278477 WMiTE - CITY CLERK ��yyy ���(({ PINK - FINANCE COURCII -y' yQ A�� � BLUERY - MAYORMENT GITY OF SAINT �AUL F' 3V`� File N 0. solution Presented By � Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, That the Council of the City of Saint Paul daes hereby approve the agreement between the City and Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul providing for the use of Water Board property by the Police Department for the purpose of maintaining its radio transmitting and receiving system, and the proper officers of the City are authorized to execute the agree- ment on behalf of the City. COUIVCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt �evine � [n Favor Medd07�` McMahon B snowa�ter __ Against Y Tedeu:o aMiFsvR Adopted by Council: Date MAR 2 3 1981 Form Approved by ty Attorney CertifiE: ssed�b c.il cretary BY sy �� pr ve l�y 1Qavor: e MAR 2 � 19HZ Appro e M or fo ubmi si to C,Quncil $r _ — By 1PUBUSttED �P R 3 1982 ! � l• , • �.�V� Y � FIRST RIDER TO AGREEA'MENT - THIS AGREENIENT, Made this day of , 1952 by and betcaeen the BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONET�S OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, hereinaiter called the "Board", and the CITY OF SAINT PAUL, a municipal corporation of the State of riinnesota, hereinafter called "City", being a First Rider to that certain Agree�ent made by and between said Board and said City the 4th day of November, 1974, and by this reference incorporated herein and made part and parcel hereof with the same intent, purpose and affect as of said Agreement were set forth herein verbatim. WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The Board and City have entered into that certain Agree�ent dated November 4, 1974 whereby the City was authorized and permitted to occupy and use certain defined Board property for its police radio system, subject to the terms and conditions contained in said Agreement; and WHEREAS, The Board and City do mutually desire to amend the said agreement so as to add the use of additional radio equipment to be operated and maintained by the �ity at the said sites and also to amend some �f the conditions contained in said Agreeme�t, as more fully set forth herein; NOtd, THEREFORE, BE IT AGREED by and between the Board and City, as follows: 1. That paragraphs 1 and 6 of said Agreement dated November 4, � 1974, be and hereby are amended so as to read as follows: Paragraph 1 The said police radio transmitting a:�d receiving system, including the rooftop mounted antennas and appurtenances sh alI be defined as that equip- � i . � � y� � �`1 � ment described in attached "Exhibit A", and that � said equipment shall be maintained in a good safe and workmanlike manner by and at the cost of the City. Paragraph 6 � a. At the Hiohwood Standpipe site the City agrees . to reimburse the Board for electrical power supplied by the Board to operate said radio equipment and � appurtenances on the basis of an annual power require- � ment of 875 kilowatt hours. The charge to the City for electric power consumed to be equal to the rate schedule applied by Northern States Power Company to the Board for electric power at the Highwood Site. Charges to be prorated on the basis of the percentage of the year said radio system was in operation prior to January 1. b. At the Highland Water Tower site the City agrees ; to reimburse the Board for electrical power supplied by the Board to operate said radio equipment and appurtances on the basis of an annual power require- ment of 2609 kilowatt hours. The charge to the City for electrical power consumed to be equal to the rate schedule applied by Northern States Power Company to � the Board for electric power at the Highland Water Tower site. Charges to be pro-rated on the basis of the percentage of the year said radio system was in operation prior to