278486 WHITE - CITY CLERK �(1�C1� PINK - FINANCE j�f 7nl CANAI�2Y - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT ��U L COUt1C11 �y , BL�JE - MAYOR File N 0. ' Council Resolution Presented By ��::�i�a':� Cv;L?`�--�,." Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (�tr.er lice��ses ei un ��a1e T.i��_aor) i'a�;e 6 TtiTins i�:otor Inn, Ltd. 1�7� universit; xvenue ���ntertainment .yppn. 1_761� x'.enewal ':''r;oopee, i nc. 173 a. '.obert �treet ';�nterta.inment " 1770 " �'r.a-_:;,ay, Inc. 111 :J. 6th �tre et ..ntertainment �� 1789 " J. :�arold, inc. 11�3 university �venue '��tertainment " 1795 " _�'red :�. :'rimali 955-59 A�cade Street ;:;ntertainment " 1�07 " Lucky Lanes, -�nc. 21�5 i'ord :ar��raay .'�ntertainment " l�ll " T.':. ;:�ntercrises, 7nc. and ::rline Vin�r 201-5 E. 1�th Street ;ntertain.ment " l�Z�L " James C. Tone� ��0 �. 7th Street rnterta�_n:r:ent " 1957 " �`*. �� COU[VCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor nn�� � B Showalter - __ A gai ns t Y Tedesco IOIi�' Adopted by Council: Date � 2 3 �� Form Approved by City Attorney Certifie as�d b Cou c S� retarny BY B App. by Mayor: � D � �]A6�� ��� Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ gy }�UBL1S�� APR 3 1982 WHITE - CITY CLERK f�N����� PINK - FINANCE � 1 CANAR'Y - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T P�U L COUIICII � $ BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. � C n il esolution Presented By T- /' , �- /'� � -��'^,-'- I.i l/Jjir�J VliiLL'��_.� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date ��:S�i,T'.:;J; `�.�.at licenses ap��lieci for bur tl.e �oilcn•rin�; �ersons at tt�e acidresses stated, '.�e a.r:d t��e sa_ne a_�e t�e^et,� �,rali�ed. "'ne Larcpli;;l�te.r Loun�;e o� ;;'c. ,�'aul, Inc. 160 %;. Larl�enteur i;ver.ue _�i+,ertai��.�ent :"= p. �'91 �'enewal �ii.E,hlar�d Inn, �nc. 1870 Ulo. �':udson .?oad ::otel 2�l ".00:ns " 1077 " " °t �ntert�.inment " 1077 " i,i-�e _�innesota Club 317 :'. T-as�.ir.�-ton ��ve. -;r�t�.t�.irL�!ent " 112� " 11 " �'arr�in�, ?�ot l_�C �� 112& " Lou's .ia�uct �n.n� Ir�c. 1056 *'. �:eve�:tY: c;'c�`�`''t .:�il''�e:��a:r.rlent " 1160 " :_ssociated �.osts o= :irr.esota, �r�c. 1.11 .:� i.n�_�_Q"t� iZrd. T,n�ertai,�,,,ent ,; 11h1 n ... �he :�:anor, �nc. 2550 '". :�eventh Utr�^ti ��?tertainment " 1163 r, :�ak1's �i20 Club, �nc. 620 T. 7th ;:treet -:nter.ta;z�-lent '' 1?_�3 " �ri�:.er and -' a'.er, inc. 21�1 ��u����.rban .�vc-;rue ,n�ertainnent " 1213 " r":iP vY'OIn�aell, i:1C. 2511 L'T?=VE;;.^Sl�i,�r <lvenue :r�t".i*�._llr'.F.17�'i �� 1.2�r1 �� :�i-�:',eo., silc. � 1373 -:. -=��,nolia t�ve?1ue :�n�ertain�ent '� 1�r7 tr i'o�m `�: Courltr�r Clab, :nc. 2279 :'=arsr.all "venue =izte_�°t:,,y:.�?ent " 1266 " ��arrist.�'s, iz�c. 2176 :;. ;:�ecentii �treet -�r_tertain:-:ent " 12�8 'r C'�onnell's, �ilc. 656-�Es;; ;�rar.d iivenue ��zit�rtainnent " 1292 " ����� ::and ar, 1:nc. 2�16 ::. 7tn :�treet ;.ntertain:�ent " 1301� rr COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requestgd by Department of: Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox nncnnano� __ A gai n s t BY Showalter - - Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' -- Approved by ;Navor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ — By . WHITE - CITY CLERK ` A PINK - FINANCE ��Q�Q� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY O F SA I N T �A U L COU2ICII V BLUE - MAYOR File N . � Council Resolution ���,-,� Presented By ' �-�''• - �G:L:��__�_, Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (:;ther licenses of Un �ale i�icuor) :a�;e 2 Joe-�r�, lnc. 21�9 T'. 