COUpCI� r'1�E # QO r 3•/3
Green Sheet # 104601
Presented By:
Referred To: Committee:Date:
2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Depar[ment has received a 5253,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive
3 Block Grant from the State of Minnesota for the period 3anuary 1,1999 through September 30, 2000; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this grant on January 27,1999 (Council File #99-88); and
7 WHEI2EAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime; and
9 WHEREAS, there are remaining Sunds from this grant that can be used in 2000; and
I1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs establish a 2000 spending and fmancing plan for
12 these remaining grant funds, and
14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
15 there are available for appropriation funds of $82,518 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget:
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State
All Other Acrivity Financing
436 - Police-Special Projects
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
0141- Overtime
0219 - Professional Services
0439 - Fringe Benefits
All Other Activity Spending
262,793 82,818 345,611
29,199 - 29,199
e e ,
92,577 53,850 146,427
62,042 20,911 82,953
40,415 8,057 48,472
96,958 - 96,955
, > >
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 2000 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Po '
A nn�pV al Recommen ed by Budget Director:
Adopted by Council:Date: (�,��q ��o e ,
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: �-
gy r a'�..-
Form r ved 6y Ci Att i
BY� �,117�� �� L�
for Sub�t�' suon to Council:
3406]Juvincentivei 999GaM. cr.2000
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PoliceDepartment 3/15/00 GREEN SHEET No. 10460
CluefFlIlnCy 292 �I OEPAftTMFMO�REGTO 3J/'/ 5 cmcouxa� . � j �
P1ea5e p70CeSS ASAP � 19 �cmnrronr�EV ❑crtrc�ErsK
�idaroR Iokass�STN+n� ❑HUWIAN PoGMs
Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2000 budget for remaining grant funds from the
7uvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant awazded to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period January 1, 1999
through September 30, 2000.
7 Has this persoNfirm everworked undere coniract for this depariment?
CIB COMMII'TEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been e ciry employee�
3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normaliy possessetl by any current aty employee�
4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendor�
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has received a$25i,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Clrant from -
the Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry for the period Januai}� 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000.
There are remaining funds from this grant that can be used in 2000. The Saini Paul Ciry Council accepted �a�y�$�P
this grant on January 27, 1999 (Council File #99-88). (Attached is a copy of the grant.) c ,�,����
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Ability to use remaining grant funds available for reducingjuvenile crime.
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Grant funds will be unused. ��,�"� !j? p�;'}u
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FUNDING SOURCE $t3tC Of �'T111n. G1311t AGTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34067
340b7JuvIncentive1999Gant gs 2000
Services Branch
March 7, 2000
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Chief Finney:
� �
�� � �
Voice: (651) 296-0928
- Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (651) 296-2796
t�AR C 8 2;�;i �
Cl;it�'S ,. ;=!C._
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension for yo�JAIBG grant #90494 to
September 30, 2000, as well as approval for your budget modificat�on. The extension is already
in process. You will need to continue to submit quarterly reports up through this date.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either me (65 U282-2732 or
jrolson@nawmail.desstate.mn.us) orLaura Crowder(651/296-2684 or
Thank you for your hard work.
lohn �?lson, Program Coordinator
Youfh Services
c: Kay Tracy
3udy Teske
r___� „---_.._:... �__�_.
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Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, Mn 55101
Dear Mr. Olson
1 did not expect that we would have to contact you so soon in order to make a chinge in the use
of timds ttom the Juvenile Accountability Incentive [31ock Grant. As my last letter stated, we hac
predicted thlt we would hlve a ballnce of $65,429.00 left over (rom the 1999 grant. After
reviewing the rcports from last year I have found that we actuaity hlve a bafance oC$82,8I796
leaving us $17,389.50 more that anticipated.
I am requesting that a six month extension be given to make use of the additional $17,389.50
excess. $4421,26 would be used to pay a supervisor 2 hours per week overtime to handle the
additional scheduling needed for the Enhanced Probltion Program.
The remainin� $12,96824 would be used for an after school enrichment program. Four police
ot�icers would be teaming up witli personnel from the Fingerhut Corporation to work with youth
who are having problems in school.
This pilot would focus on two junior high schools (Ramsey and Humboldt) in St. Paul. OEticers
would meet with approximately 15-20 students at each schoo4 {'or 3 hours two times per week.
They would 1'ollow idels set i'orth in Program Purpose Area 1( by discussing drug use, gang
af£liation, and anger management. They would also help students by spending time tutoring.
Personnel from Fingerhut will talk about reason for staying in school and what can be done to
start preparing for the job market.
This pilot will run for nine weeks durina April and May. School personnel will pick the individuals
who they feel are most in need of the program.
� �jp -3R3
Commander Moliner tvill be in contact with you and will answer any question that you may have_
Thank you for your continuing support with our initiatives.
William K. Pinney
Chief of Police
cc: Assistant Chief Reding
Commander Montgomery
Amy Brown
Services Branch
January 4, 2000
� �
Voice: (6�1) 296-0923
Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (6�1) 296-2796
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Wiiliam K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paui, MN 55i01 _
SUB.lECT: Con*.rac*. Nc. 90494 - Saint P3ul Polica Department
Dear Chief Finney:
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension of your JAIBG grant
#90494. Your grant period will now end June 30, 2000. Please be aware that you need
to continue submitting quarterly reports until the end of your grant period.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John 01son (6511282-2732 or
jroison@nqwmail des state.mn.us) or Laura Crowder (65i/296-268A or
icrowder@nqwmaii des.state.mn.usl.
Thank you for your hard work.
Sincerely, )/
� j ✓
ay T �cy, Director
� ? G�-
Yout Services
c: Judy Teske
John Oison
390 Yarth 12obert Street SL Paul �5101 www.dess[ate.nvi.us
Norm Coleinnrs, Mayor
December 13, 1999
Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Olson:
Wi!linm K. Finney, CleiefojPa(ice
I00 Ensr Elevendr Srreet Telepkone: 6/2-291-l11!
SniiuYnu(, Minnesotn 5510! fnesimile: 6I2-292-37!/
There are two reasons for the letter. The first reason deals with the 2000 Juvenile Accountability
Incentive Block Grant. The grant stipulates that 45 percent of the fimds, exciuding a 10 percent
administration cost, must be allocated for program purpose areas 3 through 9, and not less that 35
percent must be allocated for program purpose area 1,2 and 10.
In 1999 we were given an exemption from those stipulation, and we are requesting the same for
the 2000 grant.
The second reason deals with us seeking an extension for the use of the 1999 fimds. We estimate
a balance in the following areas from the 1999 grant:
1) Restorative Justice- Most ofthe work was during the regular shift leaving a balance of
funds in the amount of $65,429.00 U��� -� J� .=; :�
2) Enhanced Probation- Bven though we have already transferred approximately
$14,000.00 from this budget we will still have a balance of approximately $16,000.00.
.4�, �`<� -�;. �-�_<;"�
3) Summer Program- Because the program was carried out on regular shifts we will have
a balance of $8,429.00. �� €-� t _ ( � o, t� ��-'
We would like to use the total, $65,429.00, to fund the followin� areas:
1) Enhanced Probation- January through June of 2000. We would continue the project
under Program Purpose Area 2 and expand by adding a two ofticer squad two nights per week to
work with a probation officer. The project h1s proven to be effective in dealing with chronic
}uvenile ot£enders, and we will continue with this format using funds from the 2000 grant for the
other six months. The budget for the first six months will be $44,517.46.
An A�nna(ive Aaion Eq�m! Oppw(�miry Emptoyer
00 -3?3
2) Gang Intervention- Program Puipose Area 1 I. We would continue to work with two agencies,
Boys and Girls Club and Collaborative Movement for Improvement, . There are currently over 60
ex-gang members invoived in the project. The budget for the project will be $20,911.00 from the
1999 grant with the remainder of the funds coming from the 2000 grant.
I hope these requests meet with your approval and look forward to discussing them with you.
Y� �
Will m K. Fim
• Chief of Police
cc: Deputy�hiefReding
Lieuten t Montgomery
n,. _an3
3'f 0 621 0000
Grant Agreement Number: 90494
This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State
of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Preparation Branch (WPB),
(hereinafter the DEPAftTMENT), and
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
or Federal Identifiication Number:
Minnesota State Tax identifiication Number:
(Hereinafter GRANTEE)
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been granted funds by the United States, through the Department of
Justice, for use to meet the purposes set forth.in and authorized by Public Law 105-119 (Making
Appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Retated
Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1998, and for othes Purposes), hereinafter
referred to as the "Act", and
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been named the Designated State Agency for the JA16G by the Chief
Executive Officer of the State and has the authority to enter into agreements pursuant to P.L. 105-
119, and has authority to allocate funds, and
WHEREAS, the Juvenife Crime Enforcement Coafition of the Unit of General Local Government, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Area") has the authority to approve a coordinated enforcement plan for reducing
juvenile crime for the Area, (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and
WNEREAS, the Chief Executive Off+cer of the Area has designated appropriate categories of juveniles within the
juvenile justice system for testing for use of controlled substances, and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is familiar witfi the Plan and has represented to the DEPARTMENT that it is qualified
and has effectively delivered services in the area of the type enumerated in the Act, and GRANTEE
further represents that it is qualified to perform the services enumerated in the Plan for the Area.
NOW, THEF2E�ORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agree
The foregoing recitais are made a part hereof as thoUgh set fosth in fuil and i� detail herein.
Proc�ram: The GRANTEE shall implement an acceptable Plan which meets the JAIBG Program and
Administrative Requiremenfs, Standards, Procedures, and Activities as set forth in the Act. The Plan is
incorporated by attachment hereto as Exhibit A.
IIi. Duties and Payment: GRANTEE shail perform all the services enumerafed in the Plan and shall be
reimbursed by the DEPARTMENT for its expenses in providing these services, provided fhat the total
obligation of the DEPARTMENT for all reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 253 536.
These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Budget contained in
the Plan (Form D of Exhibit A), which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a
part hereof. Adminisirative expendiiures may not exceed 10°l0 of total actual expenditures of the funds
provided under this grant agreement. GRANTEE must provide a cash match, of new mo�ey, of 10°l0 of
the entire program cost.
The DEPARTMENT shail not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liabilities to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund incurred as a reimbursing employer after termination of GRANT-
EE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liability accrued thereunder before the effective
date of this grant agreement.
IV. TPrm of Grant: This Grant shall be effective on January 1. 1999, or upor such date as it is executed as
to encumbrance by the Comm�ssioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later,
and shall remain in effect until December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set forth in this grant
agreement have been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whichever occurs first.
V. Canceiiation: This grant agreement may be canceled by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with cause, by
giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancelfation without cause, GRAtJTEE
shaN be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily per-
formed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPART-
MENT through a specific legislative act. If at any time such funds become unavailable under the Act,
this grant agreement shaii be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the dEPART-
MENT to GRANTEE. ln the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to reimbursement,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
In the event of such cancelfation for cause, inc{uding but not fimited to failure to comp{y with the
provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use
of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPART-
MENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests of the State ofi Minnesota,
including but not limited to the refusal to disburse additional funds pending a determi�ation of the
DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed.
This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any iime, with or without cause, upon thirty
(30) days written not+ce to the DEPARTMEfVT. Such written notice of cancellation must include
proposed terms for the discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice for work
or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's
proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shall notify
GRANTEE of its decision within (5) busi�ess days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation rrotice.
In the event of any canceliation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPART-
MENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a difFerent vendor. Failure to
cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different
vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material
breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the
DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach.
QO -3�3
VI. Reauest for Pakment: Ftequests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT
on the DEPARTMENT's "Cash Request Form". Payments shall be made by the DEPARTMENT as
soon as practicable after GR.4NTEE's presentation of the Request for Cash. The fact of payment of any
item shaii not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item.
VII. Purchase of Furniture and Equipment: Any purchase of non-expendable personal property that has a
useful life of more than one year with a per unit cost of $5,000 or more must have prior written approvai
VIII. Re�ayment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to offset any over-payment or
disallowance of any item or items under this grant agreement by reducing future payments requested by
GRANTEE. This clause shalf not be construed to bar any other Iegal remedies the DEPARTMENT may
have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disallowed costs.
IX. GftANTEE Reoorts: GRAN7EE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as
the DEPARTMENT may from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) by the 20th of the month foflowing the calendar quarter
covering such status for that qua[ter. GRANTEE shafl report expenditures of other funds satisfying
match requirements as specified at 20 CFR 645, Subpart C, on the quarterly FSR.
B. Quarterly Status Reports by the 25th of the month following the calendar quarter covering such
status for that quarter.
GRANTEE shall also make such reports to the U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroller General of the
United States or the DEPARTMENT as any of them may require.
The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a compiete, accurate
and timely manner.
X. Monitoring and Corrective Action: Performance as set forth in Paragraph II above is essential
throughout the term of this grant agreement. GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the
DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant agreement
provisions. GRANTEE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in performing and
completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such
remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT.
XI. Liabilitv: GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and
employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, including attorney's fees, arising from
the performance of this grant agreement by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and empioyees. Nothing
herein shall constitute a waiver by the GRANTEE or the DEPARTMENT o4 any statutory or common Iaw
limits of liability, defenses, or immunities.
XII. �ecial Administrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRAtSTEE agrees to administer the
program in accordance with the Act and the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. (Many
of these guidelines are presented in the DEPARTMENT's JAIBG Handbook.) GRANTEE also agrees to
comply with other applicable Federal and State laws. in the event that these laws, regulations or
guidelines are amended at any time during the term of this grant agreement, the GRANTEE shal!
comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines.
A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such flscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be
necessary to assure and promote sound financia! management, including effective internai controls.
The U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroiler General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or
a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or
otherwise, any books, documents, papers or records of GF2ANTEE. The books, records, documents
and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE reievant to this grant agreement are
also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the Legislative Auditor of the State of
Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fully cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have
said audits carried out in accordance with "Grant Audit Requirements," which is in Chapter 509 of
the MDES Policies and Procedures Manuai and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part
Alf records pertaining to this grant agreement shall be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at
least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an
audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer.
B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agrees to comply with OMS Circulars Numbers A-21, A-87, A-110,
A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C-10
(Implementation Guide for OMB CircularA-87), as these circulars are applicable and as they relate
to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books,
accounts and other documents under the Act as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-
21, A-87, orA-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost
allocation pians.
C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with aIi applicable Federal, State, and
local laws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to:
i. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d� as amended bv the Equal Emplo�ment
O�portunitKAct of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national
origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving federal financiai aid, and to all emPloyers,
including State and locaf governments, pubfic and private employment agencies, and labor
ii. The Minnesota Human Ric,�hts Act (Minnesota Statute 363), agrees to comply with the
Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statue 363, which prohibits discrimination based on
race, color, religion, age, nat+onal origin, sex, marital status, citizenship, disability, or reliance on
public assistance.
iii. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 �29 USC 794), as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of handicap in aIl federaliy-funded programs.
iv. The Ac�e Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 61011, as amended, which prohibits unreasonable
discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
v. The Americans with Disabilities Act o41990 (42 USC 1201), as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment.
D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of
Compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section
E. Workers' Compensation: in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182,
the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compfiance with the workers'
compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statute 176.181, Subdivision 2.
F. Reiocation Assistance: GRANTEE agrees to comply with the requirements of the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646) which
provides for fair and equitabie treatment of persons dispfaced as a result of federai or federaNy
assisted programs.
G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shall not be employed in the
construction, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for reVigious
instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds sha41 be expended for sectarian
worship, instruction, or proselytization.
00 -3K3
H. Data Practices: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shali inform program
applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share appticant data with other agenc+es for eligibility and
program evaluation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide appiicants'
an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act the clauses contained in the
I. Drua Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort fo maintain a drug free
workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act.
XI11. Job Service Listina: GRANTEE shali lisi any job vacancy in its personnel compiement with the nearest
Minnesota Job Service O�ce as soon as it occurs.
XIV. Voter Registration: GRANTEE shall provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance,
using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRANTEE, program participants and
the pubfic as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 20'1.162.
XV. Assiqnment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant
agreement without prior written consent of the DEPARTMENT. The provisions of this grant agreement
applicable to the GRANTEE shall aiso be appficable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE 4rom funds
obtained under this grant agreement.
XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the
same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in �ffice.
XVII. Debarment and Susqension Certification: (If appiicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the
PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and
Suspension; Notice and Fina� Rule and Interim Final Rule," found at 53 FR 19189, May 26, 1988, as
amended at 60 FR 33041, June 26, 1995, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, Ineligibifity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; unless excluded
by law or regulation.
XVIiI. Lobbyina Certification and Disclosure: (if applicable) The GRANTEE shall compfy with fnterim Finai
Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in Fede�al Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and
any permanent Rules that are adopted in piace of the Interim Rule. The Interim Final Rule requires the
GRANTEE to certify as to their lobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of
Public Law 101-121, which generally prohibits recipients of Federal contracts, grants and loans from
using appropriated funds for fobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal Government
in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan.
XIX. Operatinq Procedures� The GRANTEE hereby acknowledges that it has in its possession the
documents issued by the DEPARTMENT entitled "JAiBG Fiandbook". The GRANTEE further
acknowledges that its supervisory personnel to be involved in the administration of the grant agreement
have read and understand said document. The GRAN7EE agrees to comply with the contents of the
aforementioned documents.
