00-379' £�R�GINAL ��x���!� �z-���
Presented by
Referred To
Council File # 00 -3Rq
Green Sheet # 100413
Committee Date
VJHEREAS, the Legislative Hearing Officer recomxnends that license application (ID # 19990007188) for Pool
and Billiard Hall, Cigazetfe/Tobacco, Original Container, and MADs (mechanical amusement devices owned
and located at same business) licenses by Thu Dinh Trinh, dba Song Thauh Billiard, 995 University Avenue
West, be appxoved with the fo�l�owing conditions:
1) Business will close no later than I 1:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 p.m. on Friday and Saturday;
2) Security will be provided in the p`arking lot to eliminate loitering and unnecessary disturbances to the
neighboxhood; ��
3) Sianage will be posted inside and oufside of the business that state that loitering, drinlcing, use of illegal
substances, littering, and loud noises areprohibited;
4) No gang colors are allowed; '`�.
5) The licensee will daily pick up litter in front�of the business and in the parking lot.
with the recommended conditions.
City of Saint Paul hereby approves these licenses
Yeas Nays Absent
Adoptedby Council: Date
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary
Approved by Mayor: Date
by Depariment ofl
Form Approved by City
Approved by Mayorfor
to Council
00 -3'�9
Citv Council Offices
Gerry Strathman, 266-8560
Apri1 26,2000
No �� ,-;,,j �
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Approving application with conditions for Pool and Billiard Ha11, Cigarette(Tobacco,
Original Container, and MADs (mechanical amusement devices owned and located at same
business) licenses by Txu Dinh Trinh, dba Song Thanh Billiard, 995 University Avenue West.
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6.' Office ofFinancial Se�vices - Accounting ' 6. O�ce ofFm�cial Sei6ices -Accounting _
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,, � �ACTIONREQUESTID � � � � � � � � ' � � � � � �
Descnbe whetfhe projecHn�uest seekc ta accomplish m either chronotagicat or�eror onder of importa¢oe, safiichever is
moat appmpriate for the issoe. Do not write complete sentences: Begin each item inyiaurlisk wi� a uab.
' � RECOMINENDATION3 � � � � � � � , �
Complde ift6e issue in question has beenpiesented before anl' �Y> P�lic or private.
� PERSONAL SIItVICE CONTRACT3: � � � � � �� � � ' , �, , � ' � � � � � �
, Tlvs infocma#ion will be nsed to deteimine the city's &ability for workecs compensatio� claaos ffises �pmp� civil ,
. ser¢ice�iraingtules.
� � Eicplainthesiti�ationor�com3i'fionsthatcreateda6eedforyo��prpJe�orre9Uesk,� � � � � �
� � ADVANTAGES IF APPROVED � � � � � � � � � � � � � �
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SONG THANH BILLIARD - 995 University Avenue West
Monday, April 17, 2000
Cerry Strathman, Legisiative Aearing Officer
The meeting ivas called to order at 333 p.m.
STAFF PRESENT: Christine Rozek, License, Inspections, Environmental Protection (LIEP);
Kristina Schweinler, LIEP
Gerry Strathman stated this meeting is being held to hear objections to licenses at Song Thanh
Billiard at 995 University Avenue West.
Kristina Schweinler reported this license appiication is for the following licenses: pool and
billiazd hall, two MAD (mechanical amusement device) machines, cigarette{tobacco, and original
container. LIEP recommends approval.
Mr. Strathman stated there was some indication that this business has been operating for two
years. Ms. Schweinler responded this is a new application for new licenses. There have been
other licenses at this location.
Mr. Strathman asked are any condifions recommended. Ms. Schweinler responded there are
none recommended by LIEP.
Michael Samuelson, Thomas Dale District 7 Plaiuiing Council, appeared and stated he is
representing the neighbors in the vicinity. It was his understanding that this business was
previously located in the Crazy Louie's building on University and Victaria, and then relocated
to 995 University Avenue West about 18 months ago. Ms. Schweinler responded there was a
pool ha11 there previously, and that business had a license. Mr. Samuelson stated he was never
informed about a previous pool hall license.
Mr. Samuelson stated he reviewed this license with the neighbors and the owner, and Mr.
Strathman should have received a petition from about 30 neighbors in the area. Their ob}ections
aze as follows: late night disturbances, loud noise upon entering and leauing late at night,
loitering on 5herburne Avenue because of the parking lot, public urination, alleged consumption
of alcohol and drugs in the parking lot, lack of security in the parking lot. These are not
objectiotts Mr. Samuelson has observed, nor can he say they are attributed to Song Thanh
Billiard specificaily.
