278465 WHITE - CITY CLERK �y.�(���� PINK - FINANCE ' /M CANARY - DEPARTMENT COUIICII �r �� BLUE - MAYOR G I T Y O F S A I N T PA U L File N O. o ncil Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AI�NDING TfiE 1982 CAPITAL IMPROVSMENT BUDGET TO PROVIDE FOR DECREASED FUNDING WITHIN THE MUNICIPAL STATE AID FUND BE IT RESOLVED, By the Council of the City of Saint Paul, upon recom�aendation of the Mayor and advice of the Long-Ranqe Capital Improvement Budget Cammittee, that the 1982 Capital Improvement Budget, as heretofore adopted and amended by this Council, is hereby further amended in the following particulars: A. Reduced Financing - 1982 Municipal State Aid Funds Page Pro'ect Reduction 45 5-0608 Como Avenue Resurfacing $ 92,000 -- -- MSA Contingency $204,600 B. Appropriation Analysis Current p��d� Project Appropriation Change Appropriation 5-0608 Cosao Avenue Resurfacing $ 92,000 -$ 92,000 - 0 - -- MSA Contingency $204,600 -$204,600 - 0 - 'I'?�e S±. r`ul Loag-Range Cap�itat IinprovemerE# Budget i.:ommittee received thSs request on (da ,_, //�+�`�and re en� - APPROVED AS TO FUNDING: APPRpVED: '�'�' Si �iiae �����r� 2_Z3 _ Peter Hames ,��`�y Greg Blee Director of Finance ti Budqet Director COUNCILME[V Requestgd by Department of: � Yeas Nays Hunt 1 WOrkS Levine In Favor Mc� V snowaiter __ Against BY — � , ' Tedesco W'�e��n,� efl M1� � � �� Form Approved b ity A orney Adopted by Council: Date — Certifie assed b ounc , cre ry � „ BY �' _ By —_ r� � : -Ap r v d by Mayor fo S� ission to Council App d by :Vlayor: at — `� ,. B MAR 2 5 1982 B i i - PU6I.ISHED APR 3 1982 ` F, �1'I .�- pc ���� °-35 �. � OM 01 : t2l197 ' , Rev. : 9/8/76 ' Rev. : 5/7/80 EXPLANATI W�t OF ADMI N I STRATI VE ORDERS, Rev.: 4/30/81 RESOLUTIONS AND ORDlN/W CES ���� DATE: Fabruary 3, 1982 T0: Mayor Georqe Latimer FROM: Donald E. Nyqaard, Director of Public Works RE: Council Resolution Decreasinq 1982 Municipal State Aid Capital Budget ACTION REQUESTED: Approval signature to sub�it to Council. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: In preparation of ths 19g2 Capital Improvement Budget, we had to estimate fn May 1981 Nhat the anticipated 1982 MSA fundinq Would be. We took into acoount the added gaaoline tax and hiqher license fees. Hawever, MSA allocations are based on (1) population and (2) "needs". The 1980 oensus vraa finalized in late 1981 and reduced St. Paul's population to 270,000 Mhi1e aoa�n other cam�unities qrew. This r�duced our actual 1982 1�SA apportionment and requires adjusting our capital funding dowuward. FI NANCI AL I MPACT: NOHS - This will have the effect of reconciling the actual 1982 MSA allotment with the a�wunt of antfcipated 1982 MSA fundinq as e�timated in irta�y 1981 to use in assembly of 1982 CIP. �. � ���- � � �iM' T" { � � � � � ,� �� � �`�'� `' `� R�e��VF� � � F �, �..Q , . EB _..,� ,�0" OFF�CE 1, �,9&� . �� �EA �F �Irp��Gf���F�,���r0 ATTACHMENTS: � MFiV �NqN R Pro s T S�R��c£S po ad Council Resolution - r.:;:r,�� CXT� flF ���.�:�':�' �..�,.�C7�. .,. •�;,-_,._. ('���11!'� ��% 1r': `t. �3:l'Av_i i �: ��Li.E'. C�r�_C `i�l�;.11i�J.-� �' • �✓��� .ji .�L.��`�'.�� � � `=`.�.-". F� i., t , - .� �• J,."� ' • ��� �I,�,l'� ' Do�t e : March 18 1982 � .+r,}:� - � . C �.! �J/ SY� � � �� �. 1` � � V 1 l � . • - '� a : Sain� Paul Ci�� Cav��c�I � . �: _ . �R O f� = C O i t�i�i I�i E 4 O tl �INANCE, MANAGEMENT � PERSO'VNEL -' " George .McTlahon� � � �hoirman� tnc��ces �t`�e fcl to�:fing � • reporr un �G.F. � . � �{ t?rdinai�ce . � . . � �. (6) � Resolc��ion . - � ' . • - • . - ' � t?;h e t' . • .. - 3" i 7'L� : . : . - . - - At its meeting of Marcl� 18, 1982, the Finance Corru�►ittee recommended approval of w . �'the following: ' � ' 9. Resolution authorizing submission of application to Economic Development - Administration for continuation of Planning Assistance Grant. . . _ 10. Resolution pertaining to 1•982 Capital Budget Appropriations'�for conversion of street �lights. (1F776-GM) • . ' . . � �11. Resolution'decxea�ing 1982 Muriicipal State Aid Capital Budget. (11�68-GM) � �. � 1Z. Resolution �refi.mding Seiaer Service Char.ges. (11770-C,��) • �._ � .� _ 13. Resolution establish�ng �'tmding for Shepard Road Bridge Resurfacing. (11769-Qi) 14. Resolution revisirig minimwn c{ualifications for the class of �l.ectrician � _ Foreman. (12424-GM) � - � � . 4 I'Y �L1LL Sc�'E:�TH FLOO:L S:�I�T Ps1LIL, �ti��'-,SJT:� S�It=