurant " 1026 " Eottom Line �:nterprises of it� paul, Inc. 2�31 ti°T. Seventh Street Restauraxit " 1069 " :iighland Inn, Ir�c. 1870 Uld T�iudson �oad �iotel-I�'_otel " 1077 " Restaurant T3o Limit, Inc. 276 S. Fxchange Street Restaurant �� 1083 " The i'°�.nnesota Club 317 ia. '<?ashington St-reet Club " ll28 " Glass 3ax, Incorporated 299 3°�z'�-a !lvenue '_'.�staurarlt " 1157 " �halen Park T,iquors, �nc. 1199 Pa��.e Avenue Restaurar_t " 1159 " Lou's Viaduct Inn, Inc. 1056 .�. ;eventh Street '3estaurant tt 1160 " Associated I'osts of i`innesota, Inc. 111 y. iiellogg Restaurant " 1161 " (13) The �•ianor� Inc. 2550 '�?. Seventh Street ''estaurant " 1163 " COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favot Maddox McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY - Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By -- Approved by :Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By� _ _ — BY WMITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE �.y^a ^}}}yyy CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII ����■ ■'• /. BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT PALTL 1Vt • File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By ���IdSE COi�u.1mT''��� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - Page 3 Parrisr�'s, Inc. 2176 5i. Seventh Street �staurant :ippn. :? 1288 �?enewal 0'Connell's, Inc. 656-5E� Grand Avenue ��estaurant �t 1292 " Rafferty, Inc. 11I�1 I'3ce Street Restaurant " 1296 " The �`�.and ��ar, Inc. 2516 rr1. Seventh 5treet �iestaurant " 1301� r' Joe-�rt, Inc. 21�9 T?. Seventh Street �testaura.nt " 1305 " Chicketts, Inc. 230 yd. Kello�� �31vd. ?,�staurant t� 1307 " iic�-:, Inc. 31�5 =:• t�rabasha. Street �estaurar.t " 1311 " �;ddleston �nter�rises, Inc. 2251 ��niversity Avenue �estaurant " 1312 " Sex'vice �ystems Corp. 355 ��. `_'-obert utreet Restaurant " 1313 " Taney-Troye, Inc. 1091 =�ice Street �estavsar_t " 1317 " i�iancini P,ar, Inc. �31 �?. ueventh Street -.estaurant " 1325 " ��lbert and Gesella B. Paisi 1�57 :�abasr.a Street I'. ��estaurant " 1327 " i�.ndrew Kappas, lnc. 21G1 '�. Seventh Street �:estaurant " 1329 " c:;uinn Creative, Inc. 73� ihomas Avenue l�estaurant " 1333 " �:afner, Inc. 1560 ?lrite ��ear Avenue Restaurant " 13l�7 " howard Johnson Company 1825 Suburban �.venue '_'.estaurar.t " 135� " (17) Andchi, Inc. 1112 Arcade Street Restaurant " 13b4 r► COU[VCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowalter _ Against Y — — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY sy __ Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — sY WHITE - CITY CLERK ���0� PINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �� v L COUIICII BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By �C�;�Si CUi�u�,ITTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sale Liquor Licenses - Page Lt iiidway-t;a.*nline Investors, a Limited Partnership 1�00 �:. I.amline Avenue F�otel-I�'otel Appn. R 1365 P�enewal P,adisson �-�otel Corporation 395 T�T• ��iabasha Street Restaurant " 1366 �� Damico, Inc. 230 ?'ront AVenue Ttestaurant " 1367 " HiOA, Inc. 161 St. Anthony AQenue Iiotel-�?otel �' 1?69 �� i��.kate, Inc. l�75 Td. '',abasha Street Restaurant " 1371 " P•:cCann �ros. Cratterbox, Irc. 393 Selb;- A�enue ?testaurant " 1372 " St. Paul &thletic Club 3I�0 Cedar Street Club " 1379 " Albert's of St. PaiL1, Inc. 3v0 Ceuar Street Restaurant " 13�1 " Por-Du, -�nc. 1060 layne hvenue �?estaurant " 13�3 " Lexi-rront, Inc. 991 �;. Lexin�ton nvenue ^estaurant '� 1389 �� Joe D, Inc. 2417 �1. Seventh �treet Restaurant " 1393 " i°:iacCaffert;�'s ,,'est, Inc. 782-8 xrand �venue ;:iestaurcnt " 1398 " �awn�s iiowntown, I nc. i:.?;. i,ati onal �ank '3�zilding Skyway Level, 5th � Cedar I�estaurant " 11�01 " R. ?3. 5., Inc. 857 Grand Avenue nestaurant " ll�OB �� ScY�ernbeck, Inc. 368 Jackson atreet Restaurant " 71;09 " (16) ;•iallet Inc. ?3f� Universit- Avenue _nestaurant �� 1 1 " COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ A gai n s t Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By� __ Approved by ;Vlayor: Date — Approved by Mayor for Submission to Councii By _ _ — gy WNITE - CITY CLERK � ���� PINK . - FINANCE � j� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT j �u L COUIICII v BLUE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By �C�+S� CQ2'li�TTE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Ziquor Licenses - page 6 iiounds Paxk Lounge, Inc. 1067 �=udson "oad :?estaurant Appn. n 1537 °�enewal 'Jilliam C. Iieine and Joel T. i�oehnen 315 ?��1. Seventh Stre�t Restaurax�t �� 15�0 �f r�.iinnehaha Tavern, Inc. 735 Z�hite �iear Avenue _testaurar_t " 15l:1 " �acotah Corporat3_on 37�t aelby Avenue P�estaurant " 151�2 ° '.enneth Rauschnot, Sr. and I�athleen Cam�;i.o.i 821-23 Un.iversit� nvenue Lestat:rant �� 151�7 " Doc t s Place, lnc. 1026 �°d. Seventh Street ?�estaurant " 15lt8 " ;steban's on Grand, l:nc. ar�d aaji-Ya� Inc. 695 Grand Avenue i�estaurant " 151�9 " 74�to D, Inc. 163P P�ice Street P�est�.urant " 1550 " E and I;, Inc. B59 Thomas Avenue I?�estaurant " 15�3 " ;�Iangini, Inc. 131�5 r. ��ose Street �.estaurant « 1555 " Jerry '3el�ea �;nterprises, Inc, 605 Front Street ��estaurant �� 1556 rr Daytons, L�ivision of �ayton-i�udson Corporation 2 �,. 7th Street P,sstaurant " 15�� " L. :.�. ?��. Inc. 616 Como Avenue _�staurant �► 1559 " � Th.e University C1.ub of St� Paul� Snc. 420 �ummit hvenue Clui� " 1561 r' (11�) COUIVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ By : WHITE - CITY CLERK PINK -� FINANCE ���Q�f1I'� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUtIC1I � BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. 1U � Council Resolution Presented By �C���� COI�II�TTi,E Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e Liquor �icenses - Pa�e 7 P.J.I-�., Inc. 992 nrcade Street Restaurant Appn. r�? 1562 nenewal D.J.i�., Inc. 101�5 nudson =toad Restaurant " 15b3 " Nar-Ja, Inc. 1201 Jackson Street i;.estaurant �� 1561� �� Bravo, Inc. 1181 Clarence Street ?3.estaurant " 1565 �� Parkway Tavern, Inc. 1900 :�tillwater Avenue 7'.estaurant " 1566 " :ror� Caterir� �o.� Inc. 1170 University Avenue Restaurant " 1568 " �iill, Inc. 956 Payne Avenue Restaurant " 1569 " iicTeague's T�ar, Inc. 1�t15 University Avenue :Zestaurant " 1571 " L�on-Le, Inc. 1171t-6 Arcade :treet �?.estaurant �' 1572 " J. J. �iternrises, Inc. 255�t Como �venue ��estaurant " i575 " Pavlick holdir� Compar�y� Inc. 1318 ??. Larpenteur A�re. �estaurant " 157� " L.A.i., Inc. 755 Jackson Street ��estaurant " 1580 �' Associated Corporate Services, Inc. Lt60-6 lI. Lexir�ton Avenue P�estaurant " 1582 " TnThebbe�s :�ax, lnc. 193 S. �'�obert Stree� '�estaurant " 15�1� " (16) ;:idway interbrises, Inc. 1553 �niversity kvenue Yestaurant " 1591 " COU[VC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowalter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Cerlified Yassed by Council Secretary $Y . By __ Approved by .Vlayor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ BY