00-389�, } ? � Presented By _ Referred to 1 WHEREAS, during his RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, M of continuous Council File # �� '- �O 1 Green Sheet �101377 TA 7°�-�---- Committee: since 1977 as a member of the 2 United States House of Representatives, Congressman Bruce Vento has demonstrated 3 tremendous commitment to the parks, recreational facalities and natural resources of the Fourth 4 District; and 5 WHEREAS, Congressman Vento has announced his retirement from Congress due to 6 health reasons; and 7 WHEREAS, the property Irnown as the Burlington Northern Trail extends from 8 downtown Saint Paul to the Maplewood Mall in the City of Mapiewood and may eventually be 9 e�ended farther north into White Bear Township; and l0 WHEREAS, a proposal to rename the Burlington Northern Trail in honor of 11 Congressman Vento was passed unanimously by the Maplewood City Council on March 13, 12 2000; and 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission passed Resolution 00-3 on 14 April 12, 2000 which supported renaming the Buriington Northern Trail in honor of 15 Congressman Vento; and 16 WHEREAS, renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" 17 would be a fitting tribute to Congressman Vento; now, therefore, �3'-.3 �o _ 3F�"� 19 20 21 22 BE IT RESOLVED, that the portion of the Burlington Northern Trail extending from downtown Saint Paul to the border of Maplewood is hereby renamed the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail." Adopted by Council: Date (� ` �� a000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: �Reqvgsted 4 � � YFt'r,�/J` By: �Department of: l`E�'f�y(�c + Form Approved by city Attoitfiey By: ' / /�fiv��G � (.— Z �C� r'r vt�cv� Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council G�' � Bp: c'�o _��y , DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INIiIATED Parks and Recreation April 19 GREEN SHEET NO. 701377 2000 COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAIJDATE INITIAL/DATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � DEPARIMENTDIRECTOR 4 a,vcouNa� ASSIGN NUMB£ft WR Z ClT! ATTOANEY _q5`! CLEAK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATp ROUTING / pRDEfl FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR. yy �� ��Jp p„_r ��� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'q ,�,l.Ty _q 5 Rossberp 300 CHA ' Y� � �' u�h � 7DTAL # OF SIGNATUFE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANRE) acnoNRenu�.sreo: Signatures authorizing renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" in honor of retiring Fourth District Congressman Bruce Vento. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Pejeci Ifll PEIiSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrdct tor this department? CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission yES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/frm ever �een a city employee? OlSTRICT GQIINCR YES NO — — 3� Does this persoNfirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any current eRy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? yE5 NO Ecplain all yes aM1Swers on separace sheM antl attaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ;SSUE, OPPOflTUNITY �Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Congressman Bruce Vento has announced his retirement from the United States House of Representatives after serving continuously since 1977 because of serious health problems. During his term of office, he was a great supporter of parks, recreational facilities and natural resources. In these circumstances, renaming a park facility in his honor seems fitting. ADVANTAGES^If APPFOVED: Renaming the Burlington Northern Trail after Congressman Vento will give the City of Saint Paul an opportunity to honor him for his years of service to the communitq. DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVE9: The City will lose the chance to provide a living memorial for Congressman Vento, who has ably served City residents as a member ot the House of Representatives since 1977. TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S N/A COSIIREVENUE BUDGEfED (CINCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE N�A ACiIVfiYNUMBER N�A FINANCIAL WFORMATIOM (EXPLAIN� N/A �, } ? � Presented By _ Referred to 1 WHEREAS, during his RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, M of continuous Council File # �� '- �O 1 Green Sheet �101377 TA 7°�-�---- Committee: since 1977 as a member of the 2 United States House of Representatives, Congressman Bruce Vento has demonstrated 3 tremendous commitment to the parks, recreational facalities and natural resources of the Fourth 4 District; and 5 WHEREAS, Congressman Vento has announced his retirement from Congress due to 6 health reasons; and 7 WHEREAS, the property Irnown as the Burlington Northern Trail extends from 8 downtown Saint Paul to the Maplewood Mall in the City of Mapiewood and may eventually be 9 e�ended farther north into White Bear Township; and l0 WHEREAS, a proposal to rename the Burlington Northern Trail in honor of 11 Congressman Vento was passed unanimously by the Maplewood City Council on March 13, 12 2000; and 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission passed Resolution 00-3 on 14 April 12, 2000 which supported renaming the Buriington Northern Trail in honor of 15 Congressman Vento; and 16 WHEREAS, renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" 17 would be a fitting tribute to Congressman Vento; now, therefore, �3'-.3 �o _ 3F�"� 19 20 21 22 BE IT RESOLVED, that the portion of the Burlington Northern Trail extending from downtown Saint Paul to the border of Maplewood is hereby renamed the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail." Adopted by Council: Date (� ` �� a000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: �Reqvgsted 4 � � YFt'r,�/J` By: �Department of: l`E�'f�y(�c + Form Approved by city Attoitfiey By: ' / /�fiv��G � (.