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r�inance Ordinance N 0. l�o���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
An Ordinance amending the Saint Paul Legislative Code
so as to add a new Chapter known as the Subdivision Regulations
The Council of the City of Saint Paul Does Ordain:
Section 1.
That the Saint Paul Legislative Code be and is hereby amended so as to add
the following chapter thereto:
67.000 TITLE
This Chapter shall be known as the Subdivision Regulations.
Yeas Nays Requested by Department of:
Hunt ��
Levine [n Favor
snowa�ter A gai n s t BY
Form Approv by ity A orney
Adopted by Council: Date
Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY
Approved by Mayor: Date Approved M or for Submission to Council
� �
� ' �'`18659
These Subdivision Regulations are enacted pursuant to the authority granted
to the municipality by the State Legislature in Minnesota Statutes, 1981,
Sections 462.351 through 462.365, and shall be a part of the Zoning Code.
1. To protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare;
2. To provide for the orderly, economic, and safe development of land;
3. To promote affordable housing to persons and families of all income
4. To provide adequate public services and facilities;
5. To provide for the protection and conservation of flood plains, steep
slopes, soils, and other geologic and ecologic features;
6. To provide for the protection and conservation of solar access;
7. To provide for the administration of this Chapter including procedures
and standards for subdivision plat approval ;
8. To provide for variances from the strict interpretation of this Chapter;
9. To provide for penalties for violations of this Chapter.
The definitions contained in Minnesota Statutes Section 462.352 are incorporated
herein by reference. The definitions contained in the Zoning Code, Chapters
60 through 66, shall also be applicable to the Subdivision Regulations.
The following terms shall have the meanings given to them:
BLOCK: An area of land within a subdivision which is entirely bounded
by streets or by streets, railroad right-of-way, waterway, outlot, walkway,
park, or exterior boundary of the subdivision.
COMMISSION OR PLANNING COMMISSION: The officially created planning commission
of the city which has been established by ordinance.
COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The comprehensive development plan prepared and adopted
by the city indicating the general locations recommended for major land
uses, streets, parks, public buildings, and other public improvements.
CROSSWALK OR PEDESTRIANWAY: A city owned right-of-way which crosses a
block and furnishes pedestrian access to adjacent streets or properties.
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EASEMENT: A grant by a property owner to the use of land by the public,
a corporation or persons for specific purposes as the construction of
utilities, drainage ways and roadways.
GRADE, PERCENTAGE OF: The rise or fall of a street in feet and tenths
of a foot for each 100 feet of horizontal distance measured at the center
line of the street.
LOT: The smallest unit of a subdivision individually numbered or designated
on the plat for purposes of description, recording, conveyance, development
and taxation.
MUNICIPAL SERVICES: City sewer and water.
PLAT: A map or drawing indicating the subdivisions or resubdivision of
land, intended to be filed for record, and drawn in accord with Minnesota
Statutes C.505.
RIGHT-OF-WAY: Land dedicated and publicly owned for use as a street,
alley, or crosswalk.
SPLIT ZONING: A single lot or parcel containing two or more different
zoning classifications.
STREET WIDTH: The street right-of-way width, measured at right angles
to the center line of the street.
SUBDIVISION: The separation of an area,parcel, or tract of land under
single ownership into two or more parcels, tracts, lots, or long-term
leasehold interests where the creation of the leasehold interest necessitates
the creation of streets, roads or alleys, for residential, commercial,
industrial, or other use or any combination thereof, except those separations:
a. Where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests will be
20 acres or larger in size and 500 feet in width for residential uses,
and five acres or larger in size for comnercial and industrial uses.
b. Creating cemetery lots.
c. Resulting from court orders, or the adjustment of a lot line by the
relocation of a common boundary.
d. Resulting from acquisition by governmental agencies for public improvements
or uses.
All subdivisions shall be subject to the regulations set forth in this
Chapter and subject to the approval or disapproval of the city.
No person shall subdivide land without first obtaining the city's approval
as herein required.
No person shall convey any land without first obtaining the required subdivision
approval .
: : 2'78659
No person shall obtain a building permit until the preliminary plat for
the required subdivision has been approved.
A plat shall be required when a subdivision:
1. Creates five or more lots or parcels each of which are two and one-
half acres or less in size; or
2. Requires paved streets, alleys, and other public improvements or services;
3. Is previously unplatted land.
Platting shall not be required when the subdivision constitutes a lot
split as described in 67.304.
The procedures for obtaining of approval for lot splits are set forth
The division of one or more lots which creates no more than four lots
is permitted without platting provided the following conditions are met:
1. The lot or lots have frontage on an existing improved street and access
to municipal services.
2. The lot or lots to be divided are previously platted land.
3. The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and area
for the zoning district in which they are located.
4. The division of the lots shall not cause a remaining part of a lot
to become a separately described tract which does not meet the minimum
standards of the zoning district in which it is located or which does
not have street frontage and access to municipal services.
5. The division does not result in a split zoning classification on a
single lot.
Application for approval for lot split shall be submitted to the Planning
Administrator on forms furnished by the Planning Division and shall include
a drawing showing the following information:
1. Scale and north direction.
2. Dimensions of the property.
3. Names and locations of adjacent streets.
4. Locations of existing buildings on and within 100 feet of the subject
: �. ��ss5s
5. Such other information as may be required, such as a grading plan
or contour map, to fully represent the intent of the lot split or
to determine if the lot split meets the intent and requirements of
this Chapter.
The Planning Administrator shall cause the applica tion to be reviewed
by the Public Works Department and other affected city departments, and
shall notify the applicant of any required modifications. Within 30 days
of the date of filing, the application shall be referred to the City Council
for hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be published in the official
newspaper of the city at least ten days prior to the hearing. At the
hearing the Council shall, by resolution, either approve or deny the application,
and shall set forth the reasons for such action.
Applications for approval of all proposed subdivisions and plats shall
be filed in the Office of Planning Administrator. The Planning Administrator
shall prescribe the forms to be used, and the City Council, by resolution,
shall establish fees for said application.
Subdivision 1. Request. Any subdivider may request a pre-application
conference with the Office of Planning Administration for the purpose
of determining if the proposed plat complies with requirements of this
Chapter. In no case, shall pre-application constitute formal application
for a subdivision plat.
Subdivision 2. Preapplication requirements. Subdividers shall submit
the following to the Planning Administrator for the purposes of pre-application:
1. A site location map showing the relationship of the proposed subdivision
to existing community facilities; these shall include, but not be
limited to, major streets, schools, commercial centers, and other
significant developments.
2. A sketch plan of the proposed subdivision including:
a. Tract boundaries.
b. North point and scale.
c. Streets within and adjacent to the tract.
d. Significant topographical and physical features.
e. General street design within the subdivision.
f. General lot size and orientation within the subdivision.
3. A general statement of proposed development of the subdivision.
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Application for subdivision includes two reviews and approvals: preliminary
and final. Applications shall include the information hereinafter required
unless specifically waived in writing by the Planning Administrator.
Subdivision 1. A��lication re uirements. The preliminary plat shall
be drawn at a minimum scale of 1"=1 0' and shall contain or have attached
the following information. The plat shall be prepared by a registered
Subdivision 2. Identification and description.
1. Proposed name of subdivision.
2. A written description of the location by section, town, range, plat,
registered land survey, or by other legal description.
3. Graphic scale
4. North point
5. Date of preparation
Subdivision 3. Existing conditions.
1. Boundary line of the parcel
2. Present zoning classification
3. Total area
4. Within the parcel and to a distance of 100 feet beyond the boundary
the following: all existing or previously platted streets, alleys,
or other public ways, showing the type and condition of any improvements;
easements, utility right-of-way, parks, or other public facilities;
permanent buildings or structures; section and municipal lines.
5. Boundary lines and ownership of abutting land within 100 feet of the
parce 1.
6. Ground vertical contour intervals of the parcel expressed in city
datum at intervals of at least 2 feet; slopes of 12% or greater.
7. Marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power transmission poles and
lines and other significant features.
Subdivision 4. Subdivision design.
1 . Location, width,length, and name of proposed streets.
2. Location and widths of proposed alleys, pedestrian ways, and utility
3. Center line gradients of proposed streets and alleys.
4. Layout, numbers, and preliminary dimensions of lots and blocks.
5. Minimum front and side street building setback lines.
6. Size and location of areas, other than streets, alleys, pedestrian
ways and utility easements, intended to be dedicated or reserved for
public use.
7. Location of required street trees.
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Subdivision 5. Other information.
1 . Statement of the proposed use of lots, including residential building
types and number of dwelling units and type of business or industrial
2. Proposed protective covenants or homeowners association rules.
3. Provisions for sewerage, disposal, drainage and flood control.
4. Proposed zoning plan for the area, including dimensions, if any zoning
changes are contemplated.
Subdivision 1. Applications for formal approval of the subdivision shall
be submitted to the Planning Administrator. Applications shall include
the required fee, ten copies of the proposed subdivision plat plan, evidence
of ownership of the property to be subdivided, and the names of owners
of all property within 350 feet of the property to be subdivided.
Subdivision 2. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed subdivision
to be reviewed by the Public Works Department and other affected city
departments and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications
requested. The proposed subdivision shall be reviewed to determine whether
it complies with these subdivision regulations, the Zoning Code, Comprehensive
Plan and official maps, if any.
Subdivision 3. Within 45 days of filing the application, the Planning
Administrator shall forward it to the City Council together with recornrnendations
for modification, approval, or disapproval thereof.
Subdivision 4. A public hearing shall be had before the City Council
as soon as practicable after receipt of the recommendations. Published
notice in the official newspaper and mailed notice to the applicant and
property owners within 350 feet of the proposed subdivision shall be provided
at least 10 days before the i�earing. City Council shall either approve
or disapprove the application for preliminary plat within 120 days following
the date of filing the application with the Planning Administrator unless
an extension of the review period is agreed to by the applicant.
Subdivision 5. Determination of the City Council shall be by resolution.
Approval shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision by the city,
but shall be deemed an expression of approval of the design submitted
on the Preliminary Plat as a guide to the preparation of the Final Subdivision
. Plat. If the Preliminary Plat is not approved, the reasons for such action
shall be recorded in the proceedings of the Council and transmitted to
the subdivider.
Subdivision 6. Effect of Preliminary Plat Approval. For a period of
one year following preliminary approval, unless the city and the subdivider
agree otherwise, no change in the comprehensive plan or other official
controls shall affect the use, density, lot sizes, lots, layout, dedication
or platting required or permitted by the approved application.
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Subdivision 1. Application for approval. Within one year following approval
of the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall apply for approval of the
final plat.
Subdivision 2. Application requirements. The Final Plat shall contain
all modifications as may have been recomnended during preliminary plat
review as well as the following:
1. Survey, content of plats, and boundary data in the manner prescribed
by Section 505.02 Minnesota Statutes as amended from time to time.
2. Certification of dedication by the land owners and Surveyor's Certification
as required in Section 505.03 Minnesota Statutes as amended from time
to time.
Subdivision l. Applications for formal approval of the final subdivision
plat shall be submitted together with the required fee.
Subdivision 2. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed subdivision
to be reviewed by the Public Works Department and other affected city
departments and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications.
The proposed subdivision shall be reviewed to determine whether it complies
with these subdivision regulations, the Zoning Code, Comprehensive Plan,
official maps, if any, and conditions and requirements stipulated in the
preliminary approval.
Subdivision 3. Within 30 days of filing the application, the Planning
Director shall forward it to the City Council together with recommendations
for approval or disapproval thereof.
Subdivision 4. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove the
application within 60 days following the date of filing of the application
with the Planning Administrator unless an extension of the review period
is agreed to by the applicant.
Subdivision 5. Determinations of the City Council shall be by resolution.
Approved subdivisions shall be assigned a number by the City Clerk, and
shall be filed by the applicant with the County Recorder or Registrar
of Titles within 60 days of the adoption of the Council resolution. A
tracing and three certified copies of the recorded subdivision shall be
filed by the applicant with the Planning Director, to be forwarded to
the Public Works Department. Copies shall be furnished to the Department
to the Water Utility, gas, electric and telephone companies by Public
Subdivision 6. Effect of Final Subdivision Approval. For a period of
two years following final approval, unless the city and the subdivider
agree otherwise, no change in the Comprehensive Plan or official control
shall affect the use, density, lot sizes, lot layout, dedication or platting
required or permitted by the approved application.
� � 2'�8659
A subdivider may choose to combine the preliminary and final approvals
of a subdivision. In such cases, the following procedure shall apply:
1 . Application for the preliminary plat shall be submitted together with
the required fee, ten copies of the proposed subdivision plat plan,
evidence ,of ownership of the property to be subdivided, and the names
of all owners of property within 350 feet of the property to be subdivided.
2. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed subdivision to
be reviewed by the Public Works Department and other affected city
departments and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications.
The proposed subdivision shall be reviewed to determine whether it
complies with these subdivision regulations, the Zoning Code, Comprehensive
Plan, and official maps, if any.
3. Within 30 days of filing the preliminary plat, the Planning Administrator
shall notify the applicant that the preliminary plat has been approved
or denied. If all city departments approve the preliminary plat,
the subdivider shall submit the final plat for approval.
4. Within 30 days of filing the application for final plat approval,
the Planning Administrator shall forward it to the City Council together
with recommendations for approval or disapproval thereof.
5. A public hearing shall be had before the City Council as soon as practicable
after receipt of the recommendations. Published notice in the official
newspaper and notice to property owners within 350' shall be provided
at least 10 days before the hearing, and 10 day notice thereof, together
with a copy of the recommendations, shall be mailed to the applicant.
The Council shall either approve or disapprove the application within
120 days following the date of filing of the application with the
Planning Administrator unless an extension of the review period is
agreed to by the applicant.
6. Determinations of the City Council shall be by resolution. Approved
subdivisions shall be assigned a number by the City Clerk and shall
be filed by the applicant with the County Recorder or Registrar of
Titles within 60 days of the adoption of the Council resolution.
A tracing and three certified copies of the recorded subdivision shall
be filed by the applicant with the Planning Administrator, to be forwarded
to the Public Works Department. Copies shall be furnished to the
Department to the Water Utility, gas. electric, and telephone companies
by Public Works.
� � �'7�659
Subdivision l. Subdivision review criteria. The Planning Corrsnission
and City Council, in the review of subdivision requests and in the application
of this chapter, shall take into consideration the requirements of the
city and the best use of the land being subdivided. Particular attention
shall be given to the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable
sanitary utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and arrangements, as well
as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools and recreation
sites and other public uses. Al1 of the following findings shall be made
prior to the approval of a subdivision or a lot split.
1. All the applicable provisions of the Legislative Code are complied
2. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to the present and
potential surrounding land uses;
3. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned and developed
in coordination and compatibility with the proposed subdivision;
4. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan;
5. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's important existing
natural features, whenever possible;
6. All land intended for building sites can be used safely without endangering
the residents by peril from floods, erosion, continuously high water
table, severe soil conditions or other menace; and
7. The subdivision can be economically served with public f acilities
and services.
Subdivision 2. Delegation of Planning Commission Review. The Planning
Corr�nission may, by general rule, delegate to the Planning Administrator
its power to review and approve such matters and cases.
Subdividers shall use these general requirements and design standards
in developing new subdivisions. In cases where an official map exists,
that map shall supercede these standards. Unless otherwise stated, the
Director of Public Works shall have the authority to modify these standards
for reasons of design or safety; such reasons shall be in writing and
attached to the plat.
These standards shall be considered minimum requirements and shall be
waived by City Council only under circumstances set forth in Section 67.703.
67.501 STREETS
Subdivision 1. Standards. Streets shall conform to the Comprehensive
Plan and the official map, if any. No new residential subdivision shall
be created without provision for streets which meet these requirements
and design standards. In cases of commercial/industrial subdivisions,
the Director of Public Works may require different standards.
' � �'78659
Subdivision 2. Alignment. New streets shall provide for the continuation
of existing streets of adjoining subdivisions and for projection of streets
into adjoining properties which are not yet subdivided.
Local streets shall discourage use by through traffic. Where a subdivision
abuts or contains an existing or proposed minor arterial, the Planning
Administrator may require marginal access streets, reverse frontage lots
which contain screen planting in a non-access reservation along the rear
property line, deep lots with rear service alleys, or such other treatment
as ma�y be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties
and the separation of through and local traffic.
Subdivision 3. Width. All right-of-way widths and roadway widths shall
conform to the following minimum dimensions unless modified by the Director
of Public Works:
Right-of-Way Width Roadway Width
in Feet in Feet
Minor Arterials 66 44
Collectors 80 36
Local Streets (Director of Public Works)
Industrial Streets (Director of Public Works)
Subdivision 4. Deflections. When the center line of connecting streets
or the center line of a single street deflect from each other at any one
point by more than five degrees, they shall be connected by a curve with
a radius appropriate to the design speed of the street; such radius shall
be approved by the Director of Public Works.
Subdivision 5. Grades. All center line gradients shall be at least 0.5%
and shall not exceed the following:
Major Arterials 6%
Collectors 6%
Local Streets lOX
Subdivision 6. Intersections
l . Jog. Street intersections with center line offsets of less than 125
feet shall require prior approval by the Director of Public Works.
2. Angle. In general, all streets shall join each other so that for
a distance of 100 feet, the street is approximately at right angles
to the street it joins. In no case shall any street intersect any
other street at an angle of less than 80 degrees.
3. Size. Intersections of more than four corners shall be prohibited.
Subdivision 7. Cul-de-sac. Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet in
length and shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum right-
of-way radius of 50 feet and a roadway radius of 40 feet.
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Subdivision 8. Industrial and Commercial Streets. The Director of
Public Works shall establish different requirements and standards for
corrrannercial and industrial streets.
Subdivision 9. Street Names. Street names shall be subject to the
approval of the City Council . No street names shall be used which will
duplicate or be confused with, either phonetically or by spelling, names
of existing streets. The name of an extension or continuation of an existing
street shall be the same as that of the existing street. Generally, no
street should change direction by more than 90 degrees without a change
in street name.
67.502 ALLEYS
Subdivision 1. Required. Alleys shall be provided where topography renders
access to service or off-street parking areas impractical, or where limited
access streets prohibit driveways to off-street parking and service areas.
Subdivision 2. Width:. All alley right-of-way widths shall conform to
the following minimum standards:
Right-of-Way Width Roadway Width
i n Feet i n Feet
Industrial/Corrpnnercial 24 20
Residential 20 16
Subdivision 3. Layout. Alley intersections and sharp changes of alignment
shall be avoided, but where such are unavoidable, corners shall be cut
with sufficient radius to permit safe and easy vehicular movement.
Generally, dead-end alleys shall be prohibited, but, where unavoidable,
shall be provided with adequate turnaround facilities, as may be determined
by The Director of Public Works.
Subdivision 1. Location. Unless waived, all utility f acilities, including
but not limited to gas, electric power, telephone, and CATV cables, shall
be located underground and within the street or alley right-of-way.
Subdivision 2. Service Connections. Underground service connections
to the street property line of each platted lot shall be installed at
the subdivider's expense. At the discretion of the City Council, the
requirements for service connections to each lot may be waived in the
case of adjoining lots to be retained in single ownership and intended
to be developed for the same primary use.
� � �'78659
Subdivision 3. Easements.
1. Easements centered on rear lot lines shall be provided for utilities
(private and municipal) ; such easements shall be at least ten feet
wide. Proper coordination shall be established between the subdivider
and the applicable utility companies regarding the width and the establishment
of utility easements established on adjoining properties.
2. Where topography makes impractical the inclusion of utilities within
street or alley right-of-ways, utility easements at least five feet
in width or as approved by the Director of Public Works shall be provided
on rear lot lines. Where topography also makes impractical the inclusion
of utilities within the rear lot lines, perpetual unobstructed easements
of at least five feet in width shall be provided along side lot lines
with satisf actory access to the road or rear lot lines. Wherever
possible, easements shall be continuous from block to block and shall
present as few irregularities as possible. Such easements shall be
indicated on the plat and shall be cleared and graded where required.
Subdivision 1. Separate systems. The Planning Commission shall not recommend
for approval any plat of subdivision which does not make adequate provision
for storm or surf ace water runoff. The storm water drainage system shall
be separate and independent of any sanitary sewer system.
Subdivision 2. General Requirements. Each subdivision will be required
by the Planning Commission to provide stormwater management for all storms
up to and including the 100 year storm, as defined by the Director of
Public Works. The applicant shall control the peak stormwater discharge
rates from the site to less than 1.64 cubic feet per second per acre.
Furthermore, the applicant must provide an adequate outlet for any spring
or surface water that may exist either previous to or as a result of the
All plans shall be designed in accordance with the rules, regulations
and standards of the Director of Public Works. Facilities intended to
be dedicated to the city shall be located in the street rightof-way where
feasible and otherwise shall be located in perpetual, unobstructed easements
of a width to be determined by the Director of Public Works.
Subdivision 3. Accessibility to Public Storm Sewers
1. Where a public storm sewer is accessible, the applicant shall install
all necessary storm sewers within the subdivision and connecting to
the public storm sewer. Where no public storm sewer is available,
adequate provision shall be made for the disposal of stormwater as
specified by the Director of Public Works.
, � � �'78659
Subdivisions in business and industrial districts shall have underground
storm and clearwater sewer systems constructed throughout, and these
systems shall be connected to an approved public sewer, drainage way
or outfall where available.
2. If a connection to a public storm sewer will be provided eventually,
as determined by the Director of Public Works and the Planning Commission,
the developer shall make arrangements for future storm water disposal
by a public utility system at the time the plat receives final approval .
Subdivision 4. Accommodation of Upstream Drainage Areas. Adequate provision
shall be made to accommodate potential runoff from the entire upstream
drainage area. The Director of Public Works shall determine the necessary
size of the facility, based on the provisions of the development standards
and specifications assuming conditions of maximum potential watershed
development permitted by the Zoning Code.
Subdivision 5. Effect on Downstream Drainage Areas. The Director of
Public Works shall also study the effect of each subdivision on existing
downstream drainage facilities outside the area of the subdivision. Local
government drainage studies together with such other studies as shall
be appropriate shall serve as a guide to needed improvements. Where
it is anticipated that the additional runoff incident to the development
of the subdivision will overload an existing downstream drainage facility,
the Planning Commission may withhold approval of the subdivision until
provision has been made for the improvement of said potential condition
in such sum as the Planning Corranission shall determine. No subdivision
shall be approved unless adequate drainage will be provided to an adequate
drainage watercourse or facility.
Subdivision 6. Areas of Poor Drainage. A plat for an area which is subject
to flooding may be approved by the Planning Commission, provided that
1. Sufficient fill be placed so that minimum street and lot elevations
are at least 12-inches above the elevation of the maximum probable
flood as determined by the Director of Public Works.
2. Any filling in this area would not cause increased flooding of other
3. Any overflow zone is provided along any stream or watercourse which
is sufficiently wide to contain or move the maximum probable flood,
as determined by the Director of Public Works.
4. No structure or fill be placed in the overflow zone.
Subdivision 7. Stormwater Detention Ponds
1 . Drainage Criteria. The subdivider shall provide for storm water detention
in compliance with the following standards:
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Drainage from any site being developed or extensively redeveloped
with drainage to the public sewer or public right-of-way shall be _
controlled so that peak stormwater discharge rates from the site for
all storms up to and including the critical 100 year storm will not
Q = 1.64 x A Where Q = the maximum acceptable stormwater discharge
rate in cubic feet per second, and
A = the site area in acres.
Where feasible, the drainage system shall be designed so that all
stormwater runoff and surface water from the site shall discharge
in a manner so as to preclude drainage of water onto the adjacent
Summary of 100 Years Storm for St. Paul
The following table is a surrmary of the total rainfall depth for various
duration 100 year storms in St. Paul . The information has been taken
from "Five-to 60-Minute Precipitation Frequency for the Eastern and
Central United States" and "Technical Paper No. 40-Rainfall Frequency
Atlas of the United States". Both of these publications were prepared
by the National Weather Service.
The term "100 year storm" as used in this sumnary refers to a storm
of a given duration and rainfall depth which has a one percent probability
of occurring during any given year in a particular locale.
Duration-Minutes Rainfall Depth-Inches
5 0.84
10 1.38
15 1.76
30 2.44
60 3. 15
120 3.50
180 3.80
360 4.40
720 5.20
1 ,440 5.90
. .,
: . �".��E59
2. Dedication of Land. The Planning Commission shall require that land
be reserved for stormwater detention ponds in locations designated
in the Comprehensive Plan or as designated by the Director of Public
Works such that their use will prevent erosion or substantially reduce
the costs of the stormwater disposal system. Each reservation shall
be of suitable size, dimension, topography, and general character
and shall have adequate access for public maintenance. The area shall
be shown and marked on the plat, "Reserved for Stormwater Detention
Pond Purposes". The developer shall dedicate all such ponding areas
to the city as a condition of final subdivision plat approval. Where
the required ponding area, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan
or as designated by the Director of Public Works, has a value in excess
of seven percent of the market value of the subdivision lands as determined
by the City Valuation Engineer, it shall be offered to the city for
purchase; the city shall be given a reasonable time to respond.
