278591 WMITE - CITY CLERK ��8591 � PINK - FINANCE 7� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T I A U L COUflC1I BLUE - MAYOR File N O. Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Mayor pursuant to Section 10.07.1 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul does certify there is available for appropriation total revenue in excess of those eatimated in the 1982 budget; and WHEREAS, the Mayor recommends that the following additions be made to the 1982 budget: Financing Suamary: 6eneral Debt Fund Fund Balance, Unreserved Designated for Debt Service 5at 3/19/82 376,482 Appropriation Summary: General Debt Interest 89955-611-000 Long Term Debt Interest 376,482 Now, therefore, be it RESOLVED, that the Council of the City of Saint Paul accepts the Mayor's recommendation and adopts the above additions to the 1982 budget. A proved as to Funding: Approved: Director �� 'V Budget ir or Dept. of Finance & Mgmt. Services ,� �� COUIVCILME[V Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Finance & Mgm . Services - Treasur Division Levine [n Favor � Maddox � �� McMahon B Showalter __ Against Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 � 1982 Form Appr ed by Cit Attorney Certified Ya.;e by ouncil Secre BY g . � , � Appr by Mayor. t APR 2 3 I��� Appr d by Mayor for Su ss' n Lo Council B By �UBLISHEU M f�Y 1 198? l.��l•1 z Vr• �.eL�. • A � -��. v� ���.�1�1;. �J:�.lv�i �i I�LT�. Ci��.0� V�V�Ci7� 2`78591 . �: . ,�: :�,;. . � : �,-' -:::;: .� ;�-; �;; s,. ;: : .::� . �` ;�`�' ��-�; . Da fi e . April 15, 1982 :`• � � � . - i'� . ��� CCJ �!d� �� 1 i T � � �' � k� � � i , � . . � _ _ 7' O : Sain� Poul Cif� Caunc�l � � -,= - �R � 1� = C O i il i't'f i�7 E 4 O R F INANCE, MANAGEMENT AND PERSONNEL . . . _- Joanne Showalter �,Actirig choifman, makes the fat to�,ling - - . - repart un �C.F. _ � � 4rdinat�ce . � . . . • � �. (6) [� Resolufion - . � . - - ' . . . � . - � O;h er' . • . - �' t�'L� : � - � � - -- � - At its meeting of Apri,� 15, 1982, the Finance Comm�ttee recommended approval of ------- - -��11oa�lg: . � - � =— - - - 1. Resolution approving. supplernental funding for Reserve Street (4Varner Road) - eastbound bridge reconstruction. (12844-(�I) . . . 2. Resolution amending 1981 Capital Improvement Budget. to proyide furids for � . _ remodeling of two fi�e stations. (128S9-McM) � � • � : �3. Resolution �arr�Cending 1982�.Debt Service Budget. (12843=McM) • • � . �� 4. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Minnesota State Ba1ik,-��St. Paul, � . - to�protect city .funds held in .said bank. (12849-McM) ' . - 5. Resolution approving colla�eral pledged by Sturunit National Bank, St. Paul, to : protect city fimds held in �said bank. (12850-Mcl� . " � 6. 12esolution approving collateral pledged by Guaranty State Bank, St. Paul, to protect city funds held in said bank.� (12851-McM) - ' � �'(T'i IL�LL SE�'E:�TH FL002 S��I�T P�*.TL, 1fi\�ES'JT� 5�1�= .�! !t� : . .. - - . . . . . . _ _ . � �, ..,,r. �,.,:7 j�{� _���> � , .. vci.,,01• =���3� # , ���� ��•': }f 9�7 D } ReV. ; 5/7�80 EXPLANATIQN OF ADMTNISTRATI-'S1E ORDERS, F�u. : : ' �/30.f 81 r t2ESOLUTIONS AND ORDIN�NC�S ,���� �f.�.,,.� 'G� ,.�-,�„�,..�,� .. Q���� � � . � C����'"'� . ; Date: Mar�h 23, 1982 � � - . �� R���,� � . � o,�� �'�9iP'a� �F� TO: Kaqor George Latimer � �Fp,gR�O�c r �;��� "' ^ MFN yF 0� .. , � FRnM: Gary Norstrem ����,��FF/ FCrp � , NT Nq��R . R�: COUNCIL RESOLUTION TO Q1�Ni1 1982 D�BT SBRYICE BUDGET . �� � 14CTION REQUESTED: � � s ; Approve Anendment to 1982 Debt 3eririce Budget. - ; ; PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS AC'.T.'ION: ` � � � To provide revenue and expenses for Debt Service of Febrwrq 1982 CIB ' ' bond isaue. The adopted 1982 G�nersl Debt 3ervice Fund 8udget did j not include debt service requirements for bonds sold dnrf�g 1�2. � � . . This Council Resolution �ill provide for the Septemb�r 1�82 debt � service re uirement. This ex �nse Wes '�-� Q P projected on pages 11 and Z2 # _,. of the 1982 Bndget Council Resolution 277500. � . , , , { � i . � ' , i . � � � i���''� , . . . . . . . . . . .. .t'�., � � .. . , . ��. ,. FINANCIAL IrZPACT: � �-�': � ;: . ' 8even�e (es per Ton Cran - Budget Of�ice) � Aca�ulated Fund Balance, Unreserved designsted ;`: at 12/31/81 �3f�8,0� `. .., t Curreat Fund Balance, Unreserved designsted i ` at 3/19�82 -� ; Interest Earnings $307,462 $,4?�6 � r ' ' 5376,482 � � �• � : � ,< ` � : : . � � � �. A'1��ACHME�NTS: . * ' �nterest expenae $376,452 ' ( . � � � � � � , _.. , . ' .. �.