278597 WHITE . - CITY CLERK �-/���'
RETURN COPY TO VALUAT ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
��zF.�s, The Council of the City of Saint Paul by Council Resolution �.F. 275976
adopted November 20, 1980, did vacate a section of public street legally described
as follcxas:
That part of the alley located in Block 59, Arlington Hills
Addition to Saint Paul in the County of Ramsey and State of
Mi.nnesota lying East of the Southerly extension of a line
�uhich is parallel to and. 20 feet East of the West Line of
Lot 3 in said Block 59, and West of the Tnlest Line of Arlington
Street as widened.
Wf�REI�S, said vacation reserved. to the City of Saint Paul and othex public
instr�unentalities, utility eas�ents contained therein and thereon; and
W�REA5, Miller and Holmes, Inc., petitioner of said vacation, has requested
that the City waive arrd release the retained easements, and the various City de-
partments and other utility co�anies have filed written Certificates of Intended
Non-use with the Office of the City Clerk, which Certificates are incorporated
herein by reference; and
W�S, Said Certificates reflect that the Public Works Depart�nt and Water
Depari�nt have agreed to release all their eas�ents in the property without any
restrictions or limitations, and. that Northern States Paw�er Ca�npany and Nortt�aestern
Bell TelepYx�r�e C.cmpany have agreed to release their eas�nents subject to the
qualification that:
This Certificate of Intended Non-use is contingent upon the Petitioner entering
into a Relocation Agre�nent wherein Petitioner agrees t�o provide Northern States
pawer Ccenpany and NortYaaestern Bell Telephone Ca�any a r�w easement and to reim-
burse Northern States Power Company and NortYbuestern Bell Telephone Ca�pany for
their nor�betterment oosts incurred. in relocating its facilities frc�n the subject
property to the r�w easement;
COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt Finance ar�d Management Servicea
Levine In Favor
McMahon D lI'eC'tOT'
snowaite� - __ Against BY —
Form Approved by City Attorne
Adopted by Council: ' Date —
Certified I'assed by Council Secretary B " y�
Approved by :Navor. Date _ Appr d by Mayor ission to Council
By� _ _ B
W�- -Q - CITY CLERK �Q���
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By Date
NaW 'I'���ORE SE IT RESOLVID, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul
pursuant to Section 130.06 of the 5a.int Paul Legislative Code, does hereby waive,
release and rel;��;sh those utility easem�zts retained. in Council Resolution
C.F. 275976 as specifically provided in the aforementioned Certifica.tes of
Intended Nan-use which have been incorporated herein by reference and maintairbed
by the City Clerk.
SE IT F'U�F2 RE.50LUED, That the abave mentioned waiver and release of said
eas�zts is for the City of Sa.int Paul and those persons for whoan the City
has reserved. easements in said vaca.t�ed. property for the installation, mainte.r�ance
and operation of ariy sewer, water, gas or electric mai.n, pipe or condu�it of
public instn�nentality.
COUNCILMEN Requested by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Hunt nce and r� ement Services
Levine In FavOr
snowaiter __ Against By D ec or
A� 2 0 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certified Ya s Counc . B ` �'?�6�
B� —
Approv or. Date 2 3 19 APp�o by Mayor f r b is�ion to Council
BY - — — BY
�us�isH� MAY 1 1982 .
�.� � 7�� ��
Cwndl lYle Na?►8S97—B�Ran Yadd�- :.
WHEREA3.The Conncll ot the�t7 0!S�int
Psul b9 Caun�� Reaolution C.!'. 27lfi7d .
adaP�Nov�ber Z0.t980,did�i�`s
Uon a1 publlc street 1qau7
That put o[t6ea11ey located tn Blodc�Y.
pzlinatm Hilla Mditlam to S�int Pwl fn
the County of Ramse9 and Stak of M1a
oesata 1�►n�East of the Southerll��
sion of a line whirh js Wnlld to and 3�
ted East of the West lhie a1 Lot]tn aaSd
gloelc�,and West of the Wnt llne of Ar1- -
Ingtun Stied u aidmcd.
