278517 WMITE - CITV CLERK � �} ��Q��' / PINK - FINANCE COIIRC11 r•� ., ( � � CANARY - DEFARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. BLUE -MAVOR � • / f �ndnce Ordinance N�. 1 1Q�// Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 157.19 � of the Saint Paul Legislative Code Pertaining to St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital Parking Lots. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section l . That Section 157.19 of the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following: Subd. 7 . All hospital personnel designated in writing by the Hospital Administrator , and ap- proved by the Mayor , are hereby empowered, authorized and directed to issue summonses for violations of the provisions of this section. Such summonses shall be in form approved by the Ramsey County Municipal Court and shall have the same force and effect as though issued by a police officer or other peace officer . Section 2 . This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage , approval and publication. COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � — Butler Hunt Hozza Levine In Favor Hunt �a,a� � Levine M�Mahon Against BY ��' Showalter Showalter Tedesco Tedesco APR 2 0 1982 Form Approv by City Attorney Adopted by Council:W�Ison Date Certified P d y�i cre BY Y Ap ov by Mayor: Da 2 3 19 � Appr v Mayor for Su s on to Council By By , �L�LfS�E�u fvitiY 1 1982 r • • . . � 3/l5/82 �� � - Nny ideas where this is filed. Looking under � Parking Administration doesn't look like anything and I see nothing under Ramsey County, St. Paul- . Ramsey Hospi�ral either. Lee ' 3�i��az � , �`�'���7 . - ���� . Eet-�r�: �As you will recall , I held this one in my follow up � file for quite some time. However, after many months had passed, I transmitted this material to you for ' your decision on what to do with same. ' Hence, the last I saw of this one. However, I checked the files under Parking Administration and also under St. Paul Ramsey Hospital . No luck. r I asked Ella about it and she has no recollection of having seen t{�is for filing. ��1y suggestion is simply to have the Ordinance retyped and save time all around. Lee �� � �� i � : db�,�+ ,ka�- ' '�� " �� . _ - .� . �J d��n�a, ' �"�Q a� .�r,� _ — ..� � '� � • � '� - ' o �` -- ---�"�' 3 .� • N� ���� --- s �; - � _ a St.�l,l�-R�115Ey MEdIC�CE�EI' ���ml�� 640 Jackson Street Saint Paul, Minnesota 55101 16121 221-3456 March 3 , 1982 RF�F��fD MAR1 � -- Mr. Peter G. Hames �FFICE r3�c� Director of T'Ianagement �£PART,1�� T RE City of Saint Paul ��ti1ANq�E T F��NCTOR 3 4 7 C i t y H a l l M E N T q N C E Saint Paul , Minnesota 55102 S���C�g Dear Mr. Hames : This letter is in response to your letter to Mr. James Dixon dated May 28 , 1981 , regarding parking problems at the medical center. T would agree that the proposed ordinance authorizing designated medical center employees to issue summonses for parking violations on hospital property would significantly improve our situation. The terms of the proposed ordinance and the rec{uest by the Police Department for the pro�per training o� the de�ignated employees have been reviewed and found acceptable . �'lease initiate the necessary action to have this ordinance approved by the City Council . The medical center would request that Mr , Donald Bauer, Director of Parking and Security, be designated as our employee to perform in this capacity, Please let me know when the proposed ordinace has been passed and when we may proceed with this change . Thank you for your assistance and cooperation in helping u� resolve this matter. Sincerely, ����J� � David W. Gitch Executive Director DWG/seh cc: Jerry Mangle Bill McCutcheon Gary Norstrem , , � . .. .. . ' ' GYTY OF SAINT PAUL MAY 2 91981 � h+`Cit-��+ . o � _ � OFFICE OF THE MAYOR `,����� � � � ��nu nii� , *� `' ., . »�i ����i � y' �'r 347 CITY HALL "'� SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA 55102 � GEORGE LATIMER (612) 298-4323 MAYOR May 28, 1981 James Dixon St. Paul Ramsey Medical Center 640 Jackson Street Saint Paul, M1fi3YZSGta 551C1 Dear Mr. Dixon: This letter is in response to Mary Hudson' s letter of April 3 , 1981. In that letter, Mary asked for some assistance in solving parking problems at the hospital. Over the course of the past six weeks, Mary and I have had a number of conversations exploring possible solu- tions to those problems. � Attached is an ordinance which we think would go a long ways toward solving the parking problem. The ordinance allows hospital personnel, designated by "" the hospital administrator and approved by the Mayor, to issue summonses for parking violations on hospital property. The ordinance is an amendment to Section 157.19 of the Legislative Code pertaining to St. Paul- . Ramsey Hospital parking lots. The other stipulation, which has been requested by our Police Department, is that those persons so authorized first receive some training from �:apt. 4vii� Jyr;cas of i:t�e Fr�lice �c�artm2nt. T�,i" training would focus on how your employees would handle confrontations with vehicle owners. If these terms are acceptable to you, I would like a letter from the hospital administrator which agrees to the terms of the ordinance, and the police training and requests that the ordinance be introduced into the City Council. If I can be of further assistance please contact me. i �lY. � � ��Z� PETER G. HAMES -- Director of Management cc: Jerry Mangle, Bill McCutcheon, Gary Norstrem - , ---.