3. Money in Lieu of Land. In the event that a particular subdivision
does not contain a stormwater detention pond, as designated in the
Comprehensive Plan, on the official map or by the Director of Public
Works, the Planning Commission shall require, prior to final approval
of the subdivision plat, that the applicant deposit with the city
a cash p�yment in lieu of land reservation. Such deposit shall be
placed in a Stormwater Detention Pond Fund to be established by the
city. Such deposit shall be used by the city for improvements to,
or maintenance of, existing ponds or acquisition of property. Such
deposit must be used for facilities that will be actually available
to and benefit the persons in said subdivision and be located in the
general neighborhood of the subdivision. The amount deposited shall
be seven percent of the market value of the subdivision lands at the
time of the subdivision application, as determined by the City Valuation
Subdivision 1. General Requirements
1. The applicant shall install water main facilities in a manner prescribed
by the Water Utility. All plans shall be designed in accordance with
the rules, regulations, and standards of the Water Utility, Health
Department, and other appropriate agencies. Plans shall be approved
by the above agencies.
2. Where public water mains are not available for extension, action shall
be taken by the applicant to create a water-supply district for the
purpose of providing a water-supply system capable of providing domestic
water use and fire protection.
3. Looped water mains shall be required unless specifically varied by
the Water Utility and Fire Department. �
� � �'�8�59
Subdivision 2. Locations with Water Mains Available
1. Water main facilities shall connect with the public water main facilities.
Water mains shall be installed to serve each lot and to grades and
sizes required by approving officials and agencies. To eliminate
future street openings, all underground water f acilities shall be
installed before any final paving of a street shown on the subdivision
plat. Fire hydrants shall be located at each intersection and no
more than 600 feet apart and shall be approved by the applicable protection
unit. Water main facilities shall be subject to the specifications,
rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Water Utility.
Subdivision 3. Locations with no Available Water Mains
1. Action shall be taken by the applicant to create a water-supply district
for the purpose of providing a water-supply system capable of providing
domestic water use and fire protection.
2. In single family zoning districts, if the Planning Commission determines
that a public water main is not available, individual wells may be
used or a central water system provided in such a manner that an adequate
supply of potable water will be available to every lot in the subdivision.
Water samples shall be submitted to the Health Department for its
approval, and individual wells and central water systems shall be
approved by the appropriate health authorities. Orders of approval
shall be submitted to the Planning Commission.
3. If the Planning Commission requires that a connection to a public
water main eventually be provided as a condition to approval of an
individual well or central water system, the applicant shall make
arrangements for future water service at the time the plat receives
final approval . Performance or cash bonds may be required to insure
Subdivision 4. Mandatory Connection to Public Water Mains
1 . If a public water main is placed in a street abutting upon developed
property, the owner thereof shall be required to connect the development
to the public water main within three years.
Subdivision 1. General Requirements. The applicant shall install sanitary
sewer f acilities in a manner prescribed by the Director of Public Works.
All plans shall be designed in accordance with the rules, regulations,
and standards of the Director of Public Works, Health Department, and
other appropriate agencies. Plans shall be approved by the Director of
Public Works. Sanitary sewer extension permits must be obtained from
the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and the Minnesota Pollution
Control Agency prior to commencement of the work.
' � 2'78659
Subdivision 2. Locations with Sewers Available. Sanitary sewerage facilities
shall connect with public sanitary sewerage systems. Sewers shall be
installed to serve each lot and to grades and si2es required by approving
officials and agencies. No individual disposal system or treatment plants
(private or group disposal systems) shall be permitted. Sanitary sewerage
f acilities (including the installation of laterals in the right-of-way)
shall be subject to the specifications, rules, regulations, and guidelines
of the Health Officer, Public Works Department, MWCC and MPCA.
Subdivision 3. Locations with No Available Sewers. Where public sanitary
sewerage systems are not reasonably accessible but will become available,
subdivision of land shall not be allowed until sewers are available.
Where public sanitary sewer service cannot reasonably be provided, the
Director of Public Works may authorize an on-site disposal system. Such
on-site disposal system shall be subject to the rules, regulations and
standards of the Director of Public Works.
Subdivision 4. Mandatory Connection to Public Sewer System. If a public
sanitary sewer is accessible and a sanitary sewer is placed in a street
or alley abutting upon developed property, the owner thereof shall be
required to connect to said sewer within two years.
67.507 BLOCKS
Subdivision 1. Block Width. Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide
for two tiers of lots of appropriate depths. Exceptions to this prescribed
block width shall be permitted in blocks adjacent to major streets, railroads,
or topographic barriers.
Subdivision 2. Block Length. The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks
shall be such as are appropriate for the locality and the type of development
contemplated, but block lengths in residential areas shall not exceed
1 ,000 feet. Wherever practical, blocks along major arterials and collector
streets shall be not less than 1,000 feet in length.
Subdivision 3. Crosswalks. Pedestrianways or crosswalks, not less than
eight feet wide, may be required by the City Council through the center
of blocks more than 800 feet long where deemed essential to provide circulation
or access to schools, playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, or
other community f acilities.
Subdivision 4. Industrial Blocks. Blocks designed for industrial uses
shall be of such length and width as may be determined suitable by the
Planning Corrunission for prospective use.
67.508 LOTS
Subdivision 1. Street Frontage. All lots which are designated for residential
use shall adjoin a street except for developments which have individually
described lots for each dwelling structure and a common lot for open space,
yards and off-street parking, in which case the common lot shall adjoin
a street.
� � �
� � 2`��659
Subdivision 2. Throuqh Lots. Through lots shall be avoided except where
essential to provide separation of residential development from traffic
arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography and orientation.
Subdivision 3. Lot Arranqement. The lot arrangement shall be such that
there will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography or
other conditions, in securing building permits and in providing driveway
access to buildings on such lots from an approved street.
Subdivision 4. Lots on Slopes. Newly created lots must allow for a minimum
setback for development of 40 feet from the top of bluff lines as defined
by the Comprehensive Plan. Lot arrangement shall avoid, wherever possible,
the placement of structures on 18 percent slope or steeper, or the necessity
to alter such slopes for purposes of construction.
Subdivision 5. Solar Access. In subdivisions of ten acres or larger,
lots shall be platted in a north-south orientation to maximize solar access.
Subdivision 6. Lot Access. Lots shall not in general, derive access
exclusively from an arterial . Where driveway access from a major or secondary
street may be necessary for several adjoining lots, the Planning Commission
may require that such lots be served by a combined access drive in order
to limit possible traffic hazard on such street. Where possible, driveways
should be designed and arranged so as to avoid requiring vehicles to back
into traffic on arterials.
Subdivision 7. Lot Dimensions. Lot dimensions shall comply with the
minimum standards of the Zoning Code. Where lots are more than double
the minimum required area for the zoning district, the City Council may
require that such lots be arranged so as to allow further subdivision
and the opening of future streets where they would be necessary to serve
such potential lots, all in compliance with the Zoning Code and these
Subdivision 8. Side Lot Lines. Side lot lines generally shall be at
right angles to or radial to street lines.
Subdivision 9. S�lit Zoning. Lots shall not be created which result
in split zoning classifications.
Subdivision 1. Generally. Existing natural features, such as trees,
significant slopes and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be preserved
in the design of the subdivision. No change of grade of the land shall
be effected until approval of the preliminary plat.
Subdivision 2. Trees. Shade trees shall be planted by the subdivider
in accordance with Section 67.600.
Subdivision 3. Slopes• Lots with slopes of 12X or greater shall undergo
site plan review prior to approval of a preliminary plat.
� _ �'���59
Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public site is wholly
or partly within the boundary of a proposed subdivision and such proposed
public site is not dedicated to the city, no action shall be taken towards
approval of the preliminary plat for a period not to exceed 90 days to
allow the Planning Commission or Board of Education the opportunity to
consider and to take action towards acquisition of such public site by
purchase or other cause.
All subdivisions shall be tied to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate System
in the following manner.
The coordinate of at least two of the control points used to tie subdivisions
to Minnesota State Plane System shall be given on subdivision drawings
and the names of said point given.
Any two points on the boundary of the subdivision must have State Plane
All boundary line direction must be given in State Grid Azimuth or in
an equation provided to give relation of State Grid Azimuth to subdivision
boundary azimuths or bearings.
Subdivision 1. In instances where the subdivider owns all the property
being served by the following listed improvements, and he petitions the
city to construct the same, the subdivider will be charged the full cost
of the improvement notwithstanding limitations contained in the city's
assessment policy. In the event other properties, not owned by the subdivider,
are served by the improvements, and if the city is petitioned to construct
the same, the apportionment of costs, if required, will be determined
by the City of St. Paul.
Prior to approval of the Final Plat by the City Council, the subdivider
shall either have installed and dedicated to the city, or guaranteed to
install in a manner set forth in Section 67.500, et seq, and which meets
the standards of the Director of Public Works, the following improvements
on the site:
Subdivision 2. Water Facilities. Public water service to be installed
by the city. Such service shall consist of adequate water facilities,
including fire hydrants and laterals to the property line.
Subdivision 3. Sewer Facilities. Public sanitary sewer service to be
installed by the city. Such service shall consist of adequate sanitary
sewer facilities, including installation of laterals to the public right-
of-way 1ine.
- � 2�'�865��
Subdivision 4. Storm Sewer. Storm sewer facilities not connected with
street construction, to be installed by the city. The subdivider may
install or may petition the city to install those storm sewer facilities
that are connected with street construction (i .e., catch basins, leads
to storm sewers).
Subdivision 5. Streets. Paved public streets, including curb and gutter,
for those streets proposed in an approved subdivision. The subdivider
may install the improvements, or he may petition the city to install such
Subdivision 6. Monuments. Permanent reference monuments in the subdivision
at all property corners to be installed by the subdivider.
Subdivision 7. Street trees. Street trees having a trunk diameter of
not less than two inches measured two feet above grade, at least one per
lot and at least every 40 feet along all streets, to be installed by the
subdivider. Existing trees which meet the standards of this section may
be used to satisfy those requirements. Only honey locust, hard maples,
green ash, ginko or other long-lived shade trees approved by the City
Forester shall be planted.
Subdivision 8. Street Names and Signs. Street signs at all intersections
within or abutting the subdivision to be installed by the city. Street
names shall be subject to the approval of the City Council.
Subdivision 9. Street Lights. Street lights meeting city standards and
specifications shall be installed by the subdivider at all interior street
intersections within an approved subdivision. Such lights shall also
be installed on all interior streets within the subdivision at points
designated by the Director of Public Works and shall be no more than 200
feet apart.
Subdivision 10. Topsoil, Sodding and Seeding. Redistribution of topsoil
on the lot and boulevard, to be done by the subdivider. He shall seed
or sod the disturbed boulevard areas.
Subdivision 11. Sidewalks. Public sidewalks along both sides of collector
and arterial streets and in such other locations required by the City
Council. The subdivider may install such improvements or petition the
city to install such improvements.
� � 2'��659
If the City Council, upon the affirmative recorr�nendation of the Director
of Public Works, determines that it is impractical for the subdivider
or city to install any of the required improvements at the time of the
lot split or subdivision because of unavailability of proper storm drainage,
unreasonable segmentation of street or sidewalk construction or inability
to install necessary utilities, the Council may postpone the construction
of such improvements until the conditions have been eliminated. In such
case, the subdivider shall execute and deliver to the city an agreement
for recording in the Office of the County Recorder for Ramsey County agreeing
to be assessed for the costs of such improvements when constructed and
waiving all rights to a hearing on the improvement and assessment. The
agreement shall run with the land and be binding upon all successors in
interest of the subdivider to the affected property. In such case, no
bond or cash deposit will be required for the postponed improvements.
The subdivider shall comply with all Public Works guarantees procedures
for site development and, in addition, where appropriate, with site plan
review guarantees required by the Planning Division.
All required improvements shall be completed within two years from the
date of approval of the final plat except that the City Council shall
have the power to extend the time of completion for one additional year
where the subdivider can present substantial reasons for doing so.
If any of the required improvements shall fail to be acceptable for dedication
in compliance with Section 67.605 within the allocated time period, either
for reason of incompletion or for reason of substandard construction,
the City Council shall take the following action:
Where improvements have been guaranteed under Section 67.602, the
preliminary plat approval shall be revoked and whatever security pledged
as a guarantee shall be forfeited to the city. The City Council shall
use the security to finance the completion of the contracted improvements
or the rebuilding of the improvements to the proper specifications.
Unused parts of the security shall be returned to the subdivider or
bonding company as appropriate.
The Director of Public Works shall inspect for defects in the construction
of required improvements. Upon completion of the improvements, the Director
shall file with the City Council a statement either certifying that the
improvements have been completed in the specific manner or listing the
defects in those improvements.
` !
