278661 WHITE - CITY CLERK �� /Q�C� PINK � FINANCE COl1IlC11 d(7 V CANARY- - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L BL1U� - MAYOR File N O. • in�nce Ordinance N 0. /�Q��� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An Ordinance amending Chapter 60 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertain'ing to zoning for the City of Saint Paul and the zoning maps thereof. WHEREAS, Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes � 462.357 and § 64 .210 of the Legislative Code, Lamar and Elizabeth Loose duly petitioned to rezone Except the North 50 feet, Lots 11 and 12, Bergman' s Villas Addition, located on the northeast corner of Dale and Wheelock Park- way from R-3 to RM-2 to per�nit continuance of a 5-unit building, the petition having been certified by the Department of Finance and Management Services on March 16, 1982 as having been consented to by at least 670 of the owners of the area of the property to be re- zoned, and further having been consented to by at least two-thirds of the owners of the property situated within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate held by the same owner or any party purchasing any such contiguous property within one year preceding the date of the petition; and WHEREAS, The current Zoning Committee on April 1, 1982 conducted a public hearing for the purpose of considering the rezoning petition and pursuant to Section 107 .03 of the Admini- strative Code, submitted its reco�nmendation to the Planning Com- mission; and WHEREAS, The Planning Commission considered the rezoning petition at its meeting held on April 9, 1982; and WHEREAS, Notice of a public hearing before the City Council on the said rezoning petition was duly published in the official newspaper of the City on April 17, 1982 and notices were duly mailed to each owner of affected property and property situated COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter A gai ns t BY Tedesco wison Form App ov d ity At rney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y ayor for Submission to Council By BY / � , - , . l lst �� �/— cJ� 2nd -�'���0,� 3rd ,�� U�(�o? Adopted 5 ` of 7-0 � Yeas NaYs � LEVINE MADDOX / / ��/ t(J McMAHON SHOWALTER �$��'� TEDESCO , WILSON PRESIDENT HUNT � WMITE - CITY CLERK �y/�/�/ PINK � FINANCE C011l1C11 � I U��� CANA}iY- - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T �PA LT L BL�,{� - MAYOR - Fll@ N O. • Or ZIZCLIZCP. Ordinance NO. 11��/O�/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date wholly or partly within 350 feet of th� property sought to be rezoned; and WHEREAS, A public hearing before the City Council, having been conducted on April 29, 1982 where all interested persons were heard, and the Council having considered all the facts and recommendations concerning the petition; now, therefore, THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l. That the zoning map of the Gity of Saint Paul, Sheet No. 4, as incorporated by reference in Section 60.301 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows: That property located on the northeast corner of Dale and Wheelock Parkway, being more particularly described as Except the North 50 feet, Lots 11 and 12, Bergman's Villas Addition, be and is hereby rezoned from R-3 to RM-2 . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. 