and . ,
' �,'j�.A$.$i�d Y�C�tbD6 R/!N!d�O� �
�t7 OZ.SIInt POII��O��S03�IYIG�-
tallties.utllib�mts aontaiud tLerein
aad therem:and . -
WFiER6AS.Ylller�nd Holmn.Inc..Pe�i'
tlmer of add v�catiaa��'a4uested that the
Ctt� ��ive •nd releau the retatned
e�aaneata.and the vuious CitY deya�tmmts
and othu utility cwmPania�S°°��a°��te°
CertiHcates ot Intmded Non-ux aith the Of-
tice oi the City Clerk,which Cecti1�ates a�
lncorponted herein DY retermc��nd <
WHEREAS. Said Cattikatn md Watert
the Publie Worlcs Deputmm
DePutmmt have+�peed to telease all thdt
easemenU in the propeR9 wlthout aa7 ratri�
tions or lim�tetims,and that NoRhecn States
Power CompenY and Nortawa�m���
Te►epbone ComPanY 6ave apc'eed
their rasaames subJect_w the quslifimtion
that: .
Thia Certiscate of Intmded Non-use is con..
ttn6ent upon tha PetiUoner mterin6 [nto a
Relocation Agre�e�� wherei° P�itioner
8grees to provide Nocthem States Power Com-
pany and NoRhwetem�11 Tdephode Com-
pany a new eas��t a�d to reimbuese Nor
them States Power ComPanY and Nor-
thwestern Bd1 Telephone Company tor thar
non-betterment costa incurred in relocaUng i4
tacilities from the subl�D1OP�Y t°�'e°�°'
easement: _ .... . .
That the Council of the CitT at Saint Paul pur.
suant to Sectim 130.08.ot the Sain! P�ul
I,esislative Cod4 don herebY waiv4=eleax
and celin4uis6 thase utilib naemmts retain-
ed in Couocil Resolutlm C.Y. Y7S976 u
speciIIully P�ided ia the afocrmmtloaed
Certlf'uates ot Intmded Non-use�vhicb Bave
beea 1mw:Porated herein b9 reterence and
maintained by the City Clerk.
•bove mmtimed waiver and rdease of seid ,
�ayemeats is tor the Ctty of Saint Paul and
those Penms for whm the City haa rnervcd
e�senmb in add vanted pmpert7 for the ln-
sfalLtleo,maintmince and opes�tlon a!an7'
xwet,�ntel.W az dectrle maln.p1p�oteoo'','
duft of Wblle insu+unmtallt7• ".:. ��'7�}'s.�_
AdcPted b7 the Coundl Ap�il mG 19�L .;.
Aprll2t.I982.' ``�'2'�``� i'.,�
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Di.rector of Pul�lic �ior , , :
City oP Ssint Panl
Geaeral I�easaer�•�qster Dep3ttnent
City of::$aiat patt�. �
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lfoz thexa S�atea Pc�►er Coqpe��r � .
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' � 2''1859`7
• ^_'i� :iCNORABI,E MAYOR AIv� 1���i.S
"_'he undersigned hertby cer.�iPy zha� they dc not intend to exercise
thei: ut_li�y easement rights in the fo��cncing deacribed realty;
m�� �a.rt o=" the a�e;,.• lacated �.n 31ock ;9,
Arl���;,cn ;;�_,�:is ad�.�icn �c :;��nt r�� �r. �!:e
count;- c_, Ra�sey and Sta.te c° Ninnesa+�,a, i�Y�ng
East c� ;,he Souther��: exzension o� a line which
is ix:r`d��el to and 20 reet �s� o� the Wes� i,�ne:
of Lot � in said Block ;9, ,and West a_` the West
line o°✓A:cade Straet as w�dened.
Aated _� /� � IS�
Director oP P�lic Xorke
Ci�y �f 8a�int Paul
, ��°G%1��.�(1 .
General Ifane,gcr, iiatex Dcpartaent
City of Sa,int Panl
Noz~thern b"tates 3�arer Car�az�*
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� . �'7859'7
mx� xoNO�B� �.4YOR ar� h��s
. The u.ndersigned hereb3� certit�- ths.t vhey do not intend to exercise
their utility ea�e�ent ri�hts in the follaking describe3 realty:
T:�.t �.rt, o� the alley lacated in Block 59, �
Arline,�an :����.'_s ad�tion �c Sw�nt �.ui in the =
cou�-ty c_" R�msey and S`.,a�e of Minnesota, ly�ing le;
East o° the So;:therl�: extension o° a line which _ch
is para�?el to and 20 feet r'�st o� the Wes� li�e.ine
of Lo� ? in said Block. 59, .$nd West of the Wesi :st
line o°�Arcade Street as widened.