� � 2��659
Upon completion of the improvements, the subdivider shall file with the
City Council a statement stipulating that all improvements are complete,
are constructed in compliance with city standards, are free of defects,
and are free and clear of any encumbrance or lien.
The subdivider shall also file with the City Council an agreement dedicating
the improvements to the city.
In those cases where improvement guarantees have been made, the amount
of the guarantee may be reduced upon acceptance, in compliance with Section
67.605 above, of the dedication of a part of the improvements. The amount
of the reduction shall not exceed the percentage which the improvements
make up of all originally required improvements.
Upon acceptance of the dedication of the final part of the improvements
the city shall authorize the release of the remaining guarantees.
A person conveying a new parcel of land which, or the plat for which,
has not previously been filed or recorded, and which is part of or would
constitute a new subdivision shall attach to the instrument of conveyance
either: (a) recordable certification by the clerk of the municipality
that the subdivision regulations do not apply, or that the subdivision
has been approved by the governing body, or that the restrictions on the
division of taxes and filing and recording have been waived by resolution
of the governing body of the municipality in this case because compliance
will create an unnecessary hardship and failure to comply will not interfere
with the purpose of the regulations; or (b) a statement which names and
identifies the location of the appropriate municipal offices and advises
the grantee that municipal subdivision and zoning regulations may restrict
the use or restrict or prohibit the development of the parcel, or construction
on it, and that the division of taxes and the filing or recording of the
conveyance may be prohibited without prior recordable certification of
approval, nonapplicability, or waiver from the municipality. In any action
commenced by a buyer of such parcel against the seller, the misrepresentation
of or the failure to disclose material facts in accordance with this section
shall be grounds for damages. If the buyer establishes his right to damages,
a district court hearing the matter may in its discretion also award to
the buyer an amount sufficient to pay all or part of the costs incurred
in maintaining the action, including reasonable attorney fees, and an
amount for punitive damages not exceeding 5X of the purchase price of
the land (M.S. 462.358, Subd. 4a).
�- " 2'���59
Subdivision 1. The owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land
located in a proposed subdivision shall not transfer ownership of such
parcel before a plat of said subdivision has been approved by the City
Council and has been filed with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles
of Ramsey County, Minnesota.
Subdivision 2. The owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land
shall not divide any lot or parcel of land by the use of inetes and bounds
for the purpose of sale, transfer or lease with the intent of evading
the provisions of this chapter. All such described divisions shall be
subject to the requirements herein.
Subdivision 3. The previous provisions shall not apply to a conveyance
of land that was a separate parcel of land of record on the date of the
adoption of these regulations, or subject to a written agreement to convey
entered into prior to such date, or a separate parcel of not less than
two and one-half acres in area and 150 feet in width on January 1, 1966,
or was a separate parcel of not less than five acres in area and 300 feet
in width on July 1, 1980, or is a single parcel of comnercial or industrial
land of not less than five acres and having a width of not less than 300
feet, and its conveyance does not result in the division of the parcel
into two or more lots or parcels, any one of which is less than five acres
in area or 300 feet in width, or is a single parcel of residential or
agricultural land of not less than 20 acres and having a width of not
less than 500 feet and its conveyance does not result in the division
of the parcel into two or more lots or parcels, any one of which is less
than 20 acres or 500 feet in width.
Subdivision 1. Required Findings. The City Council upon recommendation
of the Planning Commission may grant a variance to the subdivision regulations
when compliance would create an unusual hardship to the development of
the land, based on findings that:
1. The intent of this chapter is met;
2. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public
safety, health or welfare or injurious to other property or improvements
in the neighborhood in which the property is located;
3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is based are
unique to the property for which the variance is sought and are generally
not applicable to other property;
4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would
deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties
in the same zoning district;
5. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions
of the applicant; and
. �
' ` �'���59
6. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or topographical
conditions of the specific property involved, unusual hardship to
the owner would result, as distinguished from a mere inconvenience,
if the strict letter of these regulations were carried out.
Subdivision 2. Conditions of Variance. The City Council may require
conditions for approving a variance that will substantially achieve the
intent and requirements of these regulations. Violations of such conditions
shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
Subdivision 3. Procedure for a Variance. An application for variance
shall be submitted by the subdivider at the time the subdivision is filed
with the Planning Administrator.
Within a subdivision or planned unit development, alternative construction
methods, design standards and required improvements may be recommended
by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council if such methods,
improvements and design features are proven to meet the intent of the
regulations in this chapter or are required due to the physical features
or the state of development of the property and its surrounding area.
Registered Land Surveys shall not be used to avoid the requirements of
these subdivision regulations. All Registered Land Surveys which constitute
a subdivision as defined in this chapter shall be subject to the provisions
herein contained. All Registered Land Surveys shall be prepared in conformance
with state law.
The City Council may vacate any plat, public street, alley, public ground,
utility easement or boulevard reserve in the manner provided in the city
charter and Legislative Code.
67.707 PENALTY
1 . Any person subdividing or conveying land in violation of the provisions
of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to the
penalties prescribed in Section 1.05 of the Legislative Code.
2. Any owner or agent of the owner of land who conveys a lot or parcel
in violation of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit and pay
to the city a penalty of not less than $100 for each lot or parcel
so conveyed. The city may enjoin such conveyance or may recover such
penalty by a civil action in any court of competent jurisdiction.
BLUE •�- MAYOR File N O.
�' / Q
Ordin�nce Ordinance N 0. I(D �� /
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
Filing and recording of conveyance of land shall be subject to the restrictions
imposed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.358, Subdivisions 4a and 4b.
Section 2.
This Ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days from and after
its passage, approval and publication.
COUIVCILMEIV Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays �
Levine In Favor
sno�tter � Against BY
Adopted by Council: Date � 2 7 �� Form Approv d y ty Att ey
Certified sed by nci cre y� „ BY
Approve y yor: Date
AY 2 g Approved May for Submission to Council
PUBLtSHED .1UN 51gg�
► y a � �' �. s-�
r , , r f.=
. ,
.��''^,�� j � � CITY OF SAINT PAUL
`^�...`�Ti O�Ll4
''O '��
:: ;;�;�°„ �= RECEIVED
'`�u„�lm�,..o�,��''' 386 City Hall,Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102
' A P f7 � �(;,�� 612-298-4231
March 30, 1982
Mr. Ed Starr
City Attorney
Room 647, City Hall
Deax Sir:
The City Council requests that you prepare the appropriate
ordinance adopting a subdivision ordinance and an amendment
to the Le�islative Code pertaining to House addresses as
recommended by the Planning Commission.
Very truly yours,
Albert B. Olson
City Clerk .
cc: Planning Staff
�`.., , j i T� � � C'_ _ �� .
��`r � GI:TY OF SAIlti T PAUL �
�+`` °•.�?a
. �" =�� OFFICE OF THE MAYOR � ��� S
� �� , �
� -I�Ut!1lllt! ��
?r �111 11{{1; w
'`�a� 347 CITY HALL
GEORGE LATI'�SER (612) 298-4323
March 22, 1982
Council President Ru6y Hunt
and Members of the City Council
c/o City Clerk
386 City Hall .
St. Paul , Minnesota 55102
P,E: Planning Commission Recorr�nendation of Subdivision Ordinance
and Legislative Code Amendment
Dear Council President Hunt and P�embers of the City Council :
On March 12, 1982, the Planninq Commission, on a vote of 18 to Q, unanimously
approved a resolution recommending adoption of a Subdivision Ordinance and an amend-
ment to the Legislative Code pertaining to house addresses. �
St. Paul is tfie onl,y municipa1ity in Ramsey County without a Subdivision Ordinance.
Develo�ment has been permitted on lots without street frontane, sewer ar �rater;
subsequently, the cit,y tias incurred environmental and f�ealth and safety problems,
inherited tax forfeit splinters of parcels, and retrofitted public systems to
accommodate existina develonment.
In tandem with the Subdivision Ordinance a�f�ich controls the division of land, the
Planning Commission recommends an amendment to tfie Leaislative Code F�hich wou1d
orohibit the issuance c�f street address to lots without street frontage and public
District Councils have had an opportunity to review and comment; a representative
of District 1 appeared at the nublic I�earinc� in supoort of the Ardinanee and amend-
ment. Reoresentatives from Public Works and �Jaluations alsa expressed their support>
I am transmitting these Su6division Ordinance and Leqislative Code amendments at
the reauest of the Planning Commission w�th my recommendation for your review and
apprOVal .
���CC�-C�����`� t-����
� �
Georoe Latimer
• r . r, ��' �`.-�->�
- � city of saint pau! �
planning commission resalution � � �
file number 82-,0 .
date Mar�h ,2, ,082 � :
WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes 462 provide for the adoption of subdivision
.regulations; and .
WHEREAS, Saint Paul is the only municipality in Ramsey County without a �-
� subdivision regulations; and
WNEREAS, uncontrolled development is resulting in residue parcels of land,
"obsolete plats", overcrowding, and problematic land for future development;
WHEREAS, the public's health, safety, and welfare are jeopardized by
contaminated water; the burden, in some in�tances , of paying for sewer and
�water systems twice; inadequate fire protection in areas without a municipal
supply .of water or developed streets; and the principle of Caveat Emptor in ,
buying land; and
WHEREAS, ground water and wells are contaminated, slopes eroded, ponding sites
filled an d storm water systems disintegrated when development occurs
irrespective of geologic and ecologic features of the land; and
k'HEREAS, delay is costing the city added dollars in direct costs for �
maintenance of unimproved streets and in indire�t costs for uncontrolled
storm runoff, contamination of ground water, retrofitting of streets and �
systems, the inheritance of tax forfeit irregular slices of land, and the
loss of development potential ; and .
� WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed the proposed ordinance
and recommended approval ; �and . .
WHEREAS, pursuant to�Minnesota Statutes 462.257(5) , the Planning Commission
did hold a public hearing on the proposed ordinance at its regular meeting on
February 26, 1982;
_ NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission recammends
adoption of the Subdivision Qrdinance as attached hereto and directs �rans-
mittal to the Mayor and City Council for review and adoption.
moved by Bryan
seconded by Summers
. in favor �8 �
aC�It�St � �
� �
�. �� � �� �'
- � � city of saint pau( � �
planning commission resolution � �
fite number 82-„ � �
date Ma r�n ,z, ,98z � :
. WHEREAS, street addresses and building permits have been issued and �houses
. built on lots without frontage on an improved street and without city sewer
and water; and �
WHEREAS, the public's health, safety, and welfare ar� jeopardized by
contaminated water, and by inadequate �Fire proteetion in areas without a
municiPal water supply or developed streets; and
WHEREAS, the city incurs greater direct costs in maintaining �unimproved
streets, and, greater indirect costs in controlling stormwater runoff and �
. ground water contamination, and in retrofitting streets and systems; and
WHEREAS, the Comprehensive Planning Committee reviewed the proposed �
amendment and recommended approval ; and �
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission did hold a public hearing on the proposed
amendment in tandem vrith the subdivision ordinance;
. NOW, THEREFORE, BE RESOLVED, that the Planning Corranission recorrsnends amendment
of Section 71 .06 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the issuance
of house numbers, as attached hereto and directs transmittal to the Mayor and
� City Council for review and adoption. �
moved by Bryan
seconded by Schmi dt
in favor �8
against � �
� �
� MARCH 1982
' .
� ,
D D D � D
� Subdivision Ordinance amending Sections 65.000 through 68.000 of the
1 St. Paul Legislative Code .
, � 1. What does the proposed ordinance do?
The Ordinance gives the City the legal authority to approve or to
' deny all divisions of land.
2. Who initiated the ordinance?
! . . The Planning Commission upon recommendation of the City Council.
3. Is the ordinance timely?
' Yes. St. Paul is the onl municipality in Ramsey County without
( a subdivision ordinance--or the legal authority to review divisions
� of land.
� 4. What problems might be solved by this ordinance?
� Uncontrolled development is resulting in residue parcels of land,
"obsolete plats", overcrowding, and prablematic land for future
� development.
. Ground water and wells are contaminated, slopes eroded, ponding
sites filled and storm .water systems disintegrated when development
, occurs irrespective of geologic and ecoiogic features of the land.
The public's heal.th, safety, and welf are are jeopardized by contaminated
' water; the burden, in some instances, of paying f or sewer and water
systems twice; inadequate fire protection in areas without a municipal
supply of water or developed streets; and the principle of Caveat
, Emptor in buying land.
Delay �is costing the City added dollars in direct costs for maintenance
. of unimproved streets and in indirect costs for uncontrolled storm
� runoff, contamination of ground water, retrofitting of streets and
systems, the inheritance of tax f arfeit irregular slices of land,
and the loss of development potential.
. '
. ; .
5. What problems might the ordinance create?
� . Front end development costs might be higher if improvements are �
� required. Owners of private water �and septic systems might incur •
duplicate. costs for municipal systems.
6. Is the ordinance consistent with the Comprehensive Plan?
Yes, and, in fact, the ordinance requires that all divisions of .
land .be consistent with the Comprehensive Plan, the Zoning Ordinance
and other official controls.
7.• What are the consequences of defeating this ordinance?
St. Paul wil] continue to forfeit its legal ri.ght of control over
the division of land. _ '
. �;
• i
. i
The City Planning Commission of St. Paul has initiated proceedings relative ''
to the amendment of Chapter 60 St. Paul Legislative Code, i.e. , Zoning, ;
pertaining to subdivision. Specific texts of the proposed ordinance '
are on file in the Comprehensive Planning Section of the City Planning '�
Division, located at the City Hall Annex, 25 West Fourth Street, llth -
floor, and may be viewed there upon request.
The Planning Commission has fixed the 26th day of February, 1981, a
t �
9:00 in the morning, in the City Hall Annex Auditorium, 15th floor,
25 West Fourth Street; and at said time and place the Planning Cornrnission �
will hear all objections and recommendations relative to said amendments.
City Planning Commission of St. Paul �
67.100 TITLE 1
67. 101 AUTHORITY 1
67.501 STREETS 12
67.502 ALLEYS 12
' 67.503 UTILITIES 13
67.507 BLOCKS 20
67.508 LOTS 20
67.510 PUBLIC SITES 22
67.511 MONUMENTS 22
67.602 GUARANTEES 24
Page �
67.700 COMPLIANCE 25
67.702 COMPLIANCE 26
67.703 VARIANCES 27
67.707 PENALTY 28
. I
. �
� '
- 1
' �
I67.000 TITLE
� This Chapter of the Legislative Code shall be known as the Subdivision
These Subdivision Regulations are enacted pursuant to the authority
� granted to the municipality by the State Legislature in Minnesota
Statutes, 1981, Sections 462.351 through 462.365.
� This Ordinance is adopted by the City of St. Paul for the following
, 1 . To protect and promote the public health, safety, and general
we 1 f are; �
1 2. To provide for the orderly, economic, and safe development of
3. To promote affordable housing to persons and families of all
income levels;
� 4. To provide adequate public services and f acilities;
5. To provide for the protection and conservation of flood plains,
steep slopes, soils, and other geologic and ecologic features;
� 6. To provide for the protection and conservation of solar access;
7. To provide for the administration of this Ordinance including
procedures and standards for subdivision plat approval ;
� 8. To provide for variances from the strict interpretation of this
Ordinance; and
9. To provide for penalties for violations of this Ordinance.
' The foll ing rules f construction apply to the text of this Ordinance:
, 1 . The pa ticular hall control the general.
2. In case of any difference of ineaning or implication between
the text of t is Ordinance and any caption or iilustration,
the text ha 1 control.
, 3. The word " 11" is mandatory, and the word "may" is permissive.
4. Words used 'n the present tense include the future; words used
in the singu ar number include the plural, and the plural the
� singular, unl ss the context clearly indicates the contrary.
5. The word "bui ing" includes "structure" and any part thereof.
, 1
n n n u n n �
6. The phrase used for includes arranged for , designed for ,
"intended for", "maintained for", or "occupied for".
7. The word "person" includes an individual, a corporation, a partnership, �
an incorporated association, or any other similar entity.
8. Unless the context clearly indicates the contrary, where a regulation
involves two or more items, conditions, provisions, or events ,
connected by the conjunction "and", "or", "either. . .or", the
conjunction shall be interpreted as follows:
a. "And" indicates that all the connected items, conditions, �
. provisions or events shall apply.
b. "Or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, provisions
or events may apply singly or in any combination.
c. "Either. . .or" indicates that the connected items, conditions, �
provisions or events shall apply singly but not in combination.
9. Abut means having a common boundary or relationship at either
a common property line, street, or alley. �
10. Adjoin means having a common boundary or relationship at a common
property line.
The definitions contained in Minnesota Statutes S 462.352 are incorporated
herein by reference. The definitions contained in the Zoning Code, �
Chapters 60 through 66, shall also be applicable to the Subdivision
Regulations. The following terms shall have the meanings given
to them: �
ALLEY: ublic vehicular way which affords a secondary means of
vehicu r access to abutting property and which is not intended
for neral traffic circulation. �
BLOCK: An area of land within a subdivision which is entirely bounded
by streets or by streets, railroad right-of-way, waterway, outlot, �
walkway, park, or exterior boundary of the subdivision.
BUILDING S BACK LINE: � A line parallel to a street between which �
line an he nearest street right-of-way line no building may be
erect or placed.
COMMISSION OR PLANNING COMMISSION: The officially created planning �
corr�nission of the city which has been established by ordinance.
' COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: The comprehensive development plan prepared '
and adopted by the city indicating the general locations recommended
for major land uses, streets, parks, public buildings, and other
public improvements. '
. �
. �
2 '
� CROSSWALK OR PEDESTRIANWAY: A cit owned ri ht-of-wa which crosses
Y 9 Y
a block and furnishes pedestrian access to adjacent streets or properties.
� EASEMENT: A grant by a property owner to the use of land by the
public, a corporation or persons for specific purposes as the construction
� of utilities, drainage ways and roadways.
GRADE, PERCENTAGE OF: The rise or fall of a street in feet and
� tenths of a foot for each one hundred (100) feet of horizontal distance
measured at the center line of the street.
� LOT: The smallest unit of a subdivision individually numbered or
� designated on the plat for purposes of description, recording, conveyance,
development and taxation.
, LOT DEP : The mean horizontal distance between the street right- ��yLl� .��
of- line and the opposite rear line of the lot measured in the
eral direction of the side lot lines. �
� LOT, OUGH: A lot having frontage on two parallel or approximately
par el streets.
1 LOT W : The mean horizontal distance between the side property
li of a lot.
� MUNICIPAL SERVICES: City sewer and water.
PLAT: A map or drawing indicating the subdivisions or resubdivision
1 of land, intended to be filed for record, and drawn in accord with
M.S. 505.
RIGHT-OF-WAY: Land dedicated and publicly owned for use as a street,
� alley, or crosswalk.
SPLIT ZONING: A single lot or parcel containing two or more different
, zoning classifications.
STREET: A public,d icated right-of-way which affords the principal
, means of access to tting property and as described in the Comprehensive
a. Principal Arteria : A stree serving the entire metropolitan
area and designed or high olume, high speed traffic, accessible
� only from entrance and e t ramps; principal arterials are often
referred to as free ay .
b. Intermediate Arteri : A street connecting subregions and corr�nunities
, and designed to car medium distance trips at high speeds;
ideally direct ac es should be at major activity centers such
as shopping cent rs.
' 3
c. Minor Ar erial : A street connecting adjacent subregions and
communit s within the same subregion and designed to carry �
medium d tance trips at moderate speeds; many of these streets
are char c erized by adjacent residential uses.
d. Collect r: A street connecting neighborhoods within the same
commun ' ies nd designed to carry traffic from local streets ,
to the arteri 1 system.
e. Local A stre t connecting blocks within neighborhoods and
desi ed for sho,t trips at low speeds. �
f. Cul- e-sac: A local street with only one outlet to another
str et and with a turning circle at the opposite end.
STREET WIDTH: The street right-of-way width, measured at right ,
angles to the center line of the street.
SUBDIVISION: Subdivision means the separation of an area,parcel, �
or tract of land under single ownership into two or more parcels,
tracts, lots, or long-term leasehold interests where the creation
of the leasehold interest necessitates the creation of streets, �
roads or alleys, for residential, commercial, industrial, or other
use or any combination thereof, except those separations:
a. Where all the resulting parcels, tracts, lots, or interests t
will be 20 acres or larger in size, and 500 feet in width for
residential uses and five acres or larger in size for commercial
and industrial uses. - �
b. Creating cemetery lots.
c. Resulting from court orders, or the adjustment of a lot line
by the relocation of a common boundary. �
All subdivisions shall be subject to the regulations set forth in �
this ordinance, and subject to the approval or disapproval of the
No person shall subdivide land without first obtaining the city's '
approval as herein required.
No person shall convey any land without first obtaining the required �
subdivision approval.
� No person shall obtain a building permit until the preliminary plat �
for the required subdivision has been approved.
A plat shall be required when a subdivision:
� 1 . Creates five or more lots or parcels each of which are 22 acres �
or less in size; or
� �
4 ,
, 2. Re uires streets alle s and other ublic im rovements �'"
9 fi� � Y � P P
or services; or
� 3. Is previously unplatted land;
� be��, or
r� e.
, Platting shall not be required when the subdivision constitutes
a lot split as described in 67.303.
� 67.303 LOT SPLITS7��@t�'3et�i-6�6Ns
, The procedures for obtaining of approval for lot splits a
are set forth herein.
` 67.304 LOT SPLITS
� The division of one or more lots which creates no more than four
lots is permitted without
platting provided the following conditions are met�
� 1 . The lot or lots havepfrontage on an existing improvaed� st�ree�t��l, ���
and access to munici al services. ---�R-••1
2. The lot or lots t de nat
� as to lot an bl on e i ng ivi ' p on cord
with�iie Cou Recor er.
�.�—�Pie�pa o a--r i g nr��r�a '., o„�
� 4. The lot or lots meet the minimum standards for lot width and
area for the zoning district in which they are located.
5. The division of the lots shall not cause a
remaining part of a lot to become a separately described tract
� which does not meet the minimum standards of the zoning district
in which it is located or which does not have street frontage
and access to municipal services.
� 6. The division ' does not result in a split zoning
classification on a single lot.
Application for approval for lot split shall be
submitted to the Planning Administrator on forms furnished by the
� Planning Division and shall include a drawing showing the following
� 1 . Scale and north direction.
2. Dimensions of the property.
3. Names and locations of adjacent streets.
� 4. Locations of existing buildings on and within 100 feet of the
subject property.
5. Such other information as may be required, such as a grading
plan or contour map, to fully represent the intent of the lot
� split ' ' or to determine if the lot split
meets the intent and requirements of this ordinance.
The Planning Administrator shall cause the applica tion to be reviewed ,
by the Public Works Department and other affected city departments,
and shall notify the applicant of any required modifications. Within
� 30 d�ys of the date of filing, the application shall be referred �
to the City Council for hearing. Notice of the hearing shall be
published in the official newspaper of the city at least ten days
prior to the hearing. At the hearing the Council shall , by resolution, '
either approve or deny the application, and shall set forth the
reasons for such action.
Applications for approval of all proposed subdivisions and plats �
shall be filed in the Office of Planning Administrator. The Planning
Administrator shall prescribe the forms to be used, and the City �
. Council, by resolution, shall establish fees for said application.
Any subdivider may request a pre-application conference with the �
Office of Planning Administration for the purpose of determining
if the proposed plat complies with requirements of this Ordinance. �
In no case, shall pre-application constitute formal application
for a subdivision plat.
A. Prea lication Requirements Subdividers shall submit the following �
to the lanning Administrator for the purposes of pre-application:
1 . A site location map showing the relationship of the proposed �
subdivision to existing community facilities; these shall
include, but not be limited to, major streets, schools,
commercial centers, and other significant developments. �
2. A sketch plan of the proposed subdivision including:
a. Tract boundaries. �
b. North point and scale.
c. Streets within and adjacent to the tract.
d. Significant topographical and physical features. �
e. General street design within the subdivision.
f. General lot size and orientation within the subdivision.
3. A general statement of proposed development of the subdivision. �
Application for subdivision includes two reviews and approvals: �
preliminary and final. Applications shall include the following
information unless specifically waived in writing by the Planning �
. Administrator.
6 ,
� A. Preliminar Plat
� 1. Application Requirements. The Preliminary Plat shall be
drawn at a minimum scale of 1"=100' and shall contain or
have attached the following information. The plat shall
' be prepared by a registered surveyor.
a. Identification and Description
(1) Proposed name of subdivision.
1 (2) A written description of the location by section,
town, range, plat, registered land survey, or by
other legal description.
� (3) Graphic scale
� (4) North point
(5) Date of preparation
b. Existing Conditions
� (1) Boundary line of the parcel
(2) Present zoning classification
(3) Total Area �
(4) Within the parcel and to a distance of 100 feet
I � beyond the boundary of the following: all existing
or previously platted streets, alleys, or other
public ways, showing the type and condition of any
� improvements; easements, utility right-of-way, parks,
or other public facilities; permanent buildings
or structures; section and municipal lines.
� (5) Boundary lines and ownership of abutting land within
100 f eet of the p arce 1.
