279393 � WH17E - CITV CLERK COUIICII /�l�` B��E �MAVOR E GITY OF SAINT PAUL �d �e��';� CANARV DEPARTMENT - File N 0. ' C uncil Resolution Presented By �'�� �li�� - Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II by striking out in their entirety the subsections C, D� E� F� G� H� I� J� K� L� M� N� 0� P� Q� R� S� U� V� atld substituting in lieu thereof the attached subsections C through J. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays / Requested by Department of: Fletcher K Levine v In Favor � Masanz � Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY — �� Wils�orr� OCj `�, � �982 Form Approv d by i Att ney Adopted by Council: Date Certified a;_ y Cou cil re BY ( B� tap ve by 17avor: Date ^- Approve yor for Sub � to Council sy BY PUB�fSHED 0 C T 3 0 1982 �'������ SECTION II C The compensation for the class of Blacksmith Trainee, in Section 3.A 1 (Building Trades - Ungraded - Boilerma.kers) of the Civil Service Rules shall be as shown below: Starting Rate 60% of the base rate for Blacksmith After 6 months 65% of the base rate for Blacksmith After 1 year 70% of the base rate for Blacksmith Af ter 2 years and thereafter 75% of the base rate for Blacksmith D The compensation for the class of Interpreter/Health in Section 3.L (Technical) Ungraded, of the Civil Service Rules shall be $5.38 per hour. E The compensation for the class of Food Service Equipment Specialist in Section 3.D (Equipment Ma.intenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be as shown below: Starting 6 months 1 ear 2 years 3 years $8.74 $9.18 $9.64 $10.12 $10.65 F The compensation for the class of Custodial Supervisor--Civic Center in Section 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be $9.84 per hour. G The compensation for the class of Pipefitter - Controls Specialist in Section 3.A (Building Trades - Ungraded) Subsection 15 (Pipefitters), of the Civil Service Rules, shall be $14.74 per hour. The compensation for employees who are not eligible for City fringe benefits in said class shall be $16.11 per hour. H The compensation for the class of Heavy Equipment Operator--Water Department in Section 3.G (Labor Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be $13.77 per hour. I The compensation for the class of Refectory Supervisor in Section 3.B (Clerical) Ungraded, of the Civil Service Rules shall be $4.91 per hour. J The compensation for the class of Painter General Foreman in Section 3.A, Sub- section 10, of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: 1982 1983 $14.17 w/benefits $20.26 w/benefits 16.46 wo/benefits 17.95 wo/benefits �. �, WHITE — CITV CLERK � � � P�NK — FINAN�E G I TY O� SA I NT � ALIL ������ C4NARV — DEPARTMENT � � CDUnCll .�d'�. - BLUE — MAYOR File NO. _ CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution. � RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended in Section II by striking out in their entirety the subsections C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, 0, P, Q, R, S, U, V, and Substituti.n� iri lieu thereof the attached subsections C through J. COUNCILI�EN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher � PERSONNEL• OFFIGE �ew�ne In Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Against By , TedeSCO� �1AFileen- OCT 2 1 1982 Form Approved by City Attorney Advpted by Council: Date — Certified Vassed by Council Secretary BY B�' -- Approved by :4lavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council ' ` �`����;� � � � �� ` CITY OF SAINT 1�A.UL � —��, ' ��a.irrrtr_ n-u� mHF CITY COT7�CIL '. ������� SECTION II C The compensation for the class of Blacksmith Trainee, in Section 3.A I (Building Trades - Ungraded - Boilermakers) of the Civil Service RuZes shall be as shown below: v Starting Rate 60% of the base rate for Blacksmith After 6 months 65% of the base rate for Blacksmith After 1 year 70% of the base rate for Blacksmith � After 2 years and thereafter 75% of the base rate for Blacksmith D The- compensation for the class of Interpreter/Health in Section 3.L (Technical) Ungraded, of the Civil Service Rules shall be $5.38 per hour. E The compensation for the class of Food Service Equipment Specialist in. Section 3.D (Equipment Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules sha11 be as shown below: Starting 6 months 1 year 2 years 3 years $8.74 $9.18 $9.64 $10.12 $I0.65 F The compensation for the class of Custodial Supervisor--Civic Center in Sectian 3.H (Maintenance Supervisors, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be $9.84 per hour. G The compensation for the class of Pipefitter - Controls Specialist in Section 3.A (Building Trades - Ungraded) Subsection 15 (Pipefitters), of the Civil Service Rules, shall be $14.74 per hour. The compeasation for employees who are not eligible for City fringe benefits in said class shall be $16.11 per hour. H The compensation for the class of Heavy Equipment Operator--Glater Degartnen� in Section 3.G (Labor Maintenance, Ungraded) of the Civil Service Rules shall be $13.77 per hour. T The compensation for the class of Refectory Supervisor in Section 3.B (Clerical) Ungraded, of the Civil Service Rules shall be $4.91 per hour. J The compensation for the class of Painter General Foreman in Section 3.A, Sub- section 10, of the Civil Service Rules shall be as follows: 1982 I983 $14.17 w/benefits $20.26 w/benefits 16.46 wo/benefits 17.95 wo/benefits � c.► r-r tr,1t l Sl:VEN f�Ft F[.OUft s:�r�;-r r,�u�., .�ti���E-s�>r:� s�� � ..-�... .. __ r �. . . Pe r � /J� a1�t,.� DE�ARTMEiJT. sonnel �f�. � CONTACT: Bernard Wright ROUTING ANn EXPLANATION SHEET PHONE: 298-4221 tGREEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements �p� — I �� v ROUTIN6 O P. - R � � 1 �1 C O Siori DI E TOR OF MANAGEMENT _ 3 MAYOR F��C�I Y ED DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT� SERVICE$�`� � 3 1982 2 CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK MAYORS OFFICE BUDGET DIRECTOR �TION R��i]t FSTED�P ALL L�CATI�NS �OR MAYORAL SIGNATURE); We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. �HAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS �PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)�; Thi s re solution amends the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensala.on Re soluti.on. Thi s i s basically a housekeeping re solution. It delete s the rate s of pay which have now been included in various collective bargaini.ng agreements and no longer needed in this Salary R,e solution. It also re-lette rs the items which are not being deleted. The se are lettered A thru. J thus leavi.ng the remainder of the alphabet for use in the future. FINANGIAL, BIDGETA$Y AND PERSONNEL�MPACTS ANTIGIPAT�D: None. ATTACHMENTS tLIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): ],� �S Olil'tl.Ori 2, Copy for City Clerk. 3, E: e.aae nev.cuu neceaa.c,ty an a.tt.ac en.t o �rte o�ouung aup�ontcng ocumewta De ent : - C.i,ty A.ttonney: i. Counei.2 Reae.�,Li.on Re�wi�ced? YES NO 1. Reao.�uZi.on? VES �VD 2. Trcaw'�nee Req;.r.ined? yES NO 2. Tnewtanee Su65�.e.i.ewt? YES N4 3. in.ew�arcce A.t,�.a.ched? YES NO � g RPVisian OM:4/29/82