278628 MHITE - C�TY CLERK PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAITL Council �('�(C Q CANARY - DEPARTMENT File NO. ���/`_��/ Bl_UE - MAYOR Co ncil Resolution Presented By I1C.�T�S:� CO�L�i':��; Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ud��,.�: `i'�.e C�tY:olic :�thletic �Sssociation currently holds a :=ir�o Games T�icense, e.Ypiring April 21�, 1983, issue� to tr.era at 1�08 ii�.in Street per?n3.ttin� them to conduct tY:�e �ames on Saturday evenin�°s, and ;J::i'��i,AS: They have requested to cr�ar.gc-: the da�r oi the �;ames to Friday aiternoons retween the nours of 1;30 to 5:30 P.:�., tl_erefore, be it �:SOL�LD: i�hat permission be and tY.e sa�e is i�ereb�r �r�:�nted to the Ca.tY�olic Athletic Associa.tion to char�;e the da�r of their �;arles to :��riday afternoons bett•reen the hours of 1:30 and 5 :3c r.r�z. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays 'r?unt In Favor Levine � i��addox __ Against BY 1' ...' 1 �� �9�2 "Jilson— g'tdr,�G� MA� 4 Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a • by unci ec BY sy t#ppro lNavor: Dat MAY 5 � $2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By — BY PUBLISH�D MAY 8 1982 _ ....",,,","�° CI���S�A'fNT PAUL . ;��\\GITY 01��1f '`�� '���`` DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES �� �`: ;� �nnium .; `�+ "" 1i°° �" DIVISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATION < d - �.,. ' Room 203, City Hall �"�:R„�„.,..�°.\° GEORGE LATIMER Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 MAYOR May 4, �9sz President Hunt and Honorable Members of the City Council Saint Paul , Minnesota President Hunt and Honorable Members: The Catholic Athletic Association, requests permission to conduct bingo games which are now played on Saturday evenings from 8:00 p.m. to midnight to change the day and time to Friday afternoons from 1 :30 to 5:30 p.m. This organization conducts their games at 408 Main Street. The request has been made by William J. John, President; and Dominic J. Azzone will be managing the games. This request has been reviewed by the License and Permit Division and the recommendation is for approval . Sincerely, �� JOSEPH F. CARCHEDI License Inspector JFC/t O , � /'V17�� w�,,:��. ;-�°<<** ,;..,,, , =�:•` *=''_< C ITY O F SA I NT PAU L �° '� DEPARTMENT OF FiN�NCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES :� i�utnu: .; ;,� uirurw: � � ;� D(VISION OF LICENSE AND PERMIT ADMINISTRATlOI�I ,... J� `�^""'�°� Room 203, City Hail GEORGE UTIMER Saint Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 29, 1982 Mr. Joseph J. Azzone Manager, Bingo 408 Main Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Azzone: Your app�icatian for a change in day/time for your Bingo �icense has been received by this of:ice. After review and inve6tigation �f tnis application, this effice wi�l recommend to the License Co�rittee that such license(s) be granted. A hearing on your app�ication for said licensefs) Will be held before the License Committee o:: �'1dy 4, 1982 ' l�?ate at 10:00 a.m. at Counci� Chambers, 3rd. Floor City Hall . T1�� iocatior. i'ou �re nereb� raquire� i: appe�T at such he�ring. If vou �re unable �o appear at said :e��r:g, p,ease not�fv this office i�neciatel,y-. O�r telea^one nu�ber is �9�-5G7o. � JOSEP�i F. CARCHEDI i,ice:lse Znspector i� � ..<<T;�o, 2`���� � .=:�` -:'- CiTY OF SAINT PAUL �° ' � DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES ;� ' i�rana. ,; t n 11 t r ^: '� � _- D{VISION OF UCENSE AND PERM(T ADMINISTRATION ,.. V :"'.,� "`"` Room 203. City Hali GEORGE LATIMER Saini Paul,Minnesota 55102 MAYOR April 29, 1982 .William J. Johnson President, Catholic Athletic Assn. 408 Main Street St. Paul , Minnesota 55102 Dear Mr. Johnson: Your app�icatior_ fo: a change in day/time for your Bingo �icense has been received by this ���ice. After review and inves�igation of this ep�:tication, this erfice will recommend tc tne iicense Commi�tee that such license�s) be granted. A hearing or. your app2ication for said license�s) will be :�eld 'oefore the License Coramittee on Ma 4, 1982 ' Date at 10:00 a.m. at Council Chambers, 3rd Floor City Hall . Time ,Z,ocaticn You are nereb� raq':;ired tc appear at suc�� hearing. I. �ou are unable �o GppeGr at sa�d �ea:_r_g, piease not_.y this affice i�mediately. O��r � � �. , 9 5�5� �e_ep_.�ne nLmbe� =s Z 8- o. � JOSEP�i F. CARCF�I License Inspector i l x � �