279391 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUIICII /������� PINK - FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PALTL CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. n / Council Resolution Presented By � %�� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resolution amending the Civil Se rvice Ru1e s conce rning tlze review of examinati.on que sti.ons. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6.E by striking out in its entirety the second paragraph of Section 6.E and substi- tuti.ng in lieu thereof the following: "A��.-i�rc.�r-re-�t-a�.s�*ae-�-e��e��o-r-i�#�.e-s�c�x�.�g-o€a�-e�ax�i.�a�i� pape��a�-be�:o-nre-czted-rf-b�o�.g�.��e fi�ie-a�teaa.�i-o�-o��ie-ge��o��.e�. O�€iee-�.e��at�n-�kar�-�e�-da�e-�f�er�kie-eo�reet�e�a�r3i�ra�,}o�.s�e beerz-�ade-avarla�e fo-r-aggkea��st �r3agee�.o�,--�owe�e�;-rf-a.�.� el�a.r�.ge 3�-�r�ac��r3�rrg ea.�d�dat�'�-gagera,- -t�.e-gage�s-of-a�l-et�e-ri ga��.��ga�����fi�ie-e�a�.�.a�i-o�-r�ia��a�se��e;r�ewed���o-pe�s ex�. ee��i�ie�d�a.�d-agpoi�rted-a s-��e���o�-t�ie-e�a�.�.a�i�r s�ia���ie-drs- p�ec��}r-�'ea�o�-e€�s�zE�-eo��eet�.o�, An incorrect answer or error in the scorin� of an examination may be corrected if brou�ht to the attention of the Personnel Office not later than ten workin� days after the date of the examination. Any appeal of a decision of the Personnel Office re�ardi.n� an examinati.on que sti.on must be made in writin� within five days of the date the notice of the decision was sent or �iven to candidates. However, if any chan�e is made in any candidate's papers, the papers of all other parti.cipants in the examination shall also be reviewed; and no person certified and appointed as a result of the examination shall be displaced by reason of such correction. " Approved: . � Chairman, vil Service Commi sion COUNCIL�iEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: F�etcher � PER EL OFFICE �evine In Favor Masanz � �� Nicosia scheibe� _ __ Against BY — �des�.o '�eeR� OCT 2 1 1982 Fo Appr ved b 'ty Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified as e b ouncil cr r BY R B � Ap ro by ;4tavor. t ` _�_�]g�� Ap o ed y Mayor for u mis on tb Council BY — — BY PUBLISHED OCT 3 0 1982 , - - - -- - [�. wH�7E — C�Tr c�eRK � � COUfIC1I ^`" �����. PINK - FINANCE G I TY O F SA I NT PA IT L CANARV - OEPARTMENT � BLUE -MAVOR File NO• CITY CLERK Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date � Out of Committee By Date An admini strative Re solution amending the Civil Service Rules concerni.ng the review of examination que stions. RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be amended in Section 6.E by striking out in its entirety the second paragraph of Section 6.E and substi- tuting in lieu thereof the following: "�i-i�rc�nre��a.�swe�-e r-an-e��o-r-i�-�ke-sc��o-x�.�g-o�a�-e�a�i�a�i� pa�e��a�►-be-�o-nrected-�-f-��o�.gl���e�.e-a�te�#�x�o€�.e-�e�$o�e� O��i.ee-ae��a�e-r�#,13a�-�e�-da�s-af�ep�ie-ee�ree�e�-e�a�e�s-h�ve �ee��ade-avai�.a�e�o-r-agplj.e�.�s�}x�sge etio�:--�ewe�e�3-rf-a�.}� eka�ge i�-rx3acl���-a�ry�-ea,�d�dat�'�-gage r s,-#�ie-pape�a-of-a�l-e�r- ga��i��pa.�ts��.-#.�ie-e�a�i�a�i�-��ia��-a�se��e�ewe�ii��o-pe�ae� ee��i�i:eci�a.�d-apge�rted-a s-a-�e-s��o�-#,�ie-e�a�i�a�-i�-�s�ia���ie-dra- g��y-�ea�o�-e�s�z��i-eo��ee�io�a., An incorrect answer or error in the scoring of an examination may be corrected if brou�ht to the attention of the Personnel Office not later than ten workin� days after the date of the examination. Any appeal of a decision of the Personnel Office re�ardin� an examinati.on que stion must be made in writin� within five days of the date the notice of the decision was sent or �iven to candidates. However, if anv chan�e is made i.n any candidate's papers, the papers of all other participants in the examinati.on shall also be reviewed; and no person certified and a�pointed as a result of the examination shall be displaced by reason of such correction. " Approved: Chai rznan, Civil Se rvice Comxni s sion COUNGLMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Fietche� Nays r �ev�ne � In Favor pERSONNEL OFFICE Masanz Nlcosia Scheibel _ Against By TedeSCO 1ARUos�r OCT 2 1 1981 Form Approved by Ci!y Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Yassed by Council Secretary BY sy —_ •_"_..,..! 