278097 WHITE �� CITY CLERK PINK - FINANCE j� �����I'� CAI�ARV - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT I-��L COURCII � BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C uncil esolution Presented By �Ci,Z;SE CO1�;�iIT�"L�.; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �:�OLV^t,ll: That "Off Sa1e Liquor" licenses applied for by the following persons at the addresses stated, be and the sarie are hereby �ranted, that the bond� filed by each licensee are hereby approved, and the License Inspector sha11 issue said licenses wY,.enever the bond filed by each licensee has been approved by the Liquor Control Commissioner, and the Liquor Control �ommissioner advises the License Inspector that he approved the issuance of the licenses. Snellin� Avenue �ine Liquors, lnc. 500 i�'. Snelling Avenue '�clusive Liquor Store A�pn. �?860 �enewal 1he Applebaum Companies, Inc. 1571t University Avenue " " " " 970 �. Scott G. Stransky 11464 St. Clair Avenue " " " " 1207 " Stuart Oil Co., Inc. 225 Grand �.venue " " " " 121� " J�L, Inc. 665 ''�. �eventh Street �� rr " �� 122g f� Farkway Liquors, Inc. 1675 n�ice Street " " " " 1232 " Shaxrett�s, Inc. 2389 University Avenue " " " " 121�3 " u �alaxy Liquors, Inc. 1511 s�`hite �:?�ar Avenue " 'r " I273 „ Leo F. I-:oye Liquors, Inc. 123l� r ayne Avenue " " " �t 1278 " ��fl.r�nehaha Liquor, Inc. 91�5 tJ. i-Yinnehaha Ave. " " " " 1279 " 10 COU[VCILME[V Requestgd by Depactment of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ A gai n s t Y — — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date _ Certified Passed by Council Secretary $Y B� -- Approved by lVlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ - gY J WMITE - CITY CLERK ^w /� PINK - FINANCE e�+ / ._6 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT ��u L COQflCll /, ��'�,P' BLUE - MAYOR � "' � File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By �C�I;SL COiIl�:ITTr:,:� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Off Sale Liauor Licenses - Fa�e 2 Twin City Sportsmen's Liquor Store, inc. 620 I?. )ale Str�:et ��xclusive Liquor Store Appn. 12P1 '?,enewal George C. i.uber 66�-8 Urand Avenue " " " �� 1297 " Yarmo Liquor Store� inc. 2�95 �'d. 7th Str. " �� �� �' 1303 �� r�.rst Grand xvenue Liquors, Tnc. 91u Grand Ave. ° " " �� 1314 �� ��iomas Ievera.ge Co., inc. 191�1 Grand Ave. " " " " 1316 " T's Liquors, Inc., Qwen J. and ��iarie T. Ga11 1325 '�andolph Avenue " " " 1� 132p n T.orcn's Liquor, Tnc. �16 Sel��y Avenue " 'r 'r " 1331 " :�`olter :uru� Co., lnc. �36-8 Univers�ty Ave. Prug Store " 1349 " �d��rard �. � Robeit i:. '?alfoort 1100 Arcade St.T�xclusiye Liquor 5tore " 137� " �:orris '?utman 6l�5 S. �nelling ��ve. " " " r, 1382 " �arold ��. Chesshir �.33 �. �?obert Str. " " '� " 13�1� " :�appy's Liquer, Inc. 34� �". '<abasha Street rr " " " 13�5 " International ���ines ar:d �iquors, Inc. 710 5. Cleveland Ave. rr n ti n �386 n Liquor ��illage, Inc. 2289 ;.+'ord Parkway " '< <' " 1387 �� (15� Payne �venue �iquor Store, Inc. 980 Payne �:ve." " �� " 1390 �� COUNCILMEIV Requestgd by Depa�tment of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilwn Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Cc�uncil: Date F CertifiE:d Yassed by Councit Secretary BY � By. — � Appr�ved by :Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council_ Sy - — By _ ;;, WMITE �� �GITY CLERK � /��y PINK - FINANCE Q � s� / .CAQIARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT ��U L COUtIC1I �4����`t� ( BLUE - MAYOR � c' c' . F File N 0. � Council Resolution Presented By �CL?�SE COP;i�TT:�1' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Off Sale Liquor Licenses - ?'age 3 Steiner's Liquors, Inc. 137 ,t. =°iaryland kvenue �xclusive Li�uor Store A,.:pn. 139�. �.enewal �sdway Liquor Store� Inc. 191�� �Tniversity �ve. " " " " 1397 " Apothecary Shop, Inc. 364 St. Peter 5treet Drug Store " 1�t02 'r �roadway T�quor Store, Inc. 1165 j�udson -�c3.. �xclusive Liquor utore " 11t0I� " Lannecker's ;�uper :`arket, Ir.c. ?93 l�andolph kve. �rocery Store " 1�06 T' Liquor City, Inc. 560 �.. Como �venue �:a�clusive Liquor $tore " 1I�07 " Sun ��ay I�ia,uor Store, Inc. 2131 iiudson �?d. " " " �� 1411 " General Lee's, Inc. 15�.5 T''• Seventh Str. " " " " 1l�21 " �u�ie�s �ottle �hop, Inc. 1278 �rand Avenue: " " " " 1426 " Td�cy :{rennin�; 1l�9 i'. w'�nelling Avenue " " " " 15�4 " ?>al-ron, Inc. 1I�0 i��l. Snellin�; Avenue " " " " 1505 " Hawkeye Liquor �tore, Inc. 111 Goncord Street �' " " " 1518 " E ? J ??� Inc. 385 uelby t venue r► n n n 1��5 n Y. r.1. Lic�uors, Inc. 1�.25 }. i:agnolia Ave. " " " � 1552 " "iver �:ouse Corporation 335 :�. Universi.tv �ve. Grocer3r Store " 155t� " Leo, Inc. 951 �.ice Street �x_clusive Liquor Store " 156? " rirst xrcade �Iine Shop, Inc. 772 S. Cleveland Ave. " " " " 7-58? " (17} COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approved by ;Vlavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ _ gy _ WHITE . I CITY CLERK �t PINK - FINANCE ����R"•A� CAI'1ARY - DEPARTMENT � COUIICII r�,, , ,�,� BLUE - MAYOR GITY OF SAINT � AUL File NO. Council Resolution Presented By ����SF C0;•;i1TT;� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Cff Sa1e iquor icenses - Pa�e Olson �ros. L•iquors� Inc. 678 UnivPrsity Avenue �xclusive Liquor Store Appn. 1589 �enetti*al Quik Stop Liquors� Inc. 821t �. 5eventh Street " " " " 1625 rr i�opy.ins :�nterprises, lnc. 2�1� �7. aeventh Street " " " �� 1629 ►� harold �. ?�: 3ernice A. Awe Lt71�-6 S. Snellin� Aae." " �� �� 1630 " �riendly Spirits, Inc. 976 Grand Avenue " " " " 161�3 " i�;atthew �. �. �c�ythe I:. t<orelli 535 Teclesco Str. Grocery Store " 1667 " uaylord i:arcus Lnterprises, Inc. 1361 �. I-laryland Ave. Jxclusive Liouor Store " 1671 " COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon Showalter - __ Agal�st BY — Tedesco Wilson JAN 2 g 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date CertifiE:d a_ • by Counci , retar BY Ap by A9avor: �r'�'��_ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council _ — By PU6USNE0 FEB 61982