File N 0.
ouncil Resolution
Presented By
Referred To Committee: Date
Out of Committee By � Date
WHEREAS, The City of Saint Paul has received a federal grant
for the purpose of researching the feasibility of locating a
resource recovery facility for the incineration of solid waste
in or near the City; and
WHEREAS, Ramsey County and Washington County have expressed
an interest in working with the City in determining the feasibility
of such a facility and determining a location for it; and
WHEREAS, It is now proposed that an administration committee
be established by the City and counties for the purpose of pre-
senting recommendations as to the feasibility of such a facility,
the funding thereof by issuance of revenue bonds, locating the
facility in a suitable site and obtaining proposals from possible
vendors; and
WHEREAS, A proposed Joint Powers Agreement has been presented
to the City and counties for this purpase, which agreer�ent has
received the reco�nmendation of the Mayor requesting approval
thereof by the City Council; now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul does
hereby approve the Joint Powers Agreement between the City, Ramsey
County, and Washington County, a copy of which is attached hereto,
and the proper City officers are hereby authorized to eXecute it
on behal� of the City of Saint Paul .
COU[VCILME[�t Requestgd by Department of:
Yeas Nays
Levine � [n Favor �`'�`�^a _ n A
Maddox C`���� ff
McMahon B 'vK„ �..
snowaiter - __ Against Y — �
MAR 2 5 1�2. Form APpro� b ity At rney
Adopted by Council: Date —
Certifi assed y Co il E:�cretary BY
B I�L��..l�C�!�� .
' ' �'� 2 9 ��82 Appr by ayor for.Su R►i sion'to Council
App d by ;Nayor. Date
BY - - — BY
'' 19�2
� ��' `. ;iy� AF� �
- � . ,�Y'OL. •.. .
DATE: 1�larch 8, 1982
T0: Maqor George Latimer
MAR 1 51982
FROM: Donald E. Nygaard MAYORS OFF�CE
�; Waste-to-Energy Pro�ect Joint Ad�inistrative Agreement
l, Approval o# CitY Council Resolution (should be sent to Fix►ance Cc�n�e►ittee)
2. Signatures o� Peter Aa�es and Mayor on Agr�ea�eut
T e attac tp unc reao ut on authorizes the Citq to beca�a�e party to the �oint
ad�inistrative agrement alreadp signed by Ransey and Washington Countq Boards. The
� agreement establishes an Administrative Comnittee (ltick Pezaon atnd Joanne Englund City
representatives) repreaenting the thre� governments, vhose task is to aake reco�endations
on �acility aiting, financing, and ownership/operation to the elected bodtes of the
three governaenta.
$ 30,000 City (previouslq allacated -- 1982 budget)
� 30,000 Raesey Countp (authorized 9/81)
$ 30,000 Washington Countq (suthorized 12/81)
190 000 U.S. Eavironmental Protection Agency
$ 280,000 Phase III A
1. Citp Council Resolutian dated 7/24/81 authoriztng $30,000
2. Ramseq Board Resolution dated 9/21/'81 authorizing $30,000
3. Citp Conncil Resolution !`or approval
4. Joint Adainistratiae Agzeement for approval (2 copies)
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.dAMGE , Council � , ��.I�
,�AYOR MENT G I TY O F SA I NT ��A U L 'File �9• tc . .�9• .
: ���,��- � .�Coz�ncil Resolution� . r. Rw �^ � 9�.� -
' � � / � cKS ,fs � I
, .•'% � --
ented f3y ' �';�`'.;1.!`/••, RGP J�E �
Referred To Committee: Date �µ
, «�rn
Out of Committee By � Date `��� �
VtiEREAS. thc City of Satnt Parui has appt�ed for and reoalve ro� the
UnI[ed Statns Envtroc��+es�tal P�oteetion Ageney (EP� oertain qrae�t funds for
Phase f �d Phase it of tha Solid Waste to Ene�qy itecov�ary P�oject; a�d �
VNER£I15, Ph�rse 1 hss bean cc�opleted and hss identi fied 91 patarttisi
�earicats fa Ssint Paul. and Phasa �f h:s ideatlfted one ioajo� er�e�gy ma�cat,
�aaely 3!i Maple�+ood, and wi 11 be ooa�leted oc�c� a fact !i ty site is sacar+ed;
an d -
irtiER£AS, S�int Paal has rnoefved $210�000 lre Fed��ai funQs fo� P�ase:
1 and i t ot the .Saild Vaste to Eoe�gy Rscovery Project and E�as eonLt^IbeRed
$64,OOQ in ioeat eoatehing fdnds throc�gh p�ior P�sblie Wo�fes Ada�iai.strativ�e
budgcts; and , .