XX. interesUProqram fncome: The GRANTEE shafl be responsible for establishing and mai�taining records
identifying interest and/or investment income earneii on advances of program funds. income so earned
shali be added to the existing funding of this grant agreement and may be used for any allowable grant
XXI. Grant Agreement Closeout: The GRANTEE agrees to submit a final quarterly Financial Status Report
(FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grant funds to the DEPARTMENT
within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a
listing of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if appiicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this
�o -3�3
period may result in disailowance of payment for any expenditures not previousty submitted. The
GRANTEE agrees to submit a revised final FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additionai funds must be
returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout.
XXIi. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppfements thereto, shal! be
governed by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for al! 4egal proceedings arising out of this
award, or breach thereof, shalt be in the State or Federai Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey
County, Minnesota.
oc -3�3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90494 ) to be duly executed
intending to be bound thereby.
FOR St Paul Police Department :
(Name g�He�legate Agency)
* If a corporation, hvo corporate officers must execute.
FOR The D�artment of Economic Securitv-
Workforce Preaaration Sranch:
Title: Director Pr�ram Support Services
s�qna2 pg
Preparation Sranch
Office of Youth�gy�qp��
����T A
po -��.3
Voice: (651) 296-Q928
Fax: (651) 296-5745
TTY: (651)296-2796
1998 -99 Locaf Entitfement Grants
Match Required: (11.2% of Atfocation, except construdion
requires a dollar for doftar match}.
T07AL Projett Cost
Typed Name�tl�: Wi 11 i am �C. Fi �:r,ey . COP
� (Ghief oC Poi?ce)
Pa e 1
c.�vr+mrrtav.xo �waucar F�..�aa 9
5 zS.i�o.�t
�a a�s
Phone: (65t) 2�2-3i88
OcroDer 6. t993
JAIBG Allocation
Do -3� 3
Checkthe Program Purpose Area(s) this grantwili support.
See Attachment 1 for Program Purpose descriptions
1. Constr�dion
2. AccouRtability - Based Sanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
5. Prosecution: Orugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Technology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
'� Construction requires a doltar fot dollar match.
William K. F!r:oe�•, COP
9. Drug Court Programs
10. Information - Sharing Programs
17. Accountability-Based Programs
(Law Enforcement ReferraVSchool
12. Controlled SubstanceTesting
acting for c i c y o f Sa i nc Pa u 1 do certify that the foilowing are true:
(Name ofCity/Counry)
1. We have established a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCE� in accordance with the
Federel Guidelines (see FORM F);
2. Our JCEC has developed a Coordinated Enforcement Pian {see fORM G);
3. We have or (will have) the required hard cash match (see ATTACHMENT 2); and
4. We have imptemented, (or wiii implement) by January 1,1999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances (see
5. We agree to implement the project using the minimum percentages (35%/45%) required in
federat statute (see Form C for projeds proposing an alternative use of funds).
Pa e 3
G.�UN17�Y17�41RomanawVAIBGVtcalApphcarioaFOtms.wpd g
OccoM 8. I998
� 0 -3?3
Dollars Percent
6A.193.67 27
Unless a signed Certification of Aiternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside
for administration),federat law requires thaY not less than 35 percent of JAIBG funds received at the local
ievel must be used in areas 1 and/or 2 andlor 10. No less than 45 percent of )AIBG funds received at the
local level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 4. Funding may also be used in areas 71 and/or
12. We wili use ihe funds in the fotfowing amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s):
PROGRAM PURPOSE pREA (See Attachment 1)
7. Construction
2. Accountabifity-BasedSanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
S. Prosecution:Drugs,Gangs,Violence
6. Prosecution: Technoiogy, Equipment,Traininq
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. information -ShaTing Psograms
lt. Accountabiliry-BasedPrograms(Iawenforcementr
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Grend Total
*{ hereby certify to MDES that the interests of public safety and of crime controi would be better served by
expending SAfBG funds in a proportior�at�er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law.
Authorized Signature:
TypedName/Title: w�Il�am 1c. Fi�,re�.
Date: ja a-'�l �
Phone_ (65l) 292-358E3
Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a Cqitification of Aiternative Use of Funds:
The S[. Paui Pel�ce Depar[mer[ is requks[ir.g•a Certification ot Aiien�ative Use et Furds
G \UNmYn�aROmanowVA[BG�Local Apphcauou Fom�s.wpd
Page 5 a�on� a. �ssa
due ta the specotec reeds �f iocal law enturcemer.t ard [he juver:iie pop�lat��c QO , .3�3
�.;h�ch is served. Tf�e departmer['s reeds Eor juver:�le accourtabili[y �.�i11 be
served ir: the areas required, however che percer.tage in areas 2&6 �.-ii1 be lawer
[har [he required percer:t ages by 8+9.59 percen[ respectively. Furds wiil be
expe�:ded tor che Poliocaing: ei�harced probatio<<, restora[ive justice, gai;g
�r:tervei�eio�� ar:d suppression ard summer programs For y�outh.
Pa e 6 a�ox� s. t�va
G.\UNII�YI7MRortunowVAffiG�La�alApplicanonFamu.wpd 9
00 -?�3
A. TotaIJAiBG Allocation ....................................
.............................. $ 253,536 '
28 1 70. Z!
B. Required Match ........................................................................ $ '
Total Program Cost(A plus B) .........................................................
Minus Administration (up to 10%ofthe amount on line A) .............................. S
Amount Avaifabfe for Program Puspose Areas (� minus Ol ..................
............ $ *
7. Construc[ion
2. Accountabifity-8ased 5anctions
3. Hiring (Nan-PCOSecution)
4. Prosecution: Niring
5. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Txhnology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. tnformatibn - Sharing Programs
77. Accountability-BasedPrograms(lawenforcementre
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Dotiars Percent
69,193.67 27
90.775.77 � 35.41
96,383.67 37.6
* S 100%
256,353.11 _
� Total must equal Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (line E above).
G.\UNl'[�Y�IFM.RomanowUNBGILaaI Application Focros.wpd
Page 7 Ocrob<r 8. 1998
Fili out a separete �orm EJBudget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpeciadfrom �� 1999through t2/3t/A9
St. Paul Police
Program Purpose Area:
100 E. ttth Screec (651? 292-3588
St. ?aul, ,1N >jL01 (6.51) 292-3542 (Cax)
2 ; Accourtab�litv Based Sar cciors
Number Description
Emplo Benefiu
Cont Servi
Tra (2 4 c enu p er mile for mileage)
Space Cosu & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
5 69,193.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationaie and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have selected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back ofi this page wifi alsa serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional information.)
Pa e 9 Ocloba 8. 1998
G AppLnuan Fcmu.wpd g
Pfease des<ribe briefly the retionale and background on how this adivity was selected in addition to how
funds ailocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
G 11JNITYTiMAomanoaUABG�l.oal Apptkanaa Fams.wpd
Page t 0 Oetoba 8. I998
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountability Based Sanctions
Program: Restorative Justice
Utiiizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Poiice Department wilf begin a duai
approach in reducing the frequency of crimes committed byjuveniles by:
1. Creafing more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders.
2. Disseminating information about the consequences of criminal behavior before they get into
the Juvenile Justice system. "
1"he Juvenile Units objectives are:
✓ To reduce the number of youth who commit crimes.
✓ To have efFective intervention with the first time offender.
✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit crimes.
✓ To devefop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in
cr+minal activ+ty.
Restorative Justice aliows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s).
✓ This allows suspect to realize the damage, fear and trouble she/he caused the victim as a
result of their criminal. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsibfe for
his/her actions.
✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or community service.
The Juvenile Unit will devefop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as
computer data analysis.
✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup
and juvenile history.
✓ The profile will show what type of criminal behavior the juvenile was involved.
✓ The profile will identify what the parentslguardians could have done to prevent the criminal
behavior. �
Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit wifl operate a program component for the
intervention of the offender.
✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile,
fn the case o4 the frrst time offender, the Juvenile UniE will incorporate the services of the Youth
Service Bureau (YSB).
✓ YSB will aid in the conference fior the Restorative Justice Program.
✓ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. a p— �73
✓ The following rules of the conference will apply:
-Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect.
-Fuil admission to the crime by the suspect.
-Written impact statement for both sides.
Expenditure of Funds
Salary and Fringe
1) $43,560 - overtime (inciuding fringe rate at 21 percent) for sergeants in the }uvenile unit to
handle 200 restorative justice cases.
2) $25,633.67 - one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement, coordinator
and oversee program. The supervisor will review each of the cases submitted for Restorative
Justice. They wi{I then tum the case over to the Youth Service Bureau
and record the outcr�me of the case. They will also track fhe overtimes hours used by the
investigators who are putting the cases together.
p _3?3
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetperiodfrom t/1/9e �999through t2/3t/99
S[. Pau] Police l00 E. lith Sereet (651) 292-3588
St. Paul, h1N 551Ot (65U 292-35�+2 (�tax)
Program Purpcse Area:
Emp4oyee Benefits
Cont Serv
Travei (29 cen pe r mile for mileage)
Space Gosts & Rental
Supp4ies, Phone, Postage, Printing(Copying
. Courts ard'Proba[ion
5 90.775.77
On the back of this page, please provide a bri2f description of the rationale and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have setected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back of this page wili aiso serve as a major component of the
pian you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Pian for
additional infortnation.) ovER -
Pa e 9 Oooba 6. 1998
G:\UM'RYiHaRomanowUAIBGLLcca� ApPl�cmon Forms.wpd 9
Please describe briefly the rationale and background on how this adivity was se(ected in addition to how
funds aliocated in this category wil{ be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
Please See actached
Pa e 10 Octoba B. 1998
G:WNl'I�YffMAomanoo'VAffiGLLocalAPFlwaooPortns.wpd 9
po -1� 3
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Program: Enhanced Probation
Ramsey County has a significant Asian population, the vast majority of which are
Hmong and live in the City of Saint Paui. Since the late 1980s, the number of Hmong
youth coming into our juvenile correctional programs has grown. Unfortunately, it is
quite typical that Asian definquent youth become involved in criminal gangs, violent
offenses and the use of weapons. The follawing data will help to illustrate these trends:
New cases or admissions: Asian Juven+les
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995. 1996
Boys Totem Town ----- 2 15 16 30 22 29 35 33 23
Juveniie Detention 38 27 126 132 213 167 194 267 271 31�
Juvenile Probation 24 16 77 62 78 87 112 130 214 180
The number of southeast Asian youth entering the Ramsey County juvenife probation
system in 1996 equaled 12 percent of the total of 1503 newjuveniles referred to the
county system during the year. 140 (78 percent) of these juveniles were Nmong. The
other 40 (22 percent) were from other Asian cultures.
A study was done by the Orange County Probation Department in California in 1994.
This study showed that 70 percent of the first time offenders did not commit further
crimes as juveniles. It did show that 8 percent became chronic re-offenders, committing
at least three and up to 14 more crimes or probation violations while still juveniles. This
sma{I group of re-offenders were responsibie for more than 50 percent of the repeat
business faced by the juvenile system. Although, a study has not been done in Ramsey
County, it is be{ieved that the probiem is the same percentage wise and increasing. The
8 percent is the number that we are trying to identify and take the approximate action
with. Through intensive probation and intervention we hope to modify behavior and
offer famify support.
The Enhanced Probation Pi{ot Project is designed to target Asian and sefected other
juveniles on probation we see are already invoived or at-risk of involvement in vio(e�t
crime, use of weapons or gang activities. Afthough many Hmong youth and fami4ies stifl
live within our three major pubiic housing projects, the population has become much
more dispersed throughout our community in recent years. The majority of these .
families live in the City of Saint Paul. The Enhanced ProbationiChronic Offenders
Program was implemented in mid-September ofi 1997. This program for juveniles was
modeled after the highly successful Boston Gun Project's "Nightlights Program" and is
aimed at preventing youth violence utilizing a coilaborative effort between Ramsey
County Probation, Saint Paul Police, the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, and a variety of
community based programs including Hmong American Partnership (HAP). Partiai
funding was provided to the Ramsey County Community Corrections Department under
the Enhanced Probation Pilot Project Grant that was approved By the 1997 Legislature.
From the eariiest planning stages of this pilot program, the Saint Paul Police
Department has worked with Ramsey County utilizing existing resources to ensure a
successful outcome. Juveniles on this program are required to participate in their
coilaboration with probation, police and HAP as a condition of their probation. This
request for grant funds is to expand the program within the Saint Paul Police
Department to include more juveniles. Since tfie program's initial implementation, 69
juveniles have been arrested. Currentiy, there are two probation o�cers assigned to
this program. They each have approx. 15 to 20 juveniles on their case load. In addition
they also check on other juveniles on probation for other probation officers. The
Ramsey Co. Probation officers are being fiunded by the State Department of
Corrections. St. Paul Police officers accompany them on their checks of ihese
juveniles about three times a week and this is done on a overtime base.
7he primary goal of this project is to min+mize criminal activity by youth within the Asian
community as wefl as other se{ected juvenile offenders. 4n doing so provide a safer
environment for the community. We wifl attempt to monitor the success rate of the
persons placed on this program. This will be measured by their reduced police contacts
and completion of this program. Also, to show that they have completed their education
or have obtained a job to become productive members of the community.
Many factors enter into the measuring of the success of any program of this type.
Examples of simifar programs successes are demonstrated by the reduction in the
violent crime rate in Boston, when they instituted a similar program. Our own truancy
program in St. Paul was successfiul in that we returned more kids back to their schools
and in addition saw a reduction in the day time crime rate usually associated with
juveniles.(Burglaries, car thefts, CDTP) Mpls has aiso report success in there Anti-
Violence 4nitiative.
Expenditure of Funds;
Salary and Fringe
1) $65,142.10 -overtime for patroi officers: $51,252.16 plus fringe rate on
overtime at 21 percent -$13,889.94. Based on 2 patrol officers 3 nights a week
equaling 1248 hours an overtime rate of $44.00 per hr.
2) $25,633.67—one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement,
coordinate and oversee program. The supervisor will meet with probation supervisors
and personnel along with personnei from Nmong American Partnership on a weekly
basis in order to evaluate youth coming into the program as we11 as the case loads of
the individual probation officers. They wili also oversee the scheduling of the officers
who are working with the probation personnel.
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpetiodfrom ��i/ 1499through
S[. Pau1 Police 10� E. tlth Streec �6it) 292-3588
St. Paul, hi� 55101 �6�1) 292-354Z (,tax)
Program Purpose Area: � t
Emptoyee Benefiu
C ontr ac[ ed Se rvices
Tra (29 c p e r mile for mileage)
Space Costs & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
Equipment _
• ACCOUr.tabilitv Based Pro grams
5 96,383.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationale and background on how this
funding wili be used and why you have seleded this Progrem Purpose Area forfunding.
(NOTE: The descriptio� provided on the back of this page will also serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to su6mit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional informat3on.) - ovEa -
Pa e9 Occober8.1998
G\UNITYfH�AltomanowVAIBGV,aalApplicadoLFamt.wpd g .
oa �3�,3
Piease describe briefly the rationale and backgrou�d on how this activity was selected in addition to how
funds allocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additionai sheeu i4 ne<essary.
Piease See Attached
Pa e 10 awoa a. isss
G.�UNL[�YCFi4�ROmanawUAIBG�1.oca1 Appitca¢aa Pams.o'Pd 9
ao - � �3
Program Purpose Area 11- Accountabilify Based Programs
Research has shown that opportunities for youth sfter schooi, on weekends and
during the summer months reduce alcohol and drug use, improve school
performance, and prevent youth from getting involved in crime and violenf
Program: Summer Activity Program for High Risk Youth
The officers who are involved with the DARE and School Liaison Programs will
work with personnel from St. Paui Parks and Recreation and the Soys and Giris
Ciubs of St. Paul in putting together basketball camps at 9 locations in the City.
Most basketball camps are very costly and not accessible to youth in the inner
These o�cers will afso work with personne! from the DNR and offer a program
with an ecologicai theme. Many of the youth do not have the opportun+ty to get
out of the city. By teaming up with the personnel at Fort Snelling State Park the
officers will take some of these youth hiking, fishing, canoeing, swimming, and
give them a chance to earn a Jr. Naturalist badge.
Shis program provides our h+gh-risk youth a chance to parficipate in a camp and
provide positive interaction with poiice officers. We expect to have over 2Q0
youth participate in these programs.
Program: Gang Intervention
In March of 1998, the department began a federally funded program for gang
intervention in the City ofi St. Paui. Funding for this program wil{ expire in March
of 1999. We propose to continue to fund the program utilizing JAIBG funds.
The St. Paul Police Department will continue to identify youth that are involved
with gang activity and make them aware of other alternatives to the gang way of
life. A11 too many young people reach out to gangs to fill needs that are not being
met in their lives.
Many of them realize after a period of time that the gangs are not all they were
made out to be, but they don't know how to go about getting out. They continue
to be part of the gang life and eventually end up in the legal system.
With the "Getting OuY' psogram we will refer these youth to one of two
community based sociaf service agencies. One of the two caseworkers hired
using JAIBG funds will assess their needs and interests. The youth and the case
worker will then set up goals in the areas of education, empioyment, life skills,
community service, and possibly gang tattoo removal. Information wili be
conveyed to the Police Department regarding the progress of each youth. Based
on our passed experience, we project 85 percent of the youth will stay in the
program and esfab(ish positive behavioral patterns.
The intake process of the program will afso include a chemicaf use assessment.
If there is a need for any type of chemical interdiction, the youth wiif be set up
with a program through the St. Paul Schools or Lao Family if the youth is Asian.
Expenditure of Funds:
1) $62,0�0- contract services for caseworkers.
