278589 WMITE - CITY CLERK �Qc�� PINK - FINANCE j� /1- CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT j � ty L COUflC1I v BLUE �- MAYOR _ File N . � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date PAGE 2 OF 2 AMENDING VARIOUS CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGETS TO PRO�VIDE INCREASED FUNDING FOR RESERVE STREET BRIDGE RECONSTRUCTIO�i B. APPROPRIATION ANALYSIS Current Amended Project Appropriation Chan e Appropriation -- County Aid Balance (1976) $ 11,668.79 $- 11,668.79 - 0 - 5-75 Warner Road $ 3,598.52 $- 3,598.52 - 0 - 5-5513 Mississippi River Blvd. $251,900.00 $- 41►900.00 $210,000.00 -- County Aid Contingency (1981) $ 41,500.00 $- 20,000.00 $ 21,500.00 -- County Aid Contingency (1982) $ 74,500.00 $- 25,800.00 $ 48,700.00 S-3 Reserve 5treet Sridge $251,636.72 $+18��,�6'7�: d 0 .. �l� Ga:�y$�I�l����ni}�al �ra�ro*remenf -�- ''c �s�tte�received th�s r4v�.zest on t`-���)---�+d�L�Z and ��com:��ei.c�s APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPROVED: � Signed: Peter Hames Gr Blees Director of Finance ��� Budget Director COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt � Public Works (GKS) Levine In Favor n Maddox �`'�^`��, /J�,(� McMahon � B � (� snoweiter __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date QPR Z � �9g1 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified as d by Council Secr tary BY B Appr by ;Vlavor: at L „P��.1 A ed by Mayor ission to Council B ����.�s�t� rna�� i �9�2 ... �;�'1' Y V.�+' �.e��._�-� ���, v� �'���✓�� f,r���+x`'i-,. OF'F'ZeL•' O y 'i�EIL: Ci'.CY CO�'1C7L �.'� . ,��.�.:��• � . � -: t:.. :_ �.':t • _� s , �s:;;: � t'_� . ., - � • � -. '��_:� . . . -���� � �,-, Da�e . April 15, 1982. . �. .� � ,`ii�� ��� C �J �e� �� liT � � �' � � � � � _. . _ _ - _. 7' O : Sain� Pou! Ci�� Caunc�� � .- -.s � ��O � = C O i t:1 i't1 i�7 E� O t'1 F IIVAN(�, MAIVAGII�ZENT AND PERSOIVNEL . . r� - _ Joanne Showaiter �,Actirig choirman, makes the fai lo:ling � - repart un �G.F. . - ❑ Ordinar�ce . . � . . �. (6) [X1' Res�lu#ion . - - " ' . . . � � . • � O;fi er . ' .- ' �- �-r�� : . . : - - . . At its meeting of Apri,� 15, 1982, the ,Finance Comm�ttee recorrunended approval of ___ - .�._foll�ing: . � _ - � :-� _ . .. _ w �1. Resolution approving. supplemental funding for Reserve Street (Warner Road) - eastboimd bridge reconstruction. (12844-G1� . , . 2. Resolution amending T981 Capital Improvement Budget. to provide furids for � _ remodeling of two fi�e stations. (128�9-McM) � - • : 3. Resolution �arrtending 19$2'.Debt Service Budget. (12843=McM) - - ' . . � 4. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Minnesota State Bank,���St. Paul, � _ - to�protect city .funcis held in .said bank. (12849-McM) ' . - 5. Resolution approving colla�eral pledged by Siurunit National Bank, St. Paul, to : protect city fi.mds held in �said bank. (12850-r4cN� . � - � 6. Resolution approving collateral pledged by Guaranty State Bank, St. Paul, to � protect city funds held in said bank.• (12851-McM) - ' �� �'tT'i iI�1LL SEVE;tiTH FLOOR S��I\T PALFL, l�ti\\FS'JT_1 5�10_ ��f r� . . �b�58�' OM O1: 12/1975 - . Rev: 9/8/76 Rev: 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, Rev: 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES �C� /yj t �O�r ��q,�E $a1— 5'S l� DATE: March 10, 1982 T0: Mayor George Latimer FROM: Donald E. Nygaard, Director of Public Works RE; Council Resolution Approving Supplemental Funding for Reserve Street (Warner Road) Eastbound Bridge Reconstruction. ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of Resolution for submission to City Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: The City is apprrncimately $100,000 short of having the necessary total of matching money to award this contract (bids were opened January 26th) . This Resolution proposes obtaininq that amount fram old balances, contingency funds and a portion (abont 6s) of Mississippi River Boulevard fundinq. This proposal was presented to and approved by the CIB Cam�aittee on February 11, 1982. FINANCIAI, ZMPACT: The City will "leverage" $?28,218.38 of Great River Road funds toward the reconstruction of this bridqe by furnishinq the local share of approximately $355,000.00. It is important that we take advantage of this opportunity since future Great River Road fundinq will shrink significantly. ATTACHMENTS: Council Resolution (Two Pages) t �`