278100 WNIT� - CITY CLERK ����� yPINK - FINANCE CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T �A U L COUtICII BI.UE - MAYOR File N . Council Resolution Presented By LIC]%;��k; COt�I��Tii�, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date On Sa1e T�Jine Licenses - Page 2 �.A.::., Inc. �00 5. Cleveland Avenue Anpn. 1L�00 �Qnewal I�:idway 269, Inc. 1551� Concordia Avenue �' 1t�.12 " :tobert E. Y�ost 1399 St. Clair Avenue " 141E " Steldi Corporation 2012 1�'ord �'arI:way " 11r22 " F•:aureen e"'l.ores 36 S. Da1e Street 11 1l�28 " �'estaurant ?��iarketinFr, Inc. 22b0 Como Avenue " 1502 " A. K. Kayoum ';nterprises, Inc. 20�6 Pinehurst Avenue " 151�6 " Portl�;nd and �r�lestern, Inc. �67 urand xvenue " 1�70 " � The Fantry� Tnc. 271�7 i�'ord Parkway " 1K79 " Coliseum, Inc. 2175 �'ord Farkway �� 1585 " Ca.fe Kardamena Company (A Corp.) 364 �elby Avenue " 1593 " �ngler Companies, lnc. 1i1G5 ;,innesota Street " 1595 " The i•�.nnesota i�Iuseum of llrt 305 :t. �'eter Street �� 1645 " The Paper Patisserie, I;nc. 366 Selby Avenue " 16t�6 " I�omolo's� Inc. 1�.09 �lrcade Street " 1592 " Co-�:o r�terprises, Inc. 758 Jrand AVenue T� 1713 " (17) i�IaP�ia�s Yizza, Inc. 961 I;ice Street " 1728 'r COUIVCILME[�t Requestgd by Department oE: Yeas Nays Hunt levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon p B snoweiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date ��n � 6 �982 Form Approved by City Attorney CertifiE:d ; d by ounc� , cret BY Appr ed by Ylayor. te 7 � Appraved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ _ By PUBUSHED F E B � 1982 � �IT� - CITY CLERK ������y ANARY - DEPARTMENT C I TY OF SA I NT �� �y L COUIICII � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C ncil solution Presented By �C�s;��.'� COI�t���TTiE Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��SOZUL�: That '�On Sale �Tine" Licenses, applied for b�r the following persons, at the addresses stated, be and the same are hereby �ranted, in compliance with Council �'ile t'o. 275927, Ordi.nance i�o. 167S7 whicli adopted Chap+er 1�09 of the St. naul Legislative �:ode and Ordinances. Green i-iill Inn� Inc. 57 S. Hamline Avenue Appn. �� 910 �enecral Fotpourri, Inc. $62 �Jhite �3ear Avenue " 1032 " �rine's, Inc. 9 i�1. Fifth Street " 1073 " i.r. 5teak of Sur. ;'ay, Inc. 2B7 F�uth �treet " 1227 " Jerome 'ludzinski 967 Z��. Seventh Street " 12L.9 " i=larilyn ?Teber 23�6 ��,. S eventh 5treet " 1272 " A. o� 0.� Incorporated 1047 i�u�son ?'.oad " 12�� " xris G. A�ostolou 748 Grand �venue " 1309 " r,n�elo's Pizza, Inc. 6�.0 ;:;. Smith kvenue " 1318 " Globen Limited Partnership l�.a.} :-finnesota 5treet " 3328 " �•;�Glynn �a.ver�es, Inc. 156b University ;venue " 13fi8 " r�+apoli Cafe, Inc. ].l�06 ?-7hite ;;ear �lvenue " 1373 " Caxbone Pizza, Inc. 68o fi. Seventh Street " 1376 " {11G) The Brothers f�.estaurants, Inc. 2131� ��ord ?'arkway " 1377 " COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snoWaite� - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified.Passed by Council Secretary BY Bp Approved by IVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council : B}� _ :_ - By