2) $8,750- O�cers overtime for summes program
3) $25,633.67- one third safary and fringe benefits for supervisor to
implement, coordinate and oversee programs. Gang intervention (one-
third salary combined with summer programs). The supervisor will act
as a consultant to the service agencies in matters dealing with gang
activity. They will also track each of the youth invoived in the program
as far as any new police contacts. They wiil also present classes to the
staff of the St. Paul Public Schools dealing with gang awareness and
available programs dea{ing with gang prevention and intervention. The
supervisor wili also schedule the overtime for the officers invo{ved in
the programs. They will aiso coordinate with the recreation center and
DNR personnel. The Sgt. in charge of the DARE and Liaison Units will
reporF to this supervisor enabling a more coordinated effort in dealing
with at risk youth and offenders.
When establishing a local JCEC, units of locaf government must inciude, uniess impracticabte, individua{s
representing (1) police, (2) sheriff, (3) prosecutor, (4) State or local probation services, (5) juveniie court, (6)
schools, p) business, and (8) religious a�liated, fraternal, nonprofit, or social service organizations involved
in crime prevention. The eight listed groups for establishing a JCEC is not an exhaustive list. Units of local
government may add additional sepresentation as appropriate.
Please include the person`s name, titie, address, organization represented, phone number, fax number and
e-mail address (if available).
Please complete both sides of this form; it is a component of your local plan (as described in Form G).
Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition Members:
1)PofiC2 5[. Pau1 Police Departme��t
William K. Firr,ev�, ChieE of Poiice
100 E. ilth St.
Sc. Pau1, MN 55101
(651? 292-3588
2) Sheriff ��
3) Prosecutor •
Kate Sa��telmarr - Ramsey Courty Attori�ey
SO W. Kellogg Suite 315
St. Pau1, MN 55102
(651) 266-3125
4) Probation
ioac Fabian �
50 W. Kellogg Blvd Suite 650E
St.. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 266-2384
5)COUR Ji�dge Johr Corrolly - Ramsey Cour[y Juver:ile Court
480 5[. Peter St.
SC. Paul, �1� 55102
(65l) 292-641t
G:WNC[1YTH�P.RamaacwVABGLLocil Appi�cauoo Fotms.wpd Page 11 a�oea s. issa
00 -3� 3
6)SCh00� paui Pautsor
360 Coiborre St.
S[. Paui, M� » IO2
(6�1) 293-5401
7) Business
Dr. James Foiev — Tactoo Renoval (Plastic Surgeorl
i7 W. Exchange St.
5[. Paul, �1� 5�102
(65l) 292-9624
8) Communiry Organization Representative
R!ch Gr.igos (Bo��s & Gir1s Club of St. Paul) William L. Collirs Jr.
1620 .�mes ave. Y.d.C.�. of St. Paul
St. Paui, hi� 35106 198 :Jes[err. ?.ve. ?J.
(65l) 771-3350 St. Pau1, MN Si102
(651) 222-3741
4)Other Viiue Gillespie Nar,cv LeTourneau
St. Paui Parks & Recreation Youth Service Bureau
300 Citv Hall Anr,ex L167 Arcade
St. Paul, i�V �5102 Sc. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 266-6400 (651) 771-1301
List any other members of your focal Juveniie Crime Enforcement �oa{ition not listed above:
c:utrimrnnatto�„nowuntacu.am nPpixauoa Fom�..�a Page 12 a�oee a. ievs
00 .��,3
Units of local goverr.: �ent that are eligible to receive )AiBG funds must estabfish a Coordinated Enforcement
Plan for reducing juvenile crime developed by the local Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEn.
Coord'snated Enforcement Plan for Reducing luvenile Crime
The plan developed by a focai JCEC is based on an analysis of {ocal juvenife justice system needs. The
analysis determines the most effective uses of funds, within the twelve JAiBG Program Purpose Areas, to
achieve the greatest impact on reducingjuvenile delinquency, improving thejuvenilejustice system, and
increasing accountability for juvenile offenders.
On tfiis page and the foilowing page, p{ease summarize those Program Purpose Areas you intend to fund
and provide an overview of the rationaie. This summary sfiould tie together your overall issues and rationale
for the specific areas your partnership has chosen to fund.
LocaiPfanfor. cicy of sc. Paul
Pa e 13 a�qt�a. �9vs
G:�UMI�YTH�ARommowVAIDGLLaa! App�icatiou Farms.wpd 9
ao -��3
Local Plan
in 1996, juveniles were involved in 8 out of the 23 homicides in Saint Pauf. 1n 1997, 3
of the 24 homicides were commiited by juveniles and 4 of fhe 24 were victims of
homicide. In 1995 }uveniles accounted for over 58 percent of all arrests for Part I
crimes in the city. Despite the decrease in the juvenile population in recent years there
has been a 52 percenF increase in juvenife arrests.
Although, this program is encompassing Ramsey County, these numbers reflect the
volume of the juvenile problem in St. Paul. A list of juveniles with ten of more contacts
has been pufled from our data base. These numbers represent a 7 year period dating
from June of 1990 through June of 1998. Of these juveniles, who are currentiy stiii
under the age of 18 years old, 112 have accounted for 1972 contacts in the juvenile
o�ce. They range from having 37 to 13 contacts each in this time period. Another 198
juveniles account for 2120 contacts and have 12 to 10 contacts each.
The Juvenile Unit has handled 60,787 cases in this same time period. From this
number the Juvenile Unit has charged 55,456 juveniles. This number reflects varying
degrees of action from court appearances to referrals to diversion programs. Of that
number 21,180 cases have been cleared by arrest. (Note, the cleared by arrest number
reflect juveniles that may have been charged with multiple offenses.)
In order to address the juvenile crime issues, Saint Paul has developed a sound
comprehensive strategy and identified support programs that work to further the
objectives of the strategy. These objectives for Saint Paul inciude hofding the juvenile
oifender accountable, enabling the juvenile to become a capable, productive and
responsib{e citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community. The Coordinated
Enforcement Pian for Reducing Juvenife Crime in Saint Pau{ includes alf those
objectives listed above.
The department is involved in severa4 programs towards the objectives (isted which
include DARE, Schooi Liaison, Restorative Justice - Auto theft, Enhanced probation -
selected juveniles and officer friendly. The Juveniie Accountabifity Incentive Biock
Grant will allow us to expand these efforts in the following:
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountabiiity Based Sanctions
Restorative Justice
The Restorative Justice program run by the Saint Paul Police Department will hold the
juvenile offender accountable for their actions and reduce recidivism rates in the City of
Saint Paul.
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Enhanced Probation
a� -��3
The Enhanced Probation Program holds the juvenile offender accounfable while
heiping to ensure the safety of the community.
Program Purpose Area 11 - Accountability Based Programs
Gang Intervention
The Gang Intervention Program addresses enabling the juvenile to become a capable,
productive and responsible citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community.
Federa{ law requires that a unit of loca! government, to be determined eligible to receive a JAIBG award or
subgrant, must fiave implemented, or agree to implement byJanuary 1, 7 999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances.
The cate9ories of juveniles w+thin the juvenile justice system that are `appropriate" for testing shall be
determined by the Chief Executive Officer of the State certifying compliance or by the applicant unit of local
government. It is expected that appropriate categories wiil vary among jurisdidions depending on
tfieir needs and resources. States and units of local government are encoureged to include drug
treatment in their overatl }slan to reduce juveni(e drug use.
You may determine tfie cacegories for testing for your jurisdiction. Piease list the categories:
All juvei�iles are tested at the local }uverile correctional Eacility'.
The} are also tested or, a rardom basis �aher, on probatior, for cortrolled
subseatzce use.
G:\UNCS�YTEMRamanowVAIDGLLa�IApplicaconFamt.wpd Page 15
anca a. �9ss
o� _��3
I. Program Information
A. Whv We Are Asking For It: To heip us decide whether you are eligibie for
the program and what other services you may need.
B. How We Pian To Use It: We may use it to prepare required reports, conduct
audits, review eligibility and to find out how the program is helping you.
C. With Whom We May Share This Information: With staff, allowed by law, who
need it to do their jobs in: the Minnesota Department of Economic Security;
the United States Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing
and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may also share it with
community based agencies, local and state human service agencies,
educational programs and other agencies wfiich help you.
D. If You Do Not Provide This Information: You are not required by law to
provide this information. If you choose not to provide tfiis information, we
may not know whether you are eligible for the program and may not be able
to help you. Providing false information can lead to removal from the
program. �
II. Wage Detail Files
We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota
Department of Economic Security to help us evaluate the program.
III. Socia! Security Numbers
You do not have to provide a Social Security Number to be eligible for our
programs. Federal Privacy Act and Freedom of tnformation Act dictates the
use of the Social Security Number. We may use it for computer matches,
program reviews and improvements, and audits.
COUpCI� r'1�E # QO r 3•/3
Green Sheet # 104601
Presented By:
Referred To: Committee:Date:
2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Depar[ment has received a 5253,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive
3 Block Grant from the State of Minnesota for the period 3anuary 1,1999 through September 30, 2000; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this grant on January 27,1999 (Council File #99-88); and
7 WHEI2EAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime; and
9 WHEREAS, there are remaining Sunds from this grant that can be used in 2000; and
I1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs establish a 2000 spending and fmancing plan for
12 these remaining grant funds, and
14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
15 there are available for appropriation funds of $82,518 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget:
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State
All Other Acrivity Financing
436 - Police-Special Projects
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
0141- Overtime
0219 - Professional Services
0439 - Fringe Benefits
All Other Activity Spending
262,793 82,818 345,611
29,199 - 29,199
e e ,
92,577 53,850 146,427
62,042 20,911 82,953
40,415 8,057 48,472
96,958 - 96,955
, > >
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 2000 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Po '
A nn�pV al Recommen ed by Budget Director:
Adopted by Council:Date: (�,��q ��o e ,
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: �-
gy r a'�..-
Form r ved 6y Ci Att i
BY� �,117�� �� L�
for Sub�t�' suon to Council:
3406]Juvincentivei 999GaM. cr.2000
. �
PoliceDepartment 3/15/00 GREEN SHEET No. 10460
CluefFlIlnCy 292 �I OEPAftTMFMO�REGTO 3J/'/ 5 cmcouxa� . � j �
P1ea5e p70CeSS ASAP � 19 �cmnrronr�EV ❑crtrc�ErsK
�idaroR Iokass�STN+n� ❑HUWIAN PoGMs
Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2000 budget for remaining grant funds from the
7uvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant awazded to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period January 1, 1999
through September 30, 2000.
7 Has this persoNfirm everworked undere coniract for this depariment?
CIB COMMII'TEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been e ciry employee�
3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normaliy possessetl by any current aty employee�
4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendor�
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has received a$25i,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Clrant from -
the Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry for the period Januai}� 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000.
There are remaining funds from this grant that can be used in 2000. The Saini Paul Ciry Council accepted �a�y�$�P
this grant on January 27, 1999 (Council File #99-88). (Attached is a copy of the grant.) c ,�,����
, �.:'� e! � �4DS7
Ability to use remaining grant funds available for reducingjuvenile crime.
�`=-- z;�i;'° ^'>�
Grant funds will be unused. ��,�"� !j? p�;'}u
��9:� i �`gu �. �. r. ...
FUNDING SOURCE $t3tC Of �'T111n. G1311t AGTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34067
340b7JuvIncentive1999Gant gs 2000
Services Branch
March 7, 2000
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Chief Finney:
� �
�� � �
Voice: (651) 296-0928
- Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (651) 296-2796
t�AR C 8 2;�;i �
Cl;it�'S ,. ;=!C._
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension for yo�JAIBG grant #90494 to
September 30, 2000, as well as approval for your budget modificat�on. The extension is already
in process. You will need to continue to submit quarterly reports up through this date.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either me (65 U282-2732 or
jrolson@nawmail.desstate.mn.us) orLaura Crowder(651/296-2684 or
Thank you for your hard work.
lohn �?lson, Program Coordinator
Youfh Services
c: Kay Tracy
3udy Teske
r___� „---_.._:... �__�_.
. .� .
� 00 - 373
Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, Mn 55101
Dear Mr. Olson
1 did not expect that we would have to contact you so soon in order to make a chinge in the use
of timds ttom the Juvenile Accountability Incentive [31ock Grant. As my last letter stated, we hac
predicted thlt we would hlve a ballnce of $65,429.00 left over (rom the 1999 grant. After
reviewing the rcports from last year I have found that we actuaity hlve a bafance oC$82,8I796
leaving us $17,389.50 more that anticipated.
I am requesting that a six month extension be given to make use of the additional $17,389.50
excess. $4421,26 would be used to pay a supervisor 2 hours per week overtime to handle the
additional scheduling needed for the Enhanced Probltion Program.
The remainin� $12,96824 would be used for an after school enrichment program. Four police
ot�icers would be teaming up witli personnel from the Fingerhut Corporation to work with youth
who are having problems in school.
This pilot would focus on two junior high schools (Ramsey and Humboldt) in St. Paul. OEticers
would meet with approximately 15-20 students at each schoo4 {'or 3 hours two times per week.
They would 1'ollow idels set i'orth in Program Purpose Area 1( by discussing drug use, gang
af£liation, and anger management. They would also help students by spending time tutoring.
Personnel from Fingerhut will talk about reason for staying in school and what can be done to
start preparing for the job market.
This pilot will run for nine weeks durina April and May. School personnel will pick the individuals
who they feel are most in need of the program.
� �jp -3R3
Commander Moliner tvill be in contact with you and will answer any question that you may have_
Thank you for your continuing support with our initiatives.
William K. Pinney
Chief of Police
cc: Assistant Chief Reding
Commander Montgomery
Amy Brown
Services Branch
January 4, 2000
� �
Voice: (6�1) 296-0923
Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (6�1) 296-2796
r�r��=;\J�' .
�.J �-� ^
, t /.
.,:=�'S `� , .. ,��
� Cr.
J � .' L:
Wiiliam K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paui, MN 55i01 _
SUB.lECT: Con*.rac*. Nc. 90494 - Saint P3ul Polica Department
Dear Chief Finney:
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension of your JAIBG grant
#90494. Your grant period will now end June 30, 2000. Please be aware that you need
to continue submitting quarterly reports until the end of your grant period.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John 01son (6511282-2732 or
jroison@nqwmail des state.mn.us) or Laura Crowder (65i/296-268A or
icrowder@nqwmaii des.state.mn.usl.
Thank you for your hard work.
Sincerely, )/
� j ✓
ay T �cy, Director
� ? G�-
Yout Services
c: Judy Teske
John Oison
390 Yarth 12obert Street SL Paul �5101 www.dess[ate.nvi.us
Norm Coleinnrs, Mayor
December 13, 1999
Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Olson:
Wi!linm K. Finney, CleiefojPa(ice
I00 Ensr Elevendr Srreet Telepkone: 6/2-291-l11!
SniiuYnu(, Minnesotn 5510! fnesimile: 6I2-292-37!/
There are two reasons for the letter. The first reason deals with the 2000 Juvenile Accountability
Incentive Block Grant. The grant stipulates that 45 percent of the fimds, exciuding a 10 percent
administration cost, must be allocated for program purpose areas 3 through 9, and not less that 35
percent must be allocated for program purpose area 1,2 and 10.
In 1999 we were given an exemption from those stipulation, and we are requesting the same for
the 2000 grant.
The second reason deals with us seeking an extension for the use of the 1999 fimds. We estimate
a balance in the following areas from the 1999 grant:
1) Restorative Justice- Most ofthe work was during the regular shift leaving a balance of
funds in the amount of $65,429.00 U��� -� J� .=; :�
2) Enhanced Probation- Bven though we have already transferred approximately
$14,000.00 from this budget we will still have a balance of approximately $16,000.00.
.4�, �`<� -�;. �-�_<;"�
3) Summer Program- Because the program was carried out on regular shifts we will have
a balance of $8,429.00. �� €-� t _ ( � o, t� ��-'
We would like to use the total, $65,429.00, to fund the followin� areas:
1) Enhanced Probation- January through June of 2000. We would continue the project
under Program Purpose Area 2 and expand by adding a two ofticer squad two nights per week to
work with a probation officer. The project h1s proven to be effective in dealing with chronic
}uvenile ot£enders, and we will continue with this format using funds from the 2000 grant for the
other six months. The budget for the first six months will be $44,517.46.
An A�nna(ive Aaion Eq�m! Oppw(�miry Emptoyer
00 -3?3
2) Gang Intervention- Program Puipose Area 1 I. We would continue to work with two agencies,
Boys and Girls Club and Collaborative Movement for Improvement, . There are currently over 60
ex-gang members invoived in the project. The budget for the project will be $20,911.00 from the
1999 grant with the remainder of the funds coming from the 2000 grant.
I hope these requests meet with your approval and look forward to discussing them with you.
Y� �
Will m K. Fim
• Chief of Police
cc: Deputy�hiefReding
Lieuten t Montgomery
n,. _an3
3'f 0 621 0000
Grant Agreement Number: 90494
This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State
of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Preparation Branch (WPB),
(hereinafter the DEPAftTMENT), and
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Social Security or Federal Identifiication Number:
Minnesota State Tax identifiication Number:
(Hereinafter GRANTEE)
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been granted funds by the United States, through the Department of
Justice, for use to meet the purposes set forth.in and authorized by Public Law 105-119 (Making
Appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Retated
Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1998, and for othes Purposes), hereinafter
referred to as the "Act", and
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been named the Designated State Agency for the JA16G by the Chief
Executive Officer of the State and has the authority to enter into agreements pursuant to P.L. 105-
119, and has authority to allocate funds, and
WHEREAS, the Juvenife Crime Enforcement Coafition of the Unit of General Local Government, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Area") has the authority to approve a coordinated enforcement plan for reducing
juvenile crime for the Area, (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and
WNEREAS, the Chief Executive Off+cer of the Area has designated appropriate categories of juveniles within the
juvenile justice system for testing for use of controlled substances, and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is familiar witfi the Plan and has represented to the DEPARTMENT that it is qualified
and has effectively delivered services in the area of the type enumerated in the Act, and GRANTEE
further represents that it is qualified to perform the services enumerated in the Plan for the Area.