1... �A......� [..� C..f.....n�..... ►.. I'`w....w:l � � � ������ r"`� : ;' CYTY" OF SAINT ��.UL F�.1, � `E'. �_ . pg�rzC�C pF' THF CITY COIINC I L �r �` •`t 1 � ' Dofe : � �,..,,�_ ,� _� __ `�' :� ' � �� COM (Vl (TTEE REPORT �[' p = Sctin� Pcru t Cifi� Cour�ci [ _ �. FR O f� = Cornr�i�tee on �i��,�� � �� ��_ � _ _ , CHRIR � - AG � E � I� A. ` 1. Approval of minutes from meeting held September 2S, 19S2.�K- ' 2. Resolution transferring $40,000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Civic - , Organizations Contributions. (LARC) (}�ousing Information Office� �$�Rb����-.-=q : -�-- P es�ah�-i sh in� up frPatr�r--FPers-e�,ge-�} : � 4. Resolution establishing the 1952 Special Fund Budget for Energy�Audit �Comm. Sert'ices . ��a��a�,-�o�- ..� 5. Fesolution approvino the terms and conditions of a 1981-52 :�:emorandum of Understandi�. � applying to Unclassified Employees holding the title of Asst. Fire Gt ' Pe�s r�-�°1� � �������� f 6. Resolution approving the 1982 biaintenance Labor Agreement bet��een I.S.D. PG25 and 1 � the Electrician's Local R110 (Personnel)���k���Q��.C� �"' °� � � -� - ; �..:,_. ��,:�y, 1 7. Resolution clarifying th�peal process on contested exa�nination questions (Personnel) ����`�y�=—��;�� � ' � 8. P.esolution abolishing titles of the Ci��il Service Rules, substituting the title . of Groundcrew I�Iember. (Personnel) ,�„P�.�� ��_:�-E�:�.;�'"'�, �:. � 9. Resolution establis}ies the rate of ay for the neis title of Groundcrew Ptember ...� � and Groundskeeper (Personnel � . , �v� �.,�;.��.� _ .. � 10. Resolution amends the current agreement between the Cit�- and the St. Paul Police , �. Supervisory Group to allow the City to pay alI of the Oct. 1, 1982 insurance � �remium increases (Personnel) Z�'������X������ � - i � 11. F.esolution amends t lary_Pl��,�nd Rates of Corr.pensation Resolution (Personnel) -��:��-�:� � 12. Resolution approves the application of J. ��illiam Dono�-ar; for the abatement of asses��: nxs.._.ancL_taxes_ pc� County Ati:Iitor's Report relatin� to 292 Goodhue � �.... .. ., . . ! S treet'��:���F�'{��t�,�� , 13_ , �r5�essmen c?ia��s—fo-r-betre-f-'r _ i-ee � —r.�iuienance_ ._ (Cotnmunity- Ser-�tiee-s}f2-FeT��--�`"���t�1"-- � � 1q_ Resolution chan�ing the method of paying the Civil Service Co�amission fror� a Per mceting to an annual basis. (Person�iel) (_if '; tl:,( l St�VE`.N"flt FLUU1: S�\iti"f I'�\1J[.. 1i(�\F'SO'f:\ 5�1�' � -_�.. ,. _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ -�'�93�� ' DEPARTMEiJT: �'ersonnelOffice ' CONTACT: Bernard Wright ROUTING aryn EXPLANATION SHEET p�{pM�; 298-4221 (GREEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements �a ^ � �� ROUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSIfiNED NUMBER: �r '' `' 3198� ��� � 1 Civil Se rvi ce Commi s sion D I CTOR OF MANAGEMEHT 3 Ma R MAYORS OFFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FIMANCE & MGT. SERVICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY 4' CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR AGTIQN ,�QLESTED �C� IP ALL L�GATIONS �OR MAYQRAL SIGNATURE): We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. WHAT WILL BE ACHIEVED BY TAKING A�TION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS �PLIRPOSE AND .RATIONALE)�; This resoluti.on is for the purpose of clarifyi.ng the appeal process on contested examinati.on que sti.on s. EINANGIAL. BL�E7ARY AND PERSONNEI IMPACTS ANTIGIPATED: 1�T one. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1• Re solution 2, Copy for City Clerk. 3, �: e.a.ae nev.celu nec¢ba.c,ty on c en.t o e o0 ouu.ng auppon,tcng acumercta ae�nent : � C.i,ty Attonney: i. Councie Re.ao.P.u.ti.on Requ.ined? yF.S NO i. Reao.Cu.ti.onP YES VD 2. In.eunance Req:w�ed? YES �10 2. Inawtance Su��.ic,cz.n.t? '/FS NO 3. Inaununee A,ttac.hed? !/ES NO RPVecicsn A)tc5/29/82