279385 WHITE - CITV CLERK �� /���(A. PINK - FINANCE G I TY O SA I NT PAIT L COURCIl � �j��i CANARV - DEPARTMENT BLUE - MAVOR File NO. Resolution _ Presented By � . Referred To Committee: Date Out of Committee By Date WHEREAS, the Department of P1anning and Economic Development and Public Works have reviewed the attached lot split described as the south half of west half of Lot 20,Auditor' s Subdivision (2161 Dudley) and the north half of the west half of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision (tentatively 2160 West Hoyt) ; and WHEREAS, the proposed lot split meets the requirements of Section 67.304 of the Zoning Code; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council accepts and approves this lot split. COUNCILMEN Yeas Nays � Requested by Department of: Fletcher �evine [n Favor Masanz � Nicosia scneibe� _ __ Against BY � Wilson Adopted by CounciL Date OCT 2 1 ig82 F��m AP ov ity A Certified a_sed b Council reta BY sy �OC� 2 5 198� A by o or I6n to Council /�ppr y ;Vlavor: at � Bv - - — B PUBLiSNFD OCT 3 0 1982 � �. .;"_ � ' ' '�I C. R. WINDEN b ASSOCIATES, INC. v lANO SURVEYORS Tel 645-3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUI� MINN, 55108 For: EVELYN GISVOLD � EST � �--fC� YT RVENUE N vV i � � � � �. ``: � 64. 3 C7 � ; � � Sco le: I " = �D' � � dj � O Deno tes Irc�n N N �-, . � � J � / ��� c� The West half of Lot 20 , Auditor ' s �' Subdivision No. 63, Ramsey County, 64.2� � Minnesota, except the South i { 138. 62 feet thereof, subject to - ,f easements over the North 30 feet thereof. WE MERE6Y CERTIfY TMAT THIS IS A TRUE ANO CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF A SURVEIf Of THE 60UNDARIES Of 1HE LAND ASOVE DESCRIdED AND OF THE IOCATiON OF All 6UILDINGS, if ANY, THEREON, AND All VISIdIE ENCROACMMENTS, if ANY, FROM OR ON SAID IAND. Dotod thi�� +h dor of �Pternber �,D. 19gZ C. R. WINDEN b ASSOCIATES, INC. � ' , � � br �� Survoror, Minn��oto Ropi:trotion No. 1Z16 169-54 NTd519 � ' � C. R. WINDEN b ASSOCIATES, INC. � tAND SURVEYORS Tel 645-3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUI� MINN. 55108 For: EVELYN GISVOLD �,�y���� N ��J � r� � ( \ 5'cc�le: 1" = 30' 64.23 r� O Denofas Ir-on � � � M 26.3 � � � r-sraRy a� , liOUSE '• N N ►o•� � lD �2•7 ' m� o # 2I6/ °; � � N N 49.4 ��- �— - , -'� ' � � 9.8 n � �f d1 n �1 The South 138. 62 feet of the % West half of Lot 20 , Auditor' s Subdivision No. 63, Ramsey � � County, N!innesota. , 6 4. 15 DUDL E'Y AV�NUE WE MEREIV CERTIFY THAT THIS IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION Of A SURVEY OF THE SOUNDARIES Of THE IAND ASOvE DESCRI6ED AN� Of THE IOCATION OF All 6UIlDINGS, IF AN1; TNEREON, /1ND All VIS16lE ENCROACHMENTS, If ANY, PROM OR ON SAID tAN�. Dorad �hi� 8 +h dar oF S�ptemberA p ��2 C. R. WINOEN d, ASSOCIATES, INC. br .,,����.�c.- Svrvoror, Minn�soto Ropi�tration No. ���6 169 -55 NT,LS19 , . �� � �'�y��'� � \,1�. NQTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING The Saint Pau1 City Council will conduct a public hearing to consider the request of Evelyn Grisvold for a lot split to create lots at 2161 Dudley and at 2160 L�lest Hoyt (tentatively addressed) on October 21 , 1982 , at 10:00 A.M. i n the Ci ty Counci 1 Chambe rs , 3 rd Floor City Hall . A1 Olson City Clerk City of Saint Paul � DEPARTMENT: PED-ZONING ` �q�; Patricia James ' ROUTING nr�n EXPLANATI�N SHEET PHOf1E: Z�_ GREEN SHEET �.�� ,, For Administrative Orders, Resolutions, Ordinan es sad Agreementa ����°� ROUTiN6 ORDER � ROUTE BY ACSi�NF11 NIIMAFR; DIRE OF MANAGEMENT 4 � R , �._ DE NT DIRECTOR DIR TOR, FINANCE 8 M�T. SERVICES 2 CITY ATTORNEY 5 CITY CLERK BUDGET DIRECTOR A(:TION REGLESTED �CLIP AL� a -ATiANS FaR MAYORAI ciGNAT1RF); � App rove for transmittal to City Council . Cit Clerk must receive no late r than October 1 , 1982 in order to provide 10 days ega notice for pu ic ea.ring on Octo er 1 , 1982. �FIAT wILL BE ACHtFVE� BY TAKiNG ACTiAN nN TN ATTA -NP� �T RIA g• �P �RPOS ND RATiONA )�, Section 67.000 of Zoning Code requires Council hearing and resolution for app roval of lot splits. , . . ' FiN�IlCIA . B ifl,FTARY ANi1 PFRCA[uuG.t TMPACTC A_NTiPiPATC11; Fee of $20 to cover administrative costs. Safeguard against creation of substandard/unbuildable lots. , � ATTACHMENTS �LIST ALL ATTACHMENTS): 1, Council resolution 2, Survey for lot split for 2161 Dudley 3, Legal notice to be pu6Jished 10 days prior to public hearing scheduled for ¢qbe hRv.c.