NOW, THEF2E�ORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agree
The foregoing recitais are made a part hereof as thoUgh set fosth in fuil and i� detail herein.
Proc�ram: The GRANTEE shall implement an acceptable Plan which meets the JAIBG Program and
Administrative Requiremenfs, Standards, Procedures, and Activities as set forth in the Act. The Plan is
incorporated by attachment hereto as Exhibit A.
IIi. Duties and Payment: GRANTEE shail perform all the services enumerafed in the Plan and shall be
reimbursed by the DEPARTMENT for its expenses in providing these services, provided fhat the total
obligation of the DEPARTMENT for all reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 253 536.
These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Budget contained in
the Plan (Form D of Exhibit A), which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a
part hereof. Adminisirative expendiiures may not exceed 10°l0 of total actual expenditures of the funds
provided under this grant agreement. GRANTEE must provide a cash match, of new mo�ey, of 10°l0 of
the entire program cost.
The DEPARTMENT shail not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liabilities to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund incurred as a reimbursing employer after termination of GRANT-
EE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liability accrued thereunder before the effective
date of this grant agreement.
IV. TPrm of Grant: This Grant shall be effective on January 1. 1999, or upor such date as it is executed as
to encumbrance by the Comm�ssioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later,
and shall remain in effect until December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set forth in this grant
agreement have been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whichever occurs first.
V. Canceiiation: This grant agreement may be canceled by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with cause, by
giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancelfation without cause, GRAtJTEE
shaN be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily per-
formed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPART-
MENT through a specific legislative act. If at any time such funds become unavailable under the Act,
this grant agreement shaii be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the dEPART-
MENT to GRANTEE. ln the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to reimbursement,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
In the event of such cancelfation for cause, inc{uding but not fimited to failure to comp{y with the
provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use
of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPART-
MENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests of the State ofi Minnesota,
including but not limited to the refusal to disburse additional funds pending a determi�ation of the
DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed.
This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any iime, with or without cause, upon thirty
(30) days written not+ce to the DEPARTMEfVT. Such written notice of cancellation must include
proposed terms for the discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice for work
or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's
proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shall notify
GRANTEE of its decision within (5) busi�ess days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation rrotice.
In the event of any canceliation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPART-
MENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a difFerent vendor. Failure to
cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different
vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material
breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the
DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach.
QO -3�3
VI. Reauest for Pakment: Ftequests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT
on the DEPARTMENT's "Cash Request Form". Payments shall be made by the DEPARTMENT as
soon as practicable after GR.4NTEE's presentation of the Request for Cash. The fact of payment of any
item shaii not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item.
VII. Purchase of Furniture and Equipment: Any purchase of non-expendable personal property that has a
useful life of more than one year with a per unit cost of $5,000 or more must have prior written approvai
VIII. Re�ayment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to offset any over-payment or
disallowance of any item or items under this grant agreement by reducing future payments requested by
GRANTEE. This clause shalf not be construed to bar any other Iegal remedies the DEPARTMENT may
have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disallowed costs.
IX. GftANTEE Reoorts: GRAN7EE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as
the DEPARTMENT may from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) by the 20th of the month foflowing the calendar quarter
covering such status for that qua[ter. GRANTEE shafl report expenditures of other funds satisfying
match requirements as specified at 20 CFR 645, Subpart C, on the quarterly FSR.
B. Quarterly Status Reports by the 25th of the month following the calendar quarter covering such
status for that quarter.
GRANTEE shall also make such reports to the U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroller General of the
United States or the DEPARTMENT as any of them may require.
The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a compiete, accurate
and timely manner.
X. Monitoring and Corrective Action: Performance as set forth in Paragraph II above is essential
throughout the term of this grant agreement. GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the
DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant agreement
provisions. GRANTEE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in performing and
completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such
remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT.
XI. Liabilitv: GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and
employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, including attorney's fees, arising from
the performance of this grant agreement by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and empioyees. Nothing
herein shall constitute a waiver by the GRANTEE or the DEPARTMENT o4 any statutory or common Iaw
limits of liability, defenses, or immunities.
XII. �ecial Administrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRAtSTEE agrees to administer the
program in accordance with the Act and the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. (Many
of these guidelines are presented in the DEPARTMENT's JAIBG Handbook.) GRANTEE also agrees to
comply with other applicable Federal and State laws. in the event that these laws, regulations or
guidelines are amended at any time during the term of this grant agreement, the GRANTEE shal!
comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines.
A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such flscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be
necessary to assure and promote sound financia! management, including effective internai controls.
The U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroiler General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or
a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or
otherwise, any books, documents, papers or records of GF2ANTEE. The books, records, documents
and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE reievant to this grant agreement are
also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the Legislative Auditor of the State of
Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fully cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have
said audits carried out in accordance with "Grant Audit Requirements," which is in Chapter 509 of
the MDES Policies and Procedures Manuai and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part
Alf records pertaining to this grant agreement shall be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at
least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an
audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer.
B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agrees to comply with OMS Circulars Numbers A-21, A-87, A-110,
A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C-10
(Implementation Guide for OMB CircularA-87), as these circulars are applicable and as they relate
to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books,
accounts and other documents under the Act as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-
21, A-87, orA-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost
allocation pians.
C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with aIi applicable Federal, State, and
local laws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to:
i. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d� as amended bv the Equal Emplo�ment
O�portunitKAct of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national
origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving federal financiai aid, and to all emPloyers,
including State and locaf governments, pubfic and private employment agencies, and labor
ii. The Minnesota Human Ric,�hts Act (Minnesota Statute 363), agrees to comply with the
Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statue 363, which prohibits discrimination based on
race, color, religion, age, nat+onal origin, sex, marital status, citizenship, disability, or reliance on
public assistance.
iii. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 �29 USC 794), as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of handicap in aIl federaliy-funded programs.
iv. The Ac�e Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 61011, as amended, which prohibits unreasonable
discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
v. The Americans with Disabilities Act o41990 (42 USC 1201), as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment.
D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of
Compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section
E. Workers' Compensation: in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182,
the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compfiance with the workers'
compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statute 176.181, Subdivision 2.
F. Reiocation Assistance: GRANTEE agrees to comply with the requirements of the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646) which
provides for fair and equitabie treatment of persons dispfaced as a result of federai or federaNy
assisted programs.
G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shall not be employed in the
construction, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for reVigious
instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds sha41 be expended for sectarian
worship, instruction, or proselytization.
00 -3K3
H. Data Practices: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shali inform program
applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share appticant data with other agenc+es for eligibility and
program evaluation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide appiicants'
an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act the clauses contained in the
I. Drua Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort fo maintain a drug free
workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act.
XI11. Job Service Listina: GRANTEE shali lisi any job vacancy in its personnel compiement with the nearest
Minnesota Job Service O�ce as soon as it occurs.
XIV. Voter Registration: GRANTEE shall provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance,
using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRANTEE, program participants and
the pubfic as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 20'1.162.
XV. Assiqnment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant
agreement without prior written consent of the DEPARTMENT. The provisions of this grant agreement
applicable to the GRANTEE shall aiso be appficable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE 4rom funds
obtained under this grant agreement.
XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the
same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in �ffice.
XVII. Debarment and Susqension Certification: (If appiicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the
PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and
Suspension; Notice and Fina� Rule and Interim Final Rule," found at 53 FR 19189, May 26, 1988, as
amended at 60 FR 33041, June 26, 1995, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, Ineligibifity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; unless excluded
by law or regulation.
XVIiI. Lobbyina Certification and Disclosure: (if applicable) The GRANTEE shall compfy with fnterim Finai
Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in Fede�al Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and
any permanent Rules that are adopted in piace of the Interim Rule. The Interim Final Rule requires the
GRANTEE to certify as to their lobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of
Public Law 101-121, which generally prohibits recipients of Federal contracts, grants and loans from
using appropriated funds for fobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal Government
in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan.
XIX. Operatinq Procedures� The GRANTEE hereby acknowledges that it has in its possession the
documents issued by the DEPARTMENT entitled "JAiBG Fiandbook". The GRANTEE further
acknowledges that its supervisory personnel to be involved in the administration of the grant agreement
have read and understand said document. The GRAN7EE agrees to comply with the contents of the
aforementioned documents.
XX. interesUProqram fncome: The GRANTEE shafl be responsible for establishing and mai�taining records
identifying interest and/or investment income earneii on advances of program funds. income so earned
shali be added to the existing funding of this grant agreement and may be used for any allowable grant
XXI. Grant Agreement Closeout: The GRANTEE agrees to submit a final quarterly Financial Status Report
(FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grant funds to the DEPARTMENT
within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a
listing of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if appiicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this
�o -3�3
period may result in disailowance of payment for any expenditures not previousty submitted. The
GRANTEE agrees to submit a revised final FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additionai funds must be
returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout.
XXIi. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppfements thereto, shal! be
governed by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for al! 4egal proceedings arising out of this
award, or breach thereof, shalt be in the State or Federai Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey
County, Minnesota.
oc -3�3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90494 ) to be duly executed
intending to be bound thereby.
FOR St Paul Police Department :
(Name g�He�legate Agency)
* If a corporation, hvo corporate officers must execute.
FOR The D�artment of Economic Securitv-
Workforce Preaaration Sranch:
Title: Director Pr�ram Support Services
s�qna2 pg
Preparation Sranch
Office of Youth�gy�qp��
����T A
po -��.3
Voice: (651) 296-Q928
Fax: (651) 296-5745
TTY: (651)296-2796
1998 -99 Locaf Entitfement Grants
Match Required: (11.2% of Atfocation, except construdion
requires a dollar for doftar match}.
T07AL Projett Cost
Typed Name�tl�: Wi 11 i am �C. Fi �:r,ey . COP
� (Ghief oC Poi?ce)
Pa e 1
c.�vr+mrrtav.xo �waucar F�..�aa 9
5 zS.i�o.�t
�a a�s
Phone: (65t) 2�2-3i88
OcroDer 6. t993
JAIBG Allocation
Do -3� 3
Checkthe Program Purpose Area(s) this grantwili support.
See Attachment 1 for Program Purpose descriptions
1. Constr�dion
2. AccouRtability - Based Sanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
5. Prosecution: Orugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Technology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
'� Construction requires a doltar fot dollar match.
William K. F!r:oe�•, COP
9. Drug Court Programs
10. Information - Sharing Programs
17. Accountability-Based Programs
(Law Enforcement ReferraVSchool
12. Controlled SubstanceTesting
acting for c i c y o f Sa i nc Pa u 1 do certify that the foilowing are true:
(Name ofCity/Counry)
1. We have established a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCE� in accordance with the
Federel Guidelines (see FORM F);
2. Our JCEC has developed a Coordinated Enforcement Pian {see fORM G);
3. We have or (will have) the required hard cash match (see ATTACHMENT 2); and
4. We have imptemented, (or wiii implement) by January 1,1999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances (see
5. We agree to implement the project using the minimum percentages (35%/45%) required in
federat statute (see Form C for projeds proposing an alternative use of funds).
Pa e 3
G.�UN17�Y17�41RomanawVAIBGVtcalApphcarioaFOtms.wpd g
OccoM 8. I998
� 0 -3?3
Dollars Percent
6A.193.67 27
Unless a signed Certification of Aiternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside
for administration),federat law requires thaY not less than 35 percent of JAIBG funds received at the local
ievel must be used in areas 1 and/or 2 andlor 10. No less than 45 percent of )AIBG funds received at the
local level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 4. Funding may also be used in areas 71 and/or
12. We wili use ihe funds in the fotfowing amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s):
PROGRAM PURPOSE pREA (See Attachment 1)
7. Construction
2. Accountabifity-BasedSanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
S. Prosecution:Drugs,Gangs,Violence
6. Prosecution: Technoiogy, Equipment,Traininq
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. information -ShaTing Psograms
lt. Accountabiliry-BasedPrograms(Iawenforcementr
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Grend Total
*{ hereby certify to MDES that the interests of public safety and of crime controi would be better served by
expending SAfBG funds in a proportior�at�er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law.
Authorized Signature:
TypedName/Title: w�Il�am 1c. Fi�,re�.
Date: ja a-'�l �
Phone_ (65l) 292-358E3
Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a Cqitification of Aiternative Use of Funds:
The S[. Paui Pel�ce Depar[mer[ is requks[ir.g•a Certification ot Aiien�ative Use et Furds
G \UNmYn�aROmanowVA[BG�Local Apphcauou Fom�s.wpd
Page 5 a�on� a. �ssa
due ta the specotec reeds �f iocal law enturcemer.t ard [he juver:iie pop�lat��c QO , .3�3
�.;h�ch is served. Tf�e departmer['s reeds Eor juver:�le accourtabili[y �.�i11 be
served ir: the areas required, however che percer.tage in areas 2&6 �.-ii1 be lawer
[har [he required percer:t ages by 8+9.59 percen[ respectively. Furds wiil be
expe�:ded tor che Poliocaing: ei�harced probatio<<, restora[ive justice, gai;g
�r:tervei�eio�� ar:d suppression ard summer programs For y�outh.
Pa e 6 a�ox� s. t�va
G.\UNII�YI7MRortunowVAffiG�La�alApplicanonFamu.wpd 9
00 -?�3
A. TotaIJAiBG Allocation ....................................
.............................. $ 253,536 '
28 1 70. Z!
B. Required Match ........................................................................ $ '
Total Program Cost(A plus B) .........................................................
Minus Administration (up to 10%ofthe amount on line A) .............................. S
Amount Avaifabfe for Program Puspose Areas (� minus Ol ..................
............ $ *
7. Construc[ion
2. Accountabifity-8ased 5anctions
3. Hiring (Nan-PCOSecution)
4. Prosecution: Niring
5. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Txhnology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. tnformatibn - Sharing Programs
77. Accountability-BasedPrograms(lawenforcementre
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Dotiars Percent
69,193.67 27
90.775.77 � 35.41
96,383.67 37.6
* S 100%
256,353.11 _
� Total must equal Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (line E above).
G.\UNl'[�Y�IFM.RomanowUNBGILaaI Application Focros.wpd
Page 7 Ocrob<r 8. 1998
Fili out a separete �orm EJBudget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpeciadfrom �� 1999through t2/3t/A9
St. Paul Police
Program Purpose Area:
100 E. ttth Screec (651? 292-3588
St. ?aul, ,1N >jL01 (6.51) 292-3542 (Cax)
2 ; Accourtab�litv Based Sar cciors
Number Description
Emplo Benefiu
Cont Servi
Tra (2 4 c enu p er mile for mileage)
Space Cosu & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
5 69,193.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationaie and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have selected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back ofi this page wifi alsa serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional information.)
Pa e 9 Ocloba 8. 1998
G AppLnuan Fcmu.wpd g
Pfease des<ribe briefly the retionale and background on how this adivity was selected in addition to how
funds ailocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
G 11JNITYTiMAomanoaUABG�l.oal Apptkanaa Fams.wpd
Page t 0 Oetoba 8. I998
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountability Based Sanctions
Program: Restorative Justice
Utiiizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Poiice Department wilf begin a duai
approach in reducing the frequency of crimes committed byjuveniles by:
1. Creafing more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders.
2. Disseminating information about the consequences of criminal behavior before they get into
the Juvenile Justice system. "
1"he Juvenile Units objectives are:
✓ To reduce the number of youth who commit crimes.
✓ To have efFective intervention with the first time offender.
✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit crimes.
✓ To devefop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in
cr+minal activ+ty.
Restorative Justice aliows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s).
✓ This allows suspect to realize the damage, fear and trouble she/he caused the victim as a
result of their criminal. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsibfe for
his/her actions.
✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or community service.
The Juvenile Unit will devefop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as
computer data analysis.
✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup
and juvenile history.
✓ The profile will show what type of criminal behavior the juvenile was involved.
✓ The profile will identify what the parentslguardians could have done to prevent the criminal
behavior. �
Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit wifl operate a program component for the
intervention of the offender.
✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile,
fn the case o4 the frrst time offender, the Juvenile UniE will incorporate the services of the Youth
Service Bureau (YSB).
✓ YSB will aid in the conference fior the Restorative Justice Program.
✓ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. a p— �73
✓ The following rules of the conference will apply:
-Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect.
-Fuil admission to the crime by the suspect.
-Written impact statement for both sides.
Expenditure of Funds
Salary and Fringe
1) $43,560 - overtime (inciuding fringe rate at 21 percent) for sergeants in the }uvenile unit to
handle 200 restorative justice cases.
