278424 - CITY SLERK /. ��LL�/�_� - F�Nwr.ee— Council rbm �'�„�� r � ,DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL - - MAYOR File N O. • • . / f�liZn�nCe Ordinance N 0. f�� Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL, PROVIDING REVISIONS IN THE CODE FOR METER SETTING, DEPTH OF STREET SERVICES AND CURB OR YARD METER SETTINGS AND AMENDING SECTIONS 88.09, 93.03 AND 94.05 OF THE SAINT PAUL LEGISLATIVE CODE. THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL DOES ORDAIN: SECTION I That Sections 8€i.09, 93.03 and 94.05 of the Saint Paul Legislative Code are hereby amended to read as follows: 88.09 By whom set. The installation, replacement, repair and disconnection of all meters is to be performed by employees of the Water Utility only. Valves, fittings and piping in the vicinity of the meter shall be maintained in a state of good re air b the owner to ermit such installation re lacement re air and discon- nection. (Code 1956, as amended 249.09) 93.03 Street services, depth of. Services must be placed at a depth of seven and one-half feet below the finished grade in dirt excavations and s�x six and one-half feet where there is all rock. The plumber shall ascertain the finished grade within private property. (Code 1956, as amended § 254.03) 94.05 Curb or yard meter settings. �3�-sgeE�a�-�e��ss�e�-e�.�3�3-w�e�-a-se��r�ee s�����es-a-��.��d��g-w���-�e-�ase�e��T-�we-e�-�e�e-�ae�e�3�-e�-����s���a�-����d}�gs3 a-g�e��-e.€-e�usa��e�a�-b���d�agss-�a}�wa�-�a��s-�-�a��Wa�-s�a�d���e3-e�et3-��e-�se-e� 3�a��-�e�es-�e�-��e-{ae�e�-se����g-w}��-�e-a��ewe�T--W�ie�-��s�a��e�3-��e-�e�e�-�e� s�a��-�e-ee�s���E�e�-e�-���e�.=-ee�e�e�e-e�-e��e�-a�g�e�ae�-�a�e��a�s-e�-a-s}se-a��-�e- 9�g�c-s���e�e�-��*-�l�e-�ae�e�-r�������.---�s��-�e�es-va�ea-�e�����e�-�tes�-�e-��e�e���-��a��e� s��-��e-�e�-se�-�e-���re��-��a��age-e�ae�-��e�-�l�e-be�.- ��-s�a��-�e-��ie-e�.e�-'s-�es�e�s}�}�}��-�e-�a���a�r�-eeeess}�}����-�e-�a��-�e�ee �ne�tee��ag-�ke-�eme�as�-e�-sae�s-eael-�ee-wl�en-aeeesse��.- COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt tidater Utilit Levine In FavOr Maddox McMahon � snowaiter Against BY Tedesco � Elmer A. Huset, General Manager wison Form Approve City Atto ey Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY By Approved by Mayor: Date App oved Mayo for�ub ission to Council �_- By BY � WHITE - CITY CLERK �Q/,� � PINK :. FINANCE COUflCll ���+ `- CANARY - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL �� � � BLVE - MAYOR File N O. ' � Ordin�nce orainance N 0. / (D 7�l Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date The use of yard chambers for meter installations will be allowed only by special permission, or at the direction of the Water Utility. Where permitted or required, the yard chamber shall be constructed at a site approved by the Water Utility utilizing materials and design which meet Water Utility Standards. The yard chamber must be made waterproof and the finished grade sloped to divert drainage away from the chamber. �ao sets of drawings shall be furnished to the Water Utility showing a site plan and the details of construction of the chamber. A remote water register snall be required on all new yard chamber meter settings. New ehambers housing automatic fire service meters or domestic meters four inches or larger shall be provided with a superstructure or equivalent design to enable entry by use of a vertical door having a minimum size door 6 feet 8 inches high and 3 feet wide. It shall be the owner's responsibility to maintain the yard chamber and accessibility to the chamber so that the water meter can be read on a regular basis. Z'his includes the removal of snow and ice which prevent access to the yard chamber and the removal of water from the under�round portions of the yard chamber when necessary. The Utility, after proper notice, may terminate service, if the owner fails to properly maintain