¢�u n¢Cebb oh ¢n.t o t o bupp0 Cwn 9e a� � Ci,ty A.tton.ne�: l. Counc.i.L Reeo.Lc�tioK RtqwinedY XYES NO i. Re6o.[u�ti.hoKY YES NO 2. i„aw��e Ra.Q;ur,.ed� y�s X No 2. Inaunance Sub�i.ci.¢ntY v�s �uo 3. Ineuxance A.ttachedY YES X NO F�visf�Gn all:4/29/82 HOW TO USE THE GREEl�, SHEET The GREEN SHEET has several purposes: l. To assist in routing documents and in securinq " required signatures 2 . To brief the reviewers of documents on the i.�acts of approval 3. To help ensure that necessary supporting materials are prepared and, if required, attached. ROUTING Most GREEN SHE�T actions must �e r��r�ewed by a �epar}:nent �irector, che City Attorney, t:�e �ireczor oi �ianagement, the Director of Finance and Managem�nt Services. Other possible reviewers/signatures are listed. BRIEFING Most of the GREEN SHEET headings are designed to assist in developing a precis of the �lecision which the attachments represent. The headings are offered to remind users of some of the more critical elements of this brief. The Financial Bud etar and Personnel I acts heading provides a space to explain the cost benefit aspects of the decision. Costs and benefits relate both to City budget (General Fund and/or Special Funds) and to broader financial iiapacts (cost to users, homeowners or other qroups affected by the action) . The personnel impact is a description of change or shift of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions. SUPPORTING MATERIALS In the Attachments section, list all attachments. If the GREEN SHEET is well �one, no letter of transmittal need be included (unless signing such a letter is one of the requested actions) . Note: Actions which require City Council resolutions include: a. Contractual relationship with another government unit. b. Collective bargaining. c. Purchase or sale of land, or lease of land. d. Issuance of bonds by City. e. Eminent domain. f. Assumption of liability by City, or granting by City of indemnificat„ion. g. Agreements with State or Federal Government under which they are providing funding. Note alsoc If an agreement requires evidence of insurance/co- insurance, a Certificate of` Insurance should be one of the attachments at time of routing. . ry�j � � • � �'�aJ�t.:�'- pr ' �z ctbt!t�ru,'c'`,.:. � , : � --� ,; .. ;,r,. '�'�`'���`.�ueEi>'ei�1�;s: WWit hw*lri 4o:�ory�tb�.g�:�ad 9 Dud]yas���" 4�i tlre'�C�e�+m�iEl�iet � �� Hap. � �tea O�igb��l!!�, � ... , �;, AI�A�$iOli�CgP� ' ' _. :-.tt::. �.:�.i.i.:"�ylM,�r,.... T �Qt: . (�to�i'9 19�Sj'`'' C.R. WINDEN d� ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYORS T�1. 645 - 3646 1381 EUSTIS ST., ST. PAUI, MINN. 55108 Buildings within 100 feet of the West half of Lot 20, Auditor'sSubdivision No. 63, Ramsey County, Minnesota, ex- cept the South 138 . 62 feet thereof. , I'or: EVELYN GISVOLD SCALE: 1" = 40' I ��J� I�1-�J� ��� �\�_� I � I I I 3 � N �; W N � � V . 20 � 23 � � `� �� N wI 3� __ Z � ►n I � �3 " 26 a # 2162 0�0 �����" � #2/68 w i-sroRr wACKo�r � I 1-srortr wA�KOurn' -°�4 L�c,�' � 4 � ��_ � 22 I I ti ( m + � c� ��� � � 22 V � r � '\ �y Cl `�ti .,' � .' � � � \ � � r� \ Y V I '26.3 � �t �21.3 a N 5 � � If 1 .9 �0 6 p 12.���-SToRY 1a5, �'2�5J ' a9 „� � 9/ 6 9.? 6.B ti #��CJ� � � 2-STORY � „����� �T �0 7 m ch L N _ 49.4 � m 26 3, 10.5 PSTORY N a �2�/� � �D #2�07 N ' - -, - - _ _ _ n- ,34,5• � . I 2•3 N 2-sroRY 2 sTucco9 20 � �3� m N o�e n � : I � N Ot N — "i "' cn. a.n (� � � _ In `� m 2 � � ' � j O � � I i•r� r. � � i � 1 �U DLEY A�EN U � I herehy cerYifv th^} ti�s,�;r;.�.r,:, t;1,r,.��r rcGxirt t4':i�= T:."C"1 1'�, a1 . . ..... f)/ . �i . . . . . .. .:iiJC' . � � _ . :i��. . , ti .. � a . _ .. ... _ ?. _.:i:! . , . •' .. C ,_ �:IW l-_ , s.. ,' ..i,:itej. ,�` r:i-,..._ � , /� ' �, /1) ' / ��� � , �/�/� ,,� .��.d�G- � -- ._ _ _ — � ,� . 9-g - $2 ,�,:;;. :°,�-:i. `1�2� ...:�•, , 8.v. i;.... A.G. �.1:._i I�C�i._..._.._—,....r'�j)�i I li��:.l�_ !69 -55