2 . COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Hunt I..evine In Favor Maddox McMahon snowa�ter Against BY Tedesco wison MAY 2 � 1981 Form Appro d /i Attor Adopted by Council: Date � ,' Certified Passed Co il cretary BY � gy �/'��/� �3 Q �O�-C,[�L� � �, , � Approved y yor: Date MAY 2. R �o Approved� ay for Submission to Council By BY PUBLiSNEU J UN 5 19 . _ � , - , � . �"7�6��: MINUTES OF THE ZONING COMMITTEE , IN CITY COUNCIL CHAMBERS, ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA ON APRIL 1 , 1982 PRESENT: Mne. Karns; Messrs. Bryan, Levy, and Pangal of the Zoning Comnittee; Mr. Segal , Assistant City Attorney; Ms. Lane of the Division of Housing & Building Code Enforcement; Ms. Beseman, Mr. Haider, Ms. James, and Mr. Soderholm of the Planning � Division Staff. � flQCCA1T• �n C��eew�e�nc• Mnnc�we� Awnniw�.1 -�r�el. 1 �r����w�w . ' . . . ... � �°��ss� ��Oy�Y Op y CITY OF SAINT PAUL �; a DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT � iili'ii'i � ,,.o ^ DIVISION OF PLANN�NG '"'��°� 25 West fourth Street,Saint Paul,Minnesota,55102 GEORGE LATIMER 612-298-4151 MAYOR April 21 , 1982 Albert Olson, City Clerk Room 386 City Hall St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 RE: Zoning File #9123 - Loose City Council Hearing: April 29, 1982 PURPOSE: Rezone property at 1328 N. Dale from R-3 to RM-2 to permit continuance of a 5-unit building PLANNING COMP�IISSION DECISION: Deny 14 to 0 ZONING COMMITTEE DECISION: Deny 4 to 0 STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Deny RM-2, Approve RT-2 SUPPORT: None OPPOSITION: None Dear Sir: On April 1 , 1982, the Zoning Committee of the Planning Commission held a public hearing on this rezoning. The staff recommendation was for denial of the RM-2 zoning because it would be too dense for the surrounding area, and approval of a rezoning to RT-2 (townhouse district) . The petitioner was present and testified. He agreed that he has not been able to establish legal nonconforming status for this building. He also stated that he did not want RT-2 zoning, since this would mean the loss of one unit. He believed the building might not be self-sustaining with 4 units. At the close of the hearing, the Zoning Committee voted 4 to 0 to deny the rezoning to RM-2. They did not consider the RT-2 zoning since the petitioner did not want it. On April 9, 1982, the Planning Commission considered the Zoning Committee's recommendation and denied the rezoning on a vote of 14 to 0. The rezoning is scheduled to be heard by the City Council on April 29, 1982. Please notify me by April 28 if any member of the City Council wishes to have slides of the site presented at the public hearing. Sincerely, �—.- ' � . Patricia N. James City Planner PNJ/mb attachments „�0 �. � i . � . . ,,- , �LVf��I\u .71�5� + r�6f vc�� ��(]��� ��. lJ 1; �:,r�'LICANT: LAMAR AND ELIZABETH LOOSE ' � DATE OF HEARIt�G 4/1/82 2, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , C L A S S I F I C A T I 0 N . . . . . . . . . . .. . �. . . CL!FRENT PLA�tJItJG & ZONIP�G, COM;�ITTEE BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS . �c�zoning ' . �.� � � Var�ance ❑ Special Condition Use ' ❑ � Administrative Review ❑ Getermination of Similar Use ❑ ' Other ❑ Change of Nonconforming Use a . � � Other 3. LOCATION: 1328 N. Dale Street (Northeast corner Dale and Wheelock Parkway). � 4. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Except N. 50 ft. , Lots 11 , 12 of Bergman Vi11as Addition 5. PRESENT ZONING: R-3 ZONING CODE REFEREPICE: Sections 60.450; 61 .101 (f) ; � 62.102 Subd. l 6. STAFF INVESTIGATION & REPORT: DATE 3/23/82 BY Patricia N. James A. PURPOSE: Rezone from R-3 •(single family residential ) to RM-2 (medium density, low-rise mu ple family residential ) to permit continuance of a 5-unit building. � B. SUFFICIENCY: Petition found sufficient by Planning Division on March 16,�. 1982. Parcels eligible: 12; parcels needed: 8; parcels signed: 8. C. PARCEL SIZE: 50' (Dale Street) x 143.5' (Wheelock) - 7,175 square feet. D. EXISTING LAND USE: Site contains residential structure divided into 5 units and a 2-car garage wit access from Wheelock Parkway. E. SURROUNDING LAND USE: Low density� residential (one- and two-family homes) : R-3. F. ZONING HISTORY: The structure was constructed in 1914. In 1922 the parcel was zoned Residence; in 1975 it was rezoned R-3. G. FINDINGS: 1 . According to records of the Division of Housing and Building Codes, thi's property was inspected for certificate of occupancy in June, 1981 and was found to be illegal . Use and density were found to be nonconforming. 