279390 WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 !� .y ����� PINK ':''- FINANCE G I TY OF SA I NT PAU L CANARV - DEPARTMENT �LUE - MAVOR File NO. C uncil Resolution Presented By �� Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date An administrative Resoluti.on changing the title for Groundcrewman to Groundcrew Member. RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be amended in Section 3.M by striki.ng out the title of Groundcrewman where tlzat title appears under the heading "Special Employment" and by substituti.ng in lieu thereof the ti.tle of Groundcrew Member; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amended in Secti.on 3.M by striking out where t;hey appear under the heading "Special Employment" the following listed titles: Clubhouse Man G ate man Head Gateman Head Ticket Seller-Stadium He ad U she r-5tadium Matron-Stadium Publi c Addre s s Announce r Scoreboard Operator Ticket Seller-5tadium U she r-Stadium and be it FINALLY RESOLVED, that the Civil Se rvice Rule s be furthe r amended -1- COUNCILNiEN Yeas Nays Requested by Department of: Fletcher �ev�ne In Favor Masanz Nicosia scheibei _ __ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date — Certified Passed by Council Secretary BY g�, lapproved by Mavor. Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council BY - – BY NiHITE r C�TV CLERK ������� PINK - FINANCE 1 CANARV - DEPARTMENT GITY OF SAINT PAUL COUIICII V BCUE - MAVOR File NO. . Council Resolution Presented By Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date in Secti.on 32 thereof by striking out the class specifications for the following titles: Clubhouse Man Gate man Head Gateman Head Ticket Seller-Stadium Head Usher-Sta.dium Matron-Stadium Public Addre s s Announce r Scoreboard Operator Ticket Seller-Stadium U she r-Sta,dium App r ove d: ? LJ - Chai rman Civil Se rvice Commi s sion -2- COUNC[LMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas F�etcher Nays � PERSONNEL OFFICE �evine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia Scheibel __ Against BY — .iedeeee. aNiFsvn OCT 2 1 1981 Fo� Pp�o� d b ' y Attor ey Adopted by Council: Date — ' Certified Y s d by Council Sec ary � BY B�� — 61ppr y ;Vlavor: Date CT 2 5 1g� A r ve by Mayor fo u si uncil sy _ _ ry, B�(�HE� OCT 3 0 1982 . k WI{I TE. - Cl l Y CLF«K T Ig ip� T ' COUn�II � t`'�1 I � {�It:K - i-INANCF �.� � �� 1 O 1� �71� 1 � A 1 L��l Ti � 7 ����� C;l�'IAt:y -- [)ti,P„F2TMEN i �,� UE. -- �.,�,y���. File NU. CITY CLERK �������� �,�������`��� Pres��nted I3y -------------- - -- -- - Refc�rred 'I'o _-___-.__..__._ - Committee: Date --_— 0 u t o f Com m i t t e e F3Y------------- - -- - Da te -- --- P.�n administrative Resolution changing the title for Groundcre�vman to Groundcrew Member. RESOL�ED, �hat the Civil Service Ru1es be amended in Section 3.tiI by striking out the title of Groundcre��man `�iiere that title appears under t:ze head'zng "Special Employxnent" and by substituting in lieu thereof the title of Grou.ndcrew Member; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Civil Service Rules be further amend�d in Section 3. M by striking out where they appear under the headin.g "Special Employment" the following listed title s: Clubhouse Man G a te man Head Gat�man Head Ticket Seller-Stadium Head Usher-Stadium. Matron-Stadiu-m Public Addre s s �nnounce r Scoreboard Operator Ticket Se11er-Stadium � U she r-Stadium and be it FIl�T.AL.LY RESOLVED, that tlze Civil Service Rules be further amended -1- ---- -- - ------- -- --- --- -------_--- -- — ---- -- ------------ --- - r- - COUNCILh4EN �'E�' �al,y Requested by Department of: Fietcher ' �evine In Fa�'or — h'lasanz --- P�icosia sct,eibei - -- Against BY — ------- --------- — Tedesco Wiison Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date —___ _ ----- Certifieci }?assed by Council Secretary By --- --- --- — F3�: -------- - ---------- - Appro��ed by 1lavor: Date ____________.____.______ ! Approved by h9ayor for Submission to Couneil , --- ` , , . . __ _ _ _ _ '�:l117F. �- CITV CIFH!( ��ird�< — r-irin�.ce >1[ �,,� A g � ip p T77 CO�IIC11 � t�;�.r�n�tv — e.st_e�n�e'!s�•;r �) y �3.�� �>1' �..71111�1T�� A�LA 11 L ���.�:-_ _ �•„o�_ File ��. _ _ �������� ����������� 1're�,�iitecl By — —�— -- -- icefe�red 'I'o -----____----------------- Con;mittee: Date ------------ 0 u t o f C o m n�i t t e c� E3y---------------- ----- ---- D a t e -- in �ctio-ri 32 thereo:E by strik9.ng oztt the class specifications for the fol.lotvinb ti tle s: Clubhouse Man G ate man Head Gateman Head Ticket Seller-Stadium Head Usher-Stadivan Matron-Stadium Yublic Address .Aa.