278625 WMITE - CITY CLERK �[��� PINK - FINANCE J� CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUtIC1I �y v BLUE - MAYOR CITY OF SAINT PAUL File NO. City Attny/PBB � • cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of 5aint Paul, that the City Clerk is directed to accept and keep on file that certain agreement dated April 5, 1982, between Economics Laboratory, Inc. , (EL) and The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance Company (MML) , attached hereto, in which agreement EL is assigned and assumes all the rights, duties, responsibilities and covenants of MML under several agreements more particularly described therein relating to the skyway system, which agree- ments contain covenants and obligations touching and concerning the following described property in the City of Saint Paul: Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 19, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 20, City of Saint Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; and Lots 1 and 4, Block 23, City of Saint Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution (with attachment) in the Office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilson — ^n_ �, n 1982 Form App ved by C� torney Adopted by Council: Date —Rr}r!.� • Certified as• y Council reta By �'`���` 2" By Approved ;Navor: Date � J � �� Approved ay for Submiss' uncil BY - —� BY �UBLISHED MAY 8 1982 ., �/��� A(� �iIS AC�tF�, m�de and enterecl into this 5 th day of April, 1982, by an�d betr�aeen DOOi1�1CMICS LAB0�2ATORY, Il�iC., a Delaaare cArporation (hereinafter referred t�o as "II,") and TI� MIlV�O►I'A MJZVAL LIFE Il�TSCTR�NCE oCNII�ANY, a Minnesota �rporation (hereinafter referred to as "M�ff,") ; Wl'li�1F�SEI'H: Wf�,AS, as part of the pedestrian skyway system within the downtown oentral business district of St. Paul, Minnerota, there exists a skyway bridge over Cedar Street befiween the buildir�gs ooc.upied by the Saint Paul Athletic Club (hereinafter referred to as "AC") ar�d MKG (hereinafter referred to as the °�.'E(�ctr S�C�Wd�7�� i �.5, on February 20, 1980 P,C and M� entered intA a Skyway Bridge Maintenanoe Agreement under whidl AC aryd M�II, mutually agreed to be bour�d by the terms o�r►tained therein regarding the operation and maintenanve of the Cedar Skyway (hereinafter referred t�o as the "Cedar Maintenanve Agreement") ; Wf�AS, as part of the pedestrian skyway system within the downtown ventral business district of St. Paul, Minnesota, there exists a skyway bridge over East Fourth Street bet�ween the buildings ocaipied by the Degree of Honor Protectiv�e Association (hereinafter referred to as "Degree") and M�, (hereinafter referred to as "East Fourth Skyway") ; W�',AS, on February 13, 1980 Degree and M�IL entered into a Skyway Bridge Maintenanoe Agre�ment under which Degree and M�II., mutually agreed to be bound by the terms oontained therein regarding the cyperation and maintenanae of the East Fairth Skyway (hereinafter referred to as the "East Fourth Maintenanoe Agree�nent") ; �'AS, on January 11, 1980, the Housing and Redevelc�anent Authority of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter referred tA as "HIZA") , the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City") , AC and M�, entered into an Agreement oonoerning the �nstruction, aperation ar�d maintenanoe of the Cedar Skyway ar�d the easements nec�essary to in�rporate the same int,� the pedestrian skyway system (hereinafter referred to as the "City Ceclar Agreeznent") ; Wf�AS, on January 22, 1980, HIZA, the City, Degree an�d M�II� entered into an Agree�nent aonoerniryg the o�nstruction, aperation and maintenanve of the East i�ourth Skyway and the easements neoessary to inwrp�rate the same into the pedestrian skyway syst�em (hereinafter referrecl to as the "City East Fourth Agreement") • , Wf�REEAS, c�ncurrently with the deliv�ery of this Agreement II� is purchasing the building at 345 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, whidl is aemed by M�, and a�nnected t�o the Cedar Skyway and the East Fourth Skyway; and ' � . f �� r WI�REA.S, II� aryd M�II, intend that i.n oonnection with the sale of said building to EG that � shall suooeed to the rights and assim�e the obligations of M�II, under the various agreements relating to the pedestrian skyway system o�nnected to saia builaing; NOW �'ORE, it is hereby agreed bebaeen the parties hereto as follows: 1. M�, shall and hereby does assign to II, all its rights in and under the Cedar Maintenanve Agreement, the East Fourth Maintenanve Agreement, the City Cedar Agreement and the City East Fourth Agreement. 