2. Petitioner has been unable to establish legal nonconforming status for this property under Section 62.102(1 )., He has not demonstrated by clear and convincing � evidence that 5 units were established prior to 1956 or that they were established . after 1956 pursuant to building permits . 3. Assessor's records show that the property was assessed as a single family dwelling in 1945, as a duplex in 1958, and as a 5-unit building in 1980. 4. The property would have been nonconforming as a duplex because the minimum lot area for a duplex in an "A" Residence zone was 7,500 sq. ft. � 5. The J973, 1976, and 1977 City Directories show that there were 4 occupied units in this building. 6. Land Use Plan Policy 4.1-5 states : "The City will establish criteria to allow sensitive re-use and conversion of existing housing structures. Th� criteria will address density, lot characteristics, structural characteristics, parking, open .� space and neighborhood impact." 7. Density permitted on the site with RM-2 roning is 11 rooms. Petitioner therefore needs RP1-2 density in order to permit the continuance of the 5 units (1 efficiency • and 4 1-bedroom apartments). 8. The lot area is sufficient only for R-3, R-4, and RT-1 zones. Petitioner will therefore need a �ariance f��?m S�ct�on b1 .1Q1 (f) which requires a minimum lot size of 10,000 sq. ft. to convert an existing building to multi-family use. ' 9. The structure is a large home built in 1914. No additions or expansions to the building will result from the rezoning. Gross floor area for the structure is 2, 198 sq. ft. , approximately 440 sq. ft. per unit. � . � 2'7866� LAMAR AND ELIZABETH LOOSE (#9123) STAFF REPORT Page 2 G. FINDINGS CONT'D. 10. Six off-street parking spaces are provided. (The Zoning Code requires 7 spaces for 5 units of new construction. ) 11 . The North Dale P:layground is one block north of the site, providing additional nearby open space. 12. The site is surrounded by low density residential uses. The Housing Policy Plan encourages duplexes and in some cases triplexes as infill in such areas , and recomnends limited conversions in order to protect neighborhood character. H. STAFF ANALYSIS: While this property has doubtlessbeen in multiple-family use for some time, petitioner has not shown that such use was ever legal or legally nonconforming. Because of the small lot, petitioner needs RM-2 density to maintain 5 units, but must still obtain a variance of the lot size requirement. RM-2 zoning seems clearly out of character with the neighborhood. Surrounding land uses are practically all single family houses on relatively large lots. Were this building to be destroyed, any new construction at RM-2 density would probably make this disparity more obvious. It seems reasonable to permit 4 units at this location. Past City Directories from the 1970's show that 4 units were sometimes occupied. Four-plexes are first permitted in the RT-2 zone. This zoning classification would be more in keeping with neighbor- hood character. It would also be more in conformance with Comprehensive Plan policies. A density variance would still need to be obtained from the Board of Zoning Appeals. There seems to be a strong case for hardship in this case. A newly constructed 3-plex or 4-plex would probably appear to be more in character with its low density surroundings as well . I. RECOMMENDATION: Based on findings 5, 7, and 11 , staff recommends denial of the rezoning to RM-2. Based on findings 8, 9, and 10, staff recommends approval of a rezoning to RT-2, townhouse residential district. . 4 r. ~�'�`"' � �,`�_ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY ��U�6�• PREVIOUS FILES : "�� ,.