This Certificate of Intended Non-use is contingent upon the petitioner entering
into a Relocation Agreement wherein petitioner agrees to provide Northern States
Power Company a new easement and to reimburse Northern States Power Company for
, its non-betterment costs incurred in relocating its facilities from the subject
property to the new easement.
Bated � �g
Director ofl Public btorks
City of 8sint Paul
Gene.rE,l 24aa�ger, �ater Depgrtment
City o�' �int Pr3.n1
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_ . �`� liortharn Statea Paner Coqpax�' _
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Fort2xarastern Bell�lcpho�as :Co��,�,y:
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: . 2�859�
) ss.
covrrr� oF �s� ).
On this � day of �-e-lL'� �
19�_, before me, a notary public within and for sai County,
personally appeared S� ,� LaC�C'G��n�� _ to me
personally known, who, being b� ma �y a�rorn, dzd say that
he is the ..�,r.,c�7�i��z� � �ae .� ' �of NORTHERN STATES POWER
Cprgpp,D7y, a corpora ' on, named in the foreqoing instrurnent• e
, and that said iastrument t�ofiitsd
d in behalf af said corporation by authori y
Eoarl •f Directors anc3 said ' � � �" � • > '-
acknowledqed said iastrum�nt to be the free act anci deed of
said corporation. .
� �/
tAM�M/�M.1MNM/�qMMNM1�Ml�.MAA i �4 � .V�L�(.L�'�
�t'"s :4._ r. TF r, 7�i[� uJ�JZ(,�
�a t , � ;�r G ' `.'�cpT� � NOt�3Y'y' PUb13.C� COL1IIty� M1?1A.
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., ��.� .�, ,. `' My coca�ission expires .� �y J 9��
) ss. ;
�covrrr� oF �s� )
pn this __ day of _ ►
19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County, ,
_ to me m
personally appeare�3 -
personally kno�wn. who being by ms duly sworn, did say that
ration, named in the foregoing instrument� and
COMPALQY, a corpo .
that the seal affixed to said instrument is the corp�orate seal
of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and
sealed in behaif of said corgoration by authority of i.ts Board
of Directors and said
said instrument to be the free act and deed of said corporation.
Notary Pub1iC. Ramsey County, Minn.
My commission expires
� � 2'7859'7
The u�adersigned here'by certify that they do not intend to exercise
their utility easement rights in the follar�ing deacribed realty;
^�.:t �.� o_ the �.A.1LP� �GCP.:.e� ;� i?;�o�?•: `?,
Ar�..n��::n ..:.ti_s a.cd.i.��.on �o ��._au �t;::i �n tY:e
COl:���,' C� n;2.^SE'y' c'.IICI �:c"'.�'„� C° �+;12172�SCtc� =�'1�
East c� �he voutherl;• e.�ens�en cl a i�ne which
1J ���^'�'�y..���� li� U.'�U Gl1 l�e:.� �µ'u4 C'r y}'f�.'° �S"IeJV �1nC
of LOv � ia sai�. Biock ;:, .and. West o`' �he Wes�
line or Arcade Stree� as w:de�e:.
This rtif'c te of In ende No -U e ent
upon ��ie pe�i�ioner en�erin� in�to � R��o����a�g
Agreement wherein petitioner agrees to provide
Northwestern Bell Telephone Company a new easement
_ and to reimburse Northwestern Bell Telephone Company
for its �qn-bett�erment costs incurred in relocating
its faci ities rom the subject property to the new
�t�a �� - ,� �- , z�� �
Birector of Public iiozks
City of 8aint P�ul
GeneSSl �sn�gex'� jiatet' Depsrtaent
City o� Saixr� Panl
- ' �
�orthern S#atea Aa+rer Cc�a.s�
�Y ,_��AL)
Fer�t�restern Be11�;.'�'el�s��c�say
$Y �'��El1L)
_- - �'7859'7
) ss.
On this _ day of �
19 , before me, a notary public within and for said County,
personally appeared to me
personally known, who, being b� me duly e�rora. did say t3zat
he is the of NORTHERN STATES p��
COMPANY, a corporation, named in the foregoi.ng instrument.
and that the seal affixed to said instrum�nt is the corporate
seal of said corporation, and that said iastrument was signed
and sealed in behalf of said corgoration by authority of its
Board of Directors and said
acknowledged said iastr�t ta be the free act and deed of
said corporation.