2) $25,633.67 - one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement, coordinator
and oversee program. The supervisor will review each of the cases submitted for Restorative
Justice. They wi{I then tum the case over to the Youth Service Bureau
and record the outcr�me of the case. They will also track fhe overtimes hours used by the
investigators who are putting the cases together.
p _3?3
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetperiodfrom t/1/9e �999through t2/3t/99
S[. Pau] Police l00 E. lith Sereet (651) 292-3588
St. Paul, h1N 551Ot (65U 292-35�+2 (�tax)
Program Purpcse Area:
Emp4oyee Benefits
Cont Serv
Travei (29 cen pe r mile for mileage)
Space Gosts & Rental
Supp4ies, Phone, Postage, Printing(Copying
. Courts ard'Proba[ion
5 90.775.77
On the back of this page, please provide a bri2f description of the rationale and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have setected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back of this page wili aiso serve as a major component of the
pian you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Pian for
additional infortnation.) ovER -
Pa e 9 Oooba 6. 1998
G:\UM'RYiHaRomanowUAIBGLLcca� ApPl�cmon Forms.wpd 9
Please describe briefly the rationale and background on how this adivity was se(ected in addition to how
funds aliocated in this category wil{ be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
Please See actached
Pa e 10 Octoba B. 1998
G:WNl'I�YffMAomanoo'VAffiGLLocalAPFlwaooPortns.wpd 9
po -1� 3
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Program: Enhanced Probation
Ramsey County has a significant Asian population, the vast majority of which are
Hmong and live in the City of Saint Paui. Since the late 1980s, the number of Hmong
youth coming into our juvenile correctional programs has grown. Unfortunately, it is
quite typical that Asian definquent youth become involved in criminal gangs, violent
offenses and the use of weapons. The follawing data will help to illustrate these trends:
New cases or admissions: Asian Juven+les
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995. 1996
Boys Totem Town ----- 2 15 16 30 22 29 35 33 23
Juveniie Detention 38 27 126 132 213 167 194 267 271 31�
Juvenile Probation 24 16 77 62 78 87 112 130 214 180
The number of southeast Asian youth entering the Ramsey County juvenife probation
system in 1996 equaled 12 percent of the total of 1503 newjuveniles referred to the
county system during the year. 140 (78 percent) of these juveniles were Nmong. The
other 40 (22 percent) were from other Asian cultures.
A study was done by the Orange County Probation Department in California in 1994.
This study showed that 70 percent of the first time offenders did not commit further
crimes as juveniles. It did show that 8 percent became chronic re-offenders, committing
at least three and up to 14 more crimes or probation violations while still juveniles. This
sma{I group of re-offenders were responsibie for more than 50 percent of the repeat
business faced by the juvenile system. Although, a study has not been done in Ramsey
County, it is be{ieved that the probiem is the same percentage wise and increasing. The
8 percent is the number that we are trying to identify and take the approximate action
with. Through intensive probation and intervention we hope to modify behavior and
offer famify support.
The Enhanced Probation Pi{ot Project is designed to target Asian and sefected other
juveniles on probation we see are already invoived or at-risk of involvement in vio(e�t
crime, use of weapons or gang activities. Afthough many Hmong youth and fami4ies stifl
live within our three major pubiic housing projects, the population has become much
more dispersed throughout our community in recent years. The majority of these .
families live in the City of Saint Paul. The Enhanced ProbationiChronic Offenders
Program was implemented in mid-September ofi 1997. This program for juveniles was
modeled after the highly successful Boston Gun Project's "Nightlights Program" and is
aimed at preventing youth violence utilizing a coilaborative effort between Ramsey
County Probation, Saint Paul Police, the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, and a variety of
community based programs including Hmong American Partnership (HAP). Partiai
funding was provided to the Ramsey County Community Corrections Department under
the Enhanced Probation Pilot Project Grant that was approved By the 1997 Legislature.
From the eariiest planning stages of this pilot program, the Saint Paul Police
Department has worked with Ramsey County utilizing existing resources to ensure a
successful outcome. Juveniles on this program are required to participate in their
coilaboration with probation, police and HAP as a condition of their probation. This
request for grant funds is to expand the program within the Saint Paul Police
Department to include more juveniles. Since tfie program's initial implementation, 69
juveniles have been arrested. Currentiy, there are two probation o�cers assigned to
this program. They each have approx. 15 to 20 juveniles on their case load. In addition
they also check on other juveniles on probation for other probation officers. The
Ramsey Co. Probation officers are being fiunded by the State Department of
Corrections. St. Paul Police officers accompany them on their checks of ihese
juveniles about three times a week and this is done on a overtime base.
7he primary goal of this project is to min+mize criminal activity by youth within the Asian
community as wefl as other se{ected juvenile offenders. 4n doing so provide a safer
environment for the community. We wifl attempt to monitor the success rate of the
persons placed on this program. This will be measured by their reduced police contacts
and completion of this program. Also, to show that they have completed their education
or have obtained a job to become productive members of the community.
Many factors enter into the measuring of the success of any program of this type.
Examples of simifar programs successes are demonstrated by the reduction in the
violent crime rate in Boston, when they instituted a similar program. Our own truancy
program in St. Paul was successfiul in that we returned more kids back to their schools
and in addition saw a reduction in the day time crime rate usually associated with
juveniles.(Burglaries, car thefts, CDTP) Mpls has aiso report success in there Anti-
Violence 4nitiative.
Expenditure of Funds;
Salary and Fringe
1) $65,142.10 -overtime for patroi officers: $51,252.16 plus fringe rate on
overtime at 21 percent -$13,889.94. Based on 2 patrol officers 3 nights a week
equaling 1248 hours an overtime rate of $44.00 per hr.
2) $25,633.67—one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement,
coordinate and oversee program. The supervisor will meet with probation supervisors
and personnel along with personnei from Nmong American Partnership on a weekly
basis in order to evaluate youth coming into the program as we11 as the case loads of
the individual probation officers. They wili also oversee the scheduling of the officers
who are working with the probation personnel.
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpetiodfrom ��i/ 1499through
S[. Pau1 Police 10� E. tlth Streec �6it) 292-3588
St. Paul, hi� 55101 �6�1) 292-354Z (,tax)
Program Purpose Area: � t
Emptoyee Benefiu
C ontr ac[ ed Se rvices
Tra (29 c p e r mile for mileage)
Space Costs & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
Equipment _
• ACCOUr.tabilitv Based Pro grams
5 96,383.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationale and background on how this
funding wili be used and why you have seleded this Progrem Purpose Area forfunding.
(NOTE: The descriptio� provided on the back of this page will also serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to su6mit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional informat3on.) - ovEa -
Pa e9 Occober8.1998
G\UNITYfH�AltomanowVAIBGV,aalApplicadoLFamt.wpd g .
oa �3�,3
Piease describe briefly the rationale and backgrou�d on how this activity was selected in addition to how
funds allocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additionai sheeu i4 ne<essary.
Piease See Attached
Pa e 10 awoa a. isss
G.�UNL[�YCFi4�ROmanawUAIBG�1.oca1 Appitca¢aa Pams.o'Pd 9
ao - � �3
Program Purpose Area 11- Accountabilify Based Programs
Research has shown that opportunities for youth sfter schooi, on weekends and
during the summer months reduce alcohol and drug use, improve school
performance, and prevent youth from getting involved in crime and violenf
Program: Summer Activity Program for High Risk Youth
The officers who are involved with the DARE and School Liaison Programs will
work with personnel from St. Paui Parks and Recreation and the Soys and Giris
Ciubs of St. Paul in putting together basketball camps at 9 locations in the City.
Most basketball camps are very costly and not accessible to youth in the inner
These o�cers will afso work with personne! from the DNR and offer a program
with an ecologicai theme. Many of the youth do not have the opportun+ty to get
out of the city. By teaming up with the personnel at Fort Snelling State Park the
officers will take some of these youth hiking, fishing, canoeing, swimming, and
give them a chance to earn a Jr. Naturalist badge.
Shis program provides our h+gh-risk youth a chance to parficipate in a camp and
provide positive interaction with poiice officers. We expect to have over 2Q0
youth participate in these programs.
Program: Gang Intervention
In March of 1998, the department began a federally funded program for gang
intervention in the City ofi St. Paui. Funding for this program wil{ expire in March
of 1999. We propose to continue to fund the program utilizing JAIBG funds.
The St. Paul Police Department will continue to identify youth that are involved
with gang activity and make them aware of other alternatives to the gang way of
life. A11 too many young people reach out to gangs to fill needs that are not being
met in their lives.
Many of them realize after a period of time that the gangs are not all they were
made out to be, but they don't know how to go about getting out. They continue
to be part of the gang life and eventually end up in the legal system.
With the "Getting OuY' psogram we will refer these youth to one of two
community based sociaf service agencies. One of the two caseworkers hired
using JAIBG funds will assess their needs and interests. The youth and the case
worker will then set up goals in the areas of education, empioyment, life skills,
community service, and possibly gang tattoo removal. Information wili be
conveyed to the Police Department regarding the progress of each youth. Based
on our passed experience, we project 85 percent of the youth will stay in the
program and esfab(ish positive behavioral patterns.
The intake process of the program will afso include a chemicaf use assessment.
If there is a need for any type of chemical interdiction, the youth wiif be set up
with a program through the St. Paul Schools or Lao Family if the youth is Asian.
Expenditure of Funds:
1) $62,0�0- contract services for caseworkers.
2) $8,750- O�cers overtime for summes program
3) $25,633.67- one third safary and fringe benefits for supervisor to
implement, coordinate and oversee programs. Gang intervention (one-
third salary combined with summer programs). The supervisor will act
as a consultant to the service agencies in matters dealing with gang
activity. They will also track each of the youth invoived in the program
as far as any new police contacts. They wiil also present classes to the
staff of the St. Paul Public Schools dealing with gang awareness and
available programs dea{ing with gang prevention and intervention. The
supervisor wili also schedule the overtime for the officers invo{ved in
the programs. They will aiso coordinate with the recreation center and
DNR personnel. The Sgt. in charge of the DARE and Liaison Units will
reporF to this supervisor enabling a more coordinated effort in dealing
with at risk youth and offenders.
When establishing a local JCEC, units of locaf government must inciude, uniess impracticabte, individua{s
representing (1) police, (2) sheriff, (3) prosecutor, (4) State or local probation services, (5) juveniie court, (6)
schools, p) business, and (8) religious a�liated, fraternal, nonprofit, or social service organizations involved
in crime prevention. The eight listed groups for establishing a JCEC is not an exhaustive list. Units of local
government may add additional sepresentation as appropriate.
Please include the person`s name, titie, address, organization represented, phone number, fax number and
e-mail address (if available).
Please complete both sides of this form; it is a component of your local plan (as described in Form G).
Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition Members:
1)PofiC2 5[. Pau1 Police Departme��t
William K. Firr,ev�, ChieE of Poiice
100 E. ilth St.
Sc. Pau1, MN 55101
(651? 292-3588
2) Sheriff ��
3) Prosecutor •
Kate Sa��telmarr - Ramsey Courty Attori�ey
SO W. Kellogg Suite 315
St. Pau1, MN 55102
(651) 266-3125
4) Probation
ioac Fabian �
50 W. Kellogg Blvd Suite 650E
St.. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 266-2384
5)COUR Ji�dge Johr Corrolly - Ramsey Cour[y Juver:ile Court
480 5[. Peter St.
SC. Paul, �1� 55102
(65l) 292-641t
G:WNC[1YTH�P.RamaacwVABGLLocil Appi�cauoo Fotms.wpd Page 11 a�oea s. issa
00 -3� 3
6)SCh00� paui Pautsor
360 Coiborre St.
S[. Paui, M� » IO2
(6�1) 293-5401
7) Business
Dr. James Foiev — Tactoo Renoval (Plastic Surgeorl
i7 W. Exchange St.
5[. Paul, �1� 5�102
(65l) 292-9624
8) Communiry Organization Representative
R!ch Gr.igos (Bo��s & Gir1s Club of St. Paul) William L. Collirs Jr.
1620 .�mes ave. Y.d.C.�. of St. Paul
St. Paui, hi� 35106 198 :Jes[err. ?.ve. ?J.
(65l) 771-3350 St. Pau1, MN Si102
(651) 222-3741
4)Other Viiue Gillespie Nar,cv LeTourneau
St. Paui Parks & Recreation Youth Service Bureau
300 Citv Hall Anr,ex L167 Arcade
St. Paul, i�V �5102 Sc. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 266-6400 (651) 771-1301
List any other members of your focal Juveniie Crime Enforcement �oa{ition not listed above:
c:utrimrnnatto�„nowuntacu.am nPpixauoa Fom�..�a Page 12 a�oee a. ievs
00 .��,3
Units of local goverr.: �ent that are eligible to receive )AiBG funds must estabfish a Coordinated Enforcement
Plan for reducing juvenile crime developed by the local Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEn.
Coord'snated Enforcement Plan for Reducing luvenile Crime
The plan developed by a focai JCEC is based on an analysis of {ocal juvenife justice system needs. The
analysis determines the most effective uses of funds, within the twelve JAiBG Program Purpose Areas, to
achieve the greatest impact on reducingjuvenile delinquency, improving thejuvenilejustice system, and
increasing accountability for juvenile offenders.
On tfiis page and the foilowing page, p{ease summarize those Program Purpose Areas you intend to fund
and provide an overview of the rationaie. This summary sfiould tie together your overall issues and rationale
for the specific areas your partnership has chosen to fund.
LocaiPfanfor. cicy of sc. Paul
Pa e 13 a�qt�a. �9vs
G:�UMI�YTH�ARommowVAIDGLLaa! App�icatiou Farms.wpd 9
ao -��3
Local Plan
in 1996, juveniles were involved in 8 out of the 23 homicides in Saint Pauf. 1n 1997, 3
of the 24 homicides were commiited by juveniles and 4 of fhe 24 were victims of
homicide. In 1995 }uveniles accounted for over 58 percent of all arrests for Part I
crimes in the city. Despite the decrease in the juvenile population in recent years there
has been a 52 percenF increase in juvenife arrests.
Although, this program is encompassing Ramsey County, these numbers reflect the
volume of the juvenile problem in St. Paul. A list of juveniles with ten of more contacts
has been pufled from our data base. These numbers represent a 7 year period dating
from June of 1990 through June of 1998. Of these juveniles, who are currentiy stiii
under the age of 18 years old, 112 have accounted for 1972 contacts in the juvenile
o�ce. They range from having 37 to 13 contacts each in this time period. Another 198
juveniles account for 2120 contacts and have 12 to 10 contacts each.
The Juvenile Unit has handled 60,787 cases in this same time period. From this
number the Juvenile Unit has charged 55,456 juveniles. This number reflects varying
degrees of action from court appearances to referrals to diversion programs. Of that
number 21,180 cases have been cleared by arrest. (Note, the cleared by arrest number
reflect juveniles that may have been charged with multiple offenses.)
In order to address the juvenile crime issues, Saint Paul has developed a sound
comprehensive strategy and identified support programs that work to further the
objectives of the strategy. These objectives for Saint Paul inciude hofding the juvenile
oifender accountable, enabling the juvenile to become a capable, productive and
responsib{e citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community. The Coordinated
Enforcement Pian for Reducing Juvenife Crime in Saint Pau{ includes alf those
objectives listed above.
The department is involved in severa4 programs towards the objectives (isted which
include DARE, Schooi Liaison, Restorative Justice - Auto theft, Enhanced probation -
selected juveniles and officer friendly. The Juveniie Accountabifity Incentive Biock
Grant will allow us to expand these efforts in the following:
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountabiiity Based Sanctions
Restorative Justice
The Restorative Justice program run by the Saint Paul Police Department will hold the
juvenile offender accountable for their actions and reduce recidivism rates in the City of
Saint Paul.
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Enhanced Probation
a� -��3
The Enhanced Probation Program holds the juvenile offender accounfable while
heiping to ensure the safety of the community.
Program Purpose Area 11 - Accountability Based Programs
Gang Intervention
The Gang Intervention Program addresses enabling the juvenile to become a capable,
productive and responsible citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community.
Federa{ law requires that a unit of loca! government, to be determined eligible to receive a JAIBG award or
subgrant, must fiave implemented, or agree to implement byJanuary 1, 7 999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances.
The cate9ories of juveniles w+thin the juvenile justice system that are `appropriate" for testing shall be
determined by the Chief Executive Officer of the State certifying compliance or by the applicant unit of local
government. It is expected that appropriate categories wiil vary among jurisdidions depending on
tfieir needs and resources. States and units of local government are encoureged to include drug
treatment in their overatl }slan to reduce juveni(e drug use.
You may determine tfie cacegories for testing for your jurisdiction. Piease list the categories:
All juvei�iles are tested at the local }uverile correctional Eacility'.
The} are also tested or, a rardom basis �aher, on probatior, for cortrolled
subseatzce use.
G:\UNCS�YTEMRamanowVAIDGLLa�IApplicaconFamt.wpd Page 15
anca a. �9ss
o� _��3
I. Program Information
A. Whv We Are Asking For It: To heip us decide whether you are eligibie for
the program and what other services you may need.
B. How We Pian To Use It: We may use it to prepare required reports, conduct
audits, review eligibility and to find out how the program is helping you.
C. With Whom We May Share This Information: With staff, allowed by law, who
need it to do their jobs in: the Minnesota Department of Economic Security;
the United States Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing
and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may also share it with
community based agencies, local and state human service agencies,
educational programs and other agencies wfiich help you.
D. If You Do Not Provide This Information: You are not required by law to
provide this information. If you choose not to provide tfiis information, we
may not know whether you are eligible for the program and may not be able
to help you. Providing false information can lead to removal from the
program. �
II. Wage Detail Files
We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota
Department of Economic Security to help us evaluate the program.
III. Socia! Security Numbers
You do not have to provide a Social Security Number to be eligible for our
programs. Federal Privacy Act and Freedom of tnformation Act dictates the
use of the Social Security Number. We may use it for computer matches,
program reviews and improvements, and audits.