January 1. - ' - � ' � °/ �° �7� c. The City agrees to arrange for and order from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company the private line telephone circuits for the remote control of the Highland 4,'ater Tower radio equipment and the City agrees to pay for the installation of said telephone . circuits and any recurring costs of said service. BE IT FURTHER AGREED, That the permission and authority granted by the said Board herein to the said City is subject to all the terms and conditions contained in that certain Agreement made by and between said Board and said City the 4th _ day of November, 1974, which Agreement is incorporated herein by reference and made a part hereof with the same force and effect as if set forth herein, verbatim. This Agreement is made and executed pursuaat to and under the authority of resolution numbered 3 2��7 adopted by the Board of k'ater Commissioners of the � City of Saint Paul on the �'ZL day of Tt�IY�c�'Y' , 1982, and of a .�,...._,.�..,....�,.�. _..�...�-. _ -_, w.�,wu...,�.�.,.�,�,..�.w, .. ��.���.. _....,� ._..- � , � resolution adopted by the City Council of the City of Saint Paul on the w A �`� t y day of , 1982, copies of said resolutions being annexed hereto � and b�• this reference made part her�of the same as if set forth herein, verbatin. � r _..,.m�:�.,.,_-. ., ,..,. .e � � __-�=.J.. . .,, � -�°�.--.....�._._.w....�....�_�_.� . , . ., � v<���. .... «.r..r.w.:.....w,e,�e,�..,..,uh : ...w .....-,eaw.wiNw...aN�.we3�+wMmW"r.�wru+rw"'^ � - 3 - � � ' . h . . � `� � 7``7� IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The parties hereto have executed these presents in triplicate the day and year first above written. CITY OF SAINT PAUL � By � . George Latimer, Mayor _ City of Saint Paul / _ BOARD OF WATER COAITIISSIONERS OF APPROVED: THE CITY OF S T PAUL, MIIv'AIESOTA ��� � By Elmer A. Huset, e eral Ma ager Leona d . ine, Presi t BY �� Thomas D. ogren, Secretary Appr ed as to Form: � , � � Assis ant Ci ttorney � 1 � � COUNTERSIGNED: " Peter Hames, Acting Director df ' Finance and Management Services - 4 - _-���T��:�,. CITY OF SAINT PAUL �'+� '��' DEPARTMENT OF POLICE :• � . �° •�� �=' _� n�utmn- ,� =;; '"" ���"� �� Wm. W. McCutcheon, Chief of Police "��:,,,^ ,... � 101 E�st Tenth Street �`�� Saint P�ul,Minnesota 55101 GEORGE LATIMER 6�Z•29�-�1'►� MAYOR Lecember 22, 198I Bob Cihlar Water Utility Engineering St. PauZ Water Dept. City Ha11 Annex, 4th Floor � � 25 W. 4th Street St. Pau2, Mn. 55102 Dear Mr. C�h1ar, The St. Pau1 Police Dept. finds it necessary to improve rad�o communtcat�ons into the new C�ty Parks at Crosby Lake and Hidden FaI1s. As a part of uo- grading our radio system, we wouZd Zike to Iocate a base station transmitter at the o1d Highland Water Tower. We presently have a Permtt Agreement to locate radio eguipment at the site and would Zike perraission to incZude a base station transmitter. This statfon wovld be placed adjacent to our existing ea�ipment and would utilize the pol�ce antenna system which is presently in place. The station would have an output power of 250 Watts and wouZd operate on �60.050 1�tHz. Power consumpt�on for the statjon .is 1 ama in the standby mode and 9 amps in the transmit mode. We estimate the duty cycle to be 90� standby and 10� transmit. Remote control of this station would be by private 3ine telep:�one circuits. We would order these cirr_uits and pay the installation and recurring costs. tae wbuld also assume the responsibility for assuring that the new transmitter does not cause any harmfuZ radio frequency in4erference to radio ec�u?pment presently Iocated at this site. _ � �/� i�t � � i � � -�,.. . �2� , , , . . � ,7 �' �?