— Z �C� r'r vt�cv� Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council G�' � Bp: c'�o _��y , DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INIiIATED Parks and Recreation April 19 GREEN SHEET NO. 701377 2000 COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAIJDATE INITIAL/DATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � DEPARIMENTDIRECTOR 4 a,vcouNa� ASSIGN NUMB£ft WR Z ClT! ATTOANEY _q5`! CLEAK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATp ROUTING / pRDEfl FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR. yy �� ��Jp p„_r ��� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'q ,�,l.Ty _q 5 Rossberp 300 CHA ' Y� � �' u�h � 7DTAL # OF SIGNATUFE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANRE) acnoNRenu�.sreo: Signatures authorizing renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" in honor of retiring Fourth District Congressman Bruce Vento. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Pejeci Ifll PEIiSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrdct tor this department? CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission yES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/frm ever �een a city employee? OlSTRICT GQIINCR YES NO — — 3� Does this persoNfirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any current eRy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? yE5 NO Ecplain all yes aM1Swers on separace sheM antl attaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ;SSUE, OPPOflTUNITY �Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Congressman Bruce Vento has announced his retirement from the United States House of Representatives after serving continuously since 1977 because of serious health problems. During his term of office, he was a great supporter of parks, recreational facilities and natural resources. In these circumstances, renaming a park facility in his honor seems fitting. ADVANTAGES^If APPFOVED: Renaming the Burlington Northern Trail after Congressman Vento will give the City of Saint Paul an opportunity to honor him for his years of service to the communitq. DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVE9: The City will lose the chance to provide a living memorial for Congressman Vento, who has ably served City residents as a member ot the House of Representatives since 1977. TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S N/A COSIIREVENUE BUDGEfED (CINCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE N�A ACiIVfiYNUMBER N�A FINANCIAL WFORMATIOM (EXPLAIN� N/A �, } ? � Presented By _ Referred to 1 WHEREAS, during his RESOLUTfON OF SAINT PAUL, M of continuous Council File # �� '- �O 1 Green Sheet �101377 TA 7°�-�---- Committee: since 1977 as a member of the 2 United States House of Representatives, Congressman Bruce Vento has demonstrated 3 tremendous commitment to the parks, recreational facalities and natural resources of the Fourth 4 District; and 5 WHEREAS, Congressman Vento has announced his retirement from Congress due to 6 health reasons; and 7 WHEREAS, the property Irnown as the Burlington Northern Trail extends from 8 downtown Saint Paul to the Maplewood Mall in the City of Mapiewood and may eventually be 9 e�ended farther north into White Bear Township; and l0 WHEREAS, a proposal to rename the Burlington Northern Trail in honor of 11 Congressman Vento was passed unanimously by the Maplewood City Council on March 13, 12 2000; and 13 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Pazks and Recreation Commission passed Resolution 00-3 on 14 April 12, 2000 which supported renaming the Buriington Northern Trail in honor of 15 Congressman Vento; and 16 WHEREAS, renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" 17 would be a fitting tribute to Congressman Vento; now, therefore, �3'-.3 �o _ 3F�"� 19 20 21 22 BE IT RESOLVED, that the portion of the Burlington Northern Trail extending from downtown Saint Paul to the border of Maplewood is hereby renamed the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail." Adopted by Council: Date (� ` �� a000 Adoption Certified by Council Secretary By: Appr By: �Reqvgsted 4 � � YFt'r,�/J` By: �Department of: l`E�'f�y(�c + Form Approved by city Attoitfiey By: ' / /�fiv��G � (.— Z �C� r'r vt�cv� Approved y Mayor for Submission to Council G�' � Bp: c'�o _��y , DEPARTMEM/OFFICE/COUNQL DATE INIiIATED Parks and Recreation April 19 GREEN SHEET NO. 701377 2000 COMACT PERSON AND PHONE INITIAIJDATE INITIAL/DATE Mike Rossberg 266-6447 � DEPARIMENTDIRECTOR 4 a,vcouNa� ASSIGN NUMB£ft WR Z ClT! ATTOANEY _q5`! CLEAK MUST BE ON COUNQL AGENDA BY (DATp ROUTING / pRDEfl FlNANCIALSERVICESDIR. yy �� ��Jp p„_r ��� 3 MAYOR (OR ASSISTAN'q ,�,l.Ty _q 5 Rossberp 300 CHA ' Y� � �' u�h � 7DTAL # OF SIGNATUFE PAGES � (CLIP ALL LOCATONS FOR SIGNANRE) acnoNRenu�.sreo: Signatures authorizing renaming the Burlington Northern Trail the "Bruce Vento Regional Trail" in honor of retiring Fourth District Congressman Bruce Vento. RECOMMENDATIONS: Approve (A1 or Pejeci Ifll PEIiSONAL SERVICE CONIRACTS MUST ANSWER iHE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS: _PLANNING COMMISSION CNIL SERVICE COMMISSION �, Has this persoNfirm ever worketl untler a contrdct tor this department? CIB COMMITTEE A Parks Commission yES NO A STAFF 2. Has this person/frm ever �een a city employee? OlSTRICT GQIINCR YES NO — — 3� Does this persoNfirm possess a skill noi normally possessetl by any current eRy employee? SUPPORTS WHICH COUNqL OBJECTIVE? yE5 NO Ecplain all yes aM1Swers on separace sheM antl attaeh to green sheet. INITIATING PROBLEM, ;SSUE, OPPOflTUNITY �Who, What, When. Where, Whyl: Congressman Bruce Vento has announced his retirement from the United States House of Representatives after serving continuously since 1977 because of serious health problems. During his term of office, he was a great supporter of parks, recreational facilities and natural resources. In these circumstances, renaming a park facility in his honor seems fitting. ADVANTAGES^If APPFOVED: Renaming the Burlington Northern Trail after Congressman Vento will give the City of Saint Paul an opportunity to honor him for his years of service to the communitq. DISADVANTAGES IF APPpOVED: None. DISADVANTAGES IF NOT APPPOVE9: The City will lose the chance to provide a living memorial for Congressman Vento, who has ably served City residents as a member ot the House of Representatives since 1977. TOTAL AMOUNi OF TRANSACTION S N/A COSIIREVENUE BUDGEfED (CINCLE ONE7 YES NO FUNDINGSOURCE N�A ACiIVfiYNUMBER N�A FINANCIAL WFORMATIOM (EXPLAIN� N/A