COUpCI� r'1�E # QO r 3•/3
Green Sheet # 104601
Presented By:
Referred To: Committee:Date:
2 WHEREAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Depar[ment has received a 5253,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive
3 Block Grant from the State of Minnesota for the period 3anuary 1,1999 through September 30, 2000; and
5 WFIEREAS, the Saint Paul City Council accepted this grant on January 27,1999 (Council File #99-88); and
7 WHEI2EAS, the City of Saint Paul Police Department has been awarded this grant to reduce juvenile crime; and
9 WHEREAS, there are remaining Sunds from this grant that can be used in 2000; and
I1 WHEREAS, the Saint Paul Police Department needs establish a 2000 spending and fmancing plan for
12 these remaining grant funds, and
14 WHEREAS, The Mayor pursuant to Section 10.071 of the Charter of the City of Saint Paul, does certify that
15 there are available for appropriation funds of $82,518 in excess of those estimated in the 2000 budget; and
WHEREAS, The Mayor recommends that the following addition be made to the 2000 budget:
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
3199 - Other Federal Direct Grants-State
All Other Acrivity Financing
436 - Police-Special Projects
34067 - Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant
0141- Overtime
0219 - Professional Services
0439 - Fringe Benefits
All Other Activity Spending
262,793 82,818 345,611
29,199 - 29,199
e e ,
92,577 53,850 146,427
62,042 20,911 82,953
40,415 8,057 48,472
96,958 - 96,955
, > >
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council approves the changes to the 2000 budget.
Requested by Department of:
Po '
A nn�pV al Recommen ed by Budget Director:
Adopted by Council:Date: (�,��q ��o e ,
Adoption Certified by Council Secretary: �-
gy r a'�..-
Form r ved 6y Ci Att i
BY� �,117�� �� L�
for Sub�t�' suon to Council:
3406]Juvincentivei 999GaM. cr.2000
. �
PoliceDepartment 3/15/00 GREEN SHEET No. 10460
CluefFlIlnCy 292 �I OEPAftTMFMO�REGTO 3J/'/ 5 cmcouxa� . � j �
P1ea5e p70CeSS ASAP � 19 �cmnrronr�EV ❑crtrc�ErsK
�idaroR Iokass�STN+n� ❑HUWIAN PoGMs
Approval of the attached council resolution establishing a 2000 budget for remaining grant funds from the
7uvenile Accountability Incentive Block Grant awazded to the Saint Paul Police Departrnent for the period January 1, 1999
through September 30, 2000.
7 Has this persoNfirm everworked undere coniract for this depariment?
CIB COMMII'TEE 2. Has ihis persoNfirm ever been e ciry employee�
3 Does this personffrm possess a skill not normaliy possessetl by any current aty employee�
4. Is this person/firm a targeted vendor�
Explain ail yes answers on separate sheet and attach to green sheet
The Saint Paul Police Departrnent has received a$25i,536 Juvenile Accountability Incentive Block Clrant from -
the Minnesota Department of Economic Securiry for the period Januai}� 1, 1999 through September 30, 2000.
There are remaining funds from this grant that can be used in 2000. The Saini Paul Ciry Council accepted �a�y�$�P
this grant on January 27, 1999 (Council File #99-88). (Attached is a copy of the grant.) c ,�,����
, �.:'� e! � �4DS7
Ability to use remaining grant funds available for reducingjuvenile crime.
�`=-- z;�i;'° ^'>�
Grant funds will be unused. ��,�"� !j? p�;'}u
��9:� i �`gu �. �. r. ...
FUNDING SOURCE $t3tC Of �'T111n. G1311t AGTNI7Y NUMBER 436-34067
340b7JuvIncentive1999Gant gs 2000
Services Branch
March 7, 2000
William K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paul, MN 55101
Dear Chief Finney:
� �
�� � �
Voice: (651) 296-0928
- Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (651) 296-2796
t�AR C 8 2;�;i �
Cl;it�'S ,. ;=!C._
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension for yo�JAIBG grant #90494 to
September 30, 2000, as well as approval for your budget modificat�on. The extension is already
in process. You will need to continue to submit quarterly reports up through this date.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact either me (65 U282-2732 or
jrolson@nawmail.desstate.mn.us) orLaura Crowder(651/296-2684 or
Thank you for your hard work.
lohn �?lson, Program Coordinator
Youfh Services
c: Kay Tracy
3udy Teske
r___� „---_.._:... �__�_.
. .� .
� 00 - 373
Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, Mn 55101
Dear Mr. Olson
1 did not expect that we would have to contact you so soon in order to make a chinge in the use
of timds ttom the Juvenile Accountability Incentive [31ock Grant. As my last letter stated, we hac
predicted thlt we would hlve a ballnce of $65,429.00 left over (rom the 1999 grant. After
reviewing the rcports from last year I have found that we actuaity hlve a bafance oC$82,8I796
leaving us $17,389.50 more that anticipated.
I am requesting that a six month extension be given to make use of the additional $17,389.50
excess. $4421,26 would be used to pay a supervisor 2 hours per week overtime to handle the
additional scheduling needed for the Enhanced Probltion Program.
The remainin� $12,96824 would be used for an after school enrichment program. Four police
ot�icers would be teaming up witli personnel from the Fingerhut Corporation to work with youth
who are having problems in school.
This pilot would focus on two junior high schools (Ramsey and Humboldt) in St. Paul. OEticers
would meet with approximately 15-20 students at each schoo4 {'or 3 hours two times per week.
They would 1'ollow idels set i'orth in Program Purpose Area 1( by discussing drug use, gang
af£liation, and anger management. They would also help students by spending time tutoring.
Personnel from Fingerhut will talk about reason for staying in school and what can be done to
start preparing for the job market.
This pilot will run for nine weeks durina April and May. School personnel will pick the individuals
who they feel are most in need of the program.
� �jp -3R3
Commander Moliner tvill be in contact with you and will answer any question that you may have_
Thank you for your continuing support with our initiatives.
William K. Pinney
Chief of Police
cc: Assistant Chief Reding
Commander Montgomery
Amy Brown
Services Branch
January 4, 2000
� �
Voice: (6�1) 296-0923
Fax: (651) 297-4689
TTY: (6�1) 296-2796
r�r��=;\J�' .
�.J �-� ^
, t /.
.,:=�'S `� , .. ,��
� Cr.
J � .' L:
Wiiliam K. Finney
Chief of Police
Saint Paul Police Department
100 East Eleventh Street
Saint Paui, MN 55i01 _
SUB.lECT: Con*.rac*. Nc. 90494 - Saint P3ul Polica Department
Dear Chief Finney:
This letter serves as approval of your request for an extension of your JAIBG grant
#90494. Your grant period will now end June 30, 2000. Please be aware that you need
to continue submitting quarterly reports until the end of your grant period.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact John 01son (6511282-2732 or
jroison@nqwmail des state.mn.us) or Laura Crowder (65i/296-268A or
icrowder@nqwmaii des.state.mn.usl.
Thank you for your hard work.
Sincerely, )/
� j ✓
ay T �cy, Director
� ? G�-
Yout Services
c: Judy Teske
John Oison
390 Yarth 12obert Street SL Paul �5101 www.dess[ate.nvi.us
Norm Coleinnrs, Mayor
December 13, 1999
Mr. John Olson
Minnesota Department of Economic Security
390 North Robert Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
Dear Mr. Olson:
Wi!linm K. Finney, CleiefojPa(ice
I00 Ensr Elevendr Srreet Telepkone: 6/2-291-l11!
SniiuYnu(, Minnesotn 5510! fnesimile: 6I2-292-37!/
There are two reasons for the letter. The first reason deals with the 2000 Juvenile Accountability
Incentive Block Grant. The grant stipulates that 45 percent of the fimds, exciuding a 10 percent
administration cost, must be allocated for program purpose areas 3 through 9, and not less that 35
percent must be allocated for program purpose area 1,2 and 10.
In 1999 we were given an exemption from those stipulation, and we are requesting the same for
the 2000 grant.
The second reason deals with us seeking an extension for the use of the 1999 fimds. We estimate
a balance in the following areas from the 1999 grant:
1) Restorative Justice- Most ofthe work was during the regular shift leaving a balance of
funds in the amount of $65,429.00 U��� -� J� .=; :�
2) Enhanced Probation- Bven though we have already transferred approximately
$14,000.00 from this budget we will still have a balance of approximately $16,000.00.
.4�, �`<� -�;. �-�_<;"�
3) Summer Program- Because the program was carried out on regular shifts we will have
a balance of $8,429.00. �� €-� t _ ( � o, t� ��-'
We would like to use the total, $65,429.00, to fund the followin� areas:
1) Enhanced Probation- January through June of 2000. We would continue the project
under Program Purpose Area 2 and expand by adding a two ofticer squad two nights per week to
work with a probation officer. The project h1s proven to be effective in dealing with chronic
}uvenile ot£enders, and we will continue with this format using funds from the 2000 grant for the
other six months. The budget for the first six months will be $44,517.46.
An A�nna(ive Aaion Eq�m! Oppw(�miry Emptoyer
00 -3?3
2) Gang Intervention- Program Puipose Area 1 I. We would continue to work with two agencies,
Boys and Girls Club and Collaborative Movement for Improvement, . There are currently over 60
ex-gang members invoived in the project. The budget for the project will be $20,911.00 from the
1999 grant with the remainder of the funds coming from the 2000 grant.
I hope these requests meet with your approval and look forward to discussing them with you.
Y� �
Will m K. Fim
• Chief of Police
cc: Deputy�hiefReding
Lieuten t Montgomery
n,. _an3
3'f 0 621 0000
Grant Agreement Number: 90494
This grant agreement, which shall be interpreted pursuant to the laws of the State of Minnesota, between the State
of Minnesota, acting through its Department of Economic Security (DES), Workforce Preparation Branch (WPB),
(hereinafter the DEPAftTMENT), and
St. Paul Police Department
100 East 11th Street
St. Paul, MN 55101
or Federal Identifiication Number:
Minnesota State Tax identifiication Number:
(Hereinafter GRANTEE)
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been granted funds by the United States, through the Department of
Justice, for use to meet the purposes set forth.in and authorized by Public Law 105-119 (Making
Appropriations for the Departments of Commerce, Justice, and State, the Judiciary, and Retated
Agencies for the Fiscal Year Ending September 30, 1998, and for othes Purposes), hereinafter
referred to as the "Act", and
WHEREAS, the DEPARTMENT has been named the Designated State Agency for the JA16G by the Chief
Executive Officer of the State and has the authority to enter into agreements pursuant to P.L. 105-
119, and has authority to allocate funds, and
WHEREAS, the Juvenife Crime Enforcement Coafition of the Unit of General Local Government, (hereinafter
referred to as the "Area") has the authority to approve a coordinated enforcement plan for reducing
juvenile crime for the Area, (hereinafter referred to as the "Plan"), and
WNEREAS, the Chief Executive Off+cer of the Area has designated appropriate categories of juveniles within the
juvenile justice system for testing for use of controlled substances, and
WHEREAS, GRANTEE is familiar witfi the Plan and has represented to the DEPARTMENT that it is qualified
and has effectively delivered services in the area of the type enumerated in the Act, and GRANTEE
further represents that it is qualified to perform the services enumerated in the Plan for the Area.
NOW, THEF2E�ORE, in consideration of the premises and of the representations made therein, the parties agree
The foregoing recitais are made a part hereof as thoUgh set fosth in fuil and i� detail herein.
Proc�ram: The GRANTEE shall implement an acceptable Plan which meets the JAIBG Program and
Administrative Requiremenfs, Standards, Procedures, and Activities as set forth in the Act. The Plan is
incorporated by attachment hereto as Exhibit A.
IIi. Duties and Payment: GRANTEE shail perform all the services enumerafed in the Plan and shall be
reimbursed by the DEPARTMENT for its expenses in providing these services, provided fhat the total
obligation of the DEPARTMENT for all reimbursement to GRANTEE shall not exceed 253 536.
These funds are to be expended in the cost categories and amounts shown in the Budget contained in
the Plan (Form D of Exhibit A), which is attached hereto, incorporated by reference herein and made a
part hereof. Adminisirative expendiiures may not exceed 10°l0 of total actual expenditures of the funds
provided under this grant agreement. GRANTEE must provide a cash match, of new mo�ey, of 10°l0 of
the entire program cost.
The DEPARTMENT shail not be responsible to reimburse GRANTEE for its payments or liabilities to the
Unemployment Compensation Fund incurred as a reimbursing employer after termination of GRANT-
EE's participation in programs under the Act or for any liability accrued thereunder before the effective
date of this grant agreement.
IV. TPrm of Grant: This Grant shall be effective on January 1. 1999, or upor such date as it is executed as
to encumbrance by the Comm�ssioner of the Department of Economic Security, whichever occurs later,
and shall remain in effect until December 31. 1999, or until all obligations set forth in this grant
agreement have been satisfactorily fulfiiled, whichever occurs first.
V. Canceiiation: This grant agreement may be canceled by the DEPARTMENT at any time, with cause, by
giving written notice to the GRANTEE. In the event of such cancelfation without cause, GRAtJTEE
shaN be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for work or services satisfactorily per-
formed. GRANTEE acknowledges that funds to finance this grant are to be obtained by the DEPART-
MENT through a specific legislative act. If at any time such funds become unavailable under the Act,
this grant agreement shaii be terminated immediately upon written notice of such fact by the dEPART-
MENT to GRANTEE. ln the event of such termination, GRANTEE shall be entitled to reimbursement,
determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed.
In the event of such cancelfation for cause, inc{uding but not fimited to failure to comp{y with the
provisions of the grant agreement, failure to make timely progress in delivering required services, or use
of grant funds for purposes other than those specifically identified in the grant agreement, the DEPART-
MENT may take any actions it deems necessary to protect the interests of the State ofi Minnesota,
including but not limited to the refusal to disburse additional funds pending a determi�ation of the
DEPARTMENT's right to set-off, and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed.
This grant agreement may be canceled by the GRANTEE at any iime, with or without cause, upon thirty
(30) days written not+ce to the DEPARTMEfVT. Such written notice of cancellation must include
proposed terms for the discontinuation of GRANTEE's services and an estimated final invoice for work
or services performed. The DEPARTMENT may reject or accept in whole or in part GRANTEE's
proposed terms for discontinuing services and GRANTEE's estimated final invoice, and shall notify
GRANTEE of its decision within (5) busi�ess days of receipt of GRANTEE's cancellation rrotice.
In the event of any canceliation under this provision, GRANTEE shall cooperate fully with the DEPART-
MENT and help facilitate any transition for the provision of services by a difFerent vendor. Failure to
cooperate with or withhofding any information or records requested by the DEPARTMENT or a different
vendor that impairs in any way the transition of the provision of services shall constitute a material
breach of this grant agreement, subjecting GRANTEE to liability for all damages incurred by the
DEPARTMENT resulting from such breach.
QO -3�3
VI. Reauest for Pakment: Ftequests for cash advances shall be made by GRANTEE to the DEPARTMENT
on the DEPARTMENT's "Cash Request Form". Payments shall be made by the DEPARTMENT as
soon as practicable after GR.4NTEE's presentation of the Request for Cash. The fact of payment of any
item shaii not preclude the DEPARTMENT from questioning the propriety of any item.
VII. Purchase of Furniture and Equipment: Any purchase of non-expendable personal property that has a
useful life of more than one year with a per unit cost of $5,000 or more must have prior written approvai
VIII. Re�ayment of Funds: The DEPARTMENT reserves the right to offset any over-payment or
disallowance of any item or items under this grant agreement by reducing future payments requested by
GRANTEE. This clause shalf not be construed to bar any other Iegal remedies the DEPARTMENT may
have to recover funds expended by GRANTEE for disallowed costs.
IX. GftANTEE Reoorts: GRAN7EE agrees to provide the DEPARTMENT with such progress reports as
the DEPARTMENT may from time to time require including, but not limited to, the following:
A. Quarterly Financial Status Report (FSR) by the 20th of the month foflowing the calendar quarter
covering such status for that qua[ter. GRANTEE shafl report expenditures of other funds satisfying
match requirements as specified at 20 CFR 645, Subpart C, on the quarterly FSR.
B. Quarterly Status Reports by the 25th of the month following the calendar quarter covering such
status for that quarter.
GRANTEE shall also make such reports to the U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroller General of the
United States or the DEPARTMENT as any of them may require.
The DEPARTMENT shall withhold funding if reporting requirements are not met in a compiete, accurate
and timely manner.
X. Monitoring and Corrective Action: Performance as set forth in Paragraph II above is essential
throughout the term of this grant agreement. GRANTEE agrees to permit monitoring by the
DEPARTMENT to determine grant agreement performance and compliance with grant agreement
provisions. GRANTEE further agrees to cooperate with the DEPARTMENT in performing and
completing such monitoring activities and GRANTEE agrees to implement and comply with such
remedial action as is proposed by the DEPARTMENT.
XI. Liabilitv: GRANTEE agrees to indemnify and save and hold the DEPARTMENT, its agents and
employees harmless from any and all claims or causes of action, including attorney's fees, arising from
the performance of this grant agreement by GRANTEE, its agents, officers and empioyees. Nothing
herein shall constitute a waiver by the GRANTEE or the DEPARTMENT o4 any statutory or common Iaw
limits of liability, defenses, or immunities.
XII. �ecial Administrative Provisions Required Under the Act: GRAtSTEE agrees to administer the
program in accordance with the Act and the regulations and guidelines promulgated thereunder. (Many
of these guidelines are presented in the DEPARTMENT's JAIBG Handbook.) GRANTEE also agrees to
comply with other applicable Federal and State laws. in the event that these laws, regulations or
guidelines are amended at any time during the term of this grant agreement, the GRANTEE shal!
comply with such amended laws, regulations or guidelines.