'.1tiER£/LS, an additionai Si90,000 is alloceted by thc EP/t to Sai�t.,Paui
fo� Phasa l I 1 ae�d wi I1 be eon+rat tted to Satcit P:u1 vnee Lhe toeal astd?'��'
funding is sacared. act�at expenditnre of said asatdi{ng funds witl not be
reQui Kd �ti l Ftsca� Yc:� 1982; and
4tf�EREAS. R�sey County wlli ooc�tribute a e►(aiawa of 530.0(30 and
�ashiagtca Cou�ty 5��000 to the 1oca1 �atct� fundin4 as pert of tfia plenncd
r� ..�t•1...� ..s •{... � j�-` .- j-t... t.Ji`.a+iw.�� 6�ivr�j .-��iw Liia�6iiiia va
� .�..�� �.v. v� �•�r. •v �► �v � v���V �►� ♦
. R�S�LYED, that thc Counci 1 of the Ct ty of Salnt Paut eoes he�by
provide, as part of the Ci ty's Pub1 i c �orks gene��t fand b�lgat for f982.
a rainianre s�era of $30,OQ0 to be euad soleiy as 1oe.�1 oatc�ln4 futds fo�
Phase t f 1 of the EPA 1Jaste to E�.argy 6�ant, end that the P�blle �orics
Depart�ennt I s bereby authoci zed to meice nbt i oe of thi s eoRm�te�ant to
the tk�iCeQ Statcs Eavi�onme�tal Protedion A4ency.
FURTHER RESOLYED. that this resalution is approved sub�ect
to the approvat 6y a11 other tnvolved governm�atal ageacies.
COUNCILMEN RequestFd by Department of: j
eas Nay�s �
H�^t P��f 1 c Vorics - �
�� [n Favor �
nnaddoX � / � % .. ,i %..! r C; ' �
McMahon _�_ A ainst BY f � ` ` �.1.� ` i :' . ( l l
�'°"��t e f g Oaaa1C E. Ny arA, b i recto� j
Tedesco �
wlson ✓
JUL 2 1 1981 Form Approved by Cit�y`�AttoFney '
duptcd by Council: Date
� .1...•� �
:rtilicd Passcd by Council Sec�etary BY - ` � ' i
;,t . • , ;�'R�P�iut�/dit �
�� - �i .: . .�,� =-�. . :�- :� I
JUL 2 4 � Approved by Mayor [or Submi�sion to Council }
pprovcd by \lavor: Date QB� • i � '
�)' --- Qy � �" `. /:,i ��;� � ! .��.'�;�.
. ��
� � �
. _ :
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Boa rd uf . '
��amse Co unf �o�rnlssrorz ers '
� � �
�resent�d E3y_ Commissioner Schaber Odte September 21 , 1981 N0. 81-762
3udget & Accounting; R. Cink, Public Health;
?•11IEZEAS, The I•linnesota Wsste �fana�ement Act of 1980 caas enacted to assure
adequate solid waste disposal capacity in the metropolitan area through thc year
2GQU; �nd
:iiLREAS, Co�,�nty T.andfill Abatement YroPosals must be prepared by April 1,
1932 a:-.-i Tust �ddress c:aste redtiction, waste separ�tion, �.aste processing and :-e-
source recovery to be i:ndertaken by t��e County, cities, and -toi,�ns w�thin the
County; i1ow, T!-:erefore L'e It
I:':�;;'.`:�:;D, Tn��;: th�� f�r:rd of Ramsey Coui?t�� Commissioners herebv apprnves cn�� �
Ramsev County Cuunt�• 4bat�_•ment Proposal work plan and authorizes the issiian..� �f
a Reeu..st for Prop:�sals ;:or a Technical ConGiilt�nt; and Be It Further
., �LSOL4ED, That tl�e fioarcl of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby approves a
�ranL :.r�reem�nt �etween Ka:nsey i,ouncy and cne i•iecropoii�an Couucii wnereoy �ii� ;
�;etr��:�iitan Coancil shall pay to Ramsey County a total grant ac,ard of $74,273 I
to carry eut the wo:k specified in the agreement; and Be It Furtlter
�ESOLVED, Tt�at the Board of Ramsey County Commissioners hereby directs the '�
E:{ecutiv� Director to r�a�;` the foll.owing adjustment in the 1981 budget to fur.d 'i
the above �-oposals: .�
From: 400 43108 060302 Solid Waste Planning $36,660
To: 400 43108 020504 Newsletter $ 2,100 �
�2E}lfl2 Consultiag Service 30,000
021�07 Other travel 2,OOo k
02U301 Auto Allowance 9bi1 `'
(1205Q1 Pr.inting Spp
02�202 Po;r�ge 3C0
(1212?G Cui�rn i t t�e compen sa t ion 800
Ir_crea��� Estimated Revenu�
G2�) 20131 320309 iletro Council $74,273 ;
I:�cr�_��e A�nro�riations I
'r."'0 20131 U10200 Sa.Lary Tenporary $18,873 ;
020102 Consulting Service SS,000 '
020402 Advertising 400 �i
$74,273 il
(continue�) '
, �. _. - , n.-�T�� n!-- =•--- - L'-•
�esolutio� � '����9�_ _ i
Board of
, ��am se �o un f �ommissron ers
� �
P1'E'Sented By_ CommiG ion Schaber Date September 21, 1981 N0. 81-762
. �
- 2 -
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the three (3) page Request for Proposals, the
six (6) page work plan, and the three (3) page Grant Agreement are made a part
hereof by reference and are on tile in the Office of the Board of Ramsey County �
Commissioners; and Be It Further �,
RESOLVED, That the proper Count}• Officials are authorized to e�:ecute the
Grant Agreement (contract) on behalf of Ramsey Cour►ty. _
.� / `� � '�
�- � =%i%� � ---
P'':��;T J. OP,TH, Clt,,^..iJcr,°a�t B� •�.._l!�.� �y, - //�<',",/,��:.�,/��
T��('V�(�vnh _ /'�n�e.wfu R.-.nr. I-
' AGREEP�iENT � � (j •
• � ��V`��U �
This agreement is made and entered into this 2nd day of
Februarv . 1982, by and between the City of Saint Paul
("City") , the County of Ramsey ("Ramsey") , and the County of
Washington ("Washington") , pursuant to Minnesota Statutes §471.59.
WHEREAS, City has received a Federal Environmental Protection
Agency grant (EPA) for the purpose of researching the feasibility
of locating a resource recovery facility for the incineration of
solid waste in or near the City, and
WHEREAS, City has, with the assistance of Ramsey, completed
Phases I and II of the EPA grant, resulting in identification of
the 3bI Center in N:aplewood, Ninnesota, as the leading potential
market for resource recovery in the subject area, and
WHEREAS, Ramsey and Washington have an interest in participating
in the resource recovery project because:
a. Ramsey and Washington have responsibilities
to site landfills and find alternatives to
landfill disposal pursuant to the Minnesota
Waste P�ianagement Act of 1980 , as amended
b. The potential size of a facility to supply
the 3DI Center steam market could require
waste from both Ramsey and Washington; and
c. The technically feasible site area, which
is a tnree-mile radius around 3M Center,
includes land in both Ramsey and Washington;
d. Ramsey and Washington, pursuant to the .
State Waste Nanagement Act, have broad
authority to implement waste management
projects, including locaL zoning overriding
ordinances, issuance of solid waste
management revenue, bonds, passage of
waste control measures and others, and
WHEREAS , Phase IIIa of the EPA grant is now ready to begin,
and -
WHEREAS, funds for Phase IIIa have already been provided by
$190 ,000. 00 in federal grant money, plus $90 ,000. 00 appropriated
at the rate of $30 ,000.00 each by the City, Ramsey and Washington.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and
benefits that each party shall derive herefrom, the City, Ramsey
and Washington hereby enter into this agreement for joint
administration of Phase IIIa of the resource recovery project:
(1) For the purposes of coordinating the implementation of
this project and this agreement, an Administrative Committee is
hereby created to consist of two members each from the City,
Ramsey and Washington. The members shall be the City Manager
of the Solid Waste and Energy Division, the Program Coordinator
for the City Public Works Department, the Ramsey County Executive
Assistant for Planning and Development, t�sanager of Environmental
Health Division of Ramsey County Public Health Department,
Washington County Deputy Administrator, and Washington County
Planning Director. The Administrative Committee shall have the
responsibility of reviewing and directing all necessary joint
actions provided that any action which, if it were taken by one
' � : . ,
of the parties separately, would require the approval. of each
separate board or council, shall continue to be acted upon
through the normal processes and approval of each separate board
or council. The Administrative Committee shall meet on an as
needed basis.
