278552 WHITE - CITY CLERK .�QrC� PINK - FINANCE n COUIICII �� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT 1 A U L v V BLUE - MAYOR File N O. C ncil solution Presented By �CEI?S�, COT�icZ"i'TE� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date tti�;�OL"v'i:u: That applications for licenses applied .ior by the follow:ing persons at the addresses stated, be and tne same are hereb�= �ranted. G o� I: Lax, Inc. I�60 St. Peter Street �tertainment l�ppn. ��1.031 n�Tl°ti'Tcll St. Paul l�erie I�o. 33 �'.�.E. 733 �'ierce Butler Rte. Enterta3.nment « R1.231 r' Geor�e�s I3ar, Inc. 537 Green�aood Street Off Sale :'�ia1t " R12b2 " rlsie C. Johnsen and Carol J. Sabo 131�7 �=urns Avenue r_:ntertainment �� P1280 " Gallivan's iestaurant, inc. 351� 'slabasha Street �tertainment �' ?�1282 " iiinnehaha �owlin€; Center, Inc. 955 5eminary A�re. �ntertainment " ��.370 " 'dictor A. I�iasanz, Jr. '..• Jeanne �lasanz 1567 Universit;� Avenue �nterta.inment ►� �'�1�22 " ??owl <?ite� Inc. 1'�� Universitvr �venue vntertain?�ent " ��1532 " Janice, Inc. 21�1 L. Y ello�k; l 1�%d. I'ar?�.n� Lot (50 C) ,► �5c3 ,► .lilebski i3rothers� Inc. 601-3 i�. 'iestern Avenue �nterta.inment " �196l� " n �� Periel.ty n r��Q(� n �ietro Square T,oun�;e� Inc. �.50 �t. �'obert Street Lntertainrnent " P�2057 f� �� +� Penalty " '_t2057 " H � � ��'on� Corporation 1910 Suburban Avenue Lntertain�ent " Fs3g� r' COU[VCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt �evine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon � B Showalter - __ Against Y Tedesco Wilson Adopted'by Council: Date APR 8 19g2 Form Approved by City Attorney Certified P ss y Counc' . cre BY sy� _ A d by Mavor. at �CR 1' �+ .�9�2 Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ - By _ PUBIISHED APR 17 1982: