279389 r WHITE - CITV CLERK COUI1C11 ����!! i� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF SAINT PAUL � CANARV - DEPARTMENT M V��.1 BLUE - MAVOR � Flle NO. Council Resolution .�,,,z,, / � �: Presented By �'��` � Referred To Committe�:� , Date Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are �ereby auth.orized and directed to execute an Arnendment to the 1g80-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group, whereby said Agreement will be amended by the attached Amendment. App rove d: CJ- Chai rman, C il Se rvice Com s sion COUIVCILMEN Requested by Department of: Yeas Nays � Fletcher PERSO L OFFICE �e��ne In Favor Masanz � Nicosia scheibe� d _ Against BY — —iedeseo ^1Altts�er OCT 2 1 1982 Form Appro d by ity n y Adopted by Council: Date � Certified Y ss d y Counc.il S eta c, BY Bs� � l�1pp o e by i4lavor: Date _ OCT 2 5 �gS2 Ap by Mayor for ub is ion to Councii r B �161is D OCT 30 1982 ' __ • __ _ __ __ _ _ , _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ - - (y�,( WHITE - CITV CLERK ` �1����'� PINK - FINANCE GITY OF St� I �•T 1,�UL COLL�ICII CANAF"<v - DEPARTMENT �+ BLUE -- MAYOR ' ('IlE NO. CITY CLERK �QUncil Resolution Presented E3y Referred To Committee: Date - Out of Committee By Date RESOLVED, that the proper City Officials are hereby authorized and directed to execute an Amendment to the 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group, whereby said Agreement will be amended by the attached Amendment. Approve d: Chai rznan, Civil Se rvice Commi s sion COUNCILMEN Yeas Nay�s Requested by Department of: Fletcher PERSONNEL OFFICE Levine [n Favor Masanz Nicosia Scheibel _ Against BY — Tedesco Wilson Form Approved by City Attorney Adopted by Council: Date Certified Passed by Council Secretary By B; Approved by 1�lavor: Date _ Approved by Mayor for Submission to Council r,__ '' � � ��19��� � AN AME�,'DMENT - TO THE 1980-1981-1982 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREEMENT - between - THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL � - and - THE SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORY GROUP . d.�����n� It is �:utually agreed by and between the City of Sairct Paul and the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group that the 1980-198I-I982 Agreement is a�!ended by striking and deleting Article X in its entirety and , - 1 substituting in lieu thereof the attachzd Article X. , It is further agreed that the 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saiut Paccl Police Supervisory Group is in alI other respects reaffirmed. CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORY GROUF ....� � • � � ,� � . ,� ���, . �.�� .�., a r Relati s Director Business Repre tative �t� DATID THIS 13th DAY OF SEPT�IBER, 1982 . ����C.�'e.1 It is �:utually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group that the 1980-1981-I982 Agreement is aazended by striking and deleting Article X in its entirety and , - . substituting in lieu thereof the attached Article X. , It is further agreed that the 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Sairct Paul Police Supervisory Group is in alI other respects reaffirmed. CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISQRY GROUP . /� � � `' � �,� 6'Laa�� , p:9"-�'/�L .re,, a' r Relati s Director Business Repres� tative �t DATID THIS 13th DAY OF SEPT�IBER, I982 _ __ _ _. _ � . (� . ����7�� � ARTICLE X - INSUR�NCE 10.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGRE�fEi3T to provide for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided bg EriPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREII�fENT. _ 10.2 The II�IPLOYER will provide for employees �aho retire after the date of the � execution of this AGREEMENT and until such employees reach sixty-five (65} years of age only such health insurance benefits as are provided by the EMPLOYER for the employees of this unit. 10.