�.,.---��� � ZONING CNECK SURVEY � ��� � � ' C o f O�T�S— ADDRESS / / �- � � SN � I i Cl Cf W2A � � DI 0 : / ` . � �y O�NSTRUGTION DATE � / `� /� �� PERMIT(' J�� �/J TYPE OF STRUCI`I1RE r.. � ` ---r}— MA�ER OF STORIES :�� WII7IN .��� ' LENGIH `1� � F-�I(��T �� -<-� PARCEL CODE �:��� ' �; � �,� (J -I� � - U �-� MJINBER OF UNITS •� LEGAL: IAT�� Nv ;�,,� / !; i/.1 /:= BLOCK TAXABLE �JSAGE � ' -- ADDITTON /-; <,.r;i��►i i, �, � � , r_ � , , ; . CROSS STREETS � ' LOT SIZE ���(, � YF.AR ZONE iJSE UNITS UNITS IN USE DENSITY (N/NC) PERMITTED (C/NC) X X C 1922 X � C for C-RES for C-RES 1960 �� ( G . �- �� � -� 1964 � 1975 �r / : ROOMS: �_3 �� ITS: / UNITS: ( S IDEYARDS: PLANN ING: �D � �NO RECORD YES ZONIN ILE / � ZO��(ING STATUS FO:R �_ UNITS TO BE Mr'�RI�D ON COI�UTER SE�ET � LEGAL - CO'VFORMING USE DE,'VSITY SIDEY.4RD �� � CONFORMING �� . NON-CONF. �_ _� __�___ LEGAL - CONFORNQNG USE WITH NONCONFORMING STRUCTURE PRESENT USE COAIFORMING UNTIL LEGAL - NONCOI�IFORNQNG USE AND STRUCI'iJRE 1922 k "1960 1964 1975 � I LLEG�AL LECAL LE(�AL I LLEGAL ' � CON�RMING NON--CONF � � �';.ti "''}'" ,'.� ::^�w"�,ti:.:. -� a' � — � i I i � � � � � � � � i � , � ' � . � � � � � � �� � � ; l ' � ! � ; � ' i. ; � � ' � � �`78�6� _ � '', CERTI.FICATE OF OCCUPANCY ZONING CHECK ADDRESS PERMITS BUILDING PLiA�ING ELECT'RICAL PERMIT � YEAR WORK DONE PERMiT � YFAR bvORK DOi�� PERMIT # YEAR WORK DONE i�� �. �-`L� PLASTER WARM AIR STEAM CITY DIRECI'ORY ASSESSOR'S RECORDS 1948 5;� ( ', l� 5'� S 19 54 Q N�. /`.�►`)"i"'�-e � � ��,�,1 l� 5 ����� C�P s �-Q-2,,c�.c^- 19 56 �,�� il/���� _ RO��. � r�-o ���-<o _� c,�,.,°,fiS � � 1 q�U 1959 r � 19 70 � .� _ � �, , •� ���s��-� �.—�- `z _ � � i ] � � '�. _ _ �;;;, � ' T j . . � I � i ., � , � ��� �' �� ,' I' � ; . � :i ' ti..�� �..w..�..1'.i.*+.�w*w�"r :�J `�,q,r,,,�r,�,�, ��!�,���� ���M� � 'l"_ i '� , ,, � , ', .'•,� , , , . . . : � ' ' ' .,,,,.�..,,,,,,,5,1,�,".�±�,,,� �� .�,,,..�..��.�.• �.�.., , ��� � � � J� . ...� , . . � � "� �;� �,� .� ..:+�,�.'� `� � `� "' . � � � o o d .o ':o ,;�. ° o �►►�..,s� � � � ..�'''� . �� ,�,:,�� , � � ( p , � � . ,+��:� }�. .A� ` � � . �� 'r �,�• r� l�''1`� �"� '.�, , ,,q. +���`�7, +"; . + �}; ' ;i ' ` ''- .• O t! a�..�l�1 rR� ' r ,� }'t ` �� ��. � r� �• /�;.. f=tr �.`Nr�' �����, ^ . . . : . . 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[fA�l�IT. f'fA1�1 n� w►�u���i± r��w�n � �.i lifi('AAtP' � . ��i $�6� �1'1c�`� ���;� � 3 I � _• PETITION TO AMEND ZONING CODE ,(� _3 (��� � � (;��' CITY OF ST. PAUL, MINNESOTA �\ � Cp,r, �b' � � , ����� � TO THE HONORABLE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL DATE �Z 19�z c/o City Clerk, Room 386 City Hall — St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Pursuant to Section 64.210 of the St. Paul Zoning Ordinance and Section 462.357 (5) of the Minnesota Statutes, � �q Md9 1Z �oo S c ���./Z���T� , the owner5of all of the land proposed for rezdning, hereby petitions your Honorable Bod}i�to rezone the following described property: Street Address: I 3 2 g No ��9L.-� 57� f�9-u-L ���' Legal Description: �XC�,�j �d12 i� 5 b �� L.o � � l �' I 2 �,c T.?7 E.��/`7�1.N ///L L.r9 S �D�, from a %�— 3 District to a Z l`�'1 - 2 District for the purpose of _ �.���Q�. /2,� �,// �,r�57/.v �'i ��' I��E)C � � � � Vi� I01 �� �� �� � � � � �� . ..', h��� + `�'�.(� � � _(�� '` r�..���� .d:'��i t� Li �:S'lj,ti\D ^YV \ � l t • ' , .'.k�. I � �'::.`,,(�:''3-1 ����. Subscribed and sworn to � By: !,����'� before this � � day of 19�� Title: ��%(� � f� Petitioner `%.ii� --�b. �/� Notary Public Y�� .�` ^F.f I.t�r t,f..,p,?�� ,�.�, 14 ;f�71nr. . � r T `.j' , �t � -" .�- � . . . , �r ��F . ,i � ., !�lnn.l � � ;'XPIRES ' 3' ,S "` ''' '°'� �"� � � �@.� �W_,_� a3 �'age 1 of� �,-�-� � � � �� �� f�� —�.