278513 _ � _ CITY CLERK ����� � �' ��.��a FINANCE C011IIC11 eAU�RY - �IYIA ORMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL '' ` �� ,.�. File N 0. n�znce Ordinance N 0._� �n ��/ Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An ordinance amending Chapter 64 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code pertaining to the Zoning Code - Administration and Enforcement THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: Section 1. That Section 64.101 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: "64.101. Duties of zoning administrator. The zoning administrator shall enforce the pro- visions of this zoning code and any amendment thereto and shall have the powe r to certify zoning compliance, to make inspections of buildings or premises necessary to carry out his duties in the enforcement of this code. It shall be un- lawful for the zoning administrator to approve any site plans, as required in Section 64.102, or issue any permits for any excavation or con- struction until he has inspected such plans in detail and found them to conform with this code. The zoning administrator shall �eee�d-a�� �.ex-ee�€er��ng-tseee-ex�s��.ng-a�-�ke-e��ee���e-da�e e�-�k3s-eede determine whether lots, structures, COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter Against BY Tedesco Wi Iso� Adopted by Council: Date Form Approve City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date Approve y Mayor for Submission to Council By BY __ _ �f� , ; � �� �`��513 Page 2. or uses are le all non-conformin b consultin ui in recor s cit irectories an ot er ertinent evi ence or t e purpose o carrying out t e provisions of Section 62. 102. The zoning administrator shall have no authority to change or to grant variances from the terms of this code in carrying out his duties as a zoning administrator. Upon proper application, and a finding of compliance with the terms of this code by the zoning administrator, the zoning administrator shall issue the permit applied for. The zoning administrator shall ma.intain a record of the elevation of the first floor (including basement) of all new structures or additions to existing structures in the flood plain districts. The zoning administrator shall also maintain a record of the elevations to which structures or additions to structures are flood- proofed." Section 2. That Section 64. 209 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code is amended to read as follows: "64. 209. Permit, etc. , time limit. No order of the Boar d of Zonin A eals or the City Council permitting t e erection or a teration of a building or off-street arkin facilit shall be valid for a perio onger t an one year, unless a building permit for such erection or alteration is obtained within such period and such erection or alteration is proceeding with terms of such permit unless the WHITE - CITY CLERK 2"''8513 PIl4K.. - FINANCE C/i.NARY -- D6PARTMENT G I TY O F SA I NT PA U L COUflCll � BLIi�'� -� MAYOR File N O. . . Ordin�nce orainance N 0. �D Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date Page 3. Board of Zonin p eals or the Cit Council rants an extension not to excee one ear. n rantin suc extension t e oar o onin ea s ma. eci e to o a pu ic earin�. Section 3. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty (30) days from and after its passage, approval and publication. COUIVCILMEN Yeas Nays /� Requested by Department of: Hunt T o �.evine In Favoi �.ddsR McMahon � Showalter A gal ns t BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted by Council: Date APR 2 0 1982 Form Approved y ity Attorney Certified P Council Secreta BY By Appr ed Ma or: D e � �P 2 Approved Mayor for Submission to Council By By �'l16LISNE`D MAY 1 1982 �_�I� • �1 �� -- � ,��° �� i > �� �' �� � � o � � S � � - 6,� . � i � s . . S �s , , �. • . . , a -� �� y • 6 � ,-� � � . ,. - s C� . . . ., Ca r�� ���,�.. . ��� _ r--, ,: � � � � 4 'y �___.,.?. ��'':. ��M�`r-�'F � �,.... .� � -� �„.. --------------- - - � , . ,; ,- � �} � �� r ...� � � _ �" �oa�cs or roatac asssara .; _a , . � Notioe h 6enD�qvec thd a publle h�aifoj, .tiu e�nda e��sn�cic�c�a�m�y iace a.�or��.�9es.c io:oo o�a«t�.m� s r,�as�.co,ma�c��,ars� �.0.�a c�s x�.sc p,�.�,a s� �av pmDo.�a.m�ammts to se�s.sot P�ul Zanioj Ordin�no�,ChaPtas Edl10!the Saint Paul Lslslative Code u thq trlate to ndio�nd televisioa anlmnas,iede8nitioo ot �t�eets.consistmt witL the Comyrehmslve P1�n:lnclusfon as yrindpal usa thae similu" uses apprwed'b�the Plaanin�Commissioq aulLoriatim for the Plannic�Commiasion to modf�art+ln Wccid cmditims in tLe I-1 a�1-!maes:standudiratlon of nquiremmb . !or amcmfo�misK yus•, establishmmt of sLandards!or detezmination of similar ura; � acd a time llmitatiam m daidms o! t6e � Bwrd of Zoo1nL APPd1s.At aid time aad • plantheCounrLwiU6nrallpersomrdttive, to tb3s propowl' . - _ . . Dated 1Sueh�l.19l2: l AIEat B.OLoa Clty Clerk — (Aprll S.19'2) -- , 9 _ ' . � lst y� �'� oZ 2nd �— � � � 3rd — �� —�� l�" a��� Adopted Yeas Nays � LEVINE MADDOX M��oN �8514 SHOWALTER ' / �� � �o TIDESCO WILSON PRESIDF,NT HUNT . --- -_ ,_.._.� I �_...�_ -� . _.�___. / �