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the early retiree provision, the employ�e must: 10.3I Be receiving benefits from a public employee retireseut act. 10.32 Have sevared his relationship with the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. - 10.4 In the event of the death of an active emgloyee or an early retiree, the dependents of such employee or retiree shall have the option within thirty (30) days to continue the current hospitalization and medical benefits, inGluding such improvements as ma.y be made from tirae to time, which said dependents previously had, at the premium applicable, to deperidents of active employees. It is further understood that coverage shall cease irc the event of: 10.41 Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse of the deceased employee or retiree. 10.42 The employment of the surviving spouse where hospitalizatiait and medical insc±rance coverage is oht3ined through a group pxogram provided by said employer. It is further understood, hawever, that in said event, the surniving spouse shall have the right to maintain City hospital.ization and medical insurance coverage for the first n�.nety (90) days of said employaent. �0.43 City-prvvided life insurar_ce in existence at ti�e of retirement shall continue to be provided by the City after an eagloyee shall take early xetirement, but such coverage sha11 terminate at age 65. . - 14 - . ��9��� ARTICLE X - Iiv'SURA�CE (continued) 10.5 For each eligible emgloyee covered by this AGREIIKE�iT who selec�s Blue Cross- Blue Shield insurance coverage, the City agrees to cQntribute the cost of such coverage or $87.06 per month, whichever is less. In addi�?on, for each employee who selects Blue Cross-BZue Shield degendent's coverage, the City j wi11 contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $2Q3.8f� per month, whichever is less. 10.6 For each eligible emplayee covered by this AGREE�ffENT who selects Group Health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $52.36 per montii, whichever is less. In addition, for each ea�ploy2e who selects Group Health dependent's coverage, the City will contribute the cost of such depe�dent's coverage or $87.57 per month, �ahichever is less. _ 10.7 For eacfi eligible employee covered by this AGREErIENT who selects Coordi.nated Care health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $65.10 per month, whichever is Iess. In addition, for each employee who selects Coordinated Care dependentts co�erage, the City will contribute the cost of such dependentfs coverage. or $II7.80 per �onth, whichevE is less. 10.8 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT �aho selects FL�fOiKinnesota insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $62.75 per month, whichever is less. In addition, far each employee who selects the I�0-Minnesota dependent�s coverage, the City will contribute the cost of such dependantts coverage or $I41.88 per month, whichever is less. - 15 - 4 � . . _ • �'�9��4 ARTICLE X - I1�SURANCE (continued) � �� 10.9 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $ 2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid . - to the City's group health and �elfare plan. r 10.10 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in I0.9, the City agrees to contribute the cost of additional life insurance coverage or • $ .97 per thousand dollars of coverage per nonth, whichever a.nount is less. The totaZ amount of life insurance coverage provided under this section_and Section I0.9 for each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, the employeets annual salary shall be based an th� sa�ary _ as of the beginning of a contract period. This contribut:ion shall be paid to the City's group health and welfare plan. 10.11 Any increase cost for the insurance coverages cited in Articles I0.5 thru 10.10 after December 31, 1982, shall be paid by the Fmployee. - k6 - � �� . � `����3�`� AN AMENDMENT - TO THE 1980-1981-1982 COLLECTIVE BARGAINING AGREII�ENT - between - THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL - and - THE SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORY GROUP ..• . �.�, , � . � „����L�- � ARTICLE X - INSURANCE 10.1 The EMPLOYER will continue for the period of this AGREEMENT to grovide for employees such health and life insurance benefits as are provided by EMPLOYER at the time of execution of this AGREEMENT. 