7th ��treet ';r.tert�.inr�er.t ".n�,n. 1305 '�:enet�ral �iiu;� iT1C. 3�5 'Tabas�:a �treet _:;ri�;Prt?,�il?�ent f� 1311 tt �ddleston Lnterprises, wr�c. 2251 tini.vers�.t;r �ver.ue ';nte��ta�nr�ent �' 1312 " ��anci�� '�:ax, _i.nc. �31 Tr. 7th atr.zet Tn+e��a�nr�ent " I325 „ r�l�ert ��: :sesella �-. �aisi 1�57 ''abas:�a :;treet :htert�,�r-�ent " 1327 " r tuinn Creative, �nc. 73S �'i�omas rivenue ;n±ertain~�ent �� 1333 " �:afner, Inc. 1�60 'iilite '_.'ear Avenue -:�nt,ertainmer.t " 13L-7 " � oc•rard Jor�nson ��o. 1��2C Subizrban �ivenue �r�terta;rL-,�ent " 13�0 " :�idt�ray-_=ar!line �.nt-estors, �: <:irlr:eso�a Lir�.iteci �_artnersi_ir !.;.Ot� i`. �:amline Avenue .�n�ertair_ment " 135� '?ew " " , i:otel 2c2 �oor:s" 7_365 " `'_adisson i otel �orporation 39� T:aLast�a �treet ��:ntertainment �� 1366 "�n�T�7a1 �ar?.ica, 1nc. 23C 1'ront avenue �r.te.�-tainrier_t « 1367 " �=IUa, ir�c. lbl �t. ru�thony �,venue :�r�te�tair.nent " 1369 " r� 'r :�o�el 207 "po:�s " 1369 n kl'oerts oi St. ,�aul, ?nc. 3E30 Ceaar Street .::�te_tair.inent " 13�1 " ?.exi=_'ront, �r�c. 991 :;, Lexin�ton Avenue r:lntiertainr�ent " 13II9 " Joe �, inc. 2lt17 ''. 7ti: Street :ntertainrnent " 1393 " COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hu�t Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B snowa�ter - __ Against Y — Tedesco Wilso� Focm Approved by City Attomey Adopted by Council: Date - Certified Passed by Council Secretary �Y B}� Approved by Mayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY WMITE - CITY CLERK �T /1[�'M� PINK - FINANCE TT t E �� � CANAitY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �� v L COUIICII r��' : v ✓ BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. Council Resolution Presented By �Gyi,�� C�i;:s'1'^'.��� Referred To Committee: Date x Out of Committee By Date (Otr.er Licenses of �,n ;;;ale I;iauor) ::'a� e 3 �awn�s 'ioT�mtown, inc. i .'�,'. i:ational : ank ='ui.ldin� �;I�.�w��T Level �tY: .?� Cedar .:,nterta:i.nrient _':ppn. 1l�Ol �'+ene�ral �.:^.;;., Inc. F.>>7 urarld :�venue ;ntertainmer�t " 1l.a.08 �� Scriernbecv, Inc. 368 �acksor� ��trent �ntertfinr?ent " 1?�09 " ::allet, Tnc. 73� universit�r Avenue =ntertainment " 1L!13 " Clay �nzerprises, Inc. 721 Pa,TMe �:venue in��ertainment " l�.tl5 " �F�: �:otel Co. ':: Canital �_ospiLality Corporation _iotel ��u �:oo*�s " l[�2li 'r " 11 �. I'ello&�; -��lvd. Yarkir� Lot 150C �� 1)�2� " ar'r: �_otel Co. c: Capital �:ospitalit� Corporation ;_ntertainr!ent " 1I�25 'r " 1�11 i�nnesota �tr�et r-.otel 252 �oons " 1?�2K " :�i�ht Train, Inc. 2�9 �omo hvenue ;ntertainnent " 1��.27 " Thomas C� :i;ahir 671� i;odd �::oad :;;ntertairi�,ient " 1429 " 5ilver �iist Corporation 72� ^smstror�; rvenue '':htel:�ta�ru�ent " 1ti21t " '�:ngine I:ouse �ssociates, Ltd. 1�98 ;;elby .'Lvenue =;nterta�_n*�ent " 1526 " 93, -nc. �._ �-'�� t;orpora�ion 1961� ;Tniv�rsity Avenue :Jn'�er-�aiz��ne:.t " 1K31 " �and.-`�pot, inc. and :"�be-:t C. �roehne�, �:�c. 359 �ar�dolph ��venue _�ntErtainrlent " 1K32 '� ti-:•: I,iquors, inc. and ��':ene=:ont, Tnc. 7l�1-3 Tdmund a,ye. �{,ertainment " 1533 " COU[VCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favo[ Maddox McMahon B Showalter - __ Against Y — Tedesco �Ison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By _ Approved hy ;Vlavor: Date _ Appcoved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ By WHITE - CITY CLERK ��y((''�� PINK - FINANCE �D' /�(� ,� CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I TY OF SA I NT �A U L COUtICll r.