�__�___._ � '. • CONSENT OF ADJOINING PROPERTY OWNERS TO REZONING z���s� ' We, the undersigned, owners of property within 100 feet of the total contiguous descriptions of real estate owned by Petitioner or sold by Petitioner within one year preceding the date of this petition, acknowledge that we have been furnished with the following: 1. A copy of the Petition of L,�} 1`'It�/L ¢' �L! 2�f,�iN �.c�oS.� 2. A copy of Sections �Q, � /o through �O.�S��-{ , inclusive, of the St. Paul Ordinance; and acknowledge that we are aware of the uses permitted under a � I�'( - Z-.. District zoning classification; and hereby consent to the rezoning of the property described in the }'etition of ��} �t1.2 � ��!Z I��j.����l 4�Sr=' to a �M ^ 2. District. RECORD OWNER SIGNATURE LOT BLOCK ADDITION 11� "� (>E�C'�/t�l Nit1 �. .� FO�Z1.,1 � / !/ c_��95 �. l.� (�C%�_Fl2l�z�/�P g � � !�. c r [S � �l5�� �n�, o 0 W l-�FwRi° f=l L 1 3 �� � 1 S�.AYTc� �uS �sr P14LC � ��� ��Zy✓� ,�- � � y isiaJi-r.o.0 �Z� U> /t�.� �' �oS�PNiu� �i941�'.a2h� l �llDo�•v�a�s 5��3, Petitions shall not be considered as officially filed with the city clerk until the lapse of 7 working days after a petition is received in the office of the city clerk. Any signator of any petition may withdraw his name therefrom by written request within that time. �`:�'������ ���� ��3� Page 2 of 3 -=---�r,_._ ------.__— .� - . " � 2`�866� STATE OF MINNFSOTA) : ss. COUNTY OF RAMSEY ) �,�M,�/Z �aS,�, , being first duly sworn, deposes and states that he is the person w o circu a e e wit in petition and consent, consisting of pages; that affiant is informed and believes that the parties described are the owners res ectively of the lots placed irnmediately following each name, that affiant is informed and believes that each of the parties described above is the owner of property which is within 100 feet from any property owned ��y petitioner c�r sold by petitioner within one (1) year preceding the date of this petition which is contiguous to the property described in the petition; that except for• none of the parties described above has purchased or is purchasing property rom petitioner contiguous to the above described property within one (1) year of the date of the petition; that this consent was signed by each of said owners in the presence of this affiant, and that the signatures are the true and correct signatures of each and all of the parties so described. ;��`���� ��� �� ���1 d ress ��� � 5 � � � e ep one umber Subscribed and sworn to efore �i me this�day of-����' 19D�� , �� ot�:ry ic t�F��':.f��,: . _ F,��:._. 5 , .; �win:� �'.. � v,:c� ;y�Qfv EXPlRES va��. �3 1388�,� . Appruved as to form - Feb. 80 i'lanning Department ; _ Page�of ?�"' � =:- - y ,� _ � #� �E � � -.I�CJ� � �<..: w. . �; � ;,� . . ,� � II R.a r::s �""""^^_----�. . . . � �s��ss� , �.� � .� £ � -.4- •.���.�,;sr:. ���� - w. �..,'�: -�� �, . ' � �_�, Y ,r :a�r:�� ���; ����� �; :e�se e�r o�r�t�iad��ee�� �° . '��_�.�t � t: . :� y . ... d . C� w tY.`�'.�.��• �I �tR ���i'-�.. t�r � ma'l��vt�3sc$+'J�.:��."�te�Y�.tt����_ - �.±. ��� ' a��, ; �� ,�, ' ';'S�letlt, l . . �April l4�.,.. ,. , ` . � 2`��66� . . _,� � . � . . ST. PAUL CITY C4UNCIL � PU6LIC HEARING NOTICE ZONING � T0: Property owners within 350 feet; FIL E N 0. 9123 representatives of Planning District 6 PAGE P U R P 0 S E Rezone property from R-3 (one-family residential district) to RM-2 (medium-density, low-rise multiple family residential ) to permit continuance of a 5-unit building. LOCATION 1328 N. Dale (Northeast corner Dale and 4Jheelock Parkway) PETITIONER LAMAR AND ELIZABETH LOOSE HEARING Thursday, APRIL 29; 1982 �o:oo A.rt. Citv Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall - Court House ��lE S T10 N S Zoning 298-4154 (Patricia N. James, 292-7359) Contact the Zoning Section of the Planning and Economic Development Department, Room 1101, City Hall Annex, 25 W. 4th Street; St. Paul, Minnesota 55102 Kotice sent 4/16/82