10.2 The EMPLOYER will provide for employees who retire after the date of the execution of this AGREEMENT and until such employees reach sixty-five (65) years of age only such health insurance benefits as are provided by the II�'LOYER for the employees of this unit. 10.3 In order to be eligible for the benefits under the earlp retiree provision, the employee must: 10.31 Be receiving benef its from a public employee retirement act. 10.32 Have severed his relationahip with the City of Saint Paul under one of the early retiree plans. - 10.4 In the event of the death of an active employee or an early retiree, the dependents of such employee or retiree shall have the option within thirtg (30) days to continue the current hospitalizat3on and medical benefits, inGluding such improvements as may be made from time to time, which said dependents previously had, at the premium applicable, to dependents of active employees. It is £urther understood that coverage shaZl cease in the event of: 10.41 Subsequent remarriage of the surviving spouse af the deceased employee or retiree. 10.42 The employment of the surviving spouse where hospitalization and medical insurance coverage is obtained through a group program provided by said employer. It is further understeod, �owever, that in said event, the surviving spouse shall have the right to maintain City hospitalization and medical insurance coverage for the first ninety (90) days of said employtaent. 1t?.43 City-provided life insurance in existence at time of retirement shall continue to be provided by the City after an employee shall take ea,rly retirement, but such coverage shall terminate at age 65. - 14 - ` ������7 t , ARTICLE X - INSURANCE (continued) 10.5 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Blue Cross- Blue Shield insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $87.06 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee who selects Blue Cross-Blue Shield dependent's coverage, the City will contribute the cost of such dependent�s coverage or $203.86 per months whichever is less. 10.6 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Group Health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $52.36 per month, whicfiever is less. In addition, for each empZoyee who selects Group Health dependent's coverage, the City will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $87.57 per month, whi.chever is less.. . 10.7 For eacfi eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects Coordinated Care health insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $65.10 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee who selects Coordinated Care dependent's caverage, the City will contribute the cost of such dependent's coverage or $117.80 per month, whichever is less. 1Q.8 For each eligible employee covered by this AGREEMENT who selects HMO Minnesota insurance coverage, the City agrees to contribute the cost of such coverage or $52.75 per month, whichever is less. In addition, for each employee who selects the HMO-Minnesota dependentts coverage, the City wi11 contribute the cast of such dependent's coverage or $141.88 per month, whichever is less. - 15 - . � � � �'����� ARTICLE X - INSURANCE (continued) 10.9 The City agrees to contribute the cost for $5,000 of Life Insurance Coverage for each employee who is eligible for such coverage or $ 2.07 per month, whichever amount is less. This contribution shall be paid to the City's group health and welfare plan. 10.10 In addition to the $5,000 Life Insurance Coverage in 10.9, the City agrees to contribute the cost of additional life insurance coverage or � $ .97 per thousand dollars of coverage per month, whichever amount is less. The total amount of life insurance coverage provided under this section and Section I0.9 for each employee shall be equal to the employee's annual salary to the nearest full thousand dollars. For the purpose of this section, the employeets annual salary shall be based on the salary as of the beginning of a contract period. This contribution shall be paid to the City's group health and welfare plan. 10.11 Any increase cost for the insurance coverages cited in Articles I0.5 thru 10.10 after December 31, 1982, shall be paid by the Employee. - t5 - w• � 5 �V V� .