� � V � BI,UE - MAYOR File N . � Council Resolution Presented By ��"J?`"'J COli1���-1�J}J Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (�ther licenses of Gn Sale I�iquor) Pa�;e �t ���ourbon �ar w Cafe Corporation 6y1 ?:. �ale Street �ar_tertainment !�ppn. 153�� "sne*•�al The I,ost ar�d ��ound, 1.nc. `351 i�niversit3T �venue _'ntertainrient " 1535 " C'Connell's ��lover Club, Inc. 501 University Avenue ��ntertai.nment " 1�36 " :iounds Pa,rk Lounge, Ir_c. 1067 I:udson �':oad �tertairu�ent " ��37 " :�innehaha Tavern, Inc. 73� '�iite :=:ear Avenue :.ntertainment " 1KZ�1 " i�enneth _;ausc'r:not, ;�r. :: I:athleen Caxrpion u21-23 univ�rsity ��venue ��ntertainment 'r 1�'�7 „ 'I�ro L, :inc. 163� '��ce �;treet �ntertainnent " i55o 1' L �: '�, Inc. 359 Thornas �venue :.�ntertainment " 1�53 " :�:an�;ini� 111C. 131�5 �%. ��ose Street �:ntertainraent 11 1555 " Layton's, �'� ''�� , �'^ ^ rp �' 7th �ntert�:li-�ent " 155" " Livision of ���. �ton-llu.��on �o . 2 y. �� P.J.i�.� Inc. 992 t�rcade ::treet �ntertain:�ent �� 1562 " :roM �aterin�; Co., Inc. 1170 liniversity Avenue :::nterta_nment " 1K6E " ''ill, Inc. 956 �a��ne kvenue �ntertainment " 1�b9 " ''on-Le, �nc. 1171r-6 �ax�cade �treet ����Ztertainn.ent " 1572 " , . J. J. �nterz�rises, �nc. 255t! Cono f:venuP ':ante-rta�z*�ent " 1�7� " �°avlicI: ::oldin�; Company� �zzc. 131� ?'. Larpenteur :venue �,ntertainment f' 1578 " COUNCILMEIV Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ A gai n s t Y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — , Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B1' -- ' Approved by ;1�Iavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for $ubmission to Council By - — �— BY WHITE - CITY CLERK �['���(1 PINK - FINANCE j� h CANARY - DEPARTMENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUflCll � � �, V BLUE - MAYOR File N 0. � Council Resolution Presented By �C`�i;S;� CO;��:"ii'1'ur: Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date (Cther lice��ses ofl Cn �a1e L�_ruor j Pa�e 5 :�.i.i.� iT;C. 7jj �ackson �f.T'E;?t ;27f0Z'tc3.1T!i"18P_t iiY�l�i1• 1[v:� "eP2T.ISl nssociated Corporate aex'vices, Inc. ?�60-b '`. Lexin�;ton five.:`:+ertainment " 1582 '� .�hebbe's �ar, Inc. ?�3 ;;. _:obert :�trcet -';nterta�nr��nt " 15�Z� " ::idwa;� �nternrises, Irlc. 1553 universit`r :ivenue :;nterta.inment '} 1591 " �.ra.�-� rJorporation 932 rxcade Street �;ntei���ainr�ent '� lbll " Cr.ip, �nc. 369 Ceczar Street �.;ntertainment " 162u " Tur" �lub, �nc. 1601 '�niversity Avenue A'ntertain�;�ient " 1651t " �; ', i: Corporation 1066 ". 7t�i �treet �nte?•tair.��l�nt " 1672 " ��oca Chica, Inc. 11 �oncord Street "_nter'�air�ent " 1671_� t' � �= J, lllc. 9�7-9 :?. 7th Street .��ntertainment " 1703 �� Cusici��s, �nc. �16 ?aYme tivenue �ntertain?�e:�t �� 1701.i " �rk�e �:le ?:oom� Ir.c. 395 =:. robert Street '::ntertainment " 1717 " Stephen :�� Victor's � ar, �:nc. 1?Or St-illt•rater �'.oa.d '_?ntertainsnent " 1733 rt I'ub `�ast, Inc., :_orer I�oury and �"�nthon�� J. -'ourRr, Sr. 11�30 ::�. 7t�� �treet ':ntertainment " 1751 " Clayton Club, ir:c. 61K un�_y��sity ,ivenue �ntertain~,ent " 17�2 " lntermode, lnc. �riterta�.nnent 1�90 ��. ^obt. " 17K3 « COUfVCILMEIV Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine [n Favor Maddox McMahon B snowaiter - __ Against y — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY Bl' _ -- Approved by ;Vtayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By' - - — gy