A. Records/Audits: GRANTEE agrees to use such flscal, audit and accounting procedures as may be
necessary to assure and promote sound financia! management, including effective internai controls.
The U.S. Attorney General, the Comptroiler General of the United States and the DEPARTMENT, or
a designated representative, shall have access to and the right to examine for audit purposes or
otherwise, any books, documents, papers or records of GF2ANTEE. The books, records, documents
and accounting procedures and practices of the GRANTEE reievant to this grant agreement are
also subject to examination by the DEPARTMENT and the Legislative Auditor of the State of
Minnesota. GRANTEE agrees to fully cooperate in any such examination and/or audit and to have
said audits carried out in accordance with "Grant Audit Requirements," which is in Chapter 509 of
the MDES Policies and Procedures Manuai and hereby incorporated by reference and made a part
Alf records pertaining to this grant agreement shall be retained by the GRANTEE for a period of at
least three years after the expiration of the term of this grant agreement, or on completion of an
audit, if one has been commenced within three years, whichever period is longer.
B. Proaram Standards: GRANTEE agrees to comply with OMS Circulars Numbers A-21, A-87, A-110,
A-122, A-133, the OMB "Common Rule" (as codified at 29 CFR 97), and ASMB C-10
(Implementation Guide for OMB CircularA-87), as these circulars are applicable and as they relate
to the utilization of funds, the operation of programs and the maintenance of records, books,
accounts and other documents under the Act as amended. Under the Cost Principles Circulars (A-
21, A-87, orA-122), common orjoint costs charged to grants must be based upon written cost
allocation pians.
C. Non-Discrimination Statement: The GRANTEE will comply with aIi applicable Federal, State, and
local laws prohibiting discrimination, including but not limited to:
i. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 USC 2000d� as amended bv the Equal Emplo�ment
O�portunitKAct of 1972, which prohibits discrimination on grounds of race, color or national
origin, and applies to any program or activity receiving federal financiai aid, and to all emPloyers,
including State and locaf governments, pubfic and private employment agencies, and labor
ii. The Minnesota Human Ric,�hts Act (Minnesota Statute 363), agrees to comply with the
Minnesota Human Rights Act, Minnesota Statue 363, which prohibits discrimination based on
race, color, religion, age, nat+onal origin, sex, marital status, citizenship, disability, or reliance on
public assistance.
iii. The Rehabilitation Act of 1973 �29 USC 794), as amended, which prohibits discrimination on the
basis of handicap in aIl federaliy-funded programs.
iv. The Ac�e Discrimination Act of 1975 (42 USC 61011, as amended, which prohibits unreasonable
discrimination on the basis of age in programs or activities receiving federal financial assistance.
v. The Americans with Disabilities Act o41990 (42 USC 1201), as amended, which prohibits
discrimination on the basis of physical, sensory, or mental disability or impairment.
D. Affirmative Action: (If applicable), GRANTEE certifies that it has received a Certificate of
Compliance from the Commissioner of Human Rights pursuant to Minnesota Statues, Section
E. Workers' Compensation: in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 176.182,
the State affirms that GRANTEE has provided acceptable evidence of compfiance with the workers'
compensation insurance coverage requirement of Minnesota Statute 176.181, Subdivision 2.
F. Reiocation Assistance: GRANTEE agrees to comply with the requirements of the Uniform
Relocation Assistance and Real Property Acquisitions Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-646) which
provides for fair and equitabie treatment of persons dispfaced as a result of federai or federaNy
assisted programs.
G. Church/State Separation: GRANTEE agrees that program participants shall not be employed in the
construction, operation or maintenance of that part of any facility which is used for reVigious
instructions or worship. GRANTEE further agrees that no funds sha41 be expended for sectarian
worship, instruction, or proselytization.
00 -3K3
H. Data Practices: The GRANTEE understands and agrees that it shall be bound by the Minnesota
Government Data Practices Act (Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 13), and that it shali inform program
applicants that the DEPARTMENT may share appticant data with other agenc+es for eligibility and
program evaluation purposes. GRANTEE shall incorporate into the form used to provide appiicants'
an explanation of their right under the Minnesota Data Practices Act the clauses contained in the
I. Drua Free Workplace: GRANTEE agrees to make a good faith effort fo maintain a drug free
workplace through implementation of the Drug Free Workplace Act.
XI11. Job Service Listina: GRANTEE shali lisi any job vacancy in its personnel compiement with the nearest
Minnesota Job Service O�ce as soon as it occurs.
XIV. Voter Registration: GRANTEE shall provide non-partisan voter registration services and assistance,
using forms provided by the Secretary of State, to employees of GRANTEE, program participants and
the pubfic as required by Minnesota Statutes, Section 20'1.162.
XV. Assiqnment: The GRANTEE shall neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this grant
agreement without prior written consent of the DEPARTMENT. The provisions of this grant agreement
applicable to the GRANTEE shall aiso be appficable to subgrants made by the GRANTEE 4rom funds
obtained under this grant agreement.
XVI. Modifications: Any modifications to this grant agreement shall be in writing and shall be executed by the
same parties who executed the original grant agreement, or their successors in �ffice.
XVII. Debarment and Susqension Certification: (If appiicable) The GRANTEE agrees to follow the
PresidenYs Executive Order 12549 and the implementing regulation "Nonprocurement Debarment and
Suspension; Notice and Fina� Rule and Interim Final Rule," found at 53 FR 19189, May 26, 1988, as
amended at 60 FR 33041, June 26, 1995, including Appendix B, "Certification Regarding Debarment,
Suspension, Ineligibifity and Voluntary Exclusion - Lower Tier Covered Transactions"; unless excluded
by law or regulation.
XVIiI. Lobbyina Certification and Disclosure: (if applicable) The GRANTEE shall compfy with fnterim Finai
Rule, New Restrictions on Lobbying, found in Fede�al Register Vol. 55, No. 38, February 26, 1990, and
any permanent Rules that are adopted in piace of the Interim Rule. The Interim Final Rule requires the
GRANTEE to certify as to their lobbying activity. The Interim Final Rule implements Section 319 of
Public Law 101-121, which generally prohibits recipients of Federal contracts, grants and loans from
using appropriated funds for fobbying the Executive or Legislative Branches of the Federal Government
in connection with a specific contract, grant or loan.
XIX. Operatinq Procedures� The GRANTEE hereby acknowledges that it has in its possession the
documents issued by the DEPARTMENT entitled "JAiBG Fiandbook". The GRANTEE further
acknowledges that its supervisory personnel to be involved in the administration of the grant agreement
have read and understand said document. The GRAN7EE agrees to comply with the contents of the
aforementioned documents.
XX. interesUProqram fncome: The GRANTEE shafl be responsible for establishing and mai�taining records
identifying interest and/or investment income earneii on advances of program funds. income so earned
shali be added to the existing funding of this grant agreement and may be used for any allowable grant
XXI. Grant Agreement Closeout: The GRANTEE agrees to submit a final quarterly Financial Status Report
(FSR) and a payment for the balance of any unspent and unobligated grant funds to the DEPARTMENT
within 45 days after the end of the term of this grant agreement. Accompanying the final FSR shall be a
listing of any continuing liabilities on the grant, if appiicable. Failure to submit a final FSR within this
�o -3�3
period may result in disailowance of payment for any expenditures not previousty submitted. The
GRANTEE agrees to submit a revised final FSR to the DEPARTMENT if any additionai funds must be
returned to the DEPARTMENT after grant agreement closeout.
XXIi. Jurisdiction and Venue: This grant agreement, and any amendments and suppfements thereto, shal! be
governed by the Laws of the State of Minnesota. Venue for al! 4egal proceedings arising out of this
award, or breach thereof, shalt be in the State or Federai Court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey
County, Minnesota.
oc -3�3
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Grant (No. 90494 ) to be duly executed
intending to be bound thereby.
FOR St Paul Police Department :
(Name g�He�legate Agency)
* If a corporation, hvo corporate officers must execute.
FOR The D�artment of Economic Securitv-
Workforce Preaaration Sranch:
Title: Director Pr�ram Support Services
s�qna2 pg
Preparation Sranch
Office of Youth�gy�qp��
����T A
po -��.3
Voice: (651) 296-Q928
Fax: (651) 296-5745
TTY: (651)296-2796
1998 -99 Locaf Entitfement Grants
Match Required: (11.2% of Atfocation, except construdion
requires a dollar for doftar match}.
T07AL Projett Cost
Typed Name�tl�: Wi 11 i am �C. Fi �:r,ey . COP
� (Ghief oC Poi?ce)
Pa e 1
c.�vr+mrrtav.xo �waucar F�..�aa 9
5 zS.i�o.�t
�a a�s
Phone: (65t) 2�2-3i88
OcroDer 6. t993
JAIBG Allocation
Do -3� 3
Checkthe Program Purpose Area(s) this grantwili support.
See Attachment 1 for Program Purpose descriptions
1. Constr�dion
2. AccouRtability - Based Sanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
5. Prosecution: Orugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Technology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
'� Construction requires a doltar fot dollar match.
William K. F!r:oe�•, COP
9. Drug Court Programs
10. Information - Sharing Programs
17. Accountability-Based Programs
(Law Enforcement ReferraVSchool
12. Controlled SubstanceTesting
acting for c i c y o f Sa i nc Pa u 1 do certify that the foilowing are true:
(Name ofCity/Counry)
1. We have established a Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCE� in accordance with the
Federel Guidelines (see FORM F);
2. Our JCEC has developed a Coordinated Enforcement Pian {see fORM G);
3. We have or (will have) the required hard cash match (see ATTACHMENT 2); and
4. We have imptemented, (or wiii implement) by January 1,1999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances (see
5. We agree to implement the project using the minimum percentages (35%/45%) required in
federat statute (see Form C for projeds proposing an alternative use of funds).
Pa e 3
G.�UN17�Y17�41RomanawVAIBGVtcalApphcarioaFOtms.wpd g
OccoM 8. I998
� 0 -3?3
Dollars Percent
6A.193.67 27
Unless a signed Certification of Aiternative Use of Funds is received by MDES, (other than funds set aside
for administration),federat law requires thaY not less than 35 percent of JAIBG funds received at the local
ievel must be used in areas 1 and/or 2 andlor 10. No less than 45 percent of )AIBG funds received at the
local level must be used in one or more of areas 3 through 4. Funding may also be used in areas 71 and/or
12. We wili use ihe funds in the fotfowing amount(s) and Program Purpose Area(s):
PROGRAM PURPOSE pREA (See Attachment 1)
7. Construction
2. Accountabifity-BasedSanctions
3. Hiring (Non-Prosecution)
4. Prosecution: Hiring
S. Prosecution:Drugs,Gangs,Violence
6. Prosecution: Technoiogy, Equipment,Traininq
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. information -ShaTing Psograms
lt. Accountabiliry-BasedPrograms(Iawenforcementr
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Grend Total
*{ hereby certify to MDES that the interests of public safety and of crime controi would be better served by
expending SAfBG funds in a proportior�at�er than the percentage minimums required under Federal law.
Authorized Signature:
TypedName/Title: w�Il�am 1c. Fi�,re�.
Date: ja a-'�l �
Phone_ (65l) 292-358E3
Please describe your reason(s) for requesting a Cqitification of Aiternative Use of Funds:
The S[. Paui Pel�ce Depar[mer[ is requks[ir.g•a Certification ot Aiien�ative Use et Furds
G \UNmYn�aROmanowVA[BG�Local Apphcauou Fom�s.wpd
Page 5 a�on� a. �ssa
due ta the specotec reeds �f iocal law enturcemer.t ard [he juver:iie pop�lat��c QO , .3�3
�.;h�ch is served. Tf�e departmer['s reeds Eor juver:�le accourtabili[y �.�i11 be
served ir: the areas required, however che percer.tage in areas 2&6 �.-ii1 be lawer
[har [he required percer:t ages by 8+9.59 percen[ respectively. Furds wiil be
expe�:ded tor che Poliocaing: ei�harced probatio<<, restora[ive justice, gai;g
�r:tervei�eio�� ar:d suppression ard summer programs For y�outh.
Pa e 6 a�ox� s. t�va
G.\UNII�YI7MRortunowVAffiG�La�alApplicanonFamu.wpd 9
00 -?�3
A. TotaIJAiBG Allocation ....................................
.............................. $ 253,536 '
28 1 70. Z!
B. Required Match ........................................................................ $ '
Total Program Cost(A plus B) .........................................................
Minus Administration (up to 10%ofthe amount on line A) .............................. S
Amount Avaifabfe for Program Puspose Areas (� minus Ol ..................
............ $ *
7. Construc[ion
2. Accountabifity-8ased 5anctions
3. Hiring (Nan-PCOSecution)
4. Prosecution: Niring
5. Prosecution: Drugs, Gangs, Violence
6. Prosecution:Txhnology,Equipment
7. Courts and Probation
8. Juvenile Gun Courts
9. Drug Court Programs
10. tnformatibn - Sharing Programs
77. Accountability-BasedPrograms(lawenforcementre
12. ControlledSubstanceTesting
Dotiars Percent
69,193.67 27
90.775.77 � 35.41
96,383.67 37.6
* S 100%
256,353.11 _
� Total must equal Amount Available for Program Purpose Areas (line E above).
G.\UNl'[�Y�IFM.RomanowUNBGILaaI Application Focros.wpd
Page 7 Ocrob<r 8. 1998
Fili out a separete �orm EJBudget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpeciadfrom �� 1999through t2/3t/A9
St. Paul Police
Program Purpose Area:
100 E. ttth Screec (651? 292-3588
St. ?aul, ,1N >jL01 (6.51) 292-3542 (Cax)
2 ; Accourtab�litv Based Sar cciors
Number Description
Emplo Benefiu
Cont Servi
Tra (2 4 c enu p er mile for mileage)
Space Cosu & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
5 69,193.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationaie and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have selected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back ofi this page wifi alsa serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional information.)
Pa e 9 Ocloba 8. 1998
G AppLnuan Fcmu.wpd g
Pfease des<ribe briefly the retionale and background on how this adivity was selected in addition to how
funds ailocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
G 11JNITYTiMAomanoaUABG�l.oal Apptkanaa Fams.wpd
Page t 0 Oetoba 8. I998
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountability Based Sanctions
Program: Restorative Justice
Utiiizing first year funding from this grant, the Saint Paul Poiice Department wilf begin a duai
approach in reducing the frequency of crimes committed byjuveniles by:
1. Creafing more effective strategies in responding to first and second time offenders.
2. Disseminating information about the consequences of criminal behavior before they get into
the Juvenile Justice system. "
1"he Juvenile Units objectives are:
✓ To reduce the number of youth who commit crimes.
✓ To have efFective intervention with the first time offender.
✓ To develop a profile of the offender for early identification of those likely to commit crimes.
✓ To devefop a Restorative Justice Conference for the first or second offenders involved in
cr+minal activ+ty.
Restorative Justice aliows the victim to meet face to face with the juvenile offender(s).
✓ This allows suspect to realize the damage, fear and trouble she/he caused the victim as a
result of their criminal. The result is holding the offender accountable and responsibfe for
his/her actions.
✓ This accountability may involve restitution and/or community service.
The Juvenile Unit will devefop an up-to-date profile using past and current interviews, as well as
computer data analysis.
✓ The profile will be broken down by age, race sex economic level, education, family makeup
and juvenile history.
✓ The profile will show what type of criminal behavior the juvenile was involved.
✓ The profile will identify what the parentslguardians could have done to prevent the criminal
behavior. �
Based the information collected, the Juvenile Unit wifl operate a program component for the
intervention of the offender.
✓ Juvenile Unit personnel will be trained in the early identification profile,
fn the case o4 the frrst time offender, the Juvenile UniE will incorporate the services of the Youth
Service Bureau (YSB).
✓ YSB will aid in the conference fior the Restorative Justice Program.
✓ The Juvenile Unit will coordinate the Restorative Justice Program. a p— �73
✓ The following rules of the conference will apply:
-Reach a duel agreement between victim and suspect.
-Fuil admission to the crime by the suspect.
-Written impact statement for both sides.
Expenditure of Funds
Salary and Fringe
1) $43,560 - overtime (inciuding fringe rate at 21 percent) for sergeants in the }uvenile unit to
handle 200 restorative justice cases.
2) $25,633.67 - one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement, coordinator
and oversee program. The supervisor will review each of the cases submitted for Restorative
Justice. They wi{I then tum the case over to the Youth Service Bureau
and record the outcr�me of the case. They will also track fhe overtimes hours used by the
investigators who are putting the cases together.
p _3?3
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetperiodfrom t/1/9e �999through t2/3t/99
S[. Pau] Police l00 E. lith Sereet (651) 292-3588
St. Paul, h1N 551Ot (65U 292-35�+2 (�tax)
Program Purpcse Area:
Emp4oyee Benefits
Cont Serv
Travei (29 cen pe r mile for mileage)
Space Gosts & Rental
Supp4ies, Phone, Postage, Printing(Copying
. Courts ard'Proba[ion
5 90.775.77
On the back of this page, please provide a bri2f description of the rationale and background on how this
funding will be used and why you have setected this Program Purpose Area for funding.
(NOTE: The description provided on the back of this page wili aiso serve as a major component of the
pian you are required to submit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Pian for
additional infortnation.) ovER -
Pa e 9 Oooba 6. 1998
G:\UM'RYiHaRomanowUAIBGLLcca� ApPl�cmon Forms.wpd 9
Please describe briefly the rationale and background on how this adivity was se(ected in addition to how
funds aliocated in this category wil{ be expended. You may attach additional sheets if necessary.
