278629 WHITE - CITV CLERK ���jJ?� PINK - FINANCE COI1flC11 ��;�1V`v CANARV - DEPARTMENT - � GITY OF SAINT PAUL Flle NO. BLUE - MAYOR C uncil Res lution Presented By ISCiidSE COIuiITT�;:� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date :-i:�'SOLv" : That Application :� 2868 for the trans.�er oi the On Sale Liquor License� Sunday On ;�ale Liquor License, and :�n�ertainr:ent License� all e�irir� January 31, 19�3, a11 issued to mhe Lampli�;hter Loun�.e or 5t. Pau1, ync. at 160 ?�T. Lar�enteur Aver_ue, be and tr,.e same �.re �lerebzT trans�erred to J. J. ?', of St. ra;a1� Inc. (3ac� J. �'er?>licP�, Pres_c?.ent) at the sar�e address to ��io business as `i'he I�a.mpli�hter Lo�.�nne. COU[VCILMEN Yeas Iiurit Nays Requested by Department of: Levine i':addox In Favor .,,��r - � __ Against BY — �c�s�ee '�li ls on �"�AY 4 �982 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified as e Counc� re BY App by Ylavor: D t ' _ MAY 5 ��2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By. By �UB�ISNE� P�i�Y � 1982 � ��� '��\�����"'" CITY OF SAINT PAUL `\\�1TT O�J'If�/ � -"a� "`" ''�' DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �= i`; ';� �ii�ilu ii �` ��+ �= DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION a _ '`�„�. ,... , Room 203, City Hall 'mm��...�� GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR 1-�� �., 19a2 President I'iunt ar�d ;Lonorable l:e�.be: s of the City Cour�cil 9aint raul, i�:innesota :resid.ent Hunt ��d '.ionorable 1:erlbers : The Lar:pli�`,hter Loun�;e o� 5t. Paul, Inc. and J. J. '�. of St. Paul, inc. request that the On �a1e Li�uor I`cense, cunday �Il ��:.ZB LlO1107' �1C8riSP anc? ',ntertainnent :�icense T,�_'"°S01''_tl�r wSSil@C�. to '�'he La�pli�;hter Loun�;e of St. ;aul, inc. at 160 ?,1. �arpenteur Xtrerue be trar�sfer�r�r�� to J. J. T?. o� St. ?aul, Inc. at the sane address. The sole stoc�holder ar�d officer of J. J. �. oi St. Pau�� Inc. is Jack John ��:�er�lich, holcin� the o�fices oi �resident, Sec- retar�r ��d Treasurer. �Ir. .�:�er?>lic'r� �,rill operate this �us:�ness per- sonally ar!d it U�i.11 continue to �.e run as the La?:pli�;hter �oun�;e. l�.is application has �een rev-ietiaed by t;ze License ar�d Per- ��it :uiv:_s�on 2nd the C�tJ �ttorney's office. The recom�endation is for ar:l:roval. Very truly vours, /�J`� Joseph �'. Carchec� License Inspector O � � � �ss2s .�.�„,�:,.. � � �`:`,TT 0=:,/��� . _.• ��-. C(TY OF SAtNT PAUL 9° "= DEFARTMENT OF FlNANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;., ' �u�nn: c; 's• 11 111 � ' _- DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMiNtSTRATION � ���� Room 203. City Hali :Th..... GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55'102 MAYOR Mr. Jack John Berklich 212 West Larpenteur Avenue St. Paul , Minnesota 55113 Dear Mr. Berklich: Your appl�cation for a transfer of On Sale Liquor, Sunday Liquor & license has been received by thiE or�ice. Entertainment After review and investigat�en of t^.i5 8Ppllcation, tris cffice will recommend to t�e iicense Coa�itiee that such iicease(s) be granted. A '�earing on your app?ication for said license(s) uill be held before the License Committee on Ma 4 1982 Datel at 10:00 a.m. at City Council Chamber, 3rd Flr. City Hail . Tiae, ,Location�i You are nereb�° raquired tv aapear at suc: heariag. i: you a_�e ,�uacle �e appear at said :e�:ir_g, please not_r� this cff�ce i�mediately. Ot:r te�ephone nw.^�be� is 29��-5050. � JOS��i F. �ARCHIDI Licease Inspector