2. II, shall and hereby does fully and without limitation assume all duties, responsibilities and c�venants of M�, under the Cedar Maintenanoe Agreement, the East Fourth Maintenanoe Agreement, the City Cedar Agreement and the City East Fourth A�greement. Il�i WI�SS W�O�, the parties hereto have exeazted this Agreement effective the day and year first above written. �OONC�'IICS I�AB(7�2AZ�RY, IIJC. � ��-. �l/L/���---_-.—�-�---- � Peter E. Wandmacher Vice President and Treasurer � N[I�IlVF50TA N�J�TAL LIF� INS'�TRAt�TCE aC[�'IpAr1Y By GZ�-dC,�.� �t Pnu�cooa �,s�u vrc,�p�swexr , � 1�" �=*=o, CITY OF SAI�AUL ;4� '� OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY � iiii I t 1° o o „ EDWARD P. STARR, CITY ATTORNEY ,.,. 647 City Hall, Saint Paul, Minnesota 55102 612-298-5121 GEORGE LATIMER MAYOR April 9, 1982 ����I�E� APR 121982 To: Greg Haupt MAYORS OFFICE From: Philip B. Byrne� Attached is a resolution which is required to enter this particular agreement of record. If you have any questions, please give me a call. Enc. cc: Barry Engen ;'��C�) . . -. . .- . . - ., . . � ' , ' � � .� . � � .. ' _ � �. . � '} . � ' ��r /. . ' / � . � - - - . . . - . .. . � ., � ' _ . . . � . , ' i , � ��' , � � - . � . ��� � 7g a , . . , y_ . . . . �� ' . . . . . . . . - .N 1 . " . �� . � . . . . � � .- , . � � ' . I � . . . . . . . . _ . ' � - . . . . , . ' • . ' . . . . . ' . . � , � . ` � . ` . . . . . . . � . . . . . . . ' ,. . , � . \ . � . � . � " • � . .. � . . . ' � " , 9 . . 1 �' � . � . . . � .., i ' . , r . ' � • ' . . . � " . . J ' • • ' � �� Z� • � ; g � _ . � , ck�aty �e�d�r < , , ,� , � Roo� 1SSs �� � . $t.-Pwl, ll�, � ; • ,� , � D�ar Si�r s • , • , S�cic�id fat lilia6 ir► �x' oi'li.q� i� s a�titi�d aopy ot a.F, ��T�S �d au a'�t� a�g�srtt. �'ht�1 r�soigtidt r�i��8 , - ao a�wrat 'brLt�ls laa�3.+� L+�b�ratc�'�r �ed .�aoipa ll�#tta� • ' � Litf Ie�r�ne�t t�o�9 r�2�►ti�B to t.h� s��y► s�ri��'�a � . �Y t� 3t� Pwl t"�.t,y Uowut#1.on �'!1 �9, 19�. � , Vitr�► t�ntT,a► Y��� ; . , , � � � , •' . , Al,b�st H. Dl�oi� ,� . Citry A.�rk: � � . . � , .. ' M, .� . . . � .. ' . . - . , -� ' ._ \ . . � . � � � . � .. . _ ; 1 A�i� � , ` � ; . Att�ah. . , � � � � _ , � , . , , , - � i � , , +. . , ,: , • , . , , , � , , , � ,•. 1 . ,,� �.) �, / i � ° s .-� � t( (!� �.� ��iyv' ^V� `?1 �d � �A�� `K STATE OF MINNESOTA ) � County of Ramsey ) ss. � CITY OF SAINT PAUL ) � � . �► Q? o Albert B: Olson �„� I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .City Clerk of the '� City of Saint Paul, Minnesota, do hereby certify that I have 278625 compared the attached copy of Council File No. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . as adopted by the City Council. . , April 29 . . . . . . . . , , , . 19 82. . . . and approved by the Mayor. . . . . . , , April 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19$2. . . . with the original thereof on file in my office. I further certify that said copy is a true and correct copy of said original and the whole thereof. WITNESS my hand and the seal of the City of Saint Paul, Minnesota this . , , .3rd . . . . . . , day of . . �: . . . . . . . . . . . .A.D. 19. . �2 � • City Clerk. �..� �;, • :: � - � I2 � �. s�:�E , WHITE - CITV CLERK < < PINK - FINANCE � i COUflCII �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT (, I TY O� SA I N T 1,�U L BLUF - MAYOR File N O. . ��ty' •tittny/PBB cil Resolution . � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date � � .b BE IT RESOLVED, by the Council of the City of Saint Paul, �� that the City Clerk is directed to accept and keep on file � that certain agreement dated April 5, 1982, between Economics � Laboratory, Inc. , (EL) and The Minnesota Mutual Life Insurance � Company (MML) , attached hereto, in which agreement EL is assigned and assumes all the rights, duties, responsibilities and covenants of MML under several agreements more particularly described therein relating to the skyway system, which agree- ments contain covenants and obligations touching and concerning the following described property in the City of Saint Paul: Lots 4, 5,� 6, 7, 8 and 9, Block 19, City of St. Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; Lots 14, 15 and 16, Block 20, City of Saint Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; and Lots 1 and 4 , Block 23, City 'of Saint Paul (St. Paul Proper) ; . and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the City Clerk is authorized and directed to file a certified copy of this Resolution (with attachment) in the Office of the County Recorder, Ramsey County. COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine �Il F8v0[ Maddox � McMahon snowaiter A gai n s t BY Tedesco �ison .