Notary Puhlic. Ra�maey County. Minn. :
My commi.ssion expirea
) ss. ;
On this �� day of Mar�h_,_..._�•
19 82 , before me, a notary public within and f�r said County,
------ R E Luger to me ¢
personally appearecl -- -
personally known. who beinq by mQ duly sworn, did say that
he is the Ui stri t Manaa r- i stri 6�ti on of I30RTH6JE3TEFIN HELL TELEPHO�
ration, named i.n the foregoi.n9 instrument. and
CONI�PANY, a corpo .
that the sea]. affixed to said instruiaent i.s the corparate seal
of said corporation, and that said instrument was signed and
sealed in behal£ of said corporation by authority of its Board
of Directors and said Corporati on ration.
said instrument to be the free act and deed af said corpo
. .��a.� a.�� _ �.�'� �-�-�-�--,�rt�
............��. �...�.e
Notary Public, Ran�s$y co�ty, Minm.
My commission exgir�s
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Resolved,7f�at uP��P�Uoo of Ylllv
and Holmea.Inc.,that aectloa ot pablk alle7
hereinatter deu�ibed.be aod the'iamr�ereb7
�vwted aad diacoaUnued u a publlc allq:
'lbat p�r4 02!Le�1kY lorrtad in Block S9.
Azticuton Htlh�ddltion W Saint Paul in
the count7 qt pamsq�nd Slak of Yin-
neaota,lyini East of tbe Swt�erl�e:te¢
:Son of a line whleh b yanlld to and 20
feet East of tDe W�t llne of Lot l in�aid
Bloek S9.�nd West oLthe West line of Ar
iade Stmt u widened:
suDject e�iecsl'to the tollowin�eocdltlons
and mervaUoos: �
�1.'lLat t6e wntian be sub3aet to�1l tLe terms
�nd mnd�tipm pf((:haaptu 22B of tLe St.
� Pwul LqlaLtive Code.as�meoded.
2.That a speclfie e�sament be retained to
pmtect tLe tntaest of Nortbem S4tes
Po�vec Co�pat�.
_ S.'lbat a speeiflc eaaement be ictafnad to
pioteet the 3ntesest of NorthwesterA Bell
Te1eP6one Compac�7•
4.Y�t a pesm�nmt mia�mt!or alley Dur-
poces be dedlnted W tbe Cit�of 5�1nt
P��+1. aaid e�temmt to be danibad ac
'!be Westeci7=0 feet of Lot].Sloet S�.
Arlin�ton Hllls�ddltioo to Saint Paul
1n the ewut�of 11+mx!and 3tate of
x�oa: -
s.�.e e�p�c�a�e�.veeo�-
ea so agepe ana�eeoaa safa easemesl
6.1h�t t2ce petlUaoc psy to tbe ptT the
sum ot iy�.OQ as compeas�tloa tor the .
��ptio�n!or administntive costs.
7.�at tbe yetitioner present w acoePUble
� dte pLn.for:eviev aad app+oval.to the
Departmmt of Planninl and F�conomlc
Developmmt.whicL Plan is to be eanais
tmt vlt2a the East Seveath 3tc�t Urbao
Developmmt Act3on Gront ProQram.
6.That tIIe petit3oner turnlsh tLe Cit�vfth
a bond ln!he�mount of tY�000.00�and b7
acseptancx of tLe tuma and condltfont of
thls v�atS�+iL�to lndematt7.detmd
and s�ve harailm the C!q of Sai�Paul�
ih otfice:s wd en+Plo7xs lrnm all suits.
icttoos. or daimt of W ehar�zter. fn.
cludin�, but aot 1lmited to, a elaim '
brou�st Deeause oi ia7 iaju��. �
dama�n rxdved or nut�iaed b7 aw
��p����,on acoouat
a1 thla vacatlon:o:beuuse of+R7 aet or
amissiu4 nK3ee�ar miaoondud of said '
petitloner: or beca�ne d ao7 �� or
Ltab111t� �rlaS�t�� ar O�sad ah aiU
vioLtlm aQ W L�a��ulatim made ' .
. in tocardaKe vltp Lhe Lw.w�ether b�
petltloner or an7 of ib �imts or
rmPluJeet• -
AdeDted�7 ehe CwneU Novembc 20.1Y80.
App�ed November 21.19l0.
(November 29.lYl�
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