Please See actached
Pa e 10 Octoba B. 1998
G:WNl'I�YffMAomanoo'VAffiGLLocalAPFlwaooPortns.wpd 9
po -1� 3
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Program: Enhanced Probation
Ramsey County has a significant Asian population, the vast majority of which are
Hmong and live in the City of Saint Paui. Since the late 1980s, the number of Hmong
youth coming into our juvenile correctional programs has grown. Unfortunately, it is
quite typical that Asian definquent youth become involved in criminal gangs, violent
offenses and the use of weapons. The follawing data will help to illustrate these trends:
New cases or admissions: Asian Juven+les
1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995. 1996
Boys Totem Town ----- 2 15 16 30 22 29 35 33 23
Juveniie Detention 38 27 126 132 213 167 194 267 271 31�
Juvenile Probation 24 16 77 62 78 87 112 130 214 180
The number of southeast Asian youth entering the Ramsey County juvenife probation
system in 1996 equaled 12 percent of the total of 1503 newjuveniles referred to the
county system during the year. 140 (78 percent) of these juveniles were Nmong. The
other 40 (22 percent) were from other Asian cultures.
A study was done by the Orange County Probation Department in California in 1994.
This study showed that 70 percent of the first time offenders did not commit further
crimes as juveniles. It did show that 8 percent became chronic re-offenders, committing
at least three and up to 14 more crimes or probation violations while still juveniles. This
sma{I group of re-offenders were responsibie for more than 50 percent of the repeat
business faced by the juvenile system. Although, a study has not been done in Ramsey
County, it is be{ieved that the probiem is the same percentage wise and increasing. The
8 percent is the number that we are trying to identify and take the approximate action
with. Through intensive probation and intervention we hope to modify behavior and
offer famify support.
The Enhanced Probation Pi{ot Project is designed to target Asian and sefected other
juveniles on probation we see are already invoived or at-risk of involvement in vio(e�t
crime, use of weapons or gang activities. Afthough many Hmong youth and fami4ies stifl
live within our three major pubiic housing projects, the population has become much
more dispersed throughout our community in recent years. The majority of these .
families live in the City of Saint Paul. The Enhanced ProbationiChronic Offenders
Program was implemented in mid-September ofi 1997. This program for juveniles was
modeled after the highly successful Boston Gun Project's "Nightlights Program" and is
aimed at preventing youth violence utilizing a coilaborative effort between Ramsey
County Probation, Saint Paul Police, the Minnesota Gang Strike Force, and a variety of
community based programs including Hmong American Partnership (HAP). Partiai
funding was provided to the Ramsey County Community Corrections Department under
the Enhanced Probation Pilot Project Grant that was approved By the 1997 Legislature.
From the eariiest planning stages of this pilot program, the Saint Paul Police
Department has worked with Ramsey County utilizing existing resources to ensure a
successful outcome. Juveniles on this program are required to participate in their
coilaboration with probation, police and HAP as a condition of their probation. This
request for grant funds is to expand the program within the Saint Paul Police
Department to include more juveniles. Since tfie program's initial implementation, 69
juveniles have been arrested. Currentiy, there are two probation o�cers assigned to
this program. They each have approx. 15 to 20 juveniles on their case load. In addition
they also check on other juveniles on probation for other probation officers. The
Ramsey Co. Probation officers are being fiunded by the State Department of
Corrections. St. Paul Police officers accompany them on their checks of ihese
juveniles about three times a week and this is done on a overtime base.
7he primary goal of this project is to min+mize criminal activity by youth within the Asian
community as wefl as other se{ected juvenile offenders. 4n doing so provide a safer
environment for the community. We wifl attempt to monitor the success rate of the
persons placed on this program. This will be measured by their reduced police contacts
and completion of this program. Also, to show that they have completed their education
or have obtained a job to become productive members of the community.
Many factors enter into the measuring of the success of any program of this type.
Examples of simifar programs successes are demonstrated by the reduction in the
violent crime rate in Boston, when they instituted a similar program. Our own truancy
program in St. Paul was successfiul in that we returned more kids back to their schools
and in addition saw a reduction in the day time crime rate usually associated with
juveniles.(Burglaries, car thefts, CDTP) Mpls has aiso report success in there Anti-
Violence 4nitiative.
Expenditure of Funds;
Salary and Fringe
1) $65,142.10 -overtime for patroi officers: $51,252.16 plus fringe rate on
overtime at 21 percent -$13,889.94. Based on 2 patrol officers 3 nights a week
equaling 1248 hours an overtime rate of $44.00 per hr.
2) $25,633.67—one-third salary and fringe benefits for supervisor to implement,
coordinate and oversee program. The supervisor will meet with probation supervisors
and personnel along with personnei from Nmong American Partnership on a weekly
basis in order to evaluate youth coming into the program as we11 as the case loads of
the individual probation officers. They wili also oversee the scheduling of the officers
who are working with the probation personnel.
Fill out a separate Form E/Budget Form for each Program Purpose Area to be funded.
Budgetpetiodfrom ��i/ 1499through
S[. Pau1 Police 10� E. tlth Streec �6it) 292-3588
St. Paul, hi� 55101 �6�1) 292-354Z (,tax)
Program Purpose Area: � t
Emptoyee Benefiu
C ontr ac[ ed Se rvices
Tra (29 c p e r mile for mileage)
Space Costs & Rental
Supplies, Phone, Postage, Printing/Copying
Equipment _
• ACCOUr.tabilitv Based Pro grams
5 96,383.67
On the back of this page, please provide a brief description of the rationale and background on how this
funding wili be used and why you have seleded this Progrem Purpose Area forfunding.
(NOTE: The descriptio� provided on the back of this page will also serve as a major component of the
plan you are required to su6mit as a part of the process to secure funding. See Form G: Local Plan for
additional informat3on.) - ovEa -
Pa e9 Occober8.1998
G\UNITYfH�AltomanowVAIBGV,aalApplicadoLFamt.wpd g .
oa �3�,3
Piease describe briefly the rationale and backgrou�d on how this activity was selected in addition to how
funds allocated in this category will be expended. You may attach additionai sheeu i4 ne<essary.
Piease See Attached
Pa e 10 awoa a. isss
G.�UNL[�YCFi4�ROmanawUAIBG�1.oca1 Appitca¢aa Pams.o'Pd 9
ao - � �3
Program Purpose Area 11- Accountabilify Based Programs
Research has shown that opportunities for youth sfter schooi, on weekends and
during the summer months reduce alcohol and drug use, improve school
performance, and prevent youth from getting involved in crime and violenf
Program: Summer Activity Program for High Risk Youth
The officers who are involved with the DARE and School Liaison Programs will
work with personnel from St. Paui Parks and Recreation and the Soys and Giris
Ciubs of St. Paul in putting together basketball camps at 9 locations in the City.
Most basketball camps are very costly and not accessible to youth in the inner
These o�cers will afso work with personne! from the DNR and offer a program
with an ecologicai theme. Many of the youth do not have the opportun+ty to get
out of the city. By teaming up with the personnel at Fort Snelling State Park the
officers will take some of these youth hiking, fishing, canoeing, swimming, and
give them a chance to earn a Jr. Naturalist badge.
Shis program provides our h+gh-risk youth a chance to parficipate in a camp and
provide positive interaction with poiice officers. We expect to have over 2Q0
youth participate in these programs.
Program: Gang Intervention
In March of 1998, the department began a federally funded program for gang
intervention in the City ofi St. Paui. Funding for this program wil{ expire in March
of 1999. We propose to continue to fund the program utilizing JAIBG funds.
The St. Paul Police Department will continue to identify youth that are involved
with gang activity and make them aware of other alternatives to the gang way of
life. A11 too many young people reach out to gangs to fill needs that are not being
met in their lives.
Many of them realize after a period of time that the gangs are not all they were
made out to be, but they don't know how to go about getting out. They continue
to be part of the gang life and eventually end up in the legal system.
With the "Getting OuY' psogram we will refer these youth to one of two
community based sociaf service agencies. One of the two caseworkers hired
using JAIBG funds will assess their needs and interests. The youth and the case
worker will then set up goals in the areas of education, empioyment, life skills,
community service, and possibly gang tattoo removal. Information wili be
conveyed to the Police Department regarding the progress of each youth. Based
on our passed experience, we project 85 percent of the youth will stay in the
program and esfab(ish positive behavioral patterns.
The intake process of the program will afso include a chemicaf use assessment.
If there is a need for any type of chemical interdiction, the youth wiif be set up
with a program through the St. Paul Schools or Lao Family if the youth is Asian.
Expenditure of Funds:
1) $62,0�0- contract services for caseworkers.
2) $8,750- O�cers overtime for summes program
3) $25,633.67- one third safary and fringe benefits for supervisor to
implement, coordinate and oversee programs. Gang intervention (one-
third salary combined with summer programs). The supervisor will act
as a consultant to the service agencies in matters dealing with gang
activity. They will also track each of the youth invoived in the program
as far as any new police contacts. They wiil also present classes to the
staff of the St. Paul Public Schools dealing with gang awareness and
available programs dea{ing with gang prevention and intervention. The
supervisor wili also schedule the overtime for the officers invo{ved in
the programs. They will aiso coordinate with the recreation center and
DNR personnel. The Sgt. in charge of the DARE and Liaison Units will
reporF to this supervisor enabling a more coordinated effort in dealing
with at risk youth and offenders.
When establishing a local JCEC, units of locaf government must inciude, uniess impracticabte, individua{s
representing (1) police, (2) sheriff, (3) prosecutor, (4) State or local probation services, (5) juveniie court, (6)
schools, p) business, and (8) religious a�liated, fraternal, nonprofit, or social service organizations involved
in crime prevention. The eight listed groups for establishing a JCEC is not an exhaustive list. Units of local
government may add additional sepresentation as appropriate.
Please include the person`s name, titie, address, organization represented, phone number, fax number and
e-mail address (if available).
Please complete both sides of this form; it is a component of your local plan (as described in Form G).
Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition Members:
1)PofiC2 5[. Pau1 Police Departme��t
William K. Firr,ev�, ChieE of Poiice
100 E. ilth St.
Sc. Pau1, MN 55101
(651? 292-3588
2) Sheriff ��
3) Prosecutor •
Kate Sa��telmarr - Ramsey Courty Attori�ey
SO W. Kellogg Suite 315
St. Pau1, MN 55102
(651) 266-3125
4) Probation
ioac Fabian �
50 W. Kellogg Blvd Suite 650E
St.. Paul, MN 55102
(651) 266-2384
5)COUR Ji�dge Johr Corrolly - Ramsey Cour[y Juver:ile Court
480 5[. Peter St.
SC. Paul, �1� 55102
(65l) 292-641t
G:WNC[1YTH�P.RamaacwVABGLLocil Appi�cauoo Fotms.wpd Page 11 a�oea s. issa
00 -3� 3
6)SCh00� paui Pautsor
360 Coiborre St.
S[. Paui, M� » IO2
(6�1) 293-5401
7) Business
Dr. James Foiev — Tactoo Renoval (Plastic Surgeorl
i7 W. Exchange St.
5[. Paul, �1� 5�102
(65l) 292-9624
8) Communiry Organization Representative
R!ch Gr.igos (Bo��s & Gir1s Club of St. Paul) William L. Collirs Jr.
1620 .�mes ave. Y.d.C.�. of St. Paul
St. Paui, hi� 35106 198 :Jes[err. ?.ve. ?J.
(65l) 771-3350 St. Pau1, MN Si102
(651) 222-3741
4)Other Viiue Gillespie Nar,cv LeTourneau
St. Paui Parks & Recreation Youth Service Bureau
300 Citv Hall Anr,ex L167 Arcade
St. Paul, i�V �5102 Sc. Paul, MN 55106
(651) 266-6400 (651) 771-1301
List any other members of your focal Juveniie Crime Enforcement �oa{ition not listed above:
c:utrimrnnatto�„nowuntacu.am nPpixauoa Fom�..�a Page 12 a�oee a. ievs
00 .��,3
Units of local goverr.: �ent that are eligible to receive )AiBG funds must estabfish a Coordinated Enforcement
Plan for reducing juvenile crime developed by the local Juvenile Crime Enforcement Coalition (JCEn.
Coord'snated Enforcement Plan for Reducing luvenile Crime
The plan developed by a focai JCEC is based on an analysis of {ocal juvenife justice system needs. The
analysis determines the most effective uses of funds, within the twelve JAiBG Program Purpose Areas, to
achieve the greatest impact on reducingjuvenile delinquency, improving thejuvenilejustice system, and
increasing accountability for juvenile offenders.
On tfiis page and the foilowing page, p{ease summarize those Program Purpose Areas you intend to fund
and provide an overview of the rationaie. This summary sfiould tie together your overall issues and rationale
for the specific areas your partnership has chosen to fund.
LocaiPfanfor. cicy of sc. Paul
Pa e 13 a�qt�a. �9vs
G:�UMI�YTH�ARommowVAIDGLLaa! App�icatiou Farms.wpd 9
ao -��3
Local Plan
in 1996, juveniles were involved in 8 out of the 23 homicides in Saint Pauf. 1n 1997, 3
of the 24 homicides were commiited by juveniles and 4 of fhe 24 were victims of
homicide. In 1995 }uveniles accounted for over 58 percent of all arrests for Part I
crimes in the city. Despite the decrease in the juvenile population in recent years there
has been a 52 percenF increase in juvenife arrests.
Although, this program is encompassing Ramsey County, these numbers reflect the
volume of the juvenile problem in St. Paul. A list of juveniles with ten of more contacts
has been pufled from our data base. These numbers represent a 7 year period dating
from June of 1990 through June of 1998. Of these juveniles, who are currentiy stiii
under the age of 18 years old, 112 have accounted for 1972 contacts in the juvenile
o�ce. They range from having 37 to 13 contacts each in this time period. Another 198
juveniles account for 2120 contacts and have 12 to 10 contacts each.
The Juvenile Unit has handled 60,787 cases in this same time period. From this
number the Juvenile Unit has charged 55,456 juveniles. This number reflects varying
degrees of action from court appearances to referrals to diversion programs. Of that
number 21,180 cases have been cleared by arrest. (Note, the cleared by arrest number
reflect juveniles that may have been charged with multiple offenses.)
In order to address the juvenile crime issues, Saint Paul has developed a sound
comprehensive strategy and identified support programs that work to further the
objectives of the strategy. These objectives for Saint Paul inciude hofding the juvenile
oifender accountable, enabling the juvenile to become a capable, productive and
responsib{e citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community. The Coordinated
Enforcement Pian for Reducing Juvenife Crime in Saint Pau{ includes alf those
objectives listed above.
The department is involved in severa4 programs towards the objectives (isted which
include DARE, Schooi Liaison, Restorative Justice - Auto theft, Enhanced probation -
selected juveniles and officer friendly. The Juveniie Accountabifity Incentive Biock
Grant will allow us to expand these efforts in the following:
Program Purpose Area 2- Accountabiiity Based Sanctions
Restorative Justice
The Restorative Justice program run by the Saint Paul Police Department will hold the
juvenile offender accountable for their actions and reduce recidivism rates in the City of
Saint Paul.
Program Purpose Area 7- Courts and Probation
Enhanced Probation
a� -��3
The Enhanced Probation Program holds the juvenile offender accounfable while
heiping to ensure the safety of the community.
Program Purpose Area 11 - Accountability Based Programs
Gang Intervention
The Gang Intervention Program addresses enabling the juvenile to become a capable,
productive and responsible citizen, and ensuring the safety of the community.
Federa{ law requires that a unit of loca! government, to be determined eligible to receive a JAIBG award or
subgrant, must fiave implemented, or agree to implement byJanuary 1, 7 999, a policy of testing appropriate
categories of juveniles within the juvenile justice system for use of controlled substances.
The cate9ories of juveniles w+thin the juvenile justice system that are `appropriate" for testing shall be
determined by the Chief Executive Officer of the State certifying compliance or by the applicant unit of local
government. It is expected that appropriate categories wiil vary among jurisdidions depending on
tfieir needs and resources. States and units of local government are encoureged to include drug
treatment in their overatl }slan to reduce juveni(e drug use.
You may determine tfie cacegories for testing for your jurisdiction. Piease list the categories:
All juvei�iles are tested at the local }uverile correctional Eacility'.
The} are also tested or, a rardom basis �aher, on probatior, for cortrolled
subseatzce use.
G:\UNCS�YTEMRamanowVAIDGLLa�IApplicaconFamt.wpd Page 15
anca a. �9ss
o� _��3
I. Program Information
A. Whv We Are Asking For It: To heip us decide whether you are eligibie for
the program and what other services you may need.
B. How We Pian To Use It: We may use it to prepare required reports, conduct
audits, review eligibility and to find out how the program is helping you.
C. With Whom We May Share This Information: With staff, allowed by law, who
need it to do their jobs in: the Minnesota Department of Economic Security;
the United States Departments of Health and Human Services, Labor, Housing
and Urban Development and Agriculture. We may also share it with
community based agencies, local and state human service agencies,
educational programs and other agencies wfiich help you.
D. If You Do Not Provide This Information: You are not required by law to
provide this information. If you choose not to provide tfiis information, we
may not know whether you are eligible for the program and may not be able
to help you. Providing false information can lead to removal from the
program. �
II. Wage Detail Files
We may also use information from wage records kept by the Minnesota
Department of Economic Security to help us evaluate the program.
III. Socia! Security Numbers
You do not have to provide a Social Security Number to be eligible for our
programs. Federal Privacy Act and Freedom of tnformation Act dictates the
use of the Social Security Number. We may use it for computer matches,
program reviews and improvements, and audits.