(6) Ground vertical contour intervals of the parcel
� expressed in city datum at intervals of at least
2 feet; slopes of 12% or greater.
(7) Marshes, wooded areas, rock outcrops, power transmission
poles and lines and other significant features.
� c. Subdivision Design
(1) Location, width,length, and name of proposed streets.
(2) Location and widths of proposed alleys, pedestrian
� ways, and utility easements.
(3) Center line gradients of proposed streets and alleys.
(4) Layout, numbers, and preliminary dimensions of lots
� and blocks.
(5) Minimum front and side street building setback lines.
(6) Size and location of areas, other than streets,
alleys, pedestrian ways and utility easements, intended
� to be dedicated or reserved for public use.
(7) Lacation of required street trees.
d. Other Information
� (1) Statement of the proposed use of lots, including
residential building types and number of dwelling
units and type of business or industrial use.
� �
2 Pro osed rotective covenants or homeowners association �
� ) P P
(3) Provisions for sewerage, disposal, drainage and �
flood control .
(4) Proposed zoning plan for the area, including dimensions,
if any zoning changes are contemplated. �
2. Preliminary Plat: Procedure.
a. Applications for formal approval of the subdivision t
shall be submitted to the Planning Administrator. Applications
shall include the required fee, ten (10) copies of the
proposed subdivision plat plan, evidence of ownership �
of the property to be subdivided, and the names of owners
of all property within 350 feet of the property to be
subdivided. j
b. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed
subdivision to be reviewed by the Public Works Department �
and other affected city departments, and shall notify
the applicant of any required modifications requested.
The proposed subdivision shall be reviewed to determine
whether it complies with these subdivision regulations, �
the Zoning Code, Comprehensive Plan, official maps,
if any.
c. Within 45 days of filing the application, the Planning �
Administrator shall forward it to the City Council together
with recommendations for modification, approval, or
disapproval thereof. �
d. A public hearing shall be had before the City Council
as soon as practicable after receipt of the recommendations. �
Published notice �in the official newspaper and notice
to property owners within 350' of the proposed subdivision
shall be provided at least 10 days before the hearing, ,
and 10 day notice thereof, together with a copy of the
recorrrqnnendation, shall be mailed to the applicant. The
City Council shall either approve or disapprove the
application for preliminary plat within 120 days following �
the date of filing the application with the Planning
Administrator, unless an extension of the review period
' is agreed to by the applicant. l
e. Determination of the City Council shall be by resolution.
Approval shall not constitute acceptance of the subdivision �
by the city, but shall be deemed an expression of approval
of the design submitted on the Preliminary Plat as a
. guide to the preparation of the Final Subdivision Plat. �
If the Preliminary Plat is not approved, the reasons
for such action shall be recorded in the proceedings
of the Council and transmitted to the subdivider.
. �
8 ,
f. Effect of Preliminary Plat Approval. For a period of
� one (1) year following preliminary approval, unless
the city and the subdivider agree otherwise, no change
in the comprehensive plan or other official controls
shall affect the use, density, lot sizes, lots, layout,
' dedication or platting required or permitted by the
approved application.
' B. Final Flat Within one ( 1) year following approval of the preliminary
plat, the subdivider shall apply for approval of the final plat.
1 . Application Requirements. The Final Plat shall contain
t all modifications as may have been recomnended during preliminary
plat review as well as the following:
a. Survey, content of plats, and boundary data in the manner
� prescribed by Section 505.02 Minnesota Statutes as amended
from time to time.
b. Certification of dedication by the land owners and Surveyor's �
� Certification as required in Section 505.03 Minnesota
Statutes as amended from time to time.
2. Final Plat: Procedures.
� a. Applications for formal approval of the final subdivision
plat shall be submitted together with the required fee.
, b. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed
subdivision to be reviewed by the Public Works Department
and other affected city departments, and shall notify
� the applicant of any required modifications. The proposed
subdivision shall be reviewed to determine whether it
complies with these subdivision regulations, the Zoning
I Code, Comprehensive Plan, official maps, if any, and
conditions and requirements stipulated in the preliminary
' c. Within 30 days of filing the application, the Planning
Director shall forward it to the City Council together
with recorr�nnendatio�ns for approval or disapproval thereof.
, d. The City Council shall either approve or disapprove
the application within 60 days following the date of
� filing of the application with the Planning Administrator,
unless an extension of the review period is agreed to
by the applicant.
� e. Determinations of the City Council shall be by resolution.
Approved subdivisions shall be assigned a number by
the City Clerk, and shall be filed by the applicant
' with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within
60 days of the adoption of the Council resolution.
A tracing and three certified copies of the recorded
, subdivision shall be filed by the applicant with the
Planning Director, to be forwarded to the Public Works
Department. Copies shall be furnished by the Department
to the Water Utility, gas, electric and telephone companies.
f. Effect of Final Subdivision A roval. For a eriod ,
of two (2) years following final approval, unless the
city and the subdivider agree otherwise, no change in '
the Comprehensive Plan or official control shall affect
the use, density, lot si2es, lot layout, dedication
or platting required or permitted by the approved application. '
C. Provision for Combininq Preliminary and Final Subdivision Review
A subdivider may choose to combine the preliminary and final ,
. approvals of a subdivision. In such cases, the following procedure
shall apply:
1. Application for the preliminary plat shall be submitted �
together with the required fee, ten (10) copies of the proposed
subdivision plat plan and evidence of ownership of the property
to be subdivided, and the names of all owners of property �
within 350 feet of the property to be subdivided.
2. The Planning Administrator shall cause the proposed subdivision �
to be reviewed by the Public Works Department and other
affected city departments, and shall notify the applicant
of any required modifications. The proposed subdivision
shall be reviewed to determine whether it complies with �
these subdivision regulations, the Zoning Code, Comprehensive
Plan, and official maps, if any.
3. Within 30 days of filing the preliminary plat, the Planning t
Administrator shall notify the applicant that the preliminary
plat has been approved or denied. If all city departments �
approve the preliminary plat, the subdivider shall submit
the final plat for approval.
4. Within 30 days of filing the application for final plat �
approval, the Planning Administrator shall forward it to
the City Council together with recommendations for approval
or disapproval thereof. ,
5. A public hearing shall be had before the City Council as
soon as practicable after receipt of the recomnendations. �
Published notice in the official newspaper and notice to
property owners within 350' shall be provided at least 10
days before the hearing, and 10 day notice thereof, together
� with a copy of the recommendations shall be mailed to the �
applicant. The Council shall either approve or disapprove
the application within 120 days following the date of filing
of the application with the Planning Administrator, unless �
an extension of the review period is agreed to by the applicant.
. �
. - �
�� �
, 6. Determinations of the Cit Council shall be b resolution.
Approved subdivisions shall be assigned a number by the
� City Clerk, and shall be filed by the applicant with the
County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 60 days of
the adoption of the Council resolution. A.tracing and three
� certified copies of the recorded subdivision shall be filed
by the applicant with the Planning Administrator, to be
forwarded to the Public Works Department. Copies shall
' be furnished by the Department to the Water Utility, gas.
electric, and telephone companies.
� 0. Review of Divisions of Land
� 1. Subdivision Review Criteria. The Planning Corrrnission and
City Council, in the review of subdivision requests and
� in the application of this Chapter, shall take into consideration
the requirements of the city and the best use of the land
being subdivided. Particular attention shall be given to �
� the width and location of streets, sidewalks, suitable sanitary
utilities, surface drainage, lot sizes and arrangements,
as well as requirements such as parks and playgrounds, schools
and recreation sites and other public uses. Al1 of the
� following findi�ngs shall be made prior to the approval of
a subdivision, lot split� ' n.
� a. Al1 the applicable provisions of the City CodeS are complied
b. The proposed subdivision will not be detrimental to
� the present and potential surrounding land uses;
c. The area surrounding the subdivision can be planned
and developed in coordination and compatibility with
the proposed subdivision;
, d. The subdivision is in conformance with the Comprehensive
e. The subdivision preserves and incorporates the site's
' important existing natural features, whenever possible;
f. All land intended for building sites can be used safely
without endangering the residents by peril from floods,
� erosion, continuously high water table, severe soil
conditions or other menace; and
g. The subdivision can be economically served with public
f acilities and services.
� 2. Delegation of Planning Commission Review. The Planning
Commission may�by general rule, delegate to the Planning
� Administrator its power to review and approve such matters
and cases.
Subdividers shall use these general requirements and design standards ,
in developing new subdivisions. In cases where an official map
exists, that map shall supercede these standards. Unless otherwise
stated, the Director of Public Works shall have the authority to �
modify these standards for reasons of design or safety; such reasons
shall be in writing and attached to the plat.
� These standards shall be considered minimum requirements and shall r
be waived by City Council only under circumstances set forth in
Section 67.703 of this Ordinance.
67.501 STREETS �
Streets shall conform to the Comprehensive Plan, and the official �
map, if any. No new residential subdivision shall be created without
provision of streets which meet these requirements and design standards.
In cases of comnercial/industrial subdivisions, the Director of �
Public Works may require different standards.
A. Alignment New streets shall provide for the continuation of
existing streets of adjoining subdivisions and for projection �
of streets into adjoining properties which are not yet subdivided.
Local streets shall discourage use by through traffic. Where �
a subdivision abuts or contains an existing or proposed minor
arterial, the Planning Administrator may require marginal access
streets, reverse frontage lots which contain screen planting '
in a non-access reservation along the rear property line, deep
lots with rear service alleys, or such other treatment as may
be necessary for adequate protection of residential properties
and the separation of through and local traffic. ,
B. Width All right-of-way widths and roadway widths shall conform
to the following minimum dimensions unless modified by the Director ,
of Pub 1 i c Works: �
Right-of-Way Width Roadway Width
in Feet in Feet �
Minor Arterials 66 �—
Collectors 66 36
' Local Streets (Director of Public Works) �
Industrial Streets (Director of Public Works)
0. Deflections When the center line of connecting streets or the �
center line of a single street deflect from each other at any
one point by more than five degrees, they shall be connected
. by a curve with a radius appropriate to the design speed of �
the street; such radius shall be approved by the Director of
Public Works.
. �
12 �
� h be at le st 0.5% and
D. Grades All center line gradients s all a
shall not exceed the following:
� Grade
Major Arterials 6%
� Collectors 6%
Local Streets 10�
, E. Intersections
. 1. Jog. Street intersections with center line offsets of less
than 125 feet shall require prior approval by the Director
' of Public Works.
2. Angle. In general, all streets shall join each other so
I that for a distance of 100 feet, the street is approximately
at right angles to the street it joins. In no case shall
any street intersect any other street at an angle of less
� than 80 degrees.
3. Size. Intersections of more than four corners shall be
' F. Cul-de-Sac Cul-de-sacs shall not exceed 600 feet in length
and shall terminate in a circular turnaround having a minimum
� right-of-way radius of 50 feet and a roadway radius of 40 feet.
G. Industrial and Commercial Streets The Director of Public Works
' shall establish different requirements and standards for commercial
and industrial streets.
H. Street Names Street names shall be subject to the approval
� , of the City Council . No street names shall be used which will
duplicate or be confused with, either phonetically or by spelling,
names of existing streets. The name of an extension or continuation
, of an existing street shall be the same as that of the existing
street. Generally, no street should change direction by more
than 90 degrees without a change in street name.
, 67.502 ALLEYS
� Alleys shall be provided where topography renders access to service
or off-street parking areas impractical, or where limited access
streets prohibit driveways to off-street parking and service areas.
� A. Width All alley right-of-way widths shall conform to the following
minimum standards:
Right-of-Way Width Roadway Width
� in Feet in Feet
Industrial/Commercial 24 20
Residential 20 16
, 13
B out Alle intersections and shar chan es of ali nment shall �
. La� Y p 9 9
be avoided, but where such are unavoidable, corners shall be
cut with sufficient radius to permit safe and easy vehicular '
Generally, dead-end alleys shall be prohibited, but where unavoidable, �
shall be provided with adequate turnaround f acilities, as may
be determined by The Director of Public Works.
67.503 UTILITIES ,
Unless waived, all utility facilities, including but not limited
to gas, electric power, telephone, and CATV cables, shall be located ,
underground and within the street or alley right-of-way.
A. Service Connections Underground service connections to the �
street property line of each platted lot shall be installed
at the subdivider's expense. At the discretion of the City
Council, the requirements for service connections to each lot �
may be waived in the case of adjoining lots to be retained in
single ownership and intended to be developed for the same primary
B. Easements '
1. Easements centered on rear lot lines shall be provided for �
utilities (private and municipal), such easements shall
b�e at least ten ( 10) feet wide. Proper coordination shall
be established between the subdivider and the applicable '
utility companies regarding the width and the establishment
of utility easements established on adjoining properties.