� P -��� A 1982 Form App ved by C� torney Ado ted by Council: Date - / Certified a:� y Counc.il reta BY ` �l�-��/ 2 B}. Approved Vlavor. Date . R � O `�� Approved ay for Submiss' uncil By - � � B Y U� , . w� + MGi I�V�'rV , , � � • '��6 � v� J ` �iIS AGFt�, made and entered into this 5 th day of April, 1982, by and � betr�een �OCJNCl�IICS LAB�2ATORY, Il�1C., a Dela�aare �rporation (hereinafter referred to as "II,") and � N�iO►rA MFITJAL LIFE Il�1StJR�,NCE OC1��ANY, a Minnesota o�rporation (hereinafter referred to as '�,") ; W�AS, as part of the pedestrian skyway syst�em w ithin the clowntAwn ventral business district of St. Paul, Minnesota, there exists a skyway bridge over Cedar Street between the buildings ovaipied by the Saint Paul Athletic Club (hereinafter referred to as "AC") and M� (hereir�after referred t�o as the °�dr $���� i ��.5, on February 20, 1980 AC and M�, entered into a Skyway Bridge Maintenanc�e Agreement under whic� P,C arid M� mutually agreed tA be bour�d by the tern�s �ntained therein regarding the aperation and maintenanoe of the Cedar Skyway (hereinafter referred tA as the "Cedar Maintenanoe Agreement") ; Wf�S, as part of the pedestrian skyway system within the downtown oentral business district of St. Paul, Minnesota, there exists a skyway bridge over East Fourth Street between the buildings occupied by the Degree of Fionor Protective Associatior► (hereinafter referred t�o as "Degree") ar�d M�ff., (hereinafter referred to as "East Fourth Skyway") ; WI�REAS, on February 13, 1980 Degree ar�d M►'� entered int�o a Skyway Bridge Maintenanoe Agreement under whid� Degree and M�ff, mutually agreed to be bound by the ter� a�ntained therein regarding the aperatian and maintenanoe of the East Fourth Skyway (hereinafter referred to as the "East Fourth Maintenanoe Agree�nt") ; �S, on January 11, 1980, the Housing and Redevelc7pment Authority of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter referred tro as "HIZA") , the City of St. Paul, Minnesota (hereinafter referred to as the "City") , AC and M�, entered into an Agreement a�naerning the wnstruction, aperation and maintenanoe of the Cedar Skyway arx9 the easements nevessary to inoc�rporate the same into the pedestrian skyway system (hereinafter referred t�o as the "City Cedar ALJr�12llt°�i Wf�S, on January 22, 1980, HIZA, the City, Degree and NML entered into an Agreement �naerning the wnstruction, aperation and maintenanve of the East Fourth Skyway ar�d the easements nevessary to inoorporate the same into the pedestrian skyway systrem (hereinafter referred to as the "City East Fourth Agreeznent"); Wf�S, �naurently w ith the delivery of this Agreement II, is purchasing the building at 345 Cedar Street, St. Paul, Minnesota, whidz is owned by M� and wnnected t�o the Cedar Skyway and the East Fourth Skyway; and � � . . . I.w 4.� � ' � J7 rI�����V I'�I�Y t � .� v O. (� W�.AS, � arr3 M� intend that in �nnectian with the sale of said �, buildir�g to II, that F�, shall sucaeed to the rights and ass�ne the obligations � of M�, under the various agreements relating to the pedestrian skyway system � a�e�tea t� �ia ��ia�; Nl7W �ORE, it is hereby agreed between the.parties hereto as follaas: 1. M� shall and hereby does assign t�o II� all its rights in and under the Cedar Maintenanoe Agreement, the East Fourth Maintenanoe Agreement, the City Cedar Agreement and the City East Fourth Agreement. 2. II, shall and hereby does fully and without limitatian ass�m�e all duties, responsibilities and c�avenants of M�II, under the Cedar Maintenanoe Agreement, the East Fourth Maintenanve Agreement, the City Cedar Agreement and the City East Fourth Agreement. Il�i WI�.S Wf�, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement effective the day and year first abave written. mONI.'NiICS LABO�RATORY, INC. � � �-k-���--,--� ..�� Peter E. Wandmacher Vice President and Treasurer � MIt�TFSOTA N�J'1[JAL LIFE � INS[JRAN(� aC[�'IPANY By GZ�--d�' .�c� PAl1l Gt?DDl G.SECOND ytCE pRESlp� t � .. ' pp � � � j � s Q � • . . ...� � �� � p ..+ N N .-•� C� D " � � Q � �-+ � 'r'' � W � ri � . � \��' C) � � ro i p �. o °. � O � � C\ v� ,' � � o �� o � m ° � c� `° -I ''7 � ti �� o `` _° � z � � �� oaooa � � � o � N � , :e� . cu n �� + � � � �� � ; . �;9 a. o ? �, n 2, ��� ;z` t� `7 � �, � ° � � � , ,,� :�? � °�' ° � � i � � � � � �.i � � � � � ,�... � `�� i�1 � � v � � � � j. o'C'! , � � n a' N � v, � � � ,� (� o � .� c � � 3 �`--i � `{ � °�' � � � �, � -- �� � � �� �� �