278425 WHITE - CITY CLERK �4`�� PINK a- FINANCE n COUtICIl ( CANARY°- DEPARTI7ENT G I TY O F SA I NT 1 A U L BIrUE - MAYOR File N . � u cil Resolution � Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution aboli shing ce rtain title s and class specifications in the Civil Service Rules. , RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Secti.on 3.B (Clerical Group) by striking out the followi.ng ti.tles from the Grades indicated: Title Grade Assistant Manager of Park R.efectories 24 Assistant Market Director 24 Buyer I (Medical Supplies) 32 Cost Clerk 30 Emergency Preparedness Supply Inspector 27 License Clerk 26 Market Director 34 Orientation Coordinator 38 Parking Ramp Manager 30 Procurement Cle rk 28 Procurement Clerk--Health Services 25 Statisti.cal Clerk 22 Tabulating Machine Operator I 14 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. J (Professional-Administrative Non-5upervisors Group) by striking out the following titles from the Grades indicated: (conti.nued) COU[VC[LMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt Levine Irt Favor Maddox McMahon snowaite� - __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form A rove by City om Adopted by Council: Date G CertifiE:d Passed by Council Secretary BY � Bl' -- r Approved by Mayor. Date _ Appr ed by Mayor for ub is 'on to Council By _ g ' ^'L,� - - �,.,`>��� � . � - 2 - �:'f��`��J Title Grade Adjudication 5pecialist 3 Chief Public Buildings Technician 20 Criminal Justice Planner I 7 Criminal Justice Planner II 10 Project Director--Recreation 11 Public Health Nutritionist 9 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil 5e rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) by striking out the following title s from the Grade s indicated: Title Grade Assistant Director and City Engineer 35 Assistant to the Director {School Caf�terias) 3 Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer 28 Criminal Justice Coordinator 20 Director of Administration (Health) 20 Operations Director--Civic Center 17 ; and be it F'URTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group) by striking out the following title s from the Grade s indicated: Title Grade Accounting Cle rk (Vocational Institute) 34C Air Pollution Technician I 30 Air Pollution Technician II 34 Assistant Supervisor of Assessments 34C Community Organizer 26 Engineering Draftsman I 26 Engineering Draftsman II 30 Model Cities Technician I 30 Model Cities Technician II 34 Personnel Technician--Model Cities 34 Staff Coordinator 30 Supervisor of Assessment Accounts 28C Te sting Laboratory Aide I 22 Te sting Laboratory Aide II 26 Testing Laboratory Technician I 30 Te sting Laboratory Technician II 34 Traffic Engineering Aide II 26 Utilitie s Inve stigator I 22 Utilitie s Inve stigator II 26 Valuation Te chnician 32 ; and be it (continued) WMITE - CITY CLERK � PINK - FINANCE B4 N�ARY�_ MA OR MENT G I T Y O F S A I N T ��U L COUACIl � t �' File N 0. ��' � Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out o�ommittee By Date - 3 - FIN.ALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Secti.on 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for all of the above-li sted title s. Approved: � r ai rm Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PER ONNEL OFFICE Levine In Favor Maddox � McMahon snoweite� __ Against By Tedesco Wilson MtiR 1 fi Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council`. Date � Certified Pa s Council S ar BY By , � ` A ve Ma or for Su m�s,ion `Council Ap d by :Nayo : t bAR� A 1962 PP Y Y By — — gY '�f � � G��� PU�L�st{ED �iN'�� z t 19�2 `_ , W►i1TE - CITY CLERK �� ' � PiN3f -, FINANCE j � C/1NAf2Y - DEPARTMENT (� I Ty O 1'� SA I J\T T l,�U L C011I1C11 BLUE - MAYOR , Fl1E' N o. 2'78425� C I T Y C L E R K Counc�l �Zesol�t�oa� Presented By ' Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution aboli shing ce rtain ti.tle s and class specifications in the Civil 5ervice Rules. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 3.B (Clerical Group) by striking out the followi.ng ti.tles froxn the Grades indicated: Title Grade As si stant Manage r of Pa rk Re fe cto rie s 24 Assistant Market Director 24 Buyer I (Medical Supplies� 32 Co st Cle rk 30 Emergency Preparedness Supply Inspector 27 License Clerk 26 Market Director 34 Orientation Coordinator 38 Parking Ramp Manager •30 Procurement Cle rk 28 Procurement Clerk--Health Services 25 Statistical Clerk 22 Tabulating Machine Operator I 14 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended � in Section 3. J (Professi:onal-Administrative 1Von-Supervisors Group) by striking out the following title s from the Grade s indicated: � (conti.n.ued) COUIVCIL1tEN Yeas tia}�s Requested by Department of: Hunt Levine In Favor Maddox McMahon Showalter __ Agai[lSt BY Tedesco Wilson Adopted hy Council: Date Form Approved by City Attorney Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY B� Appro�•ed by �ta�•or. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ _ gy . � � - 2 - 2_r�425 Title Grade Adjudication Specialist 3 Chief Public Buildings Technician 20 Criminal Justice Planner I ? Criminal Justice Planner II 10 Project Director--Recreation 11 Public Health Nutritionist 9 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. K (Professional-Administrative Supervisors Group) by striking out the following title s from the Grade s indicated: Title Grade Assistant Director and City Engineer 35 Assistant to the Director (School Cafeterias) 3 Assistant Valuation and Assessment Engineer 28 Criminal Justice Coordinator 20 Director of Administration (Health) ZO Operations Director--Civic Center 17 ; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended in Section 3. L (Technical Group) by striking out the following titles from the Grade s indicated: Title Grade Accounting Cle rk (Vocational Institute) 34C Air Pollution Technician I 30 Air Pollution Technician II 34 Assistant Supervisor of Assessments 34C � Community Organizer 26 Engineering Draftsm.an I 26 Engineering Draftsman II 30 Model Citie s Technician I 30 Model Citie s Technician II 34 Personnel Technician--Model Cities 34 Staff Coordinator 30 Supervisor of Assessment Accounts 28C Te sting Laboratoxy Aide I 22 Testing Laboratory Aide II 26 Testing Laboratory Technician I 30 Testing Laboratory Technician II 34 Traffic Engineering Aide II 26 Utilitie s Inve stigator I 22 Utilitie s Inve stigator II 26 Valuation Technician 32 ; and be it (continued) PiNK� - FINANCE"• f���� � C't1^!�!A'RV`- DEPARTMENT G I TY �O F SA I N T �L�j_j L COUIIClI �� Si.'UE" - MAYOR File N�. - � Co�ncill�esolution Presented By . Referred To Committee: Date :� Out of'°�ommittee By Date - 3 - � FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Section 32 thereof by striking out the class specificati.ons for all of the above-li sted ti.tle s. App rove d: Chai rman Civil Service Commission COUNCILMEN Requestgd by Department of: Yeas Nays Hunt PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine � In FavoC Maddox McMahon B Showalter � Agai[lst Y Tedesco Wilson MAR 1 6 1952 Form Approved by City Attorney Adupted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Counc.el Secretary BY B, � Approved by :Vlayor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council By _ • _ By - a-�• .-- . CITY � �+' ��Is.'�7T �P.E�,.TJI. ��� � OF�ICE O� TH� CITY GOIINCIL �'78425 .,� ,�'� � .v ;!; �.l��,` 'y� r..- �'''�:� � r'1`i}f�:'s�'�'' i . :ta��.�,.a�^.-- .- . ��. ''��.'�..��,�y_'-tfi• ?c � ' L� - ' � Dct t e ; l�iarch 4, 1982 - {;, .-�<= ;�_ : co �� � ���r� � � � � o �-r TO : Sain� Paut Ci#� Council . . � . � �; - , F R O � = C 0��'�11 t�2@ O� FINl�\CE, 1�1ANAGD�IENT F� PERSONNEL �. � George McMahon , choirmqn, makes the follo�rving � report on� �C.F. (lj_-� Ordinance• . : � � (�) X[�X Resolufion . . . �] Oth er � TtTLE : -� . � At its meeting of March 4,: 1982, the Finance Co�nittee reconanended approval of • the following: . - ---_ -— ----�._-- --- -_» . ' __.