279392 WH17E - CITV CLERK �i �{�p PINK - `INANCE COUIICIl ���p� CANARV��-DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PALTL File NO. � v `� Bl.l'lt - MAVOR C uncil Resolution Presented By � �''��"L`'� Referred To ' Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution adjusti.ng the rate of pay for Groundskeeper and establishing the rate of pay for Groundcrew Member in the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation Re solution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolution be amended by striking out of Secti.on II B where the title appears under the heading "Special Employments" the following: "Groundskeeper $2. 75 per hour and by substituting in lieu thereof the following: "Groundskeepe r $4. 75 pe r hour and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensati.on R.esolution be further amended in Section II B thereof, under the heading "Special Employments", by inserting, in proper alphabetical order, the following: Groundcrew Member $3. 50 per hour and be it FINALLY RE50LVED, that the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation Re solution be furthe r amended by striking out of Se ction II B whe re the title s -1 - COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher Levine [[1 FaVO[ Masanz Nicosia Scheibel __ Against By - Tedesco , Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy Approved by 1lavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council Bv - - — BY �1t WHITE - CiTV GLERK COUflClI . 4 +��/ BL�E - MAVOR E CITY OF SAINT PAiTL File NO. ��g� CANARY "bEPARTMENT Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date appear under the heading "Special Employments" the following titles: Clubhouse Man G ate man Head Gateman Head Ticket Seller-Stadium Head Usher-Stadium Matron-Stadium Publi c Add re s s An.noun ce r Scoreboard Operator Ticket Seller-Stadium U she r-Sta.dium > . � . -2- , � COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher � PERSONNEL OFFICE �ev�ne In Favor , Masanz Nicosia � scheibe� _ __ Against BY ---�— �edeaeo �Ilfii�er�- Adopted by Council: Date O�� 2 � 19a2 Form pprove by it Attorney Certified P•_ b Council re BY g , � _� � /\ppr y Mavor: Da e _�T 2 ��g$2 Approve ayor for S ion to Council By _ BY �IJBLiSHEO �C T 3 0 1982 yr,� r� - T� c� F�.� � Council IV�4JV�a� '1 !K — '!l.N.'�,t: � ;-,; .._ . - �, �,' _., �i I 'i�"� (3�'' �A � iii°'l: ��1�gT�. File 1�0._ CITY CLERK �������� �,���.����-���� P re s e r t r d �3y — - — ------ -------------- — - Refc>rred To —__._.__._____--_________--- -- Committee: Date Out of Commi?tee i3y- - --- Date ----- — An. adrnini strative Re solution adjusting the rate of pay for Groundskeepe r and e stab�i shing the rate of pay for Groundcreti�r Mexnber in the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensation Re solution. RESOLVED, that the Salary Plan and Rates of Compensation Resolu�io�. be amendeci by striking cut of Section II B where the -Eitle appears under f:he heading "Special. Employments" the following: "Groundskeeper $2. 75 per hour and by substituting i71 lieu thereof tlie following: "Groundskeeper $4. 75 per hour and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, -that the Salary Plan and Rate s of Compensatio�. Re s oluti on be fu rthe r arnende d in Se ctio�z II F3 the re of, unde r the he ading "Special Employments", by inserting, in proper a�.phabetical order, the follo���ing: . Groundcrew Member $3. 50 per hour , and be i;. FINALLY RESOLVED, that the 5alary Plan and Rate s of Compensatior Resolution be further arriended by striking out of Section II B tvhere the titles -1 - COU\C�IL1tEti Reyuested by Department of: }'"�1S ticl�'S Fletcher �. Levine __ �❑ �'avOi ---- --------- hlasanz Nicosia Sch�ibel - ----_-- Against �y ----- -- — — i e�d�esCo 41Liies+i— O�.+T„r� � 1987 ___ Form Approved by City Attorney ' 11dvE�ted h�,- C�uncil: Date _______ �%1 __.—_ Ccertific d Vassed b}' Council Secretary �Y --- --__--- -- — [3; -- ---------------- ApQroved by Mayor for Submission to Cotincil �1 p p ro�•�d b,; 1l a t'o r: D a t e .-------------------------- 1YVil IF�. �- Cil-Y (:.LF_t2K • �';raY — FI;aAUCF COIIIiCII cn^inrtv — oe-r�n�2�r-.�eN�� A o b g� �s T� 7T �" (� i+l.11�... ��- MAY�?F� .) l ,a 1 ��A` A.J1� lelv� ' 1� 111J �.`7(� �SJ. �'������ .�����.�.�.���� Pre�E�n�ecl c3�� -------------- ----------- -- -- Reicrred 'I'o ---------- ---------------- Committee: Date ------ =---- O u t o f C o rn n:i t t e� I3}'-.--------__----------- -- --- D a t e - ------- appear �ander the heading "Special Emplayments" 1:he folloti�inb -Eitle s: Clubhouse Man G ate man Head Gateman Head Ticket Seller-Stadium Head Usher-Stadium Matron-Stadium Pu'olic Addre s s �.iznou.nce r Scoreboard Operat�r Ticket SAller-Stadium t7 she r-Stadiurri -2- COUNC'IL��}�;N Requested by Department of: Y��as Na}�s Flstcher ( PERSONNEL OFFICE �.