the yard chamber or accessibility to the yard cliamber. (Code 1956, as amended � 255.08) SECTION II This ordinance shall take effect and be in force thirty days after it's passage, approval and publication. SECTION III This ordinance shall be deemed a part of the Saint Paul Legislative Code and shall be incorporated therein. COUIVC[LMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Hunt � Levine In Favor Water Utility Maddox McMahon Showalter � Against By Tedesco Elmer A. Huset, General Manager Wilson APR 1 ��82 Form Approve y City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified P b o nci cr BY A b Ma or: � APR 5 �981 App� by Mayor for Sub s�ion to Council P Y Y -� �_ __..�:-�-� . B By�'�S?��� �J3L{SMED AP R }. 0 1982 . ; �''jQ/�6��1: 12/1975 l�i'�v-� . 9J8/76 � . . Rev. : 5/7/80 z Rev. : 4/30/81 EXPLANATION OF ADMINISTRATIVE ORDERS, RESOLUTIONS AND ORDINANCES . Date: February 22, 1982 � T0: Ma.yor George Latimer -. ���E��� FROM: Elmer A. Huset, General Manager ��� FEB 2 �- ����� Saint Paul Water Utility � � RE: proposed 'Amendments to Sections ,88.09, 9��3�an�d ���0i�� � of. the Saint Paul Legislative Code ACTION REQUESTED: � . The City Council is requested to concur with Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution 3241 and pass the attached ordinance amending Code requirements for n�ter settings, depth of street services and yard meter settings. PURPOSE AND RATIONALE FOR THIS ACTION: A study conducted by the Water Utility has determined that the proposed Code changes are both feasible and necessary for maintaining quality standards established by the Board. Code changes recommended are incorporated in the . attached ordinance and are related to: 1. Niaintaining plumbing in the vicinity of the meter. 2. Installation of street service connections in all rock areas. 3. Installation and maintenance of yard meter chambers and yard meter settings. FINANCIAL IMPACT: None ATTACHMENTS: Board of Water Commissioners' Resolution 3241 Proposed Ordinance CITY OF ST. PAUL �� T�� No._ � '' OFFICE OF THE BOARD OF WATER COMMISSIONERS "'��"'� RESOLUTION —GENERAL FORM PRESENTED BY COMMISSIONER��.__-- DATE—���+�'�+'r' �'T '�aR9 �w,,�.� WHSREAS, Sacticn 88.04 oi tha 3aint Paul Lagisl�x�,pe Code d�lia�s Watsr Utility ,,. ,. ,. raspon+sibility tor installstidn, repair aad disconnection of watar �t�rsz aad WHEREAS, Sact3on 93.03 of ths Sair�t Paul Lagi�lativa Cods partains to Ch� depth of strset sarvica eonnae�iona; and WH�A,S, Seetion 94.05 a� ths Saint Pau1 L�g3slative Cods pe�ctaina t0 s�squire�- ments for aurb or pard �star sattit�►►ge; aad �iHEBEA�. Tha Watar Uti1S�t.q s�sff hea de�exmin�d after •tudy tbatt 1. Sectiou 88.09 of th� Code requir� amending tfl alarifq tbs proparty o�a�r's re�poa�ibility tc maiatain pipiag ia t�h� vi.cinit� of the eaaCar m4t�r in a stata of good rsp�rir. This amandmant wi11 lacilttat� the Utility's p�ogram of zepla�ting older, laas acenrata Watar mstera. 2. $sction 93.03 of tb� Cod4 raquires amanding to ineur� that atrast aerviaa �c►nn�ations dre st s dspth of 6� t�aat �vbeu iastallad 3n roek trenehes, tbu� providing adequat�p prcteation !r� frseaing. 3. S�ction 94.45 of the Coda raqu3rss amandiag to fuYtb�r clarity ths pr4pertq va�a�r's rs�pc�a3bilit#.a�� With ragard to yard meter ahambsr� aaS ins�allation �equira�an�a !or raid yard �►eter clismbere; na�, tber�fara, b� it � RESOLVSD, That the Beard of Water Co�niartionera hereby authori�es and apprcrvea the �nding of Saction 88.09, 93.�3 �nd 94.05 of th� Safnt Paul Lagialativa ilode, and, be it furthar RB�OLV�D, That tha Citq Counc�l is rsq�esterd to �toncur aad adopt the attached propoaad ordinant� placing into sfi�aat theae amandad aad ne�ly asx�►b1l.shad pro- vieie�ns. Water Commissioners Adopted by the Board of Water Commissioners Yeas Nays g�� _ e _ 19� Yio� Preatdent BeAhraoh Preaider►t Le�vine _ In favor—�_ Opposed� _ �'l� �r �SECY.