(2) For the purposes of coordinating the Administrative
Committee and administering the EPA grant, the parties hereby
designate as Project Manager the City Manager of the Solid
Waste and Energy Division. For this project, the Project Aianager
shall be under the direction of the Administrative Committee, of
which he is a member, and not so�ely under the direction of the City.
(3) As needed, the Attorney for each party, Henningson,
Durham and Richardson, Inc. (the consultant hired by the City
pursuant to the EPA grant) , an independent financial advisor and _
a citizen participation consultant to be hired by the City in
cooperation with Ramsey� and Washington, representatives from the
3N Company and other City, Ramsey and Washington personnel shall
serve as staff or advisors to the Administrative Committee.
. (4) The Administrative Committee shall first establish a
proposed process through which to select potential sites for
the resource recovery plant.
(5) The proposed site selection process shall be presented
to the Board or Council for each party for its information only.
(6) Upon submission of the site selection process for
information of all three governing bodies, the Ac�ninistrative
Committee shall proceed to select an optimum proposed site for
L .. . . . ...__ . _' - __..'__"'.._ '
i •
the plant, along with two or more alternative sites. ' If necessary
from a technical standpoint, the Committee shall also establish
optimum proposed sites for transfer stations or other related
(7) In addition to site recommendations, the Administrative
Committee shall make recommendations as to the following matters :
(a) the best financing mechanism for the
resource recovery plant
(b) which party should be the project '
(c) the optimum method of waste delivery
to the plant
(d) whether an independent legal advisor
should be retained for the project
(8) In addition to the recommendations noted in paragraphs
(6) and (7) above , the Administrative Committee shall prepare the -
(a) an informational report as to the status
of preliminary Environment Impact Statement
Procedures for the resource recovery plant.
(b) a proposed P,equest for Proposals to be
sent to potential vendors .
(9) The recommendations and reports noted in paragraphs (6) ,
(7) and (8) herein shall be compiled into one presentation to be
made by the Administrative Committee to each Board or Council for
approval of each Board or Council and authorization to proceed
with the Request for Proposals. In the event that the Administrative
Corac►ittee deems it necessary, however, to bring one or more of
these reports or recommendations before each Board or Council as
, - '- --- ---
� . .
� separate agenda item, the Administrative Committee may do so.
(10) Lpon receipt of the proposals , the Administrative Committee
shall evaluate them and prepare a report with recommendations for
hiring a vendor, which report shall be presented to each Board
or Council for approval. At that time, the Administrative
Committee shall also present a proposed joint powers agreement
for administration of the next phase of the project.
(11) Nothing in this agreement shall be deemed to obligate
the City, Ramsey or Washington to payment of funds in addition
to the $30,000.00 already appropriated by each, absent a separate
resolution authorizing the appropriation of additional funds.
(12) This agreement shall determine the relationship between
the parties until completion of Phase IIIa of the project, which
is defined as completion of the recommendations and reports -
required in paragraphs (5) , (6) , (7) , (8) , (9) and (10) herein.
At that time the parties recognize that a renegotiation of this
agreement shall be necessary to reflect an increased role for
the party which will sponsor and finance the project.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this agreement
to be executed as of the date first above written.
Approved as to Form: CITY OF SAINT PAUL
C � ' _
I �.`��
a C � �s�
stant �3 tt ey fiiayor ``"
Director, Departm of P ic
�,�eic�-� 11.:�o s- 1 c3� �o����'d
�� .�.�y3zy ��37 �� �� �
Director, epartment of Finan �v
-5- and Management Services ��t'
• ✓ ^- �
Approved as to Form: RANSEY COUNTY
•l',r - �p (,j -
� .
� �„��_-IL_�C : , �X . ��•�-,. rr, .�.� � BY ' .
As$istant County Attorney Ch i an, ard f amsey
i Co ty Co�,missioners
� �
By .� ���� ��'C�
Chief C rk, Board of Ramsey
County Commissioners ;Sf�- �y�
Approved a5 to Form: WASHINGTON COL'NTY
� � ' '
i `•\
i!. �;,._
� BY ��\ ��ia• ; •�
/ Its Chai rman, ` 23/
(/ � ;��
By��� � � � �
�// (-/.�� :'%� �
Its Count Administrator 2 23 82 _
� : . ___ ,- —_ __ . __- - ------- _ ___.. . --------