------- � � � 1. Resolution approving issuance of approximately $4 million in tax exempt revenue bonds to finance construction of t��To office/warehouse, manufacturiug facilities and office building for Winfield Developments, Inc.. (12756-Gb1)� . Z. Resolution authorizing execution of an Agreement with Ramsey County whereby � City tiaill provide�Coimty w�th health education services for period of 1 year commencing January 1, 1982. (12741-�I) � � � 3. Ordinance change to provide permit fees for installation of electric spaGe � � heating equipment. (12745-(�� . : 4. Resolution authorizing lease agreements with Midway Chevrolet and M�.dway Ford. _ for leasing of motor vehicles to Police Department. (12734-Q�� . � . 5. Resolution autharizing lease agreement with Metropolitan Porsche-Audi for � leasing of motor vehicles to Police Department. (12733-GM) - 6. Resolution authorizing City to enter into Agreement with City of hlinneapolis - . for participation in the �ain City Area Urban Corps Program. `7. Resolution authorizing City to enter into Agreement with Ramsey County for participation in the Twin Cities Area Urban Corps Program. . 8. Resolution establishing title and class specification for Vehiele r�intenance Clerk. (12748-(�I) � (QONTIM.JED . . . ) ClTY HALL SEVEl�iTH FLOOR SAI�JT F'e1UL, ti1!`tiESOTA »IO? . �',,� r;.:,:-�:_;� C.:x'T'� �3�' ���.�:�_� �.�.T.7L . �. Q/��C� �.-:r� ^i:: `'''►� O:E'k'Iv_L•' O: '.i'r.l: G:'�.'L� G0�1��X. �V'2FrV �- . .. � �l�:� � . � �;,.;.:,R �.:�� �.���. .,: :1 ►� � ..;; ��`t �i_w . 'F j•:� . . y'� �'�� � �/�� . Do�t e . blarch 4, 1932 ., �-. .� j� �_:.,�'�=r� C � �e�I 3�1 i I l �' � � � � � Q � � , . � • _� . ...� . ?- O : �ain� Pdu� Cif� Coui3c�l � � �: � . _ ��{�� � C C1i t'1 i73 i'�7E:! O�'I FINANCE, M!\NAGED�NT � PERSON�I�L � . . .� - � _ :George. McMahon : � ' ; ehc+ifman, nics�ces fhe fcl to��^ling � • � repor� �n �G-F- � . � � Ordinat�ce . . . . �Z� � ReS�iv�ion �. . � ' . . . � . - - � O;h ar . • .- ' �' 1�'L.� : . . . - - - . '. . . At its meeting of March 4, 1982, the Finance Co�unittee recormnen�ed approval of .�. \.the.f.�.l.lobt�ng: . � .-,— . .. _ 9. Resolution abolishing vacant titles in Section 3.B (Clerical Group) , . • Section 3.J (Professional=Administrative Non-Supervisors Group) , Sectio� 3.K . � (Professional Administrative Supervisors Group, and Sectiori 3,L .(Technical �. Group), and class specifications in Civil Service Rules. E12746-GM) � � . � 10. Resolutian amending�:Salary Plan arid Rates of Compensation by-replac�ng the . � - . . �981 Standar'd.Ranges fo�.Clerieal, Technical, Professional,�Police, and ..- . � '- . . Fire Groups with� 1982 Standard Ranges. .112749-Qi) � � - � _ ' . � T'i' iL1LL. SEYE:tiTE{ FLO�:L S�:�i`T Pe�*.3I., +`•Ei\tiFS�JTi1� 5�1�= Do not detach this memorandum from the � � .�PL, ��,_ � resoluticn so that this information wifl be � . �u�ilavle ta the City Council. ��$A� EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, `f RESOLUTIONS, AND ORDINANCES �Date: January 25, 1982 �E��I�I�� T0: MAYOR GEORGE LATIMER FEB 1 8 ��2 FR: Personnel Office MAYORS OFFj(;E RE: Resolution for submission to City Council ACTION RE(�UESTED We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. PURPOSE AND RATTONALE FOR THIS ACTION Thi s Re solution aboli she s nume rous vacant title s in 5ecLion 3.B (Cle rical Group), Secti.on 3. J (Professional-Administrafa.ve Non-Supervisors Group), Section 3.K (Professional-Administrati.ve Supervisors Group), and Section 3. L ,(Technical Group), and the class specifications in Section 32 of the Civil Servtce Rules. Fzr�arrciai. ir�ACT None ATTACffiKENTS: �.tesoluti.on and copy for the City Clerk.