---- ----- — ----- -- ----- ------------- --------- ---- - [� WHITE ' CITYGLERK - � ----��-----_-- � Q��..J�1�-- - AIN�E - FINANCE T P.. CANAFY -' DEPARTMENT � C I 1 Y O F SA I NT YALT L COUflClI � BLVE , FAAYOR � Fll@ NO. o/ {�LZ/LVl•/LCc, Ordinance N�. Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Section 157 . 19 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to St. Paul-Ramsey Hospital Parking Lots. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. • . That Section 157 .19 �f the Legislative Code be amended so as to add the following: Subd. 7. All hospital personnel designated in writing by the Hospital Administrator, and ap- proved by the Mayor, are hereby empowered, authorized and directed to issue summonses for violations .of the pravisions of this section. Such summonses shall be. in form approved by the - Ramsey County Municipal Court and shall have the same force and effect as though issued by a p�lice officer or other peace officer. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. . i . , COUIVCILh1EN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine IR Favor e_ Maddox McMahon Showa�ter Against . BY Tedesco wlson Form Approved i ttorn Adopted by Council: Date �ertified Passed by Council Secretary BY By lpproved by Mayor: Date Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By BY ' r , CouncU File No. 22f2G6—Ordlnance N�� � ��Q�1 � � , 1�130�--iIy Fr�nk L. i.oss — Robcrt . l� ,b a ,:� ' • F. Yticrsun— • ' ^ An Ordlnancc rstabllshing rc�;i�latloc� � governing yarklnK at thc Saint Paul � Hamsey Hospltal. Thls is an emergency ordinance rendeced necessary [or thc preservatlon of the public peace,health and safety. The Gounc(1 of the City ot Saint Paul Does Ordein: SECTION i No person sha11 stop, stand or park any motor vehicle in the portions of thc Sa(nt Paul Itamsey tiosoital p�rk- ing Iots designated as "biedlcal Stafi." or "Employees" without first obtaining a permlt so to do from the Superin- tendent ot said Hospltal. SECI'ION 2 All employee and medlcal sial'[ ve- hlcies shall be lssued a parking permit _ � evidenced by a numbered, non- : �, transferable ldenttRcaUon decal.•which decal shall be dtspiaycd In the rear . window oi every authorized vehlcle using satd parking lot. ' SEGTION 3 No person shall atop, stand ar park � any vehlcle In that Dort(on oL the , Hospttal parkfng lot desfg nated aa "VIsIRoiE" tor moie 'th�n two hours � at any one Ume. . SECTION 4 No employee or medlcal staft vehlcle ehall De parked In that portlon ot lhe Hospltnl parkfna lot deslAnnted ai "Patlent+" or Q Vlalton" between lh• Aoura ol 7:00 a.m, to 8:30 p.m. Monday lhro��Rh f�lday Inclusive. . ' � SECTION 5 Any person vlolating any provlsion� of this ordlnance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convution thereof shall be punfshed 1n the man- ner provided by law. � SEC'TION G • � Approprlate signs shall be erected so as to clearly designate the restrlc- tions set forlh hereir�. SECTION 7 This ordinance shall be deemedJand . be a part ot the Saint Paul Legislative Code, and shall be fncorporated therein and given an appropriate chapter and/or section number at the time of the next teviston of said Lcgislati�•e - Cod e. SECT'ION 8 . This ordinance 1s hereby declared to - be an emergency ordinance recidered necessary for the preservation of the publlc peace, health and safety. SECTION 9 This ordinance shall take effec roval be Sn Sorce upon 1ts passage, app , and publicaUon. Passcd by '.he Cot,ncil December 29, ' l'J[',5. � " Yeas--Counctlmen Dalglish, Horiand, Loss. Nieredlth, Peterson, Rosen, Mr. pzesident (Vavoulls)-7. Nays—O. Approved December 29, 1965. GEORGE J. VAVOULIS, Ma}•or. Attest: HOBERT II. GERBF:R, Jr.. C�ty Clerk. (December 31, 1965) ' "�_ . ' ...:�._-....r..c ...,..,..r�,....._ .. _.—.---._.�.�__-._. OM Ul : ll/1975 Rev. : 9/8/76 Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS .AND ORDINANCES �p��� � L1 a��$� Date: 3 ZS �� / � � TO: . FRQM: � _ _ �: D��� _ . . .. . . . . . . ' ACTION REQUESTED: � � C1��I',��`�CR� � �•�� � , . . PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: • �..1�(f� � � SP,� �!� �, .�l . �u���� . . . A,,� l��rea� � a���� . _ . . . �� � _ � . Ce� . l�c � ��e �i " - ' ' dP�n ,� 0� �t A�f , - �.,1 �c� a�tl �P , � �� . FINANCIAL Ih1PACT: ��� • • ����,�� �A_ • � N�J�� �� ��C��� ' . . ATTACHMENTS: O�Wf/I��/ � �