��,,�,:, I« Fa vo r --- -------- - I�:!;�S:iYI� �:li.'1��;} s.:h:;ae► ----- — Against �Y -- ----- ---- --- Teci�scu V°lilson Form Approved by City Attorney P.d�,E�t�>d b�� Cuuncil: I)ate ------------ Ccrrtifi��d �'�,s5ed i�} Cuuncil Secretary BY -- – — — �''� ---------------- -------------------- I Approved by hiayor Eor Submission to Council A{rp:u�:ec� by 3lavor: Date .-------------- ------ ( j_..t ��.. . • � � � 2'�9���a � �; ` CITY OF SAINT P�.UL � �����•, << F. �� OF'P`ZCIC OF TFFI: CITY COIINCIL .-. F� r �.::.`�„ r . TE �__�•, Date -� -- - lt- �� f,� "=_...� COM (VII�"TEE REPORT �i' p = SQin� Pau ! Cifi� Coc��ci[ FFtO t� = Cor�nt�nit�tee oh �j C _ _ /�/f�,l�� �. � . CHAIR � : - AG � E �4DA. . � 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held September 28, I9S2.�K- 2. Resolution transferring $40,000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Civic � Organizations Contributions_ (LARC� (Housing Information Office) '���b�€�•a'-=�� -�.-- Lah�-�s�iin h-�- ' up GPer.�--(-F�erse�'•`}e�-} : � 4. Resolution establishin� the 1982 Special Fund Budget for Energy A 't �Comm. Ser�-ices n��a.a-tr-__ ' S. Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1981-82 A:emorandum of Undeista�di^ � applying to Unclassified Employees holding the title of Asst. Fire G. Pers r.;��l] �r������.�.� � 6. Resolution approt�ing the 1982 biaintenance Labor Agreement bet�,�een I.S.D. �625 and the Electrician's Local �11Q (Personnel) -��„"�^'�----�� . 7. Resolution clarifying the a��eal�rocess on contested exa�nination questions (Personnel) ������'�-�-==���_'��� 8. P.esolution abolishing titles of the Ci��il Service Rules; substituting the title of Groundcrew blember. (Personnel) f' . � .. 9. Resolution establis}ies the rate of�y for the new title of Groundcretr ►lember and Groundskeeper (Personnel' :��' - "°"—'��"� 10. Resolution amends the current agreement between the Cit�- and the St. Paul Police _ Supervisory Group to allo�r the City to pay all of the Oct. 1, I982 insvrance premium increases (Personnel) I1. F.esolution amends���t��ar R�tes of Cort:pensation Resolution (Pcrsonnel) i 12. Resolution approves the applicltion of J. hilliam Doi�o�-an for the abatement of assess� er Count}' Atiditor's Report relating to 292 Goodhue Street� 13. � � essmen cfiaY�ben�e�"r _ i-ee �r.►aiutenance___ (Communi-ty- Sex�cise-s}r2�eT�e�}—`�—��$t�-- � 14. Resolution changing the method of paying the Civil Service Conmission fror� a per mceting to an annual basis. (Personiiel) � ci�r•r t►,�� i StiVE:N'fFi F1.UUS( s��c`r t�.�ut., �ri��E-.sor:� s;. _:L.�. _.._ _ 2'79392 , • DEPARTMENT: �'ersox�nel Office ` COMTACT: �ernard Wright ROUTING ayn EXPLANATION SHEET PHONE: 298-4221 (GREEN SHEET) September 9, 1982 For administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements Qa ,I �� ROUT I G R - R M ��� �) � 1982 1 ivil vi m ' .ion `�`' u IRECT F MANA�EMENT MAYOR MAYORS �FFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT, SERVICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR A TIQN R fl �EST D �,GLIP ALL I OGATIONS FOR MAYORAL SIGNATUR�: We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. Y�HAT WILL B ACHI V D BY TAKING ACTION ON THE ATTAGHED M�TER2ALS �PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)�: Thi s Re solution e stabli she s tlze rate of pay for the new title of Growndc rew Membe r and a new xate of pay for Groun.dskeepe r which are in Section 3.M (5pecial Employ�xre nt) of the Civil 5ervice Rules. The hourly wages to be inserted in proper alphabetical ordex in Section TI� of the Salary P1aa aad Rates of Compensati.on R.esolution: will be: �Groundcrew Member - $3. 50 per hour � Groundskeeper - $4. 75 This R.e soluti.on also abolishe s rate s af pay for �he following title s whi,c h are being removed f�rom Section 3�.�M.(S,�e�ial En��loXment) of the Civil Service Ruless IIZE:S.irLa�YTi�Yi�RL'XRItik Y y v �-'r r eer�n . . .. . . . � . . �a.^i R r�r ��i� �.11'i��f.iIH114iiV'i���� . Clubhouse Man Matron-Stadiurri Gateman Public Addre s s Annovnce r ' : Head Gatem,�i Scoreboard Operator � �/• Head Ticket Se11er-Stadium Ticket Se11er-Stadium He ad U she r-Stadium U she r-5ta:dium � FINANCIAL IMPACT: None. � ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. 2, 3, P1We •tev.t.¢ut nee¢.4a�y o�t u.Ltlt.Chm2n.t o .trt2 o btlj7pon.tt�21j oeWn¢n.t5 �; - C.i,ty A,ttonxey: ____�.._-_. i. Caunc,i.t. ReaoX.u.Li.on Re:�c�.ined? Y�S NO 1. Reao.Cu.ti.on? YES Vt3 2. In.au,tance Req;wced? YES NO 2. In.aunance Su66.r:c,i.ent? YES N� 3. Ineunance attached? yES NO itevisi.� UM:�/29/8Z