�.n�uncer Scoreboard Operator Tickef. Seller-Stadium U she r-Stadium Approved: Chai rman Civi�. Service Coxnmission -2- C(i;?:'�'CIL!11I?N Requested by Department of: '�e.is ?�a}-s �' Fi���n�� � PERSONNEL OFFICE _ levine In Favor --- — - P:'asanz -- ---- Nic�sia &cneibal ---__._____ A.gainst �Y -------- — ----- 7et4es^.a� 1�� OCT 2 1 1981 Form Approved by City Attorney il�!:�pted b� Council: Date ------ ----- :=ertifi��c; V��t>sc�d �}� Cuuncil Secretary BY -- 13; —__ ------------- ----------- — ( n�;pro�cd b� titavor: llatr --___---------_-.-__----------. � Approved by Mayor for Subcnission to Council I . � ' �������� "� .`.-� CITY OF SAINT P.E�.UL � � '�.�.; F_ _ ,'`,1 �� pF`�`ICIC OF THF. CITY COIII`CIL � — . . ..:.,.. �. � ' Date . ,�;.,:..,:�•� -' "- �- v b_ FA /' �`-�! CO (V1Mf�T � E REPORT Z- O = Sctin� Pau 1 Cifi� Cou�ci [ " . .�. FRO � = Cor�nmi�tee on �� 4 ���,��e �- � / �' CHRIR � ' � ' -- . - AG � E [� i� A. C1. �pproval of minutes from meeting held September 28, 1952.��- 2. Resolution transferring $40,000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Civic � Organizations Contributions_ (LARC) (Nousing Information Office) $���btl€�► e��.,q -�- estab-�-i shin }r�- ' up 6-Per,rp--{-Fe�se� � 4. Resolution establishing the 1952 Special Fund Budget for Energy Au t Comm. Ser��ices c ��.�.a_,� �:�so:.:,�....._ ,.. � ' S. Fesolution approvino the terms and conditions of a 1981-52 A:emoraTidum of Undei-standi� ; applying to Unclassified Employees holding the title of Asst_ Fire �(Pers �r. 1)^ �J�KCZ�EtS- �-�., 6. Resolution approti�ing the 1982 biaintenance Labor A�reement bet��een I.S.D. �`625 and the Electrician's Local �110 (Personnel) °' - cf��.�,--�,�,.� 7. Resolution clarifying th_e appea�rocess on contested exainination questions (Personnel) �P�L�'�'c�:�"'w-:���► 8. P,esolution abolishing titles of the Ci��il Service Rules; substituting the title of Groundcrew I�Iember. (Personnel) �g�-��=` '�'�����, 9. Resolution establislies the rate of`pay for the neis title of Groundcre��r Pfember and Groundskeeper (Personnel' �� '�`�°'� � 10. Resolution amends the current agreement between the City and the St. Paul Police . Supervisory Group to allo�r the City to pay alI of the Oct. 1, I982 insurance �remium increases (Personnel) 11. F.esolution amends t ar � � R�tes of Compensation Resolution (Personnel) 12. Resolution approves the application of J. 14illiam Uoiiot-aii for the abate�r.ent of asscs s...�n�L.�xe cr County Aiiditor's Report relating to 292 Goodhue Strect � ` 13. � � essmen c�fia�es-fv�-be-n-e�"rted-p-rogr-i--tTC���i-ee -�.zaintenance_-__.(Communi-ty- Sexui ees}��{eT�e.�}-�--'�&�-� i 14. Resolution changing the method of paying the Givil Service Co�amission fror� a per mceting to an annual basis. (Personiiel} � ' � �..:. I � i � I ci-rr }►.1f.( Sl:VEN"IF( FI C)U�c s:�rti-r t�.�u�., at���t-sor:� s- � ,�.... - -- (� - • . a �� � . ... r . �.. . � � . . . �/ �...VV�� � • ' DE�ARTMEiVT: Personne�Office CONTACT: Bernard Wright ROUTING ANn EXPLANATION SHEET PHONE: 298-4221 IGREEN SHEET) $�P}�mber 9, 1982 For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreements 4'� _�Q' �� l� O ROt1TI G ORD - R - C ��CE1 V G,D 1 1 Se rvice Commi s sion D I R OR OF MANAGEMENT �r=� � 3 �982 3 MAYOR MAYORS OFFICE DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE 8 MGT. SERVICES 2 CITY ATTQRNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR ACTION REQLESTED �CLIP ALL LOCATIONS �OR MAYORAL,�IGNATURE): We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. WHAT NILL BE AGHIEVED BY TA ING ACTION ON THE ATTAGHED MATERiALS �PURPOSE AND RATIONALE)�: This R.esolution abolishes ten t�:tles from Section 3.M .�Special Employment) of the Civil Service Rules a,nd the class specificati.ons for these ti.tles from Section 32. It substitutes the title of Groundcrew Member for the current ti.tle of Groundcrewman i.n the same Section 3.M (Special Employment) of the Rule s. FtNANCIAL. BL�GETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPA(;j; NTj,GIPATED: None. ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): I. R.e solution 2• Copy for City C�erk. 3, N ¢.a.ae .tev.ceut neceaa.�ty on. a.tta ent o e oo w.cng auppon.ts,ng ocumen.ta ae�an.�5nen,t : C.i,ty A:ttoa.ney: 1. Counai.Z Reaa�,.Li.on Reqwih.ed? YES NO 1. Reeo.eu,ti.on? YES N(l ' 2. ineu,taw.ce Req;,wcedY YES ' N0 2. Irwatance Su66�.c.i.2n.t? Y�S N4 3. Tn.aunance A,ttu.ched? YES NO Revisi.on O:i:6i 29/82