+ It is mutually agreed by and between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group that the 1980-1981-1982 Agreement is amended by striking and deleting Article X in its entirety and , t substituting in lieu thereof the attached Article X. It is further agreed that the 1980-1981-1982 Collective Bargaining Agreement between the City of Saint Paul and the Saint Paul Police Supervisory Group is in all other respects reaffirmed. CITY OF SAINT PAUL SAINT PAUL POLICE SUPERVISORY GROUP . ' (_ �L a r Relati s D�rector Business Repre tative � � DATID THIS 13th DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1982 _ � �l / • "" �����'4 � � ` CITY OF S1'�.INT P.E�.UL :-:' << y'c::. F-. _. , n �� OFF'IGFC OF THZ: CITY COIII�CIL � �� �.- � >.:::.,..- � . ,�:,...,�� D a t e . �r _ � � A ��....� COMMi�TEE REPO �' T T' p = Sa �n� Pau 1 Cifi� Coc��ci[ FROt� = Cornr�i�tee oh ��4 �ti��,�� � � / C _ _ . CHRIR � - AG � E � DA. - � 1. Ap�roval of minutes from meeting held September 2S, 19S2.�L�- 2. Resolution transferring �40,000 from Contingent Reserve Specified to Civic � Organizations Contributions. (LARC) (Housing Information Office) ���€��.-.� -�—�°SH�E��-1 nn P tt�-�A- 71 up G�F`�� � 4. Resolution establishing the 1952 Special Fund Budget for Energy A 't Comra. Ser�-ice `��a:.� -. .� 5. Resolution approving the terms and conditions of a 1981-52 A?emorandum of Undei-standi � applying to Unclassified Employees holding the title of Asst_ Fire G Pei�;��l' _ � ��� . - � 6. Resolution approti�ing the 1982 riaintenance Labor Agreeme�it beti�een I.S.D. �625 and � the Electrician's Local #110 (Personnel) •��:"'�,�=�-----� . _ . �� 7. Resolution clarifying t��eal process on contested examination questions (Personnel) � t'����,�,.,����► 8. P.esolution abolishing titles of the Ci��il Service Rules; substituting the title of Groundcrew hlember. (Personnel) ;�.P -- % �.�;�=-:-" -�•*�`� 9. Resolution establis}ies the rate of�ay for the new title of Groundcretir �tember and Groundskeeper (Personnel':_��' ""���"�� I0. Resolution amends the cttrrent agreement between the Cit�- and the St. Paul Police �. Supervisory Group to allotr the City to pay alI of the Oct. 1, I982 insurance premium increases (Personnel) 11. F.esolution amends t ar � Rates of Compensat�ion Resolution (Personnel) 12. Re�olutio� approves the application of J. t�illiam Dono�-ait for the abatciaent of asses t�An�s,.a.ncl.iax�s_ pc� County At�;:itor's Report relatin� to 292 Goodtiue Strect ����..� 13. , ��rg-:r�s"essmen�cfia o�s-frn�bette�'r�e . ree -r.►ai.nLenanCe_ __ (Community Ser-uiees}�2�etiec}-�}v--ft � 1�1. Resolution changing the niethod of paying the Civil Service Co�amission from a rer mceting to an annual basis. (Personnel) =-��� (:l f'i tt,�! 1 Sf Vf.N f f( FI UUft S\T�"f 1'��ljt., 1il\�F�tiOT:t ti; =_s.. _ _ 2'793�9 - �0 , ' DEt'ARTMENT: Persoxu�elOffice � CONTACT: Bernard Wright ROUTING aryn EXPLANATION SHEET PHONE: 298-4221 tGREEN SHEET) For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinances and Agreemeats �� — ( g�`� RQUTING ORDER - ROUTE BY ASSICNED NUMBER: � �� 1 Civil Service Coxnmission CEI�E� D CTOR OF MANAGEMENT 3 R ��° � � 1982 DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR DIRECTOR, FINANCE & A��/�I�_'CE ��rr 2 CITY ATTORNEY 4 CITY CLERK BUilGET DIRECTOR AGTIQN REaL1ESTEfl �CLIP ALL l-Q('ATIONS �OR NLAYORAL SIGNATURE): We recommend your approval and submission of this Resolution to the City Council. }�HAT NI B A HIEVED BY TAKING AGTION ON THE ATTACHED MATERIALS �Pl1RPOSE AND RATIQNALE��: This resolution amends the current agreement between tlie City and the St. Paul Police Supervisory Group. The amendment involves changing the insura.nce language to allow the employer to pay all of the October 1, 1982 insurance premium increasea. • FINANCIA�. BLDGETARY AND PERSONNEL IMPAGTS ANTICiPATED: The cost amounts to $2, 152 for the three employees i.nvolved. ATTACHMENTS �IIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1. R.e solution 2, Amendment to the 1980-81-82 Coll.Bargaini.ng Agreement (Police Supervisory) 3. Copy for City Clerk � eaee nev.ceiv neceaa.c,ty on. a#.a.chment o .t�c2 6o uu.ng auppon.tcr�g ocumen.ts � ; - C.iZu Attonney: i. Counci,L Reaolwti.on Req:une.d? YES NU 1. Reao.�u.ti.on? 7/ES NO 2. Inew�an.c2 Reqa.ih.ed? YFS N� 2. Inaunance Su56.�c,r:erct? �FS N0 3. Tnew�ance A,tta.ched? YES N(1 l�visian 0�[:4/29/82