He and Johnny Howard of the Thomas Dale Block Clubs met with the owner, stated Mr.
Samuelson, and they agreed upon the following list of conditions to be placed on the license:
1) The Sherburne Avenue parking lot entrance should be closed off to discourage patrons from
using it. There is a curb cut into the parking lot off of University Avenue. 2) Evening security
should be added, particularly on Friday and Saturday nights. 3) Rules of behauior should be
posted similar to other pool haiis, such as the weazing of gang colors, no loitering, noise in the
ao 3� �
SONG Tf3ANH BILLIARD - 945 University Avenue West - 4-17-2000 Page 2
pazking lot, etc. 4) The business should have a staudazd set of hours. From discussions with the
application and the neighbors, some nights the business closes at 10:00 and other nights at 2:00
am. Mr. Samue]son would like the business to be open unti111:00 p.m. on weeknights and 1:00
a.m. on weekends.
Mr. Stcathman asked has the owner agreed to these conditions. Mr. Samuelson responded yes;
however, closing off the Sherburne Avenue e�t was with the understanding the building owner
Mr. Vang would agree. Mr. Saxnuelson has a copy of the letter that the owner of the building is
objecting to this license. He informed Mr. Vang that the business could be evicted.
Is he in objection to the license regardless of the conditians, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr.
Samuelson responded that is conect because it is creating a public disturbance and based on the
recommendation of the unmediate neighbors who do not want the business open. All of the
residents signed the petition including the management of Herges Bar. However, if the licenses
aze granted, he would like Co see the conditions added to the license application so that the
neighbors would be protected as much as possible.
The following appeared: Thu Dinh Trinh, owner; Ken Bottema, 210 Second Street North #50,
Minneapolis, representing the owner; and Andrew Le, 12921 18�' Avenue, Burnsville,
represenring the owner. Mr. Bottema stated Mr. Trinh is committed to being a good neighbor
and running a straightforward business. He is not responsible for problems that have plagued
this location in the past. There is an offer from someone else to lease the location at a higher
price; therefore, the properiy owner will do anything to get Mr. Trinh out of the building. Given
the circumstances and informafion, Mr. Bottema does not feel the license application should be
Mr Strathman asked has the current owner been operating the business. Ms. Schweinler
responded Mr. Trinh applied in December; he may have been operating it since then.
Were the problems present in the last few months, asked Mr. Strathman. According to neighbors
he's spoken to, responded Mr. Samuelson, the problems have occurted since the business
Mr. Strathman asked aze they willing to agree to all these conditions. Mr. Bottema responded
posting rules and gang colors is not a problem. If the building owner would agree to biocking off
an entrance, that would be fine. Security may not be something the owner can afford.
Ms. Schweinler stated the ordinance allows this business to stay open only until midnight. Also,
the Fire Aepartment wouid have to agree to blocking an entrance.
What about having the owner or an employee monitor the parking lot, asked Mr. Strathman. Mr.
Le responded it is a community parking lot and several businesses use it during the day. Mr.
Bottema responded it is not a problem to have someone check the pazking lot on a period'ac basis.
SONG THANH BILLIARD - 995 University Avenue West - 4-17-2000 Page 3
Mr. Strathman stated he has two courses of action: 1) He could find that this license is too
disturbing to the neighborhood and, therefore, make a recommendation to send this matter to an
administrafive law judge. His recommendation would have to be approved by the City Council.
It is an expensive process and the outcome depends on what the judge finds and what the City
Council deternunes. 2) He could recommend approval of the license appiication with
conditions. It seems this is the more prudent and less costly approach. This may ameliorate the
problems of the neighbors.
Gerry Strathman recommended approval of the license with the following conditions that were
agreed upon by the applicant:
1) Business will close no later than 11:00 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, 12:00 p.m. on Friday and
2) Security will be provided in the parking lot to eliminate loitering and unnecessary
disturbances to the neighborhood;
3) Signage will be posted inside and outside of the business that state loitering, drinking, use of
illegal substances, littering, and loud noises are prohibited;
4) No gang colors aze allowed;
5) The licensee will pick up litter daily in front of the business and in the parking lot.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:55 p.m.
(Note: some of the conditions recommended by Michael Samuelson could not be applied to the
license application because: 1) the fire code prevents one of the exits from being closed, 2) the
pazking lot is used by several other businesses.)