2. Where topography makes impractical the inclusion of utilities �
within street or alley right-of-ways, utility easements
at least five (5) feet in width or as approved by the Director
of Public Works shall be provided on rear lot lines. Where '
topography also makes impractical the inclusion of utilities
within the rear lot lines, perpetual unobstructed easements
of at least five (5) feet in width shall be provided along �
side lot lines with satisfactory access to the road or rear
lot lines. Wherever possible, easements shall be continuous
f rom block to block and shall present as few irregularities
� as possible. Such easements shall be indicated on the plat �
and shall be cleared and graded where required.
The Planning Commission shall not recommend for approval any plat
. of subdivision which does not make adequate provision for storm �
or surface water runoff. The storm water drainage system shall
be separate and independent of any sanitary sewer system.
. ,
14 �
� A. General Requirements: Each subdivision will be required by
the Planning Commission to provide stormwater management for
' all storms up to and including the 100 year storm, as defined
by the Director of Public Works. The applicant shall control
the peak stormwater discharge rates from the site to less than
, 1.64 cubic feet per second per acre.
Furthermore, � the applicant must provide an adequate outlet for
any spring or surface water that may exist either previous to
' or as a result of the subdivision.
All plans shall be designed in accordance with the rules, regulations
' and standards of the Director of Public Works. Facilities intended
to be dedicated to the city shall be located in the street right-
of-way where f easible and otherwise shall be located in perpetual,
� unobstructed easements of a width to be determined by the Director
of Public Works.
6. Accessibility to Public Storm Sewers
, 1. Where a public storm sewer is accessible, the applicant
shall install all necessary storm sewers within the subdivision
� and connecting to the public storm sewer. Where no public
storm sewer is available, adequate provision shall be made
for the disposal of stormwater as specified by the Director
� of Public Works.
Subdivisions in business and industrial districts shall
have underground storm and clearwater sewer systems constructed
, throughout, and these systems shall be connected to an approved
public sewer, drainage way or outfall where available.
, 2. If a connection to a public storm sewer will be provided
eventually, as determined by the Director of Public Works
and the Planning Corr�nission, the developer shall make arrangements
� for future storm water disposal by a public utility system
at the time the plat receives final approval.
C. Accommodation of Upstream Drainage Areas Adequate provision
� shall be made to accommodate potential runoff f rom the entire
upstream drainage area. The Director of Public Works shall
determine the necessary size of the f acility, based on the provisions
� of the development standards and specifications assuming conditions
of maximum potential watershed development permitted by the
Zon i ng Code.
� �
, 15
D. Effect on Downstream Draina e Areas The Director of Public �
Works shall also study the eff ect of each subdivision on existing
downstream drainage facilities outside the area of the subdivision. ,
Local government drainage studies together with such other studies
as shall be appropriate shall serve as a guide to needed
improvements. Where it is anticipated that the additional runoff ,
incident to the development of the subdivision will overload
an existing downstream drainage f acility, the Planning Commission
may withhold approval of the subdivision until provision has '
been made for the improvement of said potential condition in
such sum as the Planning Commission shall determine. No subdivision
shall be approved unless adequate drainage will be provided
to an adequate drainage watercourse or facility. ,
E. Areas of Poor Orainage A plat for an area which is subject
to flooding may be approved by the Planning Commission, provided �
1. Sufficient fill be placed so that minimum street and lot ,
elevations are at least twelve (12) inches above the elevation
of the maximum probable flood as determined by the Director
of Public Works.
2. Any filling in this area would not cause increased flooding �
of other areas.
3. Any overflow zone is provided along any stream or watercourse '
which is sufficiently wide to contain or move the maximum
probable flood, as determined by the Director of Public '
4. No structure or fill be placed in the overflow zone.
F. Stormwater Detention Ponds �
l. Drainage Criteria. The subdivider shall provide for storm ,
water detention in compliance with the following standards:
Drainage from any site being developed or extensively redeveloped
with drainage to the public sewer or public right-of-way �
shall be controlled so that peak stormwater discharge rates
f rom the site for all storms up to and including the critical
� 100 year storm will not exceed: �
Q = 1.64 x A Where Q = the maximum acceptable stormwater
discharge rate in cubic feet per second, and �
A = the site area in acres. •
. �
16 �
� Where feasible, the drainage system shall be designed so
that all stormwater runoff and surface water from the site
' shall discharge in a manner so as to preclude drainage of
water onto the adjacent properties.
, Summary of 100 Years Storm for St. Paul
The following table is a summary of the total rainfall depth
, for various duration 100 year storms in St. Paul. The information
has been taken from "Five-to 60-Minute Precipitation Frequency
for the Eastern and Central United States" and "Technical
Paper No. 40-Rainfall Frequency Atlas of the United States".
' Both of these publications were prepared by the National
Weather Service.
1 The term "100 year storm" as used in this summary refers
to a storm of a given duration and rainf all depth which
has a one percent probability of occurring during any given �
� year in a particular locale.
Duration-Minutes Rainfall Oepth-Inches
' 5 0.84
10 1 .38
15 1 .76
� 30 2.44
60 3.15
120 3.50
' 180 3.80
360 4.40
720 5.20
1,440 5.90
' � 2. Dedication of Land. The Planning Comnission shall require
that land be reserved for stormwater detention ponds in
, locations designated in the Comprehensive Plan or as designated
by the Director of Public Works such that their use will
prevent erosion or substantially reduce the costs of the
� stormwater disposal system. Each reservation shall be of
suitable size, dimension, topography, and general character
and shall have adequate access for public maintenance.
The area shall be shown and marked on the plat, "Reserved
, for Stormwater Detention Pond Purposes". The developer
shall dedicate all such ponding areas to the city as a condition
of final subdivision plat approval . Where the required
, ponding area, as designated in the Comprehensive Plan or
as designated by the Director of Public Works, has a value
in excess of seven (7) percent of the market value of the
, subdivision lands as determined by the City Valuation Engineer,
it shall be offered to the city for purchase; the city shall
be given a reasonable time to respond.
, 17
nd. In the event that a articular subdivision �
3. Money in Lieu of La p
does not contain a stormwater detention pond, as designated
in the Comprehensive Plan on the official map or by the �
Director of Public Works, the Planning Commission shall
require prior to final approval of the subdivision plat,
that the applicant deposit with the city a cash payment ,
in lieu of land reservation. Such deposit shall be placedin
a Stormwater Detention Pond Fund to be established by the
city. Such deposit shall be used by the city for improvements '
to, or maintenance of, existing ponds or acquisition of
property. Such deposit must be used for facilities that
will be actually available to and benefit the persons in
said subdivision and be located in the general neighborhood ,
of the subdivision. The amount deposited shall be seven
(7) percent of the market value of the subdivision lands
at the time of the subdivision application, as determined �
by the City Valuation Engineer.
A. General Requirements
1. The applicant shall install water main facilities in a manner �
prescribed by the Water Utility. All plans shall be designed
in accordance with the rules, regulations, and standards
of the Water Uti�ty, Health Department, and other appropriate ,
agencies. Plans shall be approved by the above agencies.
2. Where public water mains are not available for extension,
action shall be taken by the applicant to create a water- '
supply district for the purpose of providing a water-supply
system capable of providing domestic water use and fire
protection. Looped water mains shall be provided where '
possible. �
B. Locations with �later Mains Available ,
l. Water mai.n facilities shall connect with the public water
main facilities. Water mains shall be installed to serve �
each lot and to grades and sizes required by approving officials
and agencies. To eliminate future street openings, all
underground water facilities shall be installed before any
� final paving of a street shown on the subidivion plat. '
Fire hydrants shall be required for all subdivisions except
those having individual wells. Fire hydrants shall be located
at each intersection and no more than 600 feet apart and �
shall be approved by the applicable protection unit. Water
main facilities shall be subject to the specifications,
. rules, regulations, and guidelines of the Water Utility. �
. ,
18 ,
� C. Locations with no Available Water Mains
� 1. Action shall be taken by the applicant to create a water-
supply district for the purpose of providing a water-supply
system capable of providing domestic water. use and fire
, protection.
2. In single family zoning districts, if the Planning Commission
, determines that a public water main is not available, individual
wells may be used or a central water system provided in
such a manner that an adequate supply of potable water will
be available to every lot in the subdivision. Water samples
' shall be submitted to the Health Department for its approval,
and individual wells and central water systems shall be
approved by the appropriate health authorities. Orders
� of approval shall be submitted to the Planning Comnission.
3. If the Planning Corrrnission requires that a connection to �
, a public water main eventually be provided as a condition
to approval of an individual well or central water system,
the applicant shall make arrangements for future water service
at the time the plat receives final approval. Performance
' or cash bonds may be required to insure compliance.
D. Mandatory Connection to Public Water Mains
� 1. If public water main is placed in a street abutting upon
developed property, the owner thereof shall be required
' to connect the development to the public water main within
three (3) years.
' � A. General Requirements The applicant shall install sanitary sewer
facilities in a manner prescribed by the Director of Public
� Works. All plans shall be designed in accordance with the rules,
regulations, and standards of the Director of Public Works,
Health Department, and other appropriate agencies. Plans shall
, be approved by the Director of Public Works. Sanitary sewer
extension permits must be obtained from the Metropolitan Waste
Control Commission and the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
prior to cor�mencement of the work.
' B. Locations with Sewers Available Sanitary sewerage facilities
shall connect with public sanitary sewerage systems. Sewers
� shall be installed to serve each lot and to grades and sizes
required by approving officials and agencies. No individual
disposal system or treatment plants (private or group disposal
systems) shall be permitted. Sanitary sewerage facilities (including
' the installation of laterals in the right-of-way) shall be subject
to the specifications, rules, regulations, and guidelines of
the Health Officer, Public Works Department, MWCC and MPCA.
� �g
. ith No Avail ble S r Where ublic sanitar sewera e ,
C Locations w a ewe s p y g
systems are not reasonably accessible but will become available,
subdivision of land shall not be allowed until sewers are available. ,
Where public sanitary sewer service cannot reasonably be provided,
the Director of Public Works may authorize an on-site disposal '
system. Such on-site disposal system shall be subject to the
rules, regulations and standards of the Director of Public Works.
D. Mandatory Connection to Public Sewer System If a public sanitary '
sewer is accessible and a sanitary sewer is placed in a street
or alley abutting upon developed property, the owner thereof
shall be required to connect to said sewer within two (2) years. ,
67.507 BLOCKS
A. Block Width Blocks shall have sufficient width to provide for �
two 2 tiers of lots of appropriate depths. Exceptions to
this prescribed block width shall be permitted in blocks adjacent ,
to major streets, railroads, or topographic barriers.
B. Block Length The lengths, widths, and shapes of blocks shall
be such as are appropriate for the locality and the type of �
development contemplated, but block lengths in residential areas
shall not exceed one thousand feet. Wherever practical, blocks
along major arterials and collector streets shall be not less �
than one thousand (1,000) feet in length.
C. Crosswalks Pedestrianways or crosswalks, not less than eight
8 feet wide, may be required by the City Council through the ,
center of blocks more than eight hundred (800) feet long where
deemed essential to provide circulation or access to schools,
playgrounds, shopping centers, transportation, or other comnunity '
D. Industrial Blocks Blocks designed for industrial uses shall ,
be of such length and width as may be determined suitable by
the Planning Commission for prospective use.
67.508 LOTS '
A. Street Frontage All lots which are designated for residential
' use shall adjoin a street except for developments which have �
individually described lots for each dwelling structure and
a common lot for open space, yards and off-street parking in
which case the comnon lot shall adjoin a street. ,
B. Through Lots Through lots shall be avoided except where essential
. to provide separation of residential development from traffic �
arteries or to overcome specific disadvantages of topography
and orientation.
. �
20 �
C. Lot Arrangement The lot arrangement shall be such that there
will be no foreseeable difficulties, for reasons of topography
, or other conditions, in securing building permits and in providing
driveway access to buildings on such lots from an approved street.
� D. Lots on Slopes Newly created lots must allow for a minimum
setback for development of 40 feet f rom the top of bluff lines
as defined by the Comprehensive Plan. Lot arrangement shall
' avoid, wherever possible, the placement of structures on eighteen
(18) percent slope or steeper, or the necessity to alter such
slopes for purposes of construction.
' E. Solar Access In subdivisions of ten acres or larger, lots shall
be platted in a north-south orientation to maximize solar access.
' F. Lot Access Lots shall not in general, derive access exclusively
from an arterial. Where driveway access f rom a major or secondary
street may be necessary f or several adjaining lots, the Planning .
, Commission may require that such lots be served by a combined
access drive in order to limit possible traffic hazard on such
street. Where possible, driveways should be designed and arranged
so as to avoid requiring vehicles to back into traffic on arterials.