� In answer to your question regardina the power cbnsumption of the police receivers presently at the s�te, the total power consumption for a11 five (5) receivers is less than 1 amp. Shoald �ou need any further information, please contact Phil Sanders in . our Radio Maintenance Unit. 292-3599. Sincerely, Wm. W. McCutcheon, - CHIEF OF POLICE � �� ��_���. . Donald Blakely, �'�" Deputy Chief �J ' P.S/vs cc: Wm. McC�tcheon cc: Phil Sanders �� �� � ��� � _ CITY OF ST. PAUL . , No._�� ,. � . . � � - OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS � � � ��� RESOLUTION --GENERAL FORM FRESEhlTED BY DATE COMMI�SIONER — -�7i�—. t � �� i�'"c3Ei�4:�, `i'he City ot Saint Paul haviag enterad into aa agree�at writh the Bo�rd af �,'ate�r Cn�sion�r� dated Nove�ber 4, 1q74 for �he purpose af coustructiug, ogeratiag and maintaiaing a ga13c� tadio aqstdm at the Board's 3ig�roo� StaAdpipa and �ig,hland Tower sites; t�d i�'HESEA3, The Citg of Saiat F,aul has �equested Chat the Nove�ber 4, 1974 sgreemeat be a�ade8 to in�tlude sddttioaal polica radia �quipment at t�he,as sits�; and WHERE�lS� Tha Gea�mral A�anagez, Elffisr A. Rw�et, reco�ends sppro�rr]. o� a propoaed forr� o� a �is�t �tidar to that agr�eemmat fa�r the graat v! per�iesian to conat:uct, oper�ta aad maisstmi�n t�he axistiag �nd sdditianai radic aqu�p- ment; aad tdHExEAS, 3'tta attaehed Rirat Rider ta tbat agreeffient has be�u sx�cuted by th� propsr officers of the Cit� v# Saint Paal; ru�, tber,dfa��. be it B.ESC2LV�D, T�cat th� Boarc� of Water Gamscisii�aeza shall and hereby does approvg a�aid rir�t Rid�r tu the agraement ead hsreb� sutharisc�s and direets tha pzcper officfar� to e�ecuta sai.d 838er on b�hal� e�f the Bc�ard. � State oi Minnesot� j County of Rar..sey � ,�, City cf Saint Paul � I. i-ro"�� U. T4cgren, Se=:etary of the Board of 15'ater Commissioners of the City of Saint Pau., c:o he-e"-, cectify that I hare compared the above copy of a resolution of the said Board as � a,3opied h� :^e B.�a:d on _ Fehri�aY'v �'] �Ca8`) , with the original thereof oa file in � ��'!' �`t>�� �*� ' ?`ss! said copy is a true and co:rect co py of said original and the whole thereof. k'itness che seal of the Board of Water Commissioners of the City of Saint Paul this -1-�— dzy of �Zy,2,�Y , A.D. 1982 n � ?�� �U Secretary Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners '�eas Nays I.��eviu Showal�er ---����-- 19-� �7ice Pro�ide�t Pa.ehrsau ?r.e�iacnt Levino __, `;; 1 , .�:v�r�_ Opposed� ��l'� � l` ,�l>v" _ ,� SECY. ^��r',,, � j ; Ot�1 Ol t 12/197;� .� . , R�V. : �i�;���'�'� " ��: ; . : _�.. , ; � , . �� _ EXPLANATI4N OF ADMINISTRATIVE �RDERS, _� E S, ORQ NAPt t �: : � . �������`��..J , �,'.; ;,,' Date: March 9, 1982 ° MAR 9 1982 �«. � ; - s<; ; �AY��S �F�IC� F ' T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER ; � � � FR: Peter Ha , : � R�: Agreement betw�en City afid Water &�ard, authE�ri`zing & per�itting � � City to occu�ay and use cer�ain de�'ined Board prap�rty fdr. �lts , �'� � police radio system.equipment. �- i � � � . ! ,. , . ,.. `-' , ; :t t :: ; ACT�ON REQUESTED: � ; ; i Approval o� Resolut�on authorizing agreement. . � �' , F � : � �. i ; '' a ` ; . _ � � _ � . � PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FQR THIS ACTIOW: � ; ; {. -; � ; ' Tt�^� nc�ds to be a Caunci i Resol ution whi ch approves agreen�e�ts be�w�t' ` � ` i units of governrr�nt. This particular agreement will ail�ww �he P+��aice �:� ' : ' Department to use Water Board property for the purpose of m�i�►�aitn�ng }` its radio transmitting and receiving syst�n- r _ : � . � � . . .� .. . � . . . ._ .� - . . � , . � . . f-.�: ; ����;�t ����T: . � � � ; Norte ;; ; �;: � � , . ATTACHirIIENTS: j j . . . . � � . . . .. - . � � ... � . , . . . . . . . . .. . , , ,.� : Resolution : f, i _ � i � . . . . . . . . . � . � .. . . . . � �-j• i . . . . . . . . . . . � ' . � 1.�. � �� . - � . . . . .. . . . . ... . ' - {-; � � . � - � .. � . . . . . . _ � . . .. i, � . . . .. . . . � . .. . . . .. . . . � �. . . � � . � . . . . .. � . . .. k.