278645 City of St.Paul COiJN N� � PRELIMINARY ORDER ,� By File No. 18270-E In the Matter of acquiring a permanent easement for public utility purposes over, under and across a part of the following described property: TAt priv�te raiiro�d ailey lyinq ��ortherly of 81ock 3, Rearr�nqertnt o� Blocks 62. 67, 68 anG lot 1 of Blotk 75, St. Anthony Park, accordlny to tAe retordea 01ai tAereof. �nd Tract 6, Regfstered Land Survey No. 340, files of Registrar of Titles, Gounty of Ramsey, anC Atl tha: part of Block K, St. Anthony Park, Lot 15, Biock 2, Rearrangenen; of Blocks 62, 67, 6E, and Lot i of Block 75, St. Anthony 'Park and the strip of land lying betMeen said Block K and lo: 15, described as follows: Commencin3 at the poirt of intersection of tAe centerlines of Mycliff Stree: and Bradford Street; thence N 53° 21' N, alony the centerline of Nycliff Street, 3ZS.00 feet; thence northerly on a tangential curve :c the right ;central angle 90° OC' and radius 225.00 fee:) 353.43 feet; thence N 36° 39' E., tanyent to the las*. described curve, 101.02 fee:; thence N 53° 21' W 33.Q0 feet; thence N 36° 39' E, 216.58 feet; thence nortAeasterly on a tanyential curve tc tne right (central anyle 26° 28' 2R" and radius 333.00 feet) 153.87 feet to a point in the souiherly line of said Lot 15, said poi�t being the point o' beyinn!ny of the tratt herein describeC; thence westerly on ihe s0utherly line of Said lut 15 On a curve to the left (central angle 10° 16' 11", radius 452.5G feet and chord Deariny N 81° 07' 41" M) 81.1i feet; thence northeasterly on a curve to the lefi (central anyle 12° 25' 47", radius 327.27 feet, and cnord bearing N 73° 26' 26" E) 11.00 feet; thence northeasterly on a reverse curve to the righc (central anyle 28° 50' 30", radius 35o.a6 feet and cnorC beariny N 82° 26' 26" E} 119.43 feet; the^ce southeasterly on a curve t: the riyht (central anyle D° d8' 03" ana radius 2784.93 feet and cnord ueariny S 53° 3J' ?7" c) 38.93 feet; thencz south,+esLer)y on a curve to the left (central anyle 34° 35' 22", radius 333.00 feet. and chorG bearins S 8C' 25' 10" �j 20i.03 feet to the point of beyinniny, excep! Tract E, Registered land Survey No. 340. Said easement is described as `oilows: unde Commencir.y at the intersection of the centerlines cf Wycli'f Street ae? BradforC Street; thence - tio�t� 53 deyrees ?: ��nu.es OC seconds West, a�sumed basis �or Cearings, 305.04 feet alonc tr.E centertine of .�ycl;ff Stree!; thence nertherly 44E.'1 `eet aiong a tange�t�al curve, concave tc the eas:, central angle 95 degrees :3 minutes :3 seconds, r�Gi�s �7C.00 .'eet; .hence North 4E de9rees 0' minutes 4% seconds Nest 33.00 fee*_ nor.cl t� sa�C cu*ve; :hence Norch 41 degrees 52 minutes :3 seconas �tst 275.56 feeC to a point or. [he ;outheas*erl; ;ine o` ?ract E, Re;�s*_erec L,�d Survey No. 3C7; thence norUieasterly 31.1� fee[, alon:, saic southea5cerly iine oc a and ,anaen:iai curve, concave to the southeast, cen!rzi �ncle 5 de,rees 21 +n�nutes �9 secones, havin radius 333.00 feet, to the point of Leyinninc c! the ease�ren: 2c be de<crib�a; thence hor*,e 35 deyrees 33 minutes 03 seconds East 212.4E feet; tnence taortn bl degrees IU �ainutes 4P seconds . west 325.12 feet; *.hence North ]5 deyrees 14 rin�tes 4E seconas Eas: 19.45 feet; thence CCOf zoutheas.erly 502.10 fee: aiong a non-tangent�al curve, concave to ;he southwest, centra' anyle 10 denrees 19 minutes 48 secenos, radius 2764.?3 feet and chore Dearing South 58 Oegrees 23 minutes 10 seconds East; thence westerly 2G.44 reet aloog a curve co�cave tc the south, cen;ral anyie 4 degrees 32 minu[?s 54 seconds, radius 33:.OG `ee;, and cnord hearinS North 8C de9rees 33 minutes 33 seconds west; thence North 53 degrees 38 minu:es 0? seconds N^st 10?.76 reet; thence Soutti 35 degrees 33 �uinutes 03 seconds West 112.34 feet; then_e soutnNesterty 110.97 fee: along a line, aarts of Nnic� are the southeasterly line of Tract B, R�gistered Lanu Survey �lo. 34C, and the sou[hea5terly iine of Tratt 6, ke;i5tered Land Survey No. 301, on a non-tangential curve concave to the SOUL11EdSt, central an91E 19 Ce9rees 05 minu[es. 34 seconCS, radius 323.CU feet and chord beariny South 56 degrees 46 rrinutes 58 seconds Nes; to the point af beginninC• Of _ _. _ . _. _ the �iry na[i ana court tiouse Building in the City of Saint Paul. 3. That notice of said public hearing be given to the persons and in the manner provided by the Charter, stating the time and place of hearing,the nature of the improvement and the total cost thereof as estimated. COUNCILMEN Adopted by the Council: Date MAY s �982 Yeas �.����, Nays Certified a se Council Secretary ;, �,Y '��' x.�,'„.`r.�'.;c: �.. ' --- _�In Favor �,� ,_.;�,.@�A " MAY i 2 1982 �:;,�.�.�.,�i� Against Mayor �. . �'� �Liat�tD P►�AY 15 1982 .:...�,..