� G. Lot Oimensions Lot dimensions shall comply with the minimum
standards of the Zoning Code. Where lots are more than double
� the minimum required area for the zoning district, the City
Council may require that such lots be arranged so as to allow
further subdivision and the opening of future streets where
, they would be necessary to serve such potential lots, all in
compliance with the Zoning Code and these regulations.
H. Side Lot Lines Side lot lines generally shall be at right angles
' to or radial to street lines.
I. Split Zoning Lots shall not be created which result in split
' zoning classifications.
, Existing natural features such as trees, and significant slopes
and similar irreplaceable assets, shall be preserved in the design
, of the subdivision. No change of grade of the land shall be eff ected
until approval of the preliminary plat.
A. Trees Shade trees shall be planted by the subdivider in accordance
� with Section 67.600 of this ordinance.
B. Slopes Lots with slopes of 12� or greater shall undergo site
, plan review prior to approval of a preliminary plat.
Where a proposed park, playground, school, or other public site ,
is wholly or partly within the boundary of a proposed subdivision
and such proposed public site is not dedicated to the city, no action
shall be taken towards approval of the preliminary plat for a period ,
not to exceed 90 days to allow the Planning Commission or Board
of Education the opportunity to consider and to take action towards
acquisition of such public site by purchase or other cause. '
All subdivisions shall be tied to Minnesota State Plane Coordinate �
System in the following manner.
The coordinate of at least two of the control points used to tie '
subdivisions to Minnesota State Plane System shall be given on subdivision
drawings and the names of said point given.
Any two points on the boundary of the subdivision must have State '
Plane Coordinates.
All boundary line direction must be given in State Grid Azimuth �
or in an equation provided to give relation of State Grid Azimuth
to subdivision boundary azimuths or bearings.
In instances where the subdivider owns all the property being served
by the following listed improvements, and he petitions the city '
to construct the same, the subdivider will be charged the full cost
of the improvement notwithstanding limitations contained in the
city's assessment policy. In the event other properties, not owned ,
by the subdivider, are served by the improvements, and if the city
is petitioned to construct the same, the apportionment of costs,
if required, will be determined by the City of St. Paul. '
Prior to approval. of the Final Plat by the City Council, the subdivider
shall have either installed and dedicated to the city, or guaranteed '
to install in a manner set forth in Section 61.500, and which meets
the standards of the Director of Public Works, the following improvements
on the site:
A. Water Facilities Public water service to be installed by the �
city. Such service shall consist of adequate water facilities,
including fire hydrants and laterals to the property line. �
B. Sewer Facilities Public sanitary sewer service to be installed
. by the city. Such service shall consist of adequate sanitary '
sewer facilities, including installation of laterals to the
public right-of-way line.
. �
. 22
� C. Storm Sewer Storm sewer facilities not connected with street
construction, to be installed by the city. The subdivider may
, install or may petition the city to install those storm sewer
facilities that are connected with street construction (i .e. , catch
basins, leads to storm sewers) .
, D. Streets Paved public streets, including curb and gutter, for
those streets proposed in an approved subdivision. The subdivider
, may install the improvements, or he may petition the city to
install such improvements.
� E. Monuments Permanent reference monuments in the subdivision
' at all property corners to be installed by the subdivider.
F. Street trees Street trees having a trunk diameter of not less
' than two inches measured two feet above grade, at least one
per lot and at least every 40 feet along all streets, to be
installed by the subdivider. Existing trees which meet the �
standards of this section may be used to satisfy those requirements.
' Only honey locust, hard maples, green ash, ginko or other long-
lived shade trees approved by the City Forester shall be planted.
' G. Street Names and Signs Street signs at all intersections within
or abutting the subdivision to be installed by the city. Street
names shall be subject to the approval of the City Council .
' H. Street Lights Street lights meeting city standards and specifications
shall be installed by the subdivider at all interior street
' intersections within an approved subdivision. Such lights shall
also be installed on all interior streets within the subdivision
at points designated by the Director of Public Works and
shall be no more than 200 feet apart.
' � I. Topsoil , Soddinc,� and Seeding Redistribution of topsoil on the
lot and boulevard, to be done by the subdivider. He shall seed
' or sod the disturbed boulevard areas.
J. Sidewalks Public sidewalks along both sides of collector and
� arterial streets and in such other locations required by the
City Council. The subdivider may install such improvements
or petition the city to install such improvements.
If the City Council, upon the affirmative recommendation of the '
Director of Public Works, determines that it is impractical for
the subdivider or city .to install any of the required improvements
at the time of the lot split or subdivision because of unavailability '
of proper storm drainage, unreasonable segmentation of street or
sidewalk construction or inability to install necessary utilities,
the Council may postpone the construction of such improvements until '
the conditions have been eliminated. In such case, the subdivider
shall execute and deliver to the city an agreement for recording
in the Office of the Registrar of Deeds for Ramsey County agreeing
to be assessed for the costs of such improvements when constructed '
and waiving all rights to a hearing on the improvement and assessment.
The agreement shall run with the land and be binding upon all successors
in interest of the subdivider to the affected property. In such ,
case, no bond or cash deposit will be required for the postponed
The subdivider shall comply with all Public Works guarantees procedures
for site development, and, in addition, where appropriate, with '
site plan review guarantees required by the Planning Division.
All required improvements shall be completed within two (2) years
from the date of approval of the final plat except that the City '
Council shall have the power to extend the time of completion for
one additional year where the subdivider can present substantial
reasons for doing so.
If any of the required improvements shall f ail to be acceptable ,
for dedication in compliance with Section 67.605 within the allocated
time period, either for reason of incompletion or for reason of
substandard construction, the City Council shall take the following �
Where improvements have been guaranteed under Section 67.602,
� the preliminary plat approval shall be revoked and whatever ,
security pledged as a guarantee shall be forfeited to the city.
The City Council shall use the security to finance the completion
of the contracted improvements or the rebuilding of the improvements '
to the proper specifications. Unused parts of the security -
shall be returned to the subdivider or bonding company as appropriate.
. '
. �
24 '
, The Director of Public Works shall inspect for defects in the construction
of required improvements. Upon completion of the improvements,
the Director shall file with the City Council a statement either
, certifying that the improvements have been completed in the specific
manner or listing the defects in those improvements.
' Upon completion of the improvements, the subdivider shall file with
the City Council a statement stipulating that all improvements are
complete, are constructed in compliance with city standards, are
f ree of defects, and are free and clear of any encumbrance or lien.
' The subdivider shall also file with the City Council an agreement
dedicating the improvements to the city.
In those cases where improvement guarantees have been made, the
! amount of the guarantee may be reduced upon acceptance, in compliance
with Section 67.605 above, of the dedication of a part of the improvements.
The amount of the reduction shall not exceed the percentage which
� the improvements make up of all originally required improvements.
Upon acceptance of the dedication of the final part of the improvements
' the city shall authorize the release of the remaining guarantees.
� �
, 25
A person conveying a new parcel of land which, or the plat for which, '
has not previously been filed or recorded, and which is part of
or would constitute a new subdivision shall attach to the instrument
of conveyance either: (a) recordable certification by the clerk '
of the municipality that the subdivision regulations do not apply,
or that the subdivision has been approved by the governing body,
or that the restrictions on the division of taxes and filing and '
recording have been waived by resolution of the governing body of
the municipality in this case because compliance will create an
unnecessary hardship and failure to comply will not interfere with '
the purpose of the regulations; or (b) a statement which names
and identifies the location of the appropriate municipal offices
and advises the grantee that municipal subdivision and zoning regulations
may restrict the use or restrict or prohibit the development of ,
the parcel, or construction on it, and that the division of taxes
and the filing or recording of the conveyance may be prohibited
without prior recordable certification of approval, nonapplicability, ,
. or waiver f rom the municipality. In any action commenced by a buyer
of such parcel against the seller, the misrepresentation of or the
failure to disclose material f acts in accordance with this section �
of the Ordinance shall be grounds for damages. If the buyer establishes
his right to damages, a district court hearing the matter may in
its discretion also award to the buyer an amount sufficient to pay
all or part of the costs incurred in maintaining the action, including '
reasonable attorney fees, and an amount for punitive damages not
exceeding 5� of the purchase price of the land (M.S. 462.358, Subd. 4a).
A. The owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land located ,
in a proposed subdivision. shall not transf er ownership of such
parcel before a plat of said subdivision has been approved by
the City Council and has been filed with the County Recorder
or Registrar of Titles of Ramsey County, Minnesota. . �
B. The owner, or agent of the owner, of any parcel of land shall
not divide any lot or parcel of land by the use of inetes and '
bounds for the purpose of sale, transfer or Tease with the intent
of evading the provisions of this chapter. All such described
. divisions shall be subject to the requirements herein. '
. '
. ,
. '
26 '
' C. The previous provisions sha11 not apply to a conveyance of land
that was a separate parcel of land of record on the date of
' the adoption of these regulations, or subject to a written agreement
to convey entered into prior to such date, or a separate parcel
of not less than two and one-half acres in area and 150 feet
in width on January l, 1966, or was a separate parcel of not
' less than five acres in area and 300 feet in width on July 1, 1980,
or is a single parcel of commercial or industrial land of not
less than five acres and having a width of not less than 300
' feet, and its conveyance does not result in the division of
the parcel into two or more lots or parcels, any one of which
is less than five acres in area or 300 feet in width, or is
' a single parcel of residential or agricultural land of not less
than 20 acres and having a width of not less than 500 feet and
its conveyance does not result in the division of the parcel
into two or more lots or parcels, any one of which is less than
� 20 acres or 500 feet in width.
67.703 VARIANCES �
' A. Required Findings The City Council upon recommendation of the
Planning Cornrnission may grant a variance to the subdivision
' regulations when compliance would create an unusual hardship
to the develapment of the land, based on findings that:
1. The intent of this chapter is met;
, 2. The granting of the variance will not be detrimental to
the public safety, health or welf are or injurious to other
property or improvements in the neighborhood in which the
' property is located;
3. The conditions upon which the request for a variance is
based are unique to the property for which the variance
' is sought and are generally not applicable to other property;
4. The literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter
would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by
other properties in the same zoning district;
� 5. The special conditions and circumstances do not result from
the actions of the applicant; and
6. Because of the particular natural surroundings, shape or
, topographical conditions of the specific property involved,
unusual hardship to the owner would result, as distinguished
f rom a mere inconvenience, if the strict letter of these
� regulations were carried out.
6. Conditions of Variance The City Council may require cond�t�ons
for approving a variance that will substantially achieve the
� intent and requirements of these regulations. Violations of
such conditions shall be deemed a violation of this chapter.
� 27
C. Procedure for a Variance An a lication for variance shall '
be submitted by the subdivider at the time the subdivision is
filed with the Planning Administrator. '
Within a subdivision or planned unit development, alternative construction
methods, design standards and required improvements may be recommended '
by the Planning Commission and approved by the City Council if such
methods, improvements and design features are proven to meet the
intent of the regulations in this chapter or are required due to
the physical features or the state of development of the property '
and its surrounding area.
Registered Land Surveys shall not be used to avoid the requirements
of these subdivision regulations. All Registered Land Surveys which ,
constitute a subdivision as defined in this ordinance shall be subject
to the provisions herein contained. All Registered Land Surveys
shall be prepared in conformance with state law.
The City Council may vacate any plat, public street, alley, public
� ground, utility easement or bouley�rd reserve in the manner provided '
in the city charter and Legislative Code.
67.707 PENALTY ,
1. Any person subdividing or conveying land in violation of the
provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor '
and subject to the penalties prescribed in Section 1.05 of the
Legislative Code.
2. Any owner or agent of the owner of land who conveys a lot or i
parcel in vio]ation of the provisions of this subdivision ordinance
shall forfeit and pay to the city a penalty of lot less than '
$100 for each lot or parcel so conveyed. The city may enjoin
such conveyance or may recover such penalty by a civil action
in any court of competent jurisdiction.
Filing and recording of conveyance of land shall be subject to the �
restrictions imposed by Minnesota Statutes, Section 462.358, •
Subdivisions 4a and 4b.
. ,
. '
28 !
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Notioe is baeby�iveo tlut a pubUc he�tin�
wi11 be hdd befon t6e Cit�Coun�il on the
27th d of Id I0:00 o'dock . .in
the S�int P�ul City Cwncil(b�mben,City'
Hall aad Court Hwu,St P�ul.Minneso4 to
cansider praposed�mendments to t6e Sslnt
Pau!Zonint Ordinance.Chapten BO-84 a12he .
Saint P�ul Legislative Cade as tAq rdate tc
SubdivWon Re�uLtlons wd an ameadmeat
to(�apter Tl ot the St.Paul I.estdative Code
pvtdnicK to tde iswance of hause mm�bas.
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