278599 WHITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE COURCII ��8599 CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L BLUE - MAYOR File N O. ' Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date �EAS, the Council of the City of 5aint Paul by Council Resolution C.F. 278122, adopted January 28, 1982, amr�ng other things did grant a temporary variance to Michael and Le�nn Kapaun �ncerning property located at 1015 Edgewater Boulevard; arid WFID.2EA5, said resolution inadvertently did not include the exact worcling of the recomrended Board Action. NOinl T�E+ORE BE IT �2ESOLU.E� that the Board Action of Council Resolution C.F. 278122, adapted Januaty 28, 1982, pertaining to the requ,ested variance of Michael ar�d LeaAnn Kapaun, is hereby amended t� read as follaws: B�ARD AGTION: Granted te�orary variance of City ordinance pertaining to proper stArage of firewood, as airn.rided and adopted on Dec�nber 7, 1981, 1r� permit existi.ng piles of wood to remain stacked in their present manner and location until August l, 1982. Any r�w wood. purchased. hereafter must be stored in ac�rdance with sai.d City ordinance. HE IT FUR'!�R RESOLUID that in all other respects Council Resolution C.F. 278122 adopted Janua.�ry 28, 1982, shall remain in full force an�d effect. COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox ' McMahon 'j� Showalter - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 O �9�� Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Pa s b Council ret By � `�'t~" �`Z�� B� A p d by ;Vlayor. �P Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ gy PUBUSNE�D MAY 1 1982